Is 4155 1966
Is 4155 1966
Is 4155 1966
Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.
1 +, 1 +
01 ' 5
Jawaharlal Nehru
! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
! > 0 B
Indian Standard
Copyright 1967
Gr 6
September 1967
IS : 4155 -1966
Indian Standard
Chemical Hazards Sectional Committee, CDC 18
Directorate General of Factory Advice Service &
Labour Institutes ( Mipistry of Labour, Employment & Rehabilitation ), Bombay
Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd, Bombay
SHRIS. M. MAOHIRAJU ( Alternate)
Directorate General of Health Services (Ministry of
Health & Family Planning)
Central Public Health Engineering Research
Institute ( CSIR ), Nagpur
TRAFFIO Railway Board (Ministry of Railways)
Ministry of Petroleum & Chemicals
DR G. JAYARAUA RAo (Alternate)
Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay, Bombay
Directorate General of Technical Development
(Ministry of Industrial Development &
Company Affairs)
Department of Explosives (Ministry of Works,
Housing and Rehabilitation )
SHRIS. C. Roy ( Alternate )
Indian Chemical
Manufacturers' Association,
Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi
DR B. N. CRAB;RAVARTY ( Alternate )
SHRIM. N. KHANNA (Alternate'
Ministry of Defence ( DGI )
Minis.try of Defence ( R&D'
DR K. J. BALAKRISRNA ( Alternate:)
Indian Institute of Petroleum ( CSIR ,. Debra Dun
The Western India Match Company Limited,
Director General, lSI ( Ex-o.fji&io Memlm )
Director (Chem)
Deputy Director (Chern), lSI
( Continued onpage 2 )
IS I 4155 1966
( Continuedfrom pagl I )
SHRI S. C. Roy ( Alternate)
Atomic Energy Eatablishment, Trombay, Bombay
Department of Explosives (Ministry
Housing lit Rehabilitation )
of Works,
'Action Level - The level of dose rate or activity concentration above which
remedial actions or protective actions should be carried out in chronic exposure
or emergency exposure. '
( Page 9, clause 2, heading 'Enriched Material' ) after 'Enriched Material':
'Entrance Surface Dose - Absorbed dose in the centre of the field at the
surface of entry of radiation for a patient undergoing a radiodiagnostic
examination, expressed in air and with backscatter.'
( Page 10, clause 2, heading 'Exposure' ) -
'Exposure Pathway- The routes by which radioactive material can reach or
irradiate humans. '
( Page 13, clause 2, heading 'Ignition' ) -
'Ignition' :
'Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) - An IDLH level
represents the maximum airborne concentration of a substance to which a
healthy person can be exposed for as long as 30 minutes and still be able to
escape without loss of life or irreversible organ system damage.'
(CHD 8)
where HT is the equivalent dose in tissue T and WTis the tissue weighting factor
for tissue T.'
'Supervised Area - Any area not designated as a controlled area but for which
occupational exposure conditions are kept under review even though specific
protective measures and safety provisions are not normally needed.'
(CHD 8)
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
IS : 4155 1966
Indian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 1 November 1966, after the draft finalized by the Chemical Hazards
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council.
0.2 Realising the rapid pace of industrialisation within the country it was
considered expedient to take up formulation of standards on definition and
classification of chemical hazards; laboratory and industrial chemical
hazards including air pollution. The concerned committee, while formulating standards on different aspects covered under its scope felt that
formulation of a standard glossary of technical terms relating to chemical
and radiation hazards and hazardous chemicals was necessary. Commonly
used scientific terms may have a different import when specifically used in
relation to different types of chemical hazards. That such a need for
standardization of terminology for avoiding ambiguity and confusion in
the use of the terms is vitally called for has been amply borne out through
experience gained in the formulation of Indian Standards relating to
laboratory, industrial and air pollution hazards.
0.2.1 This standard covers terms relating to chemical and radiation
hazards and hazardous chemicals. Terms relating to air pollution have
been covered separately. Terms relating to the principal chemical hazards,
such as corrosive, explosive, flammable, oxidizing, poisonous and radioactive substances, have been included in this standard.
0.3 In the preparation of this standard assistance derived in defining terms
used in nuclear science, from B.S. 3455: 1962 Glossary of Terms Used in
Nuclear Science, British Standards Institution, is gratefully acknowledged.
I.l This standard defines technical terms relating to chemical and radiation
hazards and hazardous chemicals.
1.1.1 It does not include terms relating to air pollution.
Abel Heat Test - British official heat test which is generally applied to
nitro-explosives. The principle of the test is to note the time required to
produce a standard tint on a potassium iodide-starch paper when the explosive is heated under.specified conditions.
Absorption - As applied to. chemical hazards, refers to the process of
penetration of a position into the body. A material is said to be absorbed
only when it has gained entry into the blood stream and consequently
may be carried to all parts of the body. This requires that substances pass
through the skin, mucous membrane or air sacs of the lungs.
As applied to radiation hazards, refers to processes by which radiation
imparts some or all of its energy to any material through which it
Acute - In the medical sense it means' of short duration", As applied
to materials inhaled or absorbed through the skin. it refers to a single
exposure. As applied' to materials ingested, it refers to a single dose.
Aerosol- A colloidal system in which the dispersion medium is a gas.
Airdose - X-ray dose expressed in roentgens delivered at a point in free
air. In radiological practice it consists of the dose due to the radiations of
the primary beam and to that scattered from surrounding air.
Allergen - The agent, the presence of which in the body gives rise to
Allergenic Potential - A qualitative term that gives an idea of the
allergic action of a material. . A substance is said to have a high allergenic
potential, if, even very small amounts of that substance give rise to symptoms
of allergy.
Allergy - A state in which the cells, of the body are hypersensitive to
certain substances ( allergens), usually proteins, introduced into it. The
reactions of the. body exhibit themselves as oedema, inflammation and
destruction of tissue.
Alpha-Particle (IX-Particle) - A helium nucleus (consisting of two
protons and two neutrons) having a mass of 4 units and 2 units of positive
charge. It is a fundamental particle.,
Am.m.unition - Explosive substances when enclosed in any case or contrivance or otherwise adopted or prepared so as to form a cartridge or charge
for small arms, guns, rockets or other weapons and components thereof
such as 'caps, detonators, primers, boosters, fuzes. shells, warheads, etc.
IS: 4155-1966
Ballistic Pendulum - An apparatus for measuring the relative power of
different explosives as compared to a standard explosive by, determining
the weights of different explosives, which when fired will produce similar
deflection of the pendulum.
Ballistics - That branch of applied physics which deals with the motion
of projectiles and the conditions governing that motion, commonly called
the science of shooting.
Beta-Particle ( ~-Particle ) - Charged particle, emitted from the nucleus
of an atom and having a mass and charge equal in magnitude to those of
the elctron.
Binary Explosives - Mixtures of TNT with another explosive, such as
RDX, PETN or with another explosive and a non-explosive material such
as ammonium nitrate and aluminium powder.
Blasting Fuse - A device consisting of a length of slow burning composition which delays the firing of an explosive charge sufficiently to allow the
person firing it to get out of danger.
Bone Seeker - An element which tends to be deposited in the bones of the
body because it is either chemically similar to calcium or takes part in
bone-forming processes.
Booster - An intermediate high explosive charge in an ' Explosive Train',
. which is easily initiated by the primary charge and detonates at high speed,
thereby imparting sufficient impulse to the main explosive charge to detonate completely.
BreDlsstrahlung - Electromagnetic radiation resulting from interaction
between two charged particles ( usually an electron and a nucleus).
Drisance - Used for shattering power of an explosive as distinguished
from its total work capacity and indicates its ability to shatter and fragment
steel, concrete and other very hard structures and is dependent upon its
velocity of detbnation.
Cancer - The common term for malignant neoplasms or tumours. N eoplasias are new growths which occur in some organ or tissue. These can be
roughly divided into benign and malignant forms, though in certain cases
the distinction Is unclear.
Cap - That part of a cartridge or shell which is filled with a detonative
. composition and is fired by a percussion strike. I t ignites the propellant
charge in gun and small arm ammunition.
CarcinogeD - Any agent responsible for causing cancer.
IS 14155.1966 ( Discrete) Radiation - X:'radiation consisting of
discrete wavelengths which are characteristic of the emitting element.
Chronic - In the medical sense, this term is used' in contrast to ' Acute',
and means ' of long duration'. As' applied to materials inhaled or absorbed through the skin, it means exposure times of long duration. Asregards
material ingested, it refers to repeated doses.
Cleveland Open Cup Method - A method for determining the flash
point of a liquid. In this the vapour being experimented upon has free
access to' air and thus is slightly less concentrated than the one in the
'Closed Cup Method' (see also. ' Closed Cup Method' ).
Closed Cup Method - One of the methods for determining the flash point
of a liquid: In this method, measurements are made on a saturated vapour
air mixture obtained in a closed cup.
Combustible - Any material capable of combustion.
Combustion - The action or the process of burning, usually associated
with the development of light, heat and chemical combination.
Contact Dermatitis:"'- Inflammation of the surface of the skin or
epidermis due to physical contact with an allergy producing material.
"Qontact Radiation Therapy - X-ray therapy with specially constructed
tul/les in which the target-skin distance is very short ( less than 2 em}. The
,voltage employed is usually between 40 to 60 KV.
Contaminant - The substance giving rise to a contamination.
Contamiuauon- The objectionable presence ofsubstances which may be
either' poisonous or radioactive in nature.
Controlled Area - Area in which the occupational exposure to radiation
or .radloactive material of personnel is' under the supervision of a safety
officer. '
Core ~'The part of a nuclear reactor containing the fissionable material.
Corrosive - Chemicals which readily tend to attack materials in contact.
Cumulative Effect ( or a Poison) - The effects of certain poisons depend
not only on the dose, received at a particular time but also on, the doses of
the poison previously received. Thus a quantity of such a poison, innocuous in the first instalment, mayp'l'ove to be dangerous in subsequent ones.
Such an effect is said to be ' cumulative' in nature and is termed' Cumulative Effect' as such. Sometime such cumulative effect, will occur with
Curie - The unit of radioactivity. It is the quantity of a radioactive isot'ope which disintegrates at the rate 9 37 000 millions disintegrations per
second. The activity of a gram of'radium is approximately equal to one curic.
IS : 4155 1966
Daughter - A synonym for 'Decay Product'
Decay Constant - The fraction of the number of atoms of a radioactive
element which decays in unit time.
Decay Product - A nuclide resulting from the radioactive disintegration
of a radio nuclide, formed either directly or as a result of successive transformations in a radioactive series. A decay product may be either radioactive or stable.
Decay, Radioactive - Disintegration of the nucleus ofan' unstable element
by the spontaneous emission of charged particles, or the nuclear capture or
ejection of orbital electrons of fission.
Decontallliaanon Factor - Ratio of the initial concentration of contaminating radioactive material to the final concentration after a separation
Depth Dose - The radiation dose delivered-at a particular depth beneath
the surface of the body. It is usually expressed as a percentage of surface
dose or as a percentage of air dose.
Dermatosis - An affliction or inflammation of the deeper parts of the skin.
Detonation - The brisant explosion of a high explosive ( see' Brisance ' ).
Detonator - A device containing primary explosives with or without a
booster charge employed to bring about the detonation of more insensitive
explosives. The simplest form of a detonator consists of a drawn metallic
tube closed at one end and-filled with mercury fulminate or like explosive
with or without a~ooster charge.
Direct Radiation - Obsolete term for all radiation other than the useful
beam; now designated as leakage radiation (see' Leakage Radiation' }.
Disintegration, Nuclear - See' Decay, Radioactive '.
Dosage -..:. i) In the medical sense; a measure of any material, expressed in
suitable units, that gains entry into the body, and ii) in the radiation sense,
the amount of radiation to which the body or any material has been exposed.
Dose Rate - Radiation dose delivered per unit time.
DosiJDeter - Instrument used to detect and measure an accumulated
dose of radiation; in common usage it is a pencil size ionization chamber with
built in self-reading electrometer, used for personnel monitoring.
Dry CheJDical - One of the many types of fire extinguishers. The
composition depends on the type offire being fought against. The usual
ones encountered are sand, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, graphite,
magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide or a mixture of any or all of these,
A symptom
IS I -1155- 1966
IS I fl55.196&
FDter, Primary ( Radiology) - A sheet of material usually metal, placed
in the path of a' beam of radiation to remove as far as possible the lesspenetrating components. .
Filter, Secondary ( Radiology) - A sheet of material of lower atomic
number relative to that of the primary filter placed in the path of the filtered
beam of radiation to remove characteristic radiation produced by the
primary filter.
FJre - The chemical combination of oxygen with fuel accompanied by
evolution of thermal energy, indicated by incandescence or flame.
Fire Hazard - A term that connotes all the implied risks associated with
the start and spread of'fire,
Fiion - The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two ( or very i-areIy more)
approximately equal fragments, fission fragments. Fission is accompanied
by the emission of neutrons and the release ofenergy. It can be spontaneous
or it can be caused by the interaction of neutrons, or fast charged partida
or high energy proton.
F.UOD Products - Stable and unstable nuclides resulting from fission.
F.sloD Ylelcl - The fraction of fissions giving rise to one particular group
offissionproducts all having the same mass number.
Flammability Limit - A flame can propagate in a mixture of combustible
gas and air ( or oxygen) only if the concentration of the gas is between
two limits known as the lower and upper flammable ( exposure) limits.
Flaahles. Powders - ExploSive substances which give no visible Bash in
daylight and only a red glow at night. The flashlessness is effected by
reducing the explosion temperature by the addition of DNT, powdCred
metal, metallic salt, etc.
Flash POiDt - The lowest temperature of a liquid at which a ftame can be
propagated acrossthe surface of the liquidwhcn a standard ignitionsoUrce
is applied.
Plus - In nucleonics, the product of the number of particles per unit
volume and their velocity.
Foam - A suspension, often colloidal, of a gas in a liquid. In fire-fighting
terminology, a type of extinguisher, produced. by bubbling carbon dioxide or
some .other gas (which is not a supporter of combustion) through a liquid
containing foam producing material.
Fue1- Material which either by a process of combustion or nuclear chain
reaction is capable of liberating utilisable thermal energy.
Fumigaat - Substance used in the form ofvapour and aerosols for destroying microbes and insects.
IS : 4155 1966 ( Physical) - The time taken for the activity of a radioactive
substance to tlecay to half its original value, that is, for half the atoms
present to disintegrate. Also termed' Half-Life, Radioactive', or merely
IS : 4155 - 1966
detonate the shell. filling. Their sensitiveness lies between that of the
initiators and of bursting charges.
mternal Conversion - A transition between two energy states of a
is.not emitted as a photon (gaJ?lma ray) .
but 18 grven to an orbital electron In the K- or L-shell which 18 thereby
ejected from the atom.
IS : 4155 1966
Labelled Compound - A compound consisting in part of labelled molecules (see' Labelled Molecule ).
Labelled Molecule - A molecule containing one or more .atoms, radioactive or stable, characterized by non-natural isotopic composition.
Laukocytheuda - See' Leukaemia '.
LD59- The amount of poison (or the radiation dose) which will kill
one-half of a group of experimental animals. 'LD' stands for 'lethal dose'.
Lead Equivalent - The thickness of lead affording the same reduction in
radiation dose rate under specific conditions as the material in question.
Leakage Radilittion - See' Direct Radiation'.
Lesion. - Damage, injury, especially morbid change, in functioning or
texture of organs.
Leakaeuda - Adisease in which there isa great over production of white
blood cells or a relative over production of immature white cells, and great
enlargement of-the spleen. It is almost always fatal. It can be produced in
some animals by long, continued exposures to low intensities of ionizing
Local- This term the site of action ofa poison and means that the
action takes place at the point or area of contact. The site may be the
skin or the mucous membranes.
Lower Explosive LiD1it ( L~L ) - The minimum percent by volume of
flammable vapour in air below which flame will not propagate in the mixture. See also' Explosive Range' and' Flammability Limit '.
Low Explosive - See' Explosive, .Classification of '.
IS I 4155. 1966
Median Lethal Dose - See ' LD 50'.
Milli Roentgen - 10-3 of a roentgen.
Monitoring - Periodic or continuous determination of the amount of
ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination or toxic substances present
in an occupied region as a safety measure for purposes of health protection.
Mono-Energetic Radiation- Radiation of a given type, [alpha (IX),
beta (~), neutron, gamma ..cY), etc] in which all particles or photons originate with, and have, the same energy.
Mortar Test - A test employed for measuring relative power of an explosive in comparison with a standard explosive.
Mutation - A change in the characteristics of an organism produced by
an alteration of the usual gene pattern.
. .
Narcotic - A substance which produces drowsine8!l, sleep, unconsciousness, etc, through its effect on the nervous system.
IS I 4155 -1966
IS I 4155 - 1966
Radiation - A term which embraces electro-magnetic waves, in particular X-rays and y-rays, as well as streams of fast moving charged particles
{ electrons, protons, alpha-particles, etc) and neutrons of all velocities, that
IS, all the waves by which energy is given offby an atom.
Radiation Hazard - The risk to health arising from exposure to ionizing
radiation. It may be due to external radiation or due to radiation from
radioactive materials within the body.
Radiation Hygiene - A term synonymous with C Radiological' Health '.
Radiation Sickness - A self limited syndrome characterized by nausea.
vomitting, diarrhoea and psychic depression following exposure to appreciable doses of ionizing radiation, particularly of the abdominal region.
Radiation Therapy - Treatment of a disease with any type of radiation.
Radioactivity - Phenomenon, wherein, certain' nuclides undergo spontaneous disintegration, in which energy is liberated, generally resulting in the
formation of new nuclides. ' The process is accompanied by the emission of
one or more types of radiation such as lX-particles, (i-particles and ~rays.
Radioautograph - See' Auto Radiograph '.
Radiological Health - The art and science of protecting human beings
from injury by radiation.
Radiological Survey - Evaluation of the radiation hazard incident to the
production, use or existence of radioactive materials or other sources or
radiation under a specified set of conditions.
Radiology- The medical science of-radioaai-ve .substances, X-rays and
other ionizing radiation and the application of the principles of thisscieace..
to diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Recovery (Radiology) -,- The return towards normal of a particular
cell, tissue or organism after radiation injury.
Relative Biological Eft"ectiveness (RBE) - The ratio ofy-ray or X.~ay
dose to the dose that is required to produce the same biological effect by
the radiation in question.
Roentgen - The quantity of X-radiation or gamma-radiation such that
the associated corpuscular emission per 0'001 293 g of air produces, in air,
ions carrying 1 esu ( electrostatic units) of quantity of electricity of either
Roentgen Equivalent Man (REM) - That quantity of any type of
ionizing radiation, which, when absorbed by man, produces an effect equivalent to the absorption by man of one roentgen of X-radiation or gammaradiation.
IS : 4155 - 1966
Roeotgeo Equivaleot Physical (REP) - The amount of ionizing
radiation which will result in the absorption in tissue of 93 ergs per g.
Roeotgenography - Radiography by means of X-rays.
Roentgenology - That part of radiology which pertains to X-rays.
Roentgen Rays - X-rays.
Rotation Therapy - Radiation therapy during which either the patient is
rotated before the source of radiation or the source is revolved around the
patient. In this way, a larger dose is built up at the centre of rotation
within the body of the patient than on any area of the skin.
Rutherford - a) A unit of radioactivity equivalent to lOll disintegrations
per second.
b) A quantity of a nuclide having an activity of one Rutherford.
Safety Fuse - It consis~ of a train of slow burning gunpowder enclosed in
waterproof covering andusedfor initiation of a detonator or an explosive
charge from a safe distance.
Sarcoma - See' Cancer ',
Scattered R,adiation - Radiation, which, during its passage through a
substance has been deviated in direction. . It may also have been modified
by increase in wavelength. It is one form of secondary radiation.
Sc:iotillation Counter - The combination of phosphor, photomultiplier
tube and associated circuitry for counting light emissions produced in the
Phosphorby radiation.
Secondary Protective Barriers- Barriers sufficient to reduce stray
radiation to the permissible dose rate.
Secondary Radiation - Radiation originating as the result of absorption
of other radiation in matter. It may by electromagnetic or particulate
in nature.
Sedative - A drug possessing the property of producing soothing effect.
Shock Wave - A compression wave caused by sudden rise of pressure
due to release of large quantitr of gaseous products at high temperature
resulting from decomposition 0 the explosive material.
Sigmoid 'Curve - S-shaped curve, often characteristic of a dose-effect
curve in radio-biological studies.
Skin Dose ( Radiology) - Dose at centre of radiation field on skin.
It is the sum of the ail' dose and that due to the back scattered radiation.
IS 14155 1966
Softness - A relative specification of the quality or penetrating power of
X-rays. In general, the longer the wavelength, the softer the radiation.
Soporific - A substance that causes sleep or drowsiness.
Specific Activity CODlpound - Total radioactivity of a given isotope
per gram of a given compound.
3pecific Activity EleDlent - Total radioactivity of a given isotope pt<r
gram of element.
Specific Activity, Isotope - Total radioactivity of a given isotope per
gram of the radio isotope.
Specificlonization-'- Number of'ion pairs produced by the ionizing radiation when passing through matter per unit length of the tract of radiation.
Spontaneous Ignition - Many substances combine with .atmospheric
oxygen at ordinary temperature and liberate heat. If the heat is liberated
faster than it is dissipated, a fire can start. This process is called spontaneous
Stabilizer - Substances, such as diphenylamine centralites which are
added to explosives, such as nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine to prevent them
from gradual decomposition due to storage. .These additives neutralize the
nitric acid produced thus preventing enhanced degradation rates.
Sterility ( Biological) - Temporary or permanent incapability to reproduce.
StiDlulant - A substance that temporarily quickens some vital process or
the function of an organ.
Stray Radiation - Radiation not serving any useful purpose. It includes
direct radiation and secondary radiation from irradiated objects.
Susceptibility to Spontaneous Ignition (SSI) - The tendency to
undergo spontaneous ignition ( see' Spontaneous Ignition' ).
SYDlpathetic Detonation -' Detonation caused by transmission of a high
energy shock wave through air emanating from one explosive charge to
another explosive charge at some distance resulting in the detonation of the
Sym.ptODl - Evidence of a disease or disorder as experienced by a patient.
SyndroDle -:- A concurrence of several symptoms or signs in a disease
which are characteristic of it.
SysteDlic - Effect of a poison at a site of action other than the paint of
application. This presupposes that absorption has taken place.
IS: 4155-1966
Teletherapy - A technique of using a radioisotope as a radiation source
in which the radio element is shielded on all sides except one, thus giving a
directional beam ofradiation directed at the. area to be treated.
Threshold Dose -The minimum dose that will produce a detectable
degree of any given effect.
Threshold Limit Value - The concentration of a contaminant or toxic
substance in air at which, on the basis of present day knowledge, workers
may be repeatedly exposed without any perceptible adverse effect on their
health during the life time. . This value should be used as a guide in the
control of health hazards and should not be regarded as a fine line between
safe and dangerous concentrations.
Tissue Dose - Dose received by a tissue in the region of interest.
case X-rays and y-rays, tissue doses are expressed in roentgens.
In the
Velocity of Detonation - The speed at which detonation travels through
the mass of the explosive and depends upon a number of factors such as
density, degree of confinement and temperature.
X-Rays - Electromagnetic radiation resulting from extra nuclear loss of
energy of charged particles ( namely, electrons) and having shorter wavelength than ultraviolet radiation.
Central Laboratory:
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LUCKNOW 226001
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RAJKOT 360002
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22 126215