Cyber Security Training
Cyber Security Training
Cyber Security Training
Cyber Security
Why do we need cyber-security?
To protect against incidents
Incidents may be deliberate (Attack) or accidental
Impact could be minor
Lose some functionality
Lose some data
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Complete shut-down
Loss of supply
Injuries / Damage to equipment
Loss of life
Cyber Security
Why do we need cyber-security?
Accidental Incidents
Untrained personnel have access to critical areas
Trained personnel have access to the wrong
critical areas
Deliberate attacks
Attempt to compromise the behaviour of the
Try to cause failure or try to discover information
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Cyber Security
Why do we need cyber-security?
Why do attacks work?
They capitalise on key weaknesses
Vulnerability Exploitation
Unused services still enabled
known vulnerabilities in standard components
No embedded security
Lack of awareness
Cyber Security
Why do we need cyber-security NOW?
Security by Isolation.
Control networks were cutoff from outside world
Control networks interconnect with other systems
Control network Management system
Management system Corporate network
Corporate network Internet
Security by Obscurity
Proprietary protocols known only to manufacturer
Now giving way to open standards
DNP3, IEC60870-5-103 & IEC60870-5-104, IEC61850
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Cyber Security
Who are the attackers?
Money (Extortion)
Coerced, Disgruntled
Former Employees
Contract and 3rd Party Staff
All of the above
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Cyber Security
Areas of Concern
Critical Infrastructure
Power Grid, Financial Systems, Air Traffic Control,
Road/Rail Transport, Nuclear Facilities etc.
Smart Grid
Massive Impact
June 2011 - Tom Fanning, CEO of Southern Company (US
"cyber security issues must be resolved before a so-called
smart electricity grid can be fully built
"Southern Co. hires hackers to identify vulnerabilities"
"the power company gets attacked frequently."
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Cyber-security is achieved through many
Detection & Response
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Limit and control the means, paths, protocols and
ports by which someone (or something) can
access the system or relay.
Firewalls, limits traffic type and TCP/UDP ports
Gateways, filter out undesired traffic
Routers, isolate sections of network
Disabling of unused ports and services
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Perform checks on someone (or something)
attempting to use the system or relay to ensure
that they are allowed to use it.
Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Ensure that any authenticated user only has authority
(Permission) to perform certain actions.
Each authenticated user has a Role
Commissioning, Administrator, User
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Ensure that any critical information is kept secret.
Protect against eavesdropping
Encrypt data in communication streams (Data in
Encrypt data held in files (Data at Rest)
Encryption creates its own problems
Key management
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Ensure that any information received from a user
or a remote entity hasnt been tampered with.
Encryption could be used to provide anti-tamper
CRC/Checksums are simpler and easier
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Logging of all changes, user accesses,
uploads/downloads, operations and control
Logs to be kept in non-volatile memory,
confidentially and integrity ensured.
Logs used in any audit of an incident
Identify what was done
Identify who did it
Identify when it was done
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Logging of log-on attempts, whether successful
or not.
Monitoring of communication traffic to detect
abnormal conditions
Monitoring of ports to detect undesired traffic
Screening of data to detect malware
Block user account
Generate events and alarms
Remove or quarantine malware
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Cyber Security
What is Cyber-Security?
Understanding the risks and consequences
Staff training
Effective Policies that are followed
Employees should not open attachments in emails from
unknown sources.
Maintaining up-to-date anti-virus software on PCs
Carelessness about passwords
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Cyber Security
What standards are available?
NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Standards
intended to ensure the protection of the Critical
Cyber Assets that control or effect the reliability of
North Americas bulk electric systems.
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Cyber Security
What standards are available?
NERC CIP Standards
Eight Standards
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Cyber Security
What standards are available?
IEEE 1686
Directly addresses relays and substations
Provides practical and realistic measures for
securing IEDs
8 character passwords
Levels of access
Logging of changes (for later audit)
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Cyber Security
What standards are available?
IEC 62351
Recommends security measures for
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Cyber Security
What standards are available?
IEC 62443
Industrial communication networks - Network and system
Part 2-1: Establishing an industrial automation and control
system security program
Part 2-2: Operating a
manufacturing and control systems security program
Part 2-4: Certification of Industrial Security (In Preparation)
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Cyber Security
What standards are available?
Other standards and advice
ISA (Instrument Society of America )
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Cyber Security
Alstom Px40 Implemenation
Phase 1 (complete)
Improved password scheme
Supports upto 8 characters, Alpha (upper & lower case),
numeric and specials.
Password required to read from relay (read-only level)
Below read-only is a limited read level
Password Blocking
Password Encryption
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Security Server
Consistent security across all products
Cyber Security
Issues with Cyber-Security
How many devices are there in an average
How many devices have passwords?
How many substations are there to manage?
How many passwords are there to manage?
Passwords need
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Cyber Security
Issues with Cyber-Security
Encryption needs keys
How will relays acquire keys?
What will be the remedial action for a key
How will interoperability work?
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Cyber Security
Some actual attacks
Maroochy Waste Water (Australia)
In 2000 Vitek Boden, a former contractor, used a laptop
computer and a radio transmitter to take control of 150
sewage pumping stations. Over a three-month period, he
released one million liters of untreated sewage into a
stormwater drain from where it flowed to local waterways.
The attack was motivated by revenge on the part of
Mr.Boden after he failed to secure a job with the Maroochy
Shire Council.
Cyber Security
Some actual attacks
StuxNet Worm
In July 2010 a multi-attack vectored virus was discovered
in Siemens PLC equipment used in nuclear power plants
and other industrial applications.
Virus used 4 separate vulnerabilities to install itself on the PC,
including installing a driver.
On PC it looked for Siemens SIMATIC WinCC/Step 7 controller
Used another vulnerability to transfer malware to the Siemens
On controller it changed some specific areas of data.
Virus was transferred on USB sticks
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Cyber Security
Current Threats
Virus infecting 4 million computers
Uses sophisticated techniques to maintain itself and
avoid detection/elimination
Peer-to-peer communication, encrypted command-&control,anti-virus built in.
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Cyber Security
Myth Busting
Cyber-security is an IT problem
Everyones problem
Cyber Security
Any Questions?
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