Different Types of Concrete - RPC, RMC, LWC, HPC Etc

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The Materials used in SCC are the same as in conventional concrete except that an excess of fine material
and chemical admixtures are used. Also, a viscosity-modifying agent(VMA) will be required because slight
variations in the amount of water or in the proportions of aggregate and sand will make the SCC unstable,
that is, water or slurry may separate from the remaining material. The powdered materials are fly ash, silica
fume, lime stone powder, glass filler and quartzite filler. The use of pozzolanic materials helps the SCC to
flow better. The pozzolanic reaction in SCC, as well as in Conventional Slump Concrete (CSC), provides
more durable concrete to permeability and chemical attacks.
To achieve a high workability and avoid obstruction by closely spaced reinforcing, SCC is designed with
limits on the nominal maximum size (NMS) of the aggregate, the amount of aggregate, and aggregate
grading. However, when the workability is high, the potential for segregation and loss of entrained air
voids increases. These problems can be alleviated by designing a concrete with a high fine-to-coarseaggregate ratio, a low watercementitious material ratio (w/cm), good aggregate grading, and a highrange water-reducing admixture (HRWRA).
Following are bases which are commonly used as superplasticizers.
Modified Lignosulfonates(MLS).
Sulfonated Melamine Formaldehyde (SMF)
Sulfonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde(SNF)
Acrylic Polymer based(AP)

Coplymer of Carboxilic Acrylic

Acid with Acrylic Ester(CAE)

Cross Linked Acrylic Ploymer(CLAP)




Combination of above
Different bases of New Generation super Plasticizers or High Water reducing agents(HRWRA) have
different water reduction capacities. The advantage of this water reduction can be taken either to increase
the strength as in high strength concrete or to obtain a better flowability as in case of self
compacting concrete.
Based on the original conception of Okamura and Ozawa, in general three types of SCC can be
a) Powder type self compacting concrete: This is proportion ed to give the required self compatibility by
reducing by reducing the water-powder (material < 0.1mm) ratio and provide adequate segregation
resistance. Superplasticizers and air entraining admixtures give the required deformability.
b) Viscosity agent type self compacting concrete: This type is proportioned to provide self compaction by
the use of a viscosity modifying admixture to provide segregation resistance.Superplasticizers and air
entrainment admixtures are used for obtaining the desired deformability.
c)combination type self compacting concrete: This type is proportioned so as to obtain self compatibility

mainly by reducing the water powder ratio, as in the powder type ,and a viscosity modifying admixture is
added to reduce the quality of fluctuation of the fresh concrete due to the variation of the surface moisture
content of the aggregates and their gradations during the production .This facilitates the production control
of the concrete.
Test Methods for Self Compatibility
Conventional workability tests, devised for normal ranges of concrete mixtures are not adequate for selfcompacting concrete, because they are not sensitive enough to detect the tendency to segregation. For
example, a slump test may show collapse, ( a slump of say 280 mm) and yet in one case the mixture may
be stable and in other cases either the aggregate may settle down or the slurry may tend to run.
Therefore test equipment was fabricated for judging the following characteristics.
(1) Self-compatibility: The U-tube test gives an indication of the resistance of the mixture to flow round
obstructions in a U-type mould, Fig 2. This test also detects the tendency of the coarse aggregate particles
to stay back or settle down, when the mixture flows through closely-spaced reinforcements.
(2) Deformability: The slump flow test as specified by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) judges
the ability of concrete to deform under its own weight against the friction of the base, Fig 3. This test,
however, cannot evaluate whether the concrete will pass through the space between the reinforcement bars.
This test is useful also as a routine control test, to detect the tendency for slurry to separate from the
(3) Viscosity: Viscosity of the mortar phase is obtained by a V-funnel apparatus, Fig 4.This is useful for
adjusting the powder content, water content and admixture dosage.
(4) Filling ability test: It is also used to determine the ability of the concrete to deform readily through
closely spaced obstacles.(fig.5)
Many different methods have been developed to characterise the properties of SCC. No single method has
been found till date which characterises all the relevant workability aspects and hence, each mixed has
been tested by more than one test method for the different workability parameters.
Hardened properties of SCC
Development of concrete strength with time: The compressive strength, as one of the most important
properties of hardened concrete, in general is the characteristic material value for the classification of
concrete in national and international codes. For this reason, it is of interest whether the differences in the
mixture composition and positive dissimilarities in the microstructure, as mentioned before, affect the short
and long term load-bearing behaviour. Accordingly, clarification is still necessary to determine whether the
hardening process and the ultimate strengths of SCC and conven-tional concrete differ. After 28 days the
reached compressive strength of SCC and normal vibrated concrete of similar composition does not differ
significantly in the majority of the published test results. Isolated cases, however, showed that at the same
water cement ratios slightly higher compressive strengths were reached for SCC. At the current time there
is insufficient research to result in generalized conclusions with this fact. The comparison of hardening
processes shows that the strength development of SCC and conventional concrete is similar, Fig. [6]. Some
of the published test results show that an increase of the cement content and a reduction of filler con-tent at
the same time increases the initial concrete strength and the ultimate concrete strength. For young SCC
aged up to 7 days the relative compressive strength spreads to a greater extend as given in the CEB-FIB

Model Code 90, whereas higher values as well as lower ones are reached. Especially if limestone powder
is used higher compressive strengths are noticeable at the beginning of the hardening process.
Splitting tensile strength :All parameters which influence the characteristics of the microstructure of the
cement matrix and of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) are of decisive impor-tance in respect of the
tensile load bearing behaviour. By evaluating the created database it could be shown, that most results of
the measured splitting tensile strength values are in the range of valid regulations for normal vibrated
concrete with the same compressive strength. However, in about 30% of all data points a higher splitting
tensile strength was stated,
The tendency of a higher splitting tensile strength of SCC. Likely as not, the reason for this fact is given by
the better microstructure, especially the smaller total porosity and the more even pore size distribution
within the interfa-cial transition zone of SCC. Further on a denser cement matrix is present due to the
higher content of ultrafines. The time development of tensile strength of SCC and normal vibrated concrete
are subjected to a similar dependence. Only few publications about SCC refer to a more rapidly increase of
the tensile strength opposite to the compressive strength.
Modulus of elasticity:As it is known, the modulus of elasticity of concrete depends on the proportion of the
Youngs moduli of the individual components and their percentages by vol-ume. Thus, the modulus of
elastisity of concrete increases for high contents of aggregates of high rigidity, whereas it decreases with
increasing hardened cement paste content and increasing porosity. A relative small modulus of elasticity
can be expected, because of the high content of ultrafines and additives as dominating factors and,
accordingly, minor occurrence of coarse and stiff aggregates at SCC. Indeed, it was shown by analysing
the database that the modulus of elasticity of SCC can be up to 20 % lower compared with normal vibrated
concrete having the same compressive strength and made of the same aggregates. Nevertheless, it is
mainly still in the range of the CEB-FIB Model Code 90,
Simple inclusion even in complicated formwork and tight reinforcement
Higher installation performance since no compaction work is necessary which leads to reduced
construction times, especially at large construction sites
Reduced noise pollution since vibrators are not necessary
Higher and more homogenous concrete quality across the entire concrete cross-section, especially
around the reinforcement
Improved concrete surfaces (visible concrete quality)
Typically higher early strength of the concrete so that formwork removal can be performed more
Self-compacting concrete was used for the wall of a large LNG tank belonging to the Osaka Gas
Company, whose concrete casting was completed in June 1998. (Fig.10) The volume of the selfcompacting
concrete used in the tank amounted to 12,000 m3. The adoption of self-compacting concrete means that
(1) the number of lots decreases from 14 to 10, as the height of one lot of concrete casting was increased.
(2) the number of concrete workers was reduced from 150 to 50.
(3) the construction period of the structure decreased from 22 months to18 months.
Self-compacting concrete is often employed in concrete products to eliminate the noise of vibration. This
improves the working environment at plants and makes it possible for concrete product plants to be located

in the urban area. The annual production of concrete products using self-compacting concrete exceeded
200,000 tons in 1996 .
Application in under water construction
40000 m3 of concrete placed under water (Fig. 11-13) by using the Tremie method for the construction of
a dry dock
SCC is made from the ingredients, which are almost same used in producing in conventional concrete.
Thorough understanding of role played by each of the ingredient of SCC is essential.
Properties of fresh and hardened SCC should be established in the laboratory before their use in the
field. Even though the initial cost of SCC is comparatively higher than the conventional concrete.
Considering the long service of the structure, minimum maintenance, labour cost, cost due to the vibrators
required, benefit cost ratio is very much in favour in case of SCC.
Self Consolidating Concrete, as well as Conventional Slump Concrete, requires proper mixt proportion
to become a durable concrete.
The uses of pozzolanic materials, such as slag, fly ash, silica fume, etc., will help SCC more durable,
otherwise these are waste products demanding with no practical applications and which are costly to
dispose of.
The use of proper super plasticizing admixture in combination with proper air entraining admixture is
the absolute key to durable concrete due to freeze-thaw and scaling resistance.
Advantage with respect to sound pollution.
Considerable improvements in exposed surface (Fair Faced Concrete)
Self compacting concrete is ideal for concrete parts with complicated shapes and elements with high
quality visible concrete.
Vibrating concrete in congested locations may cause some risk to labour in addition to noise stress.
There are always doubts about the strength and durability placed in such locations. So it is worthwhile to
eliminate vibration in practice, if possible.
In countries like Japan, Sweden, Thailand, U.K and U.S.A, etc., the knowledge of SCC has moved from
domain of research to application. But in India, this knowledge is to be widespread.

In a typical RPC mixture design, the least costly components of conventional concrete are basically
eliminated or replaced by more expensive elements. In terms of size scale, the fine sand used in RPC
becomes equivalent to the coarse aggregate of conventional concrete, the Portland cement plays the role of
the fine aggregate and the silica fume that of the cement. The mineral component optimization alone results
in a substantial increase in cost over and above that of conventional concrete (5 to 10 times higher than
HPC). RPC should be used in areas where weight savings can be realized and where some of the
remarkable characteristics of the material can be fully utilized. Owing to its high members where durability
issues are at stake (for example, in marine condition). Since RPC is in its infancy,
the long-term properties are not yet known. Applying pressure to mix and applying heat treatment in the
field has got technological difficulties and cost.

The Benefits of Reactive Powder Concrte are as follows.
RPC is a better alternative to High Performance Concrete and has the potential to structurally compete with

Its superior strength combined with higher shear capacity results in significant dead load reduction and
limitless structural member shape.
With its ductile tension failure mechanism, RPC can be used to resist all but direct primary tensile stresses.
This eliminates the need for supplemental shear and other auxiliary reinforcing steel.
RPC provides improve seismic performance by reducing inertia loads with lighter members, allowing
larger deflections with reduced cross sections, and providing higher energy absorption.
Its low and non-interconnected porosity diminishes mass transfer making penetration of liquid/gas or
radioactive elements nearly non-existent. Cesium diffusion is non-existent and Tritium diffusion is 45
times lower than conventional containment materials.
Assured And Uniform Quality Of Concrete
Speedier Construction Through Mechanised Operations
Need For Ordering And Storing Cement, Aggregates And Sand On Site Totally Eliminated
Lower Labour And Supervisory Costs
Minimisation of cement wastage through bulk handling and storage
Cleaner working environment
-Eco-friendly product
COMMON QUALITY PROBLEMS: Quality problems of various natures which may get reported are
listed below:
Delay in setting of concrete beyond 24 hours.
Developm ent of cracks when the concrete is still in fresh state.
Development of cracks in hardened concrete.
Non-compliance of concrete cube strength (cast at site) to specifications at 7-days.
Non-compliance of concrete cube strength (cast at site) to specifications at 28-days.
Concrete supplied to site either has more slump than specified or has become stiff making
it difficult to pump.
Reasons for above problems to occur at construction site are many.
It is necessary to understand the behaviour of each and every constituent of concrete and construction
techniques adopted at site before arriving at any conclusion regarding quality problems of RMC.

Ready-mix concrete is concrete that is manufactured in a factory or batching plant, according

to a set recipe, and then delivered to a work site, by truck mounted intransit mixers. This
results in a precise mixture, allowing specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and
implemented on construction sites. The first ready-mix factory was built in the 1930s, but the
industry did not begin to expand significantly until the 1980s, and it has continued to grow
since then.
Ready-mix concrete is sometimes preferred over on-site concrete mixing because of the
precision of the mixture and reduced work site confusion. However, using a pre-determined
concrete mixture reduces flexibility, both in the supply chain and in the actual components of
the concrete.

Ready-mix concrete is also referred as the customized concrete products for commercial
purpose. Ready-mix concrete, or RMC as it is popularly called, refers to concrete that is
specifically manufactured for delivery to the customer's construction site in a freshly mixed
and plastic or unhardened state. Concrete itself is a mixture of Portland cement, water and
aggregates comprising sand and gravel or crushed stone. In traditional work sites, each of
these materials is procured separately and mixed in specified proportions at site to make
concrete. Read-mix concrete is bought and sold by volume - usually expressed in cubic
meters (cubic yards in the US).
Ready-mix concrete is manufactured under controlled operations and transported and placed
at site using sophisticated equipment and methods. In 2011, there were 2,223 companies
employing 72,924 workers that produced RMC in the United States.[1]

Misseleneous :
1Disadvantages of ready-mix concrete
2Metered concrete

2.1Standard ready-mix concrete vs. site-mix concrete

3See also
5External links

Disadvantages of ready-mix concrete

The materials are batched at a central plant, and the mixing begins at that plant, so the traveling
time from the plant to the site is critical over longer distances. Some sites are just too far away,
though this is usually a commercial rather than a technical issue.

Generation of additional road traffic. Furthermore, access roads and site access have to be able to
carry the greater weight of the ready-mix truck plus load. (Green concrete is approx. 2.5 tonne per
m.) This problem can be overcome by utilizing so-called 'minimix' companies which use smaller
4m capacity mixers able to reach more-restricted sites.
Concrete's limited timespan between mixing and going-off means that ready-mix should be placed
within 210 minutes of batching at the plant.[2] Modern admixtures can modify that timespan
precisely, however, so the amount and type of admixture added to the mix is very important.

Metered concrete[edit]
Main article: Volumetric concrete mixer

As an alternative to ready-mix concrete, volumetric mobile mixers may be used to provide

metered concrete services. The volumetric mobile mixer is a truck that contains concrete
ingredient materials and water to be mixed on the truck at the job site to make and deliver
concrete according to the amount needed. The on-truck mixing at the job site eliminates the
problems of ready-mix concrete such as delays that can cause the pre-mixed concrete to

become unusable. This is a hybrid approach between ready-mix concrete and traditional onsite mixing.[3]

Standard ready-mix concrete vs. site-mix concrete[edit]

A centralized concrete batching plant can serve a wide area. Site-mix trucks can serve an even
larger area including remote locations that standard trucks can not.

The plants are located in areas zoned for industrial use, and yet the delivery trucks can service
residential districts or inner cities. Site-mix trucks have the same capabilities.
Better quality concrete is produced. Site mix can produce higher compression strength with less
water then standard batching methods.[citation needed]

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