IADT Avulsion Guidelines

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Dental Traumatology 2012; 28: 8896; doi: 10.1111/j.1600-9657.2012.01125.

International Association of Dental

Traumatology guidelines for the management
of traumatic dental injuries: 2. Avulsion of
permanent teeth
Lars Andersson*1, Jens O.
Andreasen*2, Peter Day*3, Geoffrey
Heithersay*4, Martin Trope*5,
Anthony J. DiAngelis6, David J.
Kenny7, Asgeir Sigurdsson8,
Cecilia Bourguignon9, Marie
Therese Flores10, Morris Lamar
Hicks11, Antonio R. Lenzi12, Barbro
Malmgren13, Alex J. Moule14,
Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi15

Department of Surgical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry,

Health Sciences Center, Kuwait University, Kuwait City,
Kuwait; 2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Center of Rare Oral Diseases, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Rigshopitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3Paedriatic Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute and Bradford
District Care Trust Salaried Dental Service, Leeds, UK;
Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Dentistry,
Endodontology, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
SA, Australia; 5Department of Endodontics, School of
Dentistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;
Department of Dentistry, Hennepin County Medical
Center and University of Minnesota School of Dentistry,
Minneapolis, MN, USA; 7Hospital for Sick Children and
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 8Department of Endodontics, UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel
Hill, NC, USA; 9Private Practice, Paris, France;
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile;
Department of Endodontics, University of Maryland
School of Dentistry, Baltimore, MD, USA; 12Private
Practice, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 13Division of Pediatrics,
Department of Clinical Sciences Intervention and
Technology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Sweden; 14Private Practice, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 15Private Practice, Amagun,
Aichi, Japan

Abstract Avulsion of permanent teeth is one of the most serious dental

injuries, and a prompt and correct emergency management is very important
for the prognosis. The International Association of Dental Traumatology
(IADT) has developed a consensus statement after a review of the dental
literature and group discussions. Experienced researchers and clinicians from
various specialties were included in the task group. The guidelines represent the
current best evidence and practice based on literature research and professionals
opinion. In cases where the data did not appear conclusive, recommendations
were based on the consensus opinion or majority decision of the task group.
Finally, the IADT board members were giving their opinion and approval. The
primary goal of these guidelines is to delineate an approach for the immediate or
urgent care of avulsed permanent teeth.

Key words: avulsion; exarticulation; consensus; review; trauma; tooth

Correspondence to: Lars Andersson, DDS,
PhD, DrOdont, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,
Department of Surgical Sciences, Health
Sciences Center, P.O. Box 24923, Safat
13110, Kuwait
Tel.: +965 24986695
Fax: +965 24986732
e-mail: [email protected]
Accepted 30 January, 2012
*Members of the Task Group.


 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

IADT guidelines for avulsed permanent teeth

Avulsion of permanent teeth is seen in 0.53% of all

dental injuries (1, 2). Numerous studies show that this
injury is one of the most serious dental injuries, and the
prognosis is very much dependent on the actions taken at
the place of accident and promptly after the avulsion
(227). Replantation is in most situations the treatment
of choice, but cannot always be carried out immediately.
An appropriate emergency management and treatment
plan are important for a good prognosis. There are also
individual situations when replantation is not indicated
(e.g., severe caries or periodontal disease, non-cooperating patient, severe medical conditions (e.g., immunosuppression and severe cardiac conditions) which must be
dealt with individually. Replantation may successfully
save the tooth, but it is important to realize that some of
the replanted teeth have lower chances of long-term
survival and may even be lost or extracted at a later stage.
Guidelines for the emergency management are useful
for delivering the best care possible in an efcient
manner. The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) has developed a consensus statement
after an update of the dental literature and discussions in
expert groups. Experienced international researchers and
clinicians from various specialties and general dentistry
were included in the groups. In cases in which the data
did not appear conclusive, recommendations were based
on the consensus opinion and in some situations on
majority decision among the IADT board members. All
recommendations are not evidence based on a high level.
The guidelines should therefore be seen as the current
best evidence and practice based on literature research
and professionals opinion.
Guidelines should assist dentists, other healthcare
professionals, and patients in decision making. Also,
they should be credible, readily understandable, and
practical with the aim of delivering appropriate care as
effectively and efciently as possible.
It is understood that guidelines are to be applied with
judgment of the specic clinical circumstances, clinicians
judgments, and patients characteristics, including, but
not limited to compliance, nances and understanding of
the immediate and long-term outcomes of treatment
alternatives vs non-treatment. The IADT cannot and
does not guarantee favorable outcomes from strict
adherence to the Guidelines, but believe that their
application can maximize the chances of a favorable
outcome. Guidelines undergo periodic updates. The
following guidelines by the IADT represent an updated
set of guidelines based on the original guidelines
published in 2007 (2830).
In this article, one of a series of three articles, the
IADT Guidelines for management of avulsed permanent
teeth are presented. Literature has been searched using
 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S


Medline and Scopus databases using the search words:

avulsion, exarticulation, and replantation. The task
group has then discussed the emergency treatment in
detail and reached consensus of what to recommend
today as best practice for the emergency management.
This text is aiming at giving the concise, short necessary
advice for treatment in the emergency situation. More
detailed description of protocols, methods, and documentation for clinical assessment and diagnosis of
different dental injuries can be found in articles,
textbooks, and manuals (2, 24) and in the interactive
web site Dental Trauma Guide http://dentaltrauma
The nal decision regarding patient care remains
primarily in the hand of the treating dentist. For ethical
reasons, it is important that the dentist provides the
patient and guardian with pertinent information relating
to treatment so also the patient and guardian has as much
inuence in the decision-making process as possible.
First aid for avulsed teeth at the place of accident (2, 10,
24, 25, 3155)

Dentists should always be prepared to give appropriate

advice to the public about rst aid for avulsed teeth.
An avulsed permanent tooth is one of the few real
emergency situations in dentistry. In addition to
increasing the public awareness by, for example, mass
media campaigns, healthcare professionals, guardians
and teachers should receive information on how to
proceed following these severe unexpected injuries.
Also, instructions may be given by telephone to people
at the emergency site. Immediate replantation is the
best treatment at the place of accident. If for some
reasons this cannot be carried out, there are alternatives such as using various storage media.
If a tooth is avulsed, make sure it is a permanent tooth
(primary teeth should not be replanted).
Keep the patient calm.
Find the tooth and pick it up by the crown (the white
part). Avoid touching the root.
If the tooth is dirty, wash it briey (max 10 s) under
cold running water and reposition it. Try to encourage
the patient/guardian to replant the tooth. Once the
tooth is back in place, bite on a handkerchief to hold it
in position.
If this is not possible, or for other reasons when
replantation of the avulsed tooth is not possible (e.g.,
an unconscious patient), place the tooth in a glass of
milk or another suitable storage medium and bring
with the patient to the emergency clinic. The tooth
can also be transported in the mouth, keeping it
inside the lip or cheek if the patient is conscious. If
the patient is very young, he/she could swallow the
tooth therefore it is advisable to get the patient to
spit in a container and place the tooth in it. Avoid
storage in water!
If there is access at the place of accident to special
storage or transport media (e.g., tissue culture/transport medium, Hanks balanced storage medium (HBSS
or saline) such media can preferably be used.
Seek emergency dental treatment immediately.


Andersson et al.

The poster Save a Tooth is written for the public and

is available in several languages: English, Spanish,
Portuguese, French, Icelandic, Italian, Arabic, and
Turkish and can be obtained at the IADT website:
Treatment guidelines for avulsed permanent teeth

Choice of treatment is related to the maturity of the

root (open or closed apex) and the condition of the
periodontal ligament cells. The condition of the cells is
depending on the storage medium and the time out of
the mouth, especially the dry time is critical for
survival of the cells. After a dry time of 60 min or
more, all periodontal ligament (PDL) cells are nonviable. For this reason, the dry time of the tooth,
before it was placed replanted or placed in a storage
medium, is very important to assess from the patients
From a clinical point of view, it is important for the
clinician to roughly assess the condition of the cells by
classifying the avulsed tooth into one of the following
three groups before starting treatment:
The PDL cells are most likely viable (i.e., the tooth has
been replanted immediately or after a very short time
at the place of accident).
The PDL cells may be viable but compromised. The
tooth has been kept in storage medium (e.g., tissue
culture medium, HBSS, saline, milk, or saliva and the
total dry time has been <60 min).
The PDL cells are non-viable. Examples of this is when
the trauma history tells us that the total extra-oral dry
time has been more than 60 min regardless of if the
tooth was stored in an additional medium or not, or if
the storage medium was non-physiologic.
1. Treatment guidelines for avulsed permanent teeth
with closed apex

Initiate root canal treatment 710 days after replantation and before splint removal. (see Endodontic considerations).
See: Follow-up procedures.
1b. The tooth has been kept in a physiologic storage medium
or osmolality balanced medium and/or stored dry, the
extra-oral dry time has been less than 60 min

Physiologic storage media include tissue culture medium

and cell transport media. Examples of osmolality balanced
media are HBSS, saline, and milk. Saliva can also be used.
Clean the root surface and apical foramen with a
stream of saline and soak the tooth in saline thereby
removing contamination and dead cells from the root
Administer local anesthesia.
Irrigate the socket with saline.
Examine the alveolar socket. If there is a fracture of the
socket wall, reposition it with a suitable instrument.
Replant the tooth slowly with slight digital pressure.
Do not use force.
Suture gingival lacerations, if present.
Verify normal position of the replanted tooth both
clinically and radiographically.
Apply a exible splint for up to 2 weeks, keep away
from the gingiva.
Administer systemic antibiotics (see Antibiotics).
Check tetanus protection (see Tetanus).
Give patient instructions (see Patient instructions).
Initiate root canal treatment 710 days after replantation and before splint removal (see Endodontic considerations).
See: Follow-up procedures.
1c. Dry time longer than 60 min or other reasons suggesting
non-viable cells

1a. The tooth has been replanted before the patients arrival at
the clinic

Leave the tooth in place.

Clean the area with water spray, saline, or chlorhexidine.
Suture gingival lacerations, if present.
Verify normal position of the replanted tooth both
clinically and radiographically.
Apply a exible splint for up to 2 weeks (see Splinting).
Administer systemic antibiotics (see Antibiotics).
Check tetanus protection (see Tetanus).
Give patient instructions (see Patient instructions).

Delayed replantation has a poor long-term prognosis.

The periodontal ligament will be necrotic and not
expected to heal. The goal in delayed replantation is, in
addition to restoring the tooth for esthetic, functional
and psychological reasons, to maintain alveolar bone
contour However, the expected eventual outcome is
ankylosis and resorption of the root and the tooth will be
lost eventually.
The technique for delayed replantation is as follows:
Remove attached non-viable soft tissue carefully, for
example, with gauze. The best way to this has not yet
been decided (see Future areas of research).
Root canal treatment to the tooth can be carried out
prior to replantation or later (see Endodontic considerations).
In cases of delayed replantation, root canal treatment
should be either carried out on the tooth prior to
replantation or it can be carried out 710 days later
like in other replantation situations (see Endodontic
 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

IADT guidelines for avulsed permanent teeth

Administer local anesthesia.
Irrigate the socket with saline.
Examine the alveolar socket. If there is a fracture of the
socket wall, reposition it with a suitable instrument.
Replant the tooth.
Suture gingival lacerations, if present.
Verify normal position of the replanted tooth clinically
and radiographically.
Stabilize the tooth for 4 weeks using a exible splint
(see Splinting).
Administration of systemic antibiotics (see Antibiotics).
Check tetanus protection (see Tetanus).
Give patient instructions (see Patient instructions).
To slow down osseous replacement of the tooth,
treatment of the root surface with uoride prior to
replantation has been suggested (2% sodium uoride
solution for 20 min) but it should not be seen as an
absolute recommendation.
See: Follow-up procedures.
In children and adolescents ankylosis is frequently
associated with infra-position. Careful follow-up is
required and good communication is necessary to ensure
the patient and guardian of this likely outcome. Decoronation may be necessary later when infraposition
(>1 mm) is seen. For more detailed information of this
procedure, the reader is referred to textbooks.
2. Treatment guidelines for avulsed permanent teeth
with an open apex


2b. The tooth has been kept in a physiologic storage medium

or osmolality balanced medium and/or stored dry, the
extra-oral dry time has been <60 min

Physiologic storage media include tissue culture medium

and cell transport media. Examples of osmolality balanced media are HBSS, saline, and milk. Saliva can also
be used.
If contaminated, clean the root surface and apical
foramen with a stream of saline.
Topical application of antibiotics has been shown to
enhance chances for revascularization of the pulp and
can be considered if available (see Antibiotics).
Administer local anesthesia.
Examine the alveolar socket.
If there is a fracture of the socket wall, reposition it
with a suitable instrument.
Remove the coagulum in the socket and replant the
tooth slowly with slight digital pressure.
Suture gingival lacerations, especially in the cervical area.
Verify normal position of the replanted tooth clinically
and radiographically. Apply a exible splint for up to
2 weeks (see Splinting).
Administer systemic antibiotics (see Antibiotics).
Check tetanus protection (see Tetanus).
Give patient instructions (see Patient instructions).
The goal for replanting still-developing (immature)
teeth in children is to allow for possible revascularization of the pulp space. The risk of infection-related
root resorption should be weighed up against the
chances of revascularization. Such resorption is very
rapid in teeth of children. If revascularization does not
occur, root canal treatment may be recommended (see
Endodontic considerations).
See Follow-up procedures.
2c. Dry time longer than 60 min or other reasons suggesting
non-viable cells

2a. The tooth has been replanted before the patients arrival at
the clinic

Leave the tooth in place.

Clean the area with water spray, saline, or chlorhexidine.
Suture gingival lacerations, if present.
Verify normal position of the replanted tooth both
clinically and radiographically.
Apply a exible splint for up to 2 weeks (see Splinting).
Administer systemic antibiotics (see Antibiotics).
Check tetanus protection (see Tetanus).
Give patient instructions (see Patient instructions).
The goal for replanting still-developing (immature)
teeth in children is to allow for possible revascularization of the pulp space. If that does not occur, root
canal treatment may be recommended (see Endodontic

See: Follow-up procedures.
 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Delayed replantation has a poor long-term prognosis. The

periodontal ligament will be necrotic and not expected to
heal. The goal in delayed replantation is to restore the tooth
to the dentition for esthetic, functional, and psychological
reasons and to maintain alveolar contour. The eventual
outcome will be ankylosis and resorption of the root.
The technique for delayed replantation is as follows:
Remove attached non-viable soft tissue carefully, for
example, with gauze. The best way to this has not yet
been decided (see Future areas of research).
Root canal treatment to the tooth can be carried out
prior to replantation or later (see Endodontic considerations).
Administer local anesthesia.
Remove the coagulum from the socket with a stream of
saline. Examine the alveolar socket. If there is a
fracture of the socket wall, reposition it with a suitable
Replant the tooth slowly with slight digital pressure.
Suture gingival laceration. Verify normal position of
the replanted tooth clinically and radiographically.


Andersson et al.

Stabilize the tooth for 4 weeks using a exible splint

(see Splinting).
Administer systemic antibiotics (see Antibiotics).
Check tetanus protection (see Tetanus).
Give patient instructions (see Patient instructions).
To slow down osseous replacement of the tooth,
treatment of the root surface with uoride prior to
replantation (2% sodium uoride solution for 20 min)
has been suggested but it should not be seen as an
absolute recommendation.
See Follow-up procedures.
Ankylosis is unavoidable after delayed replantation
and must be taken into consideration.
In children and adolescents ankylosis is frequently
associated with infraposition. Careful follow-up is
required and good communication is necessary to ensure
the patient and guardian of this likely outcome. Decoronation may be necessary when infraposition (>1 mm)
is seen. For more detailed information of this procedure
the reader is referred to textbooks.
Anesthetics (6466)

Patients and guardians are recommended by us to do

replantation at the place of accident without anesthesia.
In the clinic, however, where local anesthetics are
available, there is no need to omit local anesthesia,
especially as there are often concomitant injuries. Concern is sometimes raised whether there are risks of
compromising healing by using vasoconstrictor in the
anesthesia. Evidence is weak for omitting vasoconstrictor
in the oral and maxillofacial region and must be further
documented before any recommendations against the use
of it can be given (see suggested future areas of research
at the end of this article). Block anesthesia (e.g., infraorbital nerve block) may be considered as an alternative
to inltration anesthesia in more severely injured areas
and must be related to the clinicians experience of such
blocking techniques.
Antibiotics (6776)

The value of systemic administration of antibiotics in

human after replantation is still questionable as clinical
studies have not demonstrated its value. Experimental
studies have, however, usually shown positive effects
upon both periodontal and pulpal healing especially
when administered topically. For this reason, antibiotics are in most situations recommended after replantation of teeth. In addition, the patients medical status
or concomitant injuries may warrant antibiotic coverage.
For systemic administration, tetracycline is the rst
choice in appropriate dose for patient age and weight the
rst week after replantation. The risk of discoloration of
permanent teeth must be considered before systemic
administration of tetracycline in young patients. In many
countries, tetracycline is not recommended for patients
under 12 years of age. A penicillin phenoxymethylpenicillin (Pen V) or amoxycillin, in an appropriate dose for

age and weight the rst week, can be given as alternative

to tetracycline.
Topical antibiotics (minocycline or doxycycline, 1 mg
per 20 ml of saline for 5 min soak) appear experimentally to have a benecial effect in increasing the chance of
pulpal space revascularization and periodontal healing
and may be considered in immature teeth (2b).
Tetanus (2, 24, 25)

Refer the patient to a physician for evaluation of need

for a tetanus booster if the avulsed tooth has contacted
soil or tetanus coverage is uncertain.
Splinting of replanted teeth (7783)

It is considered best practice to maintain the repositioned

tooth in correct position, provide patient comfort and
improve function. Current evidence supports short-term,
exible splints for splinting of replanted teeth. Studies
have shown that periodontal and pulpal healing is
promoted if the replanted tooth is given a chance for
slight motion and the splinting time is not too long.
Given this there is so far no specic type of splint related
to healing outcomes. The splint should be placed on the
buccal surfaces of the maxillary teeth to enable lingual
access for endodontic procedures and to avoid occlusal
Replanted permanent teeth should be splinted up to
2 weeks. Various types of acid etch bonded splints have
been widely used to stabilize avulsed teeth because they
allow good oral hygiene and are well tolerated by the
patients. For a detailed description of how to make a
splint, the reader is referred to articles, textbooks,
manuals, and the web site Dental Trauma Guide
Patient instructions (2, 24, 25)

Patient compliance with follow-up visits and home care

contributes to satisfactory healing following an injury.
Both patients and guardians of young patients should
be advised regarding care of the replanted tooth for
optimal healing and prevention of further injury.
Avoid participation in contact sports.
Soft diet for up to 2 weeks. Thereafter normal function
as soon as possible.
Brush teeth with a soft toothbrush after each meal.
Use a chlorhexidine (0.1%) mouth rinse twice a day for
1 week.
Endodontic considerations (62, 8493)

If root canal treatment is indicated (teeth with closed

apex), the ideal time to begin treatment is 710 days
postreplantation. Calcium hydroxide is recommended
as an intra-canal medication for up to 1 month
followed by root canal lling with an acceptable
material. Alternatively if an antibiotic-corticosteroid
paste is chosen to be used as an anti-inammatory,
anti-clastic intra-canal medicament, it may be placed
immediately or shortly following replantation and left
 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

IADT guidelines for avulsed permanent teeth

for at least 2 weeks. If the antibiotic in the paste is
dechlortetracycline, there is a risk of tooth discoloration
and care should be taken to conne the paste to the
root canal and avoid contact of the paste with the pulp
chamber walls.
If the tooth has been dry for more than 60 min before
replantation. The root canal treatment may be carried
out extra-orally prior to replantation.
In teeth with open apexes, which have been replanted
immediately or kept in appropriate storage media prior
to replantation, pulp revascularization is possible. The
risk of infection-related root resorption should be
weighed up against the chances of obtaining pulp space
revascularization. Such resorption is very rapid in teeth
of children. For very immature teeth, root canal treatment should be avoided unless there is clinical or
radiographic evidence of pulp necrosis.
Follow-up procedures (2, 69, 24, 25)
Clinical control

Replanted teeth should be monitored by clinical and

radiographic control after 4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months,
1 year, and yearly thereafter. Clinical and radiographic
examination will provide information to determine
outcome. Evaluation may include the ndings described
as follows.
Favorable outcome

Closed apex
Asymptomatic, normal mobility, normal percussion
sound. No radiographic evidence of resorption or periradicular osteitis: the lamina dura should appear normal.
Open apex
Asymptomatic, normal mobility, normal percussion
sound. Radiographic evidence of arrested or continued
root formation and eruption. Pulp canal obliteration is
to be expected.
Unfavorable outcome

Closed apex
Symptomatic, excessive mobility or no mobility (ankylosis) with high-pitched percussion sound. Radiographic
evidence of resorption (inammatory, infection-related
resorption, or ankylosis-related replacement resorption).
When ankylosis occurs in a growing patient, infraposition of the tooth is highly likely leading to disturbance in
alveolar and facial growth over the short-, medium-, and
long term.
Open apex
Symptomatic, excessive mobility or no mobility (ankylosis) with high-pitched percussion sound. In the case of
ankylosis, the crown of the tooth will appear to be in an
infraposition. Radiographic evidence of resorption
(inammatory, infection-related resorption, or ankylosis-related replacement resorption) or absence of continued root formation. When ankylosis occurs in a growing
 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S


patient, infraposition of the tooth is highly likely to occur

leading to disturbance of alveolar and facial growth over
the short-, medium-, and long term.
Loss of tooth
In cases where teeth are lost in the emergency phase or
will be lost later after trauma, discussions with colleagues, where available, who have expertise with managing such cases is prudent especially in growing
patients. Ideally these discussions should take place
before the tooth shows signs of infraposition. Appropriate treatment options may include decoronation, autotransplantation, resin retained bridge, denture,
orthodontic space closure with composite modication
and sectional osteotomy. Such treatment decisions are
based on a full discussion with the child and parents,
clinicians expertise and aim to keep all options open
until maturity is reached. After growth is completed,
implant treatment can also be considered. The clinician is
referred to textbooks and articles for further readings
regarding these procedures.
Future areas of research methods discussed but not
included as recommendations in the guidelines this time

A number of promising treatment procedures for avulsed

teeth have been discussed in the consensus group. Some
of these treatment suggestions do have certain experimental evidence, and some of them are even used today
in clinical practice: according to the group members,
there is currently insufcient weight or quality of clinical
and/or experimental evidence for some of these methods
to be recognized as recommendations in the guidelines
this time. These and some other important elds are
examples where the group advocates further research
and documentation:
Methods for removal of non-viable PDL.
Conditioning the PDL with extra-oral storage in tissue
culture media prior to replantation.
Conditioning the PDL with enamel matrix protein
prior to replantation for teeth with short extra-oral
Topical treatment of root surface with uoride for
teeth with long extra-oral period.
Revascularization of pulp space and methods promoting this.
Optimal splint types with regard to periodontal and
pulpal healing.
Effect on adrenaline content of local anesthesia on
Reducing the inammation with corticosteroids.
Extra-oral root lling of teeth with less than a 60 min
drying period.
Use of titanium posts for root elongation and as
alternatives to conventional root canal treatment.
Long-term development of alveolar crest following
replantation and decoronation.

The authors wish to express their gratefulness to the

Dental Trauma Guide team in Copenhagen, Denmark


Andersson et al.

http://www.dentaltraumaguide.org for permission to use

their illustrations for this article.
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