Sedation in The Icu

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Use of sedatives in the Learning objectives

critically ill After reading this article, you should be able to:
Marcus Peck
C list at least three goals of sedation
C discuss the use (and limitations) of three sedation scoring tools
Jim Down C outline the evidence for daily sedation holds.

Abstract To permit nursing care

Sedation is necessary for the care of most critically ill patients and yet it is
Routine nursing care requires the observation of frequent vital
not without risk. No agent is ideal and each has potentially deleterious
signs and regular rolling and repositioning of the patient.
sequelae, particularly in the context of organ dysfunction. Tailoring the
Adequate analgesia and sedation can relieve the resulting
regimen to each individual patient is essential but certain strategies
discomfort, improve endotracheal tube tolerance and reduce the
such as the protocolized use of sedation scoring systems and daily inter-
risk of unplanned extubation.
ruptions have been shown to enhance patient outcome. Here, we review
these subjects and the evidence that underscores current clinical practice. To reduce oxygen consumption
Sedation may be used to help moderate global oxygen
Keywords daily interruptions; goals; holds; protocol; Ramsay; RASS; consumption in conditions when delivery is compromised. In
SAS; SAT; sedation; scoring patients with traumatic brain-injury, sedation may be required to
minimize cerebral oxygen consumption.

To control delirium
Acutely confused patients are a potential risk to themselves and
their caregivers. Patients with hyperactive delirium may make an
The goals of sedation injurious attempt to climb out of bed, assault staff or inadver-
Analgesia tently remove airways, catheters and devices essential for their
Analgesia must be the primary concern. Surgical wounds, line care. It is also pertinent to mention, however, that some seda-
insertion and tracheal suctioning can make life very uncomfort- tives (e.g. benzodiazepines) are also causes of delirium.
able for critically ill patients. In addition to unnecessary If sedation is not administered carefully the patient can be put
suffering, untreated pain may result in neurohumoural stress, at considerable risk (see Box 1).
pulmonary dysfunction (secondary to guarding of chest wall
and/or abdomen), inadequate sleep, agitation, exhaustion and
potentially long-term psychological damage.
The hazards of under- and over-sedation
The relief of dyspnoea
The feeling of not being able to breathe is intensely frightening. Risks of under-sedation
The resulting increased respiratory drive has the potential for C Severe anxiety and agitation
ventilator dyssynchrony and worsening hypoxaemia. In health, C Cardiovascular instability (hypertension, tachycardia, increased
coughing is an important reflex that is essential for sputum oxygen consumption)
clearance but, in a critically ill, mechanically ventilated patient, C Stress response (hypercoagulability, immunosuppression,
coughing can compromise gas exchange and risks barotrauma. catabolism)
This reflex can be suppressed by deep sedation. C Ventilator dyssynchrony
C Hypoxaemia
To permit mechanical ventilation C Inadvertent removal of essential devices and catheters
Un-physiological strategies such as inverse-ratio, low tidal C Unplanned extubations
volume, pressure-control ventilation with permissive hyper-
capnia and prone positioning are all intolerable without adequate Risks of over-sedation
levels of sedation. C Drug-induced coma
C Undetected intracranial, intrathoracic or intra-abdominal
C Unnecessary investigations (e.g. CT brain)
Marcus Peck MRCP FRCA is a Senior Registrar in anaesthesia and inten- C Cardiovascular instability (hypotension, bradycardia)
sive care medicine at King’s College Hospital, London, UK. Conflicts of C Drug accumulation
interest: none declared. C Prolonged mechanical ventilation
C Prolonged ICU length of stay
Jim Down FRCA EDIC is a Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist, and
Director of ICU at University College Hospitals, London. Conflicts of
interest: none declared. Box 1

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 11:1 12 Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Non-pharmacological adjuncts to sedation Unsurprisingly, no agent is ideal and a knowledge of why is

essential when deciding which to use on an individual patient.
Non-pharmacological techniques that allow reduced use of
chemical sedation should always be explored. The patient’s
Route of drug administration
environment is crucial in this regard and should be minimally
intrusive. Comfortable room temperature and minimal noise The intravenous route has the most predictable pharmacokinetic
levels must be maintained at all times as well as the provision of profile and, for this reason, it is by far the most commonly used
natural light in all bays during the daytime to help to preserve route for drug administration in the critically ill patient. Inter-
normal circadian rhythm. Excessive physical stimulation (vital mittent bolus dosing is possible and suits agents with longer
signs, repositioning, etc.) should be avoided and frequent patient elimination times such as diazepam, lorazepam and haloperidol.
re-orientation used to re-establish a degree of understanding and However, it does risk periods of over-sedation and under-seda-
control for the patient. Modern ventilator modes are increasingly tion and increases demands on nursing time.
tolerable to lightly sedated patients and there is the option of Continuous infusions provide, in theory, more consistent
using gentle physical restraint in patients with hyperactive levels of sedation and greater levels of patient comfort. No
delirium to avoid excessive polypharmacy. prospective work has been done comparing patient outcomes of
intermittent bolus sedation dosing versus continuous infusion.
Sedative agents However, continuous infusions were shown to be an indepen-
Each agent has advantages and disadvantages in both pharmaco- dent predictor of prolonged time on a ventilator, length of ICU
kinetics and pharmacodynamics, which are summarized in Table 1. and hospital stay in addition to increased organ failure and re-

Commonly used agents and their properties

Agent Benefits Drawbacks

Opioids (e.g. morphine, CNS: potent analgesic CNS: deliriogenic

fentanyl, remifentanil) RS: excellent at attenuating the cough reflex RS: dose-dependent depression (characterized by
CVS: good cardiovascular stability in euvolaemic patients preserved tidal volume and low respiratory rate)
CVS: hypotension in hypovolaemic patients
GIT: nausea/vomiting and gastric hypomotility

Benzodiazepines CNS: dose-dependent sedation throughout spectrum, CNS: deliriogenic

(e.g. midazolam, potent anxiolytic, amnestic and anticonvulsant properties RS: dose-dependent depression (characterized by
lorazepam, diazepam) low tidal volume and high respiratory rate)
CVS: hypotension in hypovolaemic patients

Propofol CNS: excellent dose-dependent sedation throughout spectrum, CNS: deliriogenic, not analgesic
potent anxiolytic, amnestic and anticonvulsant properties, RS: readily induces apnoea
readily titratable by infusion CVS: significant hypotension mainly due to preload
reduction and some myocardial depression
Metabolic: hypertriglyceridaemia and syndrome
of dysrhythmias, heart failure, metabolic acidosis,
hyperkalaemia and rhabdomyolysis in adults on
high doses

Haloperidol CNS: induces a dissociative mental indifference CNS: cataleptic immobility is possible,
to the environment in those with hyperactive delirium, extra-pyramidal effects can occur, may reduce
potentiates analgesic effects of opioids seizure threshold
GIT: has anti-emetic properties RS: mild depression with opioids
CVS: prolonged QT interval with torsades de pointes
Metabolic: rarely causes neuroleptic malignant

Alpha 2 agonists CNS: strong analgesic and good anxiolytic CVS: initial hypertension followed by prolonged
(e.g. clonidine, effects, not deliriogenic hypotension, rebound hypertension possible on
dexmedetomidine) RS: no significant depression withdrawal
GIT: reduced gastric motility

CNS: central nervous system; RS: respiratory system; CVS: cardiovascular system; GIT: gastrointestinal tract.

Table 1

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 11:1 13 Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

intubation rates when compared with bolus dosing in one un- critically ill patients and if unrecognized has potentially injurious
randomized, retrospective study.1 consequences.
Interest in protocolized sedation led to the multidisciplinary
Maintaining goals of sedation development of several sedation scoring systems that were
validated in terms of reliability, validity, and responsiveness
Establishing and maintaining clear goals are essential for the
across samples, settings and observers. The most widely used are
management of sedation in critically ill patients.
the Sedation Agitation Scale (SAS; Table 3) and the Richmond
Analgesia is the primary concern but assessment of analgesia
Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS; Table 4); both are similar in that
is often crude and subjective (e.g. looking for facial grimacing) or
they have discreet numerical scales with the central position
indirect (e.g. looking for signs of sympathetic stimulation). In
representing a calm and cooperative state and escalating degrees
lightly sedated patients, it can be enhanced by the use of
of sedation or agitation on either side.3,4
numerical or visual analogue pain scales. Mechanically venti-
lated patients who are unable to communicate provide a chal-
Sedation holds
lenge in this regard. However, a psychometric scoring system
known as the Behavioural Pain Scale has been validated to This approach encourages focused down-titration of infusion
monitor pain behaviours in this group and it evaluates facial rates in a timely manner to reduce the complications of drug
expression, upper limb movements and compliance with venti- accumulation.
lation each on a 4-point scale. The daily interruption of sedative infusions was shown by
Once analgesia has been optimized, other physiological cau- Kress and colleagues in 2000 to significantly reduce days on
ses of agitation must be excluded or corrected. These might mechanical ventilation, days on ICU and the number of diag-
include hypoxaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypotension and with- nostic studies to investigate alterations in mental status when
drawal from alcohol or other substances. A pre-defined sedation compared with those managed without interruptions.5 They also
goal or endpoint should then be set and regularly monitored. increased patient-days spent awake and able to follow
Recognition of failure to meet these goals should lead to drug commands, enhanced physicianepatient communication and
titration or a change in regimen. improved physical examination. To achieve this, the sedation
infusions were switched off (usually in the morning) and patient
Sedation scoring systems allowed to emerge until they responded to commands (a Ramsay
score 3 in the Kress study). If the patient required re-sedation at
This approach to sedation management recognizes that different
any time, the infusion was restarted at half of its former rate.
patients have differing needs for sedation and that these needs
Sedation holds or ‘spontaneous awakening trials’ (SATs) risk
also vary over time for an individual patient. Sedation scoring
abrupt waking with agitation, cardiopulmonary instability and
systems are tools that can be performed rapidly at the bedside
self-extubation, and the practice requires adequate training of the
and used to enhance titration of therapy and improve patient
comfort, physiology, understanding and communication.
In 1999, Brook and colleagues demonstrated that a nurse-led,
protocol-driven approach to the sedation of patients with respi-
ratory failure reduced their time on the ventilator, tracheostomy The Sedation Agitation Scale (SAS)
rate, and ICU and hospital length of stay.2 They used the Ramsay
scale (see Table 2), which was first published in 1974 and Score Term Description
remains un-validated but still in widespread use largely because
of its simplicity.3 It is limited, however, in that it doesn’t assess 7 Dangerous Pulling at ET tube, trying to remove catheters,
the degree of agitation, which is a frequent observation in agitation climbing over bedrail, striking at staff, thrashing
6 Very agitated Does not calm despite frequent verbal
reminding of limits, requiring physical restraints,
biting ETT
5 Agitated Anxious or physically agitated, calms to verbal
The Ramsay Sedation Scale instructions
4 Calm and Calm, easily rousable, follows commands
Score Description cooperative
3 Sedated Difficult to arouse but awakens to verbal stimuli
1 Patient anxious and agitated or restless or both or gentle shaking, follows simple commands
2 Patient cooperative, orientated or tranquil but drifts off again
3 Patient responds to commands only 2 Very sedated Arouses to physical stimuli but does not
4 A brisk response to a light glabellar tap or loud auditory communicate or follow commands, may move
stimulus spontaneously
5 A sluggish response to the above 1 Unrousable Minimal or no response to noxious stimuli,
6 No response to the above does not communicate or follow commands

Table 2 Table 3

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 11:1 14 Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) Sedation is both necessary and problematical in critically ill
patients. It has many goals, and failure to achieve them may
Score Term Description
result in significant morbidity. Much can be done to optimize
sedation non-pharmacologically and the shift towards a more
þ4 Combative Overtly combative, violent, immediate
judicious approach, using scoring systems or daily interruptions,
danger to staff
has been shown to reduce the time patients spend both on
þ3 Very agitated Pulls or removes tube(s) or catheter(s);
a ventilator and in the unit. These strategies have improved the
quality of patient care and become an essential part of modern
þ2 Agitated Frequent non-purposeful movement,
critical care practice. A
fights ventilator
þ1 Restless Anxious but movements not aggressive
0 Alert and calm REFERENCES
1 Drowsy Not fully alert, but has sustained 1 Kollef MH, Levy NT, Ahrens TS, Schaiff R, Prentice D, Sherman G. The
awakening (eye-opening/eye contact) use of continuous IV sedation is associated with prolongation of
to voice (>10 s) mechanical ventilation. Chest 1998; 114: 541e8.
2 Light sedation Briefly awakens with eye contact to 2 Ramsay MAE, Savage TM, Simpson R, Goodwin R. Controlled sedation
voice (<10 s) with alphalaxoneealphadolone. BMJ 1974; 3: 656e9.
3 Moderate sedation Movement or eye opening to voice 3 Riker RR, Picard JT, Fraser GL. Prospective evaluation of the sedation-
(but no eye contact) agitation scale in adult ICU patients. Crit Care Med 1999; 27: 1325e9.
4 Deep sedation No response to voice, but movement 4 Sessler CN, Gosnell M, Grap MJ, et al. The Richmond Agitatione
or eye opening to physical stimulation Sedation Scale: validity and reliability in adult intensive care patients.
5 Unrousable No response to voice or physical Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166: 1338e44.
stimulation 5 Kress JP, Pohlman AS, O’Connor MF, Hall JB. Daily interruption of
sedative infusions in critically ill patients undergoing mechanical
Table 4 ventilation. N Eng J Med 2000; 342: 1471e7.

nursing staff to deal with these consequences. However, in FURTHER READING

centres that practice SATs, the process is led by senior nurses Aıssaoui Y, Zeggwagh AA, Zekraoui A, Abidi K, Abouqal R. Validation of
who preserve safety by staggering the sedation holds and a behavioral pain scale in critically ill, sedated, and mechanically
maintaining appropriate staffing levels. ventilated patients. Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 1470e6.
SATs have also been shown to facilitate spontaneous Girard TD, Kress JP, Fuchs BD, et al. Efficacy and safety of a paired
breathing trials (SBTs). In their 2008 ABC trial, Girard and sedation and ventilator weaning protocol for mechanically ventilated
colleagues demonstrated that SATs together with SBTs resulted patients in intensive care (awakening and breathing controlled trial):
in significant reductions in time on the ventilator, ICU and a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2008; 371: 126e34.
hospital length of stay when compared with SBT alone and the Jacobi J, Fraser GL, Coursin DB, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the
phrase ‘wake up and breathe’ was coined. There were more self- sustained use of sedatives and analgesics in the critically ill adult. Crit
extubations in the SAT arm of the study but no difference in the Care Med 2002; 30: 119e41.
need for re-intubation between the groups. Patients in the SAT Kress JP, Pohlman AS, Hall JB. Sedation and analgesia in the intensive care
group were also less likely to die in the year following enrolment, unit. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166: 1024e8.
with one life saved for every seven patients treated. Sessler CN. Sedation scales in the ICU. Chest 2004; 126: 1727e30.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 11:1 15 Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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