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Purdue Self-S ervice


Catalog Entries

Fall 2015
Dec 11, 2014

Select the Course Number to get further detail on the course. Select the desired Schedule
Type to find available classes for the course. The Schedule Type links will be available
only when the schedule of classes is available for the selected term.

ME 11400 - Engineering Drawing

Credit Hours: 2.00. A technical drawing course covering geometric constructions,
pictorial and multiview drawing, sections, graphical vector solutions, dimensioning,
detail and assembly drawings. Development of free hand sketching techniques as
well as the use of drafting instruments. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 2.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 11500 - Engineering Drawing I

Credit Hours: 1.00. (CE 11500) A technical drawing course covering engineering
geometry, orthographic projection, auxiliary views, dimensioning, and tolerancing
using sketching techniques, and 2-D CAD. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 11600 - Engineering Drawing II

Credit Hours: 1.00. (CE 11600) A continuation of the technical drawing course
covering 3-D parametric modeling, part assembly modeling, and detail and
assembly drawings. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Dept Credit, Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Learn to use a 3-D parametric solid modeling system

(Pro/E). 2. Design and produce 3-D solid models and the respective engineering
drawings using CAD (Pro/E). 3. Learn to understand and interpret engineering

ME 16000 - Solid Modeling

Credit Hour: 2.00. Communication of form and layout of real world objects, solid
modeling of objects. Engineering drawing layouts, orthogonal projections,
dimensioning, tolerancing and standard drawing symbols, principles of detail design
drawings and assembly drawings, and manufacturability. Use of computer graphics
and production of drawings. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 2.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Learning Objectives: To introduce the student to the operation of a typical three-

dimensional parametric CAD system. Content stresses graphic commands and

proper manipulation of industrial CAD software to produce engineering parts,
assemblies, and drawings. Emphasis is placed on developing solid modeling skills.

ME 18400 - Engineering Industrial Practice I

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. For engineering students on cooperative assignment
only. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 19600 - Introduction To Computer Application In Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the engineering profession, graphs, and units.
Introduction to computers, computer-aided drafting, and engineering calculations
with mathematical software packages. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 19700 - Introduction To Computer Programming

Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to FORTRAN programming for engineering

freshmen, with emphasis on solutions to engineering problems. . Typically offered
Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture, Recitation
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 20000 - Thermodynamics I
Credit Hours: 3.00. First and second laws of thermodynamics, entropy, reversible
and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances. Application to
engineering problems. Typically offered Spring Summer Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
North Central
West Lafayette

ME 25000 - Statics
Credit Hours: 3.00. (C E 250) Forces and couples, free body diagrams, two and
three-dimensional equilibrium of a particle and rigid bodies. Principles of friction,
centroids, center of gravity, and moments of inertia. Virtual work, potential
potential energy, and static stability of equilibrium. Internal forces, shear, and
bending moment diagrams. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 25100 - Dynamics
Credit Hours: 3.00. (C E 251) Kinematics of particles in rectlinear and curvelinear
motion. Kinetics of particles, Newton's second law, energy and momentum
methods. Systems of particles. Kinematics and plane motion of rigid bodies, forces
and accelerations, energy and momentum methods. Introduction to mechanical
vibrations. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 25200 - Strength Of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. (C E 252) Plane stress, plane strain, and stress-strain laws.
Application of stress and deformation analysis to members subjected to centric,
torsional, flexual, and combined loading. Introduction to theories of failure,
buckling, and energy methods. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division
May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 25300 - An Introduction To Mechanics

Credit Hours: 2.00. A shortened combined course in statics, including a study of
force systems, free-body diagrams, problems in equilibrium, and mass moment of
inertia. Dynamics, including an introduction to rigid body kinematics, kinetics using
Newton's laws, and mechanical vibrations. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
2.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 26200 - Engineering Design, Ethics, And Entrepreneurship

Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic concepts of the design process. Innovative engineering
design of real life applications. Engineering ethics topics. Fundamentals of
Entrepreneurship. Design projects focus on open-ended problems. Design modeling,
simulation, documentation and communication. Implementation and use of modern
computer tools in solving design problems and completing team design projects in
the area of Mechanical Engineering. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


Learning Objectives: 1. Implement the design process in engineering design

projects. 2. Conduct the planning phase of the design process and plan in terms of
deliverables. 3. Understand the design problem and generate engineering
specifications. 4. Generate and evaluate design concepts following a functional
decomposition. 5. Select materials and manufacturing processes for selected design
concepts. 6. Conduct product generation and evaluation. 7. Validate the final design
through simulation and/or prototyping. 8. Document the design activities and
outcomes through product development file, drawings, and personal design
notebook. 9. Work as a team player and demonstrate participation through a
personal design notebook.

ME 26300 - Introduction To Mechanical Engineering Design, Innovation And Entrepreneurship

Credit Hours: 3.00. The product design process. Development of product design
specifications using customer inputs, benchmarking, product/market research and
patent review. Concept generation and evaluation using brainstorming, functional
decomposition, modeling and decision matrices. Detailed product design including
assembly, economic analysis, CAD, and bill of materials. Oral and written design
reviews. Key skills developed include teamwork, communication, project planning,
innovation, design, and entrepreneurship. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture, Practice Study Observation
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Instill the philosophy that real engineering design problems

are open-ended and multifaceted. 2. Teach a systemic design methodology. 3.

Provide guidance in applying engineering principles to open-ended problems. 4.
Develop the ability to mathematically model and analyze engineering systems. 5.
Sharpen skills in leadership, teamwork, communication, project planning,
innovation, design and entrepreneurship. 6. Instill a philosophy of professional and
ethical behavior. 7. Provide a foundation for the rest of the mechanical engineering
curriculum and future careers.

ME 27000 - Basic Mechanics I

Credit Hours: 3.00. Vector operations, forces and couples, free body diagrams,
equilibrium of a particle and of rigid bodies. Friction. Distributed forces. Centers of
gravity and centroids. Applications from structural and machine elements, such as
bars, trusses, and friction devices. Kinematics and equations of motion of a particle
for rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Individual Study, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
West Lafayette

ME 27100 - Basic Mechanics I (Statics)

Credit Hours: 3.00. (CE 27101) Review of vector algebra and equilibrium.
Hydrostatics, virtual work, static stability, friction. First and second moments of
areas, volumes, and masses, center of gravity. Credit is not allowed for both CE
27101 and ME 27100. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Solve particle equilibrium problems in two dimensional

space. 2. Solve particle equilibrium problems in three dimensional space. 3. Solve

problems involving Moment of a force about a point or axis and problems involving
couples of forces. 4. Solve rigid body equilibrium problems in two dimensional

space. 5. Solve rigid body equilibrium problems in three dimensional space. 6.

Determine the centroids and centers of gravity of two and three dimensional
objects. 7. Analyze equivalent forces of distributed loads on beams. 8. Analyze
trusses by the methods of joints and by the method of sections. 9. Draw shearforce and bending-moment diagrams in beams. 10. Analyze parabolic and catenary
cables. 11. Solve engineering problems involving static and kinetic friction. 12.
Determine the area and mass moments of inertia. 13. Solve equilibrium problems
using Method of Virtual Work and Potential Energy Method.

ME 27200 - Mechanics of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of linkages and mechanical
systems. Analytical and graphical approaches to analysis. Vector loop and relative
velocity/acceleration solutions. Design and analysis of cams and gears. Static and
dynamic balancing. Design for strength of various machine components. Reliability
principles. Design documentation and communication. Laboratory experiments on
mechanical design and strength. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Employ the strength of materials theory as a tool to

approximately solve the complex stresses and deformations in members of

structures and machine elements. 2. Use the factor of safety in design of machine
components and structures to compensate for the unforeseen factors and stress
concentrations. 3. Analyze tensile and compressive stresses and deformations in
bars subject to axial loads. 4. Analyze shear stresses and deformations in circular
bars subject to torques. 5. Analyze bending stresses and displacements in beams
subject to transverse loads. 6. Identify the instability of long bars under
compressive forces, and thus use the theory of columns in design of structures and
machine components.

ME 27400 - Basic Mechanics II

Credit Hours: 3.00. Review and extension of particle motion to include energy and
momentum principles. Planar kinematics of rigid bodies. Kinetics for planar motion
of rigid bodies, including equations of motion and principles of energy and
momentum. Three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies. Linear
vibrations, with emphasis on single-degree-of-freedom systems. Typically offered
Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Individual Study, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
West Lafayette

ME 27500 - Basic Mechanics II (Dynamics)

Credit Hours: 3.00. (CE 27500) Fundamental concepts, kinematics, translation and
rotation. Kinetics impulse, momentum, work, energy. Rectilinear and curvilinear
translation of point masses. Plane motion of rigid bodies and vibration. Typically
offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Develop interrelationship between loads and motion in

mechanics in two and three dimensions for particles and rigid bodies. 2. Apply
primary concepts of kinetics, energy balance, and impulse momentum for the
solution of dynamic problems in mechanics. 3. Conduct mechanical vibrations
analysis for principle problems.

ME 28200 - Measurements and Instrumentation

Credit Hours: 2.00. Introduction to the theory and application of instrumentation to
measurements problems in the area of mechanical engineering. Experiments
utilizing basic devices to measure quantities such as pressure, temperature, flow,
strain, and force are performed. Methods for recording, interpretation, and
presentation of experimental results are illustrated. Statistics and design of
experiments are emphasized. Typically offered Fall Spring.
2.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 28400 - Engineering Industrial Practice II

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. For engineering students on cooperative assignment
only. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 29000 - Global Engineering Professional Seminar

Credit Hours: 1.00. Forum on contemporary issues in the global profession of
mechanical engineering. Professionalism and ethics. Interactions with engineering
faculty and with professionals outside the University. Quizzes on assigned readings

in the areas of globalization, cultural difference and collaborating across cultural

boundaries. Individually developed professional profiles describe technical interests
and convey awareness of ethical responsibilities in global context. Typically offered
Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Lower Division, GTC-Science, Tech & Society, UC-Science, Tech & Society
May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Provide a solid foundation in global engineering skills. 2.

Introduce the in global engineering community and encourage active involvement

with professional associations such as ASME and SAE to develop teamwork and
leadership skills. 3. Explore the ME Curriculum and identify resources available for
planning a academic program including global literacies (language and area studies)
and for obtaining diverse industrial experience appropriate for developing global
competencies. 4. Support the development of a strong ethical framework for global
professional workplace, including an appreciation for cultural differences, as a
responsible member of the global engineering community.

ME 29300 - Measurements And Instrumentation

Credit Hours: 2.00. (ECE 29300) Introduction to the theory and application of
sensors/devices and their instrumentation for measurements problems in
engineering and science. Experiments utilizing basic circuits and sensors are
performed. Methods for recording, interpretation, and presentation of experimental
results are illustrated. Statistics and design of experiment are emphasized.
Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 2.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 29500 - Engineering Topics

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. Topics of contemporary importance of special interest
that are outside the scope of the standard undergraduate curriculum can be offered
temporarily under the selected topics category until the course receives a
permanent number. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Lower Division, Variable Title

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME 30000 - Thermodynamics II
Credit Hours: 3.00. Properties of gas mixtures, air-vapor mixtures, applications.
Thermodynamics of combustion processes, equilibrium. Energy conversion, power,
and refrigeration systems. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 30100 - Thermodynamics II
Credit Hours: 3.00. Reversibility, availability, power cycles, and the conversion of
heat into work; combustion, heat pumps, refrigeration, and air conditioning.
Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 30201 - Thermodynamics II
Credit Hours: 3.00. Properties of gas mixtures, air-vapor mixtures, applications.
Thermodynamics of combustion processes, equilibrium. Energy conversion, power,
and refrigeration systems. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 30300 - Materials Science And Engineering

Credit Hours: 2.00. Concepts of materials science and their relevance to
engineering design. Structure, properties and uses of engineering materials.
Strengthening methods and environmental effects. Typically offered Fall Spring.
2.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture

Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 30400 - Mechanics And Materials Laboratory

Credit Hours: 1.00. Experimental determination of mechanical properties of
selected engineering materials. Experimental verification of assumptions made in M
E 252. Use of strain measuring devices. Design of experiments. Typically offered
Spring Fall.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 30500 - General Thermodynamics I

Credit Hours: 3.00. Properties of pure substances, work and heat, first and second
laws of thermodynamics, entropy, irreversibility and availability, power and
refrigeration cycles, thermodynamic relations. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


Learning Objectives: 1. Determine properties such as specific volume, internal

energy, enthalpy, and entropy using the tables of thermodynamic properties. 2.

Determine the work done and the heat transfer for a given process. 3. Apply the
first law of thermodynamics to analyze power and refrigeration cycle. 4. Determine
the thermal efficiency of various processes and cycle. 5. Understand the second law
of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy generation. 6. Determine
irreversibility and availability.

ME 30600 - General Thermodynamics II

Credit Hours: 3.00. Thermodynamic relations. Power and refrigeration cycles,
methods of thermodynamic analysis, technical thermodynamics and design, energy
conversion. Thermodynamics of combustion processes and equilibrium. Typically
offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 30900 - Fluid Mechanics

Credit Hours: 4.00. Continuum, velocity field, fluid statics, manometers, basic
conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis. Euler and
Bernoulli equations, viscous flows, boundary layers, flow in channels and around
submerged bodies, one-dimensional gas dynamics, turbomachinery. Typically
offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Laboratory Preparation, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 31000 - Fluid Mechanics

Credit Hours: 4.00. Continua, velocity fields, fluid statics, basic conservation laws
for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis. Euler and Bernoulli
equations, viscous flows, boundary layers, flows in channels and around submerged
bodies, and one-dimensional gas dynamics. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 31001 - Fluid Mechanics

Credit Hours: 4.00. Continuum, velocity field, fluid statics, manometers, basic
conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis. Euler and
Bernoulli equations, viscous flows, boundary layers, flow in channels and around
submerged bodies, one-dimensional gas dynamics, turbomachinery. Typically
offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 31100 - Engineering Economics And Project Management

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 31200). Introduction to principles of engineering project
management and techniques. Topics include technical feasibility studies, project
specifications, scheduling, validation, lifecycle costing, and economic analysis. The
focus is on managing an engineering project through scheduling, budgeting,
resource management, execution and control. Typically offered Summer Fall
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Define the terms associated with project engineering. 2.

Understand and identify engineering ethics. 3. Develop economic decision making

models incorporating time value of money. 4. Apply the decision models developed
in solving practical project management problems to select the best alternative. 5.
Analyze the effect of budget in resource management and estimate costs. 6.
Identify risks, quantify and plan responses. 7. Schedule a project with time
constraints, determine critical path. 8. Execute, control and terminate a project.

ME 31200 - Fluid Mechanics

Credit Hours: 3.00. (CE 31200) Continuum, velocity field, fluid statics, basic
conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis, Euler and
Bernoulli equations, viscous flows, boundary layer flow in channels and around
submerged bodies, one-dimensional gas dynamics. Typically offered Fall Spring
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand basic concepts and principles of fluid

mechanics. 2. Develop physical understanding of the variety of fluid flow

phenomena. 3. Become familiar with applications of fluid mechanics to engineering
problems. 4. Understand pressure, velocity, and acceleration. 5. Understand fluid
statics. 6. Identify control volume vs. system. 7. Understand and use Continuity
Equation. 8. Understand and use Bernoulli Equation. 9. Understand and use
Momentum Equation. 10.Understand and use Momentum-of-Momentum Equation.
11.Understand and use Energy Equation. 12.Design a system using dimensional
analysis and similitude. 13.Understand surface resistance. 14.Apply fundamental
principles to the flow of conduits. 15.Calculate drag and lift. 16.Be aware of CFD
concepts and applications.

ME 31300 - Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Credit Hours: 1.00. (CE 31300) Introduction to fluid mechanics laboratory,
experiments on flow patterns, velocity profile in an air pipe, wind tunnel calibration,
draining of a tank, pipe friction, boundary layer studies, falling ball experiments,
and viscosity measurements. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand basic fluid dynamics principles 2. Understand

theories and methods of measuring techniques in fluid dynamics. 3. Understand the

various types of errors and how to minimize them 4. Write a formal laboratory

ME 31400 - Heat and Mass Transfer

Credit Hours: 4.00. Fundamental principles of heat transfer by conduction,
convection, and radiation; mass transfer by diffusion and convection. Application to
engineering situations. Typically offered Fall Spring.

0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 31500 - Heat And Mass Transfer

Credit Hours: 4.00. Fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and
radiation; mass transfer by convection. Relevance to engineering applications.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture, Practice Study Observation
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 31601 - Heat And Mass Tranfser

Credit Hours: 4.00. Fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and
radiation; mass transfer by convection. Relevance to engineering applications.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 31800 - Fluid Mechanics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Continuum hypothesis, velocity field, fluid statics, basic
conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis and
similitued, Euler and Bernoulli equations, Navier-Stokes equations, viscous flows,
boundary-layer flow in channels and around submerged bodies, applications.
Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 31900 - Fluid Mechanics Lab

Credit Hours: 1.00. Introduction to fluid mechanics laboratory and design of
experiments, including experiments on flow patterns, velocity profile in an air pipe,
wind tunnel calibration, draining of a tank, pipe friction, drag forces, boundary layer
studies, falling ball experiments, and measurements of fluid properties. Typically
offered Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 32000 - Kinematic Analysis And Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Graphical, analytical, and computer techniques for analyzing
displacements, velocities, and accelerations in mechanisms. Analysis and design of
linkages, cams and gears. Laboratory projects include analysis, design,
construction, and evaluation of mechanisms. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand kinematics and fundamentals. 2. Perform

graphical synthesis. 3. Perform mathematical analysis of mechanisms. 4. Perform

velocity analysis of mechanisms. 5. Perform acceleration analysis of mechanisms.
6. Perform kinematic analysis of cams. 7. Perform kinematic analysis of gears. 8.
Understand static force analysis. 9. Understand dynamic force analysis.

ME 32100 - Heat Transfer

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental principle of heat transfer by conduction,
convection, and radiation; mass transfer by diffusion and convection. Application to
engineering situations. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 32200 - Heat Transfer Laboratory

Credit Hours: 1.00. Introduction to heat transfer laboratory and design of
experiments. Experiments on measurements of temperature and thermal
conductivity, transient heat conduction, convection, radiation, boiling, and heat
exchangers. Typically offered Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 32300 - Mechanics Of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Integrated approach to mechanics of materials emphasizing
mechanics fundamentals as applied to machine design applications. Stress and
strain in machine elements; mechanical properties of materials; extension, torsion,
and bending of members; thermal stress; pressure vessels; static indeterminacy,
stress transformation, Mohr's circle. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 32401 - Mechanics Of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. (CE 32401) Integrated approach to mechanics of materials
emphasizing mechanics fundamentals as applied to machine design applications.
Stress and strain in machine elements; mechanical properties of materials;
extension, torsion, and bending of members; thermal stress; pressure vessels;

static indeterminacy, stress transformation, Mohrs circle. Typically offered Fall

Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 32500 - Dynamics Of Physical Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Development and solution of linear models; translational and
rotational mechanical systems, electrical systems, electromechanical systems,
thermal systems, hydraulic systems. The Laplace transform, transfer functions, and
Bode plots, state variable representation and solutions. Computer analysis and
simulation. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Develop a mathematical model generally consisting of

ordinary differential equations for a given system. 2. Determine the equilibrium

conditions, and where appropriate, obtain a linearized model for a nonlinear
system. 3. Rearrange the equations that make up the system model in a new form
suitable for an analytical solution and use them to build and simplify block
diagrams. 4. Solution for a first order system by the method of time domain
response. 5. Use Laplace transform method to find the time response, to determine
the role of the transfer function on the system response, and where appropriate, to
find the time constraints, damping ratios, and undamped natural frequencies. 6.
Use a suitable software (i.e. Simulink - Matlab) to simulate and analyze the
behavior of the dynamic systems. 7. Use block diagrams and computer simulations

as aids in modeling and analysis of dynamic systems.

ME 32600 - Engineering Project Management

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 32600) Project management is an important skill that is
needed in the private and public sectors as well as specialty businesses. This course
will explore the challenges facing today's project managers and will provide a broad
understanding of the project management environment focused on multiple aspects
of the project. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be

able to 1. Use library resources and internet resources to find information necessary
for the project. 2. Use critical thinking in its design process. 3. Use creative
approaches when necessary to obtain project objectives. 4. Analyze and interpret
data. 5. Function effectively on a multi-disciplinary team through mutual support,
consensus seeking, cooperation, and sharing responsibility. 6. Write a project
report, adhering to the specified format using an appropriate writing style,
grammar, and spelling. 7. Make an oral presentation using effective visual aids. 8.
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. 9. The broad education
necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context. 10. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and
modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

ME 32700 - Engineering Economics

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 32700) Engineering Economics is designed as an overview
of economics with a focus on how it relates to the practice of engineering. Topics
include interest formulas, rate of return, life cost analysis, depreciation, taxes, and
cash flow. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be

able to 1. Understand the terminology used in engineering economic analysis. 2.

Understand time-value-of-money concepts such as net present worth analysis,
equivalent uniform annual worth analysis, benefit/cost analysis, internal rate of
return analysis, loans, leveraging, and fixed-income investment analysis. 3.
Understand the criteria for making economic-based decisions. 4. Analyze before-tax
and after-tax cash flows. 5. Understand economic risk analysis techniques. 6.
Conduct minimum life cycle cost tradeoffs between initial and repair costs. 7.
Formulate economic solutions to real-world case study problems. 8. Demonstrate
capability to use Excel spreadsheet analysis in solving economic problems. 9.
Experience working in a project team to solve an economic problem and make a
presentation of the solution using Powerpoint. 10. Write a project report, adhering
to the specified format for business reports using appropriate writing style,
grammar, and spelling. 11. Learn how to estimate costs and perform an economic
analysis in support of capstone design and other term projects. 12. Develop cash
flow analysis problem solving techniques for passing exams including the
Engineering Economics portions of the EIT exam.

ME 32800 - Mechanics Of Materials Lab

Credit Hours: 1.00. (CE 32800) Experimental approach to mechanics of materials
emphasizing mechanics fundamentals as applied to machine design applications.
Experiments cover stress and strain in machine elements; mechanical properties of
materials; extension, torsion, and bending of members; thermal stress; pressure
vessels; static indeterminacy, stress transformation, Mohrs circle. Typically offered
Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 33000 - Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to dynamic engineering systems; electrical,
mechanical, fluid, and thermal components; linear system response; Fourier series
and Laplace transform. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 33001 - Structure And Properties Of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. (CE 33001) The relationship between the structure of materials
and the resulting mechanical, thermal, electrical, and optical properties. Atomic
structure, bonding, atomic arrangement, crystal symmetry, crystal structure, habit,
lattices, defects, and the use of X-ray diffraction. Phase equilibria and
microstructural development. Applications to design. Typically offered Fall Spring
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

Learning Objectives: Students successfully completing this course will be able to: 1.

Describe the most common states that matter can assume. 2. Describe the state
and structure of various materials commonly used in construction and machine
design. 3. Know how to test the strength and properties of various materials
commonly used in engineering. 4. Describe the crystalline structure of commonly
occurring materials. 5. Have a sense of the breaking point of materials commonly
used in engineering.

ME 33100 - System Dynamics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Mathematical modeling and response analysis of dynamic
systems with mechanical, electrical, fluid/thermal, and electromechanical
components used in modern control systems. Concepts of analogous systems;
transfer function and block diagram; state-space formulation; time-domain and
frequency-domain analysis. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Learning Objectives: To provide students with mathematical and computational

tools for modeling and analysis of linear dynamic systems in various engineering
disciplines. Application of Matlab and Simulink package as an analysis tool.

ME 33300 - Automatic Control Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 33300) Analysis and design of control systems, from
modeling and computer solutions to stability and performance issues with an
orientation toward electrical and mechanical systems. Classical control system
concepts are emphasized but an introduction to modern techniques is also
provided. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture

Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Learning Objectives: This is an introductory course in control systems. The aim is

to provide both ME and EE students with the background needed to model and
design automatic control systems for electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical
systems using the classical concepts of root locus, Bode plots, and Nyquist
diagrams, and to assess the stability and performance of such systems. An
introduction to the state space techniques is also provided. Matlab and Simulink are
used as the primary computer aided design tools for control systems.
Multidisciplinary team projects will be assigned.

ME 34000 - Dynamic Systems and Measurements

Credit Hours: 3.00 or 4.00. Modeling and formulation of differential equations for
dynamic systems, including mechanical vibratory systems, thermal systems, fluid
systems, electrical systems, and instrumentation systems. Analysis of dynamic
systems and measuring devices including transient response and frequency
response techniques, mechanical systems, transducers, and operational amplifiers.
Consideration of readout devices and their responses to constant, transient, and
steady-state sinusoidal phenomena. Calibration and data analysis techniques are
introduced. Both analog and digital computation are included. Typically offered Fall
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 34400 - Introduction To Engineering Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the structure and properties of engineering
materials, including metals, alloys, ceramics, plastics, and composites.
Characteristics and processing affecting behavior of materials in service. Typically

offered Fall Spring.

3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 34500 - Mechanical Engineering Experimentation

Credit Hours: 3.00. Mechanical measurements and methods of experimentation.
Calibration standards, statistical replication and error minimization, transducers and
instrumentation, dimensional analysis and the design of an experiment. Laboratory
experiments will require formal reports and will deal with displacements, velocities,
pressures, and elastics strains. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand theories and methods of experimentation 2.

Understand the various types of errors and how to minimize them. 3. Apply the
uncertainty analysis to experimental techniques. 4. Understand the statistical
analysis of data reduction. 5. Design experiments to measure various quantities. 6.
Understand the measurement of various mechanical properties. 7. Write a formal
laboratory report.

ME 35200 - Machine Design I

Credit Hours: 4.00. Introduction to the principles of design and analysis of
machines and machine components. Design for functionality, motion, force,

strength, and reliability. The laboratory experience provides open-ended projects to

reinforce the design process. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lab 1, Laboratory, Lecture, Practice Study


Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr

Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 35300 - Machine Design I

Credit Hours: 4.00. Introduction to the principles of design and analysis of
machines and machine components. Design for functionality, motion, force,
strength, and reliability. The laboratory experience provides open-ended projects to
reinforce the design process. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 36000 - Mechanism Design

Credit Hours: 4.00. Graphical, analytical and computer techniques for analyzing the
kinematics and dynamics of machinery and mechanisms. Typically offered Fall.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 36100 - Kinematics And Dynamics Of Machinery

Credit Hours: 3.00. Position, velocity and acceleration analysis and design of
machine elements including n-bar linkages, cam followers, and gear trains.
Dynamic force analysis and balancing of linkages; flywheels; introduction to cam
dynamics. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 36200 - Machine Design I Laboratory

Credit Hours: 1.00. Case studies and design projects in the area of kinematics and
dynamics. Computer-aided design techniques. Typically offered Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 36300 - Principles And Practices Of Manufacturing Processes

Credit Hours: 3.00. Manufacturing processes for engineering materials, both

metallic and non-metallic. Fundamentals of manufacturing processes with a "handson" laboratory sequence. Analysis and design of processes for various engineering
materials and their link to engineering design. Hands-on experiences through
laboratory experiments and demonstrations. Not open to students with credit in IE
37000. Typically offered Fall.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 36500 - Systems And Measurements

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to engineering measurement fundamentals,
including digital and frequency domain techniques, noise, and error analysis.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture, Recitation
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 36600 - Systems And Measurements

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to engineering measurement fundamentals,
including digital and frequency domain techniques, noise, and error analysis.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 36900 - Design Of Machine Elements

Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of principals of strength of materials to the design of
typical mechanical components. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 37000 - Machine Analysis and Design

Credit Hours: 4.00. Applications of statics, dynamics and strength of materials to
machines. Analysis and synthesis techniques for use in the design of mechanical
devices. Procedures are computer oriented and include topics on kinematics,
kinetics, dynamics and strength vs. stress. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 37100 - System Dynamics And Introduction To Control

Credit Hours: 4.00. Introduction to mathematical modeling and response analysis of
dynamic systems with mechanical, electrical, and fluid/thermal elements used in
control systems. Concepts of analogous systems, transfer function and state space
formulation; analysis in time-domain; analysis in frequency-domain; introduction to
modern control theory. Typically offered Fall Spring.
4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Individual Study, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 37200 - Design Of Mechanisms

Credit Hours: 3.00. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of linkages and mechanical
systems. Analytical and graphical approaches to analysis. Vector loop and relative
velocity/acceleration solutions. Design and analysis of cams and gears. Static and
dynamic balancing. Design documentation report writing and communication.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1 . Identify the mechanical system that satisfies the given

engineering requirements. 2. Describe the necessary assumptions in designing

mechanical systems. 3. Apply proper engineering principles and theories to solve
open-ended design problems. 4. Perform kinematic and dynamic analysis. 5.

Perform mechanism analysis and simulation using computer tools. 6. Evaluate the
performance of mechanical systems. 7. Design linkages, cams, gears and other
machine elements for both motion and strength requirements. 8. Communicate
design work through written report and oral presentation. 9. Conduct
library/internet search of patents/literature. 10.Explain potential impact of designed
mechanical systems on environment and society including safety.

ME 37300 - Numerical Methods For Engineers

Credit Hours: 3.00. (C E 379) Introduction to numerical methods for engineers.
Topics include solution methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, sets of linear and
nonlinear algebraic equations, eigenvalue problems, interpolation and curve fitting,
numerical differentiation and integration, and techniques to solve ordinary and
partial differential equations. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 37500 - System Modeling And Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to modeling electrical, mechanical, fluid, and
thermal systems containing elements such as sensors and actuators used in
feedback control systems. Dynamic response and stability characteristics. Closed
loop system analysis including proportional, integral, and derivative elements to
control system response. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 37600 - System Modeling And Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to modeling electrical, mechanical, fluid, and
thermal systems containing elements such as sensors and actuators used in
feedback control systems. Dynamic response and stability characteristics. Closed
loop system analysis including proportional, integral, and derivative elements to
control system response. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 38400 - Engineering Industrial Practice III

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. For engineering students on cooperative assignment
only. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 38700 - Electronics And System Engineering Through Robotics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to robotics; microcontrollers, motion actuators,
sensors, electric circuits and interference, electronic devices and interfacing, switch

elements, electric ladder diagrams. Typically offered Fall Spring.

3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 38800 - Electronics and System Engineering Through Robotics Laboratory

Credit Hours: 1.00. Experiments in building, programming, and testing mobile
robots; DC motors; shaft encoders and telemetry. Multidisciplinary mobile robot
team projects involving mechanical, electrical and computer engineering designs.
Typically offered Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 40100 - Engineering Ethics and Professionalism

Credit Hours: 1.00. Some ethical, social, political, legal, and ecological issues that a
practicing engineer may encounter. Students may not receive credit for both ECE
401 and ME 401. Typically offered Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division
May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 40200 - Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System

Credit Hours: 3.00. Mechanical design of organisms, with emphasis on the
mechanics of the musculoskeletal system. Selected topics in prosthesis design and
biomaterials; emphasis on the unique biological criteria that must be considered in
biomechanical engineering design. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 40300 - Thermal Science Applications

Credit Hours: 3.00. Applications of thermal science theory to such topics as heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning; real cycles of combustion engines;
turbomachinery; power plants and combustion. Typically offered Fall Spring
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 40400 - Finite Element Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. (CE 40400) Brief history of finite element method and ANSYS;
direct formulation; minimum total potential energy formulation; verification of
results; trusses. Examples using ANSYS, one-dimensional elements. Numerical
integration, Gauss Quadrature. Examples of one-dimensional elements in ANSYS;
heat transfer problems; solid mechanics problems; two-dimensional elements. Preprocessing with ANSYS; boundary conditions; applications; heat conduction
problems; torsion problems; beams and frames. Credit is not allowed for both ME
40400 and CE 40400. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. New course covers material that students should know; will

help graduate obtain jobs.

ME 40500 - Seminar And Fundamentals Of Engineering Review

Credit Hours: 1.00. A seminar series on mechanical engineering career options and
guidance, professional development and licensing, and preparation for the
Fundamental of Engineering (FE) examination. Typically offered Fall Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 41000 - Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulics

Credit Hours: 4.00. (CE 41000) This course is a continuation of Fluid Mechanics.
Topics will include hydraulics, external boundary layer flow, and introduction to fluid
power and gas dynamics. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
Learning Objectives: 1. Strengthen understanding of boundary layer theory and

open channel flow. 2. Strengthen error analysis capability and laboratory


ME 41300 - Noise Control

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamentals of acoustic waves. Psychoacoustics and theories
of hearing. Environmental and building acoustics. Measurement methods and
common instrumentation. Noise control methods. Machinery noise. Community
reaction. Legal aspects. Design-oriented semester project. Course work in
differential equations. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 41400 - Thermal-Fluid Systems Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of basic heat transfer and fluid flow concepts to
design of thermal-fluid systems. Emphasis on design theory and methodology.
Design experience in thermal-fluid area such as piping systems, heat exchangers,
HVAC, and energy systems. Design projects are selected from industrial
applications and conducted by teams. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 41500 - Energy Systems Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat
transfer fundamentals to the design of energy systems. Applications include
thermal regulation in buildings, nuclear/fossil fuel power plants, internal combustion
engines, gas turbines, electronic equipment, processing of primary metals and
plastics, and manufacturing processes. Optimization techniques, energy costs,
economics, and environmental issues. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 41600 - Heat Transfer

Credit Hours: 3.00. Steady state and transient heat transfer by conduction, laminar
and turbulent convection, film condensation and boiling, and by radiation.
Combined heat and mass transfer by diffusion and convection. The analysis and
design of heat exchangers for process heat transfer. Typically offered Fall Spring

3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Formulate typical 1-D heat transfer differential equations

with internal sources or for fins; apply boundary conditions; non-dimensionalize;

and solve. 2. Understand the concept of thermal resistance and be able to
manipulate strings of resistances as they may apply in real 1-D problems to get the
overall resistance. 3. Use 1-D transient conduction charts in the solution of
problems; identify transient problems for which the semi-infinite solution applies. 4.
Recognize and treat the lumped capacitance limiting solution for transient
conduction problems. 5. Formulate and solve conduction problems numerically.
Included in this are transient and steady-state problems and problems with a
variety (e.g. insulated, constant temperature, specified heat flux and convective)
boundary conditions. 6. Have a physical sense of the boundary layer concept.
Understand, in an overview sense, the role of the boundary layer in convective heat
transfer problems. 7. Apply appropriate design correlations for the variety of
convective heat transfer problems. This includes internal and external forced flow
and natural convection situations. 8. Have basic understanding of the causes/ types
of boiling/condensation phenomena. The ability to apply basic correlations in
computations related to these situations. Recognize and solve problems involving
heat exchangers and be able to determine when the Effectiveness-NTU and when
the F-LMTD methods of analysis are called for. The student should be able to apply
both of these methods in the solution of real problems. 9. Develop an
understanding of the concept of view factor in radiation. This includes black as well
as gray exchange. Have a basic understanding of the role of emissivity in radiative

ME 41700 - Heat Transfer Laboratory

Credit Hours: 1.00. Heat transmission laboratory with measurements of
temperature and flows. Experiments include temperature profiles in solids, thermal
conductivity. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand basic heat transfer principles. 2. Understand

theories and methods of measuring techniques in heat transfer. 3. Understand the

various types of errors and how to minimize them. 4. Write a formal laboratory

ME 41800 - Engineering Of Environmental Systems And Equipment

Credit Hours: 3.00. Design and analysis of systems and equipment used in
conditioning buildings. Review of fundamentals in thermodynamics, heat transfer,
fluid mechanics, economics, non-linear equation solving, optimization. Analysis of
building heating and cooling requirements for design and annual energy use.
Design and selection of equipment. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 42100 - Heating and Air Conditioning I

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamentals of fluid flow and heat transfer. Comfort
conditions.Psychometrics. Solar radiation. Design conditions. Heating and cooling
loads. Ventilation. Air distribution. Fans and pumps. Duct design. Pipe sizing.
Refrigeration. Air conditioning systems. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture

Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 42300 - Acoustics
Credit Hours: 3.00. One degree of freedom oscillations. Wave motion in strings,
bars, and membranes. Free, froced, and transient response. The acoustic wave
equation, acoustic energy density, intensity, and impedance. Inhomogeneous wave
equation. Simple acoustic sources. Waveguides and room acoustics. Typically
offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 42400 - Design And Optimization Of Thermal Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of the principles of thermodynamics, fluid
mechanics, and heat transfer to the design of thermal systems with an emphasis on
modeling, simulation, economic analysis, and optimization. Systems to be studied
include heat exchangers, thermal storage devices, fluid machinery, pipes and ducts,
and electronics cooling devices. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 42500 - Intermediate Heat Transfer: Theory And Applications

Credit Hours: 3.00. Analytical study of conduction; energy and momentum
equations in convective heat transfer and review of empirical relations; boiling and
condensation; applications in heat transfer such as heat exchangers, refrigeration,
and freezing of foods, cooling of electronic equipment, and heating and cooling of
buildings. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 42600 - Heating And Air Conditioning Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. Psychometrics, air conditioning systems, equipment selection,
duct design and piping design. Heating and cooling loads, solar radiation and heat
transmission in buildings. Heat pumps. Application of air conditioning to residences,
computer rooms, light commercial and high-rise buildings. Typically offered Fall
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 42700 - Sustainable Energy Sources And Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to energy sources and energy systems with an
emphasis on sustainability. Students will apply material from thermodynamics, fluid
mechanics, and heat transfer to analyze and design energy systems that utilize
non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear fission and fusion, and
hydrogen, as well as renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biofuels,
geothermal, and oceans. Economic, environmental, social, and political issues
related to energy are also considered. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Learning Objectives: 1. Evaluate and compare non-renewable and renewable

energy sources for energy content and environmental impact. 2. Perform thermal,
environmental, and economic analyses of energy systems. 3. Design energy
systems (including economic analysis) and communicate results either orally and/or
in writing. 4. Understand some of the ethical, economic, environmental, social, and
political issues associated with energy and energy systems.

ME 42900 - Senior Engineering Design I

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 42900, CE 42900). The senior engineering design courses
I and II constitute a two semester sequence of an interdisciplinary activity. The
objective of these courses is to provide engineering students with supervised
experience in the process and practice of engineering design Projects are chosen by
the students or the faculty. Students working in teams pursue an idea from
conception to realistic design The course concludes with a substantial written report
and a formal oral presentation before faculty and students. Typically offered Fall
Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of

Learning Objectives: 1. Learn material needed for a project that was not taught in

courses taken. 2. Identify goal(s), the necessary activities, and the key problems.
3. Prioritize tasks, manage time, control expenses, and prepare plans to complete a
project on schedule and within budget. 4. Work cooperatively as part of a team
(interdisciplinary as in industry). 5. Communicate effectively, both orally and in
writing. 6. Design (and build and test) a system, process, or components related to
a project. 7. Demonstrate the multiple engineering skills necessary for a 21st
century engineer. 8. Formulate and solve engineering problems, recognize relevant
parameters, identify principles, and make appropriate and reasonable simplifying
assumptions and approximations.

ME 43000 - Power Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. Rankine cycle analysis, fossil-fuel steam generators, energy
balances, fans, pumps, cooling towers, steam turbines, availability (second law)
analysis of power systems, energy management systems, and rate analysis.
Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 43200 - Manufacturing Processes

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides students in the Mechanical Engineering
program with an opportunity of learning the fundamentals of modern manufacturing

processes. The course introduces the fundamentals of different manufacturing

processes, and it also introduces the machine tools and systems for manufacturing
processes. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Learning Objectives: 1. To gain an understanding and appreciation of the breadth

and depth of the field of manufacturing. 2. To recognize the strong

interrelationships between material properties and manufacturing processes. 3. To
become familiar with some of the basic casting, forming, metal cutting, welding,
and polymer processes. 4. To learn and apply the basic terminology associated with
these fields. 5. To increase the student's knowledge and broaden their perspective
of the manufacturing world in which many of you will contribute your talents and

ME 43300 - Principles Of Turbomachinery

Credit Hours: 3.00. Unified treatment of principles underlying fluid mechanic design
of hydraulic pumps, turbines and gas compressors. Similarity and scaling laws.
Cavitation. Analysis of radial and axial flow machines. Blade element performance.
Radial equilibrium theory. Centrifugal pump design. Axial compressor design.
Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

West Lafayette

ME 43800 - Gas Turbine Engines

Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic operating principles and analysis of performance
characteristics of gas turbine engines for aircraft and vehicular propulsion and
stationary power. Turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft cycle analysis. Analysis of flow
through compressors, turbines, combustors, inlets, nozzles, and regenerators.
Component matching and off-design performance. Coursework in thermodynamics
and fluid mechanics. Not open to students with credit in A&AE 37200. Typically
offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 43900 - Senior Engineering Design II

Credit Hours: 3.00. The senior engineering design courses I and II constitute a twosemester sequence of an interdisciplinary activity. The objective of these courses is
to provide engineering students with supervised experience in the process and
practice of engineering design. Projects are chosen by the students or the faculty.
Students working in teams pursue an idea from conception to realistic design. The
course is climaxed by the presentation of a substantial written report and a formal
oral presentation before faculty and students. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 44000 - Automotive Prime Movers: Green Engines And Clean Fuel

Credit Hours: 3.00. Internal combustion engines (ICE), hybrid engines (HE), fuelcell engines (FCE), and alternative/renewable fuels. ICEs topics- engines with
advanced combustion systems such as clean diesels, direct-injection spark-ignition
engines (DISI), and low-temperature combustion (LTC) compression-ignition. HE
topics- different components of hybrid engines and the powertrain design. FCE
topics- fundamentals of fuel cells and automotive applications. Clean fuel topicsbiofuels, hydrogen, and natural gas, as well as, other cleaner fossil fuels for
automotive applications. Well-to-wheel energy and cost analysis of prime mover
designs/fuels. Typically offered Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Laboratory Preparation, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Relate processes in automotive prime movers to

engineering fundamentals. 2. Study low-carbon emitting, and LEV, ULEV, SULEV,

PZEV, and ZEV prime mover designs. 3. Study prime mover designs that are
alternative to conventional combustion engines. 4. Study cleaner alternatives to
conventional fossil fuels. 5. Carry out analysis of prime mover designs and fuel
alternatives to identify cost and energy tradeoffs.

ME 44400 - Computer-Aided Design And Prototyping

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to advanced computer-aided design (CAD) for
product design, modeling, and prototyping. Individual use and team-based
environment to design and prototype a functional and marketable product. Projects
include use of the advanced design tools to produce a working prototype that is
manufacturable. Application to design, manufacturing, and analysis. Typically
offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 44600 - CAD/CAM Theory and Application

Credit Hours: 3.00. . Introduction to computer-aided design (CAD) and computeraided manufacturing (CAM) theory and applications. Topics include CAD/CAM
systems and integration, geometric modeling, process planning, and tool path
generation, CAD/CAM interfacing with CNC (computer numerically controlled)
machines, machining, and CNC programming. Projects involve CAD/CAM-based
product development cycle. Hands-on experience is attained through laboratory
experiment and actual CNC manufacturing. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 45000 - Introduction to Computer-Aided Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the use of finite element methods for analysis
and design. Applications involving stress analysis and heat transfer of solids. The
use of existing software and hardware for computer-aided engineering. Typically
offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 45100 - Computational Methods in Thermal Sciences

Credit Hours: 3.00. Mathematical description of heat transfer and fluid flow
problems, discretization methods, heat convection, convection and diffusion,
incompressible flows, high speed flow. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 45101 - Machine Design II

Credit Hours: 3.00. Design and analysis of mechanical systems, for fluctuating
loading. Fatigue analysis. Application of design fundamentals to mechanical
components, and integration of components to form systems. Typically offered Fall
Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central

ME 45200 - Machine Design II

Credit Hours: 3.00. Design and analysis of mechanical systems, for fluctuating
loading. Fatigue analysis. Application of design fundamentals to mechanical
components, and integration of components to form systems. Typically offered Fall
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 45300 - Experimental Stress Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to experimental methods in stress analysis with
application to practical engineering problems. Electrical-resistance strain gages,
strain gage circuits, transducer applications, and recording instruments. Twodimensional photoelasticity with emphasis on birefringent coatings. Intoduction to
the method of caustics. Selected Laboratory experiments. Typically offered Fall.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 45400 - Intermediate Dynamics With Computer Applications

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the advanced theories of dynamics and
application of the digital computer as a tool in engineering design and analysis of
structural members and machine in motion. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 45500 - Vehicle Design And Fabrication

Credit Hours: 3.00. Open-ended project course to design and build competitive
prototype vehicles. Integration of design concept formulation, engineering analysis
and testing, and prototype fabrication. Product development activities in a hands-on
setting. Design constraints imposed by manufacturing limitations, funding
constraints and market competition. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Apply the design process to the design of a vehicle. 2.

Apply engineering fundamentals to evaluate the design of a vehicle. 3. Apply teamwork skills to management of the Mini-Baja or Formula SAE teams. 4. Learn the
effect of design choices by building and testing students designs.

ME 45600 - Kinematics And Dynamics Of Machinery

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is a continuation of Basic Mechanics II. Topic will
include kinematics and dynamics of machinery, synthesis, and analysis if
mechanisms and machines, and computer applications in the design of mechanisms
and machines. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
Learning Objectives: 1. Student will be able to analysis the kinetics of a linkage to

determine position. Velocity and acceleration variation throughout its range of

motion. 2. Student will be able to synthesize a planar linkage to provide a desired
motion. 3. Student will be able to design a cam or gear train to produce a desired
motion. 4. Student will be able to determine the static and dynamic forces acting on
a moving linkage.

ME 45700 - Vibration Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is an introduction to simple vibratory motions such
as damped and undamped free and forced vibrations, resonance, vibratory systems
with more than one degree of freedom. Topics will include Coulomb and hysteric
damping, transverse vibration of beams, torsional vibration, computation of natural
frequencies and mode shapes, applications. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
Learning Objectives: 1. Learn how to model discrete single-degree and multiple-

degree vibratory systems. 2. Demonstrate how to model continuous vibratory

systems and be able to calculate mode shapes and frequencies.

ME 45800 - Composite Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Potential applications of composite materials. Basic concepts of
fiber reinforced composites, manufacturing, micro and macro-mechanics, and static
analysis of composite laminates. Performance (fatigue and fracture) and their
application to engineering design. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME 46000 - Design Strength Reliability

Credit Hours: 4.00. Design synthesis and methods. Strength design of mechanical
structures and components. Optimization and reliability principles. Computer-aided
design techniques. Typically offered Spring.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 46100 - Machine Design I

Credit Hours: 4.00. Application of mechanics and mechanics of materials to the
analysis and design of machine elements. Stress and deflection analysis, statistical
considerations under steady and variable loading, stress principles applied to
fasteners, springs, welded joints, and general machanical elements. Fits and

tolerances; antifriction; spur gears. Laboratory includes projects, solutions of

design problems, and experiments. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Apply concepts of mechanical design through the medium

of structural design and machine elements. 2. Expand knowledge of strength of

material and utilize it in strength and stiffness design using finite element analysis.
3. Apply consideration in design strength for variable loading regime. 4. Develop
habits of computer usage for design considerations. 5. Expand awareness of design
components and their potential use.

ME 46200 - Capstone Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Concurrent engineering design concept is introduced.
Application of the design is emphasized. Design problems from all areas of
mechanical engineering are considered. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the design process. 2. Identify design tasks and

their objectives. 3. Establish a project schedule. 4. Develop design specifications by

completion of a house of quality. 5. Generate design ideas based on functional
decomposition. 6. Evaluate the ideas based on customer requirement. 7. Creatively

generate product designs. 8. Validate the final design. 9. Give technical

presentations in the forms of weekly progress report, proposal, final report, and
oral presentation. 10. Document the design activities and outcomes (product
development file, drawings, period minutes, and personal design notebook). 11.
Work as team player by demonstrating his/her participation record in the personal
design notebook. 12. Work effectively in a multidisciplinary project team.

ME 46300 - Engineering Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of the design process to the design of various
engineering components and systems. Mathematical modeling in design is
emphasized. Design problems from all areas of mechanical engineering are
considered. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture, Practice Study Observation
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 46600 - Machine Design II

Credit Hours: 3.00. Comprehensive study in the design and analysis of gearing, and
journal bearings, clutches and brakes, and flexible mechanical elements.
Introduction to reliability engineering. Introduction to finite element analysis.
Laboratory includes projects and solution of design problems. Typically offered Fall
Spring Summer.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 46800 - Thermal Systems Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat
transfer fundamentals to the design of energy engineering systems with an
emphasis on modeling, simulation, economic analysis and optimization. Application
include thermal regulation in buildings, heat exchangers, electronic cooling devices,
manufacturing processing of primary metals and plastics, fluid machinery, pipes
and ducts. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
Learning Objectives: 1. Learn fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics

and heat transfer. 2. Demonstrate how to model and analyze thermal systems.

ME 46900 - Advanced Mechanics And Behavior Of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Studies of stress and strain in three-dimensional problems.
Theories of failure and energy methods. Unsymmetrical bending, curved beans,
cross stress, shear center, torsion of thin-walled noncircular sections, thick-wall
cylinders. Introduction to fracture mechanics, plates, and contractr stresses.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 47000 - Design Of Machine Element

Credit Hours: 3.00. Applications of mechanics of materials and dynamics in the
design of machines and their components. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 47100 - Vibration Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to simple vibratory motions such as damped and
undamped free and forced vibrations, resonance, vibratory systems with more than
one degree of freedom, Coulomb and hysteretic damping, transverse vibration of
beams, torsional vibration, computation of natural frequencies and mode shapes,
applications. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 47200 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Studies of stresses and strains in three-dimensional elastic
problems. Failure theories and yield criteria. Bending of curved beams. Torsion of
bars with noncircular cross sections. Beams on elastic foundation. Energy methods.
Selected topics. Students may not receive credit for both ME 472 and ME 550.

Typically offered Spring.

3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 47300 - Engineering Design Using Modern Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Interdisciplinary approach to design with modern materials
including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Fundamentals of mechanics
of materials, failure theories, and fracture mechanics applied to different materials;
basic material properties and design with metals and ceramics; microstructure,
chemistry, and bonding in polymers; material properties and design with polymers;
composite materials. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 47400 - Vibration Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to simple vibratory motions such as damped and
undamped free and forced vibrations, vibratory systems with more than one degree
of freedom, Coulomb damping, transverse vibration of beams, torsional vibration,
critical speed of shafts, and applications. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture

Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 47500 - Automatic Control Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Controller design in frequency domain with introduction to
digital systems and control. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 47700 - Machine Design II Laboratory

Credit Hours: 1.00. Case studies and design projects on detailed design of
mechanical components or systems. Computer-aided design techniques. Typically
offered Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 47800 - Introduction To Numerical Methods In Mechanical Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. The solution of problems arising in mechanical engineering
using numerical methods. Topics include solution methods for nonlinear algebraic
equations, sets of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, eigenvalue problems,
interpolation and curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, and
techniques to solve ordinary and partial differential equations. Applications include
fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, kinematics, and design.
Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 47900 - Solar Engineering Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of heat transfer, thermodynamics and photovoltaics
to the design and analysis of solar energy collectors and systems. Theory,
economics and practice of solar energy application. Typically offered Fall Spring
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
Learning Objectives: 1. Learn how to apply heat transfer, thermodynamics and

photovoltaics to solar energy collectors and storage energy balances. 2. Analyze

radiant energy transfer and understand its application to solar exchangers.

ME 48000 - Finite Element Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. (C E 480) Introduction to the finite-element method through
applications to problems in elasticity and heat transfer. Emphasis on one- and twodimensional problems. Computer implementation. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 48100 - Introduction to Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. The solution of problems arising in mechanical engineering
using numerical methods. Topics include solution methods for nonlinear algebraic
equations, sets of linear algebraic equations, eigne value problems, interpolation
and curve fitting, numerical integration, numerical differentiation, and ordinary
differential equations. Applications include fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer,
thermodynamics, automatic control systems, kinematics, and design. Typically
offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 48200 - Control System Analysis and Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. (MSTE 36000) Classical feedback concepts, root locus, Bode

and Nyquist techniques, state-space formulation, stability, design applications.

Students may not receive credit for both ECE 38200 and ME 48200. Typically
offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 48400 - Engineering Industrial Practice IV

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. For engineering students on cooperative assignment
only. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 48500 - Linear Control Systems

Credit Hours: 4.00. (ECE 38400). Introduction to classical control theory. Transfer
functions, block diagram manipulation, and signal flow graphs. Transient and
steady state responses; characteristics, and design. Sensitivity analysis and
disturbance rejection. System stability. Root locus analysis and design . Frequency
response analysis using Bode and polar plots. Nyquist criterion and Nichols chart.
Controller design using Bode plots. Laboratory will include design, simulation of
topics covered, and a number of practical experiments. Credit not allowed for both
ECE 38400 and ME 48500. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand major components involved in the analyses and

design of control system. 2. Model systems in the frequency domain and to obtain a
block diagram. 3. Model systems in the time domain and to obtain a block diagram.
4. Analyze time responses for the first and second order systems. 5. Analyze and
design of feedback systems. 6. Reduce multiple blocks to a single block or closedloop system. 7. Perform system stability analysis. 8. Calculate system steady-state
errors. 9. Sketch root locus and use it to find the poles of a closed-loop system. 10.
Use root locus to describe qualitatively the changes in transient response and
stability. 11. Design control systems via root locus. 12. Design control systems via
frequency domain. 13. Use Matlab and Matlab control toolbox to solve control
system problems.

ME 48600 - Introduction To Manufacturing Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. Modern manufacturing processes and methods including
forming, shaping, machining, and joining. Productivity, quality improvement,
material and energy conservation, automatic processing and inspection, process
planning, manufacturing control, robotics, CAD, CAM, and computer integrated
manufacturing. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


ME 48700 - Mechanical Engineering Design I

Credit Hours: 3.00. The first of a two-semester sequence of senior capstone design.

Provides students with experience in the process and practice of mechanical

component/system design from concept through final design. Emphasis on
teamwork, project management, oral and written communication. General lectures
on issues important to the engineering profession, such as professional and ethical
responsibility, the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context,
and other contemporary issues. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 48800 - Mechanical Engineering Design II

Credit Hours: 3.00. Continuation of 487. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne

ME 49000 - Directed Readings in Mechanical Engineering

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Topics vary. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Individual Study
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division, Variable Title

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME 49100 - Engineering Projects

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. The student selects an engineering design project and
works under the direction of the faculty sponsor. Suitable projects may be from the
local industrial, municipal, state, and educational communities. Typically offered Fall
Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Individual Study
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Credit By Exam, Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated up to 3 times or for a

maximum of 9 credits

ME 49200 - Technology And Values

Credit Hours: 3.00. The impact of science and technology on personal and societal
value systems. The special responsibility of engineers. Practical methods for using
human values to guide future technological developments. Societal problems
considered: warfare, energy, overpopulation, resource depletion, and
environmental degradation. Interdisciplinary approaches stressed. Offered in
alternate years. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 49400 - Power Plant Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. Thermodynamic analysis of power plant systems for the
generation of electric power. Power cycles and design of equipment for the
generation of power. Gas and steam turbines and generators. Waste heat recovery
and application. Plant operations, economics and environmental impact. Typically
offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

North Central
Learning Objectives: 1. Analyze the basic elements of electric-generating power

plant engineering. 2. Learn the environmental effects of fossil-fueled and nuclear

power plants.

ME 49500 - Special Topic Minicourses

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. Topics vary. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 6.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division, Variable Title

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits

ME 49800 - Research In Mechanical Engineering I

Credit Hours: 3.00. Individual research projects for students with honors
classification. Requires prior approval of, and arrangement with, a faculty research
advisor. Honors classification. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered
Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Individual Study, Research
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 49900 - Research In Mechanical Engineering II

Credit Hours: 3.00. Continuation of ME 49800. Requires submission of a written
thesis, public presentation, and oral defense of the research project. Honors
Classification. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Individual Study, Research
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 50000 - Advanced Thermodynamics

Credit Hours: 3.00. The empirical, physical basis of the laws of thermodynamics.
Availability/exergy concepts and applications. Properties and relations between
properties in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. The criteria of equilibrium.
Application to a variety of systems and problems, including phase and reaction
equilibrium. Offered in alternate years. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 50100 - Statistical Thermodynamics

Credit Hours: 3.00. The molecular intepretation of thermodynamic equilibrium.
Development of the partition function. Introduction to quantum mechanics and
molecular spectroscopy. The Maxwell-Boltzmann formulation of statistical
mechanics and applications to ideal gases, solids, radiation, and laser diagnostics.
The Gibbs formulation of statistical mechanics and application to real gases. Kinetic
theory and applications to transport properties and chemical kinetics. Offered in
alternate years. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Provide a fundamental microscopic understanding of

thermodynamics, temperature, radiation and transport phenomena. 2. Apply

concepts and calculate thermodynamic and transport properties of ideal gases. 3.
Evaluate properties in reacting and non-reacting flow fields from laser spectroscopic

ME 50101 - Energy Assessment Of Industrial Processes

Credit Hours: 3.00. The course provides and analyzes methodologies for improving
energy efficiency in the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing equipment and
processes will be analyzed in terms of energy consumption and optimization. It
provides the technical and analytical foundation for students on assessing industrial
processes to evaluate measures for optimizing energy efficiency in industrial,
electrical, motor drive, compressed air, process heating, process cooling, lighting,
space conditioning, combined heat and power systems. This course is designed for
students who are interested in energy efficiency. Permission of instructor required.
Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Analyze the common industrial processes and evaluate

them in terms of energy consumption. 2. Apply engineering principles on various

energy sources and their industrial applications. 3. Design the energy assessment
process for various energy systems. 4. Determine the key measurable parameters
for each system analysis and provide adequate measurements using basic
metrology equipment. 5. Analyze the energy systems, identify alternatives, and
optimize the energy consumptions. 6. Provide recommendations for energy
optimization. 7. Quantify energy savings based on the optimization
recommendation. 8. Produce professional technical reports and presentations.

ME 50102 - Energy Management Principles

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides energy management principles for
industrial applications. Various energy management methods, commitments, and
strategies for continuous improvement as well as international standards will be
analyzed and integrated. This course emphasizes real world applications including:
critiquing utility rates structure and assessing costs; characterizing and quantifying
energy saving opportunities at industrial facilities; determining investment payback
scenarios and considerations. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Master energy management principles. 2. Evaluate energy

management and environment standards. 3. Apply energy management principles

to synthesis energy management strategies. 4. Design energy baselines for
continuous energy efficiency optimization and life cycle cost. 5. Manage and define
the role and responsibility of the individuals for an effective energy audit. 6. Apply
the energy management principles on energy system assessment. 7. Analyze the
economic and environmental impacts of various energy management strategies. 8.
Optimize the energy investment in terms of minimizing cost and/or payback time.
9. Develop energy management strategies for selected companies. 10.Produce
professional technical reports and presentations.

ME 50103 - Industrial Energy Assessment: Tools And Applications

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course synthesizes advanced energy efficiency, energy
auditing, and energy assessment methods and practices. Several types of industrial
audits will be analyzed with respect to the methods, tools (hand and software), and
industrial application. Topics include: the audit process for energy, industrial
productivity, and waste stream audits; audit components: energy bill analysis and
economic analysis: audit system mechanics related to building envelop, electrical
system, HVAC system, waste heat recovery, lighting, cogeneration, and other
prevalent industrial systems; and measurement instrumentation issues for each
industrial system. Students will enhance learning from a class project, which

requires completion of an industrial scale energy audit. Permission of instructor

required. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Synthesize the concepts, terminology, and industrial

applications of various energy sources. 2. Analyze utility data and deduce energy
usage. 3. Evaluate key parameters representing the energy usage and determine
appropriate energy assessment focus areas. 4. Justify appropriate and accurate
measurement techniques using portable metrology equipment. 5. Create process
flow and energy resource diagrams. 6. Calculate energy usage and cost from
different industrial systems and convert or translate the values of different forms of
energy into a common unit for comparison. 7. Justify calculations of existing energy
use and propose energy efficiency optimization measures using engineering
principles. 8. Interpret the need for safety in the workplace in various situations. 9.
Work alone and in teams to investigate topics, research optimized efficiency
designs, write reports, and make presentations on specified energy topics.
10.Utilize statistical methods and/or software packages to determine/predict
inefficient energy use and to design/develop energy/environment/cost effective

ME 50104 - Powertrain Integration

Credit Hours: 3.00. The holistic view of powertrain development that includes
engine, transmission, and driveline is now well accepted. Current trends indicate an
increasing range of engines and transmissions in the future with, consequently, a
greater diversity of combinations. This course discusses engines, transmissions, and
drivelines in relation to their interfaces with chassis systems. This course also
explores various aspects of powertrain integration. Novel concepts relating, for
example, to continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) and hybridization as well as
approaches to modeling, analysis, and simulation will be discussed. Permission of
instructor required. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Apply basic knowledge of powertrain integration to design

improved engine mounts. 2. Apply basic concepts of vehicle performance

requirements and fuel economy to optimally determine powertrain components
sizes. 3. Apply mathematical methodologies to analyze vehicle data to evaluate
vehicle performance. 4. Explain various architectures associated with hybrid electric
veh9cle design. 5. Analyze fundamental requirements of engine intake and exhaust
system for optimal performance. 6. Apply basic concepts in of control to engine,
driveline, and traction control. 7. Solve engineering problems presented in class
and homework; orally communicate some results in class discussions.

ME 50105 - Hybrid And Electric Transportation

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course will cover fundamentals of hybrid electric and
battery electric transportation systems with particular emphasis on automotive
vehicles. It will cover powertrain configurations of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV),
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV). The
principal element of the powertrain of these vehicles will be discussed: Battery,
Electric Motor, Engine, Transmission. This course will cover design concepts for HEV
/ PHEV and BEV powertrain. Optimal methods of component sizing via appropriate
modeling and analysis methodologies will also be introduced. An introduction to
power electronic components and microprocessor based controllers for these
powertrains will also be given. An in-depth coverage, including optimal energy
management, will be given on the energy and power management of HEV / PHEV
and BEV powertrain once the design is complete. Introduction of various concepts
and terminologies, the state of the art development, energy conversion and storage
options, modeling, analysis, system integration and basic principles of vehicle
controls will be covered as well. Upon completion of this course, students should be
able to follow the literature on these subjects and perform modeling, design,
analysis and development work in this field. A field demonstration of a PHEV will be
used to further enhance the learning experience in this course. Permission of
department reqjuired. Prerequisite: ME 48200/ECE 38200. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Lecture

Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Apply knowledge of electric and hybrid electric powertrain

to estimate vehicle fuel economy and emissions. 2. Apply concepts of vehicle

performance requirements and fuel economy to optimally determine component
sizing of electric and hybrid electric powertrain. 3. Apply mathematical
methodologies to analyze vehicle data to evaluate vehicle performance. 4. Analyze
various architectures associated with hybrid electric vehicle design. 5. Analyze
fundamental requirements for an electric propulsion system. 6. Apply concepts in
hybrid electric energy management to design algorithms for regenerative braking.
7. Solve engineering problems presented in class textbook and homework; orally
communicate some results in class discussions. 8. Analyze various types of energy
storage devices in relation to their impact on electrified transportation.

ME 50200 - Numerical Heat And Mass Transfer

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is to introduce students with basic concepts and
techniques in computational heat transfer and fluid dynamics, and to prepare
students for development and application of computer codes for engineering design
and scientific research. The topics will include finite volume methods (FVM),
discrete modeling of Navier-Stokes equations and energy equations, iterative
solution algorithms, grid generation, boundary conditions, convergence and
accuracy, applicability and pitfalls of commercial codes, and hand-on projects.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


Learning Objectives: 1. Understand and apply the mathematical description of

physical phenomena equations. 2. Understand and apply the discretization methods

to partial differential equations. 3. Implement of boundary conditions to different
engineering interested problems. 4. Apply Finite Volume Methods for solving
unsteady diffusion problems, steady state convection and diffusion problems,
unsteady state convection and diffusion problems. 5. Understand the basic concept
and theory for grid generation. 6. Understand and apply SIMPLE algorithm for
solving fluid flow and heat and mass transfer problems in both steady state and
unsteady state. 7. Understand the proper usage of commercial codes, their
strengths and limitations to help engineering design and troubleshooting.

ME 50300 - Micro-And-Nano-Scale Energy Transfer Processes

Credit Hours: 3.00. Transport of energy in natural and fabricated micro- and nanoscale structures. Physical nature of energy transport by three carriers electrons,
phonons, and photons. Bulk material properties (e.g., thermal/electrical
conductivity) are derived from statistical particle transport theories. Effects of
spatial confinement on bulk properties are quantified. Contemporary
interdisciplinary engineering applications. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Gain an understanding of the fundamental elements of

solid-state physics. 2. Develop skills to derive continuum physical properties from

sub-continuum principles. 3. Apply statistical and physical principles to describe
energy transport in modern small-scale materials and devices.

ME 50400 - Automotive Control

Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic engine operation; lambda control, speed control, knock
control, fuel injection timing control, ignition control of SI engines; driveline
modeling, automatic transmission control, clutch phasing control; wheel model,
complete vehicle model; observers, friction coefficient estimators, tire contact patch

force estimators; anti-lock brake control, traction control, yaw stability control;
drive-by-wire systems. The distance offering of this course originates from the
IUPUI campus, is offered through streaming video via ProEd, and may be made
available at the West Lafayette campus. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 50500 - Intermediate Heat Transfer

Credit Hours: 3.00. Heat and mass transfer by diffusion in one-dimensional, twodimensional, transient, periodic, and phase change systems. Convective heat
transfer for external and internal flows. Similarity and integral solution methods.
Heat, mass, and momentum analogies. Turbulence. Buoyancy-driven flows.
Convection with phase change. Radiation exchange between surfaces and radiation
transfer in absorbing-emitting media. Multimode heat transfer problems. Typically
offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 50600 - Two-Phase Flow And Heat Transfer

Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic two-phase flow equaitons, homogeneous model, drift-flux
model, flow regimes, pressure drop in two-phase flow. Nucleation and bubble
dynamics, pool boiling, subcooled boinling, forced convection boiling, critical heat
flux in pool boiling, critical heat flux in forced convection goiling, miminum heat
flux, film boiling, post dryout heat transfer. Flow instabilities, choking in two-phase
flow, film and dropwise condensation. Applications to heat exchangers. Special
boinling and two-phase flow problems. Offered in alternate years. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 50700 - Laser Processing

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduces background knowledge in laser science and laser
technology and fundamentals involved in laser processing and manufacturing. The
following topics are discussed: laser fundamentals, industrial laser systems and
processes, and the laser-induced thermal, thermo-mechanical, and thermo-acoustic
effects. The course also discusses emerging areas of laser applications, such as
microscale laser processing, ultrafast laser processing, and the related energy
transport analyses. Laboratory and video demonstration sessions are used to
enhance the overall understanding of the course materials. Offered in alternate
years. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 50800 - Heat Trans In Biological Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to applications of heat transfer in living systems to
students who have general interests in biomedical engineering. Fundamental
concepts of biology and engineering involved in these applications are introduced.
Regulation of blood flow under external thermal stimuli and its effect on heat
transfer are discussed. Clinical applications of heat transfer, including cancer
therapy and gene therapy. Prerequisite: first course in fluid or aerodynamics.
Offered in alternate years. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 50900 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fluid properties. Basic laws for a control volume. Kinematics of
fluid flow. Dynamics of frictionless incompressible flow and basic hydrodynamics.
Equations of motion for viscous flow, viscous flow applications, boundary layer
theory. Wall turbulence, lift and drag of immersed bodies. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network

PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 51000 - Gas Dynamics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Flow of compressible fluids. One-dimensional flows including
basic concepts, isentropic flow, normal and oblique shock waves, Rayleigh line,
Fanno line, and simple waves. Multidimensional flows including general concepts,
small perturbation theory for linearized flows and method of characteristics for
nonlinear flows. Prerequisite: first course in fluid or aerodynamics. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 51100 - Heat Transfer In Electronic Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course covers both traditional and more innovative
methods for heat extraction in electronic systems and the effectiveness and
applicability of these methods over a wide range of scales. Special emphasis is
given to industry-related applications with experts often attending and presenting
material as part of class instruction. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. To introduce concepts in thermal management of

electronics to senior undergraduate and graduate students and practicing

engineers. 2. To provide an appreciation for the applications of first principles to
electronics cooling and packaging problems in industry. 3. To provide students with
sound tools to approach existing packaging and cooling applications, while also
raising awareness of novel techniques at the cutting edge.

ME 51300 - Engineering Acoustics

Credit Hours: 3.00. The simple oscillator. Lumped acoustical elements. Electromechanical-acoustical analogies. Wave motion in strings and membranes.
Introduction to linear acoustics through derivation of the wave equation and simple
solutions. Plane and spherical waves. Acoustic intensity. Plane wave transmission
through fluid layers and simple barriers. Sound absorption. Modeling of acoustical
sources: monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles. Mechanisms of sound generation and
directionality. Sound propagation in one-dimensional systems (e.g., ducts and
mufflers). Introduction to room acoustics. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 51400 - Fundamentals Of Wind Energy

Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic operating principles and analysis of performance
characteristics of gas turbine engines for aircraft and vehicular propulsion and
stationary power. Turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft cycle analysis. Analysis of flow
through compressors, turbines, combustors, inlets, nozzles, and regenerators.

Component machine and off-design performance. Inspection trip to industrial plan

required. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Introduce students to the technology and economics of

converting wind energy to electricity. 2. Inform students to the environmental

concerns of wind energy. 3. Understand principles of wind turbine aerodynamics. 4.
Develop the ability to design optimum blading. 5. Develop the ability to evaluate a
potential site in terms of wind energy. 6. Understand wind turbine structural
dynamics issues.

ME 51500 - Quality Control

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 51801). This course examines the design in order to
acquire a better product/process quality. Other aspects of design included are
robust design, parameter design, or Taguchi Techniques. This course also gives
students a current understanding of the techniques and applications of design of
experiments in quality engineering design. The students will learn design of quality
control systems in manufacturing, use of advanced statistical process controls,
sampling inspection techniques, process capability, and other statistical tools. Also
included are vendor sourcing and control tools, methods for establishing
specifications and tolerances, quality function deployment, and other quality control
techniques. In addition, Six Sigma will be included. The course is aimed primarily to
engineering graduate students interested in project management. Prerequisite:
Basic Statistics. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division
May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the design of quality into products and

processes using design of experiments including robust/parameter design and

tolerance design techniques. 2. Learn that design of experiments is a systematic
and efficient method of design optimization for performance, quality, and cost in
quality engineering. 3. Be able to use statistical quality control to improve the
product and/or process quality for a given design.

ME 51600 - Advanced Engineering Project Management

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 51600). Overview and concepts of project management
(principles, body of knowledge, strategies); planning successful projects (defining,
specifying, deliver options, scheduling, budgeting); implementing (organizing the
team, work assignments, team building, team launch, effective leadership); risk
analysis; executing (performance measurement, maintaining the schedule,
adjustments/mid-course corrections, record keeping, status reporting,
communications, managing conflict, time management); and closeout (performance
measurement, maintaining the schedule, adjustments/ midcourse corrections,
record keeping, status reporting, communications, managing conflict, time
management). The course is aimed primarily to engineering graduate students
interested in project management. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. The student will understand the basics of project

management including the importance and interrelationship of all the components.

2. They will be fluent in the Project Management Institute's process group functions
(initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing) and the project knowledge
areas (integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications,
risk, and procurement) and its roll in delivering a project on time and in budget. 3.
The students will learn to analyze engineering costs and capital investments, and
the ability to compare and select individual projects.

ME 51700 - Micro/Nanoscale Physical Processes

Credit Hours: 3.00. (CHE 51700) Study of physical processes encountered in small
scale systems like Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology.
Introduction of tools for micron to molecular scale analysis of statics, dynamics,
electricity and magnetism, surface phenomena, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and
mass transfer. Quantitative analysis of specific MEMS devices using finite element
analysis. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 51800 - Analysis Of Thermal Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Modeling and optimization of thermal systems with a focus on
heat-pumping equipment, such as vapor compression, absorption, and some
advanced heat-pumping cycles. Students combine the use of thermodynamics, heat
transfer, fluid mechanics, and numerical methods to develop and apply
mathematical models for the analysis and optimization of specific equipment.
Offered in alternate years. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 51900 - Introduction To Wind Energy

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is intended for the undergraduate and graduate
engineer or scientist who is interested in the wind energy technology; introduce the
students to the technology and economics of converting wind energy to electricity
and the environmental concerns of wind energy. Topics include: Introduction to
renewable energy; Wind characteristics; Wind resource estimation; Wind Turbine
aerodynamics; Wind energy system economics, Wind turbine sitting and
Environmental aspect and impact. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Specify the features for different kind of renewable energy,

which includes solar, wind, geothermal, ocean, hydro and biomass. 2. Based on the
given raw wind data, students can calculate the wind power density, the wind
turbine power and Torque. Can analysis the economics of wind energy. 3. Can tell
the local effects to wind characteristics by comparing different given local
conditions, students will be able to calculate wind shear and various turbulent
parameters in problems assigned in homework or project. 4. Based on the given
raw wind data, students can do the preliminary wind energy assessment, which will
eventually generate the wind power density map for a selected location. 5. Apply
wind turbine aerodynamics analysis the flow fields around wind turbine blade for a
given test case.

ME 52100 - Air Quality Modeling

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is intended for the undergraduate and graduate
engineer or scientist who is interested in the modeling of air pollution: the basic
concepts of air quality and air pollution modeling; overview of practical and
advanced approaches to air pollution modeling; evaluation and applications to air
pollution related modeling. In order to obtain accurate assessments and forecasts
of the effects of air contaminant dispersion, modeling based on solution of the
nonlinear equations of fluid motion using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a
good choice. In this course, problems of engineering interest will be examined,

related to both indoor and outdoor contaminant dispersion. Some of the homework
problems will require use of a CFD code several source codes will be provided as
well as access to commercial CFD codes. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the methods used for air pollution

measurements and the air pollution and meteorology concepts. 2. Understand the
fundamentals of air quality modeling and transport theory, particle dynamics
theory. 3. Apply transport theory to analyze or modeling air pollution problems. 4.
Understand and Apply Air Pollution Concentration models for solving contaminant
transport problem. 5. Understand and apply the contaminant transport models for
solving contaminant transport problems. 6. Understand the theory and apply those
for indoor-outdoor air pollution modeling.

ME 52200 - Indoor Environmental Analysis And Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Review of current trend of building and indoor environment
design. Theory of thermal comfort, indoor air quality, visual comfort, and acoustic
comfort. Introduction of experimental techniques and advanced computer tools for
indoor environment analysis and design. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

Learning Objectives: 1. Provide an introduction into and practical examples of

indoor environment. 2. Present the basic theory of thermal comfort, indoor air
quality, visual comfort, acoustics comfort and HVAC systems. 3. Introduce
advanced tool to analyze and design indoor environment and energy use in
buildings. 4. Conduct indoor environment analysis and design for a challenging

ME 52300 - Electronics System Cooling

Credit Hours: 3.00. This is an introduction to thermal analysis and management of
electronic equipment with focus on cooling of electronic devices. The emphasis of
this course is on the application of fundamental heat transfer principles to predict
thermal load, temperature distribution, and hot-spot in electronics. Topics include:
Introduction to various modes of heat transfer; Fins and heat sinks- design,
analysis, and optimization; thermoelectric and refrigeration cooling; nanofluids,
liquid cooling, boiling heat transfer and phase change thermal storage system; heat
pipes; Analysis and design studies for chip modules, printed circuit boards; and
trends in thermal packaging. The course is aimed primarily to ME graduate students
specializing in thermal and fluid science area. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand thermal/fluid issues in electronics

manufacturing and assembly. 2. Analyze conduction in printed circuit boards and

chip packages. 3. Analyze convection cooling in electronics. 4. Understand solidliquid thermal storage systems. 5. Design and optimization of heat sinks. 6.
Perform thermal analysis on compact models of chip packages and heat sinks.

ME 52400 - Design And Analysis-Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is an introduction to analysis and design of HVAC&R
system. The emphasis is on the application of fundamental heat transfer and fluid
mechanics principles to analyze HVAC systems. The topics covered includes:
Introduction and basic concepts, Psychometrics, air conditioning systems,
equipment selection, duct design and piping design. Heating and cooling loads,

solar radiation and heat transmission in buildings. Heat pumps. Application of air
conditioning to residences, computer rooms, light commercial and high-rise
buildings. The course is aimed primarily to ME graduate students specializing in
thermal and fluid science area. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand thermal/fluid issues in HVAC&R system. 2.

Solve HVAC&R problems using psychometric charts. 3. Perform load calculations. 4.

Apply basic heat transfer concepts to determine heating and cooling load
requirements. 5. Gain basic understanding of the duct design and analysis.

ME 52500 - Combustion
Credit Hours: 3.00. Physical and chemical aspects of basic combustion phenomena.
Chemical energetics and equilibrium. Basic chemical kinetics, chain reactions, and
explosions. Chain and thermal ignition. Homogeneous combustion models.
Detonations and deflagrations. Laminar flame speed and flame extinction. The
Shvab-Zeldovich formulation of the multicomponent conservation equations.
Diffusion flames and droplet combustion. Introduction to turbulent combustion.
Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 52600 - Spray Applications And Theory

Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory of spray formation and evolution as well as treating a
host of spray applications. Topics include drop size distributions, breakup of liquid
sheets and ligaments, drop formation and breakup, drop motion and the interaction
between a spray and its surroundings, drop evaporation, nozzle internal fluid
mechanics, external spray characteristics, nozzle performance, and experimental
techniques relevant to these subjects. Applications include: (1) agricultural sprays,
(2) consumer products, (3) gas turbine combustion, (4) heat transfer, (5) internal
combustion engines, (6) paints and coatings, (7) pharmaceutical and medicinal
sprays, and (8) spray drying. Offered in alternate years. Offered in alternate years.
Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 53200 - Statistical Concepts In Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 52501). This course is directed toward the graduate
student who has never had a statistics course or whose last statistics course was
taken some time ago and a refresher course is required. The primary purpose of
this course is to provide a basic understanding of fundamental probability and
statistical principles, their underlying assumptions, and their use in data analysis
using real-world engineering problems. The course is aimed primarily to
engineering graduate students interested in project management. Prerequisite:
Graduate standing and proficiency in Calculus. Typically offered Fall Spring
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Have knowledge of basic statistical algorithms and

techniques applied to Engineering problems. 2. Possess abilities to use correctly

several statistical tools applied to a real problem. 3. Be able to properly select and
apply the statistical tools applied to Engineering fields and evaluate the derived
consequences of their conclusions.

ME 53300 - Turbomachinery II
Credit Hours: 3.00. Aerodynamic analysis and design of axial flow and radial flow
gas compressors and gas turbines. Blade element performance (deflection, profile
and shock losses, etc.). Meridional flow analysis for general radial equilibrium.
Secondary flow and end-wall boundary layer models. Centrifugal compressor
modeling. Unsteady flow, rotating stall, and surge. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 53400 - System Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. (ECE 52701). In todays environment, there is an everincreasing need to develop and produce systems that are robust, reliable, high
quality, supportable, cost-effective, and responsive to the needs of the customer or
user. Reflecting these worldwide trends, System Engineering course introduces
students to the full range of system engineering concepts, tools, and techniques,
emphasizing the application of principles and concepts of system engineering and
the way these principles aid in the development, utilization, and support of
systems. The course covers systems engineering from both a technical and
management perspective. The course is aimed primarily to engineering graduate
students interested in project management. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the design of quality into products and

processes using design of experiments including robust/parameter design and

tolerance design techniques. 2. Learn that design of experiments is a systematic
and efficient method of design optimization for performance, quality, and cost in
quality engineering. 3. Be able to use statistical quality control to improve the
product and/or process quality for a given design.

ME 53800 - Air Breathing Propulsion

Credit Hours: 3.00. (A&AE 53800) Analysis of operating characteristics of turbojet,
turbofan, turboshaft, afterburning, and ramjet propulsion systems. Analysis and
design of inlet, diffuser, combustor, compressor, turbine, and nozzle. Component
matching and off-design performance. Inlet distortion, nozzle-afterbody, and
installation losses. Mission analysis. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 54000 - Internal Combustion Engines

Credit Hours: 3.00. Spark-ignition and compression-ignition engine processes.
Study of the fundamentals of turbulence, boundary, layers, liquid atomization,

sprays, combustion, and pollutant formation as applied to engines. Engine after

treatment. Modeling of engine flows, sprays, combustion, and pollutants. Offered in
alternate years. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Study the fundamentals of turbulence, boundary layers,

liquid atomization, sprays, combustion, and pollutant formation as applied to

internal combustion engines. 2. Study the modeling of engine flows, sprays,
combustion, and pollutant formation in internal combustion engines.

ME 54200 - Introduction To Renewable Energy

Credit Hours: 3.00. An introductory course on renewable energy. Students will learn
the fundamental principles of the various renewable energy options and their
applications and costs. After taking this course, students will be familiar with the
economic and societal impact of renewable energy systems, and be able to
participate in the design or selection of renewable energy systems. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

ME 54300 - Advanced Engineering Economics
Credit Hours: 3.00. Effective project managers have complete command of their
project costs and a thorough understanding of the financial aspects of their

business. This course reviews the fundamentals of accounting, examines project

cost accounting principles, applications, and impact on profitability; examines the
principles of project costing; covers the elements involved in cash management;
introduces the framework for how projects are financed and the potential impact
financing has on the projects; and a framework for using an effective project cost
system. This course is aimed primarily to engineering graduate students interested
in project management. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Students will understand how the project cost system

works and how it functions in the context of corporate accounting. 2. They will learn
how to set fees to make a profit; how to read corporate financial statements and
understand what the numbers mean; concepts of budgeting; and does that data tell
a story. 3. Students will understand the basics they need to be effective project
managers (and to some extent, firm managers) having full command of the project
cost accounting system and its role in delivering a project on time and in budget. 4.
Students will learn to analyze engineering costs and capital investments, and the
ability to compare and select individual projects.

ME 54500 - Finite Element Analysis: Advanced Theory And Applications

Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory of the course covers various algorithms for non-linear
and time-depended problems in two and three dimensions. Applications of the
course cover the advanced topics with problems chosen from solid mechanics, heat
transfer, and fluid dynamics. Commercial FEA packages such as ANSYS and/or
Abaqus are applied to solve various engineering problems. Students must possess
an appropriate level of mathematics and programming skills to understand, develop
and problem solvers for finite element models. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
Learning Objectives: 1. An ability to perform complete FE formulations for

engineering analysis. 2. An ability to write computer codes for a finite element

model. 3. An ability to use commercial FEA software to solve engineering problems.
4. An ability to apply finite element methods in design engineering components or
systems. 5. An ability to write technical reports and convey engineering message

ME 54600 - CAD/CAM Theory And Advanced Applications

Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory of CAD/CAM. Geometric modeling for seamless
CAD/CAM integration. Solid modeling data structure design/manipulation. CAD and
CAM tools with a focus on product development integration and automation.
Machining theory, automated CNC machining, and process control. CAD/CAM
applications using programming languages and open architecture kernel for
modeling. Projects involve CAD/CAM aspects for advanced engineering. Typically
offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

ME 54900 - Practical Experience In Vibrations
Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory and application of experimental structural dynamics.
Experimental techniques in model analysis, impedance modeling, and basic
nonlinear vibrations. Time, frequency, and spatial characteristics of vibrating
systems. Virtual and real-time demonstrations and experiments. Vehicle vibrations
in ride, machinery diagnostics, and health monitoring of structural materials and
components. Typically offered Spring.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Laboratory, Lecture

Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr

Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Introduce/review the theory of linear mechanical vibrations.

2. Learn how to model and analyze single/multi-degree-of-freedom (SDOF/MDOF)

systems in free and forced vibration. 3. Learn how to plan experiments/tests and
interpret dynamic response data using modern technology. 4. Introduce basic
experimental methods, vibration hardware and advanced analysis techniques like
modal analysis, impedance modeling and experimental nonlinear dynamics.

ME 55000 - Advanced Stress Analysis

Credit Hours: 3.00. Studies of stresses and strains in three-dimensional problems.
Failure theories and yield criteria. Stress function approach to two-dimensional
problems. Bending of nonhomogeneous asymmetric curved beams. Torsion of bars
with noncircular cross sections. Energy methods. Elastic stability. Introduction to
plates. Students may not receive credit for both ME 550 and ME 570. Typically
offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

ME 55100 - Finite Element Analysis
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to the basic principles of finite element method.
Weak variational form of boundary-value problems. Finite element formulation of
one- and two-dimensional boundary-value problems. Time-dependent problems.
Computer implementation. Examples are chosen from heat transfer, solid
mechanics, and fluid mechanics areas. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Offered By: Regional Campus Only

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

ME 55200 - Advanced Applications of Finite Element Method
Credit Hours: 3.00. Various algorithms for nonlinear and time-dependent problems
in two and three dimensions. Emphasis on advanced applications with problems
chosen from fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and solid mechanics areas. Independent
project required. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

ME 55300 - Product And Process Design
Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental principles of product and process design to
produce a marketable product, develop a preliminary business strategy, and
construct an operational prototype. Overview of relevant principles related to
product and process design. Market analysis, design parrameters, manufacturing
prototype plan, production process plan, and a business strategy developed in
teams. Broad overview of the entire product development process, including
patents, commercialization of new technologies, and the higherly interdisciplinary
nature of product design through industry guest lectures. Impact of information
technologies and the Internet on product design, prototyping, marketing, and
customization. Product prototype is required. Design and product software
information technology service-type concepts. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 55400 - Intellectual Property For Engineers

Credit Hours: 1.00. Survey of the law of patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and
copyrights, with special emphasis on the process of defining inventions broadly and
diversely. Obtaining, registering, licensing, and litigation of intellectual property.
Typically offered Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 55600 - Lubrication, Friction & Wear

Credit Hours: 3.00. Science, technology, and application of lubricated interacting
surfaces in relative motion. Advanced analysis techniques and hands-on exposure
to modern experimental methods provide an enhanced understanding of
fundamental principles of lubrication, friction, and wear. Basics of design and
analysis of machine components operating in the presence of air and liquid
lubricants. Rolling fatigue, friction and wear models, and measurement techniques.
Offered in alternate years. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 55700 - Design For Manufacturability

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to manufacturing concerns, such as efficient
design, producibility, and quality, which must be considered early in the
engineering design process. Topics include the product development cycle,
manufacturing process selection, tolerancing, quality function deployment (QFD),
design for assembly (DFA), quality control techniques, Taguchi's robust design
methodology, life cycle engineering, and reliability. Laboratory projects in the area
of tolerancing, assembly, and manufacturability are included along with a project
from industry in which the students can disassemble, analyze, and redesign a
product while obtaining feedback from industry concerning manufacturability.
Typically offered Fall.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 55800 - Composite Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. Portential applications of composite materials. Basic concepts of
fiber reinforced composites. Manufacturing, micro- and macro-mechanics, and
static analysis of composite laminates. Performance (fatigue and fracture) and their
application to engineering design. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of

ME 55900 - Micromechanics Of Materials
Credit Hours: 3.00. Prediction of the macroscopie behavior of materials from their
microstructure and the design of new materials. Microstructure-property
relationships between the macroscopie material behavior and microscopic structure.
Application to traditional structure as well as to new engineering materials.
Adapting emerging constitutive relations into structure analyses. Introduction of
this new approach to materials, its applications in predictive analysis tools, and its
importance in simulation-based engineering. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 56000 - Kinematics
Credit Hours: 3.00. Geometry of constrained plane motion with applications to
linkage design. Type and number synthesis, size synthesis. Path curvature,
inflection circle, cubic of stationary curvature. Finite displacements, three and four
separated positions. Graphical, analytical, and computer techniques. Typically
offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 56100 - Optimal Design: Theory With Practice

Credit Hours: 3.00. Optimization as an element of engineering design process. Case
studies which demonstrate the theory and application of nonlinear programming as
a design tool. Comparative examination of unconstrained algorithms. Development
and application of methods for the constrained case. Selected contemporary topics.
Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 56200 - Advanced Dynamics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Dynamics of multi-degrees-of-freedom mechanical systems.
Holonomic and nonholonomic constraints. Lagrange's equations of motion.
Hamilton's principle for holonomic systems. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid body
motion, including momentum and energy methods. Linearized equations of motion.
Classification of vibratory systems - gyroscopic, circulatory forces. Stability of linear
systems - divergence and flutter. Applications to gyroscopes, satellite dynamics,
etc. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 56300 - Mechanical Vibrations

Credit Hours: 3.00. Review of systems with one degree for freedom. LaGrange's
equations of motion for multiple degree of freedom systems. Introduction to matrix
methods. Transfer functions for harmonic response, impulse response, and step
response. Convolution integrals for response to arbitrary inputs. Principle
frequencies and modes. Applications to critical speeds, meassuring instruments,
isolation, torsional systems. Introduction to nonlinear problems. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 56400 - Vibrations Of Discretized Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory of small oscillations of discrete or discretized systems of
high dimensionality. Formulation of equations of motion using Lagrange's equation
and the influence coefficients. Finite element reductions of continuous systems.
Natural frequencies and modes: numerical methods. Free vibrations and forced
vibration characteristics; modal expansion; approximation techniques; damping.
Assembly of large systems from subsystems concepts, impedance techniques.
Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 56500 - Vehicle Dynamics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Modeling of wheeled vehicles to predict performance, handling,
and ride. Effects of vehicle center of mass, tire characteristics, traction and slip,
engine characteristics, and gear ratios on performance. Suspension design. Steady
state and transient handling models of four-wheeled vehicles and car-trailer
systems to determine oversteer and understeer characteristics, critical speeds, and
stability. Multi-degree-of-freedom ride models, including tire and suspension
compliance. Computer simulations. Current research topics in vehicle vibration
isolation. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 56700 - Dynamical Problems In Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Design of devices required to have specified dynamic
characteristics. Modeling of linear and nonlinear systems and determination of their
performance under deterministic and random inputs. Analytical and approximate
methods, including computer solutions. Individual project involves modeling,
analysis, and system simulation of an actual physical system's motion. Typically
offered Fall.

3.000 Credit hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Review of fundamentals of kinematics, dynamics, and

vibrations. 2. Modeling dynamic systems. 3. Modeling interaction with environment

and determination of response. 4. Investigation of case studies.

ME 56900 - Mechanical Behavior Of Materials

Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of load and environmental conditions that influence the
behavior of materials in service. Elastic and plastic behavior, fracture, fatigue, low
and high temperature behavior. Fracture mechanics. Failure analysis case studies
emphasis on design. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 57000 - Machine Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Analysis of stresses and deflections due to complicated loading.
Investigation of specific design problems through application of theory of elasticity,
failure criteria, energy approach, and numerical methods. Individual design project.

Typically offered Fall.

3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 57100 - Reliability Based Design

Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic concepts of probability and random variables. Timedependent reliability models. Strength-based reliability and interference theory.
Weakest-link and fail-safe systems. Extremal distributions. Monte Carlo methods.
Maintainability and availability. Fault tree analysis. Quality control and reliability.
Offered in alternate years. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 57200 - Analysis And Design Of Robotic Manipulators

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the analysis and design of robotic manipulators.
Topics include: kinematic configurations, forward and inverse position solution,
velocity and acceleration, path planning, workspace analysis, force and torque
solutions, rigid body dynamics, motors and actuators, robot design, sensors and
controls, computer simulation, and graphical animation. Typically offered Spring.

3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 57300 - Interactive Computer Graphics

Credit Hours: 3.00. (C S 53500) The principles of computer graphics and interactive
graphical methods for problem solving. Emphasis placed on both development and
use of graphical tools for various display devices. Several classes of graphics
hardware considered in detail. Topics include hardcopy plotting, refresh displays,
dynamic techniques, three-dimensional transformations and hierarchical modeling,
color, modeling of geometry, and hidden surface removal. Projects involve
programming of interactive computer graphics applications. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 57500 - Theory And Design Of Control Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Covers the analysis and design of control systems from both a
classical and modern viewpoint, with emphasis on design of controllers. Classical
control design is reviewed, including both root locus and Bode domain design
methodologies. The state space representation is introduced, along with notions of
stability, controllability, and observability. State feedback controllers for pole
placement and state observers are discussed with emphasis in their frequency

domain implications. Typically offered Fall.

3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
PU Fort Wayne
West Lafayette

ME 57600 - Computer Control Of Manufacturing Processes

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental elements for manufacturing process control are
presented with advanced control theories, modeling and analysis of actuators,
controller architecture, interfacing and programming. Emphasis is on computer
integrated manufacturing with computer numerical control of machine tools,
automation via programmable logic controllers, motion control, process control
examples, and manufacturing process monitoring. Hands-on experience is attained
through laboratory experiments with state-of-the-art equipment. Typically offered
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Laboratory, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 57700 - Human Motion Kinetics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Study of kinetics related to human motion. Review of human
anatomy and anthropometric data. Planar and three-dimensional kinematic analysis
of gross human motion. Detailed kinematic studies of human joints. Newton-Euler
and Lagrangian methods for joint torques. Muscle force and power analysis. Studies
on walking, jumping, cycling, and throwing exercises. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 57800 - Digital Control

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to, and overview of, the field of digital control.
Prior knowledge of continuous control techniques is assumed. Topics include
mathematical background from residue theory through integral transforms;
sampled data systems, including A/D, D/A, and hold properties, aliasing, and Z
transforms. Digital control design via continuous, discrete, and state space design
techniques. Implementation considerations, including nonlinear effects. Mechanical
engineering examples. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 57900 - Fourier Methods In Digital Signal Processing

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamentals of signal processing associated with Fourier
analyzer systems are presented. Emphasis is on amplitude accuracy and frequency
resolution properties necessary for reliable experimental methodologies in system
identification, spectrum estimation, and correlation analysis. Deterministic, as well
as random, data analyses are presented. Students are required to develop
algorithms that significantly expand the utility of Fourier analyzer systems.
Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 58000 - Nonlinear Engineering Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Methods of analysis for nonlinear ordinary differential equations
arising in engineering systems. Review of linear systems. Stability concepts. Phase
plane methods. Perturbation and averaging methods of analysis. Self-excited and
parametrically-excited systems. Relaxation oscillations. Systems with more than
one degree of freedom. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 58100 - Numerical Methods In Mechanical Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00. The solution of problems arising in mechanical engineering
using numerical methods. Topics include nonlinear algebraic equations, sets of
linear algebraic equations, eigenvalue problems, interpolation, curve fitting,
ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. Applications
include fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics,
vibrations, automatic control systems, kinematics, and design. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette

ME 58300 - Design Of Heat Exchangers

Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to the thermal design theory of heat
exchangers in steady state and transient operation, and thermo-mechanical design
challenges as applied to various heat exchanger configurations. Topics include:
Classification of heat exchangers; Methods of analyzing various heat exchanger;
Pressure drop analysis and flow distribution; Design considerations for
regenerators, plate-fin, shell-and-tube heat exchangers; etc; Optimization of heat
exchanger design; and methods od predicting heat exchangers fouling. Typically
offered Fall Spring Summer.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the thermal design theory of heat exchanger:

- NTU method, Generalized effectiveness-NTU relation, LMTD method, P-NTU

method, determine pressure drop across a heat exchanger, etc. 2. Design and
evaluate the performance of a heat exchanger using appropriate design
considerations and methodology; and optimize a heat exchanger design. 3.
Understand and analyze Indirect-type heat exchanger, shell-and-tube, parallel-andcounter-floer, and compact heat exchanger, etc.

ME 58500 - Instrumentation For Engineering Measurements

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental concepts of static and dynamic measurements are
reviewed. Transducers, signal conditioning, data transmission, and digital data
acquisition systems are discussed. Emphasis is on applications and dynamic
measurements. Offered in alternate years. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 58600 - Microprocessors In Electromechanical Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Architecture of microcomputers; operating systems, logic
functions, logic circuit design; I/O structure and interfacing; assembly language,
manual assembly; software and hardware interrupts; data acquisition, serial and
parallel communications; the role of high level languages. Laboratory experiments
on applications to electrical, mechanical, and thermofluid systems. Typically offered
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Laboratory, Lecture, Practice Study Observation
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 58700 - Engineering Optics

Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamentals of geometrical and physical optics as related to
problems in engineering design and research. Characteristics of imaging systems;
properties of light sources; optical properties of materials. Diffraction, interference,
polarization, and scattering phenomena as related to optical measurement
techniques. Introduction to lasers and holography. (Laboratory work can be
undertaken for additional credit by special arrangement.). Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 58800 - Mechatronics - Integrated Design Of Electro-Mechanical Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Electronic and interfacing techniques for design and control of
electro-mechanical systems. Basic digital and analog design with applications to
electro-mechanical interfacing via hands-on laboratory experience. Commonly used
actuators and sensors and corresponding interfacing techniques. Realistic and
integrated product development experience provided through a comprehensive final
project where working prototypes are built to defined specifications. Typically
offered Fall.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Laboratory, Lecture

Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr

Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette

ME 59200 - Fundamentals Of Particle Image Velocimetry

Credit Hours: 1.00. Measurement of fluids in motion using the particle image
velocimetry technique and related techniques through computer programming,
laboratory experiments, and independent research in experimental fluids journals.
Typically offered Spring.
1.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the various scientific principles underlying the

particle image velocimetry technique - fluid dynamics, particle dynamics, optics,

etc. 2. Gain an in-depth understanding of the PIV technique including its
advantages over competing techniques, its limitations, and its future potential. 3.
An ability to analyze a particular flow and determine the optimal parameter space
for investigating that flow: particle size, time between exposures, imaging format,
magnification, etc. 4. Exposure to several of the commercial particle image
velocimetry packages in addition to writing their own basic software.

ME 59500 - Special-Topic Minicourses

Credit Hours: 1.00. A series of one-credit-hour courses on special topics offered as
ME 59500, 59500, etc. These special-topic minicourses will provide an opportunity
for introducing students to topics of contemporary importance or special interest
that fall outside the scope of the curriculum. Information about current offerings
may be obtained from the schedule of classes or the mechanical engineering

registration deputy. Typically offered Fall Spring.

1.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Attributes:

Upper Division, Variable Title

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME 60101 - Computational Modeling Of Turbulence

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course consists of three parts. The first part is on the
fundamentals of turbulence inlcuding turbulence concepts, statistical description,
and Kolmogorov hypothesis. The second part covers major practical modeling
concepts and formulations such as direct numerical simulation (DNS), large eddy
numercial simulation (LES), and Reynolds averaged Navier-stokes simulation
(RANS). The third part is team project related to turbulence computation with
applications in environment, industry, biomechanics for visualizing and experiencing
turbulence. Prerequisite: Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (ME 50900) or consent of
instructor. Typically offered Fall Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Department: IUPUI Courses-IUPUI

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Learning Objectives: 1. Explain the concept of the existence and uniqueness of an

optimal solution. 2. Understand unconstrained optimization methods for single and

multiple variables. 3. Understand the use of applying various types of constraints to
numerical optimization. 4. Apply response surface methods to model complex
engineering systems. 5. Apply design of experiments techniques to model a design

space. 6. Solve numerical optimization problems of n-variables with constraints. 7.

Use of a practical software package to solve typical engineering problems. 8. Model
a realsitic engineering design optimization problem as a semester project.
ME 60500 - Convection Of Heat And Mass
Credit Hours: 3.00. Heat and mass transfer in moving fluid media; free, forced, and
mixed convection for internal and external flows; differential and integral
treatments of boundary layer problems; convection analogies for heat, mass, and
momentum transfer; combined heat and mass transfer with chemical reactions;
special topics and applications to electronic cooling, materials processing,
transpiration and film cooling. Prerequisite: ME 31500. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 60600 - Radiation Heat Transfer
Credit Hours: 3.00. Thermodynamics and physics of radiation and its interaction
with interfaces and matter; radiation characteristics of surfaces and radiation
properties of solids, liquids, and gases; analysis of radiation exchange between real
and idealized surfaces; fundamentals of radiation transfer in absorbing, emitting,
and scattering media; interaction of radiation with conduction and convection;
remote temperature sensing and applications to selected problems involving
combined energy transfer mechanisms. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: ME
31500. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 60800 - Numerical Methods In Heat, Mass, And Momentum Transfer

Credit Hours: 3.00. Governing conservation equations and their classification

according to numerical properties. Discretization by Taylor series, weighted
residual, and control volume methods. Solution of systems of algebraic equations.
Discretization and solution of the convection-diffusion equation. Methods of solving
the equations governing fluid flow. Mathematical modeling of turbulence,
combustion, and radiation. Prerequisite: ME 50500, 58100. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
ME 61000 - Boundary Layer Theory
Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamentals of continuum fluid mechanics; Navier-Stokes
equations. Laminar flow; boundary-layer concept; similarity solutions;
transformation methods; integral and finite difference solution techniques for
general pressure gradients. Should be preceded by intermediate fluid mechanics.
Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 61100 - Principles Of Turbulence
Credit Hours: 3.00. Methods of description and basic equations for turbulent flows.
Isotropic and homogeneous turbulence, energy spectra, and correlations.
Introduction to measurements. Transition theory and experimental evidence. Wall
turbulence, engineering calculations of turbulent boundary layers. Free turbulent
jets and wakes. Prerequisite: ME 61000. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 61200 - Continuum Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3.00. A unified and exact mathematical treatment of the mechanics of
solids and fluids. Cartesian tensor algebra and calculus; stress tensor, principle
stresses and invariants; material and spatial coordinates, deformation gradient,
strain and stretch tensors; balance of mass, momentum, and energy; constitutive
equations of elasticity, hyperelasticity, viscous fluids and viscoelasticity. Typically
offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 61300 - Advanced Engineering Acoustics
Credit Hours: 3.00. An extension of M E 513. Sound transmission between two
media. Acoustic resonators and application to muffler theory. Structural radiation
and sound. Acoustical measurements and signal processing: sound intensity,
surface intensity, coherence and cepstral techniques. Numerical acoustics: finite
element analysis, boundary integral equation analysis and statistical energy
analysis. Advanced topics. Prerequisite: ME 51300. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
ME 61400 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of finite difference methods, finite element methods,
and the method of characteristics for the numerical solution of fluid dynamics
problems. Incompressible viscous flows: vorticity transport equation, stream
function equation, and boundary conditions. Compressible flows: treatment of
shocks, implicit and explicit artificial viscosity techniques, and boundary conditions.
Computational grids. Prerequisite: ME 50900 or 51000 or 58100. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Indiana College Network, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

Indiana College Network
West Lafayette
ME 61500 - Aeroacoustics
Credit Hours: 3.00. (AAE 61500) Quantitative measures of sound (decibel scales,
spectra, energetics of acoustic motions, and measurement techiques). The wave
theory of sound (basic equations and properties, sound propagation in
homogeneous and inhomogeneous media, one-, two- and three-dimensional sound
fields and distributed sources). Effects of source movement. Aerodynamic noise
generation - acoustic analogy (Lighthill's equation and fowcs Williams-Hawkings
equation). Introduction to Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA). Noise from turbulent
shear flows (jet noise, cavity noise, and noise from flow over objects). Noise from
turbomachinery, propellers, and rotors. Prerequisite: ME 30900 or 51300 or AAE
51100. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr

Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
ME 62500 - Advanced Combustion
Credit Hours: 3.00. Coupling of the energy, species, and mass conservation
equations with the momentum equation. Statistical treatment of turbulence and the
problems of interactions of turbulence with chemistry, radiation, and two-phase
flows. Critical study of at least 10 seminal and recent contributions in the
combustion literature. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: ME 52500. Typically
offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 64000 - Structural Acoustics
Credit Hours: 3.00. Waves in fluids and structures, dispersion relations, sound
radiation from structures, radiation efficiency, radiation from concentrated forces,
effect of fluid loading on wave propagation, transmission of sound through barriers,
effect of panel lining, enclosures, acoustically induced vibration of structures and
numerical calculation of fluid-structure interaction. Offered in alternate years.
Prerequisite: ME 51300, 56300. Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette

ME 66400 - Vibrations Of Continuous Systems

Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory of small oscillations of continuous systems. Love's
equations for thin shells, reduction to special cases of shallow shells, plates, beams,
etc. Initial stresses; influence of shear; thermal excitation. Initial value problems;
forced vibrations; structural damping. The dynamic Green's function, impedance
concepts; variational approaches. Experimental procedures, scaling, composite, and
stiffened shells. Prerequisite: knowledge of one degree of freedom system
vibrations. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 66700 - Advanced Dynamical Problems In Machine Design
Credit Hours: 3.00. Design of devices dependent upon velocity or acceleration-time
relationships; differential equations of motion to obtain design data and operating
characteristics; analytical solutions. Prerequisite: a first course in dynamics.
Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 67500 - Multivariable Control System Designs
Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamentals of the frequency response loop shaping
methodology for the analysis and design of robust multivariable control systems will
be presented. Emphasis is on suitable extensions of the classical Bode-Nyquist
design techniques to systems with not only uncertain parameters but also multiple
inputs and outputs. Instrument and environmental signal level constraints on the

performance of control systems will be critically evaluated. Students are required to

develop ability to handle open-ended design issues involving significant
multiobjective performance trade-offs. Prerequisite: ME 57500. Typically offered
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
ME 67700 - Nonlinear Feedback Controller Design
Credit Hours: 3.00. Controller design and analysis of nonlinear feedback systems.
Topics include the design of linear/nonlinear feedback controllers. Describing
Function (DF) techniques for design, Popov and Generalized Circle Criterion for
closed loop stability, functional analysis and Volterra series approaches, and
introduction to existing nonlinear controller design tools. Offered in alternate years.
Prerequisite: ME 67500. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 68000 - Bifurcations And Chaos
Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic concepts in stability of systems, nonlinear dynamical
systems, and bifurcation theory. Algebraic and geometric techniques for local
bifurcation analysis. Models governed by difference, ordinary, and partical
differential equations. Examples from mechanical, structural, chemical, and
electrical systems. Models of chaotic behavior. Techniques for prediction of chaos.
Routes to chaos. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: ME 58000. Typically
offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate

Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME 68100 - Finite And Boundary Element Methods

Credit Hours: 3.00. The solution of problems in mechanical engineering using the
generalized numerical techniques; the finite element method and the boundary
element method. Topics include reformulation of partial differential equations into
appropriate form for each method. The development and implementation of code
and solution of problems. Applications include: acoustics, fluid dynamics, heat
transfer, design, mechanics and biomechanics. Prerequisite: ME 58100. Typically
offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 68700 - Laser Diagnostics For Reacting Flows
Credit Hours: 3.00. The principles of spectroscopic laser diagnostics including
absorption, fluorescence, and Raman scattering techniques. Theory of the
interaction of laser radiation with atomic and molecular resonances. Lasers and
detectors for optical diagnostics. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: ME 50100.
Typically offered Fall.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr

Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
ME 68900 - Adaptive Control
Credit Hours: 3.00. Theory and application of adaptive control of linear systems in
both continuous and discrete time domain. Real-time parameter estimation
algorithms, direct and indirect adaptive methods, deterministic self-tuning
regulators, Lyapunov stability theory, input-output stability, model-reference
adaptive control, stability and convergence of adaptive algorithms, robustness, and
implementation issues, with laboratory experiments and demonstrations. Offered in
alternate years. Prerequisite: ME 57500. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Lecture
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette Continuing Ed

West Lafayette
Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of

ME 69800 - Research MS Thesis
Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research MS Thesis. Permission of instructor required.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 18.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Research
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:


West Lafayette
Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME 69900 - Research PhD Thesis

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research PhD Thesis. Permission of instructor
required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 18.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Research
Offered By: School of Mechanical Engr
Department: Mechanical Engineering

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

West Lafayette
Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME C1840 - Cooperative Education Practice I

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related
career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for an intended
career with a business, industry, or government agency. A comprehensive written
report on the internship practice is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME C2840 - Cooperative Education Practice II

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related
career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for an intended
career with a business, industry, or government agency. A comprehensive written
report on the internship practice is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME C3840 - Cooperative Education Practice III

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related
career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for an intended
career with a business, industry, or government agency. A comprehensive written
report on the internship practice is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME C4830 - Cooperative Education Practice IV

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related
career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for an intended
career with a business, industry, or government agency. A comprehensive written
report on the internship practice is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME I1840 - Career Enrichment Internship I

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related
career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for entering an
initial or second career. A comprehensive written report on the internship
experience is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME I2840 - Career Enrichment Internship II

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related

career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for entering an
initial or second career. A comprehensive written report on the internship
experience is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Lower Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME I3840 - Career Enrichment Internship III

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related
career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for entering an
initial or second career. A comprehensive written report on the internship
experience is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of


ME I4840 - Career Enrichment Internship V

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. A semester or summer of external, full-time, related
career experiences designed to enhance the student's preparedness for entering an

initial or second career. A comprehensive written report on the internship

experience is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
1.000 TO 5.000 Credit hours
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Experiential
Offered By: Regional Campus Only
Course Attributes:

Upper Division

May be offered at any of the following campuses:

Repeatable for Additional Credit: Yes - May be repeated an unlimited number of






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