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Corrosion Study of Metallic Biomaterials in Simulated Body Fluid

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Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia


Scientific paper
UDC: 669.295.5'71'292.018.8


Hamid Reza Asgari Bidhendi*, Majid Pouranvari
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Dezful Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Dezful, Iran
Received 27.12.2010
Accepted 21.02.2011

Titanium alloys and stainless steel 316L are still the most widely used
biomaterials for implants despite emerging new materials for this application. There is
still some ambiguity in corrosion behavior of metals in simulated body fluid (SBF).
This paper aims at investigating the corrosion behavior of commercially pure titanium
(CP-Ti), Ti6Al4V and 316LVM stainless steel (316LVM) in SBF (Hanks solution)
at 37 C using the cyclic polarization test. Corrosion behavior was described in terms of
breakdown potential, the potential and rate of corrosion, localized corrosion resistance,
and breakdown repassivation. The effects of anodizing on CP-Ti samples and the
passivation on the 316LVM were studied in detail. It was shown that CP-Ti exhibited
superior corrosion properties compared to Ti6Al4V and 316LVM.
Key words: Corrosion behavior, metallic biomaterials, Hank's solution, anodization,

The first requirement for any material to be placed in the human body is that it
should be biocompatible and not cause any adverse reaction in the body [1]. The
material must withstand the body environment and should not degrade to a point that it
cannot function in the body as intended [2]. Corrosion of metal implants is critical
because it can adversely affect the biocompatibility and mechanical properties. The
materials used should not cause any adverse biological reaction in the body and,
simultaneously, they must be stable retaining their functional properties. Corrosion and
surface oxide film dissolution are the two mechanisms which introduce additional ions
into the body [3]. Extensive release of ions from prosthesis can result in adverse
biological reactions leading to mechanical failure of the device. For example, release of

Corresponding author: Hamid Reza Asgari Bidhendi, hr.asgari@gmail.com


Metalurgija-MJoM Vol 17 (1) 2011 p. 13-22

nickel ion from 316LVM implant alloys may cause allergic effects in some patients [4].
That is why metals used in the human body must have a high corrosion resistance.
Degradation of metals and alloys used as surgical implant orthopedic devices is usually
a combination of electrochemical and mechanical effects. Modern day-life has resulted
in the increased use of implants at a younger age, whereas the average life span has also
been increased. Both these factors necessitated the use of materials with enhanced life
and/or innovation of newer implant materials with prolonged life. Corrosion is the first
consideration for a material of any type that is to be used in the body because metal ion
release takes place mainly due to corrosion of surgical implants [5]. Therefore, various
in vitro and in vivo tests have to be carried out in order to identify appropriate materials
for use as surgical implants. It is desirable to keep the metal ion release to a minimum
by the use of corrosion-resistant materials. Some effects of incompatible materials
include interference with normal tissue growth near the implant, interference with
systematic reactions of the body, and transport and deposition of metal ions at selective
sites or organs may occur [6]. There is always a concern about the carcinogenic effects
of foreign materials in the body both short- and long-term periods exceeding 20 years.
Some individuals are sensitive to metals and some may develop metal sensitivity later
after receiving an implant. The environment of the body is extremely well buffered so
that the pH is maintained at around 7.4 at 37 C. Two features control the severity of
this environment. Firstly, the saline solution is an excellent electrolyte and facilitates the
electrochemical mechanisms of corrosion and hydrolysis. Secondly, there are many
molecular and cellular species in the tissues that have the ability to catalyze certain
chemical reactions or rapidly destroy certain components identified as foreign [7].
Corrosion behavior of materials can be studied either in vivo or in vitro using artificial
physiological fluids in which the oxygen content is controlled at a suitably low value at
37 C. Hanks solution is an example of an artificial solution, which has been used over
a period for corrosion testing in the laboratory [8].
The primary aim of the surface treatments is to enhance the protective passive
film by changing its composition, structure and thickness, and/or by reducing weak
points such as non-metallic inclusions [9]. Both passivation and anodizing have such
effect on the surface layer forming a protective layer and preventing further corrosion.
In order to understand anodizing and surface improvement of titanium [10,11] and
passivation of various grades of stainless steels [9,12] on film formation and stability,
different studies have been done. In the present investigation, a systematic study was
carried out in order to understand the stability of various materials both for short- and
long-term biomedical applications.

Experimental procedure
Substrates of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) grade 4 with the dimension of
6153mm were prepared. Stainless steel 316LVM (316LVM) samples, and Ti-6Al-4V
alloy samples were prepared with dimensions of 15106mm. Afterwards, all samples
were ground with SiC paper down to 1200 grit and cleaned with distilled water and
ethylic alcohol.
For anodization of CP-Ti, a stainless steel 316L, 15302mm dimension cathode
was used. Titanium samples were potentio-statically anodized in a glass cell at room


Asgari et al.- Corrosion Study of Metallic Biomaterials

temperature applying potentials ranging from 5 to 250 V in 0.5 and 1 molar phosphoric
acid (H3PO4) solution. Current densities for each set of anodizing tests were recorded.
Anodizing time was ranged from 1 to 60 minutes. Passivation of 316LVM samples was
carried out in a glass cell under conditions presented in Table 1. Then, the samples were
washed, cleaned and dried with hot air after surface preparation and passivation.
Table 1. 316LVM stainless steel surface preparation and passivation conditions
Surface Preparation
12.5ml HNO3+ 4ml HF +33.5ml H2O, room
temperature, 20 min
12.5ml HNO3+ 4ml HF +33.5ml H2O, room
temperature, 20 min

20% HNO3,70C,30 min (no. 1)

30% HNO3,70C,30 min (no. 2)

Figure 1. Schematic presentation of corrosion test assembly

Corrosion tests were carried out on CP-Ti, anodized Ti, Ti-6Al-4V alloy,
316LVM and passivated 316LVM samples. Hank's solution was prepared using high
purity reagents. The chemical composition of the Hank's solution is shown in Table 2.
The solutions were deaerated and maintained at 371 C. A schematic representation of
corrosion test assembly is shown in Figure 1.
Cyclic polarization data were obtained in the form of potential vs. logarithmic
current density curves in the range from -1100 to 3000 mV using the -AutoLab
computer controlled potentiostat. The potential was increased at a rate of 5 milivolts per


Metalurgija-MJoM Vol 17 (1) 2011 p. 13-22

min, starting from -1100 mV for Ti and from -800 mV for 316LVM. Electrode
potentials were measured against a saturated calomel reference electrode. Before and
after corrosion test samples surface was examined using scanning electron microscope
Table 2. Hank's solution chemical composition










Glucose. 2H2O








Results and Discussion

Corrosion behavior
Any metal intended for use as a biomaterial should exhibit excellent pitting and
crevice corrosion resistance in body fluid. This can be determined by carrying out cyclic
polarization experiments in Hanks solution at 37 C. Table 3 illustrates corrosion
current density, corrosion potential, breakdown potential and passive current density for
CP-Ti, 316LVM and Ti-6Al-4V, as well as the best results obtained for anodized Ti and
passivated 316LVM in de-aerated Hanks solution at 37 C. The maximum corrosion
rate was observed for the 316LVM followed by the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The minimum
corrosion rate was observed for the CP-Ti. Passivated 316LVM and anodized Ti have
almost the same corrosion current densities. Protective films formed on the surface of
the 316LVM and CP-Ti in corresponding surface treatments significantly improved icorr
and Ecorr. Corrosion potential value of CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy was almost the same
(-470 mV) but higher than the value observed for 316LVM (-630 mV). About 400 mV
improvement in Ecorr was observed after passivation. Anodizing showed similar effect
and improve Ecorr.
Table 3. Results of electrochemical corrosion tests in Hank's solution at 37 C.
anodized Ti sample no.1
anodized Ti sample no. 2
passivated 316LVM sample no.1
passivated 316LVM sample no. 2






As it is shown in Figure 2, no breakdown potential is observed for the CP-Ti and

Ti-6Al-4V up to 3 V applied potential. Ebreakdown for 316LVM was 550 mV. Passivated
316LVM exhibited lower breakdown potential, and therefore lower passivity range


Asgari et al.- Corrosion Study of Metallic Biomaterials

(difference between Ebreakdown and Epass) than non-treated 316LVM sample. Moreover,
when surface film breakdowns and localized corrosion takes place in a passivated
stainless steel, repassivation of surface may be difficult due to the fact that a chromiumrich layer forms and the metal beneath surface depletes from chromium.
The cyclic polarization curves recorded for various materials in de-aerated
Hanks solution at 37 C are presented in Figure 2. A low passive current density,
typical of a passive system, is observed at relatively low anodic potentials for all
samples, but passive film breakdown and pitting attack, characterized by a sharp and
steady increase in the anodic current, is observed in the potential region of 400 mV for
316LVM samples [7]. The noises on the Ti-6Al-4V polarization curve could be
attributed to initiation and repassivation of pits. No hystersis loop is observed for CP-Ti
and Ti-6Al-4V alloy. In the case of 316LVM, the reverse scan takes an entirely different
path when compared to the forward scan. This clearly indicates that the Ti alloys have
excellent pitting and crevice corrosion resistance, while 316LVM is highly susceptible
to pitting and crevice corrosion. Curves reported on CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy samples
indicate that Ti-6Al-4V behaves in a very similar way. The corrosion potential is similar
for CP-Ti and Ti alloy samples. This can be ascribed to the fact that the passive films
formed on these alloys are the same in nature, essentially consisting of TiO2 [8].
Ion release is an important factor in selection of a material for use in human
body. Some ions like Ni can make allergic effect in human body and therefore more
consideration should be taken for using 316LVM and Ni-Ti alloy. In long-exposure use
of implants, whatever passive current density will be lower, less nickel ion release
occurs. As shown in Figure 4, passive region in passivated 316LVM polarization curve
is not broad. The passive current density is about 100 times lesser than non-treated
sample. Passivated 316LVM even has less ipass than CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V while there
are differences about other corrosion parameters.


316LVM: 0.56 cm2

CP Ti: 0.56 cm2
Ti-6Al-4V: 0.24 cm2



Figure 2. Cyclic polarization curves of the Ti-6Al-4V, CP Ti and 316LVM samples in

Hank's solution at 37 C
Corrosion appearance
SEM micrographs presented in Figure 3, show surface of investigated samples
after their immersion in Hank's solution and cyclic polarization. As illustrated in this


Metalurgija-MJoM Vol 17 (1) 2011 p. 13-22

figure, ion complexes from Hank's solution (Table 2) and corrosion products are
deposited on the surface. Distribution of these deposits corresponds to electrical charge
There are some weak points on the sample surface such as film rupture in upward
branch of cyclic polarization test. In these points thickness of surface film is lower and
consequently applied current can pass through the film easier than in other areas. Ion
complexes pass the corrosive media and deposit on the broken sites of surface film
when positive to negative potential sweep (downward branch of cyclic polarization
curve) is applying.
Entire sample surfaces of CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V (Figures 3a and 3b) were covered
by ion complexes; this means that all regions of surface have similar corrosion behavior
and uniform corrosion occurred. From SEM micrograph, presented in Figure 3c, it is
obvious that 316LVM is susceptible to pitting corrosion and higher corrosion current
density is probably due to pit formation. It also can be seen that ion complexes were
formed around the surface pits.

25 m

25 m

Figure 3. SEM micrograph showing corrosion products and ion complexes formed on
the surface of , a) CP-Ti; b) Ti-6Al-4V; c) 316LVM after immersion in Hank's solution
and cyclic polarization test
Stainless steel passivation
Based on the surface analysis, a three-layer model has been suggested for passive
films formed on austenitic stainless steels in acidic solutions: the outer part of the film
consists of a hydroxide film on the top of an oxide layer [13]. The oxy-hydroxide film is
formed on the top of a Ni-enriched layer, the origin of which is the selective oxidation
of Fe and Cr during anodic polarization [12].


Asgari et al.- Corrosion Study of Metallic Biomaterials

Comparison between unpassivated and passivated 316LVM stainless steels is

shown in Figure 4. As can be seen, the passivated sample has higher corrosion potential
and exhibited an improved corrosion current density. Existing hysteresis loop in cyclic
polarization curve shows that localized corrosion has been occurred. Passivation also
prevents localized corrosion.
316LVM : 0.56 cm2
Passiv ated 3 16LVM:
0.48 cm2

Passivated 316LVM


Figure 4. Cyclic polarization curves of the passivated and non-treated 316LVM samples
in a Hank's solution at 37 C
In the case of passivated 316LVM, CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V samples film
breakdown could not be registered.
Some researchers [12] suggested that the improved corrosion behavior of
316LVM can be attributed to Cr and other elements contributing to the formation of
passive film. Others [13] have proposed that immersion in nitric acid removes sulfide
inclusions of the stainless steel thus eliminating preferential sites for corrosion attack.
The practical use of the nitric acid treatment might be limited if the treatment
leads to formation of a Cr-depleted zone underneath the passive film, since damage of
the passive film leads to Cr-depleted zone exposure to the environment. The atomic
ratio Cr/(Cr+Fe+Ni) under the passive film was found to vary between 20 to 25% in the
passivation treated specimens which is the same or somewhat higher than in the bulk
(20%). On the other hand, Ni-enrichment was detected and Fe was found to be depleted
[9]. The results suggest that Fe is selectively dissolved during the passivation treatment
and Cr does not seem to be depleted underneath the passive film [9].
Titanium anodizing
Anodizing with different conditions produces porous film but some
morphological differences can be observed. Anodization in low voltage results in thin
film, however as the voltage increases, the film breaks down locally and porous regions
are formed. This behavior can be seen in voltages over than 20 V. The porosity and the
pore size increase with the increasing voltage [10]. To produce a thick and protective
oxide film on CP-Ti the formed oxide should not either corrode in the anodizing media


Metalurgija-MJoM Vol 17 (1) 2011 p. 13-22

or the forming rate of oxide must be more than the rate of film dissolution in the
anodizing electrolyte. At low potentials, from 1 to 130 V, it is possible to obtain a 3-100
nm thick, smooth and amorphous oxide layer. On the contrary, high potentials (100250
V) combined with high current densities lead to the formation of few tents to hundreds
micrometers thick oxide, as it is also reported by some researchers [11].
CP Ti: 0.57 cm2
Anodized Ti: 0.55 cm2

Anodized Ti

Figure 5. Cyclic polarization curves of the anodized and non-treated CP Ti samples in

Hank's solution at 37 C
As can be seen from Figure 5, anodization has significant effect on the passive
current density (even decrease it 100 times). This also has a positive effect on the ion
release in long exposure time [14]. Ecorr and icorr are also improved after Ti anodization
in H3PO4. The TiO2 film produced from anodizing consists of two layers: a thin,
compact and protective layer sticking directly on metal surface, and a porous layer on
the top of it.
As anodizing was carried out in low concentrated phosphoric acid solution (0.01
M), very fine surface structure on Ti was produced. A low concentration corresponds to
a low electrical conductivity of the electrolyte, which increases the voltage drop across
the electrolyte and consequently leads to smaller breakdown sites [10]. Higher
phosphoric acid concentrations produce more rough oxide film with large breakdown
sites evident in some surface regions. At high potentials, surface is smoother, but
porosity is more pronounced (Figure 6).


Asgari et al.- Corrosion Study of Metallic Biomaterials

4 m
Figure 6. SEM micrograph from CP-Ti surface anodized in 0.5 molar H3PO4, for 30
min and applied voltage 200 V

a) CP-Ti used in this study, had the lowest corrosion rate and corrosion potential,
whereas 316LVM showed lower passive current density than CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V.
b) 316LVM is susceptible to localized corrosion during long term exposure.
c) Anodization affected all corrosion parameters of CP-Ti improving them
d) Passivation had significant influence on corrosion behavior of 316LVM and makes
it more reliable for use in human body.
e) Based on this research, anodized CP-Ti is the best candidate for use in human body
due to its lower corrosion rate and higher corrosion potential coupled with the
absence of localized corrosion.


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