Excerpts From The Book 'The Lawless State (The Crimes of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies) ' by Morton H. Halperin, Jerry Berman, Robert Borosage, Christine Marwick (1976)

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From: dr <nula.nemosterstersterster@gmail.

Subject: Excerpts from the book 'The Lawless state [the crimes of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies]' by Morton H. Halperin, Jerry Berman, Robert
Borosage, Christine Marwick [1976]
Date: July 26, 2014 4:22:22 PM GMT+02:00

The Lawless state

[the crimes of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies]
by Morton H. Halperin, Jerry Berman,
Robert Borosage, Christine Marwick [1976]

Ove knjige neeemanaaaravno, kao mnogih

koje se bave kriminalnim aktivnostima Amerikeaaali,
zato, novijih knjiga Morton H. Halperin-a ima.
Evo o chemu se radi:
njegove knjige objavljene u poslednje vreme
po stavovima & kritichkom pristupu su potpuno drugachije jbga:)))
Zato vam & shaljem ovo,
da vidite shta sve ljudi prozhivljavaju,
u "Najvecoj demokratiji na svetu"
kakve lupinge & salto mortale-e prave
.sve samo sa jednim-jedinim opravdanjem
"ne bi li se prezhivelo"
[ne, nije u pitanju samo metafora;
mnogi koji se nisu "opametili", platili su & zhivotom]

[excerpted from the book]:


The Lawless State - Introduction

The CIA's Campaign Against Salvador Allende
The CIA: Covert Action Around the World
The FBI's Vendetta Against Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Bureau in War and Peace
The CIA - at Home
Military Intelligence
The National Security Agency
The Internal Revenue Service
The Lawless State - conclusion


The Lawless State [The crimes of the U.S. Inteligence Agencies]
by Morton Halperin, Jerry Berman, Robert Borosage, Christine Marwick
Penguin Books, 1976

The secret intelligence agencies: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the
Military Intelligence apparatus, the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
These agencies represent the major part of the large, secret realm of government. They consume ... an estimated 10
percent of controllable federal spending, virtually all of it appropriated in false budget categories so that even most
legislators do not know the true figures.... They operate in secrecy at home and abroad, beyond the normal view of
citizen judge, or public official.

... investigations have shown that every intelligence agency had one or more surveillance programs that spied on lawabiding American citizens, in violation of the laws, the Constitution, and the traditions of the country. Their ominous
scope is best portrayed by the code names used by the agencies: the CIA ran CHAOS, SETTER, HT-LINGUAL,
and GARDEN PLOT; the NSA managed MINARET and SHAMROCK; the IRS had LEPRECHAUN and the SSS
(Special Service Staff). All the techniques associated with secret police bureaus throughout history were used to gather
information: black-bag break-ins, wiretaps and bugs, mail openings, cable and telegram interceptions, garbage covers,
and informers.
The number of citizens who have been the objects of the professional voyeurs is truly staggering. The FBI headquarters
in Washington alone has over 500,000 domestic intelligence files, each typically containing information on more than
one group or individual. Nearly a quarter of a million first-class letters were opened and photographed by the CIA in the
United States between 1953 and 1973 producing a computerized index of nearly one and one-half million names. The
ClA's six-year Operation CHAOS produced an index of 300,000 individuals. Uncounted millions of international
telegrams and phone calls have been intercepted by the National Security Agency. Some 100,000 Americans are
enshrined in Army intelligence dossiers. The Internal Revenue Service created files on more than 11,000 individuals and
groups. During a three-year period, from 1971-74, political grand juries subpoenaed between 1,000 and 2,000 persons.
In addition, both at home and abroad, the intelligence agencies went beyond the mere collection of information. They
developed programs to disrupt, "neutralize," and destroy those perceived as enemies-as threats to the political order at
home and abroad. The CIA's covert action programs around the world were paralleled by the FBI's COINTELPRO at
home, by the misuse of the IRS and the grand jury-all were part of a purposeful effort to live up to the mandate of a
classified report of the 1954 Hoover Commission on Government Organization that "we must learn to subvert, sabotage,
and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated and more effective methods than those used against us."
Thus the illegalities exposed by the investigations were not isolated incidents of zealous agents exceeding their authority
in the field, however frequently such may occur. Rather, the abuses were ongoing, bureaucratic programs, often
continuing over decades, involving hundreds of officials, aimed at thousands of citizens, and ordered and approved at the

highest level of the executive branch of government.

The secret realm of government is the deformed offspring of the modern presidency, an expression of the powers
claimed by presidents in the area of national security. The origins of the intelligence agencies, like those of the modern
president, can best be traced from World War II. The CIA is modeled after the wartime Office of Strategic Services
(OSS), which ran secret intelligence, sabotage, and paramilitary activities behind enemy lines during the war. The FBI's
authority to spy on citizens derives from a secret directive issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936 in response
to opposition to the war at home and rumors of possible Nazi sabotage of American preparedness efforts.
War greatly expands a president's powers and capabilities, for he acts not simply as the chief executive, but as the
commander in chief. The legislative role naturally contracts as open deliberation is replaced by secret command. Political
liberties are constricted; citizens are called to soldiery; obedience and sacrifice replace independence and questioning.
Fear and hatred of the enemy provide the political base for the expanded authority of the president and the military.
War also requires intelligence, to discover plans of the enemy and to prevent the uncovering of one's own. Intelligence
agencies operate at home and abroad, to spy and to frustrate the spies of others; to subvert and to deter the subversion of
others; to sabotage and to guard against sabotage.
For the United States, the wartime emergency never ended. After World War II, America assumed the mantle of Britain
as guarantor of world stability. Open warfare was followed by permanent cold war, Hitler's Germany was replaced by
Stalin's Russia; Nazi fifth columns were replaced by Communist parties. The nuclear balance of terror made the
president a literal arbiter of life and death. Thus the wartime powers of the president were never relinquished; the
wartime institutions never dismantled. Intelligence activities born in total war were given permanent institutional homes.
The CIA replaced the OSS in 1947; the FBI's authority to spy on Americans was reaffirmed by Harry Truman in 1946.
The president claimed the right to act alone to defend the "national security," which would be defined within the White
"National security" is an inescapably political concept, one man's subversion is another's salvation. The power to define
threats to the "national security" is the power to draw the limits of acceptable behavior for leaders abroad and citizens at
home. The postwar presidents claimed the power not only to define national security, but also to act -often in secret-to
enforce it. The ability to act secretly both bolstered the president's claim of authority and allowed administrations to
engage in permanent intervention in politics at home and abroad in ways that were by design offensive to American
values. As a result, a secret realm of government developed to watch and, if necessary disrupt political opponents at
home and abroad.

... the activities and targets of the intelligence agencies naturally expanded as time went by. The CIA started by opposing
what were believed to be Soviet-controlled Communist parties in Western Europe, but was soon involved in opposing
Third World leaders whom even the CIA considered independent and nationalist, but who were too Marxist, too friendly
to the Soviet Union, or too charismatic for the agency's taste. Thus the most recent CIA operations to come to light have
been the attempt to "destabilize" the democratically elected Allende government in Chile, to provide "electoral support"
against the independent Communist party in Italian elections, and to supply arms and mercenaries to intervene against an
independence movement in Angola.
Similarly the FBI started with a mandate to monitor wartime sabotage, but quickly expanded that to include more and
more of the politically active in its files. After the war, each successive movement for political change became a target
for FBI surveillance or disruption: the "old left," the civil rights movement, the student movement, the antiwar
movement, the women's movement, the public interest community, the consumer and environmental movements. By
1972, the FBI found it had a significant portion of the delegates to the national convention of the Democratic party under
surveillance, and many of the organizations to which they belonged singled out for disruption.
The cancerous growth of programs-in size, scope, and targets-often came in response to presidential urging. Dwight
Eisenhower and John Kennedy pressed an anti-Communist crusade abroad which led to CIA assassination efforts in
Africa and the Caribbean. Lyndon Johnson urged the agencies to respond to urban disorders and the antiwar movement,
and Richard Nixon increased the pressure, demanding that a range of political opponents be watched or harassed. Often
the secret agencies would expand upon the vague directives that established their programs. The army was directed to
prepare for policing American cities in case of urban riots. This directive was translated into a massive intelligence

program that spied on thousands of civilians, including environmental, civil rights, and antiwar groups. The ClA's Office
of Security was charged with protecting agency installations; in the 1960s, this provided the excuse to infiltrate agents
into political groups in Washington, including the Urban League, the Humanist Society, and Women Strike for Peace.
Sometimes programs were initiated without the direct order or approval of the president or the attorney general. The
FBI's COINTELPRO activities were started on J. Edgar Hoover's authority alone. The ClA's mail-opening program and
NSA's "watch-list" operations were also begun without express orders from the White House. Although such programs
may not have had the specific approval of a president, they seldom exceeded the official consensus on what needed to be
done to political dissenters.

By the mid-sixties, the dangers posed by a permanent secret realm in a constitutional republic became apparent. The
executive branch had developed a conception of national security that had little to do with the defense of the country or
the security of the people. The debacle in Vietnam ended the consensus that had survived for over a decade. A growing
number of people began to doubt the wisdom and question the authority of the president and his national security
bureaucracy. President Johnson and President Nixon both accurately viewed the protests as a threat to their ability to act
abroad, a challenge to their definition of national security. The secret intelligence agencies were marshaled to spy on and
disrupt the antiwar dissenters. During the Nixon years, when a majority of the population opposed the war, the president
and his secret police were at direct odds with most of the politically active citizenry. Thus Nixon kept calling on a "silent
majority" to come to his aid.

Malcolm Muggeridge
"In the eyes of posterity it will inevitably seem that, in safeguarding our freedom, we destroyed it; that the vast
clandestine apparatus we built up to probe our enemies' resources and intentions only served in the end to confuse our
own purposes; that the practice of deceiving others for the good of the state led infallibly to our deceiving ourselves; and
that the vast army of intelligence personnel built up to execute these purposes were soon caught up in the web of their
own sick fantasies, with disastrous consequences to them and us."

Since the early 1960s, American policy in Chile was directed at one objective-to keep-Salvador Allende from coming to
power. To accomplish this, Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, with the willing cooperation of the CIA, were
prepared to destroy constitutional government n Chile.

Who was this man who brought down upon himself the ire of American presidents and the CIA? Allende was not a
Soviet puppet, plotting to bring Soviet troops to Chile to destroy democracy. He was a committed democrat, considered a
moderate by Chilean socialists, leading a coalition of Marxist parties in the election place. His program was the same

each time he ran for president from 1958 onward: he pledged to reshape the Chilean economy (beginning with
nationalization of major industries), to redistribute income through tax and land reform; and to begin a policy of better
relationships with Cuba, the USSR, and other socialist states. Despite the warnings of his personal friend Fidel Castro,
and despite the vicious campaign
orchestrated by the CIA, Allende continued to respect the democratic traditions in Chile after he was elected in 1970.
The intelligence community's own assessments showed that local, student, and trade-union elections continued to be held
regularly; the press remained free, and continued to attack the government; the military was not used to suppress other
Allende's government also posed no strategic threats to the United States. In 1970, a high-level interdepartmental group
concluded that the United States had no vital interests in Chile, and that Allende posed no likely threat to the peace of the
region. Allende pursued a policy of nonalignment, entering into relations with Cuba and the Soviet Union, and
demonstrating independence from the United States. United States intelligence estimates agreed that - none of this was of
strategic concern.
Yet to Henry Kissinger it might as well have been 1948, with the Red Army looming just over the horizon. On
September 16, 1970, he told a group of editors in a "background" briefing that an "Allende takeover" (i.e., victory in a
democratic election) was not in United States interest. "There is a good chance that [Allende] will establish over a period
of years some sort of Communist government," warned Kissinger, and that could pose "massive problems for us and for
democratic forces and for pro-US forces in Latin America." In a stretch of his geopolitical imagination, Kissinger
specified Argentina Bolivia, and Peru as countries that would be adversely influenced by an Allende victory. Moreover,
Kissinger feared that the "contagious example" of Chile would "infect" NATO allies in southern Europe.
Kissinger was worried about the question of dominoes "infection," and Western stability. Chile, like Vietnam before it
and Angola after, had become a test case for America's imperial will. Not surprisingly, for the man who urged the carpetbombing of Hanoi in order to "punctuate" his negotiating position against North Vietnam, Kissinger had little interest in
either the condition of the Chilean people or their fate. "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go
Communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people," said Kissinger in 1970 at a supersecret meeting of the 40
Committee (the White House group chaired by Kissinger, which was supposed to approve major projects to manipulate
other countries' internal affairs).
Kissinger set the CIA against Allende, not to preserve democracy or to counter a Soviet puppet in Latin America, but to
prevent a charismatic socialist from providing a democratic alternative to American policy. "Henry thought that Allende
might lead an anti-United States movement in Latin America more effectively than Castro, just because it was the
democratic path to power," commented an ex-staff aide. In fact, it was precisely because Allende was widely regarded as
a believer in democratic institutions that there was so much shock connected to his overthrow, especially in the Third
World and southern Europe. What Kissinger was saying-and backing up with covert American power-was that adherence
to democracy wasn't enough; that countries would not be allowed to switch over to a socialist way of running their
economies even democratically. The message of Chile was: no matter how unjust or corrupt the alternative, the United
States would not allow meaningful economic or social change, at least with a Marxist label, and a willingness to have
good relations with Cuba, China, and the Soviet Union.
Fidel Castro, on the other hand, received another message from American subversion of the Allende regime. He saw
Allende's mistake as having allowed too much democracy. Castro told American interviewers in July 1974:
Allende respected all these rights. The opposition press conspired. There were newspapers conspiring for a coup d'etat
every day, and they finally delivered the coup. Everyone had the right to conspire, and the results were that they
overthrew the Allende government and set up a fascist regime.
Castro believed-and Kissinger seemed to be confirming-that there could be no socialism in Latin America with
democratic freedoms and without armed power to back it up. In the end, the very specter that Kissinger raised for Chile if
Allende stayed in power-abolition of basic freedoms-was the final result of the secret American foreign-policy goal of
destablizing Chile.
The ClA's attempts to dislodge Allende from power in Chile were the culmination of a long agency campaign against
Allende. Twice before-in 1958 and in 1964- Allende had run for the presidency, and on both occasions the CIA worked
clandestinely to block him. To influence the outcome of the 1964 elections, the agency spent $3 million. As part of this
effort, the CIA organized a media "scare campaign" (campana de terror) and secretly paid over half the costs of the
victorious Christian Democratic campaign.

Philip Agee, who was a CIA operative in Uruguay in 1964, has described how some of this money was funneled into
Chile through the Montevideo branch of the First National City Bank, with the help of the assistant manager, John M.
Hennessy. Five years later, Hennessy was the assistant secretary of the treasury for international affairs and in that post
helped to coordinate the economic aspect of the Nixon administration's anti-Allende campaign.
Hennessy's dual role vividly illustrates the interlocking, overlapping nature of American corporate and government
involvement in Chile-and, indeed, in all Latin America. United States corporations dominated the key sectors of Chile's
economy-including the vital copper industry. By 1970, loans by financial institutions controlled or dominated by the
United States-AID, the Export-lmport Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund,
and the World Bank-had given Chile the highest per-capita foreign debt in the world. With the knowledge and
encouragement of the United States government, companies including Anaconda Copper and ITT contributed hundreds
of thousands of dollars to anti-Allende candidates.
The Senate intelligence report indicates that in 1970 the CIA approached ITT for contributions to an Allende foe Shortly
thereafter, in the summer of 1970, a member of the ITT board of directors, John McCone, contacted the CIA in
Washington to offer $1 million in ITT corporate funds for the anti-Allende effort. The CIA ostensibly rejected the offer
but provided ITT with information on two "secure" funding channels that could be used to slip money to the National
party and its candidate, Jorge Alessandri.
John McCone wore several hats in this affair. In addition to being a director of ITT, he was the former head of the CIA
itself, and was still secretly on the agency rolls as a "consultant." With his past CIA experience, McCone was fully aware
that the CIA had "penetrated" virtually every sector of Chilean society. In intelligence parlance the CIA for years had
been steadily "building its assets" -placing and recruiting agents in key jobs all over Chile. In cooperation with-and often
under cover supplied by- the AFL-CIO, the CIA had infiltrated the labor movement. It recruited Chileans in the media
and among the country's most important politicians. CIA operators maintained regular "liaison" with the Chilean military
and police services. In fact, according to a CIA source with direct personal knowledge, agency men in Chile were
actively working as early as 1969 to "politicize" the armed forces and police in hopes of provoking a coup before the
1970 elections.
The "asset-building" operations were part of the workaday routine for the dozen or so full-time ClA operatives assigned
to the American embassy in Santiago and for the other CIA men in Chile disguised as students or businessmen. This
permanent intervention in local politics had become a fact of life in Chile, as it had throughout Latin America.
Presidential elections brought out spurts of CIA spending, but the "routine" level of covert action was not insignificant.
Between 1964 and 1969, the agency spent close to $2 million on programs to train "anti-Communist organizers" working
among Chilean peasants and slum-dwellers. It subsidized or owned wire services, magazines, and newspapers. It directed
projects to combat the left on Chile's campuses; supported a politically active women's organization; and tried to win
influence in cultural and intellectual circles. The CIA even sponsored a group that specialized in putting up wall posters
and heckling at public meetings.'
As the 1970 elections approached, the CIA and the United States ambassador to Chile, Edward Korry, again sought
additional funds from the 40 Committee. In March of that year, the 40 Committee decided not to back any single
candidate but to wage a "spoiling" campaign against Allende. (This policy was apparently circumvented by the CIA
when it advised ITT on how to use agency funding conduits in feeding money to the National party candidate.) In all, the
CIA spent close to $1 million to influence the 1970 elections. Some of the money went for "political action" and "black"
(false) propaganda to break up the leftist coalition that had formed around Allende. The lion's share, however, went into
another shrill media scare campaign. An Allende victory was equated with violence and Stalinist repression, and the
message was sent out, the Senate Committee reports, by an editorial support group that provided political features,
editorials, and news articles for radio and press placement; and three different news services.... Sign-painting teams had
instructions to paint the slogan 'su paredon" (your wall) on 2000 walls, evoking an image of communist firing squads....
Other assets, all employees of El Mercurio, enabled the Station to generate more than one editorial per day based on CIA
guidance. Access to El Mercurio had a multiplier effect, since its editorials were read throughout the country on various
national radio networks.
Despite the ClA's efforts, Allende won a narrow plurality in elections on September 4, 1970. But since he did not win a
majority, formal selection of a president was left to the Chilean Congress, which was to meet on October 24. Chilean
tradition dictated that, Allende, the candidate receiving the most votes, would be elected by the Congress.
The Nixon administration entertained other hopes, as the Senate Select Committee noted:

The reaction in Washington to Allende's plurality victory was immediate. The 40 Committee ma on September 8 and 14
to discuss what action should be taken-prior to the October 24 congressional vote. On September 15, President Nixon
informed CIA Director Richard Helms that an Allende regime in Chile would not be acceptable to the United States and
instructed the CIA to play a direct role in organizing a military coup d'etat in Chile to prevent Allende's accession to the
The Nixon administration policy to keep Allende out of power proceeded on two tracks. Under Track I, which had 40
Committee approval, the CIA used a variety of covert political, economic, and propaganda tactics to manipulate the
Chilean political scene. One scheme to which the 40 Committee gave its assent was an allocation of S25,000 to bribe
members of the Chilean Congress. This money was apparently never spent, but other CIA funds flowed into the ever
more shrill propaganda campaign. According to the Senate report:
Themes developed during the campaign were exploited even more intensely during the weeks following September 4, in
an effort to cause enough financial and political panic and political instability to goad President Frei or the Chileanmilitary into action.
The CIA moved quickly to create chaos on the Chilean scene. Agency Director Helms left the September 15 meeting
with President Nixon with the following scribble among his notes: "Make the economy scream.'' An interagency
committee was set up (with representatives from the CIA, State, Treasury, and the White House) to coordinate the attack
on Chile's economy. American multinationals, including ITT, were approached to take such actions as cutting off credit
to Chile, stopping the shipment of spare parts, and causing runs on financial institutions. "A major financial panic
ensued," noted the Senate Select Committee.
Track II involved direct efforts to foment a- military coup. Neither the State Department nor the 40 Committee was
informed about these activities. The chain of command ran directly from Nixon to Kissinger to Helms at the CIA. Helms
was told that $10 million or more would be available to do the job. President Nixon was so adamant that Allende be
stopped that Helms noted later about his orders: "If I ever carried a marshal's baton in my knapsack out of the Oval
Office, it was that day."
The CIA proceeded to make twenty-one contacts in two weeks with key Chilean military personnel to assure them that
the United States would support a coup. At the time the primary obstacle within the military to such a move was Chief of
Staff General Rene Schneider, a strong supporter of the Chilean military's tradition of non-involvement in politics. The
ClA's reaction was to propose removing Schneider. American officials supported the coup plans, which included
kidnapping-General Schneider as a first step. After two unsuccessful attempts by the plotters, the CIA passed three
submachine guns and ammunition to Chilean officers still planning to kidnap Schneider. The Senate committee found:
In the third kidnap attempt on October 22, apparently conducted by Chileans other than those to whom weapons had
been supplied, General Schneider was shot and subsequently die The guns used in the abortive kidnapping were, in all
probability, not those supplied by the CIA to the conspirators. The Chilean military court . . . determined that Schneider
had been murdered by handguns, although one machine gun was at the scene of the killing.
Schneider was murdered, his fatal error being a firm belief in democracy and an apolitical military. His death was a
shocking event in Chile, which had almost no past experience with political violence, but the armed forces still did not
move, despite CIA urging. On October 24, 1970, Salvador Allende was confirmed as president of Chile.

After Allende's inauguration,
the CIA funneled over $6 million
into its attempts to subvert his government.
... The CIA concentrated its efforts in four key areas: Adding to its previous subsidies, the CIA spent another $1.5
million in support of El Mercurio. Under the agency's guidance, the paper was transformed from a publication
resembling the Wall Street Journal to one in the style of the New York Daily News, complete with screaming headlines
and pictures of Soviet tanks on the front page. The CIA justified this heavy expenditure on El Mercurio to the 40

Committee on the grounds that the Allende government was trying to close the paper and, in general, threatening the free
press in Chile. On the contrary, according to the Senate report, "the press remained free," and even the CIA's own
intelligence estimates stated that El Mercurio had been able to maintain its independence. The supposed threat to the
press was the most important theme the CIA used in an international propaganda campaign aimed against Allende. With
the fabricated charge, the CIA was able to convince newspapers around the world-including most of the American
media-that Allende posed such a threat. Additionally the CIA circulated its propaganda throughout Chile by means of a
complex assortment of captive newspapers, magazines, and radio and television outlets.
CIA operations were supplemented by clandestine aid from sympathetic Brazilians and the secret services of other
"allied" countries. Brazilians, themselves trained by the CIA for their own 1964 coup against a leftist president, seem to
have played a major part in the disruption of Chile The head of a Brazilian "think tank," Dr. Glycon de Paiva, boasted in
a post-coup interview with the Washington Post: "The recipe exists and you can bake the cake any time. We saw how it
worked in Brazil and now in Chile." In Chile as in Brazil, the CIA heavily subsidized right-wing think tanks, which were
used to coordinate intelligence, distribute propaganda, and organize paramilitary units.
Some of the ClA's money flowed into paramilitary and terrorist groups such as the notorious Patria y Libertad an
extremist private vigilante group. Other funds went through conduits, into support of strikes that plagued the Allende
regime One hundred and eight leaders of the white-collar trade associations-some of which received direct CIA
subsidies-received free training in the United States from the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD),
an AFL-CIO affiliate which, according to ex-agency operative Philip Agee, was set up under the control of the CIA.
While the 40 Committee turned down specific CIA proposals for direct support to two truckers' strikes that had a
devastating effect in 1972 and 1973 on Chile's economy, the CIA passed money on to private-sector groups, which in
turn, with the agency's knowledge, funded the truckers.
Although the Nixon administration cut off economic aid to Allende's Chile, it continued to send in military assistance.
The administration wanted to remain on good terms with the Chilean officer corps, with which there had always been
considerable American contact. Starting in 1969 and continuing through 1973, the CIA established a special project to
monitor coup plotting-which the CIA was encouraging at least in 1969 and 1970. The Senate Select Committee reported:
In November [1971], the Station suggested that the ultimate objective of the military penetration program was a military
coup Headquarters responded by rejecting that formulation of the objective, cautioning that the CIA did not have 40
Committee approval to become involved in a coup. Headquarters acknowledged the difficulty of drawing a firm link
between monitoring coup plotting and becoming involved in it. lt also realized that the U S. government's desire to be in
clandestine contact with military plotters, for whatever purpose, might well imply to them United States support for their
future plans.
On September 11, 1973, a group of military and policy officers-a group that the CIA had penetrated- overthrew the
Allende government. The following month, CIA Director William Colby-using the surgical language of the bureaucracytold a House committee that the CIA "had an overall appreciation" of the "deterioration" of the economic and political
situation, and with the Chilean navy pushing for a coup, it had become "only a question of time before it came." Henry
Kissinger testified in 1973, under oath:
The CIA had nothing to do with the coup, to the best of my knowledge, and I only put in that qualification in case some
mad man appears down there, who, without instructions, talked to somebody.
If Kissinger is telling the truth about the absence of direct CIA involvement, it is at best disingenuous for him to claim
that the United States-and the CIA especially- had nothing to do with the overthrow of a government it had worked for
three years to destabilize. The ClA's own internal documents, quoted by the Senate Select Committee, credit the antiAllende propaganda campaign as having played a significant role in setting the stage for the coup 29 The Chilean
military had to have been influenced by the propaganda themes the CIA was spreading all over Chile-themes that
promised firing squads for Allende's opponents and that falsely indicated that Cubans were taking over the Chilean
intelligence services and gathering data on the Chilean high command. The CIA had directly encouraged these same
Chilean officers to pull off a coup in 1970 and then stayed in intimate touch with them through 1973 while they plotted.
As Clandestine Services chief Thomas Karamessines testified: "I am sure that the seeds that were laid in that effort in
1970 had their impact in 1973."
In 1974, President Ford defended the ClA's action in Chile by stating, "I think this is in the best interests of the people of
Chile and certainly in our best interests." One wonders what the president had in-mind. A brutal military dictatorship has
replaced a democratically elected government. All political parties have been effectively banned; the Congress has been
shut down, the press censored; supporters of the last legal government have been jailed and tortured; thousands have

been killed, and elections have been put off indefinitely.

And what American interests have been served? Our government has once again aligned itself with a repressive junta.
Our leaders have once again been caught telling a series of lies to Congress and the American people about their actions
in a foreign country. Once again the CIA has used the free press and free elections to subvert a country's regime. The
lawlessness and ruthlessness of the ClA's operations have brought us opprobrium around the world. The terrorism
sanctioned and encouraged by the CIA will surely only instruct others in its use.
Only American corporations seem to have profited by the ClA's intervention, and even their interests were poorly served.
If corporate investment can be protected only by repressive regimes, then surely those investments are a poor risk. No
country can long violate its own citizenry's sensibilities and principles simply to preserve corporate investments abroad.
The ClA's operations in Chile are not merely of historical interest. Congressman Michael Harrington, after reading secret
CIA testimony on Chile, wrote: "The Agency activities in Chile were viewed as a prototype, or laboratory experiment, to
test the techniques of heavy financial investment in efforts to discredit and bring down a government."

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people."'
So spoke Henry Kissinger at a secret June 1970 White House meeting. The topic under discussion that day was ... what
covert actions the CIA should take against Salvador Allende, but the sentiment reflected American behavior in many
countries and could have come from the lips of any of the key American foreign-policy managers of the post-WorldWar-II era. These men-presidents and their chief advisers-felt that they knew best; that if other countries acted in a
manner they considered irresponsible, they had the right, and even the duty, to intervene with American power.
For the last thirty years the United States has stood almost alone as the activist leader of the West, and American officials
have become the arbiters of what sort of economic and political systems other nations should have. When such countries
as Greece and Vietnam were threatened from the left, the United States intervened. When leftists took power in countries
like Guatemala, Iran, and Chile, the United States helped to overthrow them. Stated American policy may have been that
foreign countries should be free to choose their own system of government, but the reality has been that this freedom of
choice applied only within American-defined limits. Successive American administrations claimed that the American
objective was to spread democracy, but in fact American objectives were different and more specific.
Essentially the United States has demanded three things of foreign regimes: (1) that they support the anti-Soviet and antiChinese foreign policy of the United States; (2) that they allow and safeguard the investment of outside- particularly
American-capital; and (3) that they maintain internal stability-which has usually translated into their repressing their own
internal lefts. The intensity of American intervention has also been influenced by such other factors as the brashness or
charisma of a foreign leader and a country's physical proximity to the United States.
With some help from its allies, the United States generally imposed its standards on other countries, particularly those of
the Third World, though American intervention was not always effective. In effect the United States has served as the
world's policemen. And the secret policeman -the enforcer-of this system has been the CIA.
The CIA was established by Congress in 1947 at a time when the cold war with the Soviet Union was just beginning but
when American leaders had taken up the role of Western leadership. Britain and France had long maintained colonial
empires with comparatively small occupying forces and actively functioning secret services. Their technique was to use
"dirty tricks" to divide and confound native opposition. The United States had little experience with such clandestine
agencies (although U.S. cavalry agents were known in the nineteenth century to have given blankets from tuberculosis
wards to hostile Indians). In World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created by executive order the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS), a military agency designed to promote resistance movements and to use the techniques of
secret war against the Axis powers. America's first covert operatives largely learned these arcane skills from their more
experienced British allies.

The OSS was disbanded after the war ended in 1945, but many of its components were transferred intact to other
government agencies. Its veterans had enjoyed their clandestine wartime experiences and much preferred spy work to the
ordinary routine of civilian life. These OSS alumni were closely connected to some of the most powerful figures in
American government, law, industry, and finance. Led by former OSS chief William "Wild Bill" Donovan and OSS
operational chief in Switzerland, Allen Dulles, they formed a potent lobbying group for a peacetime intelligence service.
By 1947, the Truman administration had accepted their belief that such an organization was needed to counter the Soviet
threat covertly. In the National Security Act, passed that year, Truman and his top advisers proposed the command
structure that would be used to fight a cold war: the National Security Council (NSC) was established as the chief
decision-making body; the armed forces were unified into the Defense Department; and the Central Intelligence Agency
was formed.
In considering this package, Congress was not informed that the CIA would take an activist covert role. Rather, the CIA
was presented to the lawmakers and the public as an entity whose function would be the coordination and analysis of
intelligence within the government. The failure of the various military intelligence agencies to provide a clear warning of
the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was frequently cited as the reason the United States needed a central intelligence
agency to pull together in one place all the information available from all the government agencies. The CIA then would
be expected to give the president the best possible estimate of the situation.
The National Security Act did not mention that the CIA would collect intelligence, although the Truman administration
apparently did privately inform some members of Congress. However, no member of Congress was informed that the
CIA would also be using the techniques of covert action to manipulate the internal affairs of other nations secretly. The
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence noted that "authority for covert action cannot be found" in the 1947 act and that
Congress was not aware of any such purpose. The ClA's own general counsel conceded in a memorandum written
shortly after the passage of the act that the legislative history showed no congressional intent to authorize covert action.
Nevertheless the CIA continues to claim that its authority to interfere in other countries' affairs came from a vaguely
worded section of the National Security Act, which directed it "to perform such other functions and duties related to
intelligence affecting national security as the National Security Council might from time to time direct."
No one in a policymaking position in the executive branch was really concerned about whether Congress had authorized
covert actions. Such activities were, they believed, necessary and hence the president could order them. Thus the first
year of the ClA's existence, the NSC had assigned the agency responsibility for conduct of secret psychological, political,
paramilitary, and economic operations. There may not have been a legal mandate for such activities but there was
something approaching a national consensus for "stopping Communism." To many Americans, including a commission
headed by former President Herbert Hoover, that meant acting "more ruthIess" than any foe. The Hoover Commission
concluded in a secret annex on intelligence quoted in part in the Introduction:
It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means
and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the
U.S. is to survive, longstanding American concepts of "fair play" must be reconsidered. We must develop effective
espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage, and destroy our enemies by more clever,
more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American
people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.

Two spectacular "successes" in the early 1950s overthrowing constitutional but "leftist" governments in Iran and
Guatemala set the tone for agency Third World operations. Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran and Jacobo Arbenz in
Guatemala were charismatic leaders who, like Castro, Patrice Lumumba, and Allende, sought to lead a leftist revolution.
They were all labeled "Communists" and the CIA, directed by successive presidents, sought to drive them from power.
In each of these cases (except Cuba) and in others, the agency was "successful" in that the feared charismatic leader was
removed from the scene. 1 Whether American ideals or even strategic interests were served by these actions is another
The meddling in these societies had little to do with our national interest or security. For example, the Shah of Iran had a
border dispute with the Iraqi government and wanted to feed the Kurdish revolt against the Iraqis. The Shah prevailed on
Nixon and Kissinger to provide money to the Kurds and to assure them of American support. After three years, the Shah
settled his dispute with Iraq. The CIA suddenly cut the Kurds off without a penny as the Iraqis launched an all-out
search-and-destroy mission the day after the secret agreement was signed with Iran. The result was thousands of

casualties and more than 200,000 refugees. Kissinger even refused to provide humanitarian assistance to the refugees,
stating: "Covert action should not be confused with missionary work."
In Ecuador the CIA helped to overthrow two governments, with only about ten American operators working there full
time. In more complex societies like Brazil, Iran, and Vietnam, the CIA assigned considerably more personnel.
In some places the CIA-always at the order of the White House-went well beyond behind-the-scenes manipulation and
fought "secret wars." Although the Constitution says only the Congress shall declare war, a succession of presidents has
committed the ClA's paramilitary forces to combat. In virtually all these cases most members of Congress were not even
informed that United States forces were involved in fighting. Yet, as the Senate committee found, "Paramilitary
operations have great potential for escalating into major military commitments.
Against mainland China during the 1950s, the CIA sponsored guerrilla raids-the only results of which were the deaths of
many Chinese and the capture and imprisonment for twenty years of two young CIA operatives, John Downey and
Richard Fecteau. In Guatemala, in 1954, the CIA organized a small army to overthrow a leftist government. In Indonesia
in 1958, the CIA supplied rebels fighting against President Sukarno, and agency planes- belonging to an agency
"proprietary," or front, called Civil Air Transport-bombed government forces. In Burma during the 1950s, the CIA
supported about 12,000 Nationalist Chinese who had fled China in 1949. These forces became heavily involved in the
opium trade-as were the ClA's Meo allies in Laos. The United States ambassador to Burma, who was not aware of the
CIA involvement, wound up lying about their presence to the Burmese government.
The largest CIA military operations took place in Indochina. The ClA's involvement in Vietnam had started in support of
the French colonial regime before 1954. Thereafter the CIA and General Edward Lansdale, one of its legendary
operators, played a key role in installing President Ngo Dinh Diem in power. Lansdale's subordinates ran guerrilla raids
against North Vietnam; spread false propaganda that caused large increases in the flow of refugees from North Vietnam;
and financed and trained Diem's secret police and palace guards. United States Special Forces, or "Green Berets," which
were under CIA operational control until 1963, recruited an army of ethnic minorities to fight secretly along Vietnam's
borders and in Cambodia, North Vietnam, and Laos.
Inside Laos itself the CIA organized another, even larger, "secret" army, which contained at its peak 35,000 Meo and
other minority tribesmen. When that force had been nearly decimated in the early 1970s, 17,000 Thai troops were hired
by the agency. Congress had by law forbidden the hiring of such mercenaries from neighboring countries, but the Nixon
administration gave the CIA the go-ahead to recruit the Thais anyway, under the thin subterfuge that they had signed on
not in Thailand but locally in Laos.
Despite the tens of thousands of foreign soldiers on its payroll, the CIA was able to keep its war in Laos concealed from
most members of Congress until 1969. While it was no secret from the enemy soldiers who were being bombed and shot,
the agency's involvement was largely invisible to the outside world because of a wide variety of covers. Its operatives hid
as political and economic officers in the American embassy in Vientiane, as CIA persons do around the world; 25
percent of so-called State Department officials worldwide are actually with the CIA. The U.S. Army and Air Force also
provided cover, as military units have long done for the CIA both at home and abroad. The Agency for International
Development (AID) was another front for the CIA and allowed it to set up under AID cover a "requirements Office" and
a "Research Management Branch." By 1971, almost 50,000 American military men and women based outside Laos were
supporting the "secret war: logistically and with massive bombing strikes."

The CIA also made extensive use of proprietaries in its second largest operation, mounted against Cuban leader Fidel
Castro. Starting in the late 1950s, the CIA organized a Cuban exile army to overthrow Castro.
The result was the ClA's greatest fiasco ever:
the total routing of its forces at the Bay of Pigs.
The agency did not give up, however, as the Kennedy brothers remained more determined than ever to get rid of the
Castro government. CIA paramilitary forces continued to make regular raids against Cuba, destroying crops, blowing up
installations and generally attacking the Cuban economy, in operations code-named MONGOOSE.
The most extreme of the ClA's anti-Castro programs

were its repeated attempts to assassinate the Cuban leader.

Time after time, during the Eisenhower, Kennedy,
and Johnson administrations,
the CIA failed in its murder attempts.
From 1960 to 1962, the agency worked in tandem with Mafia leaders to dispose of Castro.
The ClA's mob accomplices included Sam Giancana of the Chicago family, the Trafficantes of Havana and Tampa,
Florida, and convicted card cheat John Rosselli of the West Coast. The agency tried poisoners and riflemen. Explosive
seashells and a deadly fountain pen were some of the murderous devices the agency's Technical Service Division came
up with. In 1963, the technicians specially prepared a skindiving suit to be presented as a gift to Castro. It was dusted
inside with a fungus that would produce a chronic skin disease called Madura foot. Just to make sure, the breathing
apparatus was contaminated with tubercule bacillus.
The ClA's ill-fated attempts to kill Castro were only one episode m agency assassination plots.
Murder was viewed within the CIA as an important enough weapon that an assassination capability was institutionalized
in 1961. The agency, which has a particular knack for euphemism, called the program "executive action." Preferring to
keep the actual blood off their own hands, agency officials hired people like mafiosos and an agent code-named
WI/ROGUE to do the dirty work. WI/ROGUE is described in CIA documents as a "forger and former bank robber"...

WI/ROGUE was involved in the ClA's attempts to kill Patrice Lumumba in the Congo (now Zaire).
The Senate Select Committee found that the CIA sent highly toxic poisons to the Congo and took other "exploratory
steps" as part of its plots to kill the popular leftist leader. In 1961, in the Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo was shot
by Dominican dissidents who were in close touch with the CIA and the State Department. Reported the Senate Select
Committee ...
The CIA was also involved in plots
that led to the assassinations of Ngo Dinh Diem
and his brother Nhu in South Vietnam,
and that, already detailed,
of General Rene Schneider in Chile.
Whether the CIA directly planned for these men to die or whether their shootings were outside the agency's control is not
clear from the record available. In any case the CIA was certainly a wittingaccomplice in both the Vietnamese case,
where it gave its approval to the coup plotters, and the Schneider incident, where it provided machine guns and other
equipment to those plotting against him.
In Vietnam the CIA became involved in a different kind of assassination program.
This was a series of operationsgenerally referred to as PHOENIX-which were designed to "neutralize" the political
infrastructure of the National Liberation Front (NLF). In the first two and one-half years of PHOENIX, 20,587
suspected NLF cadre were killed, according to figures supplied Congress by William Colby, the man who
supervised the program and then was promoted by President Nixon to head the CIA.
Linked to PHOENIX were ClA-run and -financed Provincial Interrogation Centers
and Counter Terror (CT) teams in every Vietnamese province...

The CIA makes wide use of legitimate multinational corporations.
Financial institutions such as the First National City Bank help the CIA move large sums of money into target-countries.
During the mid-1950s, Pan American Airlines had an arrangement with the CIA to provide agency personnel access to
baggage in planes transiting the airport in Panama City, Panama, and even to provide the operatives with mechanics
overalls-better to disguise them.
In Chile from 1970 to 1973,
ITT worked closely with the CIA
in a whole variety of secret operations.
Multinational corporations also provide cover to CIA operatives abroad.
Companies known to have concealed CIA personnel on their payrolls are ITT, Pan Am, and Grace Shipping Lines. In
February 1974, a "high government official," who was in fact CIA Director William Colby, told reporters that the
CIA had over 200 operatives working under corporate cover. A rare public glimpse of the inner workings of such an
agency-corporate arrangement came in 1975 when Ashland Oil Company admitted to the Securities and Exchange
Commission that it had received $98,968 from the CIA from 1968 to 1973. The money was reportedly to pay Ashland
the costs of providing cover to an agency operator for those five years in Western Europe. Of the money, $50,000 wound
up in a fund that Ashland used to make illegal campaign contributions in the United States. Ashland obviously had its
own use for the untraceable "laundered" funds the CIA uses to pay its debts.

Starting in the late 1940s, the CIA has worked extremely closely with George Meany and much of the American
labor movement to build strong anti-Communist unions and to destroy the effectiveness of leftist unions. The
agency funneled money for European unions in the early years through such labor leaders as Walter Reuther of the
United Auto Workers and the AFL's Irving Brown.
CIA funds went to the international programs of individual unions, including the American Newspaper Guild and the
American Federation of Federal, State, and Municipal Employees (which served as the ClA's principal instrument for
fomenting a general strike and helping to overthrow the government of British Guiana in 1962-63).


The ClA's activities in the media area are
as varied as the most diverse conglomerates.
Since 1947, the agency has published
over 1,250 books that were not identified
as being connected with the United States government.
These works were distributed around the world-and in the United States-to support propaganda themes the CIA was
pushing. Wrote the ClA's covert propaganda chief in 1961:

pushing. Wrote the ClA's covert propaganda chief in 1961:

"Books differ from all other propaganda media primarily because
one single book can significantly change the reader's attitude and action
to an extent unmatched by the impact of any other single medium."
In addition to book publishing, the CIA has also owned or subsidized for propaganda purposes magazines,
newspapers, news services, and radio and television stations.
Although the CIA's propaganda activities are supposed to be limited to foreign audiences, events and ideas described in
agency publications are often widely distributed in the United States. The Penkovskiy Papers, which the CIA wrote, was
a best seller at home, and information put out by the CIA in its Chilean media operations in 1970 was picked up by both
the Washington Post and The New York Times. Clandestine Services head Desmond Fitzgerald commented in 1967:
"Fallout in the United States from a foreign publication which we support is inevitable and consequently permissible."
While the CIA apparently is not bothered by the prospect of putting out misleading propaganda inside the United States,
it has established safeguards to make sure that top officials outside the agency do not accept falsehoods it is spreading as
truth and use these misleading data as a basis to make policy. Regular coordination exists between the CIA and the State
Department to prevent the deception of these officials through CIA "black" propaganda.
The CIA uses the press in another way by disguising some of its operatives as news personnel. In 1973, CIA Director
Colby revealed that some "three dozen" American newsmen worked for the agency. In February 1976, the CIA
announced it would no longer make use of "accredited" reporters, but the announcement was worded in a way not to give
away the fact that the Senate Select Committee would reveal two months later: namely, the CIA was still using more
than twenty-five unaccredited, ~ journalists-freelancers, stringers, and news executives.


As the Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed, the CIA has been using small numbers of missionaries and church
personnel in operational activities and as intelligence sources. Some of these included American missionaries in
Bolivia who passed to the CIA information on dissident groups, a South Vietnamese bishop on the CIA payroll,
ClA-financed radio broadcasts to promote literacy and spread anti-Communist propaganda in Colombia, and use
of a Jesuit (Roger Vekemans) in Chile as a conduit for millions of dollars in political-action funds.

The CIA has used United States universities as recruiting grounds.
One target is foreign students whom the agency wants to turn into spies in their home countries.
Another is American students who may be recruited to be secret CIA operatives.
A third group is professors, including visitors from abroad and those on the faculty,
who may be recruited as permanent agents or persuaded to take on a single assignment.
For this purpose the CIA maintains secret contractual relationships with several hundred academics on over a hundred
campuses. The principal job of these CIA professors is to identify and help evaluate potential agents. After a potential
recruit is spotted, his name is passed on to the CIA, which secretly investigates the individual. If a person is an
American, a cover story- such as a credit-agency check-is used to gather the information. If the individual passes the
security review the CIA secret recruiters will often be used to introduce the potential recruit to his would-be case officer.
Some professors also are used to write CIA propaganda and to carry out specialized undercover missions. A professor or
student (or someone posing as one of these) has a perfect excuse to travel around the world, asking all sorts of questions

of interest to the CIA. Sometimes a professor thinks he is gathering information for a private business firm or research
group when in fact the organization is a CIA front.
Additionally the CIA sponsors considerable research on campus, and in most cases the agency's involvement is
hidden-even from students and graduate assistants helping in the research. At the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, the CIA funded from 1951 to 1965 the Center for International Studies, and from 1952 to 1967 it
paid much of the budget of the National Student Association, whose officers attended international conferences as
American representatives and sometimes carried out operational tasks for the CIA. During the early 1960s, the
CIA used Michigan State University programs as a cover for agency police training programs in South Vietnam, and it
continues to assign covert missions to academics-or people pretending to be academics.

Perhaps the most alarming research sponsored by the CIA in support of its clandestine programs was its
extensive program on drug testing and behavior modification.
Early Saturday morning, on November 27, 1953, New York City policemen found the body of Frank Olson on the
pavement by the Statler Hilton Hotel; he had hurled himself through the window of his room on the tenth floor.
When the police asked the man who had been sharing Olson's room for an explanation of the apparent suicide,
his companion mentioned that Olson suffered from ulcers. Twenty-two years later, it was revealed that Olson had
committed suicide as a result of a CIA drug-testing program, in which he had unwittingly been administered a dose
of LSD in a glass of Cointreau.
In response to growing fears that "hostile" foreign countries were using chemical and biological substances against
United States agents, the CIA began to develop a defensive program of drug testing in the late 1940s and early 1950s,
which turned into behavior modification experiments on unsuspecting individuals. Various programs expanded to
include the stockpiling of lethal and incapacitating drugs, and the study of biological agents to be used against crops and
In 1953, the agency discussed a $240,000 purchase of 10 kilograms of LSD-enough for 100 million doses. Whether
the purchase actually took place is not yet known. Over a ten-year period additional avenues of research were
initiated, including experimentation on the effects of radiation and electric shocks. At one time the CIA flooded
the New York subway system with a "harmless simulant" of a disease-carrying gas, as a trial study on the
vulnerability of subway riders to sneak attack.
The major drug-testing program, known as MKULTRA, began to test volunteers at the Lexington Rehabilitation Center
in Kentucky, a hospital for drug addicts. Willing volunteers were also tested in cooperation with the Bureau of Narcotics.
But agency officials, concerned that testing under controlled conditions did not constitute a true test of the drug's effect,
began to experiment on unwitting individuals. Agents working on the project would randomly choose a victim at a bar or
off the street and, with no prior consent or medical prescreening, would take the individual back to a safe-house and
administer the drug. For many of the unsuspecting victims, the result was days or even weeks of hospitalization and
mental stress. For Frank Olson, a civilian employee of the army who was assigned to work on the drug-testing program
with the CIA at Fort Deitrick, Maryland, it meant the death by suicide described above.
Although the agency made sure that Olson's widow and three young children received financial benefits, no explanation
was ever given, and the family endured unknown anguish in its search for a reason for Olson's suicide. In a statement
written by the family accompanying the release of CIA documents detailing the history of the twenty-two-year cover-up,
the pain of those years was expressed.
"We are one family whose history has been fundamentally altered by illegal CIA activity, the family of the only
American so far identified as having died as a result of CIA treachery."
The family spoke of the shadow of doubt and guilt that hung over the children, and the "inevitable trauma and day-to-

day consequences" for Alice Olson, his wife.

The ClA's reaction to Olson's suicide was quite different.
After agonizing consideration involving CIA chief Allen Dulles and future agency chief Richard Helms, a punishment
appropriate to a clandestine organization was concocted. A letter was prepared and signed by Dulles telling those
involved in causing Olson's death that they should not have done what they did. This letter was hand carried to each of
those involved and they were permitted to read it but not to keep a copy. To preserve security, copies of the letter were
not placed in the personnel files of those involved.
The drug-testing programs continued to expose unknown numbers of people to the risk of death or mental or physical
injury for the next ten years, the only changes being a tightening of security precautions. An inspector general's study in
1957 warned that knowledge of the program "would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles."
Fear that the program would be leaked led CIA Director Helms to destroy all records of its activities, in 1973,
including 152 separate files. Helms himself continued to push for an expanded drug-testing program, even after it
had been terminated. Referring to its usefulness, Helms stated
"While I share your uneasiness and distaste for any program which tends to intrude upon an individual's private and
legal prerogatives, I believe it is necessary that the Agency maintain a central role in this activity."

In 1967, Ramparts magazine exposed the ClA's use of a network of front and cooperating foundations, which
acted as conduits for tens of millions of dollars in covert funds.
The Senate committee found that from 1963 to 1966 the CIA funded nearly half of all grants made by all
foundations, other than Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie, in the area of international activities. In addition to the
National Student Association, recipients of the CIA largesse included the International Commission of Jurists, the
National Education Association, the African-American Institute, the American Friends of the Middle East, the
Congress for Cultural Freedom, and Encounter magazine.
The money was generally used to pay for the international activities of supposedly independent groups which could then
counter leftist groups. Reacting to the Ramparts revelations, the Johnson administration adopted a policy that no CIA
funds should go to any United States educational or private organizations. Not to be deterred however, the CIA kept
undercover relationships with individuals connected to such groups, and it continued funding Radio Free Europe
and Radio Liberty until Congress in 1971 provided alternate funding.

The CIA regards ethnic groups in the United States- from Eastern Europeans to Cuban to Chinese-as fair game for its
clandestine operations. While the stated targets of the agency are supposed to be overseas, the CIA is authorized to work
clandestinely at home if the information it seeks has to do with foreign places and is gathered from foreigners. The
millions of Americans belonging to some ethnic group are potential targets under this standard. In Miami during the mid1960s, the CIA organized an intelligence service among Cuban exiles, which operated extensively among that city's
Cuban community.
While supporters of the CIA have complained that the agency's capabilities have been greatly damaged by the ongoing
CIA scandals, the fact remains that even at the scandals' height, the agency continued to have the operational structure in
place to pour millions of dollars ~n arms and support into Angola and to fund election support in Italy.
All over the world the CIA maintains the capability to carry out covert operations. As the Senate Select Committee

All over the world the CIA maintains the capability to carry out covert operations. As the Senate Select Committee
There is no question that the CIA attaches great importance to the maintenance of a worldwide clandestine infrastructurethe so-called "plumbing" in place. During the 1960s the Agency developed a worldwide system of standby covert actionassets," ranging from media personnel to individuals said to influence the behavior of governments.
This clandestine infrastructure has been cut back to some extent in recent years, but the power of the CIA to intervene
should not be underestimated. The agency is always reluctant to give up a useful asset, and under procedures in force as
late as the summer of 1976 the CIA needed to consult no outsiders, whether in the executive branch or Congress, before
recruiting and making payments to key foreigners able to manipulate events in other countries.
To be sure, before those assets could be used in a large-scale operation to overthrow a government or mount a major
propaganda campaign, the CIA would have to seek permission of a National Security Council panel, the Operations
Advisory Group (a body made up of the assistant to the president for national security affairs, the secretaries of state and
defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the director of central intelligence earlier versions of this panel
have been called the Special Group, the 54/12 Committee, the 303 Committee, and the 40 Committee). Nevertheless, of
the several thousand covert-action projects carried out by the CIA since 1961, the Senate Select Committee found that
only fourteen percent were individually considered by this executive branch review group.
Moreover, the Operations Advisory Group has no oversight at all over CIA operations directed toward intelligence
gathering or counter-intelligence work. While CIA recruitment of the interior minister in Bolivia or penetration and
training of the police in Uruguay can have an explosive effect on United States foreign relations, the agency submits to
no high-level review before taking such actions. Reportedly, in recent years as covert action has come under increasing
attack, the CIA has designated more and more of its assets-in its internal bookkeeping system-as "FI/CI" (foreign
intelligence/counter-intelligence) agents. While these agents may be in key positions where they can have a profound
effect on their country's affairs, the CIA is able to claim they are used only for informational purposes. That may be true
in the short run, but these intelligence agents remain a crucial part of the ClA's covert-action "plumbing in place."
The president's secret enforcer still operates across the globe. The day-to-day routine meddling continues unabated.
Larger programs-with the exception of Angola and Italy-may have been postponed while the agency was under
investigation. But if no reforms are made, the CIA will remain at the president's hip, ready to be triggered wherever he

For the FBI, an organization seeking to register blacks in the South was clearly suspicious. Until 1962, the bureau would
monitor King and SCLC under the "racial matters" category, which required agents to collect "all pertinent information"
about the "proposed or actual activities of individuals and organizations in the racial field." According to the Senate
Select Committee, the FBI information on King was "extensive."
The unfolding story of the civil rights protest movement and the leadership role of Martin Luther King, Jr., is a most
ignoble chapter in the history of FBI spying and manipulation. As the civil rights movement grew and expanded, the FBI
pinpointed every group and emergent leader for intensive investigation and most for harassment and disruption, the FBl's
domestic version of CIA covert action abroad. The NAACP was the subject of a COMINFIL investigation. The
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) were listed by the
FBI as "Black-Hate" type organizations and selected for covert disruption of their political activities. But the most
vicious FBI attack was reserved for King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. All of the arbitrary power
and lawless tactics that had accumulated in the bureau over the years were marshaled to destroy King's reputation and the
movement he led. The FBI relied on its vague authority to investigate "subversives" to spy on King and SCLC; its vague
authority to conduct warrantless wiretapping and microphonic surveillance to tap and bug him; its secrecy to conduct
covert operations against him. The campaign began with his rise to leadership and grew more vicious as he reached the
height of his power; it continued even after his assassination in 1968.

On August 28, 250,000 persons marched on Washington. The march, sponsored by a cross-section of civil rights,
labor, and church organizations, was designed to support the enactment of civil rights legislation. That day, when
Martin Luther King addressed the assemblage, he made his most memorable speech:
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up
and live out the true meaning of its creed:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal"
I have a dream that one day in the red hills of Georgia
sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners
will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi,
a state sweltering in the heat of injustice . . freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children
will one day live in a nation
where they will be judged not by the color of their skin
but by the content of their character"
The speech brought the crowd to its feet, applauding,
echoing the "Amens" that greet evangelical preaching,
and shouting "Freedom Now!"
The FBI reacted differently. In memoranda to the director, King's speech was characterized as "demagogic," and
the presence of "200" Communists among the 250,000 marchers caused the Intelligence Division to state that it
had underestimated Communist efforts and influence on American Negroes and the civil rights movement.
King was singled out:
He stands head and shoulders over all other Negro leaders put together when it comes to influencing great masses
of Negroes. We must mark him now ...as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation from the standpoint
of Communism the Negro and national security.
More ominously, the FBI suggested that "legal" efforts to deal with King might not be enough.
"It may be unrealisticthe memorandum went onto limit ourselves as we have been doing to legalistic proofs or
definitely conclusive evidence that would stand up in testimony in court or before Congressional Committees....
It was up to the FBI to "mark" King and bring him down on its own-to take the law into its own hands.
On October 1, 1963, Hoover received and then approved a combined COMINFIL-COINTELPRO plan against
the civil rights movement. The approved plan called for intensifying "coverage of Communist influence on the
Negro." It recommended the "use of all possible investigative techniques" and stated an "urgent need for imaginative
and aggressive tactics . . . to neutralize or disrupt the Party's activities in the Negro field."
On October 10 and 21, Attorney General Kennedy gave the FBI one of those "investigative techniques" by
approving the wiretaps on King.
On October 18, 1963, the FBI distributed a different kind of memorandum on King, not only to the Justice
Department, but to officials at the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency, the State Department, the
Defense Department, and Defense Department intelligence agencies. It summarized the bureau's Communist
party charges against King and went much further.
According to - Assistant Attorney General Burke Marshall, it was a personal diatribe
...a personal attack without evidentiary support on the character, the moral character and person of Dr. Martin

Luther King, and it was only peripherally related to anything substantive, like whether or not there was
Communist infiltration or influence on the civil rights movement... It was a personal attack on the man and went
far afield from the charges [of possible Communist influence].
The attorney general was outraged and demanded that Hoover seek the return of the report.
By October 28, all copies were returned.
This was the first-and last-official action to deter Hoover's vendetta against King.
In November, John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Lyndon Johnson became president and the Justice Department was in a state of confusion with the attorney general
preoccupied with his personal grief. King viewed the assassination as a tragedy, and hoped it would spawn a new public
concern for peace and reconciliation.
While the nation mourned, the FBI held a conference at the beginning of December to plan its campaign to
destroy King and the civil rights movement. At that all-day meeting FBI officials put forward proposals that
make G. Gordon Liddy's Watergate plan seem pale by comparison. Officials of the nation's number-one law
enforcement agency agreed to use "all available investigative techniques" to develop information for use "to discredit"
King. Proposals discussed included using ministers, "disgruntled" acquaintances, "aggressive" newsmen, "colored"
agents, Dr. King's housekeeper, and even Dr. King's wife or "placing a good looking female plant in King's office" to
develop discrediting information and to take action that would lead to his disgrace.
From the nature of Burke Marshall's description of the October 18 report, it is obvious that the FBI was on to
something it viewed as unsavory about King's private life. The report made the charges, but as Marshall said, there
was no "evidentiary" support. Now the FBI was out to get the proof. By January, the FBI had initiated physical and
photographic surveillance of King, deploying its most experienced personnel to gather information, and had
placed the first of many illegal bugs in Dr. King's room at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C.
According to Justice Department regulations at the time, microphonic surveillance, although it necessitated a physical
trespass and was more intrusive than a phone tap, did not require the approval of the attorney general. Even under its
own regulations, however, the FBI could only use this technique to gather "important intelligence or evidence relating to
matters connected with national security." In this case the FBI planned to use "bugs" to learn about "the [private]
activities of Dr. King and his associates" so that King could be "completely discredited."
It was clearly illegal.
The Willard Hotel "bug" yielded "19 reels" of tape. The FBI, at least in its own opinion, had struck pay dirt. The
bug apparently picked up information about King's private extramarital and perhaps "inter-racial" sexual
activities. This opened up the possibility of discrediting King as a Communist who engaged in "moral
For J. Edgar Hoover, "immoral" behavior was a crime comparable to "subversive" activity-and of equal utility. Hoover
gathered such information on prominent persons to use for political and blackmail purposes. Often he would share such
"official and confidential" information with presidents when his surveillance uncovered "obscene matters" on the
president's opponents or aides. Sometimes he would let people know he had such information on them, and that list
includes Presidents John Kennedy and Richard Nixon. In this case, however, Hoover did not plan to let King know he
had the information to gain a "political" power advantage over him; he planned to use it to destroy him politically. With
the Willard Hotel tapes, the FBI campaign moved into high gear.
With Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson pressing action
on civil rights legislation and calling for a "War on Poverty,"
Martin Luther King was a man
the country and the world thought worthy of honor.
In December 1963, Time magazine named him "Man of the Year."
In 1964, while continuing his "nonviolent" activities on behalf of civil rights in St. Augustine, Florida, and other cities,
King was awarded honorary degrees by universities; he was invited by Willy Brandt, the mayor of West Berlin, to speak
at a ceremony honoring the memory of President Kennedy; he had an audience with Pope Paul VI in Rome; and, in
October, he was named by the Nobel Prize Committee to receive the Peace Prize in December.

If for King 1964 was a year of honors and increasing public recognition, for the FBI it was a year of concerted effort to
dishonor him. Learning that King had been named Man of the Year by Time, Hoover wrote across a memorandum
"They had to dig deep in the garbage to come up with this one."

In April, Hoover was quoted in the press as having testified
"that Communist influence does exist in the civil rights movement"
King reacted sharply:
It is very unfortunate that Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, in his claims of alleged Communist infiltration in the civil rights
movement, has allowed himself to aid and abet the salacious claims of Southern racists and the extreme right-wing
We challenge all who raise the "red" issue, whether they be newspaper columnists or the head of the FBI himself-to
come forward and provide real evidence which contradicts this stand of the SCLC. We are confident that this cannot
be done"
Going further, King repeated the charge of FBI inaction in the South that had provoked the anti-King campaign:
It is difficult to accept the word of the FBI on Communist infiltration in the civil rights movement, when they have
been so completely ineffectual in resolving the continued mayhem and brutality inflicted upon the Negro in the deep
Hoover's first response was to say that it was incumbent on the civil rights movement to prove that there was no
Communist influence. Then, in November, Hoover held a press briefing.
Asked to respond to King's charges, Hoover, off the record,
called King "one of the lowest characters in the country."
On the record, he called King
"the most notorious liar in the country"
Hoover's comments were widely publicized.
King's response this time was designed to dampen the controversy.
"I cannot conceive of Mr. Hoover making a statement like thisKing saidwithout being under extreme pressure.
He has apparently faltered under the awesome burden, complexities, and responsibilities of his office." King also
sent Hoover a telegram stating that while he had criticized the bureau, the director's responsewas a mystery to me
and expressed a desireto discuss this question with you at length."
On November 27, Roy Wilkins was told by Cartha DeLoach that if King wanted "war" the FBI was prepared to
engage in one, and the two of them discussed the FBI's "derogatory" material. Wilkins told DeLoach that if the
FBI made it public, it could ruin the civil rights movement. Obviously Wilkins reported this back to King, and a
number of leaders, including King, agreed to take steps to set up a meeting with the director.
Hoover agreed to meet with King on December 1.
According to all accounts, the meeting was exceedingly cordial. Hoover expressed support for the civil rights movement
and then turned to what was on his mind criticism of the bureau. The meeting consisted of a long monologue by Hoover
on the FBI's efforts to protect civil rights demonstrators, enforce the laws in the South, and prevent terrorism. At the end
of the meeting, King and Hoover agreed to a public truce.

Only now do we know how close the FBI came to an all-out confrontation.
Unknown to King or SCLC until later, the FBI, at the height of the public controversy, took its most distressing
step. It mailed the "tapes" to the SCLC office in Atlanta with a covering letter urging King to commit suicide or
face public revelation of the information on the tapes on the eve of the award ceremonies in Sweden. The letter
said in part:
King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do (this
exact number has been selected for a specific reason, it has definite practical significance). You are done. There
is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy fraudulent self is bared to the nation.
It was thirty-four days before the Nobel Peace Prize ceremonies.
Although public scandal was averted at the last moment, the FBI's campaign continued.
From 1965 until King's death, the covert effort of the FBI to destroy King and to topple him from "his pedestal"
continued. Aside from the suicide note, there is no more graphic illustration of the mind-set and nature of this political
police operation than the realization that while the campaign went on, the FBI had a parallel plan to find a "suitable
replacement" for King.
The plan was simple.
William Sullivan, the head of the Intelligence Division, had given it some thought and, in a January 1964
memorandum to Hoover, proposed that the FBI conduct a search to find a "suitable" successor to King. Hoover
agreed. Sullivan, when asked about the memorandum by the Senate Intelligence Committee, responded in a way that
speaks for itself: "I'm very proud of this memorandum, one of the best memoranda I ever wrote. I think here I was
showing some concern for the country."

The FBI had turned its arsenal of surveillance and disruption techniques on Martin Luther King and the civil rights
movement. It was concerned not with Soviet agents nor with criminal activity, but with the political and personal
activities of a man and a movement committed to nonviolence and democracy. King was not the first such target, nor the
last. In the end we are all victims, as our political life is distorted and constricted by the FBI, a law enforcement agency
now policing politics.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the nation's chief law enforcement agency. It is also an intelligence agency, the
domestic counterpart to the Central Intelligence Agency It does at home what the CIA does abroad: gathers information
on those whose politics it distrusts, and uses covert techniques to disrupt their activities. Over the past forty years, the
modern bureau, established in 1935, has grown in both power and size; from a small unit inside the Justice Department
into a massive police bureaucracy having jurisdiction over 100 federal criminal matters. Deploying over 8,000 trained
agents from the "Seat of Government" in Washington, D.C., to some fifty field offices and resident agencies across the
country, the bureau investigates both politics and crime. It has also grown into a nationwide spy apparatus that devotes
20 percent of its resources-more than twice the amount allocated to its fight against organized crime-to conduct
intelligence operations directed primarily at American citizens engaged in political activity.

... From the beginning of FBI intelligence operations on the eve of World War ll, J. Edgar Hoover and top bureau
officials made repeated demands on the Justice Department to prosecute subversives-to take action against America's
political "enemies." They wanted subversives to be prosecuted under the Smith Act for advocating revolution or under
the Voorhis Act for failing to register with the government as foreign agents. The bureau also updated its lists of persons
marked for arrest and detention during a national emergency.
During the cold-war decade, all branches of the government aided in open war against dissent and nonconformity. The
House Un-American Activities Committee and the Senate Internal Security Committee launched extensive investigations
to determine the extent of Communist and subversive influence in all areas of American life. HUAC investigated
communism. in the arts, sciences, and professions, and in the government and entertainment industries. The Senate
Internal Security Committee dominated by Senator Joseph McCarthy, investigated communism in the State and Defense
departments. The committees, with staff members "on loan" from the bureau, conducted a public disruption program.
Committee members read off lists of suspected Communists, lists that were often supplied by the bureau. Friendly
witnesses, generally FBI undercover agents, "named names." Persons "charged" were hauled before the committees and
interrogated about their beliefs and political associations. A witness who took the Fifth Amendment was presumed
guilty. A witness who refused to discuss his or her political life on First Amendment grounds was subject to contempt
and jailing. Individuals pilloried by the committees often lost their jobs or were blacklisted. Lives and reputations were
destroyed. Political speech was "chilled" as Americans learned that to dissent was to risk public exposure and censure.
The Loyalty and Security boards conducted similar inquisitions based on evidence gathered by the bureau. By 1952, the
FBI had checked over 6.6 million citizens for possible "disloyalty," to determine whether they should retain their
government positions or were fit to serve. Of these, 25,750 were subjected to full FBI field investigations. If the FBI
uncovered evidence of possible disloyalty an individual was given a hearing to determine whether he or she was disloyal.
Thousands withdrew their applications for employment before or during these hearings. Those who went through the
process were tried on the vague charge of membership or even "sympathetic association" with an organization on the
Attorney General's List prepared by the FBI. Individuals were tried without being able to confront their accusers-FBI
informers whose identity was a protected secret. By 1952, over 490 persons were dismissed on loyalty grounds, yet no
case of espionage was ever uncovered by the investigations. The message to the public was that dissent could disqualify
a person for government employment.
The Justice Department entered the overt campaign against subversives in 1949. The top leadership of the Communist
party was prosecuted under the Smith Act, which punished advocacy and the teaching of Communist doctrine. FBI
investigations laid the basis for the prosecutions, and between 1949 and 1956, 104 members of the party were tried and
convicted. The judiciary sanctioned the campaign in 1951 when the Supreme Court upheld the Smith Act convictions in
the Dennis case on the grounds that Communist "speech" had to be distinguished from other political advocacy because
those who advocated the doctrine were part of an international movement. Justice Felix Frankfurter went so far as to take
"judicial notice" of this "highly organized conspiracy" in rendering his decision for the Court.
The only program the FBI was not able to put in motion was its plan for emergency detention in case of national
emergency. Nevertheless, the bureau prepared for this eventuality throughout the cold-war decade. The bureau, often
without the full knowledge of the Justice Department and under standards far broader than those laid down by Congress
in 1950, maintained a number of detention lists. The Security Index had top priority in case of national crisis. This list,
which included the Communist leaders, included 11,982 names. Next in line for preventive detention were members of
the party, a list of 17,783 persons contained in the bureau's Communist Index. These were only the names in FBI
headquarters files. FBI field offices listed over 200,000 persons considered by the FBI to constitute a danger to national
security in time of l crisis.


In the mid-fifties, cold-war tensions eased and the nation's political hysteria subsided. After a decade-long witch hunt,
Americans paused, surveyed the constitutional wreckage, and took steps to end the government campaign against
political dissent. Repressive programs were dismantled and the "McCarthy Era" came to a close.
In 1954, the United States Senate voted overwhelmingly to censure Senator Joseph McCarthy. In 1956, the United States
Supreme Court drastically limited the ability of the government to prosecute under the Smith Act, and the Justice
Department ended its efforts to prosecute members of the Communist party. Loyalty boards withered and the Justice
Department decided not to update the Attorney General's List after 1955.X7 The bureau's authority to monitor
"subversive activities" was not curtailed, however. The FBI continued to gather information about the political activities
of American citizens. Not unexpectedly, the FBI viewed the actions by the Congress and the Supreme Court as a serious
setback in the national effort to combat subversion. J. Edgar Hoover and top bureau officials decided that drastic
measures were necessary. Reasoning that
"the Supreme Court rulings had rendered the Smith Act technically unenforceable" and an "ineffective" weapon in
the battle against subversive elements, the bureau's top officials met to consider "something to take its place''
The bureau decided to set up covert action programs to wage secret war against subversives. If public bodies were
no longer willing to employ FBI intelligence against citizens to "preserve" the country, the FBI was prepared to
act on its own, in secret, and beyond the law.
Behind a wall of secrecy, the bureau established, in August 1956, COINTELPRO in order to disrupt, expose,
discredit, and otherwise neutralize the United States Communist party and related organizations. FBI field offices
were informed of this "top-secret" program, and special agents were assigned to develop and carry out actions to disrupt
political activity. Field agents had to submit proposed actions to FBI headquarters for approval by Hoover and other top
officials. Since its inception, FBI agents have taken over 2,000 actions against individuals and groups. An unknown
number of similar operations- including those against the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., already described-were
carried out under other programs not labeled COINTELPRO.
The FBI COINTELPRO against the Communist party and related organizations transformed McCarthyism into
an underground operation. Under COINTELPRO, however, the FBI had even more leeway to disrupt the
political activity of citizens and organizations for it could conduct its war in secret, unhindered by the law.
The FBI used press contacts to conduct campaigns to expose, discredit, and humiliate selected citizens. Derogatory
information, arrest records, and other confidential bureau records were leaked to "friendly media" to form the basis for
stories that could harm the reputation of citizens. Bureau-authored articles were planted in newspapers and magazines for
the same purpose.
As part of its effort to neutralize the Communist party, FBI agents conducted anonymous-letter operations to
have "subversives" fired from their jobs. The bureau also recruited other organizations, such as the American
Legion, to launch similar actions. The bureau brought pressure on universities and schools to have professors and
teachers fired and to urge other public institutions to deny Communists the right to speak or even a place to hold
public meetings or assemblies.
Many of these initiatives were successful.
Working through other agencies of government, the FBI took actions to disrupt the activities of the Communist party and
its members. The bureau obtained the tax records of the party from the IRS and successfully encouraged IRS officials to
institute "selective" tax audits of top party officials and of the Communist party itself. Other forms of official harassment
included the FBI's encouragement of local police to arrest "subversives" on any pretext. When bureau informers or
agents uncovered evidence of petty offenses, they immediately reported these matters to local police authorities. The FBI
even placed some citizens in jeopardy of biased prosecution by approaching judges with "evidence" that persons on trial
for other reasons were dangerous subversives.

The FBI infiltrated organizations and disrupted them from within. Informers were instructed to fan hostilities between
members and upset plans and activities. The bureau planted so-called "snitch jackets" (false documents indicating
cooperation with police) on loyal members to make it appear that they were police informers. FBI operatives established
dummy chapters of the Communist party to drain off funds and then "deviate" from the party line. The FBI invaded the
privacy of political associations provoked paranoia inside groups, and destroyed their effectiveness. While this is the
stock-in-trade of foreign intelligence agencies, the FBI was plying it against American citizens. As one bureau official
If you have good intelligence and know what it's going to do, you can seed distrust, sow misinformation. The same
technique is used in the foreign field. The same technique is used, misinformation, disruption, is used in the
domestic groups....
The bureau's initial COINTELPRO target was the Communist party, but it soon went after "related"
organizations. Over the years, the FBI commenced covert actions under the "Communist" program against the
National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee because it believed it was
"Communist-inspired"; the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., because the bureau believed he was under the
"influence" of Communists; and the United Farmworkers Union because it allowed a Communist to speak at one
of its rallies.
The FBI conducted COINTELPRO by breaking the laws of the United States
in addition to violating its own "charter,"
which gave it no authority to take such actions.
The bureau violated statutes prohibiting government officials
from interfering with the civil rights of citizens.
It conducted its letter campaign in violation of mail fraud statutes.
It leaked information in the face of a statutory prohibition
against divulging information gained from wiretaps.
It even acted in contravention of federal extortion laws.
FBI records establish that a few high government officials were at least apprised of aspects of the anti-Communist
COINTELPRO. Attorneys General William Rogers and Robert Kennedy were shown memoranda that described efforts
by the bureau to "disrupt" the party, but without naming the program. There is a record of a cabinet briefing by Hoover
in 1958, but the details are not known. Bureau records do indicate that the House Appropriations Committee knew of and
approved this FBI disruptions program. Except for the "captive" committee, however, members of Congress did not
know the intimate details of the operation and certainly no one asked for "more" information. The FBI interpreted
official silence as authority. For failing to inquire, these officials must share the blame for COINTELPRO.
Ultimately, it was a program that succeeded in hurting people and their politics, effects that cannot be measured or
conveyed in a summary of its activities. Bureau action could sow dissension as well as destroy a man, as happened
in the case of William Albertson after the bureau planted documents on him (a snitch jacket) to make it appear
that he was a police informer.
William Albertson was a member of the American Communist party, until he was expelled in 1964.
He was charged with being an FBI informer because "incriminating" evidence was found in his automobile.
At that time, Albertson had been a member for almost thirty years, and had risen through the ranks of the party to
become a high party official, a member of the National Committee. He had devoted his active political life to the party
and the trade union movement, and had suffered the social ostracism that befell other members of the party. He
was convicted under the Smith Act and although his conviction was ultimately reversed, he served time in jail for
contempt for refusing to tell the court who was at a meeting he had attended. He told the court:
"My wife and I have tried to raise our children in the best traditions of the American labor movement. We have given
them a hatred for spies, stool pigeons, and scabs. I could not look my children in the face if I violated those
The evidence that led to his expulsion from the party was a letter addressed "Dear Joe" and signed "Bill," a document
that appeared to be in his handwriting and which offered information to an FBI agent in exchange for a "raise in

Although Albertson pleaded with party officials that the letter was a fake and a forgery? he was drummed out as
a "stool pigeon" and a person who had led a life of "duplicity and treachery." For the rest of his life, he tried
unsuccessfully to gain reinstatement in the party. Barred from his former union because of his conviction under
the Smith Act, Albertson had difficulty finding employment.
Ironically, he was approached by the FBI to become a paid informer.
Albertson refused the FBI and persisted in his appeals.
His family was ostracized from its former circle of friends.
"Even our friendshis wife recountswho were sure
that Bill had been framed would have nothing to do with us for fear of guilt by association."
After arson threats, his home was burned.
His family approached disintegration and sought therapy. The party did not answer his correspondence.
"The most painful thing I ever had to experiencehis widow recallswas
watching a destroyed man trying to save himself."
William Albertson was killed in an accident in 1972.
He was the victim of a "snitch jacket"
planted by the FBI as one of its many COINTELPRO I actions.


In the 1960s, America's long tradition of political activism reasserted itself in a decade of new politics, dissent, and
protest. A nonviolent civil rights movement emerged. Student activists joined in that struggle, started university-based
protests aimed at "free speech" and academic reform, and established the New Left, a nonsectarian, unorganized radical
movement committed to reform and "participatory democracy." Black militants called for "black power" and women
started their own liberation movement. The Vietnam War molded many of these protest groups and millions of other
Americans into a coalition to end the war in Vietnam. In 1972, these same Americans became delegates to the
Democratic National Convention and helped to nominate the party's candidate for president of the United States.
The FBI viewed the new politics of dissent as suspicious and subversive. In part on its own, and in part in response to the
demands of the White House, the FBI went after the whole spectrum of political dissent that emerged over the course of
the decade. At first? the FBI monitored reform groups under the pretext of determining whether they were under the
"influence" of communism. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Congress of Racial Equality, Martin
Luther King, Jr., and Floyd McKissick were investigated under COMINFIL and a General Racial Matters
Program aimed at uncovering subversive tendencies in the civil rights movement. Similarly? the Free Speech Movement
at Berkeley and the Students for a Democratic Society were monitored under COMINFIL.
When the FBI could not find significant "subversive" influence, the bureau abandoned all pretense that its intelligence
was directed only at organizations under the control or influence of a foreign power or dedicated to "violence." The
Socialist Workers party (SWP) was placed under heavy surveillance even through the bureau conceded it was "home
grown tomatoes" and in active opposition to the Communist party. The bureau took aim at the SWP because it espoused
the "revolutionary principles of Marx, Lenin, and Engles (sic) as interpreted by Leon Trotsky" by "running candidates
for public office." The surveillance of Martin Luther King, Jr., as we have seen, was ostensibly to prevent "the rise of a
'messiah' who could unify and electrify the . . . black . . . movement," although King's criticism of the bureau may well
have been the real reason.

The New Left was defined by the bureau itself as a "loosely-bound? free-wheeling? college-oriented movement." Yet it
was labeled a "subversion force" because it was allegedly dedicated to the destruction of America's "traditional values"
and was "anti-war and anti-draft." In an earlier decade, the FBI had erased the distinction between foreign and domestic
threats of subversion. In the 1960s, the FBI came to the point where it identified dissent with subversion.


Increasingly, the FBI served as an intelligence arm of the government, on call at the whim of the president. Executive
officials viewed the FBI as an agency obligated to carry out the president's wishes. Exercising "inherent power," one
president after another issued sweeping orders to the FBI to collect intelligence on Americans, often for strictly political
purposes. The bureau interpreted these instructions as a mandate to monitor all dissent.
Even when the concerns were legitimate, the orders issued to the FBI invited extensive surveillance of lawful political
activity. Reacting to Klan violence in 1964, President Lyndon Johnson issued oral instructions to Hoover "to put people
after the Klan and study it from one county to the next. Hoover took this to justify an investigation of all members of the
Klan, regardless of whether or not they were involved in violent acts. After President Johnson received word of the first
ghetto disorders in 1964, he ordered the FBI to report on "their origins and extent." Hoover provided the report and
started an intensive surveillance program in ghetto areas. Civil disorders reached their height in the summer of 1967 and,
as a consequence, Attorney General Ramsey Clark issued a sweeping instruction to the FBI that brought countless black
activists under surveillance. Clark ordered the FBI to use the maximum resources, investigative and intelligence, to
collect and report all facts bearing upon the question as to whether there has been or is a scheme or conspiracy by any
group of whatever size, effectiveness or affiliation, to plan, promote or aggravate riot activity....
Clark's memorandum went on to authorize the bureau to take every step possible to determine whether the rioting is preplanned or organized; and, if so, to determine the identity of the people and interests involved; and to deter this activity
by prompt and vigorous legal action. As a part of the broad investigation which must necessarily be conducted . . .
sources or informants in black nationalist organizations, SNCC and other less-publicized groups should be developed
and expanded to determine the size and purpose-of these groups and their relationship to other groups, and also to
determine the whereabouts of persons who might be involved in instigating riot activity in violation of federal law.
Further, we need to investigate fully allegations of conspiratorial activity that come to our attention from outside
Executive officials frequently called on the FBI to monitor its political opposition, sometimes for purely political
purposes. To uncover who was behind the sugar lobby, Attorney General Robert Kennedy ordered the FBI to place
"national security" wiretaps on the lobbyists, their Washington attorneys, and their contacts at the Department of
Agriculture. Concerned about the challenge of the black Mississippi Freedom Democratic party to the all-white
delegation from Mississippi at the Democratic National Convention in 1964, Lyndon Johnson, we have seen, dispatched
a squad of thirty agents to gather intelligence at the convention.
The antiwar movement also caused the president to order the FBI into operation. Warned by the CIA that foreign
countries and Communists might exploit the movement, Johnson issued instructions to Hoover in 1965 to determine the
extent of subversive influence behind the antiwar protests. Johnson informed Hoover that he wanted the information to
use in speeches against his critics. Hoover responded by putting the antiwar movement and the New Left under more
intensive surveillance and even dispatched agents to monitor the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings to
compare the statements of Senator Wayne Morse and other Senate war critics with the "Communist Party line."
Executive branch officials did not turn just to the FBI for intelligence on Americans. By 1968, all intelligence agencies
were enlisted to spy on Americans. The CIA was ordered to investigate the foreign links of antiwar activists in 1967.
Military intelligence opened up a major surveillance program aimed at Americans to prepare for "civil disorders." The
National Security Agency was brought in to monitor the international communications of black extremists and antiwar
activists, and the Justice Department set up an Interdivisional Information Unit (IDIU) to collect, computerize, and
evaluate reports coming primarily from the FBI and military intelligence agencies. Sharing information with all of these
agencies authorized to collect information on the political activities of citizens, the bureau was at the center of a massive
surveillance effort ordered by the executive.

The Nixon administration gave the FBI even more latitude to conduct surveillance. The bureau was instructed by
executive order to do "thumbnail" sketches (a replacement for the Attorney General's List) of the new extremist
organizations as part of the government's employment security program.' The administration called on the FBI to help
plug "security leaks" after press reports divulged the secret bombing campaign in Cambodia. This resulted in an FBIoperated "national security" wiretap program directed at seventeen government officials and newsmen.'
Finally, President Nixon authorized the Huston Plan in 1970, a joint FBI, CIA, NSA and military program to collect
intelligence on the antiwar and black protest movements by using informers, illegal burglaries, and mail opening. When
Hoover objected because its exposure might prove "embarrassing" (and also because it impinged on his turf), the
operation was conducted informally. Unknown to the president, however, the FBI and other intelligence agencies of
government were already employing these techniques against American citizens. The FBI in particular had interpreted
this long line of "executive orders" as a mandate to operate the most extensive, intensive, and illegal intelligence
operations in its history.

The FBI probed every corner of American political life to meet the "threat" of dissent. Over the course of the last decade,
the FBI opened up over 500,000 headquarters files on over one million Americans. The bureau's collection of
information on Americans under multiple indices demonstrates that it no longer had the interest or the ability to
distinguish between subversion and dissent and between political violence and lawful, if vociferous, political opinion.
Under COMINFIL, General Racial Matters, Black Nationalist Hate-Type Groups, Key Extremist, and Rabble Rouser,
the FBI gathered information on Martin Luther King, Jr., the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Black
Panther party, the Nation of Islam, Stokeley Carmichael, Ralph David Abernathy, "all black student unions," and the
American Indian Movement- among others. Under the Racial Matters, White HateType Groups, and Rabble Rouser
categories, the FBI swept up information on all members of the Klan, the John Birch Society, Gerald L. K. Smith, the
Christian Nationalist Crusade, the American Nazi party, and the National States Rights party. Under COMINFIL,
STUDEM, VIDEM, New Left, and Key Activist, the FBI gathered information on SDS, Tom Hayden, the Institute for
Policy Studies, Jane Fonda, Sam Brown, SANE, Antioch College, "all free universities," Women Strike for Peace, the
Women's Liberation movement, Clergy and Laity Concerned, the American Friends Service Committee, the Weatherpeople, the Inter-University Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy, the New Mobilization to End the War in Vietnamvirtually the entire social protest movement.
Domestic intelligence became an almost full-time occupation for the Intelligence Division of the bureau. The FBI
virtually abandoned its counterintelligence operations against hostile foreign intelligence activities as it focused its effort
on monitoring dissent and protecting the political order. Hundreds of agents used every available technique to collect
information on citizens, from scouring public source materials to committing multiple burglaries and mail openings.
Agents placed various organizations and individuals under physical surveillance, conducted extensive interviews of
suspects, and plied their confidential sources for information. In addition to bank, medical, and phone toll records, the
FBI had almost unlimited access to confidential tax information, especially after l969 when the IRS at White House
request, opened its own intelligence operation designed to audit the nation's "political enemies." The FBI and IRS joined
in a two-way flow of information on the political and confidential activities of thousands of American citizens.
The FBI relied primarily on informers to gather intelligence. The bureau employed legions of them to penetrate political
groups. At one point, the FBI had as many as 774 "sources" in the Klan and over 7,402 "listening posts" in urban ghettos.
Informers collected all information without limit. As a one-time bureau informer inside the Vietnam Veterans against the
War recalls:
I was to go to meetings, write up reports ...on what happened, who was there ...to try to totally identify the background of
every person there, what their relationships were, who they were living with, who they were sleeping with, to try to get
some sense of the local structure and the local relationships among the people in the organization.
FBI informers in the Socialist Workers party managed not only to infiltrate the tiny organization but in many instances to
achieve high positions. So much so that in 1975 when a federal district court judge ordered the FBI to keep its informers

away from the national convention of the SWP, the government appealed the matter all the way to the Supreme Court.
The FBI explained that its informants were such senior officials that if they did not attend the convention their identities
would immediately become obvious.
The FBI wiretapped the telephones and bugged the offices and homes of citizens and organizations. Under authority
granted by the attorney general, the FBI placed warrantless "national security" wiretaps on such domestic organizations
as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Socialist
Workers party, the Students for a Democratic Society, the Jewish Defense League, and individuals such as Martin Luther
King, Jr., Malcolm X., Hanson Baldwin, and Charles E. Radford, to uncover subversion, to "plug leaks," and to gather
political information for the White House. Acting without authority, FBI agents placed "wildcat" or "suicide" taps and
bugs on antiwar groups after the United States Supreme Court held in 1972 that a warrant was required in any domestic
security case."' The FBI also supplied a "watch list" of over 1,200 names to the National Security Agency, which
intercepted the international cables and telephone communications of antiwar and black political activists watchlisted by
the bureau. Neither the FBI nor the NSA obtained judicial warrants for this surveillance.
The FBI conducted at least six "mail surveys" to collect and open the mail of specified citizens. At the same time, the
FBI continued to supply a "watch list" to the CIA. Each year, the agency opened over 10,000 letters. Most of the
information was sent to the FBI. The FBI and the CIA opened private correspondence without warrants or probable
cause, and in violation of United States statutes."
The FBI's illegal burglary program was also extensive throughout this period. The scope of this program may never be
divulged because it is almost certain that the FBI has destroyed many of the records of this "Do Not File" operation. It is
known, however, that the FBI conducted at least 239 "black-bag jobs" aimed at "fifteen domestic groups" and over
ninety burglaries against the Socialist Workers party during this time. In 1973 and 1974, FBI agents conducted numerous
burglaries against the families and friends of members of the Weather Underground to look for evidence of their possible
Each year the FBI collected intelligence and distributed it throughout the government. Public officials were kept apprised
of the political opinions, plans, and activities of its citizens. The White House received FBI reports on the confidential
strategies of civil rights activists and antiwar protesters, the negotiations of delegates at the Democratic National
Convention in 1964, background information on the campaign staff of Barry Goldwater, Jr., the 1968 contacts of Richard
Nixon's campaign with persons close to the South Vietnam government, the 1972 strategy suggestions of advisers to
candidate Edmund Muskie. The president and the attorney general also received an "Inlet" letter on a regular basis from
the FBI designed to provide "items with an unusual twist or concerning prominent personalities which may be of special
interest to the President or Attorney General. FBI reports on Ralph Abernathy Coretta King, Seymour Hersh, Sammy
Davis, Jr., Cesar Chavez, and others were transmitted in thousands of dispatches sent to the Justice Department and fed
into IDIU computers for storage and analysis. The FBI and the Justice Department provided information to the IRS for
its "enemies project." The FBI sent its information to the CIA, the Secret Service, and Military Intelligence. They, in
turn, sent information to the bureau. By 1972, the intelligence agencies of the government, with the FBI at the center, had
placed the political left and a large part of the Democratic party under surveillance.


The FBI placed citizens under surveillance, surrounded them with agents, penetrated their organizations with a network
of informers, wired their offices and homes gathered confidential information on their plans and activities and then
secretly turned around and used its agents, informers, and information to "expose, disrupt, discredit or otherwise
neutralize" dissent. The FBI initiated political actions against the Socialist Workers party (1961), the Ku Klux Klan
(1964), Black Nationalist Hate-Type Groups (1967), and the New Left (1968).
The FBI sowed dissension in the Klan.
It conducted extensive interviewing of Klan members and infiltrated and took leadership positions in many Klaverns. It
created paranoia about police surveillance and played on internal disputes. It rendered the Klan ineffective by wholesale

assault. FBI informers also joined in the Klan's many beatings of civil rights workers and blacks to protect their "cover."
FBI agents, forewarned by informers of impending Klan violence, stood by at the scene and watched when local police
did nothing to stop it.
The FBI's principal effort against the Black Panther party was to provoke hostility and violent warfare between it and the
militant black organizations such as Ron Karenga's United Slaves. The FBI wrote a provocative anonymous letter
purporting to be from one organization to the other:
To Former [Panther] Comrade [name]...
Why, I read an article in the Panther paper where a California Panther sat in his car and watched his friend get shot by
Karenga's group and what did he do? He ran back and write a full page story about how tough the Panthers are and what
they're going to do. Ha Ha-B-S-.
Goodbye [name] baby-and watch out. Karenga's coming.
Operating inside the Panthers, the FBI planted "snitch jackets" on militant members, inviting other Panthers to attack
them for having "informed" to the police. The FBI also created dissension among the Panthers and claimed success for
provoking at least four instances of assault by one militant black activist against another.
The FBI worked to create violent confrontations between factions on the radical left. The bureau was prepared in this
case to commit violent acts itself. In New York, agents set cars on fire with "molotov cocktails," making it appear that
one faction was attacking another. FBI agents conducted at least five such bombings in 1973 and 1974.
The FBI's campaign included covert acts designed to destroy the family lives of group members. The FBI sent
anonymous letters to the wives of Klan and Black Panther party members accusing their husbands of infidelity. Using
information gathered from its surveillance, the FBI mailed a letter to the wife of the Grand Dragon of the United Klans
of America, which alleged in part:
Yes, Mrs. A., he has been committing adultery. My menfolk say they don't believe this but I think they do. I feel like
crying, I saw her with my own eyes. They call her Ruby ...and she lives in the 700 block of [deleted] Street in [deleted]. I
know this. I saw her strut around at a rally with her lust-filled eyes and smart aleck figure.
Written in what the bureau considered the "grammar" of typical Klan members, this type of anonymous letter was
viewed by the bureau as a very successful covert tactic.
The FBI did not reserve such measures for those who might engage in violence, but also tried to provoke violence by
peaceful groups. An FBI operative inside the San Diego Minutemen became a leader in a secret army organization which
terrorized a Marxist professor of economics at San Diego State University who was active in the antiwar movement. A
former FBI agent provocateur recalls how he led the Camden Nine to conduct a raid on a local draft board that resulted
in their arrest and prosecution by the FBI and the Justice Department:
I taught them everything they knew ...how to cut glass and open windows without making any noise.... How to open file
cabinets without a key.... How to climb ladders easily and walk on the edge of the roof without falling.... I began to feel
like the Pied Piper.
Under COINTELPRO and similar programs, the FBI erased the line between investigation and disruption.
Informers became agents provocateurs, and surveillance methods were turned into harassment techniques. The
bureau tried to convince dissenters that "there was an FBI agent behind every mailbox," and by so doing to
"chill" the exercise of free speech. In one instance, it went so far as to "kidnap" an antiwar activist to scare him
into stopping his protests against the war.
To quell dissent, the FBI's primary efforts inevitably interfered in the political process. The thrust of the FBI campaign
against the Socialist Workers party was to subvert SWP's efforts to elect candidates to public office. In 1962, the New
York office of the FBI compiled an arrest and conviction record on an SWP candidate for Manhattan borough president
and supplied it to a reporter for the New York Daily News, who published it in a column. In 1963, the San Francisco
office sent an anonymous letter to a black independent candidate for mayor of the city, attacking the SWP members
active in his campaign and urging him to dissociate himself from them. In 1964, the Newark office distributed leaflets
attacking a New Jersey SWP candidate for the U.S. Senate for alleged anti-black political stands on issues. In 1965, the

Denver office sent an anonymous letter from a "concerned mother" to the Denver School Board in which the SWP
affiliations and activities of a school board candidate were detailed. The purpose of the letter was "to prevent him from
being elected to the School Board." When an SWP candidate was running for mayor in 1965, the New York field office
sent an anonymous letter to various newspapers and television stations revealing that the candidate had previously
appeared in court in Chicago for "non-support" of his family and that his marital status could be questioned. In 1969, the
New York field office sent an anonymous letter to a black SWP candidate for mayor that purported to be from white
members of the SWP and attacked him for being too militant on the race issue, in order to cause dissension and hurt his
The FBI moved against the New Left for similar reasons.
Agents were instructed to gather "derogatory" information about the New Left activists to undercut their protest
efforts. The FBI also attempted to gather data to prove that the charges of police brutality at the Chicago
Democratic Convention in 1968 were false.
Once again, the liberal press and the bleeding hearts and the forces on the left are taking advantage of the situation in
Chicago surrounding the Democratic National Convention to attack the police and organized law enforcement... We
should be mindful of this situation and develop all possible evidence to expose this activity and to refute these false
At one point, the bureau distributed a news article titled "Rabbi in Vietnam Says Withdrawal Not the Answer" to
convince antiwar activists "of the correctness of the U.S. foreign policy in Vietnam."
The FBI concentrated on those who were not convinced by the bureau's stand on the war.
To undercut those who opposed its position on United States policy in Vietnam, the FBI instructed field agents to:
(1) prepare leaflets designed to discredit student demonstrators,
using photographs of New Left leadership at the respective universities.
"Naturally, the most obnoxious pictures should be used";
(2) instigat[e] "personal conflicts or animosities" between New Left leaders;
(3) creat[e] the impression that leaders are
"informants for the Bureau or other law enforcement agencies";
(4) send ...articles from student newspapers or the "underground press"
which show the depravity of the New Left to university officials, donors, legislators and parents.
"Articles showing advocation of the use of narcotics and free sex are ideal";
(5) hav[e] members arrested on marijuana charges;
(6) send ...anonymous letters about a student's activities to parents, neighbors and the parents' employers.
"This could have the effect of forcing the parents to take action";
(7) send ...anonymous letters or leaflets describing the "activities and associations"
of New Left faculty members and graduate assistants
to university officials, legislators, Boards of Regents and the press.
"These letters should be signed 'A Concerned Alumni,' or 'A Concerned Taxpayer' "
(8) use ..."cooperative press contacts"
to emphasize that the disruptive elements constitute a "minority" of the students.
"The press should demand an immediate referendum on the issue in question";
(9) exploit ...the "hostility" among the SDS and other New Left-groups
toward the SWP, YSA and Progressive Labor Party;
(10) use ..."friendly news media" and law enforcement officials
to disrupt New Left coffee houses near military bases
which are attempting to "influence members of the Armed Forces"
(11) us[e] cartoons, photography and anonymous letters to "ridicule" the New Left; and
(12) us[e] "misinformation" to "confuse and disrupt" New Left activities,
such as by notifying members that events have been cancelled."
FBI agents faithfully carried out the instructions. They sent anonymous letters to parents, wrote leaflets, distributed
handbills, and conducted campaigns to disrupt the New Left. They caused the University of Arizona to fire a college
professor who had engaged in antiwar protests. They succeeded in having two other professors put on probation because
they were influential in the publication of underground newspapers. They convinced institutions to deny protest groups
places to meet. They sent out "disinformation" during protest demonstrations to confuse demonstrators and they blocked

the efforts of university students to attend the presidential inaugural in 1969. Agents even "roughed up" radical antiwar
activists to frighten them or to disrupt protest rallies. (It was bureau policy not to beat up activists too seriously so they
would not go to the police and perhaps launch an investigation that would lead to the bureau.)
The FBI had by the late 1960s become enmeshed in a government-wide program to disrupt dissent. As protests mounted,
COlNTELPRO-type operations spread to other agencies. With FBI cooperation and information, the IRS conducted
selective tax audits. The FBI sent information to the Secret Service, which began to take steps to "protect" the president
not only from harm but from "embarassment" or from having to confront peaceful protestors. The FBI and the CIA
carried out a joint collection operation and the CIA became involved in disrupting demonstrations in Washington, D.C.
The military, also sharing information with the bureau, conducted photographic surveillance of demonstrators to let them
know they were being watched. After the Huston Plan was devised in 1970, America was on the verge of acquiring a
full-scale secret police, with the FBI at its center.

Today the FBI stands exposed.
Many of its operations have been terminated, not by executive orders or legislation but because of the "Media Papers,"
the tenacity of investigative journalists, the Watergate revelations, and civil litigation. These events slowed the bureaunot the president, the Justice Department, or the Congress.
Executive officials did not approve the burglary program or COINTELPRO. These were largely secret programs. But
they were secret because the FBI operated beyond accountability. Some officials even knew of aspects of
COINTELPRO: the programs to disrupt the Communist party; the bureau effort to destroy King; the activities directed at
the Klan. Either they approved of what the bureau was doing or did not inquire about the details.
Congress has now investigated the FBI and has uncovered an agency afraid of the subversive but even more distressed
about open society and democratic government. For forty years, the FBI has operated on a theory of subversion that
assumes that people cannot be trusted to choose among political ideas. The FBI has assumed the duty to protect the
public by placing it under surveillance. For these long years, the FBI has watched over America's internal security threat
and in the end that threat has turned out to be the democratic political process itself.
The executive and the Congress apparently share the bureau's concerns, because they have not terminated FBI
intelligence operations. Today the FBI still conducts surveillance of Americans engaged in lawful political activity. Its
informer network is still in place and in operation. Its field offices may still be committing burglaries and illegal
wiretaps, as the Socialist Workers party suit has shown. COINTELPRO has been formally ended, but other disruption
programs continue. The exact scope of the bureau's activities is unknown, but its focus has not been altered. The bureau
is still concerned with the opinions of men and women rather than solely with their illegal acts. The Justice Department
has issued strict guidelines to prevent a recurrence of past "mistakes," but agents believe those guidelines authorize the
bureau to continue investigating "subversive activities:" The guidelines leave the matter open by permitting limited
inquiries into lawful conduct. Even if that were not the case, the guidelines are only tentative rules that can be changed
tomorrow by a worried executive concerned about the next political turmoil.
Only Congress can prohibit the FBI from continuing to probe political life by enacting a strict prohibition of FBI
intelligence investigations. But the Congress, like the body that investigated the "Palmer Raids" after World War
I, seems willing to accept the promise made by the FBI that "it won't happen again."
This wishful thinking leaves the American political process extremely vulnerable.
Another crisis can trigger a new sweeping intelligence probe of American political life, a dangerous possibility in the age
of sophisticated electronic surveillance and computer technology. Meanwhile, the FBI waits. As one agent stated,
"Kelley [the present FBI director] said it won't be done any more, but I can assure you that it will." The bureau waits
...and watches.

Responding to enormous pressure from President Johnson to uncover the foreign links to the growing unrest of the late
1960s, the CIA opened up a new division within its Counter-Intelligence Branch. Over the next seven years, the program
conducted by this special staff, known as Operation CHAOS, spied on more than 7,000 American citizens and 1,000
domestic organizations.
This was the most extensive, but not the first, CIA spying operation against Americans. For years the agency had been
opening mail, burglarizing homes, wiretapping phones, and secretly watching the movements of unsuspecting
individuals within the United States, all in violation of its legislative charter.
In 1947, when Congress voted to create the CIA as part of the National Security Act, there was great concern about
whether the CIA could operate in the United States and against Americans.
Congress wanted to assure the public that this agency would not lead to the growth of a secret police. Responding to
these suspicions, Dr. Vannevar Bush, an administration witness, explained that the agency was concerned only with
intelligence "outside this country," and not with "internal affairs. To make sure, Congress wrote into the ClA's charter
that the agency was prohibited from exercising "police, subpoena, or law-enforcement powers or internal security
functions." Congressional debate made it clear that Congress anticipated that the CIA would simply not operate at home.
Two years later, with the passage of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, congressional apprehensions were
again calmed by the assertion that the CIA had no jurisdiction within the United States, that it "has no connection with
the FBI; it is not under the FBI, it does not do the same kind of work as the FBI. These public assertions, however, did
not coincide with the ClA's secret growth of operations within the United States and the surveillance of Americans
Because of the public uproar that would have ensued if the agency had openly expanded its domestic operations, the CIA
wrote its own secret charter. Through internal directives, executive orders, and pacts with other government agencies, the
CIA expanded its authority to operate at home so that it eventually encompassed activities that unquestionably violated
the law, as well as its congressional charter.
From the beginning, CIA justified its involvement in domestic activities in terms of supplementing its covert operations
and intelligence gathering abroad. As was discussed in Chapter Two in detail, the CIA created an intricate system of
front organizations and companies to provide cover for its clandestine work. It set up its own airlines and business firms,
and formed dummy foundations to funnel secret money into domestic student groups, educational publications, and labor
unions. Recruiting its agents from almost every sector of the private domain, the CIA turned students, missionaries, and
journalists into spies abroad. The agency also used its authority to protect its "sources and methods" to justify spying on
Americans in the United States.

Immediately after the passage of the 1947 act, the National Security Council issued a secret internal order for the CIA,
authorizing "the exploitation, on a highly selective basis within the United States, of business concerns, other
governmental organizations and individuals as sources of foreign intelligence information. A year later, the CIA
negotiated a "delimitation agreement" with the Federal Bureau o f Investigation, which spelled out the limits of CIA
activities within the United States. The most effective check on CIA clandestine collection and operations in the United
States was not congressional restrictions, but rather, the FBI's rigorous defense of what it -regarded as its own turf.
Nevertheless, the CIA got permission to deal with defectors and to gather foreign intelligence against selected persons
and enterprises.

and enterprises.
During the cold war, migrs from the Eastern European countries became prime sources of information for the agency
within the United States. Later, in its war against Fidel Castro, the CIA heavily infiltrated the Cuban community based in
Miami, and created its own network of spies. For over a decade, beginning in 1960, Cuban refugees were paid by the
agency to spy on their neighbors, and report their findings to the CIA. While on the CIA payroll, and reportedly at CIA
direction, Cuban exiles even launched a campaign to boycott products manufactured by countries trading with Castro's
government, and organized picket lines in front of foreign embassies. One Cuban explained the operation as originally a
counterintelligence effort, "but it soon became domestic snooping plain and simple. He added, "As far as I know they
haven't discovered a single Castro spy here, but they sure made many detailed reports, including gossip, about personal
lives of prominent Cubans, if anything usurping the functions of the FBI.
By 1963, the CIA had become so intimately involved with briefing and debriefing its agents, and coordinating their
activities within the United States, it created an extremely secret Domestic Operations Division. Explained in a classified
document, the division was to "exercise centralized responsibility for the direction, support, and coordination of
clandestine operational activities of the Clandestine Services conducted within the United States against foreign targets.
Among its activities was the burglarizing of foreign embassies at the request of the National Security Agency.
Not all CIA foreign-intelligence-gathering efforts on the domestic front were so clearly in violation of the law. Perhaps
the one legitimate domestic network established within the country was the Domestic Contact Service (DCS).
Authorized in a secret directive, the service set up field offices around the country to gather foreign intelligence from
willing and open sources. CIA agents would normally interview American businessmen, scholars, or even tourists after
their return from travels abroad. Sometimes, however, when the agency learned of a trip to a certain country beforehand,
it would approach the traveler in advance to request specific information to be investigated.
When the CIA as a whole began to conduct surveillance of Americans, the Domestic Contact Service was drawn into the
process. In early 1969, the service began to receive an increasing volume of reports on "black militant activity," and
opened a new case on the subject. Since some of the material was related to foreign contacts, the DCS routed it to
Operation CHAOS, the ClA's major program for spying on dissident groups. The ball was set in motion, and a few
months later, Operation CHAOS requested DCS to expand its coverage to include all black militants, radical youth
groups, radical underground newspapers, and deserter and draft resistance organizations. CHAOS also requested specific
information from the DCS, such as background information on twenty-eight co-conspirators indicted in the Chicago
riots, and full coverage of the legal proceedings of the trial. For four years, the Contact Service provided both Operation
CHAOS and the FBI with hundreds of reports on domestic political activity, further adding to their already bulging files.
In light of its newfound capabilities, the Domestic Contact Service was transferred from the Intelligence Directorate to
the Operations Directorate in 1973."

In August 1967, the CIA created the Special Operations Groups within the Counter-lntelligence Division. Richard Ober,
chosen to head the new project known as Operation CHAOS, was uniquely suited to the job. In early 1967, Ramparts
magazine had exposed CIA secret funding of the National Student Association, causing acute embarrassment to the
agency. In response, Ober was assigned to investigate members of the staff of the magazine and their friends, in an effort
to discover any connection with hostile foreign intelligence agencies. (CIA also urged the IRS to open an investigation
on the magazine's tax-exempt status.) By the time Ober began work at Operation CHAOS headquarters, he had already
proved his credentials by indexing several hundred names of American citizens, and creating almost fifty files.
From the beginning, the program was predicated on the belief that the foreign connection existed, and it was just
a matter of finding it. CHAOS agents were to watch antiwar activists in their travels abroad for this purpose. The

first action taken by the new Special Operations Group was to cable all CIA field offices abroad, outlining the
need to keep tabs on "radical students and U.S. negro expatriots," in order to find the extent to which "Soviet,
Chicoms [Chinese Communists] and Cubans are exploiting our domestic problems in terms of espionage and
The agency thus monitored the overseas movements of countless antiwar activists as they traveled around the world, as
well as ex-patriots. The CIA burglarized their hotel rooms and their homes, eavesdropped on their conversations and
bugged their phones. The internal directives issued to provide "guidance" regarding who should be the targets for
intelligence collection abroad reflected the confusion and frustration of the government effort as a whole. Field offices
were instructed to look for connections between United States groups and "communist, communist front, or other antiAmerican foreign elements abroad. A November 1967 memo called on agents overseas to report on foreign relationships,
which "might range from casual contacts based on mutual interest to clearly controlled channels for party directives".
Two years later, a directive from Tom Huston, a White House assistant, explained that "support should be liberally
construed to include all activities by foreign communists designed to encourage domestic groups in any way". The White
House and the agency were grasping at straws. Enormous amounts of useless information were gathered because it was
not clear when and how the intelligence might be used. Ober directed his agents to collect "any material, regardless of
how innocuous the information may appear".
To deal with this massive influx of material, from other agencies as well from as the CIA, the agency set up a
highly mechanized system. Whenever the name of an individual or organization showed up as a result of these
efforts, it was analyzed, indexed, and filed in the CHAOS computer system known as HYDRA. By programming
a specific name, an agent could instantly retrieve all cables, documents, or memoranda that even mentioned the
Due to pressure from President Nixon the CHAOS staff was increased to over fifty, and by 1959, CHAOS began
to develop its own agents abroad who would focus entirely on the task at hand. In order to track political activists
abroad, these agents went through a process of establishing their "credentials" within the radical movement in
this country. During their training period, they would be extensively debriefed by their advisers, and CIA gained purely
domestic information. In fact, so much reporting went on that one agent was likened to a "vacuum cleaner". Another
actually became an officer within his organization, while yet another became an adviser in a United States congressional
campaign, and furnished CHAOS reports on behind-the-scenes activity of the campaign. In one instance, a CHAOS
agent, on leave from his spying activities abroad, rejoined his unwitting friends in the radical community and reported
extensively on their private lives and personal relationships.
Spying on radicals in this country was also an incidental result of agents being trained by the CIA to penetrate
foreign intelligence agencies, as part of a program called "Project 2." After a period of basic training, these
agents would enroll at a university and feign involvement in some activist group. Although the trainees were told by
their case officers not to gather domestic information, one agent, for example, submitted a sixty-page report over a threeweek period, including information on a planned demonstration, groups meetings, and activities relating to the women's
movement. While abroad, these agents, although not specifically assigned to CHAOS, were valuable assets to the overall
collection effort.
Throughout the CHAOS operation, the FBI was not only the major recipient of the massive flow of memos, reports, and
clippings from the CIA, but also the most generous donor. By June 1970, the FBI was sending in reports to the CIA at
the rate of 1,000 a month. In addition, the two agencies extensively briefed and debriefed each other's agents, with the
bureau submitting specific questions to be answered by CHAOS infiltrators. By 1972, some twenty FBI informants were
actually working abroad under CIA direction and control.
As the purported expert on foreign ties to the American peace movement, the CIA prepared a number of major studies on
the subject. One report, known as "Restless Youth," was a thick volume analyzing the international student movement,
including a long section on the Students for a Democratic Society. Another study's very title, "Definition and Assessment
of Existing Internal Security Threat-Foreign," exemplifies the extent to which the CIA was operating outside its
congressional charter. The Domestic Contact Service also produced a series of reports, including one on the
background of certain individuals who had accused the CIA of involvement in the assassination of the black
leader Malcolm X. Ironically, all these studies concluded that the domestic dissent was a product of social and
political conditions in this country, and not the result of an international conspiracy. As late as 1971, when
Operation CHAOS had grown to grand proportions, a report was issued confirming "there is no evidence ...that foreign
governments, organizations or intelligence services control U.S. new left movements. The program continued to expand
its scope, not because its activities provided any leads, but in order to prove the opposite. Richard Ober explained the

...to respond with any degree of knowledge as to whether there is significant foreign involvement in a group ...one has to
know whether each and every one of these persons has any connection ...having checked many, many names, and
coming up with no significant directions, one can say with some degree of confidence that there is no significant
In its continuing search for that illusive connection, the CIA worked in concert with every intelligence agency of the
federal government. The Justice Department gave the CIA thousands of names to be put on file, while army intelligence
officers briefed CIA agents on domestic radicals. Other federal agencies submitted names to be placed on the "watch list"
for ClA's mail-opening program, while the CIA submitted its targets for the National Security Agency's program of
intercepting cable traffic. Even friendly intelligence agencies of other countries were asked to assist. At times, the
agencies even put pressure on each other to step up their activities against the peace movement. In a letter from CIA
Director Helms to FBI Director Hoover in 1970, Helms encouraged the FBI to reinstate its domestic mail-opening
program, which had been discontinued in 1966. Helms, stressing the need for expanded coverage of the Soviet bloc, the
New Left, and foreign agents, urged continued cooperation in gathering intelligence on "bombings, hijackings,
assassination, and the demeaning of law enforcement officers.
The CIA was well aware that it had violated its charter by becoming so intimately involved in the internal security
apparatus of America. A cover letter from Helms to Henry Kissinger, accompanying the Operation CHAOS report
"Restless Youth," warned that "this is an area not within the charter of this Agency, and I need not emphasize how
extremely sensitive this makes the paper. As domestic operations expanded, there was increasing discomfort among
those being asked to carry them out.
Some area division chiefs wanted nothing to do with Operation CHAOS.
In fact, the reaction was so negative at times that CIA Director Helms was forced to send out a memo in 1969 calling for
full support of the program, and assuring the stations that this was within the statutory authority of the agency. An
inspector general's report on CHAOS written in 1972 reflects the growing uneasiness:
We also encountered general concern over what appeared to constitute a monitoring of the political views and activities
of Americans not known to be or suspected of being involved in espionage.... stations were asked to report on the
whereabouts and activities of prominent persons ...whose comings and goings were not only in the public domain, but for
whom allegations of subversion seemed sufficiently nebulous to raise renewed doubts as to the nature and legitimacy of
the CHAOS program.
Agency officials, however, refused to acknowledge illegality either to the public or to their own personnel. In a speech to
the American Society of Newspaper Editors in April 1971, CIA Director Helms totally denied rumors that the CIA was
involved in domestic spying. Referring to the 1947 ban on the exercise of police and law enforcement powers, Helms
"We do not have any such powers and functions; we have never sought any; we do not exercise any; ...in short, we
do not target on American citizensHelms was later to refer to this public assertion in a talk given to his own
employees, when he added...you can rely on these denials".
Helms's statements dramatically demonstrate how breaking the law forces endless Iying, deceit, and cover-up.
Before it came to an end, Project CHAOS compiled what the Rockefeller Commission described as a veritable mountain
of material. It had created personality files on over 13,000 people, including some 7,000 American citizens, and subject
files on 1,000 domestic organizations.
The CIA spied on the whole spectrum of peace activist and civil rights groups.
CHAOS agents followed the activities of the organizations' leaders abroad, spied on their meetings, broke into their hotel
rooms, and sent thousands of cables back to headquarters detailing their activities. Three hundred thousand names of
American citizens were cross-indexed within agency files, and thousands of Americans were placed on "watch lists" to
have their mail opened and their telegrams read.
Operation CHAOS finally came to an end in 1974, as part of the winding down of the massive surveillance programs of
the late 1960s and early 1970s. In general, specific programs were ended either because public dissent was in fact
subsiding, or out of fear that the programs would be exposed. There was never a reevaluation of the ClA's domestic role,

and in fact, the agency continues its operations at home and against Americans abroad.
On February 17, 1976, President Gerald Ford issued an executive order that claims to place restraints on the intelligence
agencies' illegal activities, but in fact authorizes and ratifies their continuation.
In that order, the CIA is authorized to conduct clandestine operations to gather foreign intelligence information from
foreigners in the United States, as well as Americans believed to be acting on behalf of a "foreign power." The order
reaffirms ClA's broad mandate to conduct investigations of Americans who are potential recruits, or whose activities
pose a threat to agency security. The most alarming charter given to CIA is the power to infiltrate, "for the purpose of
reporting on or influencing activities," organizations primarily composed of foreign nationals. The obvious targets for
such disruption are immigrant groups and foreign student organizations. Here for the first time, CIA is officially allowed
to conduct covert operations in America. The agency still spies on Americans abroad, still accepts requests from the FBI
to put traveling citizens under surveillance, and claims the right to wiretap and burglarize American homes and
apartments overseas.
The 1947 ban on domestic involvement remains inoperative.

In July 1969, the Department of Defense opened a new war room in the basement of the Pentagon.
Staffed by some 180 people and packed with all the latest equipmentdata processing machines, closed circuit
television, teletype networks, elaborate situation maps-the new operation was a marvel of military technology.
The most striking aspect, however, was not the imposing technology, but the purposes that were being served.
This was not a regular command center but a very special operation-a "domestic war room," the headquarters of
the Directorate for Civil Disturbance Planning and Operations.
It was the coordinating center for the Pentagon's domestic war operations.
The office, now known as the Division of Military Services, played a central role in the military's widespread
intelligence operations against the American people, a sweeping campaign of civilian surveillance which
ultimately affected more than 100,000 citizens.
In the fall of 1968, there were
more Army Counter-lntelligence Analysis Branch personnel
assigned to monitor domestic citizen protests than were assigned
to any other counter-intelligence operation in the world,
including Southeast Asia and the Vietnam War.
In the later part of the 1960s and early 1970s, 1,500 army plainclothes intelligence agents with the services of more than
350 separate offices and record centers watched and infiltrated thousands of legitimate civilian political organizations.
Data banks with as many as 100,000 entries each were maintained at intelligence headquarters at Fort Holabird,
Maryland, and at Fourth Army headquarters at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
As with the FBI and other intelligence agencies, citizens and organizations singled out by military surveillance were
those who exercised their right to speak out: the oppressed minorities, advocates of reform, and those on the political
"left." The growth of the army intelligence bureaucracy paralleled the growth of dissident protest movements through the
1960s. Military intelligence undercover agents focused on the civil rights movement of the early 1960s, and then moved
to the New Left anti-Vietnam War coalitions of later years. No political gathering, no matter how small, was considered
insignificant. No distinction was made between groups preaching violent action and those advocating peaceful dissent.
Even the most established and nonviolent groups such as the NAACP and the American Friends Service Committee
became targets of military surveillance.
With the exception of the FBI, the military intelligence services collected more information on American politics in the
sixties than any other federal agency. The army conducted a full-scale Pentagon operation within the United States, and

the figures and attitudes reflect this approach. Where a civilian agency might have opened a hundred files, the military
created a thousand; the army established CONUS and CONARC intelligence commands, and then reorganized and
reinitiated them as USAINTC, the Directorate of Civil Disturbance Planning, and the Division of Military Support.
They ran operations with such code names as
and they developed intelligence "compendiums," a "mug book," daily, weekly and monthly intelligence summaries,
special reports, "city packets," contingency and alternative contingency plans, computerized filing systems, and
crossover index files to information. All were based on agent spot reports, radio intercepts, incident and personality files,
newspaper clippings and data from numerous civilian sources. Each level of the military hierarchy tried to placate its
superiors by collecting as much or more information than the task required, whether it was of any importance or not.
The attitude pervading these army operations was best stated by Robert E. Jordan III, general counsel to the army:
"the people on the other side were essentially the enemy.
The army conducted a de facto war against all citizen protest,
legitimate and illegitimate, violent and peaceful, white and black".

THE 1960s
With the rise of citizen protest and the involvement of federal troops to control demonstrations during the 1960sespecially in the area of civil rights-the scope and focus of the military's domestic intelligence operations expanded
greatly. Often justified as necessary to enforce federal desegregation laws, these intelligence activities were in fact
directed primarily against one side of the conflict: the black-civil rights protesters whom the military had ostensibly been
called in to protect. Neither white segregationists nor local law enforcement plans or tactics interested the , military as
much as did black civil rights groups and their leaders.

By the late 1960s, the direct political nature of military intelligence operations was quite explicit. A telling indication of
this was the February 1968 annex to the army's Civil Disturbance Plan, where "dissident elements" and "subversives"
were clearly identified as primary targets of surveillance. The activities of the peace movement were judged
"detrimental" to the United States, and American antiwar activists were viewed as possible conspirators manipulated by
foreign agents. This search for foreign influence within the antiwar and civil rights movements was equally evident in an

October 1967 request to the National Security Agency by General William Yarborough seeking "Indications that foreign
governments or organizations acting as agents of foreign governments are controlling or attempting to control or
influence the activities of U.S. 'peace' groups and 'Black power' organizations. Yarborough also requested available
information on identities of United States individuals and organizations in contact with foreign agents, and advice given
by agents of foreign governments to groups and foreign agencies seeking to control or influence United States
organizations. Yarborough and the army were certain that dissent could not occur without foreign orchestration.o
evidence linking these movements to foreign powers was found, but this did not prevent army officials from continuing
to amass files on civilian groups. Military officials viewed civil rights protests and antiwar movements, as programs to
overthrow the government rather than legitimate expressions of popular opposition.

In violation of federal statutes, a representative of army intelligence sat on the interagency Intelligence Evaluation
Committee, and the army's general counsel served on the Law Enforcement Policy Committee. The army also created a
master plan, known as GARDEN PLOT, which provided an outline for standardized procedures to be used for handling
civil disturbances by the National Guard, regular armed forces, and civilian authorities. Based on preparations for future
disturbances, GARDEN PLOT trained troops for possible deployment, and taught military and civilian leaders how to
control these activities in a "war-room" setting. The DOD's domestic war room and twenty-four-hour-per-day monitoring
of civilian disturbances were central aspects of GARDEN PLOT.
Military management training was brought to the local level and involved the FBI and other civilian officials. As far
back as 1962, J. Edgar Hoover gave the army complete access to FBI files without charges for clerical or computer time,
in exchange for the army's agreement to conduct biannual seminars in the philosophy and use of riot-control techniques
for more than 200 FBI agents and officials. War games were held to practice coordination. In the U.S. Sixth Army areaincluding California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona-Cable Splicer III, a GARDEN PLOT operation,
simulated demonstrations by radical "leftist" groups on imaginary campuses and high schools along the Pacific Coast.
The names selected for the mock groups in these war games indicate the usual targets of military intelligence: "the
Scholars Democratic League, on the campuses; the International Brotherhood of Labor Reform, among the blue collar
workers; and the International Fraternity of Progress of Non-Caucasian, among the minority groups.
Just twenty-one days after federal troops killed four Kent State students during an anti-Vietnam War demonstration,
1,700 military, civilian, and corporate officials met to discuss an after-action report on the war game. Major corporations
represented included the Bank of America, Lockheed, Boeing, Sylvania, Pacific Gas and Electric, Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph, Standard Oil of California, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, SCM, Dictaphone, and the John Hancock Mutual
Life lnsurance Co.

with CIA Operation CHAOS and other illegal secret intelligence programs, only public exposure and the threat of
congressional action led to the termination of military surveillance activities. Christopher Pyle, a former army
intelligence officer, revealed the scope of the military's domestic intelligence activities in the January 1970 issue of the
Washington Monthly, charging that "the Army had assembled the essential apparatus of a police state." Several earlier
evaluations within the army had expressed "reservations" about the programs or judged them unnecessary and out of
control, but it took the Pyle article and widespread public pressure to curb the growth of army spying on American
Once the wide scope of military domestic activities became clear, it was evident that they had violated both specific
statues and the long-standing Anglo-Saxon tradition separating civil law enforcement and the military. The Posse
Comitatus Act, originally enacted in 1878, makes it illegal for anyone to use "any part of the Army" to enforce civil laws

without a presidential proclamation, and then only as a "last resort," where state and local officials are unable to maintain
order. Whether the president and high-level civilian leadership were aware of the widespread military activity throughout
the 1960s remains unclear. After examining the matter in as much detail as documents then (and now) available make
possible, the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights was able to conclude only that "the highest levels of the
Departments of Defense and Justice were or should have been informed."
... military intelligence operations against-American citizens did not end with the 1971 revelations. The practices have
continued-though reduced- and the bureaucratic structure remains in place. The current DOD directive governing
"Acquisition of Information Concerning Persons and Organizations Not Affiliated with the Department of Defense,"
issued on December 8, 1975, still contains the same loopholes as previous directives. For example, with the specific
approval of the secretary of defense, information may be "acquired which is essential to operational requirements
flowing from the mission ...to assist civil authorities in dealing with civil disturbances." As the Senate Judiciary
Committee reported in 1976.
... similar imprecise language in earlier directives was in large part responsible for the abuses of the past. The threat"
exception is a loophole that has the potential to nullify the general restrictions embodied in the directive.
In the past, the military has regularly been called in to control civil disturbances and monitor the political activities of
American citizens. Despite recent disclosures and guidelines, the potential for rebuilding the domestic war room has
been preserved. The teletypes and data processing machines, silent now, may be readied to whir into action at the first
sign of domestic protest.

Until ... recent intelligence investigations, Americans were virtually unaware of the existence of the National Security
Agency. As the NSA's programs have come to light, we see yet another intelligence agency that expanded its activities in
the mid-1960s as part of the campaign against political activity and that systematically flouted the Constitution and the
What is extraordinary about the NSA is its capacity for collecting information, and the tool that this gives the
government for intruding upon the lives of its citizens Referring to the NSA, Senator Frank Church viewed the problem
in this way:
The U.S. government has perfected a technological capability that enables us to monitor messages that go through the air
...between ships at sea, between military units in the field. We have a very extensive capability of intercepting messages
wherever they may be in the air waves. That is necessary and important as we look abroad at potential enemies. At the
same time, that same capability at any time could be turned around on the American people. And no American would
have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything-telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter.
There would be no place to hide.'
The NSA has a greater potential for gathering information than any police state has ever had. The FBI can merely dream
of putting an agent behind every mailbox; the NSA literally has the capacity to intercept all communications. As far as
the record shows, it has so far limited itself to eavesdropping on communications that have at least one terminal in a
foreign country-although this "restriction" allows it to intercept all international messages of Americans.
The NSA has not developed its own covert action programs to disrupt and neutralize selected political groups. It did
carry out several burglaries during the 1950s, installed a few bugs to maintain its own security, and inspired the CIA and
FBI to commit burglaries in foreign embassies on its behalf. More important, the NSA has complemented the programs
of the other intelligence agencies by servicing their requests for information. Using -its own "watch list" and those
provided by the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, and the BNDD (Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs), the NSA
has used its special technology to run a program of information collection and dissemination. The watch lists determined
what messages were targeted and to which agencies-in addition to its own Office of Security-the information was passed.

From what is known of it, the mission for which the NSA was originally created is code-making and code-breaking.
World War II proved the critical value of having such a capacity. In 1952, President Truman issued a top-secret
directive, "Communications Intelligence Activities," which established the NSA.
National Security Council Intelligence Directives (NSCIDs)
and Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIDs)
set up the operating structure of the NSA.
The code-making arm of the NSA is the COMSEC (Communications Security) program; its mission is to protect United
States government messages by developing codes and the equipment used to transmit them. The codebreaking part of the
NSA's mission is called SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), which is itself divided into two branches. ELINT (Electronic
Intelligence) monitors and interprets electronic signals such as radars, missiles, etc. COMINT (Communications
Intelligence) monitors electronic signals which are intended as messages. It is under the COMINT program that the
NSA's abuses of power have occurred.
The public record now provides information about three of the NSA's COMINT programs that affected the rights of
Americans. The oldest program is SHAM ROCK, which involved the interception of all private cables leaving the
United States. Overlapping this is the watch-list program, ultimately labeled MINARET, which involved checking all
electronic messages that had at least one terminal outside the United States for names on watch lists provided by other
agencies. And finally, there were the files of NSA's Office of Security, which contained the information that its
surveillances had collected on Americans.
The SHAMROCK program had its beginnings in August 1945, when the Army Signals Security Agency asked the three
cable companies (RCA Global, ITT, and Western Union) that government access to international cables be continued
after the war. The companies' lawyers advised that it was illegal in time of peace under the Communications Act of 1934
(47 U.S.C. 605), which reads:
No person receiving, assisting in receiving, transmitting, or assisting in transmitting, any interstate or foreign
communication by wire or radio shall divulge or publish the existence, contents, substance, purport, effect, or meaning
thereof. .
After some hesitation, the cable companies nevertheless agreed, provided that the attorney general would assure them
that he would protect them from criminal liability and lawsuits. The government apparently never informed the cable
companies that its activity was not limited to foreign targets but also analyzed and disseminated the telegrams of
Americans. The companies never asked what was done with the fruits of their cable surveillance.
The companies did, however, continue to seek assurances that they would not be prosecuted, and the record shows that in
1947 Secretary of Defense James Forrestal told them that the program was vital and that both the president and the
attorney general approved; they would be protected during the Truman administration. The following year, however, the
secretary of defense was unable to get Congress to relax the 1934 act in order to allow the government access to the radio
and wire communications of foreign powers, which would have made the program legal as it was originally conceived.
The promise of protection was reiterated in 1949 by Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, and the companies apparently
never sought assurances again.
In 1952, when the NSA took over from its precursor the Army Security Agency, the cable interception program
continued uninterrupted, even though NSCID-6 a National Security Council directive, was apparently intended to limit
the NSA's processing to the coded messages of spies and foreign governments, and to prohibit intercepting the ordinary
telegrams of everyone else. The NSA has since claimed, however, that this limitation was really meant to apply only to
uncoded mail (which was FBI or CIA turf, in any case) and not to any electronically transmitted messages, including
telegrams. The NSA claims that SHAMROCK did not exceed its executive charter, and that it is an embarrassment only
because it induced cable company employees to violate the Federal Communications Act.
SHAMROCK continued unabated until the scandals involving the intelligence community began to break. Dr. Louis
Tordella, the NASA's deputy director from 1958 to 1974 and the official in charge of the program, stated that to the best
of his knowledge, no president since Truman has known about SHAMROCK.

In its early and technologically primitive years, the information gleaned from SHAMROCK was processed against a
small NSA watch list, which had been geared primarily to foreign rather than domestic intelligence. But with the
technological developments of the 1960s, the scope of NSA surveillance mushroomed. With the evolution of magnetic
tapes for transmitting telegrams and computer scanning for selecting particular kinds of messages, the NSA was ready to
plug the watch lists of its client intelligence agencies into SHAMROCK. By the late 1960s, when the surveillance of
domestic groups had got into full swing, the NSA was intercepting some 150,000 messages per month in the
SHAMROCK program alone, dwarfing the ClA's mail-opening program.
Since at least 1962, in addition to SHAMROCK, the NSA has run-without the benefit of judicial warrants-a program for
selecting, intercepting, reviewing, and disseminating the international radio and phone communications of specific
American organizations and individuals on watch lists. The lists were initially established in order to monitor travel to
Communist countries and to protect the president and other high officials. The fact that, in the latter case, the NSA would
end up picking up not only calls about the officials, but the calls of the officials themselves" is a measure of the
electronic surveillance problem. As with the other intelligence agencies, there was apparently no serious effort to
minimize what their vacuum cleaner sucked in. And the NSA's technology produces a tremendous "multiplier effect"-if
an organization is selected, so are all its members. If an individual is on the watch list, then all conversations to, from, or
about him or her are also intercepted. Anyone mentioning one of the magic words, in any context, has his or her message
selected and examined for personal, political, and economic information.
The watch-list program for pinpointing American dissent began in earnest in the fall of 1969, as the NSA's contribution
to the intelligence community's search for the ever elusive foreign involvement behind the civil rights and antiwar
movements. The names included on the watch lists were a mix of people and organizations involved in protest politics.
They ranged from radical political groups to celebrities, to ordinary citizens taking an active interest in the political
controversies of the time. As we have come to expect from the intelligence agencies, the names on the list included the
peaceful, nonviolent, and totally legal And there was, of course, a great deal of overlap in the watch lists submitted by
the various agencies.
From 1965 to its end as an organized program in 1973 the watch list encompassed some 1,650 names, which had been
supplied by the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, and the DOD, as well as some which the NSA Itself contributed.
Figures available for the 1967-73 period indicate that the list then held some 1,200 American names; 950 had been
submitted by the FBI, 180 by the Secret Service, 50 to 75 by NSA 30 by the CIA, and 20 by the DIA. And although the
links to foreign support were never found, the NSA nevertheless found reason to disseminate to these client agencies
some 2,000 reports- mostly containing information which was personal and politically innocuous-during the 1969-73
In July, 1969, the NSA decided to formalize the watch-list program by issuing itself a charter MINARET This
formalization had two functions. First it imposed secrecy procedures on the program that were even stricter than those
the NSA ordinarily used, and second, it imposed procedures to disguise the NSA's participation in the program. In short,
the NSA's MINARET employed virtually all the bureaucratic techniques available for preventing leaks about illegal
activities and for eliminating a "paper trail." And although the NSA officially contends that this watch-list operation was
a legitimate part of its foreign intelligence mission, the fact remains that the MINARET intelligence product was
subjected to special security controls that were not applied to the NSA's legitimate intelligence information.
Before the advent of MINARET, only the intercepted communications between two Americans were subject to special
secrecy procedures; after MINARET, all communications to, from, or about United States citizens were classified top
secret, "For Background Use Only." In addition, the information was not serialized in order to be absorbed into the
regular NSA record-keeping systems, and none of the reports disseminated carried any markings that would identify the
NSA as the original source. These - extraordinary procedures indicate that, internally, the NSA could not have actually
considered MINARET an extension of its normal intelligence mission.
The Senate Select Committee's report offers a fairly detailed discussion of one NSA operation
performed at the request of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
The BNDD arrangement with the NSA provides a case study of both an enterprising use of the NSA technology for
creating a loophole in the protections of the Fourth Amendment, and of the confusion involved in trying to determine
precisely what clandestine agencies have done, and why.
In 1970, the BNDD concluded that under the Supreme Court wiretap decision in a case known as Katz, it could not
legally wiretap public telephone booths in order to monitor suspected drug traffic between New York and South

America. While the BNDD noted that Katz had specifically placed Fourth Amendment restrictions on wiretaps of public
phones, it ignored the Court's holding that the Fourth Amendment "protects people, not places." The bureau evidently
concluded that it had found a loophole by getting the NSA to tap into the international communications links rather than
into a specific phone, and it asked the NSA to monitor the international links carrying these phone conversations.
In late 1972, as part of an NSA effort to increase secrecy around its drug traffic surveillance, the CIA was asked to
contribute the intercept operators for the BNDD program. The CIA agreed and monitored the operation from a station
located on the East Coast. But by February 1973, the CIA general counsel, Lawrence Houston, concluded that the BNDD
watch list was actually a law enforcement procedure, and therefore went beyond the CIA's statutory charter.
The BNDD operation gives some indication of the difficulty in trying to determine just what kind of reasoning lies
behind the decisions of clandestine government agencies. NSA officials have stated that the CIA had apparently not been
troubled by the "law enforcement" function, and that the reason given for pulling out of the program was the fact that the
CIA's intercept station was located within the United States.
At any rate when the CIA bowed out, the NSA reconsidered its role in the BNDD surveillances and decided that
"supporting an agency with a law enforcement responsibility" was outside the normal scope of its mission.
The NSA terminated the drug surveillance program in June 1973, and, in August or September, the NSA destroyed the
program's paper trail-all the records relating to the product, internal memoranda, and administrative documents. Actually,
however, this changed very little; falling back on its established label of "foreign intelligence," the NSA continued (by
no small coincidence) to monitor some of the same links until July 9, 1975, well after the heat of the first congressional
investigation of its activities had begun. This is another clear example of how, once a program is found to be of
questionable legality, the internal housecleaning consists largely of shuffling the same activity into another file with a
more legitimate sounding name.

The SHAMROCK interception of cableswith the help of the cable companieswas longer-lived. lt did not end until
May 15, 1975, when Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger ordered its termination. The reasons given were that it was
no longer a valuable source of foreign intelligence (had it ever been?) and that there was an increased risk of exposure.
Indeed, the exposure was soon to come.
SHAMROCK had surfaced in the documents given to the Rockefeller Commission in May 1975. In June and July, the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, drawing on a shy reference in the published commission report, asked for more
information about that agency's program. They were told that the subject was so sensitive that only Senators Frank
Church and John Tower (the committee's chairman and vice chairman) could be briefed. No meetings, however, were
immediately arranged.
In July and August, a series of news stories appeared which leaked all the major points of the SHAMROCK program
into the press. As a result, the full committee was briefed in September. A report was prepared, and the NSA objected not
to the substance of the report but to the fact that its material was classified. The report was ultimately read into the
record, however.
Although SHAMROCK and MINARET are both officially ended, the same programs are still going on in only slightly
modified form. Since telegrams are now sent by airwaves, the NSA no longer needs the cooperation of the cable
companies to get access to their magnetic tapes. And given the predictability of the watch lists and the NSA's experience
with them, the agency's analysts know what kinds of information its client agencies have an interest in.
The NSA is still free to disseminate in any fashion that it chooses the information it collects. The current operating
principle for dissemination procedures is that "relevant information acquired by [NSA] in the routine pursuit of the
collection of foreign intelligence information may continue to be furnished to appropriate government agencies."
The current situation, then, is that the NSA still scans all messages, its computers still select messages for the analysts'
attention according to whatever criteria are chosen, and the analysts still decide for themselves if the information meets a
"legitimate" requirement. According to the Senate Select Committee's final report, the names of Americans are usually-

but not always-deleted before the information is disseminated. The fact that there is no longer an official watch list (as
far as is known) is merely a formality. More important, there are still no legislative controls on the NSA; a new executive
order is all it would take to reactivate an explicit and itemized watch-list program, and plug it back into the computers.

For all its awesome technological power, the NSA has never really been out of control; it has simply never been subject
to any explicit limitations on its operations. While the CIA had been created by statutes that had intended, however
unsuccessfully, to put limits on its activities, the NSA has never been subject to a similar embarrassment. It had been
created by executive fiat, and was regarded as too secret to require or to need statutes to back it up. Its enormous
capabilities have been developed and operated without any substantial congressional authorization; its budget
appropriation has been carefully camouflaged within the huge Defense Department budget, and because of its
supersecret status it has, until now, enjoyed an isolation from controversy that the CIA might envy. At the same time, it
has been able to fall back on a statute-P L. 86-39-that exempts the NSA from disclosure laws, including the Freedom of
Information Act.
Although the NSA has been running, at a cost of $4 billion per year, the largest and most sophisticated surveillance
operation in history, it has been shrouded in secrecy. The House investigations marked the first time that a director of the
NSA has been required to appear publicly before a committee of Congress. Only two months earlier, the president's
Rockefeller Commission report had found it politic to leave the National Security Agency discreetly unnamed. Its
discussion of the CIA CHAOS/NSA connection only alluded to the NSA as ,"another agency of the government," which
carried on "international communications activity."
The NSA has also made every effort to stay out of court: the government has dropped prosecutions rather than open the
NSA's surveillance program to judicial scrutiny. As a result, no court has yet been in a position to hand down a decision
expressly affirming that the Constitution and the laws apply to the NSA.
Until this happens, the NSA's official position is that the Fourth Amendment, which requires the government to get a
court order in order to listen in on someone's phone calls, does not apply to that agency. In his first public testimony,
NSA Director General Lew Allen, Jr., asserted that the NSA's authority to eavesdrop on the international
communications of Americans comes from the president's power as commander in chief, and apparently, as long as it
claims that the interception is for "foreign intelligence" purposes, NSA can listen in on any and all international
communications. The only restriction to which the NSA has adhered is apparently contained in the top-secret directive
which established the agency in 1952. The NSA limits itself to tapping into only international communications for
"foreign intelligence" purposes-but this means that one terminal can be inside the United States, and that one or both
subjects can be United States citizens.
In addition, the executive branch still backs up the NSA's claim. Executive order 11905, issued by President Ford as an
intelligence "reform" package, authorizes NSA to continue its massive warrantless surveillance. The executive order
imposes no restrictions on the NSA's operations; it makes no mention of safeguards, guidelines, or limitations, such as
explicitly prohibiting watch lists or minimizing eavesdropping to cover only legitimate targets.
Congressional investigations have now revealed enough about NSA to make it clear that something must be done. The
agency's potential power is staggering, and must be brought into line with the basic civil liberties of Americans. In its
final report, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence viewed the problem this way:
The [NSA] watch list activities and the sophisticated technological capabilities that they highlight present some of the

most crucial privacy issues facing this nation. Space age technology has outpaced the law. The secrecy that has
surrounded much of NSA's activities and the lack of Congressional oversight have prevented, in the past, bringing
statutes in line with NSA's capabilities.

PRESIDENT NIXON: Do you need any IRS (unintelligible) stuff?

JOHN DEAN: Uh-Not at the-...Uh, there is no need at this hour for anything from IRS, and we have a couple of sources
over there that I can go to. I don't have to fool around with Johnnie Walters [IRS commissioner] or anybody, we can get
right in and get what we need.
(Excerpts from a transcript of a tape recording
of a conversation among President Richard Nixon, John Dean,
and H. R. Haldeman, March 13,1972.)
No agency of the United States federal government retains more information on American citizens than the Internal
Revenue Service, and no other agency is given more arbitrary powers to compile this information than the IRS. Tax files
are a virtually endless repository of financial records for all working Americans, corporations; private associations, and
political groups. To determine that a fair and equitable tax is paid, citizens are required to entrust a yearly accounting of
financial worth to the Internal Revenue Service detailing the earning and expenses of their daily lives, charitable and
political organizations they support, medical information and other tangible records covering travel, residence, and
education. Businesses and organizations file similar types of information with the IRS, including complete lists of
employees and earnings; and tax-exempt organizations are held accountable for the programs and "political" positions
which they hold.
By law, the IRS maintains far-reaching investigative powers to enforce tax statutes. Unlike the FBI and other law
enforcement agencies, the Internal Revenue Service may legally investigate any American without a judicial warrant and
without reason to believe a crime has been committed. Moreover, it can demand the production of records entirely on its
own authority. When marshaled for purposes above and beyond the collection of revenue taxes, the Internal Revenue
Service is an ominous weapon of the government. It can endlessly harass all who cross its path, and at the same time
gather information otherwise unobtainable through legal means.
Like the CIA and the FBI, the IRS was used as an instrument of the government's war against dissent in the 1960s. The
IRS was a valuable component of the overall mechanism: it coordinated with the FBI and the Justice Department to
harass dissidents, provided information to the FBI and the CIA (which in some cases was used to disrupt domestic
dissent), and was asked to serve as the president's "hired gun" against various administration opponents. The IRS
divulged its trusted records to the White House and to the intelligence agencies without following legal procedures to
protect the privacy rights of innocent taxpayers. Yet, unlike the FBI and the CIA, the IRS acted at the behest of others,
like a programmed robot. There was no J. Edgar Hoover or Richard Helms to direct the IRS on its campaign against
dissent. Instead, it operated on general orders from congressional subcommittees and the White House and executed
special "hits" against priority targets.



In 1969, following the inauguration of Richard M. Nixon the IRS was pressured into playing an even larger role in the
secret government campaign against activist organizations and individuals. Yielding to the White House and Congress,
the IRS created an institutional strike force against political dissent. Like the attacks on organized crime in the 1950s and
1960s, the Special Services Staff was designed to trigger the government's tax-enforcement apparatus on the basis of
political criteria...
On July 2, 1969, officials of the Compliance Division of the IRS first met to discuss the creation of a group inside the
IRS to examine "ideological organizations" and to collect intelligence on dissident groups through a "strike force"
approach. Later that month, the Special Service Staff was established "to coordinate activities in all Compliance
Divisions involving ideological, militant, subversive, radical and similar type organizations; to collect basic intelligence
data, and to insure that the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code concerning such organizations have been
complied with." The Special Service Staff was a mechanism to take advantage of the decentralized- character of the IRS.
Its purpose was to gather information on political groups and individuals throughout the government, and to stimulate
audits by local and district IRS offices based upon this information. It remains unclear how instrumental White House
and congressional pressure had been in establishing the SSS. Although influenced by outside pressures, which led IRS
officials to believe they had made a "commitment" to the White House to follow up on the administration's initial
interest, officials within the IRS assumed responsibility for forming the special unit. As with the FBI and military
intelligence programs, interest from the higher levels of the White House triggered a bureaucratic reaction that may have
exceeded the expectations of the president and his aides.
Once in operation, the SSS became a political tool responsive to the FBI, the Internal Security Division of the Justice
Department, and other government agencies monitoring political dissent. Paul Wright, who headed the SSS, felt, like J.
Edgar Hoover, "that he was participating in an effort to save the country from dissidents and extremists," and identified
the smaller operations of SSS with the larger campaign conducted by the FBI. In one instance where he pressed the
Detroit District Office to reopen an audit case on a group of political activists, he gave as primary reason
"that they are notorious campus and antidraft activists having records under anti-riot laws. They are the principal
officers in the Radical Education Project, an offshoot of the Students for a Democratic Society, and have been
identified as members of certain Communist front organizations.... while revenue potential might not be large in
some cases, there are instances where enforcement against flagrant law violaters would have some salutary effect in
this overall battle against persons bent on destruction of this government."
These were hardly tax-related criteria. As the July 24, 1969, memorandum creating the SSS had asserted
"from a strictly revenue standpoint, we may have little reason for establishing this committee or for expending the
time-and effort which may be necessaryNevertheless, political considerations dictatethat We must do it."
Indeed, those in the executive agencies who had initially pressured the IRS to initiate action against dissident
organizations, saw the Special Service Staff as an important complement to other methods of harassing political
dissidents. The ability to stimulate an audit of an organization or individual created a legitimate "administrative"
COINTELPRO operation-one which was particularly effective against those tax-exempt organizations involved in
political activity that had proved difficult to reach.

For the most part, the SSS did not even make the decision about which groups or individuals were to be watched. Unlike
every other special compliance group within the IRS, in which target selection is based solely on tax criteria, the SSS
initiated investigations in response to information reports from outside agencies. The FBI was the single largest source of
targets for the Special Service Staff. In its four years of operation, the SSS received 11,818 separate reports from the
FBI, over 6,000 of them classified, including FBI COINTELPRO reports, and an FBI list of over 2,300 organizations
categorized as "Old Left," "New Left," and "Right Wing." If the subject of an FBI report had not already been under

examination, the SSS would sometimes begin a file on that person or group. Information from the FBI comprised 43
percent of the data gathered by the SSS, and in its first year of operation more than four of every five SSS referrals to the
field for audit noted the FBI as an important source of information. The Inter-Divisional Information Unit (IDIU) of the
Department of Justice also provided leads for SSS investigations, including lists of 10,000 and 16,000 persons and
organizations that might potentially engage in civil disturbances, and the Internal Security Committees of the Congress
also provided the SSS with a list of target groups and individuals. Beyond these sources, the SSS had access to the
army's Counter-lntelligence Compendium which listed "dissident individuals and organizations, and made contact with
the air force's Counter-lntelligence unit as well.

The clandestine bureaus are the true progeny of the post-war presidency, tracing their legal birthright not to legislation
but to presidential assertions of "inherent power." According to bureau spokesmen, the FBI's "authority" to spy on
Americans rests upon the "constitutional powers and responsibilities vested in the President." Similarly, the ClA's covert
intervention abroad is based not on its legislated charter, but on the president's "inherent foreign policy powers." The
National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, bureaus charged with communications and satellite
intelligence respectively, were created entirely by secret executive directive, and annually consume over $4 billion
without a statute to define their duties. What is true for programs is also true for techniques: the Justice Department has
asserted a presidential power to order warrantless . wiretaps, bugs, and "surreptitious entries" (break-ins) against
American citizens for intelligence purposes. Even the secrecy that cloaks the intelligence bureaus is based upon a
classification system established by executive order, without statutory basis.
The intelligence agencies are assigned the responsibility for routine spying and political policing at home and abroad.
Secrecy is necessary, for the primary function of the agencies is to undertake disreputable activities that presidents do not
wish to reveal to the public or expose to congressional debate. The agencies also collect secret intelligence information,
which helps to justify presidential power by providing it with a claim of special knowledge. The "mysteries of
government" do much to still criticism of activities apparently beyond the comprehension of mere citizens or legislators.
Perhaps the most important function of secrecy is to insulate the clandestine agencies from the civil society and
government. Wrapped in a secrecy system fastened by security clearances, lie-detector tests, and classification markings,
the officials of the secret bureaus develop a unique loyalty and allegiance to the agency. The Senate Intelligence
Committee found that the intelligence agencies were a "sector of American government set apart. Employees' loyalties to
their organizations have been conditioned by the closed, compartmented and secretive circumstances of their agencies."'
The Senate report compared intelligence service with monastic life, with similar rituals, disciplines, and personal
sacrifices. In the intelligence bureau, however, the monastic training prepared officials not for saintliness, but for crime,
for acts transgressing the limits of accepted law and morality.

Because of the secrecy, the "vicious and unsavory" tactics that are part of the daily routine of the secret agent are hidden
from the citizenry, preserving their own sense of decency.
The secret agencies of the president operated for some twenty-five years with few questioning their operations. The
national consensus, founded on anti-communism and developed by periodic crises, supported a bipartisan foreign policy
and a strong, active presidency. The president's authority to defend the national security was generally accepted, and his

instruments went unquestioned. Few reporters, legislators, or citizens even attempted to strip away the veil of secrecy to
expose the spy bureaus to review, and the few that tried, failed. In this, the intelligence agencies enjoyed the license of
the secret police in a dictatorship: they could spy on others without concern for others reviewing them.
The national consensus, secrecy, and the mantle of the presidency enabled the covert bureaus to operate outside the
normal checks and balances of the constitutional system, and above the law itself. For over twenty-five years, Congress
simply abdicated its legislative and oversight functions. Perhaps the best example was provided by the late Senator Allen
Ellender, a longtime member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, which appropriated money to the CIA. When
asked in 1971 if the committee had approved financing for the ClA's 36,000-person secret army in Laos, Ellender
replied: "I did not know anything about it.... I never asked to begin with, whether there were any funds to carry on the
war.... It never dawned on me to ask about it."
For the most part, the congressional ignorance was voluntary. Senator Leverett Saltonstall, for many years ranking
Republican on the oversight subcommittee, summarized the widespread feelings on the Hill: "It is not a question of
reluctance on the part of CIA officials to speak to us. Instead it is a question of our reluctance, if you will, to seek
information and knowledge on subjects which I personally, as a member of Congress and as a citizen, would rather not
have." The Saltonstall attitude was not entirely irresponsible. It may be preferable for legislators to remain ignorant of
activities that they dare not control, for in this way they avoid complicity in them. In any case, the Congress operated for
twenty-five years in blissful ignorance, appropriating secret funds of untold amounts to the intelligence agencies without
even knowing where the money was hidden in the general budget.
Certainly at the height of the cold war, legislative approval for virtually any activity was available if requested. The fact
that the agencies did not seek legislation to legitimate their activities indicates both their disdain for congressional
authority and the desire of executive officials to claim exclusive monopoly over national security activities.
The courts were no different from the Congress, for secret activities seldom came before them. No criminal prosecutions
were brought, simply because no attorney general even considered trying to control the secret bureaus. Indeed, for
twenty years, the CIA and the Justice Department had a formal agreement that Justice would refer all cases involving
CIA personnel or operations to the agency's general counsel for review. If the counsel decided that CIA sources or
methods would be endangered, the Justice Department would drop the case. Needless to say, the vast majority of cases
involving CIA personnel were not prosecuted. The formal agreement of the CIA was the informal practice with the FBI.
No attorney general dared cross J. Edgar Hoover and investigate the bureau.

The threat of a covert national security apparatus becomes clear from its operating principles. "National security,"
"internal security," "foreign intelligence," "in the national interest"-these are empty receptacles into which virtually any
substance can be poured. Most important, they are inescapably political terms, requiring subjective political definition.
Like all political decisions, the definition of the terms must be done publicly, with open discussion and debate.
When the president and undercover bureaus are left to define the terms in secret, predictable abuses occur. Inevitably,
presidents tend to equate dissent with subversion, and opposition to the president with opposition to the national security.
As Tom Charles Huston testified:
The risk was that you would get people who ...would construe political considerations to be national security
considerations, to move from the kid with the bomb, to the kid with the picket sign and from the kid with the picket sign
to the kid with the bumper sticker of the opposition candidate.
Thus, every postwar president used the clandestine bureaus to collect political as well as "internal security" data. The
temptation was simply too great to ignore. Needless to say, the worst corruption came with the Nixon administration,

when "national security" became part of the cover-up of the crimes of the president and his aides. The Nixon tapes
provide the spectacle of the president, John Dean, and H. R. "Bob" Haldeman inventing a "national security justification"
for the break-in at the office of Dr. Lewis Fielding, the psychiatrist of Daniel Ellsberg, the man who released the
Pentagon Papers. When the president asked what could be done if the break-in were revealed publicly, Dean suggested,
"You might put it on a national security basis." Later Nixon said, "With the bombing thing coming out, and everything
coming out, the whole thing was national security." Dean replied, "I think we could get by on that."
The presidential abuses are paralleled by similar bureaucratic excesses. Like the presidents, each bureau tended to equate
criticism of it with criticism of the nation's security. Each secret bureau used its surveillance techniques to watch or
harass its domestic critics. The IRS automatically institutes an audit of any public critic of the income tax, and sends
informers to attend antitax meetings and take down names. Military intelligence agents were particularly concerned with
critics of the military. Hoover was constantly directing the attention of his agents to critics of the bureau; name checks,
field investigations, and often more would result.
The bureaucratic corruption was the use of secret political intelligence for institutional or personal purposes. Hoover, for
example, was the master of the implied blackmail. He kept in his private office hundreds of "OC" (Official and
Confidential) files, which reputedly detailed the private lives of politicians and federal officials. One can envision the
scene at which Hoover informed Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy that a bureau wiretap on Sam "Momo" Giancana,
the reputed Chicago Mafia capo, had picked up calls between the White House and Judith Campbell, "friend" to both
Giancana and John F. Kennedy. Hoover no doubt reassured the young attorney general that not one word about the
existence of these tapes need come out, as long as he, Hoover, remained in office. No doubt Kennedy complimented the
director on his long and valuable service to his country, and assured him that his position was secure.
Far more serious than these "routine corruptions" is the conflict that occurs over who shall define "threats" to the national
security. The secret bureaus consider themselves the repositories of expertise on subversion at home and abroad; it
becomes their duty to protect Americans-even against themselves-in a world far crueler than any citizen could imagine.
As time goes on, the bureaus thus become less and less responsive to outsiders, whether legislators, cabinet officials, or
citizens. Inevitably a gap widens between the practices of the covert bureaus and the beliefs of the citizenry. When the
consensus supporting the old policy dissipates-as it did in the jungles of Vietnam and the suites of the Watergate-a crisis
Thus, when the intelligence investigations started, the bureaus resisted, using every tactic of delay, obstruction, and
obfuscation possible. The House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Congressman Otis Pike, concluded in its final report
that "if this Committee's recent experience is any test, intelligence agencies that are to be controlled by Congressional
lawmaking are, today, beyond the lawmakers' scrutiny." Ironically, this conclusion was penned before the administration
and the CIA managed to convince the House to suppress its own committee's report.
The House committee was not alone. FBI Director Clarence Kelley was deeply embarrassed when his sworn testimony
that the bureau had terminated all illegal break-ins in 1966 was proved wrong, and break-ins were occurring during his
own tenure as director. It seems clear that veteran bureau officials were continuing the activities they considered
necessary, without telling even their own director. Similarly, career CIA officials didn't bother to inform CIA directors
John McCone and Admiral Raborn-both outsiders to the agency-that the CIA was involved in assassination attempts
against Castro, and was maintaining an illegal mail-opening program in the United States. Clearly as outsiders, the two
might not recognize the need for such programs as well as intelligence veterans. It is this attitude, slowly built up over
years of lawless activity in the nation's "interest," that can indeed threaten the entire notion of a government ruled by law
and accountable to people.
"We become lawless in a struggle for the rule of lawsemi-outlaws
who risk their lives to put down the savagery of others"
says Peter Ward, the CIA agent in a novel by E. Howard Hunt. Hunt would probably not understand the irony.
In the 1950s we were told that Communists used Aesopian language, infiltrated and disrupted political groups, subverted
the free press and democratic process, and used "fronts" to mask their activities. Afraid of them, we have inevitably
come to mirror our own image of them. To protect ourselves from the tyrannous, we have slowly built our own tyranny.
James Madison wrote:
"At the foundation of our civil liberties lies the principle
which denies to government officials an exceptional position before the law

and which subjects them to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen."
In the end, the sides of the dual state, military and civil, secret and open, arbitrary and legal stand, in Edmund Burke's
phrase, in "dreadful enmity". Now may be our last opportunity to decide against the nether side of the state.

.eee, da! ovo su mu novije knjige:)))

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zalazhe se za maaah neeema veze

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