Three Officers Sue Fort Worth, Chief Halstead

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JEFFREY HALSTEAD, individually )
and in his official capacity of Chief )
of Police of the Fort Worth
Police Department,



Plaintiffs ELDRIDGE EDNEY (Edney), ROY HUDSON (Hudson)

and DWAYNE DALCO (Dalco) Collectively (Plaintiffs) files this original
complaint and jury demand against Defendants CITY OF FORT WORTH
(Fort Worth), JEFFREY HALSTEAD (Halstead), individually and in
his official capacity of Chief of Police of the Fort Worth Police

alleging race discrimination, harassment, hostile work

environment, and retaliation under 42 U.S.C.1983. For cause of action,

Plaintiff would show the Court as follows:
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Edney, Hudson and Dalco are male residents and citizens of

Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas and performed work for Fort Worth in
Fort Worth, Texas during the time period giving rise to the claims in this

Fort Worth is a municipality in Texas.


Halstead was, and at all times relevant to this action was, the

Chief of Police at the Fort Worth Police Department.


This Court has jurisdiction to hear the merits of Plaintiffs

claims under 28 U.S.C.

1331 and 1343(a). The court has original


A substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to

Plaintiffs claims happened within the Northern District of Texas and

venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. 1391.

The Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD) hired Lt.

Edney in 1985 as a Police Officer. Lt. Edney is a 29 year veteran of the

FWPD. During his tenure, he has been assigned to various positions,
including Patrol, Commander of Background Section of the Academy and
School Unit. After being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in 2006, on
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or about May 16, 2010 Edney was assigned as the Lieutenant over the
Traffic Division Investigation Section at 1100 Nashville.

During this

time, Lt. Whit Boyd was over the Traffic Enforcement Section that worked
out of 5000 Martin Luther King (MLK) Freeway.

Up until 2010, things were good for Lt. Edney, and he

treasured every day to be working in a job that made him very happy. That
changed the day that a fellow Police Officer Sergeant Delbert Johnson,
who was assigned to Lieutenant Boyd in the Traffic Enforcement Section,
informed Lt. Edney that he wanted Lt. Edney to see a picture. Lt. Edney
went to the MLK facility and met with Sergeant Johnson. He showed Lt.
Edney an offensive picture of Sgt. Ann Gates holding a noose around a
snowmans neck with a police cap on his head and a banana in his hand.
As African-Americans, both Lt. Edney and Sgt. Johnson were offended by
the connotations that picture brought up. Sergeant Johnson advised that he
had entered into his office and found the picture lying on his desk. The
picture was taken outside of 5000 MLK Freeway at the Traffic
Enforcement Section.

Someone other than Lt. Edney complained about the

inappropriate picture to Internal Affairs. After its investigation was

concluded, Internal Affairs found that Sgt. Ann Gates, Sgt. D. Stamp and
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Sgt. M. Cagle had violated FWPD policies and general orders.

Accordingly, the FWPD issued a Commanders Admonishment to Sgt.
Gates and Sgt. Cagle for this incident.

After Sgt. David Stamp heard about the Commanders

Admonishment that Sgt. Gates and Sgt. Cagle received, he gathered a

select group of supervisors within the Traffic Division, Sgt. Gates, Sgt.
Cagle, and Sgt. Tim Ellis, and told them how upset he was with Sgt. Gates
and Sgt. Cagles admonishment, and that they should all watch out for and
avoid Sgt. Johnson (the only African American supervisor assigned to the
Traffic Division), who was now their enemy and could not be trusted.

In the year of 2010 towards the beginning of summer Officer

H. Young, who was working a "Step Grant Detail" had a motorcycle

accident and went on occupational leave. While Officer Young was out on
leave, his motorcycle was being secured and some officers found in his
saddlebag tickets that appeared to be inaccurate. Due to those findings, a
"Step Grant" investigation was conducted. At the conclusion of the
investigation several officers were indicted and Lieutenant Boyd was
transferred out of the Traffic Enforcement Unit on July 31, 2010. On
August 1, 2010 Lt. Edney became Lieutenant over all of the Traffic
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During this time a new Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)

was created for the Step Grant to streamline rules and regulations.
Captain B. Sudan and Lt. Edney both felt that Sergeant Johnson would be
the best person to supervise the Step Grant due to his ability to pay
attention to detail and strong record keeping skills. Sergeant Johnson had
been audited by SIU and TXDOT and our own Grants Division and all
have commented that he is doing an excellent job.

In January 2011, Sergeant Thome came into Lt. Edneys

office asking for assistance with an argument he was having with Sergeant
Stamp that was getting out of control. Lt. Edney went with Sergeant
Thome to meet with Sergeant Stamp. Lt. Edney advised both Sergeants
that he wanted to see them in his office. Once in his office Lt. Edney gave
both sergeants a verbal Coach and Counseling Session. At the conclusion
of the meeting both sergeants agreed to get along with one another.
Captain Sudan was also informed of the situation and advised both
sergeants that if the conflict continued someone would be transferred.

In the summer of 2012, Lt. Edney developed a New Traffic

Mission to help free up patrol. This mission stated that traffic officers
would begin to help with all traffic accidents, allowing patrol to answer

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more non-accident related calls.

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In October, Lt. Edney noticed that

Sergeant Stamp's motor teams accident production was unsatisfactory. As

a result, on October 22, 2012 Lt. Edney met with Sergeant Stamp and
informed him that his team needed to increase their accident production
and support the New Mission.

In December, Lt. Edney noticed that

Sergeant Stamp's motor team accident production was still unsatisfactory.

Lt. Edney gave Sergeant Stamp a written one-on-one counseling session.
In that meeting Sergeant Stamp stated, "You need to tell the Major Gene
Jones he needs to pick his battles carefully" and then walked out of Lt.
Edneys office.

In January 2013, Lt. Edney came to work that morning and

Sergeant Delbert Johnson asked Lt. Edney to join him and Officer Karl K.
Hodge in the Nashville parking lot. Officer K. Hodge advised that Sergeant
Stamp sent an anonymous complaint to the Special Investigation Unit
(SIU) on Sergeant D. Johnson claiming that he was stealing from and
abusing the Step Grant.

Although the letter was sent from an

anonymous person, just three days later, Sgt. Stamp told investigators in
the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) that he had sent it and that he would
help in any way possible in their investigation of Sgt. Johnson.

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Around January 28, 2013 Sergeant Johnson gave Lt. Edney a

Hostile Working Environment Complaint against Sergeant Stamp. Lt.

Edney showed the complaint to Captain Sudan, and on January 29th, 2013
Lt. Edney turned the complaint into Internal Affairs Division. In February
there was a lot of talk amongst the Traffic Division Officers about a "secret
meeting" that had occurred between Sergeant Stamp, Sergeant Gates,
Sergeant Cagle (two of them are board members for the Police Officer
Association) along with Chief Halstead. The meeting was to complain
about Major Gene Jones and Lt. Edney. Lt. Edney later discovered that the
meeting actually did occur and the new Captain, Martin Salinas, was also
involved in the meeting.

In March 2013, Captain M. Salinas, who became the Traffic

Captain on March 9, 2013, advised Lt. Edney that he wanted to have a

meeting with the supervisors over traffic, but did not want Lt. Edney to
attend. Lt. Edney was not provided with a reason for why Cpt. Salinas did
not want Lt. Edney there. After the meeting Sergeant Thome came to Lt.
Edney very upset. Sergeant Thome advised that Captain Salinas was very
belittling and negative towards Lt. Edney. Sergeant Thome indicated that
he was so upset and was going to request a meeting with Chief Halstead.

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There were a lot rumors around the Traffic Division that the

three sergeants complained that Lt. Edney was going to lunch with Major
Jones as well as other unfounded negative untruthful things that were
damaging the reputation of Lt. Edney.

These negative rumors steamed

from the secret meeting that took place between Sergeant Stamp,
Sergeant Gates, Sergeant Cagle and Chief Halstead.

The dishonest

information was being said so that action could be taken against Lt. Edney
and Deputy Chief Jones.

Lt. Edney decided to talk to Captain Salinas about one month

after he became Captain over traffic, and Captain Salinas advised that he
was upset with Lt. Edney because Lt. Edney sent an email to Deputy Chief
Jones and only cc'd him. Lt. Edney then reminded Captain Salinas that Lt.
Edney was acting Captain during that time the email was sent, and only
cc'd him to keep him abreast on what was going on in his division.
Captain Salinas then informed Lt. Edney that Chief Halstead placed him
over traffic to evaluate Lt. Edney and other people so he could determine
the problem and transfer those that needed to be transferred.

On June 27, 2013, while Lt. Edney was out of town on

vacation, he received a phone call from Sergeant Delbert Johnson advising

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him that he had a meeting with Chief Halstead and during this meeting
Chief advised him that Lt. Edney had failed him as a supervisor, and
everything that was happening to Sergeant Johnson was Lt. Edneys fault.
Sergeant Johnson advised the Chief that Lt. Edney did not fail him, but
Captain Sudan did. Chief Halstead stated that he was going to transfer Lt.
Edney immediately out of the Traffic Division. Sergeant Johnson told the
Chief that if he did that he would be doing a grave injustice to Lt. Edney
and the Traffic Division. The Chief later recanted his statement and said
not to tell Lt. Edney anything about the transfer because he may do
something different. However, towards the end of Lt. Edneys vacation he
was notified by Sergeant Johnson that Captain Salinas was interviewing
Lieutenants for Lt. Edneys position. At that point, Lt. Edney had still not
been made aware by any of his commanders of a transfer.

Lt. Edney called Sergeant Gutter, administrative assistant, to

Assistant Chief Pridgen to schedule a meeting.

Lt. Edney met with

Assistant Chief Pridgen on July 10, 2013. During this meeting Lt. Edney
advised Chief Pridgen that he heard rumors that he was being transferred
and wanted to know if the rumors were true. Chief Pridgen advised Lt.
Edney that Captain Salinas wanted him transferred. When asked what he
had done to be transferred, Chief Pridgen stated that Lt. Edney had not
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been keeping documentation on Sergeant Stamp. Lt. Edney asked if he

was referencing to the anonymous letter that Sergeant Stamp sent straight
to SIU because there was no way that any of the command staff knew
about that letter. In fact, the only way Lt. Edney found out about that
situation was the morning he pulled into the Nashville sector and was
approached by Officer K. Hodge and Sergeant D. Johnson. Chief Pridgen
also stated that Lt. Edney failed to document an email that was sent to
Captain Salinas from Sergeant Stamp where Sergeant Stamp said, ''No" to
a request that was made by Captain Salinas. Lt. Edney then advised Chief
Pridgen that Captain Salinas had forwarded the email to Captain Sudan,
and Captain Sudan informed Lt. Edney that he would handle it "Captain to
Captain." Moreover, this incident had occurred more than two years ago.

Lt. Edney became upset because he has been with the Fort

Worth Police Department for twenty eight years and had received
distinguished evaluations since he had been in Traffic. Lt. Edney was also
nominated for Commander of the year by Captain Sudan in 2011 and 2012.
Even though Lt. Edney requested, he received no documentation from
Captain Salinas regarding why he was being transferred. Without the
proper documentation, you cannot transfer a Lieutenant.

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on July 18, 2013, Lt. Edney met with Captain Salinas, Deputy

Chief Jones, Assistant Chief Pridgen and Sergeant Gutter who sat as a
witness inside of a conference room at 350 W. Belknap. Assistant Chief
Pridgen opened up the meeting by stating that Captain Salinas would
advise why he wanted Lt. Edney transferred. Captain Salinas said he
wanted a Lieutenant that would be loyal to him, and Lt. Edney was not
loyal to anyone but Deputy Chief Jones. This statement; however, was
untrue as Captain Salinas and Lt. Edney have been friends for more than
27 years. Captain Salinas also stated that he wanted to be able to pick his
own Lieutenant, because he wanted to go in a different direction. During
our meeting Captain Salinas advised that the talk about transferring Lt.
Edney came about after an All Staff Meeting that occurred on or around
June 27, 2013. Chief Halstead met with Captain Salinas and Assistant
Chief Pridgen advising them that he wanted Lt. Edney transferred out of
the unit. In addition, Chief Halstead advised Captain Salinas that he could
start looking for a new lieutenant as soon as possible.

However, on July 15, 2013 after requesting to meet with the

Chief Halstead, he advised Lt. Edney via email of the following:

"There is a lot of miscommunication about your pending
transfer or discussions regarding this decision. Please
understand this decision is a Captain's decision and not
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ordered by me. I made it very clear to Assistant Chief Pridgen

that decisions like this stay at the lower levels in the chain of
command and will not be decided at my level." -Chief
Captain Salinas advised that he interviewed three lieutenants for Lt.
Edneys position while Lt. Edney was on vacation. Lt. Edney stated to
Captain Salinas that this was very unprofessional, disrespectful, and unfair
to do that to Lt. Edney without any warning or write-ups.

Lieutenant Hawkins was one of the Lieutenants Captain

Salinas interviewed. On July 11, 2013 Lieutenant Hawkins came into Lt.
Edneys office at the Traffic Division and advised Lt. Edney that during
her interview with Captain Salinas he was saying negative things about Lt.
Edney. She stated that he blamed Lt. Edney for the lack of documentation
on the "Snowman" incident and advised her that the last straw for him
making the decision to get Lt. Edney out of the unit was because Lt. Edney
did not attend Sergeant A. Gates retirement party which is not a General
Order violation.

As a result of the false accusations and discriminatory

behavior, Lt. Edney filed a complaint with FWPDs HR Department in

July 2013, alleging a pattern and practice of pervasive race discrimination,
harassment, hostile work environment.

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Chief Halstead discriminated and retaliated against Lt. Edney

when he transferred him out of the Traffic Division to Patrol. This transfer
changed Lt. Edneys work schedule from day shift 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday to the 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. shift and while before
the transfer, Lt. Edney didnt work weekends or holidays, he was now
required to work every weekend and every holiday.

In addition, Lt.

Edneys take home vehicle was taken away. This was a punch to Lt.
Edneys gut, completely changing the quality of his and his familys
personal lives and likewise severely impacting the amount of
compensation he was making because he no longer got overtime hours that
he had been receiving when he was in Traffic. Additionally, the transfer
and shift change resulted in the loss of a part-time secondary job that he
held, costing Lt. Edney thousands of dollars in lost income. All told, the
amount Lt. Edney lost in income was over $30,000.00.

The Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD) hired Sgt.

Hudson in 1996 as a Police Officer. Sgt. Hudson is an 18 year veteran of

the FWPD. During his tenure, he has been assigned to various positions,
including Patrol Officer, Neighborhood Patrol Officer, Narcotics Special
Operations Division, and Detective. Hudson was assigned as the Sergeant
over South Division and is currently the Sergeant for the South Division
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Neighborhood Patrol Officers.


The Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD) hired Sgt.

Dalco in 1987 as a Police Officer. Sgt. Dalco is a 27 year veteran of the

FWPD. During his tenure, he has been assigned to various positions,
including Patrol Officer, Community Liaison Officer, Vice, Weed and
Seed, Field Training Officer, Internal Affairs, Recruit Training Sergeant
and Detective. Sgt. Dalco was assigned as the Sergeant over the
Recruitment Unit.

In February 2013, Sgt. Hudson was the vice-president of the

Fort Worth Black Law Enforcement Officers Association (FWBLEOA)

and Sgt. Dalco was the President. Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson met with
assistant city manager Charles Daniels to re-establish and strengthen the
organizations relationship with the City.

Past presidents of the

organization and executive officers have had an open invitation to meet

with the mayor, city managers, and city council members to discuss
matters affecting the organization.

Days after the meeting with Mr. Daniels, Sgt. Dalco and Sgt.

Hudson were requested to report to Internal Affairs (IA) and were

questioned about the details of the conversation with assistant city manager
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Daniels. Sgt. Hudson was asked to hand over his personal cell phone to IA
for the collection of additional data to determine if Meet and Confer
violations had occurred. This was requested even though no personnel had
filed a complaint and Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson were both interrogated.
Subsequently, Fort Worth police chief Halstead was informed by IA that
no Meet and Confer violations had occurred. In spite of this knowledge,
Chief Halstead order another white police officer to file a complaint with
IA so that he could continue the IA investigation based on ill will
because Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson were African-Americans. Chief
Halstead has a history of discrimination in the department as it relates to
disparate treatment of African-American officers or transferring them at

This incident caused Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson to file a

racial discrimination grievance against Chief Halstead as an Internal

Affairs investigation is not the proper mechanism to grieve allegations of
Meet and Confer violations and for discrimination. However, the City
failed to address the grievance filed by Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson within
the allotted time frame and as a result the City violated city policy by
failing to address the grievance in a timely manner. The Fort Worth Police
Officers Association as well as the FWBLEOA sent a letter to the city
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manager stating the Meet and Confer contract is between the Fort Worth
Police Officers Association and the City Manager.

There were no

violations of the contract by Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson because

FWBLEOA actions are not governed or controlled by the contract with the
Fort Worth Police Officers Association and the city. Only the actions of
the city management are controlled by the contract. Sgt. Dalco and Sgt.
Hudson had done absolutely nothing wrong and should not have been
investigated by IA. The investigation was conducted solely because of Sgt.
Dalco and Sgt. Hudsons race.

At this point, the discriminatory and retaliatory actions of the

FWPD were so out of control that the leaders of the Fort Worth Black







discriminatory and retaliatory treatment and harassment by supervisory and

senior level officers within the Department. Since the continuing pattern of
harassment, discrimination, and retaliation continued unabated, both Sgt.
Johnson and Lt. Edney filed complaints with the Mayor and City Manager.
Because all these grievances and complaints of discrimination had gone
unaddressed within a timely manner, the City retained Coleman &
Associates to perform an independent investigation of all of these
complaints, including Lt. Edneys Sgt. Hudsons and Sgt. Dalcos.
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The Coleman Report (Coleman) came out late last year. After

a thorough investigation, Coleman found that the FWPD had tolerated and
allowed a hostile work environment over a three year time period that was
based in part on race and retaliation for Lt. Edneys, Sgt Hudsons and Sgt.
Dalcos prior complaints of race discrimination and harassment. This was a
highly publicized report that generated many news reports. It also resulted
in the extraordinary measure of Chief Halstead publicly apologizing for the
racial and retaliatory animus that was so pervasive within the Department.
In the video that was posted on YouTube, Chief Halstead admitted that
Sgt. Johnson and Lt. Edney specifically and others generally were
discriminated against because of the color of their skin.

It was furthered discovered through the Coleman Report that

Chief Halstead order a white police officer to file a complaint with IA that
Sgt. Dalso and Sgt. Hudson violated the Meet and Confer order, even
though there was no supporting documentation or validity to the fact that
the meeting that Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson attended with the assistant
city manager was in violation of the Meet and Confer contract.
Moreover, Chief Halstead had already been made aware by IA that there
was in fact no violation of the Meet and Confer contract. Chief Halstead
ordered this IA investigation because Sgt. Dalco and Sgt. Hudson were
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African American.

Because of the complaints made against Chief Halstead by

Dalco and Hudson, Chief Halstead began to retaliate against Sgt. Dalco
and Sgt. Hudson by having meetings with non-African American Officers
and began to create a hostile work environmental against Sgt. Dalco and
Sgt. Hudson.

As a further result of the Coleman Report, Lt. Edney was

transferred from Patrol to the School Security Initiative Section in August

of 2014. While Lt. Edney would have rather been back in the Traffic
Division, his reputation had been sullied and the atmosphere had been so
poisoned with all the lies and discrimination that going back to the section
after all that had transpired would have been difficult to endure.

The almost four years of continuing race discrimination,

harassment, and retaliation has taken a severe emotional toll on Lt. Edney
and his family. The emotional distress and mental anguish he has suffered
is significant to say the least.

Because of the continuing race discrimination, harassment,

and retaliation it has taken a severe emotional toll on Sgt. Hudson and his
family. Sgt. Hudson has lost countless hours of sleep and has lost a lot of
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weight while enduring this discrimination. Sgt. Hudson became the subject
of personal attacks and insults. As a result of Chief Halsteads failure to
publically disclose his misuse of internal affairs to investigate Sgt. Hudson,
very distinct racial lines were drawn within the department. Sgt. Hudson
has received numerous threats, insults and personal attacks based on the
actions of Chief Halstead. Every day that Sgt. Hudson has to come to
work hes looking over his shoulder and wondering what is going to
happen to him each day. Sgt. Hudson has been personally attacked in
person as well as on law enforcement social media pages. Sgt. Hudson is
afraid for not only himself but also his family. Sgt. Hudson has lost 28
pounds throughout this ordeal with the Chief Halstead, and has recently
been clinically diagnosed with major depression, anxiety and ulcerative
colitis. Chief Hallstead created a racially hostile work environment. Sgt.
Hudson was also retaliated against for standing up for his rights and the
rights of other minority officers within the department.

Because of the continuing race discrimination, harassment,

and retaliation it has taken a severe emotional toll on Sgt. Dalco.


Dalco has been humiliated by Chief Halstead and has been made to endure
racial comments. Sgt. Dalcos ability to supervise has been affected as he

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has been labeled and trouble maker and has suffered through a hostile work



Plaintiffs re-allege and incorporate the allegations in

paragraphs 1-39 as if fully stated herein.


All conditions precedent to the filing of this action has

occurred or has been fulfilled.


Plaintiffs were employees of Fort Worth.


Defendants willfully discriminated, harassed, created and

tolerated a hostile work environment, and retaliated against Plaintiffs as

described above.

As a result of the unlawful discriminatory and retaliatory

actions of Defendants as described above, Defendants have violated the

provisions of Section 1983 in that acting under color of law, they, jointly
and/or severally, deprived Plaintiffs of his rights, privileges, and/or
immunities as provided by the Constitution of United States and its Laws.

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Defendants acted with intent to violate or with reckless

indifference to Plaintiffs clearly established rights under the First and

Fourteenth Amendments.

Plaintiffs have suffered, and will continue to suffer, actual

damages, compensatory damages, emotional distress, loss of reputation,

and humiliation, for which he hereby seeks to recover.

Defendants conduct constitutes a willful violation of Section

1983, entitling Plaintiffs to recover punitive damages.


Plaintiffs also seek attorneys fees, reasonable expert witness

fees, and costs of the action.


Plaintiffs hereby demand a jury trial on all issues, claims,

actions, and defenses in this case.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs request that Defendants be summoned to
appear and answer, and that on final trial, judgment be granted against
Defendants, jointly and severally, awarding Plaintiffs the following:

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Actual damages;


Compensatory damages, including damages for emotional

distress, loss of reputation, and humiliation;


Punitive damages;


Injunctive relief enjoining Defendants from engaging in

unlawful practices in violation of Section 1983;


Prejudgment and post-judgment interest, in the maximum

amount allowed by law;


Attorneys fees, expert fees, and costs of suit; and


Such other and further legal and equitable relief to which

Plaintiff may be justly entitled.

Dated: January 12, 2015

Respectfully submitted,

By: /s/ Ray Jackson

SBN 00797754
3838 Oak lawn Ave., Ste1350
Dallas, TX 75219
214.651.6250 (Office)
214.651.6244 (Facsimile)
[email protected]

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