America To Pray or Not To Pray by David Barton
America To Pray or Not To Pray by David Barton
America To Pray or Not To Pray by David Barton
On June 25, 1962, the Supreme Court first struck down school prayer by prohibiting
students from using this simple invocation:
"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee and beg Thy blessing upon
us, our parents, our teachers, and our Country."
Following this case, the Court began methodically expelling other religious principles;
the effects have been evident:
Basic data from the Center for Disease Control and
Department of Health and Human Resources.
Basic data from the Center for Disease Control and
Department of Health and Human Resources.
Indicates population growth profile.
Basic data from the Center for Disease Control and
Department of Health and Human Resources.
Indicates population growth.
Indicates Interpolated Data.
Indicates population growth.
Indicates Interpolated Data.
Basic data from the Department of Health and Human Services,
Statistical Abstracts of the United States, the Center for Disease Control,
and the Department of Commerce, Census Bureau.
Basic data from the Department of Health and Human Services,
and Statistical Abstracts of the United States
Percentage of U.S. Teenage Girls
Who Have Had Pre-Marital Intercourse
Basic data from Family Planning Perspectives, March/April 1987,
and from Sexual and Reproductive Behavior of American Women, 1982-88.
Furnished by the Alan Guttmacher Institute.
Indicates population growth Profile.
Basic data from Statistical Abstracts of the United States,
and the Department of Commerce, Census Bureau.
Prior to 1977, unmarried couples living together was such a small group that data on this group was
collected only in the 10-year census reports.
* Note: Unmarried couples represented only 1 in 85 of all couples in 1970,
compared with 1 in 25 in 1983.
Basic data from Statistical Abstracts of the United States
"The U.S. is at the top of the world's divorce charts on marital breakups."
U.S. News and World Report, June 8, 1987, pp. 68-69
"The number of divorces tripled each year between 1962 and 1981."
Time, July 13, 1987, p. 21
Basic data from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics,
Vital Statistics of the United States, annual
Basic data from National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Consumption.
Indicates population growth profile.
* Groupings represent average rate per year over the two-year period.
Basic Data from Statistical Abstracts of the United States,
and the Department of Commerce, Census Bureau.
#1 - Average achievement level prior to the separation.
#2 - Amount of reduced academic achievement since the separation.
Basic data from the College Entrance Exam Board