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Three-Phase, Pad-Mounted
Distribution Transformers
for Underground Service

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

The equipment covered by these instructions should be
operated and serviced only by competent technicians
familiar with good safety practices. These instructions are
written for such personnel and are not intended as a
substitute for adequate training and experience in safe
operating procedures for this type of equipment.

The pad-mounted transformer is furnished with separate

high- and low-voltage compartments equipped with
hinged doors. The high-voltage compartment is not
accessible until the low-voltage compartment door is
opened. The low-voltage compartment door has a
provision for a user-installed padlock. All live parts are
completely enclosed in locked compartments with adequate baffling for safety. A hood over the tank handhold,
accessible through the cabinet, provides protection
against tampering and the environment.

The pad-mounted transformer is designed for underground service and for outdoor mounting on a concrete
pad. It is the responsibility of the installer and user to
ensure that the interface between the pad and
transformer, including the cable compartment, is
properly sealed so that foreign objects can not be inserted
inside the cable compartment. The primary and
secondary cables enter the transformer from below,
through openings in the concrete pad.

Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, or
other conditions that could cause personal injury or death are present in this equipment or may
be associated with its use.
Warning notices are also used for situations in which inattention or lack of equipment knowledge
could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment.

Caution notices are used for situations in which equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.

Notes call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating
the equipment.
This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have
been made to ensure accuracy, the information contained herein does not cover all details or
variations in hardware and software, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in
connection with installation, operation, and maintenance. Features may be described herein that
are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Industrial Systems assumes no obligation
of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Industrial Systems makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory, with
respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness
of the information contained herein. No warrantees of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall
The following are trademarks of GE Company: Sureguard GP.
R-TEMP is a registered trademark of Cooper Power Systems.
Arc Strangler is a registered trademark of the Cooper Power Systems.

1998 GE Company
All Rights Reserved

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Safety Hazard Information ..................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2. Receiving, Handling, and Storage
21 Receiving ................................................................................................................................................ 3
22 Handling ................................................................................................................................................ 3
23 Storage .................................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 3. Installation
31 Foundation............................................................................................................................................. 4
32 Inspection............................................................................................................................................... 4
33 External Electrical Connections ........................................................................................................... 4
34 Cabinet Closing...................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 4. Venting
41 Operation above 3000 Feet.................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 5. Operation
51 Service Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 7
52 Load Operation ..................................................................................................................................... 7
53 Low-Voltage Accessories ........................................................................................................................ 7
Current Transformer ...................................................................................................................... 7
Thermometers (1/2 NPT) ............................................................................................................. 7
Liquid-Level Gage............................................................................................................................ 7
Pressure Vacuum Gage (1/4 NPT) ................................................................................................ 7
Pressure-Relief Device (1/4 NPT).................................................................................................. 7
Low-Voltage Molded-Case Circuit Breakers ................................................................................... 7
54 High-Voltage Accessories....................................................................................................................... 8
Internal Oil-Immersed Fuses .......................................................................................................... 8
Bayonet Oil-Fused Cutout ............................................................................................................... 8
Nonloadbreak Dry-Well, Current-Limiting Fuseholder ................................................................ 8
Loadbreak Dry-Well Fuseholder................................................................................................... 10
Oil-Submersible Protector............................................................................................................. 10
External Surge Arresters ............................................................................................................... 11
55 High-Voltage Bushings ........................................................................................................................ 11
Porcelain Bushing Construction .................................................................................................. 11
Separable Insulated Connectors................................................................................................... 12
56 Tap Changer Operation...................................................................................................................... 12
57 Dual-Voltage Switch ............................................................................................................................. 13
58 Internal Loadbreak Switches ............................................................................................................... 14
Radial-Feed Switch ........................................................................................................................ 14
Loop-Feed Switches ....................................................................................................................... 14
Loop-Radial Switchese................................................................................................................... 15
Interlocked Alternate-Source Switch ............................................................................................ 15
Loop Switch with ON-OFF Radial Switch..................................................................................... 16
T-Blade Sectionalizing Switch....................................................................................................... 16

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Table of Contents
V-Blade Switch ...............................................................................................................................16
Cooper Power Systems Arc Strangler Switch.............................................................................17
S&C Pad-Mounted Gear ................................................................................................................17

Chapter 6. Insulating Liquid ...........................................................................................................................18

Chapter 7. Maintenance
71 Internal Inspection ..............................................................................................................................19
72 Bushing Maintenance..........................................................................................................................19
73 External Finish Maintenance..............................................................................................................19

Chapter 8. General Information

81 When You Need Service .......................................................................................................................20
82 Renewal Parts .......................................................................................................................................20


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

List of Figures and Tables
1. Thermometer accessory.......................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Liquid-level gage accessory. .................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Pressure vaccuum gage accessory. .......................................................................................................................... 7
4. Bayonet fuses. .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Safety baffle over the fuses. ..................................................................................................................................... 9
6. Safety baffle over the fuses ...................................................................................................................................... 9
7. Fuse removal.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
8. Nonloadbreak fuse replacement .......................................................................................................................... 10
9. Removal of a loadbreak fuse................................................................................................................................. 10
10. Loadbreak dry-well fuse replacement................................................................................................................... 10
11. Clamp-type live-front porcelain high-voltage bushing. ....................................................................................... 12
12. Blade-type live-front porcelain high-voltage bushing.......................................................................................... 12
13. Separable insulated connectors (typical arrangement)...................................................................................... 12
14. Tap changer. ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
15. Dual-voltage switch................................................................................................................................................ 13
16. Radial-feed switch.................................................................................................................................................. 14
17. Schematic of the radial-feed switch. ..................................................................................................................... 14
18. Loop-feed switches................................................................................................................................................. 15
19. Schematic of the loop-feed switch ........................................................................................................................ 15
20. Loop-radial switches.............................................................................................................................................. 15
21. Schematic of the loop-radial switch...................................................................................................................... 15
22. Schematic of the interlocked alternate-source switch ......................................................................................... 15
23. Loop switch with ON-OFF radial switch............................................................................................................... 16
24. Schematic of the loop switch with ON-OFF radial switch. .................................................................................. 16
25. T-blade sectionalizing switch................................................................................................................................ 16
26. V-blade switch........................................................................................................................................................ 16
27. T-blade switch function ........................................................................................................................................ 17
28. V-blade switch function......................................................................................................................................... 17

1. Recommended electrical clearances...................................................................................................................... 5
2. Operating conditions.............................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Nonloadbreak fuseholder ratings........................................................................................................................... 9
4. Loadbreak dry-well fuseholder ratings................................................................................................................. 11
5. Internal loadbreak switch ratings......................................................................................................................... 14
6. Flash and fire points for choices of insulating fluids. ......................................................................................... 18


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 1. Safety Hazard Information
Low-Voltage Circuit Breaker

The following warning notes apply to the operation of

this equipment. Failure to comply with these warnings
may result in serious personal injury or damage to the

CAUTION: With the secondary circuit breaker

open there may be sufficient coupling to the windings
for a shock hazard to exist at the secondary terminals.
Ground the open secondary terminals before working
on the secondary service.

Tank Ground
WARNING: The first electrical connection made
must be to ground the transformer tank. This
connection is made from the tank ground pad to a
permanent low-impedance ground. The tank ground
must also be connected to the system ground. Failure to
comply may result in serious personal injury or damage
to the equipment.

WARNING: Use all the lifting lugs when lifting the
transformer. Use proper spreaders to obtain a vertical
lift. Do not use the radiators for lifting or jacking.
Failure to comply may result in serious personal injury
or damage to the equipment.

External Electrical Connections


WARNING: Make only the connections and

operate only at the voltages authorized by the diagrams
and information on the transformer name plate. The
available transformer neutrals should be connected to
the system neutrals. Each lead and connection not in
use should be insulated from ground and from all other
leads and connections. Failure to comply may result in
serious personal injury or damage to the equipment.

WARNING: Always release any possible pressure in

the tank by carefully venting the pressure-relief valve
before attempting to remove handhole covers or similar
covers, including relief diaphragms and shipping covers
(when used). Failure to comply may result in serious
personal injury or damage to the equipment.

Tap Changer

Bayonet Fusing

WARNING: The tap changer must not be operated

while the transformer is energized. Failure to comply
may result in serious personal injury or damage to the

CAUTION: Read the instructions supplied with the

bayonet cutout before operating.

Dry-Well Nonloadbreak Fuse Holder

Dual-Voltage Switch
WARNING: Deenergize transformer before
removing or installing fuse holder cap assembly. Failure
to comply may result in serious personal injury or
damage to the equipment.

WARNING: The dual-voltage switch must not be

operated while the transformer is energized. Check the
name plate and the switch position for the correct
voltage before placing the unit in service. Failure to
comply may result in serious personal injury or damage
to the equipment.

Dry-Well Loadbreak Fuse Holder

WARNING: Do not exceed the fuse holder rating.
Failure to comply may result in serious personal injury
or damage to the equipment.

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 1. Safety Hazard Information
Oil Level

Mounting Pad

WARNING: Oil must be at the proper level before

voltage is applied to the transformer. Failure to comply
may result in serious personal injury or damage to the

WARNING: There must be no gaps between the

cabinet and the pad, otherwise the tamper resistance of
the transformer is compromised. Failure to comply may
result in serious personal injury or damage to the

Internal Fuses


WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before

attempting to remove internal fuses. Failure to comply
may result in serious personal injury or damage to the

CAUTION: Remove all dirt and foreign material

from all bushings before placing the unit in service.
Follow manufacturers instructions for installing
separable-insulated high-voltage connectors. Do not
operate beyond the manufacturers rating.

Air Switches
WARNING: The fuse or switch may be energized in
the OPEN position. Read the switch manufacturers
instructions before operating. Failure to comply may
result in serious personal injury or damage to the

S&C Air Switch

WARNING: Use the S&C Loadbuster tool to operate the switch or fused disconnect. Failure to comply
may result in serious personal injury or damage to the

Internal Loadbreak Switches

WARNING: These switches are designed to
interrupt load current only. They are not suitable for
interrupting fault currents. Do note exceed the switch
rating. Failure to comply may result in serious personal
injury or damage to the equipment.

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 2. Receiving, Handling, and Storage
21 Receiving
Immediately upon receipt of the equipment, and before
putting it into service, inspect the transformer for any
damage that may have occurred during shipment or
storage. If rough handling is evident, file a damage claim
with the transport company immediately and notify the
nearest General Electric Sales Office promptly. Tighten
any parts that may have loosened during shipment.

22 Handling
WARNING: Use all the lifting lugs when lifting the
transformer. Use proper spreaders to obtain a vertical
lift. Do not use the radiators for lifting or jacking.
Failure to comply may result in serious personal injury
or damage to the equipment.
Lifting lugs are provided for lifting the complete transformer. Jacking space is provided in the base of the
transformer to facilitate lifting with jacks. The transformer must never be moved or lifted by placing jacks or
tackle on the radiators, the high-voltage and low-voltage
compartments, or other attachments. When using a fork
lift to move the transformer, lift from the tank rear with
the shipping skid in place.

23 Storage
Transformers should be stored with the tank sealed and
filled with oil to the proper level. Compartment doors
should be closed to prevent damage to bushings and
accessories. The storage area should be a flat, dry surface
and the transformer should be protected from
mechanical damage.

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 3. Installation
31 Foundation

33 External Electrical Connections

WARNING: There must be no gaps between the

cabinet and the pad, otherwise the tamper resistance of
the transformer is compromised. Failure to comply may
result in serious personal injury or damage to the

WARNING: The first electrical connection made

must be to ground the transformer tank. This
connection is made from the tank ground pad to a
permanent low-impedance ground. The tank ground
must also be connected to the system ground. Failure to
comply may result in serious personal injury or damage
to the equipment.

The foundation necessary for the installation of a padmounted distribution transformer should have footings
deep enough to prevent settling and heaving in areas
where the ground freezes. The surface of the concrete
pad should be level to ensure that there are no gaps
between the compartment and the concrete pad.

WARNING: Make only the connections and

operate only at the voltages authorized by the diagrams
and information on the transformer name plate. The
available transformer neutrals should be connected to
the system neutrals. Each lead and connection not in
use should be insulated from ground and from all other
leads and connections. Failure to comply may result in
serious personal injury or damage to the equipment.

Brackets are provided on the transformer base for bolting

the transformer to the pad. Carefully lower the transformer to the pad with the unit level to avoid damage to
the cabinet.

32 Inspection

Line connections must be made so that no undue strain is

placed on the bushings. Refer to Table 1 for
recommended minimum electrical clearances.

The transformer covered by this instruction is shipped

ready for installation and will not require drying unless
moisture has been allowed to accidentally enter during
transit. It has been filled with oil at the factory to the 25
C liquid level and sealed. Check the level by one of the
following methods:

34 Cabinet Closing
Before leaving the unit, close the cabinet and lock it with
the user-installed padlock provision and any other
auxiliary locking means that may be supplied. The
padlock shackle should provide a snug fit in its opening.

Read the liquid level gauge.

Vent the pressure-relief valve and then carefully
remove the pipe plug located in the low-voltage
compartment for this purpose. Reseal after use.
WARNING: Oil must be at the proper level before
voltage is applied to the transformer. Failure to comply
may result in serious personal injury or damage to the

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 3. Installation
Rated Line
kV (max)

Bil kV


















25 or



Clearance Line Clearance Line Barrier* Thickness

Ground (in.)
Line (in.)
(max in.)


* Barrier must be high-quality nonhygroscopic and track-resistant material.

Table 1. Recommended electrical clearances.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 4. Venting
The transformer should be vented to the atmosphere
before it is placed in service if it has been pressurized for
leak tests or storage.
WARNING: Always release any pressure in the tank
by carefully venting the pressure-relief valve before
attempting to remove handhole covers or similar covers,
including relief diaphragms and shipping covers (when
used). Failure to comply may result in serious personal

41 Operation above 3000 Feet

If a transformer is to be operated at 3000 feet or higher
above sea level, the internal and external pressures must
be equalized before the transformer is put into operation.
To equalize pressures, carefully open the pressure-relief
valve at approximately 25 C. Release the valve
Refer to ANSI C57.12.00.4 for information on how elevations above 3000 feet affect transformer ratings.

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation
51 Service Conditions
Table 2 is a list of the normal operating conditions for
the transformers covered by this guide. Refer to ANSI
C57.12.00.4 for detailed information on operation in
different service conditions.
Weather temperature
Maximum daily average
Gage pressure

Operating Range
20 to 40 C

Figure 1. Thermometer accessory.

35 C
1000 m and below
Daily average not to
exceed 95%
7 psig

Table 2. Operating conditions.

52 Load Operation
For continuous loading in standard ambient temperature, the total balanced load on a transformer should not
exceed the name plate rating. Prolonged overloading
may result in shortened transformer life (see ANSI
C57.91). Voltage should be applied only to transformers
filled to the correct level with insulating liquid.

Figure 2. Liquid-level gage accessory.

Pressure Vacuum Gage (1/4 NPT)

A pressure gage accessory, when supplied, is located in
the low-voltage compartment above the bushings in the
air space. The gage dial, shown in Figure 3, reads from
10 psig to +10 psig.

53 Low-Voltage Accessories
Current Transformer
General Electric Type JAB-0 and JKY-0 current transformers are designed to fit the low-voltage bushings.
Other styles and potential transformers are available for
mounting inside the low-voltage compartment.

Thermometers (1/2 NPT)

A dial-type thermometer accessory, when supplied, is
located under oil in the low-voltage compartment. The
thermometer dial, shown in Figure 1, reads from 0160

Figure 3. Pressure vacuum gage accessory.

Pressure-Relief Device (1/4 NPT)

The pressure-relief device is located in the low-voltage
compartment near the top of the tank. The automatic
pressure-relief device relieves excessive internal tank
pressure in the tank air space. The device opens at 812
psig and reseals at a positive pressure.

Liquid-Level Gage
A liquid-level gage accessory, when supplied, is located in
the low-voltage compartment. The gage dial, shown in
Figure 2, reads over the range LO25 CHI.

Low-Voltage Molded-Case Circuit Breakers

General Electric molded-case circuit breakers, when
supplied, are located in the low-voltage compartment.
Contact the nearest GE Sales Office for application data.

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation
54 High-Voltage Accessories
WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before
attempting to remove internal fuses. Failure to comply
may result in severe personal injury or death.

Internal Oil-Immersed Fuses

A pad-mounted transformer may be provided with
internal fuses in series with the high-voltage winding.
Their function is to remove the transformer from the line
in case of an internal failure. When supplied with a lowvoltage circuit breaker, the fuse will carry high-voltage
circuit currents in excess of those allowed by the breaker.

1. Vent the transformer to equalize the pressure with

the supplied pressure-relief valve. Release the valve
when the tank pressure is equalized.
2. Open the latch.

Access to the fuses is provided by a handhole in the

transformer cover.

3. Rotate the cutout one-quarter turn.

4. Press down firmly to break the gasket seal.
5. Withdraw the cutout quickly and uniformly.

WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before

attempting to remove internal fuses. Failure to comply
may result in severe personal injury or death.

Instructions for replacing the bayonet fuse are packed

with each replacement fuse or may be obtained from the
fuse manufacturer.

Nonloadbreak Dry-Well, Current-Limiting


Bayonet Oil-Fused Cutout

CAUTION: Read the instructions supplied with the
bayonet cutout before operating.

WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before

attempting to remove or install a fuseholder cap
assembly. Failure to comply may result in severe personal injury or death.

Within the rating of this device, the transformer may be

equipped with bayonet oil-fused cutouts, shown in Figure
4, to provide a load-break function. The oil-immersed
expulsion fuses are externally replaceable. The faultsensing fuse protects the line from transformer faults.

This accessory combines the high interrupting capability

of general-purpose, full-range current-limiting fuses with
dry-well fuseholders. These fuseholders are operable with
a hot stick. The nonloadbreaking fuseholder assembly
has an integral warning notice and an interlocked safety
baffle, shown in Figure 5, to prevent removal of the fuse
while the transformer is energized.
Nonloadbreaking fuseholders are mechanically interlocked with a loadbreak switch; be careful not to defeat
this arrangement. When the transformer is deenergized
by operation of the loadbreak switch, the safety baffle can
be moved, permitting access to the fuses, as shown in
Figure 6.

Figure 4. Bayonet fuses.

The load-sensing fuse provides secondary overload protection. The cutout is not recommended for closing on

Nonloadbreaking fuseholders are available with

maximum voltage ratings of 8.3 kV, 15.2 kV, and 21.1 kV
and with impulse withstands of 95-kV BIL, 125-kV BIL,
and 150 kV-BIL. Table 3 lists the complete ratings.

To replace a bayonet fuse, use the following procedure:


CAUTION: Use a hot stick to remove bayonet cut-

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation

Figure 6. Safety baffle moved from over the fuses.

Figure 5. Safety baffle over the fuses.
Maximum Voltage
Rating, kV
Corona Extinction, kV
Continuous Current
Rating, A (unfused)
Momentary Current
Rating, A RMS symm.
10 cycles (unfused)
Acceptable Fuses*
2.8 and 4.3 kV all sizes to 15.5 kV all sizes
(must be ordered
100 A; 5.5 kV all sizes to
to 40 A
75 A; 8.3 kV all sizes to 40









23 kV all sizes
to 25 A

23 kV all sizes
to 25 A

* GE Sureguard GP or Cooper Power Systems NX

Table 3. Nonloadbreak fuseholder ratings.

Nonloadbreak Fuse Replacement

3. Replace the blown fuse with a fuse of the same

rating. To replace the fuse, loosen the two set screws
on the draw-out rod assembly and the two set screws
on the contact assembly. Remove the fuse and install
the new fuse. Tighten the two set screws on the
contact assembly and the set screws on the draw-out
rod assembly. Figure 8 shows the locations of the

WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before

attempting to remove or install a fuseholder cap
assembly. Failure to comply may result in severe personal injury or death.
To replace a fuse, use the following procedure:

4. Replace the draw-out fuseholder assembly in the

fuseholder tube, taking care to not damage the
contents. Seat the assembly firmly within the
fuseholder tube. Avoid the introduction of foreign
matter into the fuse holder tube.

1. Deenergize the transformer. Open the loadbreak switch

to deenergize the transformer and allow the safety
baffle to be released for access to the fuseholders, as
shown in Figure 6.
2. Remove the draw-out assembly using a hot stick and
the pulling eye on the cap assembly, as shown in
Figure 7. Carefully withdraw the assembly to avoid
damaging the contacts.

5. Move the safety baffle to cover the pulling eyes and

engage the loadbreak switch to energize the
transformer and interlock the baffle.

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation

Figure 9. Loadbreak fuses.

Figure 7. Fuse removal with a hot stick.

Figure 10. Loadbreak dry-well fuse replacement.

Oil-Submersible Protector

Figure 8. Nonloadbreak fuse replacement.

The oil-submersible protector (OSP) is a partial-range

current-limiting fuse that is used in series with an
expulsion fuse to provide full-range protection. The OSP
is designed to clear high-current faults (up to 50,000 A
symmetrical), while the expulsion link clears low-current
faults. These fuses are located under oil beneath the
transformer handhold. Either internal expulsion fuses or
bayonet fuses are available as the series expulsion fuse.

Loadbreak Dry-Well Fuseholder

WARNING: Do not exceed the fuseholder rating.
Failure to comply may result in serious personal injury
or damage to the equipment.

The bayonet or internal expulsion fuse is available for

replacement. Refer to the sections Internal Oil-Immersed
Fuses and
Bayonet Oil-Fused Cutout for instructions.
Replacement of the OSP fuse requires removal of the
main tank cover. Refer to the nearest GE-approved service
shop for this type of repair.

This fuseholder is similar to the nonloadbreak model,

with the addition of a loadbreak switching device. The
switching device uses the rod and bore principle to
accomplish loadbreak within the fuseholder.
Available ratings are 8.3 kV at 95 kV BIL and 15.2-kV at
125-kV BIL. Table 4 lists the complete ratings.
Loadbreak Fuse Replacement
Figure 9 shows loadbreak fuses. The details of the parts
involved are illustrated in Figure 10.
Removal Attach a hot stick to the pulling eye. Rapidly
withdraw the draw-out assembly from the fuseholder
Installation With the fuse assembly attached to the hot
stick, insert the draw-out assembly until the contact spring
has just entered the fuse housing. Rapidly push the drawout assembly into the housing until the cap is seated in
the spring clips.

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation
Maximum Voltage
Rating, kV
Corona Extinction, kV
Continuous Current
Rating, A (unfused)
Momentary Current
Rating, A RMS sym 10
cycles (unfused)
Acceptable Fuses*
(must be ordered
Load Make and Break
Rating, Three-Phase
Fault Close In, A RMS
sym (fused)









2.8 and 4.3 kV all sizes to

100 A; 5.5 k V all sizes to
15.5 kV all sizes to 40 A
75 A; 8.3 kV all sizes to 40
20 operations at 100 A (8.3 20 operations at 100 A (15
kV LG, 14.4 kV LL)
kV LL)


* GE Sureguard GP or Cooper Power Systems NX.

** Fuseholder may be applied as a loadbreak device in three-phase applications
where the lineline voltage will not exceed 15 kV.

Table 4. Loadbreak dry-well fuseholder ratings.

External Surge Arresters

55 High-Voltage Bushings

CAUTION: If induced-voltage tests are made on a

transformer with arresters, the arresters must be
disconnected during the test and reconnected after the
test is completed. Surge arresters should also be
disconnected before cables are hi-potted or tested with
high-current dc.

CAUTION: Remove all dirt and foreign material

from all bushings before placing the unit in service.
Follow the manufacturers instructions for installing
separable insulated voltage connectors. Do not operate
beyond the manufacturers ratings.

Porcelain Bushing Construction (ANSI


Specific recommendations for arrester applications may

be obtained from the nearest GE Sales Office. When
provided, arresters are mounted in the high-voltage

The standard high-voltage bushing is made of porcelain

and is provided with a clamp-type terminal up through
500 kVA, as shown in Figure 11, and a three-hole blade
above 500 kVA, as shown in Figure 12.

Arrester and tank-ground connections should be completed before the high-voltage line is connected. With the
low-voltage neutral and the high-voltage arresters
connected to the tank and ground, the arresters are
placed in direct shunt relation to the transformer
insulation, thus giving the most effective protection.

The clamp-type terminals accommodate cables from #8

through 2/0. The high-voltage terminals are oriented for
vertical take-off of primary cables entering the
compartment from below.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation

Figure 13. Separable insulated connectors (typical arrangement)..

Figure 11. Clamp-type live-front porcelain high-voltage bushing.

WARNING: Read the manufacturers instructions

before installing separable insulated connectors. Do not
operate beyond the manufacturers rating. Failure to
comply may result in serious personal injury or damage
to the equipment.

56 Tap Changer Operation

The tap changer operating handle, shown in Figure 14, is
generally located in the high-voltage compartment. The
operating handle can be operated by hand or hot stick. A
locking screw and/or padlock provision prevent
inadvertent operation of the switch. The tap changer is
shipped connected for the rated name plate voltage.

Figure 12. Blade-type live-front porcelain high-voltage bushing.

Separable Insulated Connectors (ANSI


WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before

operating the tap changer. Failure to comply may result
in serious personal injury, death, or damage to the

Separable insulated connector components may be universal bushing wells, integrated bushings, or bushing wells
with inserts (switch modules) installed. See Figure 13 for
typical bushing arrangements.
All separable connector components must be dry and
clear of any contaminants before connections are made.
Unused terminals must be capped before the unit is
The separable insulated connectors may be either livebreak or dead-break. Follow the manufacturers
instructions and warnings on the use of these terminations.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation
loaded, providing a positive indication of voltage
switching. Two positions are marked 1 and 2, with the
corresponding high-voltage values.
To operate the dual-voltage switch, shown in Figure 15,
use the following procedure:
1. Deenergize the transformer.
2. Open the high-voltage compartment.
3. See the name plate for the proper voltage adjustment.
4. Back out the locking screw.
5. Using a hot stick or hand, pull out the spring-loaded
handle, turning it to the desired position.
6. Engage the locking screw.
7. If padlock security is required, place a padlock
through the operating handle.

Figure 14. Tap changer.

To change taps, use the following procedure:
1. Deenergize the transformer.
2. Open the high-voltage compartment.
3. See the name plate for the proper voltage adjustment.
4. Back out the locking screw.
5. Using a hot stick or hand, pull out the spring-loaded
handle, turning it to the desired position.
6. Allow the pointer to drop into the slotted index
plate, between the corresponding alphabetic sections
on the index plate.
7. Engage the locking screw.

Figure 15. Dual-voltage switch.

8. If padlock security is required, place a padlock

through the operating handle.

When the pointer is in the 2 position, the primary coils

are connected for operation at the series voltage of a
series-multiple rated transformer or the wye voltage of a
delta-wye rated transformer. When the pointer is in the 1
position, the primary coils are connected for operation at
either the multiple or delta voltage. Unless otherwise
specified, the dual-voltage switch is shipped in the 1
(multiple or delta) position.

57 Dual-Voltage Switch
WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before
operating the dual-voltage switch. Check the name plate
and switch position for the correct voltage before
placing the unit in service. Failure to comply may result
in serious personal injury, death, or damage to the
The dual-voltage switch accessory, when supplied, has an
external operating control generally located in the highvoltage compartment. The control handle can be
padlocked, is operated with a hot stick, and is spring

Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation
58 Internal Loadbreak Switches
WARNING: These switches are designed to
interrupt load current only. They are not suitable for
interrupting fault currents. Do not exceed the switch
rating. Failure to comply may result in serious personal
injury, death, or damage to the equipment.

NOTE: Internal switching is not available with

silicone fluid.
Figure 16. Radial-feed switch.

The internal loadbreak switch is a gang-operated and is

located under oil. It is connected between the primary
bushings and the transformer fuses and windings. This
switch is designed for occasional load interruption and
can be used to deenergize the transformer. The operating
handles and the name plate indicating the switch
positions are located in the high-voltage compartment. A
0.875-inch hole is provided in the control for operation
with a hot stick. See Table 5 for rating and servicing

Figure 17. Schematic of the radial-feed switch.

Radial-Feed Switch

Loop-Feed Switches

The radial-feed, two-position internal oil switch, shown in

Figure 16, is a gang-operated loadbreak switch. It is
operated by a hot stick and uses a manually charged
overtoggle storage spring assembly that is independent of
operator speed. The spring-loaded operating mechanism
ensures quick load breaking and load making operation.
It can be used to deenergize the transformer. The
operating handle and name plate are located in the highvoltage compartment. Figure 17 is a schematic of this

The loop-feed switch arrangement, shown in Figure 18,

consists of two two-position, gang-operated, internal oil
switches. It may be used for sectionalizing and loop
connections, such as selection of power sources in a loopfeed primary distribution system, isolating faulted cables
or transformers, or isolating transformers for change out
or maintenance. Six high-voltage bushings are furnished
with a typical application. Three bushings are identified
as A source and three as B source. Figure 19 is a
schematic of this switch arrangement.

Maximum Voltage, kV
One-Minute Withstand, kV
Maximum Continuous and
Loadbreak Current, A
Momentary and Fault
Close, A RMS sym.
Momentary and Fault
Close, A RMS asym.


T Blade

V Blade













Table 5. Internal loadbreak switch ratings.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation

Figure 20. Loop-radial switches.

Figure 18. Loop-feed switches.

Figure 21. Schematic of the loop-radial switch.

Figure 19. Schematic of the loop-feed switch.

The switch positions are as follows:

The switch positions are as follows:

1. Both pointers CLOSED. The loop is closed by connecting line A to line B and the transformer is
connected to the loop.

1. Both pointers CLOSED. This position permits loop

feed for adjacent transformers with the transformer

2. Left-hand pointer CLOSED, right-hand pointer

OPEN. The transformer is disconnected from the
loop and the loop is closed.

2. Left-hand pointer CLOSED, right-hand pointer

OPEN. Only one side of the loop (A bushings) is
connected to the transformer windings.

3. Left-hand OPEN, right-hand pointer CLOSED. The

loop is open and the transformer is connected to
source B.

3. Left-hand pointer OPEN, right-hand pointer

CLOSED. Only one side of the loop (B bushings) is
connected to the transformer windings.

4. Both pointers OPEN. The transformer is deenergized

and the loop is open.

4. Both pointers OPEN. Both sides of the loop (A and B

bushings) are disconnected, thus isolating and
deenergizing the transformer windings from the
loop-feed system.

Interlocked Alternate-Source Switch

The alternate-source switch is used for the selection of
either of two voltage sources to energize the transformer.
An interlock on the switch handle allows the transformer
to be energized from only one source at a time. Figure 22
is a schematic for this switch.

Loop-Radial Switches
Two two-position loadbreak switches, shown in Figure 20,
may be used to obtain a combination of the loop and
radial switch functions. The combination consists of a
transformer switch (line B) and a loop switch (line A).
Figure 21 is the schematic for this arrangement.

Figure 22. Schematic of the interlocked alternate-source switch.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation
Loop Switch with ON-OFF Radial Switch

T-Blade Sectionalizing Switch

This combination, shown in Figure 23, provides the

functions of the loop and radial switches, allowing the
transformer to be deenergized and either loop to be
deenergized. Figure 24 is a schematic for this switch.

The T-blade sectionalizing switch, shown in Figure 25,

rotates 360 in either direction for alternate-source
selection. It is operated with a hot stick. A spring-loaded
mechanism ensures quick load breaking and positive
contact engagement in all positions. Switching can be
accomplished in one-third to one-half of a cycle, which
minimizes power outages. The T-blade switch allows the
loop to be energized while the transformer is
deenergized. Figure 27 is a diagram of T-blade switch
NOTE: Internal switching is not available with
silicone fluid.

Figure 23. Loop switch with ON-OFF radial switch.

Figure 25. T-blade sectionalizing switch.

Figure 24. Schematic of the loop switch with ON-OFF radial switch.

V-Blade Switch
The V-blade switch, shown in Figure 26, allows the loop
and the transformer to be deenergized at the same time.
Figure 28 is a diagram of V-blade switch function.

Figure 26. V-blade switch.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 5. Operation

Figure 27. T-blade switch function.

Figure 28. V-blade switch function.

Cooper Power Systems Arc Strangler

Transformers may be equipped with either radial or loopfeed Arc Strangler switches mounted in the high-voltage
compartment. These switches are equipped with currentlimiting fuses. The Arc Strangler must be cocked before a
switch or fuse assembly can be closed. Follow the Cooper
Power Systems instructions for operating these devices.
The load-break function is provided by either fuses or

S&C Pad-Mounted Gear

When S&C air switches or fused disconnects are used,
follow the manufacturers instructions for operation.
When operated with the S&C loadbuster tool, these
disconnects function as loadbreak switches.
WARNING: Use the S&C loadbuster tool to operate
the switch or fused disconnect. Failure to comply may
result in serious personal injury or death.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 6. Insulating Liquid
The transformer was thoroughly dried at the factory and
filled with insulating oil to the correct level before
shipping. Three-phase pad-mounted transformers are
available with oil, R-TEMP, and silicone insulating
fluids. Oil is generally the standard choice for outdoor
applications where flash and fire points are not an issue.
For applications requiring less-flammable liquids, RTEMP and silicone insulating fluids are generally
specified. Internal switching is not available in GE
silicone-filled transformers. R-TEMP is the standard
choice when switching is required.
The approximate flash and fire points of the three
choices of insulating fluids are listed in Table 6.
Flash Point, C
Fire Point, C




Table 6. Flash and fire points for choices of insulating fluids.

The correct level for the fluid at approximately 25 C is at
the liquid-level plug or the 25 C mark on the liquid-level
gauge. When it is necessary to add to or refill the tank,
the work should be done in a clean, dry room. The
transformer should be filled with the same type of
insulating fluid as originally installed at the factory. A fill
provision is located on the front plate in the low-voltage
compartment and a drain is located in one of the


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 7. Maintenance
71 Internal Inspection

c. Tilt the unit during filling to prevent entrapment

of air in the coils and insulation.

WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before

attempting any internal inspection. Failure to comply
may result in serious personal injury or death.

72 Bushing Maintenance
WARNING: Deenergize the transformer before
attempting bushing maintenance. Failure to comply
may result in serious personal injury or death.

WARNING: Always release any pressure in the tank

by carefully venting the pressure-relief valve before
attempting to remove handhole covers or similar covers,
including diaphragms and shipping covers (when
used). Failure to comply may result in serious personal
injury or death.

Lower the liquid level before removing bushings. In most

cases, the high-voltage bushings may be changed by
removing the external clamp hardware and carefully
pulling the bushing out. Access to the internal lead allows
it to be disconnected. Replace the bushing and carefully
insert it back in its hole on the tank.

If the transformer must be opened for internal inspection

or fuse replacement, take proper precautions to prevent
the entrance of moisture and other foreign matter into
the transformer. Remove the hood and clean off the tank

Low-voltage bushings may be changed externally or

through the main tank cover handhole. Where the leads
are fastened internally with nuts, first loosen the 10-32
screws. Where split blocks are used, loosen the hardware
in the block itself. Where neither of the above is used, the
bushing may be replaced externally by removing the
clamps and pulling the bushing out of its hole. The lead
hardware may be removed and the bushing changed. Be
sure to reinstall the hardware in the original sequence.

For access, remove the handhole cover. Place the

handhole gasket nuts and washers in storage for reuse.
Examine the underside of the cover for signs of moisture.
Look inside the transformer for blown fuses, broken
leads, and loose parts. If fuses are blown, replace them. If
any bushings are damaged, repair or replace them
through the handhole, as described below.

The gasket must be located so that it will seal properly

and not be damaged during repair to the unit. The
gasket and bushings may be reused if they are
undamaged. After repairs have been completed, refill the
unit with dry insulating liquid to the 25 C level.

If internal damage is suspected, the following procedure

is recommended.
1. Remove the tank cover, lower the liquid to the top of
the core, and carefully inspect the interior to note if
any damage has occurred.

73 External Finish Maintenance

2. Take an oil sample from the bottom of the tank. If

moisture is found inside the tank, arrangements
should be made to dry the transformer.

The condition of the transformer finish should be

examined at regular intervals. If the finish is weathered,
clean it thoroughly and refinish with a good grade of
durable paint, as recommended by GE.

3. After inspection and any repairs, refill the unit with

dry insulating liquid to the 25 C level. Fill very
slowly in a vacuum chamber. Hold a partial vacuum
on the unit (up to 3 psig) for four hours after
refilling. Do not use the tank as a vacuum chamber.
a. If the unit cannot be filled under vacuum, fill it
through the handhole, directing the flow of oil so
that aeration of the liquid is prevented. For
instance, direct a slow flow of the liquid against
the upper tank wall.
b. If a vacuum is not available, the unit should be
allowed to sit for at least 24 hours before it is
tested or energized.


Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers

Chapter 8. General Information
Complete instructions for sampling, testing, and drying
oil and drying transformers, along with operating data
and recommendations, can be obtained upon request to
the nearest GE Sales Office.

81 When You Need Service

If you need service on products manufactured by GE
Industrial Systems, a world-wide service organization is
ready to serve you. Warranty administration, site-testing
services, installation, system studies, maintenance,
trouble-shooting, site repairs, and training seminars are
provided by GE and the GE Factory Authorized Service
Team. Shop repairs, reconditioning, or rebuilding of
electrical apparatus are provided by members of the GE
Factory Authorized Service Team in their shop or on your
premises. Contact your GE Sales Office or a Factory
Authorized Service Team member for full information
about these services.

82 Renewal Parts
Orders for renewal parts may be placed by describing the
part and giving the rating and serial number appearing
on the name plate of the transformer.


GE Industrial Systems
General Electric Company
Shreveport, Louisiana 71109
GEI79025 R14 1098

1998 General Electric Company

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