HDD GP Guidelines 2-1 Chapter 2: HDD Applications and Process

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A wide range of directional drilling units exist in the market place. The smallest drilling rigs are
typically used for the installation of telecommunication residential service cables. Larger rigs
are capable of installing pipelines up to 1200mm (48 inches). Installation range is determined by
many parameters including rig size, soil conditions, and product diameter. Installations
exceeding 1,800m (6,000 ft.) have been completed successfully. This chapter will describe the
directional drilling process, from mobilization to demobilization.

Equipment Set-up, Pre-construction Walkover, and Inspection

The drill rig is off-loaded and positioned over the bore centerline a sufficient distance behind the
entry point to allow for the carriage height and entry angle, such that the drill bit will enter the
ground at the correct location and angle. Depending on rig size and entry angle, this distance
may be 1 to 6m (3 to 20 ft.) behind the entry point. The entry angle is usually between 8 and
16 degrees, although entry angles of up to 20 degrees have been used on some large diameter
projects. A small pit is usually excavated over the entry point, using a backhoe or shovel. If the
entry point is within a paved area, the pavement must first be removed using a jackhammer or
concrete saw, depending on the Owner/Engineer s requirements. Machines are often staked
down, using the powered rotating augers located either side of the spindle at the front. Care must
be exercised to avoid contact with underground utilities during stake-down, and to ensure
sufficient reaction can be developed for thrust and pullback.
While the equipment is being set up, the entry and exit areas should be delineated using traffic
cones and construction tape or flagging. The work areas should be laid out in accordance with
the specifications and traffic control plans. Fencing should be installed to restrict access and
ensure public and worker safety. If the equipment cannot fit into the allowable entry area, the
Owner/Engineer should be contacted to resolve the problem. Likewise, the exit area must
accommodate the product reel and trailer, or the pipe laid out for welding or fusing. If the
specified exit area is insufficient, the Contractor should notify the Owner/Engineer to resolve the
problem. Thorough planning and a pre-bid or pre-construction walkover site inspection should
avoid potential conflicts such as insufficient work areas. Planning, including the walkover
inspection is discussed in Chapter 4.

Equipment and Materials or Project Preparation

A list of equipment and materials necessary for the job should be prepared in advance. Before
equipment is dispatched to the job site, it should be serviced, inspected for damage, and repaired
as necessary. This includes bits, reamers, swivels, hoses, gauges, etc. Drill pipe should be
inspected for damage to the pipe and threads and replaced if necessary. The electrical strike
sensing system should be checked to ensure it is in good working condition. Anchoring
requirements should be determined. Appropriate types and quantities of drilling fluid additives
should be on hand, including any special additives or components for dealing with excessive
water hardness, high or low pH, or brackish conditions. Simple tests should be conducted to
ensure the water supply is suitable. (See sections 3.8 and 4.2.11 and Appendix A for additional
guidance on drilling fluids.) Where possible, procure a secured area near the job site for staging
HDD GP Guidelines


Chapter 2: HDD Applications and Process

all equipment and materials. Ensure that everything needed is on hand before beginning the
bore. As it is unloaded on-site, the equipment and materials should be checked off against the
checklist prepared for the job.

Pilot Bore and Tracking

Prior to drilling, the drilling fluids should be mixed and sufficient quantities should be available
to complete the pilot bore, pre-reaming, and reaming passes. The actual quantity of drilling
fluids that must be pumped to remove cuttings and maintain a stable open bore will usually
exceed the bore volume, sometimes by substantial amounts, depending on ground conditions and
other factors.
When the drill rig is properly set up and anchored and drilling fluids mixed, the pilot bore can be
initiated. To make entry of the drill string easier, a small entry pit is usually excavated. The pit
facilitates entry of the bit at the proper angle and helps contain drilling fluids. The pilot bore
should begin with the slanted head at 6 o clock to facilitate entry without deflection upward or to
one side. It may be necessary at times to position a backhoe bucket on top of the drill head as it
enters the ground to facilitate proper entry.
The pilot bore is drilled along the planned alignment from entry to exit. The planned path should
have the fewest bends possible. This prolongs drill string life and minimizes pullback problems.
The ideal bore begins with a straight, tangent section inclined at the angle of entry to the ground
surface. The straight tangent section is needed to gain sufficient depth to provide steering
reaction and depth of cover. The drill head is then steered in an upward sweeping curve
transitioning into a horizontal segment before turning another upward sweeping curve, and
continuing to the exit point along a straight tangent segment inclined at the angle of exit (5 to 10
deg) with the ground surface. Another pit is usually excavated at the exit point to facilitate
containment of drilling fluids and entry of the pipe or cable during pullback operations. Figure
2-1a illustrates the pilot boring process.

FIG 2-1a. Pilot Bore Process

HDD GP Guidelines


Chapter 2: HDD Applications and Process

The type of drill bit used will vary depending on ground conditions and Contractor preferences.
Selection of drill bits is discussed in Section 3.8. The method of steering the pilot drill bit may
also vary, depending on whether the ground is relatively soft soils or rock.
As discussed in Chapter 3, the drill head is tracked by monitoring an electromagnetic signal
transmitted from the transmitter mounted in the drill head to the receiver at the surface.
Alternatively, it may be tracked with a wireline or wireless non-walkover system. The drill
locator determines drill head location and calculated depth, drill head inclination, or tool face
angle, and orientation of the slanted face. The drill locator provides the tracking information to
the driller or provides instructions to the drill rig operator for steering.
Whether a walkover or non-walkover system is used, the objective is to calculate the actual
location of the drill head as the bore progresses. Appropriate steering inputs can then be made to
keep the bore along the design drill path. Steering corrections should begin promptly when
deflections are detected or changes in the bore path s direction are needed. The corrections
should be gradual and remain within the allowable bend radius. To avoid over-steering and
undulations in the bore path, steering corrections should end just before the correction is
It is sometimes necessary to pull the drill head back one or more drill pipe lengths to increase
steering response and achieve desired corrections. The drill head may also be retracted when
circulation is lost to try to re-establish circulation. This issue is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 6.
During the pilot bore, the surface should be closely monitored for inadvertent drilling fluid
returns. Any fluids should be promptly cleaned up. Drilling practices may require modification
to reduce the risk of continued returns, as discussed in Chapter 6.
At the completion of the pilot bore, the drill bit and transmitter or steering tool are usually
removed in preparation for reaming. Any excess drilling fluids or cuttings around the exit should
be cleaned up to enhance safety and avoid runoff to storm drains or streets.

Reaming/Hole Enlargement

The back-reaming process is illustrated in Figure 2-1b. If the pilot bore is to be enlarged, a
reamer hole opener is attached to the drill pipe and the drill pipe is pressurized to ensure the jets
are open. The reamer is then rotated and pulled (or pushed in some cases) back through the pilot
bore to enlarge the bore in one or more reaming passes. The number of reaming passes depends
on the diameter of the product compared to the diameter of the pilot bore, ground conditions, and
driller preferences. The number of reaming passes commonly varies from zero to three; however
more passes may be necessary. For example, if durable product is being pulled, reaming may be
unnecessary. If 1200 mm (48 ) diameter pipe is being pulled, several reaming passes may be

HDD GP Guidelines


Chapter 2: HDD Applications and Process

FIG 2-1b. Backreaming Process

In loose or soft soils, the number of required reaming passes will typically be less than if hard
soils or rock are encountered. This is primarily due to torque limitations, cleaning plant capacity,
and pump capacity. Reaming may be accomplished by pulling or pushing the reaming tool
through the hole. The final bore diameter must be larger than the product diameter to reduce
frictional pullback loads and to facilitate flow of the drilling fluids around the product. As a rule
of thumb, the final bore diameter should be the lesser of the product diameter plus 300mm (12
inches) or 1.5 times the diameter of the product. For small diameter products (
), the reamer
should provide a minimum 2-inch annular space, i.e. the reamed diameter should be 4-inches
larger than product diameter. However, different contractors will have their own preferences,
based on their experiences under various conditions. Table 2-1 provides recommendations for
reamed diameter, keyed to product diameter. In most cases, the Contractor should be allowed to
select the final reaming diameter, consistent with their experiences. However, in rare instances,
it may be necessary to establish lower and/or upper bound limits.
Table 2-1. Recommended Relationship between Product Diameter and Reamed Diameter
Product Diameter

Reamed Diameter


Diameter of product + 4


Diameter of product x 1.5

> 24

HDD GP Guidelines

Diameter of product + 12


Chapter 2: HDD Applications and Process


Cable/Pipe Layout, Fabrication, and Testing

The product is prepared for installation while the bore is being reamed. The specific steps
involved will depend on project requirements, intended function of the product, and product
material. Generally applicable procedures include:
notify Engineer of plan and schedule for layout, fabrication, and testing;
ensure that the layout area is relatively clean, flat and free of debris, sharp rocks or other
objects that could damage the product;
ensure that the correct product (material, diameter, thickness and length) is on-site, meets
or exceeds specified requirements, and is free of debris and material defects. If not,
replace any incorrect or defective materials;
ensure that proper fabrication and handling equipment is on-site for fusing or welding
sections of the product, and that trained, experienced personnel are available for this task.
Ensure that manufacturer s recommendations are followed during welding or fusing
operations, including temperature control for cold weather butt-fusing operations;
inspect fabricated product for defects in workmanship and repair/replace any defects.
ensure that the proper testing apparatus is on-site and that field personnel understand the
test procedure, timing and sequence of testing, and minimum performance requirements
as stated in the Contract Documents;
perform quality control tests and carefully document results, as required by the Contract
Documents prior to installation;
record any failures, and repair and retest until fabricated product passes all applicable
For specific fabrication and testing guidance, manufacturer s recommendations and the Contract
Documents should be consulted.


After fabrication and pre-installation testing have been completed, the product is prepared for
pullback. A pulling head is attached to the product. A swivel is installed between the reamer
and the pulling head to prevent rotation of the product. The product must be properly positioned
and supported to enter the bore. It may be necessary to support the product on rollers or with a
crane to prevent damage (scratches or gouges) to the product during pullback. Breakaway
swivels may also be installed between the product and swivel to prevent overstressing of the
product as it is installed. Breakaway swivels are designed to fail before the pullback load
exceeds the safe capacity of the product. Pullback should be completed without interruption, to
reduce risk of becoming stuck in the bore.


The General Contractor, Owner, or a party other than the directional drilling Contractor typically
constructs connections of the new product to existing cables or pipes. The connections may vary
from cable splices in a vault to pipe couplings, elbows, or tees. The primary responsibility of the
directional drilling Contractor is to begin and terminate the HDD installations at the locations
HDD GP Guidelines


Chapter 2: HDD Applications and Process

shown on the plans, and to cap the product as required in the specifications. If the exit differs
from that called for on the plans, the directional drilling Contractor is responsible for ensuring
that the connection can be made. This may require a short section to be re-drilled prior to
installation, or a short open-cut section if done after installation.

As-Builts/Operator Logs

The as-built drawings are typically produced by the Construction Management firm or Owner,
using the design drawings. The directional drilling Contractor will mark the plans to indicate any
and all vertical and horizontal deviations between the design and actual bore. The Owner may
require submission of complete, as-built plans and the operator logs prior to final payment. It is
good practice to update the as-built drawings on a daily basis, to exercise quality control, and to
check the as-built revisions prior to submittal. As the underground environment becomes
increasingly crowded, accurate as-built drawings become invaluable for future maintenance and
new construction. Maps or as-builts created by remote mapping systems are also very helpful.
The operator logbook should be maintained and updated daily by the drill rig operator or
Superintendent. The logbook should include the drill locator s notes and records for bores using
steering and tracking systems. An operator logbook should include pipe number, depth, pitch,
steering commands, and notes. For large diameter or high risk bores, the log may also include
rig performance parameters such as thrust, pullback, torque, drilling fluid circulation, drilling
fluid composition, ground conditions, potential obstructions or objects encountered, time the
shift started and ended, footage during the shift, and other parameters. The logs should be
legible, accurate, and should be submitted to the Inspector, Owner, or Construction Manager, as
required by the Contract Documents.

Demobilization, Site Cleanup, and Restoration

After the product is installed, the entry and exit pits are cleaned of drilling fluids and cuttings and
backfilled with native soil or select backfill that is placed and compacted in accordance with
Contract Documents. Surface debris, trash, worn out or broken tools and equipment must be
removed. Surface grading, seeding, and re-vegetation may be required for undeveloped areas.
For developed areas, surface restoration may include replacement and compaction of pavement
sub-base and base materials and the paving course. Reconstruction of sidewalks, curbs, and
gutters that have been damaged by Contractor s operations will be required. The objective is to
leave the area in pre-existing or better conditions. Often, payment of final closeout invoices and
retained amounts is contingent on proper site restoration and clean up.

HDD GP Guidelines


Chapter 2: HDD Applications and Process

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