Experiment - 1 AIM: To Determine The Reduced Level of An Object When Base Is Instruments Used: Theodolite, Tape, Leveling Staff, Ranging Rod
Experiment - 1 AIM: To Determine The Reduced Level of An Object When Base Is Instruments Used: Theodolite, Tape, Leveling Staff, Ranging Rod
Experiment - 1 AIM: To Determine The Reduced Level of An Object When Base Is Instruments Used: Theodolite, Tape, Leveling Staff, Ranging Rod
Experiment -2
AIM: To determine the reduced level of an object when base is
accessible by using single plane method.
Instruments used : Theodolite, tape, leveling staff ,ranging rod.
h= D tan .
R.L of Q = B.M + h + S
Experiment -3
AIM: To set out simple circular curve using linear method by
perpendicular offsets being laid from long chord.
Instruments used : Chain, tape, arrow, cross-staff
. The chord is
produced on field T1 and T2 are tangent points fixed on ground with pegs
or arrows.
2. The midpoint of chord (D) is located and from the ordinates calculated for
the intervals 1m, 2m, 3m etc. They are marked with peg on chord.
3. The marks p1, p2, p3 are marked on field with pegs or arrows.
4. After finishing on left hand side, the same procedure is fallowed on right
hand side.
5. The points P1,P2,P3 etc are points on curve. These are joined by a thread or
rope to show the shape of the curve along the pegs or arrows.
Formulae Used
Length of curve =
Length of chord =
Mid ordinate = OO = R
Other ordinates at x m intervals = Ox =
R - OO)
Experiment -4
AIM: To set out simple circular curve using linear method by offsets
from chords produced.
Instruments used: Chain, tape, arrows, cross-staff, ranging rod.
Procedure:1. Construct the tangent on the field and locate the point T1.i.e point of the
curve on tangent line.
2. Offsets for initial sub chord, normal chord and final sub chord are
3. With zero mark at T1, spread chain/tape along the tangent to point A1 on
the tangent line such that T1A1=c=Length of 1st sub chord.
4. With T1 as centre and T1A1 as radius, swing chain/tape such that the arc AA1
is calculated offset 01.Fix the point A on field.
5. Spread the chain along T1A and pull it straight in that direction to point
B2,such that zero of chain is at A and distance AB2=C=Length of the normal
6. With zero of chain centered at A and AB2 as radius, swing the chain to
point B such that B2B= O2=length of second offset, fix the point B on curve.
7. Spread the chain along AB and repeat the steps 5 and 6 till the end of the
long chord T2 is reached.
Formulae Used
O1 =
O2 =
O3 = O4 = On-1 =
On =
Where c= initial sub chord, C= Normal chord, and c= Final sub chord
RESULT:The required curve is set out in the field.
Experiment -5
AIM: To determine tachceometric constants K and C when line of sight
is horizontal.
Instruments used :Chain, tape, arrows, cross-staff, ranging rod,
Procedure:1. Measure a line about 30m long on fairly level ground and drive
pegs or arrows at intervals say 10m.
2. Keep the staff on the pegs which are at equal intervals and
observe the corresponding staff intercepts with horizontal sight.
3. Knowing the distance between each pegs and staff intercepts at
different points.i.e D and S number of simultaneous equations can
Experiment -6
AIM: To set out the simple curve by Rankines method of deflection
angles(Tangential angles).
Instruments used :Chain, tape, arrows, , ranging rod,theodolite.
Procedure:1. Set the theodolite at the point of the curve ( T 1).with both plates
clamped to zero,direct the theodolite to bisect the point of inter
section(V). The line of sight is thus in the direction of the rear
1 on
= 1718.9
= 1718.9
= 1718.9
= 1718.9
= 1718.9
Where c1 = initial sub chord , c2 to cn-1= normal chord , cn = final sub chord