Business Letter Writing

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FOR BUS251.5


FOR BUS251.5


Prepared for
Mr. Mehdi Hussain, Senior Lecturer BUS251.5
North South University
12 Banani Commercial Area
Kemal Ataturk Avenue
Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh.

Prepared by
Group Name: MAGIC
Kasheful Hoda, Student ID# 061662030 (GROUP LEADER)
Nahian Rasul, Student ID# 053491029
Ishrat Jahan Masuma ID# 071012030
Satya Brota Guha ID# 052526045
North South University
12 Banani Commercial Area
Kemal Ataturk Avenue
Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh.

November 26, 2008

November 26, 2008

Mr. Mehdi Hussain
Senior Lecturer BUS251.5
North South University
Dear Sir,
Here is the report on my autobiography and course evaluation (along with a letter) that you
asked me to write for this subject. This report also includes the autobiography and course
evaluation (along with a letter) for all the other group members of Magic.
Our report contains 4 pages of autobiography each, 3 pages of course evaluation including
recommendations, and one letter at the end for each. Our autobiography, the course content
hopefully will prove to be satisfactory for you, while the recommendations might interest you
as well.
I thank you to give me the opportunity to complete this report for you. If you need to contact
me further, please contact me as [email protected].
Sincerely yours,
Kasheful Hoda
NSU Student, ID# 061662 030.

Autobiography of Kasheful Hoda (ID# 061662030)..1
Autobiography of Satya Brota Guha
(ID# 052526045)...5
Autobiography of Nahian Rasul (ID# 053491029) 10
Autobiography of Ishrat Jahan Masuma (ID# 071012030)14
Good 18
Bad ...19
LETTER .. 22
Credit Refusal (05) .. 22
Assistance Request to Faculty Advisor (04) 23

Kasheful Hodas report:
The autobiography contains some of the most important events of my life, such as the time of
my birth, my grandparents, and my parents. It moves forward smoothly from my first school
day into my O-levels and then my A-levels examinations, and into my current university years.
It defines the development of my mind through the struggles of my teen years, and the path I
chose to follow in life. My values and belief are both moderate and liberal, which is why I
chose to remain away from bad habits and wrong company, and consider having a rather
spiritual outlook on life.

The BUS251 course to me is one of the most important courses in the entire university period I
will spend, as this course teaches effective communication, and avoiding miscommunication.
Also, Here I have compared business communication as an art and I believe that the course
testing methods does not test its students with justice.

The letter I wrote is regarding Credit Refusal (05).


My name is Kasheful Hoda, and I was born in Dhaka-Bangladesh, at 4.00pm (evening) on the
14th day of February 1987. I am told that this was a bright Saturday evening and there was a
clear blue sky above! Such was the time of my birth, that the hospital celebrated, and love was
in the air. The hospital celebrated because I was the first male infant born after a period of 2

I had the blessing to be able to see both my maternal and paternal grandparents. All four of
them were the dearest people I ever came near. My maternal grandparents came from India and
settled in Bangladesh in the year 1950, while my paternal grandparents are from Munshiganj
District in Bangladesh. Thus, I had the opportunity to know a wide variety of cultures, which
indeed broaden my horizon of knowledge.

Both my parents were born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Their love for knowledge, each other, and
the family helped me to get deepened in the meaning of love. My parents have always been
kind to me. Unlike the traditional parents, they never pushed me to do anything, which I didnt
want to do at that time. The only input which I have received from my parents are the their
values, prayers and their steadfastness in the path of truth and justice. I believe that for anything
good that I do or will keep doing, the greatest contributor towards that are my parents. From
them I witnessed and learnt the first lesson of love. The first mention of the word God in my
ears were through their tongue. A gift so priceless and matchless, that the only thing to do
would be to pass it on to my next generation. Never can I repay even a drop out of the ocean of
bounties that I got in the shape of parents through God Almighty.
I was 5 yrs old when I first saw my school Oxford International School. It was an English
Medium school, used to be run by an elderly Anglo-Indian woman, who gave it up to a young
but talented woman who is still currently the Principle of this school. Oxford International
school grew from being a small English-medium kindergarten into one of the most respected
English-medium school of the country, and I grew up with it. I remember those days with

fondness. My main interest with school was the running around part. I have never been the
so-called bookworm, however I did study enough to cross over to the next level (or grade).

Finally came my teenage years. This was a strange time. The world seemed to unfold all of a
sudden me unprepared unalarmed! I started to look for silent thoughtful times for my own
in isolation. Though I loved to be with friends but never it occurred before that I would think
about my relationship with God and world and humanity so deeply. I thought about love,
though perhaps I knew nothing about it. I thought about God, and realized how less I know
about Him. I thought of the reality and purpose of life, and discovered how much more I need
to find out finally when I thought about humanity, I knew it was the path that leads to

My teen years were not untouched by external problems. I had a group of friends, all of us
living nearby, around the Mohammedpur area. We played games and talked about life together.
Even though our points of views were different (often exactly the opposite), still we liked to
remain together and concluded that we would never part till death!
Teen years are known to be the most fragile part of a humans life. It was not very different for
me either. I had to choose between a way of life and the options put forward were not very few.
A few of my friends went ahead and consumed alcohol in their later teens and adulthood, most
of them started cigarettes early. My choice was to either remain an integral part of that group,
or walk away to a different path where the friends who were my closest would end up being
just people I know and I chose the latter.

Though I was against all kinds of addiction including smoking, I had two great weaknesses to
overcome: 1. Fanta & 2. Fast food. There used to be a time when I couldnt think of a single
day in this blue planet without these two commodities. Such used to be my craze for these that I
turned into a big fat person famous with all the local fast food corners. However, I didnt want
this to continue for long, and I took one of the most important decision of my life which I still

follow is that I will never consume any kind of artificially flavored drink or fast-food ever
again in my life. I am happy to add here that its been 4 long years since I took this pledge and
still I have managed to keep this pledge unbroken, not even for one little bite did I compromise.

I started studying more seriously from grade 9, for my O-Levels exams. This was the time
when I really had been studying. I had one English teacher named Ghulam-e-Mustafa, and he
used to be my favorite. The best thing about his class was that it never seemed to be a class. He
was by no means a traditional teacher. Instead his teaching method included a lot of theories,
philosophies and an art he called the art of illusion. All the time he inspired us to get out of
the illusion of society, and create our own illusions for the society. This he emphasized was the
greatest key towards good writing skills. His success record in O-Levels exams did speak in
favor of him, and he had crowds, who would pay anything to manage a seat in his coaching
room. I also had my math, physics and biology teachers who contributed to my success in the
O-Levels exam that have earned my eternal respect for them.

At the time I would give my O-Levels exam, I was nervous but at the same time excited. The
more I thought about the exam, the more upset I used to become. My studies were in order, but
something always seemed to be missing. Still I got up and decided to sit for the exams on time,
and not delay 6 months more (which was suggested to me by my near and dear ones).
The first day of my O-Levels exam was memorable. It started with the subject Bengoli. This
is considered to be the easiest of all subjects, as the average grade for any student here is an
A. Thus, this I consider a good luck for me on my first ever exam on such a critical stage.

After my O-Levels, without wasting much time, I embarked on my A-Levels courses. With
three courses for my A-Levels, and two years maximum to finish them. I still remember that
being a mad rush of my life. It was as though I had no other work. I felt trapped among all the
books, sometimes everything seemed so meaningless and empty. However, I toiled hard and
moved forward, and finally gave my exam, which earned me grades and eventually got me

through to one of the best educational establishments of the country, in which I currently study,
and that being North South University (NSU) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Between my A-Levels results and Admission to NSU, I went to see the Bay of Bengal. The
most beautiful and vast body of water I ever witnessed. This experience filled passion for
traveling in my soul, that still even if I get a month of leisure, the only thing I wish to do is
travel. I wish one day I could travel around at least half of all the countries in this world. If that
ever happens, it would be one of the greatest landmarks of my life.

Since I started studying in NSU, I had many experiences. However, the most important and
memorable experience would be the amount of hard work that one needs to put into to achieve
an A. The way my university works, constantly reminds me that life ahead is not easy either.
The greatest lesson I learnt was the lesson of handling pressure, and how well one can handle it.
The other education would be the education of life, the environment of the campus, and how
well to manage it.
I believe that the best educator is life itself. The best profession is to do something that doesnt
make one feel like working. I must add this word of the Chinese Prophet Confucius Choose a
job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. And I think the job I love is
to be an Entrepreneur.

Till now I had a life that have been a mixed bag of sadness and joy. But whatever God puts in
front of me, I hope I can perform, as He would like me to perform. As I believe that life on
Earth is nothing but a small portion of a life that we have been bestowed upon by God.
Whatever credit we earn here, will definitely be of use in the life ahead. And as all our present
are effected by our past, and all our future will be a consequence of our present therefore I
think its just logical to believe that all our deeds in this life will certainly have effect in the life
head. I look forward to seeing another day.

Autobiography of Satya Brota Guha

Hi, everybody. My name is Satya Brota Guha, but my friends call me Surjo. I am 22 years old
and this is my story. I was born in Rasmono hospital of Dhaka on 27th December in the year
1986. So by born, I am a Capricorn. My father name is Mr. Ranjit Chandra Guha and my
mother name is Mrs. Gita Rani Guha. My father is a class one government officer of food and
my mother is a housewife. I have a kid brother named Debo Brota Guha and his nickname is

Since my father is a government employee we have to transfer our home in every one or two
years. So I passed my childhood in five cities: Dhaka, Dinajpur, Lalmonirhat, Rajshahi and
Pabna. I was a very naughty but charming kid in my childhood. The name of my first school
was Butterfly Kindergarten School of Dhaka. My mother said that I was very excited as well as
nervous on that day. My little brother was born on the 9th July, 1990 and we went to Dinajpur in
1991. In the journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur I experienced my first plane journey. Luckily, I
got a window seat in the plane and the experience was just awesome. I enjoyed every moment
of that journey.

I studied in the Sen. Josef School of Dinajpur for two years. It was the most disciplined school I
see in my life. The brothers and the sisters of the school were very friendly as well as stick to
the students. We lived in an old King Palace in Dinajpur. The terrace of that palace was
fantastic. My mother started gardening for the first time there in that terrace. In my fifth
birthday my father gifted me a by-cycle. That was one of the happiest days in my life. I learned
Cycling in that palace terrace with the help of my Father. I had my first private tutor in
Dinajpur. Her name was Jenny. Jenny was a very intelligent and sweet tutor. She loved me a lot
instead of my naughtiness. Dinajpur was a very beautiful city at that time and the people of
Dinajpur were very peaceful and friendly. I have a lot of memories in my heart about Dinajpur.

After Dinajpur my father transferred to Lalmonirhat. So we went to the small town called
Lalmonirhat. Our family faced a big problem in Lalmonirhat about our education. There was no
well reputed school in Lalmonirhat at that time. So I with my brother got admitted Lalmonirhat
Jilla School. It was not as well established and disciplined school as Sen. Josef School of
Dinajpur but the best part was the ground. The school had a very big ground where senior
student played football regularly. We lived in the government residence in Lalmonirhat. There
was a big field beside our residence and we used to play cricket and football in that field in the
evening. At that time Cycling was my only passion. My father was the district controller of
food (D.C. Food) of Lalmonirhat. So our neighbors were layers, doctors, magistrates and
Mr. DeboJit Sens family lived next door to us. Mr. DeboJit Sen was a layer and Mrs. DeboJit
Sen was a housewife like my mother. Mr. and Mrs. DeboJit Sen were very friendly and funny
people. So both our families became very close to each other. They had three daughters. I liked
the little one specially. Her name was Bindu. Bindu was a very beautiful and sweet girl. I liked
her a lot. She was my first girlfriend. We went to the school and returned from school together.
I always went to her class in the tiffin period and we shared our tiffin. Her smile was just mindblowing. Even today I remember her smile clearly. I used to play chess and caram with her. In
Ludoo she was always my partner. I saw the helicopter for the first time in our school field in
Lalmonirhat. The prime minister was visiting Lalmonirhat and we went there to welcome her.
A cornel of Bangladesh Army was our family friend. So we had the opportunity to visit many
Army camps while staying in Lalmonirhat.

Lalmonirhat is a very small but beautiful place. As a result most of the people of Lalmonirhat
knew one another personally. The way people of Lalmonirhat celebrated Eid-ul-Fitar and Durga
Pooja was fantastic. They always celebrated their festivals together which proves the strong
bonding between them. I always remembered the love that the people of Lalmonirhat gave me.

Our family went to Rajshahi from Lalmonirhat in the year 1995. Unlike Lalmonirhat, Rajshahi
was a very big and crowded city. We stayed in the officers quarter named Prantick in
Rajshahi. Prantick was one of the best houses I lived in my life until now. Our flat was a big
flat with four bedrooms, one kitten, one drawing room, one dinning room and three bathrooms.
One got my first private room in Rajshahi.

I got admitted to Rajshahi Collegiate School which was one of the best schools in Rajshahi. It
was one of the most disciplined schools I see in my life after Sen. Josef School of Dinajpur.
The educational environment of Rajshahi Collegiate School was excellent and the teachers of
Rajshahi Collegiate School were highly educated and helpful.

I formed my first friend circle in Rajshahi Collegiate School. The name of the group was
Masti. The members of Masti were Ananda, Aashik and myself. Like the name suggests we
did all the naughty things in the class and outside the class. As a result we got small punishment
from our teachers but actually they liked us a lot. Stealing the tiffins of other students and
eating them with great pleasure were two main activities of Masti members. I personally
liked it a lot because we could taste different foods in the same day.

One of our teachers named Miss Sruti punished us most of the times for our naughtiness in the
class. But she loved us most among all teachers because she was the one who first believed in
our talents and supported us whenever we needed her support. Some teachers believed that we
will have no future in our life. At that time she was the only person who believed in us and gave
us confidence.

Fortunately, we prove her faith right. Mr. Asfakul Rahaman Ananda is studying Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (EEE) in BUET now. He stood 4th in the admission test of BUET in
2004 which is remarkable for any student. Mr. Aashik Islam is studying medicine in a beautiful











Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) in North South University with a CGPA of 3.83. I am


also acting as a teachers assistant (TA) in the CSE department in North South University for
last three semesters.

Another thing I most liked about Rajshahi was its living environment. I remember we played
Cricket all day long in the field without concerning about security or any other problems. We
played Cricket every evening in the field except Friday with my kid brother and friends. Every
Friday I with my brother went to the Rajshahi Tennis Complex for our tennis lessons. I believe
if we stay in Rajshahi now we will be national tennis players because we played tennis very
well and we loved the game. It was the biggest Tennis Complex in Bangladesh and the
environment of the Rajshahi Tennis Complex was excellent.

I will never forget the mango and black berry trees of our campus in Rajshahi. In the summer
season the mango was the main food of our family instead of rice. Our family friends
sometimes called us the mango family. Believe it or not I personally brought ripe mango at the
rate of 5 taka per kilo and the unripe mango at the rate of 2 taka per kilo in Rajshahi which is
quite impossible now-a-days. I never forget the experience to collect mangoes from the trees at
the nights of Kalbaishaky storm. The best place to hang out at evening in Rajshahi was the
Padma Tea Place. We used to go there to enjoy the fresh air of the river Padma. It felt great.
My parents liked the place a lot because it removed their stress and give them new hope and
energy of life. I liked the place for girls. The experience of sharing an ice-cream with a
beautiful girl was out of the world. Luckily, I got the chance once. I passed a great time in
Rajshahi with my family and it gave me some memorable experience.

After Rajshahi, I along with my family went to Pabna in 1998. I got an admission in Pabna
Gilla School with my little brother. Like Rajshahi, We stayed in the officers quarter named
Surobhi in Pubna. We found a very friendly doctor family in Pubna. Dr. Abdul Matin and Dr.
Sarmin Matin were our neighbors in Pubna. They had a cute daughter called Tue.

After Pubna our family returned to Dhaka in the year 2000. I got admitted in the Motijheel

Govt. Boys High school of Dhaka and I passed my S.S.C examination from Motijheel Govt.
Boys High school in 2002 with a GPA of 4.88. Then I got an admission in the best college in
Bangladesh Notre Dame College and I passed my H.S.C examination from Notre Dame
College in 2004 with a GPA of 5.00. I am studying Electronic and Telecommunication
Engineering (ETE) in North South University now-a-days.

I want to be a very successful engineer and a nice human being in my future life. I also want to
marry the most beautiful girl in the world my fianc Sancitta and live a happy married life with

Kasheful Hodas perspective:
Bus 251 is an interesting course with a very direct relationship with real life problems we
would most definitely face in the work life. This course polishes our much-needed writing
skills, and tells us how to effectively communicate in writing and well as verbally. This course
helped me point out my weaknesses in communication, and trained me to avoid
miscommunications. The course material not only kept the class involved, but proves to be one
of the most relevant and important subject for not only a BBA student, but a student of any
department of study.
Satya Brota Guha s perspective:
As a ETE student, Bus 251 is an open elective course for me. It is a very interesting and useful
course. The language of the Bus 251 book is very simple and easily understandable which is
very good for students. I think this course will help me to communicate with people better in
the future.


Kasheful Hodas perspective:
As writing is an art, the time constraint in the exams are not justified in my opinion. I believe
there should not be any time constraint on writing, or if there must be a time constraint, it
should be more hours than one or two. This is because for a mind to show its creativity, we
must give it ample space and time. In a time frame of 15 to 20 minutes per letter, the main
focus shifts towards finishing in time, and not towards finishing a piece of art in the form of
Satya Brota Guhas perspective:
For my point of view, the exam timing of the course is not perfect. Both the examination of Bus
251 started late which is not acceptable. The final syllabus of the Bus 251 is huge which is not
suitable for a student who is taking more than four courses.


Kasheful Hodas perspective:
There shouldnt be any MCQ or TF, instead there should be small written experiments and
more practical for this subject, whose basic aim is to polish communication, and the art
communication cannot be memorized. There should be more debates, more interaction and
more writing practices. The group work should be taken individually, and the markings should
be done after knowing the background of the group-work, which can only be known after
talking with the group or its leader.
Satya Brota Guhas perspective:
The Bus 251 course should introduce the short time presentation instead of debate. The timing
of all the examination and quizes of Bus 251 should be a little bit longer. Finally, the student
need more office time from the very popular and busy faculty.


Hoda, Kashef ul Autobiography of Kasheful Hoda and First part of the Executive summary
also Credit Refusal (05), also First part of the Good, Bad and Recommendation.
Rasul, Nahian Autobiography of Nahian Rasul and Second part of the Executive summary
also Request for Donation (03), also Second of the Good, Bad and Recommendation.
Guha, Satya Brota Autobiography of Satya Brota Guha and Third part of the Executive
summary also Memorandum (01), also Third part of the Good, Bad and Recommendation.
Masuma, Ishrat Jahan Autobiography of Ishrat Jahan Masuma and Third part of the
Executive summary also Request for loan approval (02), also Third part of the Good, Bad
and Recommendation.



Credit Refusal (05)

November 24, 2008

The Manager
Kingkong Real Estate
Subject: Your inquiry for 1,000 bags of cement.
Dear Manager,
Thank you for your letter.
Your recent 1,000 bags of cement order in credit clearly reflect upon your ever growing
business this year.
We, at Scan Cement, strive to achieve the best satisfaction of our valuable clients, such as
yourself. To be able to give our very best to our customers at this current rush hour, with the
demand for these cements so high, we must maintain a rationing device which allows us to be
able to meet the rising demand. Hence, at this point of time we would strive to serve you on a
cash basis only.
With the growing market for Real State business, along with the superb performance continued
by Kingkong Real Estate in this field, we take great privilege in supplying cement to your firm,
and look forward to be able to supply more so in the future.
With Regards,
Kasheful Hoda
Sales Manager,
Scan Cement.


Assistance Request to Faculty Advisor (04)

November 26, 2008

The Faculty Advisor of Travel Club
Subject: Our trip to the Sunderbans.
Dear Sir,
the travel club of North South University looks forward to organize a trip to the Sunderbans.
This shall be a landmark trip for this esteemed club whose sole aim is to magnify the name of
our prestigious institution all across Bangladesh, and hopefully one day the entire world.
As the president of this Travel Club I request you to grant us permission to travel the
Sunderbans. The members of the NSU Travel Club have a great desire to carry the flag of out
University inside this great Jungle, and contributed to their level best to carry out this trip in a
self sufficient manner. However, we are still lacking an amount equivalent to Tk. 50,000, and
thus look up at you as our guardian figures to help us with this amount from the club funds.
We hope to be blessed by your permission, and receive the assistance from the club fund as a
remarkable encouragement to the success of this infant club of NSU.
With Regards,
Montu Miah
Club President,
Travelers Club.


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