Political Science Reviewer

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that political science is the study of politics and the state, and deals with theories of politics, analysis of political systems and behavior. It also discusses concepts like sovereignty, authority, power, citizenship and methods of studying political science.

The main theories of the origin and evolution of the state discussed are the divine right theory, social contract theory, force theory, natural theory, patriarchal theory and economic theory.

The main elements of a state according to political science are the people, territory, government and sovereignty.

Political Science

Politics- (from the greek word polis) -meaning "of, for, or City-state) is the practice and theory of
influencing other people on a global, civic or individual level. More narrowly, it refers to
achieving and exercising positions of governance organized control over a human
community, particularly a state.

Study of state in all its elements, aspects and relationships.

Political Science-is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, nation,
government, and politics and policies of government. Aristotle defined it as the study of the
state .It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political
systems, political behavior, and political culture.
Politicians- A politician, political leader, or political figure. is a person who is involved in
influencing.. This includes people who hold decision-making positions in government, and
people who seek those positions, whether by means of election, inheritance, coup
d'tat, appointment, conquest, or other means.
Characteristics of Pluralism base on Robert Dhal
Association- in other words, might belong to another, even competing, group. Intergroup
competition leads to countervailing influence
Conflicts- Overlapping memberships reduce the intensity of conflicts because loyalties are
often spread among many organizations.
Authority- They have the right and freedom to do business in the political marketplace. How
well they fare depends not on the indulgence of a higher authority but on their own skill in
rallying political resources.

Famous Quotes
Aristotle Man by nature is a political animan Man by nature is a social living
Robert Dahl- Politics arises, then, whenever there are people living together in associations,
whenever they are involved in conflicts, and whenever they are subject to some kind of power, r
ulership or authority
Thomas Hobbes- For him society is a jungle with wild animals craving for power, prey and
Book of Thomas Hobbes- Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth
Ecclesiasticall and Civil.

Leviathan- is a book written by Thomas Hobbes (15881679) and published in 1651.The work
concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, and is regarded as one of the
earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory.
Karl Marx- Politics to Marx, like religion, is a manifestation of economics and the material world.
All of history and the governance of humanity was a struggle between the bourgeoisie and the
Bourgeosie- High Class
Proletariat Workers
Power- is the ability to influence or control the behavior of people. The term authority is often
used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure. Power can be seen as evil
or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings.
Coercion- Force or threat
Authority - governing on a body upon which such authority is vested.
Influence- Voluntary Actions of his/ her constituents.
Methods in Political Science
Obeservational or Empirical Method Observing actual political institutions and their
processes. These political institutions are laboratories of empirically oriented political
scientists where they experiment on the workings of these political institutions.
Historical Method origin and evolution of the state and its institutions, by seeking to explain
what they are and what they will be. The historical approach is not merely expository but
Comparative Method Brings into focus contemporary political institutions and practices of
various countries at different periods of history. We can draw similarities and differences in the
structures and systems of the governments of these countries.
Analytical Method- aimed at discovering the significant or essential elements of political
institutions in an attempt to analyze and examine their worth and value and how they work.
Importance of Political Science
(1) Imparting Knowledge of the State:
However, the primary aim of the study of Political Science is to inculcate knowledge of the
State, its origin, nature, structure and functions. Knowledge about the State is of great
significance to modern man.

(2) Imparting Knowledge of government and administration:

The administrators, political leaders and diplomats, who conduct the affairs of the State, also
require sound knowledge of Political Science in order to perform their functions with efficiency.
An administrator who has no knowledge of Political Science is bound to be; i failure. The
principles and norms established In the scholars in political science are of immense utility and
value to the executives, legislators and judges. Political science is said to be a science
of statesmanship and leadership.
(3) Imparting Knowledge about the world:
However, apart from these utilitarian considerations, the acquisition of know ledge of political
science enriches one's mind and widens one's intellectual horizon. In order to know what is
happening in the world around us at least an elementary knowledge of political science is
necessary. In the modern age an individual cannot lead an isolated life. Each country has to
maintain relations with other countries of the world.
(4) Creation of democratic values:
The study of Political Science has assumed special importance in modern times in all
democratic countries. The success of democracy depends upon the political consciousness of
its people. The study of political science makes people conscious of their rights and duties. It
also makes them vigilant unless the citizens of a country are vigilant, alert, intelligent and
patriotic; there is no possibility of successful working of democracy in that country. It is rightly
said that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty".
(5) Creation of good citizenship:
The study of Political Science is valuable for creating good citizenship and securing unity of the
nation. It makes citizens conscious of national, objectives and goals. Laski said that good
citizenship implies "the contribution of one's instructed judgment to public good". It can be
developed by the study of political science. Political Science teaches the lessons and virtues of
good citizenship.
(6) Lesson of co-operation and toleration:
Political science also teaches the lesson of co-operation, adjustment and toleration. Society
cannot prosper without cooperation. Man should learn how to co-operate and adjust himself with
his fellow-beings. People of all walks of life should co-operate for the better development of the
country. Toleration is also necessary in society.

State - a political organization with a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the
legitimate use of forcewithin a certain geographical territory.
James Gamer State is a community of persons more or less numerous occupying a definite
territory completely free of external control and possessing an organized government to which the
great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience
4 Elements of State
People- Inhabitants or population of state
Territory Consists of the land within the boundaries of the state, the air space above the land, the
inland waters.
Government Essential instrument or machinery of the state that carries out its will, purposes and
Sovereignty Supreme and final legal authority of the state to enforce its will on its members by
coercive sanctions of necessary, which must not be subject to any like power.
2 Aspects of Sovereignty
Internal supreme or absolute power of a state to enforce on its will on the people within its
External independence of a state from control by any other state. External sovereignty should be
respected by other nation-states.
Theories of State
Divine Right Theory-presents the view that the state was created by God. The Authority to goven
the people was ordained by God upon rulers who were regarded as of divine descent.
Example: Military leader ( Gideon, Saul, David and Later, Solomon)
Social Contract Theory-explained that the state was formed by means of a social contract of men
who lived in a state of nature. Men lived together without any super-body to establish peace and

order and settle conflicts. The contract is give and take. Anything a person dont have must be filled
by another.
Force Theory the state came into existence out of conquest, force or coercion. Before the state
existed there were always leaders strong enough to assert their leadership and power through force,
conquest or violence. (Strong dominate the weak)
Natural Theory held that the state was a natural institution and not an abstract or artificial being. It
was a natural system that unified its citizens.
Patriarchal Theory- Sociologist and anthropologists maintain that the sstate arose through a
process of evolution. At the beginning, the stat evolved from the smallest unit of society the family.
Gradually the family headed by a parent enlarged into a clan, tribe, nation and state.
Instinctive Theory- state was created because of the natural inclination of men towards political
association. A social being by nature, man associated himself with other men for self-preservation
and security.
Economic Theory- believed that the state developed out of mans economic wants. Man isolation
could not procure all the necessary things that he needed.
Thomas Hobbes

John Locke


Views of Human

He described us

Rational (Right/

Humans are good and


selfish. Thus must be



Despicable, Nasty,

Human Society is not

Our Society is


chaotic we can attain

wonderful and rich

State of Nature

life, liberty and


King and the Queen (


Absolute Monarch)


Direct Democracy

Effect of Social Contract
Thomas Hobbes- People believe in peace but without right except the right to self-defense.
John Locke- Those who have choice
Jean-Jacques Rousseau- Life will be fair for employ the general will and interest.

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