Beta Theta Pi: Gamma Epsilon Chapter

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History of

Gamma Epsilon Chapter

Beta Theta Pi
1914 - 1974

The Tribe of the Sphinx was founded at Kansas State on the 14th of October, 1901 at 617
Leavenworth. The Tribe of the Sphinx, known publicly as Tau Omega Sigma, was the
first Greek letter fraternity to be instituted at Kansas State. The twenty-two founders were
Elsmere J. Walters, Leland A. Howell, John M. Lyons, Andrew M. Paterson, Thomas D.
Lyons, Stanley A. Smith, Frank Sidorfsky, Harry M. Ziegler, William O'Connell, Harry 0.
Ashley, Frank B. Sherrill, Freeland T. Boise, Lewis E. McGinnis, Howard 0. Wagner,
Evan L. Jenkins, Earl O'Connell, Nicholas F. Enns, John H. Welsh, Fred Stevenson,
Ralph P. Howell, Ralph A. Shelly, William H. Broberg. The society was based upon the
objects of social improvement, spirit of fraternity, and mutual problems and enjoyment.

Tau Omega Sigma did not have any actual chapter house until 1906 when a ten-room
house was rented at 728 Poyntz. The strength of Tau Omega Sigma continued to grow to
such an extent that in 1908 a seventeen-room chapter house was constructed at 823
Osage. In 1911 the chapter moved its home to 611 Poyntz where it remained until after
Tau Omega Sigma became Gamma Epsilon of Beta Theta Pi.

In 1913, Tau Omega Sigma submitted a petition for membership in Beta Theta Pi. The
Board of Trustees of the General Fraternity considered the petition from Tau Omega
Sigma, and submitted it to the convention without recommendation. It is believed that the
opinion of George M. Chandler, Michigan, '98 was against granting the charter to Kansas
State because of the nature and location of the institution, and of Kansas State's
reputation as a "cow college". The report of the committee on charters recommended the
granting of the charter to Kansas State. The vote was cast with a 59 to 13 vote in favor of
granting the charter with three chapters abstaining.

The installation of Gamma Epsilon into Beta Theta Pi took place on Oct. 17-18, 1914
with Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, Denison, '82 presiding. He was assisted by
representatives from Nebraska, Missouri, Washington, Westminster, and Vanderbilt.

In the fall of 1916 the men of Gamma Epsilon moved into their chapter home at 1616
Fairchild, which, with the help of W. M. Jardine, who was then president of the college,
and a charter member of the chapter, they had acquired for $9,000.00.

In 1917 only thirteen Betas returned, and eighteen Gamma Epsilon undergraduates were
serving in the armed services. Seventy-four out of a chapter roll of one-hundred thirty-
one Gamma Epsilon Betas served in World War I.
Housebills for 1917 totaled $10.00 for men living in the house, and $5.00 for men living
outside the house.

By 1922 the house, now fourth largest of all fraternities on campus with thirty-two
actives, placed first in scholarship. This was helped by the fact that in 1922 Beta Theta Pi
was the only fraternity on campus to have 100 percent of its freshmen pass 100 percent of
their college work.

In the years 1924, 1925, and 1926 Gamma Epsilon maintained a respectable position in
scholarship, ranking first in 1924, dropping to seventh in 1925, but coming back up to
first in 1926.

The chapter house was refinished and decorated, and Gamma Epsilon Betas were active
in such activities as athletics, politics, debate, dramatics, and livestock judging. In 1925,
District Chief W. E. Kemp said that the K-State chapter was the best in the district in
some respects.

In 1927 the chapter won cups for house and float homecoming decorations and did well
in Panhellenic debate.

In 1929, a scholarship committee was set up by the house to try to improve the overall
scholastic rank. Also in 1929, Gamma Epsilon had its first Rhodes Scholar, Paul E.
Pfeutze. Hell Week was abolished and a Mothers' Club was organized. By 1930 the club
was known as the Beta Sphinx Club.

The Inter fraternity sing began in 1930, an event which Beta was to dominate for years to
come. The scholarship ranking was slightly improved, and construction was begun on a
new fifty-five man chapter house at 500 Sunset. On Friday and Saturday, February 19th
and 20th, this new house was formally dedicated by President Francis W. Shepardson and
District Chief H. Merle Smith.

In 1932, at the height of the depression, it cost a Beta about $500 dollars a year to attend
K-State, while an independent could attend for about $450 dollars.

In 1933, housebills could rarely be collected on time and Gamma Epsilon reached a low
in scholarship, ranking 18th of 23 fraternities. Alumni relations were poor and that year
could be termed the low point in Gamma Epsilon history. But the quality of men in the
house could not be overshadowed by environmental conditions. The brothers attacked
each problem to try to bring about its solution. Study halls were set up for freshmen and
actives were encouraged to attend. This problem was well on its way to solution by the
next year, 1933-34, as the chapter placed sixth in scholastics. Membership had grown
from about twenty in the early 1920's to an average of thirty-f ive to forty actives in the
mid 1930's.

By the school year of 1934-35, Gamma Epsilon was again on the upswing. The chapter
made a good showing in athletics, and had two chapter members, Dan Portner, '36, and
Oren Stoner, '35, on the Big Six Championship Wildcat football team. But finances were
not in as good a shape as they should have been, and alumni relations still left a great deal
to be desired.

In October of 1935, Chief of District 18, H. Merle Smith, visited Gamma Epsilon on the
eve of its 21st anniversary, almost 21 years to the hour after Dr. Shepardson had installed
the chapter in 1914. It was reported to have been said that Gamma Epsilon had
progressed to the spot of the leading fraternity at Kansas State and was in excellent
condition, despite the depression. New grass, trees, and shrubs were pleasant additions to
the new chapter house at 500 Sunset during this year.

Some of the programs initiated by the Gamma Epsilon members during these years of the
1930's are still an important part of Beta today. For example, the forerunner of the present
Kansas State & Kansas University Beta Duo was begun in 1937 when a program of
weekend exchanges per semesters were initiated. It was during this time also, that
Gamma Epsilon began to really set the impressive scholarship records. It is interesting to
note that 11 of the 41 members of Gamma Epsilon belonged to honorary scholastic
societies of some kind.

The early 1940's showed a continuance of the leadership and the power that Gamma
Epsilon had shown in the years before. The Betas had come a long way towards solving
such local problems as finance and pledging. These efforts were recognized by praise
from the General Convention of 1940.

The years 1943 through 1946 admittedly belong in a section by themselves. As was the
case with the General Fraternity, these years were some of the darkest years in Gamma
Epsilon's history. But they also should be remembered as something more than dark
clouds over Gamma Epsilon. These years showed the courage and devotion of all Betas,
Gamma Epsilon Betas included, to the cause for which our country struggled. To the
Betas who gave their lives for their country during World War II, we owe a special
consideration. While the War was progressing, only a small nucleus of perhaps a half
dozen men were able to keep the chapter alive. The chapter house had been leased to the
college housing authorities for war relief purposes. From there, lease holdings fell into
the hands of the Air Corps for their use. During this time, the small nucleus of men held
chapter meetings and a dinner together faithfully every Wednesday evening in a
downtown motel.

The post war era brought new need and new impetus for improvement to the men who
loved Beta Theta Pi. The chapter house needed to be made a home again, new challenges
in campus leaderships had to be met, and most important, a new system for the selection
of new men needed to be initiated. Here one can see a revival in Betas' interests in good
rushing procedure. These latter years of the 1940's truly saw the rebirth of a fraternity that
rated high in such things as scholarship, athletics, intramurals, and singing. In fact,
singing was so important that victories in the annual Inter-fraternity Sing became almost
a matter of course. In this respect, Gamma Epsilon of Beta Theta Pi adhered to the sound
principles of "A Good Chapter Is a Singing Chapter". As far as scholarship and athletics
are concerned, the rolls of Phi Kappa Phi, the memberships of Blue Key organization,
and the lists of all-Beta sports teams saw many names from the chapter rolls of Gamma

The 1950's began for Gamma Epsilon in great style with the house winning intramurals
and the Inter-fraternity Sing for the seventeenth time out of eighteen sings. As an example
of Beta singing status, District Chief Arthur Hayes, said that Gamma Epsilon was the
finest singing chapter that he had ever heard.

The mid-1950's found Gamma Epsilon accelerating in the direction of an even bigger and
better fraternity. The "hut" received a complete redecoration from basement to roof with
new furniture, new carpets, and many other things added. During the '54-'55 school year,
one criticism of inefficient financial management was alleviated by the adoption of the
services of the Fraternity Management Inc. This same year saw the successful celebration
of Gamma Epsilon's 40th anniversary by alumni and members of the fraternity. These
facts, coupled with others prompted acting District Chief E. Weston Colbrun, Jr., to say,
"All indications point to the continuance of Gamma Epsilon as one of the most balanced
and effective chapters in our fraternity."

1956-57 was a year of good representation of Gamma Epsilon's achievements during the
latter half of the 1950's. The men of Gamma Epsilon placed first in scholarships, first in
intramurals, and first in the sing. These years also produced Beta's share of varsity
athletes and campus leaders. The most improvement by the brothers was shown in
intramural competition and the rushing program. It was during the 1957-58 year that the
summer rush program became effective. The last half of the 1950's went by and Gamma
Epsilon of Beta Theta Pi had been busy solidifying its position as number one on campus.

The most recent additions to our chapter history are as important as any era in the past.
The 45th anniversary year of 1959-60 was climaxed with firsts in intramurals, chariot
relays, and the Inter-fraternity Sing. Second place was captured in scholarship for both
semesters. All of these prompted the District Chief to single out Gamma Epsilon as one
of the excellent chapters in "Beta's broad domain." It was during this year also that a new
dorm wing became an addition to the house

The early 1960's was a continuation of the past. Beta had record membership in Blue
Key, strong intramurals, a record of scholarship high above the all men's average which
earned the Summa Cum Laude Award, and showed strong vigor and Beta spirit.

The year 1963-64, was another outstanding year for Gamma Epsilon. In scholarship Beta
ranked second both semesters. In intramurals, a new all-time high record was set by Beta
teams sparked with lots of spirit. This was Beta's 5th intramural victory in 7 years. In the
chariot relays the Beta team made it seven straight victories in the competition. Gamma
Epsilon also won its 25th first place out of 31 times in the Inter-fraternity Sing. Also in
'63'64, the chapter cut a full record of chapter songs, becoming the first chapter to
accomplish such a feat.
The years '65-'66 proceeded in much the same direction with Gamma Epsilon placing
second in scholarship in the fall, and first in grades in the spring. Intramurals remained
much the same with a flag football fraternity championship and the 8th straight victory in
the chariot races.

In '68-'69, the chapter again won the Summa Cum Laude Award and placed first in
fraternity scholarship for the second consecutive semester. The chapter continued to hold
their dominance in intramurals as they took the overall point total in intramurals and
again won the chariot races. In '69 Gamma Epsilon also were champions in the Kansas
State University Quiz Bowl.

Intramurals were again dominated by the chapter in 1970-71 with Gamma Epsilon taking
13 out of 15 intramural trophies offered. Again the overall point total was captured by the
Beta's for the 5th year in a row. During this year the chapter also helped cut a National
Beta record. Scholastically our chapter was again strong, placing 2nd both semesters.

As in 1971, Gamma Epsilon again finished 2nd in grades with a 3.00. The Engineering
Magazine at Kansas State was dominated by the chapter with Beta's holding nearly every
position on the staff. Intramurals were won again with championships in five different

In 1972-73, the chapter started a trend towards improving alumni relations. Alumni letters
were sent out at the end of that year and have continued to be sent out since then. Plans
for an Alumni Banquet for the next year were also formulated at the end of the 1972-73

1973-74 seemed to bring about an awakening in the brothers towards campus activities.
Student Senate, Arts and Science Council, Yell Leader, Honorary Fraternities, Officer of
Inter-fraternity Council, K-State Rugby Club, and Blue Key were some of the
organizations that were participated in by Beta's. Also several brothers were admitted to
various professional schools including Veterinary, Dental, and Law. The previously
planned Alumni Banquet was also held in the spring of the year and was a success not
only in the number there but also by the rekindling of old friendships. It seemed to prove
the statement made by a delegate at the 1974 General Convention, "Once a Beta, always
a Beta, everywhere a Beta."

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