Mathematics As A Language

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Standard Form


Quadratic Expressions and Equations




Mathematical Reasoning


The straight Line




Probability I


Circles III


Trigonometry II



Angle of Elevation and Depression



Lines and Planes in 3-Dimensions


The language of mathematics is the system used by mathematicians to communicate

mathematical ideas among themselves. The language of mathematics was designed to write
about things like numbers, sets, function and others. From those things, we can add, subtract,
multiply, divide and join together.

Chapter 1
This chapter discusses about standard form includes concept of significant figure and standard
form in problem solving. In significant figures, it consists of noun in mathematics which it could
be fixed things such as numbers or expressions with numbers. Example is as below:
1. State the number of significant figures for the following


b) 6024

c) 1100

d) 2.0002

e) 0.0176

f) 0.00508

Moreover, this chapter also use sentence that have noun and verb which is they could be put
together to form a sentence. Noun in mathematics represent the numbers and verb is =.
Example question is:

1. Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, has an area of about 243 km. What is its
area in m? (Given that 1 km = 1 000 000 m). Give your answer correct to 2 significant
Chapter 2
Quadratic expressions and equation is written in a symbolic language that is designed to express
mathematical thoughts. Besides, it emphasizes how mathematical thoughts, methods, and facts
are expressed in symbolism. This refers as a language used in mathematics by representing and
expressed it. In this chapter, students need to understand the concept of quadratic expression and
equation which is has been used in real life to develop certain mathematical model. In quadratic
expression also use algebra which is unknown like x and y to express it mathematically as a
language. As an example:
1. The following are examples of quadratic expressions:
a. 3x + 5

the coefficient of x is zero because b = 0, the highest power of x is 2

b. 2x - 3x

constant c = 0, the highest power of x is 2

c. 2m + 4m + 7 unknown m is used instead of x and the highest power of m is 2

d. -3x

constants b = 0 and c = 0. The highest power of x is 2

From the examples above, it shows that it consists of Nouns and it could be fixed things, such as
numbers, or expressions with numbers, Verb like the equals sign "=", or an inequality like < or >,
pronouns could be variables like x or y and they could be put together into a Sentence like the
examples above.
Chapter 3
Things like sets can be written as the language of mathematics was designed. Sets are a topic that
allows students to understand the concept of sets, subset, universal set and the complement of a
set. Next, students need to do the operations on the intersection of sets and the union of sets. As
we know, the term intersection and union have representing the meaning and symbol in
mathematics. As an example:

1. The intersection of two sets is given by all the common elements of the two sets. For
instance, when a dice is rolled, if set A = {Even numbers} = {2, 4, 6}, B = {Multiples of
3} = {3, 6}, then the intersection of sets A and B is 6. This is written as AB = {6}
(Page 53)
2. The union of sets A and B is the set obtained by combining the elements of each set. The
union of sets A and B is written as A B. Given that X = {7, 9, 2, 8}, Y = {2, 9, 5, 8, 3},
find X Y
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 is about mathematical reasoning that requires students to deal with rules of logic and
identifying the meaning of statements and arguments of mathematics. Students need to learn the
rules of mathematics reasoning to build the correct arguments such as mathematical theorems
and mathematical proofs. Then, this topics shows that language been used to write a sentences
for mathematics statements and mathematics arguments which they need to know about
statements itself. Concept of quantifiers all and some represent the meaning and words not
or no, and and or represent the meaning of symbol in mathematics. For example:
P: Proton is made in Malaysia represent the original statement (P)
P: Proton is not made in Malaysia represent negation of the original statement (~P)
The word not is placing into the original statement which denoted by symbol ~ (negation).
So, this statement has used symbol as a mathematical language in mathematical reasoning and
mathematics teach logical reasoning.

Chapter 5
Chapter 5 discusses about The Straight Line. In this chapter, students need to know the concept
of gradient of straight line, intercept, equation of straight line and parallel lines. Straight line
consist the equation which it shows as a language which is written in a sentence and form y = mx
+ c.

Students can use mathematics language to express it mathematically. Grammar of

mathematics is laws, theorem, formulas and symbols. Example questions are as follow:

Find the equation of the line passing through


A(2, 3) and B(-2, -1),


P(-3, 3) and Q(2, -1).

Chapter 6
In the textbooks, this chapter enable students learn statistics topics which starting from the basic
and it focuses on quantitative part. Students might able to find the class interval, mode, median.
Then, they can learn on how to plot the histograms, represent and interpret the data in frequency
polygons and so on. From that, it use mathematics language in order to express it such as
students need discuss the problems by presenting concretely, pictorially and orally. For example:
Marks scored









From the above frequency table, draw a histogram.

Chapter 7
There is language of mathematics used in the topics of probability i since the topics allow
students to think and solve the problem regarding the possible outcomes where they need to
predict from the activities and by reasoning. Students can discuss and explain mathematical
activities, record the results of mathematical activities concretely and using diagrams, pictures
and numbers. Then, it also consists of mathematics grammar and sentence. Example of activities
used in the textbook are:
Write down all the possible outcomes.
a. Toss a 50 sen coin, noting each time whether a flower or a kite comes up. When you have
tossed the coin a sufficient number of times, count how many flowers and kites you
b. Take out a colored chip from a bag containing 3 red, 4 blue and 3 green chips.
Discuss your answers with your friends.

Chapter 8
In circles iii, there is no perspectives about mathematic as a language being used in the textbooks
since the topics is need students to understanding and use the concept of tangents to a circle,
properties of angles between tangents and chords, properties of common tangents. This topic is
more towards problem solving perspectives and requires students to think on how to solve the
questions. This topic also shows that mathematics is a science of shape and relationship which
allow students to construct the tangents to a circle.
Chapter 9
For instance, this chapter discusses about trigonometry ii. This topic consists of perspectives of
mathematics as language as it has a sentence, noun, verb and pronouns of language mathematics
being used. Symbols and expressions created to facilitate the understanding and process of
human thought and this topics are used that. For example are as below:
Given that cos y = -1 and 0 y 360, find the possible values of y.
Chapter 10
Next, this chapter is about Angles of elevation and depression. It requires students understanding
on the concept of angle of elevation and angle of depression. Basically, it need students problem
solving skill and it is problem driven. This chapter does not have perspectives of mathematics as
a language.
Chapter 11
In the last chapter, students need to learn about Lines and Planes in 3-Dimendions. It is same as
previous chapter which require students to know the concept of angle between lines and planes.
Then, students also need to know the concept of angle between two planes. From that, students
need to know and identify the shape and symbol like circle and pyramid with their faces. In
textbooks, it used the symbol of mathematics in order to express it, which is:

A circle is a two-dimensional object and it has only one flat face.

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