Tema 1 Reading

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A Read Part 1 of the article. Match the headings (ae) to the paragraphs (1115). Write the letter in the
space provided.
Good publicity for companies

Growing importance of ethical business


CSR in the transport sector


Helping to attract and keep employees


Ethics in a variety of sectors

Corporate Social Responsibility: an issue for recruits

By Mike Scott
_____________________Climate change, human rights and child labour. A few years ago, companies
would have found these issues irrelevant. However, as the world has become better informed, companies
have had to take more account of their non-financial impact on society and corporate social responsibility
(CSR) has become crucial to a companys success.
_____________________But do graduates pay any attention to this and is it having any effect on the
career choices they make? Peter Davies, deputy chief executive of Business in the Community, the UK
charity that aims to improve the companys impact on society, says that commitment to CSR does help
companies attract new recruits. Companies seen to be managing aspects of corporate responsibility are
able to retain and recruit better staff.
_____________________Sectors at the forefront of CSR are those addressing global issues such as
human rights, poverty and HIV/Aids, some of the big issues in society, Professor Warhurst of Warwick
Business School says. Those are the attractive employers. Theyre exciting, theyre doing something
completely different and theyre the ones in the press.
_____________________She gives the example of the logistics sector as one that has welcomed the
challenges of ethical business. Many train, freight and air services among them DHL and FedEx are
helping hurricane victims in the Caribbean. TPG, the Dutch logistics group, invests heavily in the World
Food Programme and has introduced a staff volunteering programme.
_____________________Different types of companies are having to face different issues, she says,
Retail companies are there on ethical supply chain management, oil and mining companies are getting
there on land rights, etc, while companies are working on environmental issues.

B Read Part 2 of the article on the following page and complete the gaps (1620) with the missing
sentences (ae).
So, on the one hand there is a group who want to feel that something is being done.

This might be ethical investment or environmental consultancy, for instance.


That made them think much more deeply about what they wanted from a job.


Theyre faced with a big pay package, a glamorous company with lots about CSR.


Only time will tell if interest in business ethics will continue to increase.

The effort is worthwhile, she believes. People think of companies doing these things as better companies and
might choose them over others.
Anne-Marie Martin, director of the University of London careers service, agrees, but says that for many the
interest in CSR started in the last recession, when students saw their parents being made redundant.
_____________________ 16
Corporate scandals such as Enron and Anderson also made students look twice at some high-flying financial
careers, but Ms Martin says Theyre generally aged twenty-one to twenty-three. _____________________ 17
Youre not going to look too hard at it. Some students, though, wont touch particular areas because they are
not socially responsible. These students do think quite deeply about this. Theyre very serious about things
like the arms trade, the tobacco industry, the third world and green issues. _____________________ 18 On the
other there are also those who are just interested in money.
Over recent years there has certainly been a huge growth in careers in areas related to CSR.
_____________________ 19 In addition, a recent survey reported that, among new employees, the qualities
employees most value in a company are clear vision and ethical values. _____________________ 20
From the Financial Times

A Some of the following lines contain errors. Find and correct them. If a sentence is correct, put a tick
in the space next to that line.
21 They cant afford lowering prices.______________________
22 Her job involves deal with clients. ______________________
23 I refuse believe you. ______________________
24 I heard about the changes last week. ______________________
25 We stopped the car to check the tyres. ______________________
26 If I would know the firm better, I would offer them credit terms. ______________________
27 Since 1999 weve kept away from chemical products. ______________________
28 If you reduce the price by five percent, I might to buy at least five thousand units.
29 The new CEO decided outsource some of the companys functions. ______________________
30 Would it help you if I would lend you some money? ______________________

B Complete the gaps in the article with the correct alternatives.

Consultants Manley and Sons ______________________31 (had published / published) a report yesterday,
which ______________________ 32 (praised / has praised) BiTe logistics for its excellent environmental
record. Since 1999 the company ______________________33 (has won/won) five major environmental
The company currently ______________________ 34 (employs / is employing) eight thousand people. A
spokesman for the company ______________________ 35 (was announcing / announced) last week that it
______________________ 36 (has planned / was planning) to take on one hundred more staff at sites around
the country. Managing Director Nadja Pal ______________________ 37 (said / says) in an interview several
months ago that there ______________________ 38 (isnt being / hadnt been) plans to expand any of the
sites, but during an interview yesterday she ______________________ 39 (mentioned / was mentioning) that
discussions recently ______________________ 40 (took place / are taking place) about possible developments
to a plant in Dudley.
The company ______________________ 41 (has come / came) a long way since its early days. Nadja said at
the start we ______________________ 42 (hadnt got / werent having) much money, but we
______________________ 43 (always tried / were always trying) to run our business as ethically as we
possibly ______________________ 44 (must / could). Their experience ______________________ 45 (is
showing / shows) that ethics and success go hand in hand!

7 Complete the gaps in the dialogue with the phrases (ag).
Id like to think about that

have I got this right


I think weve covered everything


That sounds reasonable


Im sorry, we couldnt afford that


lets look at the options


Ill look into things straight away


So, ______________________ 46 ? Youd like HR to help you organise a course for sixteen staff
members on strategy building.


Thats right.


OK. First, ______________________ 47 . We could offer the course in-house weve certainly
got enough good trainers. Or we can go outside. Id recommend AQP Consultancy.


Hmm. Im not sure what would be best. ______________________ 48.


Thats fine, but let me tell you about the prices first. If we hold it here, youll only need to pay
for refreshments, say 15 per person. What do you think of that?


______________________ 49.


But, a one-day course run by AQP in a three-star hotel is going to cost about 50 per person.


______________________ 50 . Its far too expensive.


Well, dont decide yet. Ill speak to a few people and see if I can find out some other


Thanks that would be good. Anything else?


No, ______________________ 51 for now.


I cant think of anything else either.


OK. _____________________ 52 and give you a call.

A Complete the gaps in these sentences with the correct alternative.
53 He ______________________to review quality procedures.
a) delayed

b) arranged

c) failed

d) insured

54 Each person will receive a ______________________ according to their sales performance.

a) turnover

b) bonus

c) discount

d) commission

55 Im afraid I wont be able to ______________________ the next meeting.

a) attend

b) propose

c) second

d) go

56 You should comply with all ______________________ to enable the delivery to go smoothly.
a) regulations

b) surveys

c) customs

d) tariffs

57 We are looking for handcrafted products not ______________________ ones.

a) long-lasting

b) mass-produced

c) well-known

d) high-quality

58 The product comes with a two-year ______________________ .

a) warranty

b) compensation

c) subsidy

d) cover

59 My boss would never accept a ______________________

a) bribe

b) corruption

c) compensation

d) fraud

60 Weve found a ______________________ in the market.

a) prosperity

b) niche

c) quote

d) plead

B Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
61 Were you pleased with the outcome of the ______________________ (negotiate)?
62 Its important for companies to deal effectively with______________________(complain).
63 The government is bringing in new ______________________ (regulate).
64 The Co-operative Bank is well-known for its policy of ethical ______________________ (invest).
65 ______________________ (globalise) damages local jobs and services.
66 Does your company offer any form of ______________________ (compensate) for poor quality goods?
67 Have you found a ______________________ (solve) to your problems yet?
68 There is huge ______________________ (compete) in this region.
69 What ______________________ (choose) do I have?
70 Weve got the ______________________ (threaten) of redundancy hanging over us.

A You work for a pharmaceutical company. You have recently received the quote below for
maintenance work on one of your machines. Write a brief letter of reply, accepting the quote. Write 40
to 50 words.
Mr Mallory
MM Mecanics
28 Ardleigh Way
London E10 7NB
4th March 2005
Dear Mr Mallory
With reference to your enquiry of 21 February I am pleased to submit the following quotation for the
maintenance work specified:
4,295 this includes VAT.
Payment terms are 30 days.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Stacey Trelawney
Stacey Trelawney


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