Guidelines and Checklist For Specification and Construction For Recovery Boilers
Guidelines and Checklist For Specification and Construction For Recovery Boilers
Guidelines and Checklist For Specification and Construction For Recovery Boilers
Typical carbon steel tubing and allowable stress values are as follows:
Carbon Steel
WLD. TB. SA-178A
SMS. TB. SA-192
WLD. TB. SA-178-C
SMS. TB. SA-210-A-1
SMS. TB. SA-210-C
WLD. TB. SA-226 (withdrawn in 1997)
SMS. TB. SA-210-SS
Composite or Weld-clad3
Seamless tubing has no welds and is generally thicker than specified due
to manufacturing procedures. However, seamless tubing generally has
more surface defects, material lap-over groove during manufacture, and
greater likelihood of internal discontinuities. (Seamless tubing also
presents more difficulties in obtaining proper roll in the drums or headers
due to variations in wall thickness.
Laminations are possible in seamless tubes and in ERW tube stock.
Purchaser and manufacturer should review and mutually agree upon tube
lamination acceptance/rejection criteria prior to procurement and
fabrications. Consideration should be given to rejecting any tube material
found with laminations.
Item 2
Corrosion Protection
Structural requirements normally establish minimum tube wall thickness in
the furnace floor and lower furnace wall areas. Corrosion allowance in all
areas is most important and should be considered and tabulated as noted
previously (Item 1.4). In addition to this extra tube wall thickness, the
following other methods should be considered to protect tubing in the
lower furnace against corrosion:
2.1-A. Pin Studding
Where the manufacturer provides pin studding of the floor and
furnace wall tubes as a method of corrosion protection, the pin
studding may extend from the floor to above the uppermost air port
zone. Experience indicates an increased rate of stud wastage with
pin studs of less than inch in diameter. Tube metal wastage can
be materially affected by the density of pin stud placement. The
density of the studs should be as great as possible. Experience
has indicated good results with -inch diameter pin studs with up to
14 square inches of contact area per foot of tube length. Increased
rates of wastage can also be expected at the higher boiler
operating pressures and at the higher as-fired solids
concentrations. Pin stud diameter and density should be thoroughly
discussed with the manufacturer. Suitable refractory covering
should be considered below the primary air ports and on the floor
tubes. Recommendations for future maintenance and replacement
of pin studs and refractory should also be discussed with the
manufacturer. Refer to Installation and repair of pin studs in black
liquor recovery boilers, TAPPI TIP 402-15 for additional information
regarding pin stud installation.
2.1-B. Metallizing
Metallizing (metal spray coating) is a method of corrosion protection
for carbon steel tubes. Application methods, composition, future
maintenance and inspection procedures, and long-term viability are
areas of concern and should be discussed with the manufacturer.
Special attention should be given to specifications for coating
thickness, surface preparation, and surface profile.
Item 3
Tube Rolling
The TAPPI Technical Information Paper TIP 0416-08 Guidelines for
replacement of generating bank tubes with expanded joints in two drum
boilers provides an excellent reference for proper tube rolling procedures.
The problems associated with tube rolling in drums deserve prime
consideration in boiler specification and erection procedures. Drum tube
hole and tube end protection in shipment and storage are most important.
Some lubricant preservatives and protection methods currently in use are
hard to remove from tube holes and seats. Various new methods of
protection are being investigated. Consideration should be given to
shipping tube ends and tube seats dry but capped. The specifications
should require the manufacturer and erection contractor to provide
recommended procedures and equipment proposed for tube rolling. The
following should be considered in arriving at such procedures and
3.1-A. Rolling procedure
3.1-B. Sequence of tube placement
3.1-C. Expander size and identification number
3.1-D. Expander drive motor, horsepower and rpm (torque minimums, if
3.1-E. Air volume and air pressure requirements.
3.1-F. Rolling all tubes the same day they are placed in position.
3.1-G. Cleanliness requirements and recommended methods of cleaning
the tube seats and the OD of the tube sections to be expanded:
a. The surface should appear metal clean after buffing when
examined without magnification under normal lighting level.
b. The surface should be free of particulate contaminants such as
sand, metal chips, weld slag, etc.
c. The surface should be free of organic films and contaminants
such as oils, paint, and preservatives as determined by a visual
examination, a solvent-dampened white cloth, or an equivalent
alternative method.
d. When a visual inspection is not possible and the surfaces are
accessible, a dry white-cloth wipe, followed by a solvent-
Proper supervision and visual inspection of tube rolls are most important.
Field erection personnel should be properly informed as to the specified
procedures to be followed. Rigid procedures should be established to
ensure that proper field tube rolling instructions and manufacturers
recommendations are followed. Designs incorporating seal welding of
boiler bank tubes after rolling should be thoroughly reviewed with the
manufacturer and procedures established to ensure that manufacturers
guidelines are followed in the field.
Item 4
Boiler manufacturers maintain comprehensive quality control programs
covering all aspects of shop weld procedure qualifications and individual
welder qualifications as covered by ASME Code. Boiler specifications
should provide for review and monitoring of the manufacturers welding
quality control program. Such specifications should state the amount of
Item 5
Proper identification of procedures, welding materials, pre-weld and postweld treatment requirements, and the qualifications of supervision are
important considerations in recovery boiler construction. Procedures and
means for welder testing and applicable ASME qualification should be
clearly defined and understood. All welding discussion items noted herein
would also apply to the erection contractor specifications. If the erection
contractor is not the manufacturer, the manufacturer should provide
adequate information to allow the erection contractor to qualify proper
weld combinations and procedures in accordance with the manufacturers
design and material furnished. Provision must be made to ensure the
erection contractors personnel are properly prequalified to perform the
specified welding procedures for all pressure parts to the contractors
quality control manual. All field welding on pressure parts, including butt
welds and permanent attachments, should be stamped for identification of
the welder.
Any external bracing which could possibly interfere with proper expansion,
such as earthquake braces and/or any attachment requires special
attention and review.
The design of the tiebar and buckstay system for the furnace should be
reviewed with the manufacturer
The design for mounting windboxes and smelt spouts should be reviewed
to minimize attachments to the wall tubes and the resultant stresses that
can result in SAC.
Seals at the junction of furnace pressure part panels, such as the nose
arch to sidewall seal and the roof to sidewall seal, should be designed to
minimize the potential for tube tearing in the event of an explosion or
smelt-water reaction.
The furnace floor should not contain any tube swages and the tube butt
weld should be minimized where possible
Item 6.
future tube monitoring and repairs. Corrosion allowance should still meet
the requirements in section 1.4.
Item 7
Sootblower cavities should have access doors on both sides of the boiler
and be wide enough (15 inches clear space) for personnel access,
inspection, and maintenance.
Tube fins should be tapered at top and bottom. Fin welds should be
continued around end of the fin termination and carried down the opposite
side for a distance to connect with the fin weld on the other side of the fin.
Item 8
Economizer leaks are a major source of trouble for the industry. The
TAPPI Technical Information Paper (TIP) 0416-21 GUIDELINE
RECOVERY BOILER provides a summary of the issues and
recommendations for economizer specification and design. There is an
accompanying Appendix that can be downloaded from the TAPPI website
The recommended economizer selection for future installations is the miniheader design, irrespective of a new boiler or a replacement economizer
on an existing boiler. The large header design may be preferred by some
for duplication of an existing economizer where the optimum approach is
The mini-header design of economizer should be considered for
installation with vertical, straight tubes attached to horizontal oriented
headers. Arrangements where the tubes are bent at the lower end of the
economizer and the header attached to the tubes in any position other
than horizontal should not be considered. A full explanation of the basis
for this and other recommendations can be found in the report
Investigation of the Causes of Recovery boiler Economizer Failures
and Identification of Means for Preventing Their Occurrence
prepared for the AF&PA Recovery Boiler Committee.
Tube fins should be tapered at top and bottom at about a 30 degree angle.
Fin welds should be continued around end of the fin termination and
carried down the opposite side a distance to connect with the fin weld on
the other side of the fin.
Sootblower cavities should have access doors on both sides of the boiler
and be wide enough (15 inches clear space) for personnel access,
inspection, and maintenance.
Consider using T11 or minimum .25% chromium content for the feedwater
piping and feedwater coil air heater piping to minimize the possibility for
Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC). Chromium in steels has shown a
resistance to FAC damage.
Item 9
Auxiliary Systems
Smelt spouts and spout cooling water requirements should be given
special consideration and should comply with the latest BLRBAC
Guidelines and require definite specifications and guidelines. Smelt
spouts must be hydrostatically tested by the manufacturer and the user
supplied with a testing certificate and identification for each spout.
Design/Layout of smelt spout decks to afford maximum protection for rodout and maintenance personnel.
The purchaser should also consider for review and/or specification the
9.4-A. Dissolving tank explosion relief
Emergency back-up agitation systems in the dissolving tank to prevent
crystallization in the event of an agitator failure.
Emergency back-up shatter jet systems to assist operations during a
heavy smelt run.
9.4-B. Insulation and lagging specifications. Special attention needs to be
given to windbox insulation to minimize ambient temperature in that
building area.
9.4-C. Boiler support steel design
Item 10
The user should review all safety features and consider recommended
procedures and provisions proposed for emergency shutdown, as well as
all other safety features specified or proposed.
Item 11
11.2-A. Fuel Analysis - Wood Mix - Type Digester - Cooking Procedure Mode of Operation and Complete Description of Liquor System.
Any known waste chemical additives, spent acid, etc., and point
of addition to liquor system should be clearly defined. Where
possible, actual liquor samples should be provided. Liquor
specifications should consist of a minimum of the following:
a. Total black liquor dry solids/24 hours. (Recycle ash and salt
cake free)
b. Lb of black liquor solids/ton of pulp
c. Avg. and range of black liquor heating value, Btu/lb Dry Solids
d. Liquor elemental analysis (corresponding to heat value)
Na - Sodium
S - Sulfur
H - Hydrogen
C - Carbon
N - Nitrogen
O - Oxygen
Cl - Chlorine
K - Potassium
Item 12
The project site and general arrangement design should be reviewed for
proper access during erection and for future maintenance.
Item 13
Quality Assurance
The supplier should provide a written quality plan for fabrication and/or
13.1-A All applicable codes will be identified.
13.1-B Vendor and Customer Quality Assurance organization should be
13.1-C Fabrication and erection inspection requirements should be
13.1-D Key fabrication inspection points should be identified and
customer inspection points defined.
Investigation of Industry Experience With Floor Tube Failures in Recovery Boilers,
Grace, T. M., Clement, J. L., AF&PA Report, 2003
Investigation of the Causes of Recovery Boiler Economizer Failures and Indentification
of Means for Preventing Their Occurance, Grace, T. M., Clement, J. L., AF&PA Report,
Recovery Boiler Superheater Investigation Final Report, Grace, T. M., Clement, J. L.,
AF&PA Report, 2008
Kraft Recovery Boilers, Adams, T.N., Frederick, W.J., Grace, T.M., Hupa, M., Lisa, K.,
Jones, A.K., Tran, H., TAPPI Press 1997
Dissolving Tank Explosions, A Review of Incidents Between 1973 and 2008 Final
Report, S. Lien and N DeMartini, AF&PA Report, 2008.
Investigation of the Relationship Between Recovery Boiler Furnace Design and
Explosion Damage Phase II Report, T.M. Grant and J.L Clement, AF&PA Report, 2001.
Investigation of Industry Experience with Floor Tube Failures in Recovery Boilers, T.M.
Grant and J.L Clement, AF&PA Report, 2003.
TAPPI Technical Information Papers (TIP)
Guidelines for specification and inspection of electric resistance welded (ERW)
and seamless boiler tube for critical and noncritical service, 0402-13
Guidelines for evaluating quality of boiler tube butt welds with ultrasonic testing,
Guideline for obtaining high quality radiographic testing of butt welds in boiler
tubes, 0402-33
Recovery boiler performance calculation short form, 0416-01
Keys to successful chemical cleaning of boilers, 0416-06
Guidelines for replacement of generating bank tubes with expanded joints in twodrum boilers, 0416-08
Installation and repair of pin studs in black liquor recovery boilers, TAPPI TIP
Recovery boiler sootblowers: the basics, 0416-19