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Big Data for Good.

A distinguished panel of experts discuss how Big Data
can be used to create Social Capital.
by Roberto V. Zicari, Editor.

June 5, 2012.
Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created. This data comes
from digital pictures, videos, posts to social media sites, intelligent
sensors, purchase transaction records, cell phone GPS signals to name
a few. This is Big Data.
There is a great interest both in the commercial and in the research
communities around Big Data. It has been predicted that analyzing Big
Data will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves
of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus, according to
research by MGI and McKinseys Business Technology Office.
But very few people seem to look at how Big Data can be used for
solving social problems. Most of the work in fact is not in this direction.
Why this? What can be done in the international research community to
make sure that some of the most brilliant ideas do have an impact also
for social issues?
I have invited a panel of distinguished well known researchers and
professionals to discuss this issue. The list of panelists include:
- Roger Barga, Microsoft Research, group lead eXtreme Computing

Group, USA
- Laura Haas, IBM Fellow and Director Institute for Massive Data,
Analytics and Modeling IBM Research, USA
- Alon Halevy, Google Research, Head of the Structured Data
Group, USA
- Paul Miller, Consultant, Cloud of Data, UK
This Q&A panel focuses exactly at this question: is it possible to
conduct research for a corporation and/or a research lab, and at the
same time make sure that the potential output of our research has also
a social impact?
We take Big Data as a key example. Big Data is clearly of interest to
marketers and enterprises a like who wish to offer their customers
better services and better quality products. Ultimately their goal is to sell
their products/services.
This is good, but how about digging into Big Data to help people in
need? Preventing / predicting natural catastrophes, helping offering
services targeting to people and structures in social need?
Hope you`ll find this interview interesting, as well as eye-opening. RVZ
Q1. In your opinion, would it be possible to exploit some of the
current and future research and developments efforts on Big Data
for achieving social capital?
Alon: Yes, Big data is not just the size of an individual data set, but
rather the collection of data that is available to us online (e.g.,
government data, NGOs, local governments, journalists, etc). By putting
these data together we help tell stories about the data and make them
of interest and of value to the wider public. As one simple example, a
recent Danish Journalism Award was given to a nice visualization of
data about which doctors are being sponsored by the medical industry.
The ability to communicate this data with the public is certainly part of
the Big Data agenda.
Laura: Absolutely. In fact, many of the efforts that we are engaged in
today are exactly in this direction. Much of our Smarter Planet related
research is around utilizing more intelligently the large amounts of data
coming from instrumenting, observing, and capturing the information
about phenomena on planet earth, both natural and man-made.
Paul: First, its important to recognise that technological advances, new
techniques, and new ways of working often deliver both tangible and
intangible social benefit as a by-product of something else. Robert
Owen and his peers in the late 18th and early 19th centuries might

have had genuine motives for the social welfare and educational
programmes they delivered for workers in their factories, but it was the
commercial success of the factories themselves that paid for the
philanthropy. And better educated children became better integrated
factory workers, so it wasnt completely altruistic.
That said, there is clearly scope for Big Data to deliver direct benefits in
areas that aid society. Google Flu Trends is perhaps the best-known
example analysis of many millions of searches for flu-related terms
(symptoms, medicines, etc) enabling Googles non-profit Foundation to
provide early visibility of illness in ways that could/should assist local
healthcare systems. Googles search engine isnt about flu, and its
indices arent for flu detection or prediction; this piece of societal value
simply emerges from the data exhaust of all those people searching a
single site. Flu Trends isnt alone; Harvard researchers found that
Twitter data could be analysed to track the spread of Cholera on
Haiti in a way that proved substantially faster than traditional
techniques. According to Mathew Ingrams write-up of the research,
What the Harvard and HealthMap study shows is that analyzing the
data from large sets like the tweets around Haiti isnt just good at
tracking patterns or seeing connections after an event has occurred, but
can actually be of use to researchers on the ground while those
events are underway (my emphasis).
Roger: Absolutely, we have already seen several such examples. One
such example in science is Jim Gray and Alex Szalays collaboration to
build a virtual observatory for astronomy, which leveraged relational
database technology. The SDSS Sky Server has since supported
hundreds of researchers and resulted in thousands of publications over
the years. Another, more recent example, is the language translation
system researchers in Microsoft Research built for the aid relief worker
in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. They leveraged the same technology
we leverage in our search operations to build a statistical machine
translation engine to translate Haitian Creole to English from scratch in
4 days, 17 hours, and 30 minutes and delivered to aid workers in Haiti.
Q2. If yes, what are the areas where in your opinion Big Data could
have a real impact on social capital?
Alon: Bringing data that is otherwise hidden from view to the eyes of
the interested public. Data activists and journalists world-wide need to
be able to easily discover data sets, merge them in a sensible fashion
and tell stories about them that will grab peoples attention. As another
example, helping people in crisis response situations has huge
potential. As two examples, people have used Google Fusion Tables
to create maps with critical information for people after the Japan
earthquake in 2011 and before the hurricane in NYC later that year.

Laura: Healthcare is an obvious one, where leveraging the vast

amounts of genomic information now being produced together with
patient records, and the medical literature could help us provide the
best known treatments to an individual patient or discover new
therapies that may be more effective than those currently in use. We
have worked already on leveraging big data and machine learning to
predict the best therapeutic regimens for AIDS patients, for example.
Or, when it comes to natural resources, we are leveraging big data to
optimize the placement of turbines in a wind farm so that we get the
most power for the least environmental impact. We can also look at
man-made phenomena for example, understanding traffic patterns
and using the insight to do better planning or provide incentives that can
reduce traffic during crunch hours. Many other examples can be given
of how Big Data is being used to improve the planet!
Paul: The opportunities must surely be enormous? Any of the big
issues affecting society, from environmental change, to population
growth, to the need for clean water, food, and healthcare; all of these
affect large groups of people and all of them have aspects of policy
formulation or delivery that are (or should be, if anyone collected it)
data-rich. The Volume, Velocity and Variety of data in many of these
areas should offer challenging research opportunities for practitioners
and tangible benefits to society when theyre successful.
Roger: Top of mind is to advance scientific research, what has been
referred to as eScience which covers both the traditional hard sciences
from astronomy, oceanography, to the social sciences and
economics. Our ability to acquire and analyze unprecedented amounts
of data has the potential to have a profound impact on science. It is a
leap from the application of computing to support scientists to do
science (i.e. computational science) to the integration of computer
science and ability to analyze volumes of data to extract insights into
the very fabric of science. While on the face of it, this change may seem
subtle, we believe it to be fundamental to science and the way science
is practiced. Indeed, we believe this development represents the
foundations of a new revolution in science. We captured stories from
many different scientific investigations in the book The Fourth
Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery.
Q3. What are the main challenges in such areas?
Alon: Data discovery is a huge challenge (how to find high-quality data
from the vast collections of data that are out there on the
Web). Determining the quality of data sets and relevance to particular
issues (i.e., is the data set making some underlying assumption that
renders it biased or not informative for a particular question). Combining
multiple data sets by people who have little knowledge of database
techniques is a constant challenge.

Laura: With any big data project, many of the same issues exist. Ill
mention three major categories of issues: those related to the data,
itself, those related to the process of deriving insight and benefit from
the data, and finally, those related to management issues such as data
privacy, security, and governance in general. In the data space, we talk
about the 4 Vs of data Volume (just dealing with the sheer size of it),
Variety (handling the multiplicity of types and sources and formats),
Velocity (reacting to the flood of information in the time required by the
application), and, last and perhaps least understood, Veracity (how can
we cope with uncertainty, imprecision, missing values, and yes,
occasionally, mis-statements or untruths?). The challenges with deriving
insight include capturing data, aligning data from different sources (e.g.,
resolving when two objects are the same), transforming the data into a
form suitable for analysis, modeling it, whether mathematically, or
through some form of simulation, etc, and then understanding the
output visualizing and sharing the results, for example. And
governance includes ensuring that data is used correctly (abiding by its
intended uses and relevant laws), tracking how the data is used,
transformed, derived, etc, and managing its lifecycle. There are
research topics in ALL of these areas!
Paul: Data availability is there data available, at all? Increasingly,
there is. But coverage and comprehensiveness often remain patchy,
and the rigour with which datasets are compiled may still raise
concerns. A good process will, typically, make bad decisions if based
upon bad data. Data quality how good is the data? How broad is the
coverage? How fine is the sampling resolution? How timely are the
readings? How well understood are the sampling biases? What are the
implications in, for example, a Tsunami that affects several Pacific Rim
countries? If data is of high quality in one country, and poorer in
another, does the Aid response skew unfairly toward the well-surveyed
country or toward the educated guesses being made for the poorly
surveyed one? Data comprehensiveness are there areas without
coverage? What are the implications? Personally Identifiable
Information much of this information is about people. Can we extract
enough information to help people without extracting so much as to
compromise their privacy? Partly, this calls for effective industrial
practices. Partly, it calls for effective oversight by Government. Partly
perhaps mostly it requires a realistic reconsideration of what privacy
really means and an informed grown up debate about the real tradeoff between aspects of privacy lost and benefits gained. Rather than
offering blanket privacy policies, perhaps customers, regulators and
software companies should be moving closer to some form of explicit
data agreement; if you give me access to X, Y, and Z about yourself, I
will use it for purposes A, B, and C and you will gain benefits/services
D, E, and F. The first two parts are increasingly in place, albeit
informally. The final part the benefits is far less well expressed. Data

dogmatism analysis of big data can offer quite remarkable insights,

but we must be wary of becoming too beholden to the numbers. Domain
experts and common sense must continue to play a role. It would be
worrying, indeed, if the healthcare sector only responded to flu
outbreaks when Google Flu Trends told them to! See, for example, a
recent blog post of mine
Roger: The first important step is to embrace a data-centric view. The
goal is not merely to store data for a specific community but to improve
data quality and to deliver as a service accurate, consistent data to
operational systems. It isnt simply a matter of connecting the plumbing
between many different data sources, theres a quality function that has
to be applied, to clean, and reconcile all of this
information. Researchers dont simply need data, they need servicesbased information over this data to support their work.
Q4. What are the main difficulties, barriers hindering our
community to work on social capital projects?
Alon: I dont think there are particular barriers from a technical
perspective. Perhaps the main barrier is ideas of how to actually take
this technology and make social impact. These ideas typically dont
come from the technical community, so we need more inspiration from
Laura: Funding and availability of data are two big issues here. Much
funding for social capital projects comes from governments and as
we know, are but a small fraction of the overall budget. Further, the
market for new tools and so on that might be created in these spaces is
relatively limited, so it is not always attractive to private companies to
invest. While there is a lot of publicly available data today, often key
pieces are missing, or privately held, or cannot be obtained for legal
reasons, such as the privacy of individuals, or a countrys national
interests. While this is clearly an issue for most medical investigations, it
crops up as well even with such apparently innocent topics as disaster
management (some data about, e.g., coastal structures, may be
classified as part of the national defense).
Paul: Perceived lack of easy access to data thats unencumbered by
legal and privacy issues? The large-scale and long term nature of most
of the problems? Its not as cool as something else? A perception
(whether real or otherwise) that academic funding opportunities push
researchers in other directions? Honestly, Im not sure that there are
significant insurmountable difficulties or barriers, if people want to do it
enough. As Tim OReilly said in 2009 (and many times since),
developers should Work on stuff that matters. The same is true of

Roger: The greatest barrier may be social. Such projects require

community awareness to bring people to take action and often a
champion to frame the technical challenges in a way that is
approachable by the community. These projects will likely require close
collaboration between the technical community and those familiar with
the problem.
Q5. What could we do to help supporting initiatives for Big Data for
Alon: Building a collection of high quality data that is widely available
and can serve as the backbone for many specific data projects. For
example, data sets that include boundaries of countries/counties and
other administrative regions, data sets with up-to-date demographic
data. Its very common that when a particular data story arises, these
data sets serve to enrich it.
Laura: Increasingly, we see consortiums of institutions banding
together to work on some of these problems. These Centers may
provide data and platforms for data-intensive work, alleviating some of
the challenges mentioned above by acquiring and managing data,
setting up an environment and tools, bringing in expertise in a given
topic, or in data, or in analytics, providing tools for governance, etc. My
own group is creating just such a platform, with the goal of facilitating
such collaborative ventures. Of course, lobbying our governments for
support of such initiatives wouldnt hurt!
Paul: Match domains with a need to researchers/companies with a
skill/product. Activities such as the recent Big Data Week Hackathons
might be one route to follow encourage the organisers (and
companies like Kaggle, which do this every day) to run Hackathons and
competitions that are explicitly targeted at a social problem of some
sort. Continue to encourage the Open Data release of key public data
sets. Talk to the agencies that are working in areas of interest, and
understand the problems that they face. Find ways to help them do
what they already want to do, and build trust and rapport that way.
Roger: Provide tools and resources to empower the long tail of
research. Today, only a fraction of scientists and engineers enjoy
regular access to high performance and data-intensive computing
resources to process and analyze massive amounts of data and run
models and simulations quickly. The reality for most of the scientific
community is that speed to discovery is often hampered as they have to
either queue up for access to limited resources or pare down the scope
of research to accommodate available processing power. This problem
is particularly acute at the smaller research institutes which represent
the long tail of the research community. Tier 1 and some tier 2
universities have sufficient funding and infrastructure to secure and

support computing resources while the smaller research programs

struggle. Our funding agencies and corporations must provide
resources to support researchers, in particular those who do not have
access to sufficient resources.
Q6. Are you aware of existing projects/initiatives for Big Data for
Laura: Yes, many! See above for some examples. IBM Research alone
has efforts in each of the areas mentioned and many more. For
example, weve been working with the city of Rio, in Brazil, to do
detailed flood modeling, meter by meter; with the Toronto Childrens
Hospital to monitor premature babies in the neonatal ward, allowing
detection of life-threatening infections up to 24 hours earlier; and with
the Rizzoli Institute in Italy to find the best cancer treatments for
particular groups of patients.
Roger: Yes, the United Nations Global Pulse initiative is one example.
Earlier this year at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Davos, the World
Economic Forum published a white paper entitled Big Data, Big
Impact: New Possibilities for International Development. The WEF
paper lays out several of the ideas which fundamentally drive the Global
Pulse initiative and presents in concrete terms the opportunity
presented by the explosion of data in our world today, and how
researchers and policymakers are beginning to realize the potential for
leveraging Big Data to extract insights that can be used for Good, in
particular for the benefit of low-income populations. What I find
intriguing about this project from a technical perspective is how to
extract insight from ambient data, from GPS devices, cell phones and
medical devices, combined with crowd sourced data from health and aid
workers in the field, then analyzed with machine learning and analytics
to predict a potential social need or crisis in advance while remediation
is still viable.
Q7. Anything else you wish to add?
Alon: Google Fusion Tables has been used in many cases for social
good, either though journalists, crisis response or data activists making
a compelling visualization that caught peoples attention. This has been
one of the most gratifying aspects of working on Fusion Tables and has
served as a main driver for prioritizing our work: make it easy for people
with passion for the data (rather than database expertise) to get their
work done; make it easier for them to find relevant data and combine it
with their own. We look very carefully at the workflow of these
professionals and try to make it as efficient as possible.
Laura: I think our community has the ability to do a lot of good by
leveraging the tools we are developing, and our expertise, to attack

some of the critical problems facing our world. We may even create
economic value (not a bad thing, either!) while doing so.
Dr. Roger Barga has been with the Microsoft Corporation since 1997,
first working as a researcher in the database research group of
Microsoft Research, then as architect of the Technical Computing
Initiative, followed by architect and engineering group lead in the
eXtreme Computing Group of Microsoft Research. He currently leads a
product group developing an advanced analytics service on Windows
Azure. Roger holds a PhD in Computer Science (database systems),
MS in Computer Science (machine learning), and a BS in Mathematics.
Dr. Alon Halevy heads the Structured Data Group at Google
Research. Prior to that, he was a Professor of Computer Science at the
University of Washington, where he founded the Database Research
Group. From 1993 to 1997 he was a Principal Member of Technical
Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories (later AT&T Laboratories). He received
his Ph.D in Computer Science from Stanford University in 1993, and his
Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1988. Dr. Halevy was elected Fellow
of the Association of Computing Machinery in 2006.
Dr. Laura Haas is an IBM Fellow, and Director of IBM Researchs new
Institute for Massive Data, Analytics and Modeling; she also serves as a
catalyst for ambitious research across IBMs worldwide research labs.
She was the Director of Computer Science at IBMs Almaden Research
Center from 2005 to 2011. From 2001-2005, she led the Information
Integration Solutions architecture and development teams in IBMs
Software Group. Previously, Dr. Haas was a research staff member and
manager at Almaden. She is best known for her work on the Starburst
query processor, from which DB2 LUW was developed, on Garlic, a
system which allowed integration of heterogeneous data sources, and
on Clio, the first semi-automatic tool for heterogeneous schema
mapping. She has received several IBM awards for Outstanding
Innovation and Technical Achievement, an IBM Corporate Award for her
work on information integration technology, and the Anita Borg Institute
Technical Leadership Award. Dr. Haas was Vice President of the VLDB
Endowment Board of Trustees from 2004-2009, and is a member of the
National Academy of Engineering and the IBM Academy of Technology,
an ACM Fellow, and Vice Chair of the board of the Computing
Research Association.
Dr. Paul Miller is Founder of the Cloud of Data, a UK-based
consultancy primarily concerned with Cloud Computing, Big Data, and
Semantic Technologies. He works with public and private sector clients
in Europe and North America, and has a Ph.D in Archaeology

(Geographic Information Systems) from the University of York

Acknowledgement: I would like to thank Michael J. Carey with whom I
have brainstormed about this project at EDBT in Berlin. RVZ


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