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I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Tolga Ciloglu for his
guidance, encouragements, criticism and insight throughout the research.
I would also like to thank my co-advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cagatay Candan for his valuable
ideas throughout this study.
Thanks to the examining committee members Prof. Dr. Mubeccel Demirekler, Assist. Prof.
Dr. Umut Orguner and Erdinc Oguz for evaluating my work.
I am grateful to The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB
for their financial support during my graduate study.
Deepest thanks to my family for their love, trust and every kind of support not only throughout
my thesis but also throughout my life.



I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gknur

Bayram for her support and guidance during my research. Her challenging approach
in publication and presentation of the researches has profoundly influenced me. I
am very grateful to my co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Erdal Bayraml for his guidance,
valuable advice throughout this study, for sharing his industry related experiences
and opening his laboratory in which I feel like at home. His approach in solving
problems will sure help me in my future academic life.
I would like to express my sincerely acknowledgements to Prof. Dr. lk Ylmazer
and Prof. Dr. Cevdet Kaynak for their fruitful discussions during the progress of my
study. It was a pleasing honor for me to work with them. I am very grateful to Dr.
Cevdet ztin, Prof. Dr. Teoman Tiner and Prof. Dr. Gngr Gndz for giving me
every opportunity to use the instruments and other facilities in their laboratories.
My sincere appreciation goes to Seha Tirke from Department of Chemistry for his
assistance in FTIR experiments and valuable comments and to Dr. Gaye akal for
her help in fiber length measurements. I also thank technicians Osman Yaslta and
Salih Sarkaya from Department of Chemistry and Adil Demir from Department of
Chemical Engineering for their help in the laboratory and machine-shop.
The companies Cam Elyaf A.., Ema Plastik, Dupont Inc., Tekno Polimer, and
DSM Xplore are greatly acknowledged for providing materials and for their
I also wish to extend my acknowledgements and sincere thanks to Martin
Quaedflieg, the Global Sales Manager of DSM Xplore, and Leon Rijks, the General
Manager of Technical Service in DSM Research for giving me the opportunity to



I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. lk

Ylmazer for his invaluable encouragement, help and guidance through this study.
I express my deepest thanks to Prof. Dr. Duygu Ksakrek for her endless
help and encouragement since I am in this university and throughout this study.
Very special thanks to Murat Cansever for his endless support, continuous
encouragement, guidance and help in completing this thesis. It was a pleasure to
share his experiences in polymers.
I would like to express my appreciation to Murat Topsakalolu, technical
manager, Hasan Camadan and Mustafa alkan, laboratory staff of Eurotec
Company. I am also very thankful to the company staff for their helpful and
friendly attitude throughout my experiments.
I offer my great thanks to Dr. Gralp zko from Kocaeli University, for his
invaluable encouragement, endless help and advice.
I would like to express my great pleasure to Osman Bilgin for his endless
support, continuous encouragement and advices since I know him.
Many thanks to my friends, especially, smail Doan Gnba, Arda nsal,
Onur Btner, Utku Uslu, Nihal Demirkol, Serdar Hasipek and many others for
their help, support and friendship during the hard days of my study.
Finally, my deepest thanks to my family, meaning of my life, for their
patience, support and faith in me.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Ali Kalkanl
for his guidance, support and encouragement during the study.
My special thanks go to Gkhan Trkylmaz and Seda Saylgan for their continuous
support and valuable recommendations throughout this study.
I would also like to thank to Salih Tre for castings, sa Hasar for machining and
Necmi Avc for XRD analyses.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Yank Baaran and Anl Bayr for
always being supportive in my life.
Finally, I want to express my greatest thanks to my mother, Mnevver Kele, for
her endless love, invaluable trust, support and guidance throughout my life.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Ali
Kalkanl for his guidance, continuous support and encouragement throughout this
I am also thankful to Seda Saylgan and zgr Kele for their valuable supports,
motivation and invaluable friendship in all part of the study.
My special thanks go to the technical staff of the Department of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering, METU, especially Salih Tre for their contributions to this
I would also like to thank to Arda etin, Turgut Krma, Yank Baaran, Betl Pelin
Maradit, ala zgit, Glhan akmak, Gher Kotan, Evren Tan, Serdar Tan, Emre
Ergl and Onur Rauf Bingl for their helps and supports.
Thanks are also extended to Zafer Pesen from Mechanical and Chemical Industry
Corporation and Deniz Takesen from RUTA Aluminum.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mustafa Emre Ycetrk, evket Reha
Soysal and Tuba Uyar for always being supportive in my life.
Finally, I want to express my greatest thanks to my family for supporting,
encouraging, and loving me all through my life.
This study was supported by The Ministry of Industry & Commerce of Turkey and
Mechanical & Chemical Industry Corporation, Project No: 00023.STZ.2006-1.


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