2012 Freedom Conference Program

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4TH Annual

Freedom Conference
August 24-25, 2012

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Letter From the Chairman

Welcome to The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference
and to beautiful Steamboat Springs,
Many people have asked how The
Steamboat Institute came to be, so
here is our story
One beautiful summer morning
back in 2005, I was listening to The
Laura Ingraham Show. Laura had just
returned from speaking at the Aspen
Institute, where she joked that she was the token conservative. Later that year, I was accepted into the Leadership
Program of the Rockies, where I was immersed in the study
of the timeless principles upon which our great nation was
founded. This planted a seed
Why cant we start a conservative alternative to the
Aspen Institute right here in Steamboat Springs?! We have
a world-class ski resort, a beautiful mountain setting and active, engaged citizens. A small group of us, including my
husband, Rick Akin, and Gary Hofmeister, started planning.
We knew that if we did not take a stand and do everything

within our power to stop the infringements on our freedom

to stop the all-out assault on American Exceptionalism that
we would look back some day and wonder why we didnt
DO SOMETHING while we had the chance.
Now, as we celebrate our 4th Annual Freedom Conference with another sold-out audience from all across America, our mission is stronger than ever:
To educate the public on the Founding Principles of the
United States and to inspire people to be actively involved
in their implementation.
We hope to inspire you with some of our nations leading
thinkers and conservative voices.
We hope to challenge you to take what you have learned
this weekend and become a citizen leader who will take a
stand to preserve freedom and American Exceptionalism.
Together, we must resolve to never look back and ask,
Why didnt we DO SOMETHING to preserve this great
nation of America.
Jennifer Schubert-Akin
Chairman The Steamboat Institute

Featuring Keynote Speaker John Bolton

Former Ambassador to the United Nations

John R. Bolton was
appointed as United
States Permanent Representative to the United
Nations on August 1,
2005 and served until
his resignation in December 2006. Prior to
his appointment, Bolton
served as Under Secretary of State for Arms
Control and International Security from May
2001 to May 2005.
Bolton has spent
many years of his career
in public service. Previous positions he has held include assistant secretary for International Organization Affairs at
the Department of State, 1989-1993; assistant attorney general, Department of Justice, 1985-1989; assistant administrator for Program and Policy Coordination, U.S. Agency for
International Development, 1982-1983; and general coun-

sel, U.S. Agency for International Development, 1981-1982.

Bolton is the author of Surrender is Not an Option: Defending America at the U.N. and Abroad, published by Simon
and Shuster (November 2007) and How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty, published by Encounter
Books (April 2010).

Bolton currently serves as a foreign policy senior fellow
at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and as a contributor to FOX News Channel, and his op-ed articles are
regularly featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street
Journal and The Washington Times. AEI is a nonprofit public policy center dedicated to preserving and strengthening
the foundations of freedom through research, education,
and open debate.

Bolton was born in Baltimore, MD, on November 20,
1948. He graduated with a B.A., summa cum laude, from
Yale University and received his J.D. in 1974. He currently
resides in Maryland with his wife, Gretchen. He has one
daughter, Jennifer Sarah, an investment banker.

Inspiring Americans to Greatness

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Kindly turn off cell phones

Audio/videotaping is expressly prohibited



4th Annual Freedom Conference Agenda

August 24-25, 2012
The Steamboat Grand Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Thursday, August 23rd

5:30 7:30 pm VIP Welcome Reception at home of Steamboat Institute sponsors: All speakers, their guests and VIP
registrants are invited.

Friday, August 24th - The Steamboat Grand

11:45 am 12:00 Welcome and Introductions by Jennifer Schubert-Akin, Chairman of The Steamboat Institute
12:00 12:55 pm Kick-off Luncheon Thomas P. McDevitt, President of the Washington Times: From Now Til November
and Beyond: What We Can Do and Why It Matters
12:55 1:10 pm Break
1:10 2:00 pm 
Ann McElhinney, producer of FrackNation
2:00 2:10 pm Break
2:10 3:25 pm Debate: Our Economic Roadmap Which Direction Shall We Take?:

Daniel J. Mitchell of Cato Institute vs. Prof. William Black (Univ. of Missouri Kansas City)

Moderator: Rob Douglas, Columnist for Steamboat Pilot & Today and former co-host of the

Cari & Rob Show
3:25 3:35 pm Break
3:35 4:30 pm

A Conversation with Mary Katharine Ham

 A Satirical Romp on How We Got Here and What We are Going to Do About It! Kevin Jackson,
Executive Director of The BlackSphere.net and author of Sexy Brilliance and Other Political Lies

Note: Following his presentation, Mr. Jackson will be signing books.

4:30 5:15 pm


6:30 6:45 pm VIP Reception and Photos with Keynote Speaker, Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton at Thunderhead.
All VIP registrants, speakers and their guests board gondola for scenic ride to summit of
Steamboat Ski Area between 6:00 and 6:15 pm.
6:45 7:00 pm

All other conference registrants board gondola for ride to keynote dinner on mountaintop.

During reception and dinner, musical entertainment will be provided by the

String Quartet from Steamboat Symphony Orchestra
(continued on next page)

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

2012 Freedom Conference Agenda


7:30 9:45 pm Keynote Dinner in Champagne Powder Room at summit of Steamboat Ski Area, featuring John Bolton
Americas Foreign Policy Challenges. Amb. Boltons speech will be followed by Q&A interview by Peter
Brookes of Heritage Foundation.

Preceding Dinner, we will make special presentation and announcement regarding Tony Blankley.
This presentation will include a special video message from Newt Gingrich.

Saturday, August 25th - The Steamboat Grand

Breakfast will be available from 6:45 - 9:00 am

7:00 7:45 am Optional Event: Breakfast with the AG Ensuring Election Integrity: The Need for Voter ID
Alan Wilson, Attorney General of South Carolina
7:45 8:00 am Break
8:00 8:03 am Brief announcement by Crystal Bouziden, Assistant Director of Leadership Program of the Rockies,
regarding 2012-13 Program and Application Process
8:03 9:00 am Breakfast at the Kitchen Table with Matthew Spalding, PhD (Vice President, American Studies, The
Heritage Foundation, and author of We Still Hold These Truths) and Ernest Istook, Distinguished Fellow
with the Heritage Foundation and Former Congressman from Oklahoma (author of our popular
Kitchen Table series of articles), speaking on How Washington Clobbers the Family Budget whether you
pay taxes or not!

NOTE: Following this presentation, Dr. Spalding will be signing books.
9:00 9:10 am Break
9:10 10:20 am 
A Tale of Two Health Care Realities: Attorney General Alan Wilson (SC); Hal Scherz, M.D. (Founder
of Docs 4 Patient Care); and Sally Pipes of Pacific Research Institute Moderator: Bob Beauprez, former Congressman and editor-in-chief of A Line of Sight
10:20 10:30 am Break
10:30 11:20 am Alternatives to Government Programs Dana Rohrabacher, Congressman from California
11:20 am 12:10 Journalism through the Lens of Justice: Hannah Giles of American Phoenix Foundation
12:10 12:30 pm Guests proceed through lunch buffet
12:30 2:00 pm Closing Luncheon, featuring A Conversation with Michelle Malkin

NOTE: Following lunch, Ms. Malkin will be signing copies of her bestseller, Culture of Corruption
5:00 - 6:30 pm

Coyote Gold Margarita Party! (Poolside at the Steamboat Grand)

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Sponsors and Donors





El Pomar Foundation

The Akin Law Firm, LLC

Kristine and William Bensler
Roger Burton and Patricia Creekmore
Cheri Carsten and Don Griffin (1773 Club sponsors)
Elk River Guns
J&S Audio Visual, Inc.
Anne and Rich Lowe
The MacArthur Family
Marathon Accounting Services, LLC
Herchel and Julie Portman
Jeff and Anne Wenaas - Hensel Phelps Construction Co.

Roe Foundation

Rick Akin and Jennifer Schubert-Akin

Kelsey Alexander
Mary K. Allen
Bob and Claudia Beauprez
Tim Borden
Henry F. Fabian, Jr., M.D. Spine Center of Steamboat Springs
Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation
Jack Trautman
Kelly Victory, M.D. Victory Health, LLC
Robert and Linda Zerbe

Patricia Creekmore Travel Coordinator

Sara Nakon Event Coordinator

Connie Sansom-Mott and Accent Travel Travel Agent
The Cato Institute
The Heritage Foundation
The Steamboat Grand

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

Former Congressman
Bob Beauprez
Bob Beauprez is a Colorado
native. He was raised on a third
generation dairy farm near lafayette, and spent 20 years in
partnership with his parents and
brother in that operation marketing their animals across the globe.
Following the dairy career, Bob
purchased and managed a community bank growing assets from 4 to over 400 million in
12 years. Additionally, he managed the familys real estate
development creating a 1500 residential unit golf course

In 2002, Bob was elected as the first representative from
Colorados seventh congressional district, and re-elected in
2004. While in Congress, he served on the Ways & Means,
Transportation, and Veterans Committees. He was the Republican nominee for Governor in 2006. Most recently, Bob
has published his first book, A Return to Values, and is
editor-in-chief of an e-magazine, A Line of Sight. But, his
greatest enjoyment comes from his buffalo breeding ranch
in the northern Colorado Mountains where he and his wife
of 40 years love to spend time with their four children and
three grandchildren.

William K. Black
Bill Black is an Associate Professor of Economics and Law at
the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC). He is a whitecollar criminologist. He was the
Executive Director of the Institute
for Fraud Prevention from 20052007. He taught previously at
the LBJ School of Public Affairs at
the University of Texas at Austin
and at Santa Clara University, where he was also the distinguished scholar in residence for insurance law and a visiting scholar at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.
He was litigation director of the Federal Home Loan
Bank Board, deputy director of the FSLIC, SVP and General
Counsel of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco,
and Senior Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Thrift Supervision. He was deputy director of the National Commission on Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement. His regulatory career is profiled in Chapter 2

of Professor Riccuccis book Unsung Heroes (Georgetown

U. Press: 1995), Chapter 4 (The Consummate Professional:
Creating Leadership) of Professor Bowman, et als book The
Professional Edge (M.E. Sharpe 2004), and Joseph M. Tonons
article: The Costs of Speaking Truth to Power: How Professionalism Facilitates Credible Communication Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 2008 18(2):275-295.
George Akerlof called his book, The Best Way to Rob a
Bank is to Own One (University of Texas Press 2005), a classic. Paul Volcker praised its analysis of the critical role
of Bank Board Chairman Grays leadership in reregulating
and resupervising the industry:
Bill Black has detailed an alarming story about financial - and political - corruption. Thelessons
are as fresh as the morning newspaper. One of
those lessons really sticks out: one brave man with
a conscience could stand up for us all.

Robert Kuttner, in his Business Week column,
Blacks book is partly the definitive history of the
savings-and-loan industry scandals of the early
1980s. More important, it is a general theory of
how dishonest CEOs, crony directors, and corrupt
middlemen can systematically defeat market discipline and conceal deliberate fraud for a long time
-- enough to create massive damage.
The book has been translated into French with an updated chapter on the global crisis.
Black developed the concept control fraud frauds
in which the leader uses the entity as a weapon. Control
frauds cause greater financial losses than all other forms of
property crime combined and kill and maim thousands.
He helped the World Bank develop anti-corruption initiatives, served as an expert for OFHEO in its enforcement action against Fannie Maes CEO, and assisted Icelandic and
French leaders responding to their financial crises. Black
has testified to Congress five about the financial crisis financial derivatives, executive and professional compensation, Lehmans failure and related regulatory failures, and
the role of control fraud in the bubble and crisis. He is
Benzingas regulatory columnist. His papers can be downloaded, without charge, at:

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

Peter Brookes

Senior Fellow for National

Security Affairs
The Heritage Foundation
One of Americas leading
voices on foreign policy and national security, Peter Brookes develops and communicates Heritages stance on foreign policy and
national security affairs through
media appearances, research,
published articles, congressional testimony and speaking
In addition, Brookes is a New York Post and Boston
Herald columnist and a Townhall Magazine contributing
editor. His columns run on numerous news and opinionoriented websites. He has more than 300 published articles
in more than 50 domestic and foreign newspapers, journals
and magazines. He is the author of: A Devils Triangle: Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Rogue States (Rowman & Littlefield: hardback 2005, paperback 2007).

Hes in his fourth term as a member of the congressional U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission,
appointed by two different Speakers of the House of Representatives, co-authoring 6 annual reports to Congress.

Brookes has nearly 2,500 appearances as a commentator
on TV and radio, appearing on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, FOX
Business, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR, BBC, among other
domestic and foreign broadcasters. Hell also be analyzing the 2012 Republican National Convention for the U.S.
governments Arabic language TV station, Al Hurra, and
Voice of America. Brookes has had his own radio show and
hosted major market talk radio programs, including XM.
Hes been quoted by many of the worlds largest newspapers and magazines.

Brookes has testified numerous times before both the
Senate and House of Representatives as a public official
and as a private citizen. He is also a frequent public speaker around the country and the world, making more than
200 addresses in more than 20 U.S. states and 20 countries,
including State Department public diplomacy speaking
programs in Japan, Germany, Australia, Poland, Austria,
Ukraine, Fiji and Papua New Guinea.
Before coming to Heritage, Brookes served in the
George W. Bush administration as the Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs, where
he was responsible for U .S. security policy for 38 countries
and 5 bilateral defense alliances. Prior to the Bush administration, he worked as a Professional Staff Member with
the Committee on International Relations in the U.S. House

of Representatives. He also served with the CIA, the State

Department at the United Nations, and in the private sector
defense and intelligence industries.

Brookes is a decorated military veteran, having served
on active duty with the U.S. Navy in Latin America,
Asia, and Middle East in aviation and intelligence billets.
Brookes has more than 100 missions and 1,000 flight hours
aboard U.S. Navy EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft. Now a retired reserve Navy Commander, during his reserve career
he served with the NSA, DIA, Naval Intelligence, the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, and the Office of the Vice President, working as an intelligence analyst, strategic debriefer, Russianlanguage interpreter during U.S.-Soviet naval exchanges,
defense attach to former Soviet Union countries, and policy advisor.

Brookes is a doctoral candidate at Georgetown University. Hes a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy (B.S.); the
Defense Language Institute (Diploma, Russian); the Naval
War College (Diploma); and the Johns Hopkins University
(M.A., Government). He also participated in USNAs Cox
Fund language study program in Germany and studied
Polish at DLI. Hes a SERE graduate; taught at the National Defense University and the Joint Military Intelligence
College; and, played in both U.S. and foreign war games.
Brookes has traveled to nearly all 50 U.S. states and more
than 50 countries on 5 continents, including the then-Soviet
Union, North Korea and Tibet, and served as an international election observer in Indonesia and Cambodia.
He has served in political positions at the local, state
and national level, including being a drafter of the Republican National Committees 2000 foreign policy platform at
the Philadelphia convention. Brookes served as a foreign
policy advisor to the 2000 and 2004 Bush campaigns and
briefed and or advised 2008 and 2012 presidential candidates. Hes briefed then-President George W. Bush.
Brookes honors include: U.S. militarys Joint Service
Commendation Medal; Navy Commendation Medal (3
awards); Navy Achievement Medal; several unit awards;
Defense Language Institute Honor Graduate and Kellogg
Award winner; the Joint Chiefs of Staff service badge; Naval Aviation Observer wings, Navy League of New Yorks
Frank Knox Media Award and championship honors in
wrestling and judo at the local, state and national level, including an All-Navy wrestling title.

Hes an avid nordic and alpine skier, upland bird hunter, shotgun sportsman, pistol marksman, fly fisherman,
golfer and a beef cattle rancher.

(continued on next page)

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

Rob Douglas
For 20 years, Rob Douglas was
a Washington, DC private detective specializing in political corruption, homicide, terrorism and
identity theft. Rob was appointed
by federal courts in Washington
to serve as a defense investigator
in the 1996 bombing of Khobar
Towers that killed 19 U.S. military
servicemen in Saudia Arabia (U.S.
v. Hani al-Sayegh) and the 1985 hijacking of a Jordanian airliner with Americans onboard (U.S. v. Fawaz Younis).

Rob has served as a consultant to Congress, along with
state and federal law enforcement agencies, on matters of
identity crimes. Robs congressional testimonies and design
of successful federal sting operations resulted in the passage of state and federal laws designed to protect personal
and proprietary records.

Since 1998, Rob has been a commentator on national affairs. Rob has hosted political talk radio shows in Washington DC, Maryland and Colorado and is an award-winning
Colorado newspaper columnist. Rob also writes for the
Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity. Starting in September, Rob will be the executive editor of Bob
Beauprezs WebZine, A Line of Sight.

Hannah Giles
Hannah Giles is the young
journalist who originally conceived the idea for the ACORN
video investigation, which she
later executed in 2009, with fellow investigative journalist James
Immediately following the
September 2009 release of her investigation, the Census Bureau
and IRS severed ties with ACORN. The United States Congress and Senate voted in an overwhelmingly bipartisan
manner to defund the organization. ACORN has since declared financial bankruptcy.
The mainstream medias heavily edited response to
Ms. Giles investigations not only proved that she struck a
nerve, but also repeatedly affirmed the inadequacy and inaccuracy of the mainstream media.
Her work has received national and international coverage and awards.

Hannah is an avid surfer, poet, adventurer and Valente
Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.
After marrying Joseph Basell, Giles and her husband
launched the American Phoenix Foundation a non-profit
organization based in Austin, Texas.

The mission of the American Phoenix Foundation is to
protect the American Republic through ethical, innovative,
and technologically driven journalism.

The goal of the foundation is to recruit and train select
young potential leaders to transcend the traditional media
by becoming independent truth-seeking journalists who relentlessly pursue truth with courage and creativity.

These journalists will be educated on the tools, resolve,
morals, and ethics needed to not only discover the truth,
but effectively and efficiently communicate it in a nonpartisan manner to the American public.

Mary Katharine Ham

Mary Katharine Ham is Editor-at-Large of HotAir.com and
a Fox News Contributor. She has
written for The Weekly Standard,
The Daily Caller, and Townhall.com, where she had a video
blog series named HamNation,
which won a Golden Dot award
for Best Vlog of 2006 from the
Institute for Politics, Democracy
& the Internet and Video Of The Year in the 2007 Weblog
Awards. She has also guest-hosted Hugh Hewitts nationally syndicated radio show and was a morning-drive radio
host in Washington, D.C. in 2011.
She graduated in 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and
Mass Communication at the University of Georgia, and
worked for a daily North Carolina newspaper covering
sports and features before making the leap to Washington,
where she first edited a magazine for The Heritage Foundation. She appears weekly on The OReilly Factory, Happening Now, and occasionally on Special Reports panel
of commentators.
She lives in Virginia with her husband and her fat cat,
enjoys working out, watching non-political TV, and going
to the lake. Fun fact: she climbed Kilimanjaro on her honeymoon.

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

Ernest J. Istook, Jr.
Ernest Istook is in recovery
after 14 years as a U.S. Congressman (Oklahomas 5th District)
and 25 years overall in public
Now a Distinguished Fellow
at The Heritage Foundation, Istook hosts a daily national talk
radio show from 9 am to noon
(Eastern) every weekday.
He explains to people that hes been a politician, a reporter and a lawyer, but at least Ive never sold used cars.
Ernest served 14 years on the House Appropriations Committee including subcommittees that handled national
defense, homeland security, transportation, health care,
education, the EPA, the White House, and numerous other
agencies. He chaired multiple subcommittees.

Post-Congress, he also led a study group as a fellow at
Harvard, where Istook taught about Propaganda in American Politics.
Ernest and wife Judy were married in 1973 and have
five children and 14 grandchildren. He is a graduate of
Baylor University, a former Scoutmaster, and holds Scoutings Silver Beaver Award, the highest honor awarded by
Scout councils.

He was the Republican nominee for Governor of Oklahoma in 2006 and is an active member of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His fathers parents were
immigrants from Hungary. Ernest says hes unsure if his
politics are actually to the right of Attila the Hun, but notes,
Were probably related.

Kevin Jackson

Nowhere in the world is there
a discussion of a countrys dream.
There is no Chinese Dream or Cuban Dream. Kids in Africa are not
gazing into the Heavens longing
for the European Dream. No matter where you go on Gods green
earth, there is only one dream that
people recognizethe American
Dream. Kevin Jackson.

Kevin lost his mother at the age of five, and his father
was a resident at San Quentin penitentiary. So how did he
manage to overcome the hand that life dealt and become an
American success story?
Kevin was raised by his grandparents, who were life-

long Democrats. He recognized that his family didnt act

like Democrats, and Kevin credits Ronald Reagan for giving him his political awakening.
I watched Reagan give a speech after losing an election, and I just saw a winner in him. I thought to myself,
That guy thinks like me!

Before reluctantly entering the world of politics, Kevin
was a management consultant to the worlds largest companies. His background as an Electrical Engineer and mathematician gave him a logical approach to life. But as Kevin
describes in his Amazon best-selling book, The BIG Black
Lie, growing up rich and poor is what gave him his unique
views of politics and pop culture.

Kevin writes an award-winning blog and hosts a daily
radio show near Denver, CO. He is a regular guest on Fox
News. But perhaps Kevin is best known as an Amazon bestselling author, and his books fall in the category of political
educationwith humor and satire. Kevins comedic style
makes reading his books a real treat, but as Kevin likes to
say, People learn a lot through humor.
Kevin is a nationally known speaker, and his style
makes one wonder if they have been to a political rally or
if they have just seen a comedy show. Kevin has spoken at
the National Press Club, the Western Conservative Summit,
and at the National Lawn in front of hundreds of thousands
of people. Regardless of the crowd size, the one thing that is
certain is the crowd will love hearing Kevins informative,
inspirational, and always funny takes on politics.

Michelle Malkin

Award Winning Conservative

Columnist & Best-Selling Author
Malkins latest book Culture
of Corruption: Obama and His Team
of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies
(2009) instantly topped The New
York Times best-seller list. As only
Malkin can put it: the era of hope
and change is deadand it only
took six months in office to kill
it. Never has an administration taken office with more inflated expectations of turning Washington around. Malkin
delivers a powerful, daring, and comprehensive indictment
of the culture of corruption that surrounds Team Obamas
brazen tax evaders, Wall Street cronies, petty crooks, slum
lords, and business-as-usual influence peddlers.

Malkins first book, Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to
Our Shores, was a New York Times best-seller and one of
the bestselling conservative titles of the year. Invasion is a
(continued on next page)

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

shocking expos of how Americas lax immigration system
led to the September 11th terrorist attacks. Malkin shows
how every component of our immigration system has failed,
and that the problems have persisted long after 9-11. Plagued
by inertia, political correctness and corruption, the United
States government refuses to enforce its immigration laws
with consistency and common sense.

In her second investigative tour-de-force, In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War
on Terror, Malkin sets the historical record straight, debunking radical ethnic alarmists who distort history to undermine
sensible national security profiling. In the book, she reveals
that the World War II internment camps are largely misunderstood and adds desperately needed perspective to the
debate about the balance between civil liberties and national
Malkins 2005 release Unhinged: Liberals Gone Wild
is hilarious proof of the utter hypocrisy of Democrats who
fashion themselves as role models of tolerance and civility.
Malkin plays conservative Margaret Mead to the alien political creatures of the American Left. With wit, wisdom and a
bullet-proof vest, Malkin ruthlessly and raucously skewers
the myths of liberal tolerance, peace and civility. The good
news for liberals? Self-help starts here.

Born in Philadelphia, Malkin grew up in southern New
Jersey and earned her degree from Oberlin College outside
of Cleveland, Ohio. Malkins investigative work on bureaucratic incompetence and corruption won top national
honors from the non-partisan Council on Governmental Ethics Law.
Malkin began her career in newspaper journalism as
an editorial writer and columnist for The Los Angeles Daily
News, moving on to The Seattle Times in 1996. Her column,
now syndicated by Creators Syndicate, appears in about 100
papers nationwide, including The New York Post, Miami
Herald, Washington Times, The Dallas Morning News, The
Modesto Bee and The Detroit News. A first-generation American of Filipino descent, she is the only Filipino-American
journalist with a nationally syndicated newspaper column.
She is also a regular FOX News Channel commentator and guest on The OReilly Factor and the Sean Hannity
Show. She also frequently appears on NBC Nightly News,
The Lehrer Report, The McLaughlin Group, MSNBC, ABCs
20/20 and C-SPANs Washington Journal. Malkin brings to
the podium her stark, no-nonsense conclusions about what
needs to be done to help keep Americans safe in an anxious,
dangerous time. She also voices her strong opinions on a
wide range of topics, from education reform to issues of race
in America.

She lives with her husband and their two children in the
Colorado Springs area.


Thomas P. McDevitt

The Washington Times

Tom McDevitt became President of The Washington Times
(TWT) in March 2007 just prior
to the companys 25th anniversary. As chief executive officer,
he is responsible for all aspects of
the news and information for the
company. He continues to lead TWT through an intensive
period of strategic turnaround, national market alignment,
and product line expansion.

Tom first joined TWT as a business director in 1994. He
guided the launch of the National Weekly Edition which,
in its first three years, gained a circulation of more than
100,000, with subscribers in all 50 states.
In 2001, as General Manager of TWT Magazine Division, Tom had overall business responsibility for four periodicals - Insight, World & I, National Weekly Edition, and
Washington Golf Monthly. From 2000-2001, as director of
a 50-state marketing network affiliated with the TWT National Weekly Edition, he designed and implemented a nationwide series of 88 American Leadership Conference
two-day seminars, attracting more than 22,000 community
leaders focused on the themes of freedom, faith and family.
Later, as TWT Marketing Director, Tom supervised market
research, brand strategy, community relations, promotions,
circulation, marketing, and business development. He then
served as Vice President for TWT and special assistant to
the President, responsible for corporate relations and strategic planning.

From 2005 - 2007, Tom served the Points of Light Foundation as Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications. His areas of focus included promotion of corporate volunteer efforts in support of Hurricane Katrina relief,
non-profit brand/marketing strategy, and nationwide marketing partnerships with the Walt Disney Company, Target,
Ralph Lauren, and others in support of family volunteering
and disaster relief.

Ann McElhinney
Ann McElhinney is an Irish
journalist and documentary film
maker. Her work examining the
real life costs of environmental
policies has outraged many in
the environmentalist movement.

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

Radical environmentalists have compared McElhinneys
work to pornography and Nazi propaganda and she has
received several death threats.

Her upcoming film is FrackNation, a film that will look
behind the exaggerations and tell the truth about Fracking

In 2009, she produced and directed Not Evil Just Wrong
(2009) a film which critiqued concerns about global warming. Previously, Ms McElhinney produced and directed
Mine Your Own Business (2006) the first documentary that
asks difficult questions of the environmental movement.

She is an inspiring and humorous speaker and at CPAC
2009 was voted most popular speaker after Ann Coulter
and Rush Limbaugh. McElhinney is a regular contributor to
an array of international media organizations including the
Sunday Times, the Irish Times, ABC, BBC, CBC (Canada),
ABC (Australia), RTE (Ireland) and Fox News.

Daniel J. Mitchell
Dan Mitchell is a Senior Fellow
at the Cato Institute in Washington,
DC. He is one of the nations experts on the flat tax and has been
the leading international voice in
the fight to preserve tax competition, financial privacy, and fiscal
sovereignty. Dans work has been
published in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington
Times, Washington Post, National Review, Villanova Law Review, Public Choice, Journal of Regulation and Social Cost,
Emory Law Journal, Forbes, USA Today, Offshore Investment, Playboy, Investors Business Daily, and Worldwide
Reinsurance Review. He has appeared on all the major networks, including CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and C-SPAN. Prior to joining Cato, Dan worked for the
Heritage Foundation, Senator Bob Packwood, and Citizens
for a Sound Economy. Dan also spent more than three years
beginning every day by co-hosting a television show. Dan
earned a Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University
and undergraduate and Masters degrees from the University
of Georgia.

Sally C. Pipes

President & CEO

The Pacific Research Institute
Sally C. Pipes is president and
chief executive officer of the Pacific Research Institute, a San Francisco-based think tank founded
in 1979. In November 2010, she
was named the Taube Fellow in
Health Care Studies. Prior to becoming president of PRI in 1991,
she was assistant director of the Fraser Institute, based in
Vancouver, Canada.
Ms. Pipes addresses national and international audiences on health care issues. She has been interviewed on
ABCs 20/20; CNNs Lou Dobbs Show; FOX News Glenn
Beck Show; NBCs Nightly News with Brian Williams;
FOX Business Network; The OReilly Factor, FOX News
Your World With Neil Cavuto, The Today Show;
Kudlow & Company on CNBC, MSNBC, Dateline; Politically Incorrect; The Dennis Miller Show; and other
prominent programs.

She writes a weekly health care column Piping Up for
Forbes.com. In the past, she has written regular columns for
the Examiner newspapers, Chief Executive, and Investors
Business Daily. Her health care opinion pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, Financial Times of London, The Hill, RealClearPolitics,
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Sacramento Bee, U.S. News and World Report, the Boston Globe, and the San Diego Union-Tribune, to name a few.
Ms. Pipes views on health care also appeared in a special
report of the worlds 30 leading health care experts published by Forbes.com and in Steve Forbes latest book How
Capitalism Can Save Us. She was widely quoted in Shape
Magazine and in the New York Times Sunday Magazine in
an article by Princetons Peter Singer on how Obama will
ration your care.
As a health care expert, Ms. Pipes has debated Paul
Krugman, Princeton economics professor and New York
Times columnist, in New York at Rockefeller University.
Sponsored by Intelligence Squared, the debate was attended by 450 people and was viewed by 270 million around
the world through NPR and BBC Worldwide. She debated
Princeton Professor Uwe Reinhardt and Harvards Dr. David Himmelstein twice on the No side of the motion that
universal health coverage is the responsibility of the federal government.

She served as one of Mayor Rudy Giulianis four health
care advisors in his bid for the Republican nomination for
(continued on next page)


The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

president in 2008. She appeared in Michael Moores movie Sicko and has participated in prominent debates and
public forums, testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, committees of the California and Oregon
legislatures, appeared on popular television programs including debating former Vermont Governor Howard Dean
on CNBC, participated in talk radio shows nationwide, and
had 180 opeds published on health care issues in 2010.

Her book The Truth About ObamaCare was published
by Regnery Publishing and released August 2010. To date
over 12,000 copies have been sold.
In August 2009, she was invited by Canadas Minister of Finance to participate in his Third Annual Summer
Policy Retreat at Meech Lake in Quebec. The three-day
event was attended by a small group of professors, think
tank presidents, and small business leaders. The focus was
on how to restructure the Canadian health care system.
Ms. Pipes, a former Canadian, became an American
citizen in 2006. Married to Professor Charles Kesler, she
is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. While in Canada
she was a member of the Canadian Association for Business
Economics (president for two terms).

Dana Rohrabacher
Currently serving his 12th
term in Congress, Dana Rohrabacher represents Californias
scenic 46th District. Stretching
along the Pacific coastline of Orange County and Los Angeles
from Huntington Beach to the
Palos Verdes Peninsula, the district includes Huntington Beach,
Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Seal
Beach, Santa Catalina Island, Midway City, Sunset Beach,
Surfside, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, Palos Verdes
Estates and Rolling Hills Estates as well as portions of Long
Beach, Westminster, Santa Ana and San Pedro, and Newport Beach.
As Chairman of the Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rohrabacher is a most forceful spokesman for human rights and
democracy around the world. For example, during the
110th Congress, Rep. Rohrabacher championed the effort
to boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics by introducing a resolution to that effect emphasizing Chinas litany of human
rights violations. Rohrabacher is also committed to securing our borders and a staunch opponent of amnesty for illegal immigrants. During his tenure as Chairman, one of
his first priorities was to investigate the U.N. Oil for Food


program and potential foreign influence in the Oklahoma

City Bombing. Rep. Rohrabacher will continue to look into
technology transfer issues, visa policies practiced by the
State Department, Chinese proliferation of nuclear weapons technology as well as other volatile areas of concern
such as the massive cultivation of opium poppies in Afghanistan. As a senior member of the International Relations Committee, Rohrabacher led the effort to deny Most
Favored Nation trading status to Communist China, citing
the rogue nations dismal human rights record and opposition to democracy.
Rohrabacher is a strong voice for lower government
spending and taxes. His record of fiscal restraint and progrowth policies has won him acclaim from the National
Taxpayers Union, Citizens Against Government Waste, the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of
Independent Business.

Past Accomplishments

Rohrabacher served as Chairman of the Subcommittee
on Space and Aeronautics from 1997 to January 2005, having
been given a two-year waiver to serve beyond the normal
six-year term limit. His final achievement as chairman was
to secure the enactment of his Commercial Space Launch
Amendments Act, signed into law by President Bush on
December 23, 2004. The law clears the way for small and
middle-sized entrepreneurs to build commercial space passenger vehicles and bolsters private sector participation in
space travel.

Rohrabacher led efforts in the 104th and 105th Congresses to restore the intellectual property rights of American inventors legislated away with the implementation of
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), authoring the Patent Term Restoration Act.

The 46th congressional district is the birthplace of Californias Proposition 187, a reform initiative which removes
illegal aliens from the states welfare and education rolls.
Rohrabacher inspired the grassroots movement and, as a
principal congressional spokesman for Prop. 187, framed
the debate that led to the passage of the popular measure.
Prior to his first election to Congress in 1988, Dana served
as Special Assistant to President Reagan. For seven years
he was one of the Presidents senior speechwriters. During his tenure at the White House, Rohrabacher played a
pivotal role in the formulation of the Reagan Doctrine and
in championing the cause of a strong national defense. He
also helped formulate President Reagans Economic Bill of
Rights, a package of economic reforms that the President introduced in a historic speech before the Jefferson Memorial.
Rohrabachers roots in Orange County run deep. He attended elementary school locally and during his college
days, he resided in Sunset Beach. Prior to joining Ronald

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

Reagans White House staff, he was an editorial writer for
the Orange County Register. Rohrabacher was born June
21, 1947, in Coronado, California. He graduated from Palos
Verdes High School, attended Harbor Junior College and
received his bachelor degree in history from Long Beach
State College in 1969. He received his masters degree in
American Studies from the University of Southern California. In 1997, he married his wife, Rhonda, and in 2004, they
became parents of triplets, Annika, Tristen, and Christian.

Hal C. Scherz, M.D.


Dr. Hal C. Scherz is a renowned Pediatric urologist practicing in Atlanta Georgia. He is

also serving as the President of
Docs 4 Patient Care (D4PC). His
training has taken him from New
York to Texas to California at some
of the most well regarded institutions in American Medicine. He is
a full time practicing urologist at Childrens Healthcare of
Atlanta, and is an Asst. Professor at Emory university. He
has one of the few fellowship training programs in Pediatric urology in the uS and serves as a principal investigator
on numerous studies in his field of expertise and a reviewer
for several peer reviewed journals in urology.

I share this story not to pat myself on the back for my
success in advocacy, but rather to excite you about whats
possible. A few years ago I didnt know the first thing
about advocacy; I knew nothing about starting an organization to advance a cause. I knew that I was smart, passionate,
relentless, and tireless and I knew that if I didnt do everything that I could to stop something that I thought was so
thoroughly wrong, I could no longer look at myself in the
mirror. I would no longer have any right to complain. And
I certainly wouldnt know what I would say to my (not-yetborn) grandchildren, if one day they asked me what I did to
stop the destruction of our healthcare system. As a result, I
now devote about 25-30 hours a week, without compensation, to a cause that must be fought for by doctors.

Dr. Scherz is the 2011 recipient of the prestigious Salvatori Award from the Heritage Foundation.

Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.

Vice President, American Studies,
and Director, B. Kenneth Simon
Center for Principles and Politics,
The Heritage Foundation

Matthew Spalding connects the

principles of the nations founding
with todays thorniest issues as
Vice President for American Studies at The Heritage Foundation. A
constitutional scholar, historian,
and best-selling author, Spalding also oversees Heritages
B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics and
serves as project leader for the think tanks First Principles
initiative. The Center for Principles and Politics sponsors
lectures, organizes seminars, crafts publications, and supports the work of scholars. Its mission is to teach policymakers, political leaders, and ordinary citizens about the
principles of the nations political tradition and to explain
the continued relevance and application ofthose principles
in 21st Century America.

In his 2009 bestseller We Still Hold These Truths: Rediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming Our Future (ISI Books),
Spalding details Americas core principles, shows how they
have come under assault by modem progressive liberalism,
and lays out a strategy to recover them. The book, along
with a subsequent Leaders Guide and DVD, proved to be
a guiding text for the fast-growing Tea Party movement.
Spalding also is executive editor of The Heritage Guide to
the Constitution, a line-by-line analysis of each clause of the
U.S. Constitution.
His other books as author or editor include A Sacred
Union of Citizens: Washington s Farewell Address and the
American Character; Patriot Sage: George Washington and the
American Political Tradition; and The Founders Almanac: A
Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most
Eloquent Words of the American Founding. Spalding, who
came to Heritage in 1994, was the founding director of the
Center for Principles and Politics before being named Vice
President for American Studies in 2011. Previously, Spalding worked as a senior policy analyst at the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, a think tank in Southern California where he currently
is a fellow. A graduate of Claremont McKenna College, he
holds a doctorate in government from Claremont Graduate School, where he concentrated his studies on political
philosophy and early American political thought. He has
taught American government at George Mason University,
the Catholic University of America, and Claremont McKenna College. He is an adjunct fellow at the Kirby Center for
(continued on next page)


The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

Panel & Speaker Bios

Constitutional Studies and Citizenship at Hillsdale College.
He and his wife, Elizabeth, currently reside with their two
children in Arlington, Virginia.

Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson was elected
South Carolinas Fifty-First Attorney General on November 2,
2010 and took office on January
12, 2011 becoming the nations
youngest Attorney General.
This marks his third stint in
the office. Previously, he served
as a prosecution division intern
under Charlie Condon and as an
Assistant Attorney General under Henry McMaster.

As South Carolinas Attorney General, Wilson is the
states chief prosecutor, chief securities officer, and the
states chief legal counsel. The office is comprised of more
than sixty attorneys who manage nearly 8,000 active case
Wilsons has focused on keeping our families safe and
defending the Constitution.
He has assembled an unprecedented coalition consisting of the Attorney Generals office, the State Law Enforcement Division, all 46 sheriffs and all 16 solicitors. They are
actively advancing legislative priorities to ensure South
Carolina is the safest place to live, work, and raise a family.

As Attorney General, Wilson has also defended the
Constitution and the laws of this state. He has protected
South Carolinas right-to-work and helped lead the 26-state
challenge to the federal health care mandate.

He is engaged in ongoing litigation in state and federal
courts defending South Carolinas voter identification and
immigration laws, the states ports, and its energy interests
at Yucca Mountain.
Prior to his election, Wilson served as an Assistant Solicitor
and as an Assistant Attorney
General before entering private practice with the Columbia
firm of Willoughby & Hoefer, P.A. He began his legal career
working for the late Judge Marc H. Westbrook.
Growing up, public service was paramount in the
Wilson household. Alan and his three brothers have all
achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. All four presently serve
our nation in uniform.
Wilson joined the National Guard immediately after
graduating from college. He was called to serve in Iraq
where he earned the Combat Action Badge for leading
troops through enemy fire. Today, he continues his service
as a Major in the Judge Advocate General Corps where he
provides legal support for soldiers and assists in the prosecution of military crimes.
He is a graduate of Francis Marion University and the
University of South Carolina School of Law. Wilson and his
wife, Jennifer, have two young children, Michael and Anna

2011-2012 Honorary Directors & Advisory Board

Honorary Directors
Bob Beauprez,
Former Congressman
Peter Brookes,
The Heritage Foundation
Ann Coulter
Best Selling Author
James Geringer,
Former Governor Wyoming
Robert Goldberg, PhD.
Center for Medicine in the
Public Interest


John Harpole,
CEO, Mercator Energy

Alan Wilson,
Attorney General, South Carolina

Kevin Jackson,
Founder of BlackSphere.net

Tony Blankley

Kate Obenshain,
Young Americas Foundation
Amy Oliver,
Mothers Against Debt
Hal Scherz, M.D.,
Founder of Docs4PatientCare
Grace-Marie Turner,
President Galen Institute


Roger Burton

Rich Lowe

Ed MacArthur

Bill Stuart

Kirsten A. Fedewa

The Steamboat Institutes 4th Annual Freedom Conference

The Steamboat Institutes Board of Directors

Jennifer L. Schubert-Akin Chairman
Owner, Marathon Accounting Services,
LLC, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Jennifer is a graduate of the University
of Oklahoma and received her Masters
of Business Administration degree from
Saint Edwards University in Austin,
Texas. She, along with her husband,
Rick, co-founded The Steamboat Institute. Jennifer is an
avid long-distance runner, having completed the last 18
Boston Marathons, and is a 3-time finisher of the legendary
Leadville Trail 100-Mile Run.
Rick Akin Vice Chairman
Founding Member, The Akin Law Firm,
LLC, Attorneys and Counselors
Denver, Austin and Steamboat Springs
Jennifers husband, Rick, is the Vice
Chairman and a co-founder of The
Steamboat Institute. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Letters Degree with
Highest Honors from the University of Oklahoma and a
Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin,
where he was a member of Order of the Coif and The Texas
Law Review.
Gary Hofmeister Treasurer
CEO of Hofmeister Personal Jewelers
Prior to entering the jewelry industry,
Gary was a professional singer/actor,
salesman and health administrator.
Though he says he never had one conservative professor all the way through
his undergraduate studies nor his graduate work at Purdue, he has been an active conservative
most of his life and was the Republican nominee for U.S.
Congress in 1998 for the 10th congressional district. Gary is
also a co-founder of the Steamboat Institute.
Anne A. Lowe Secretary
Anne earned a BS in Biology and in
Pharmacy, both from the University of
Utah. She later received her Pharmacy
Doctorate (PharmD) from the University of Colorado in 2006 and became a
Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (CGP) in

2007. Recently Anne obtained her Anticoagulation Certification and is working with the New Joint Mobility Program
at Yampa Valley Medical Center in Steamboat Springs, and
works in a community pharmacy.
Charlie MacArthur
Vice President of Operations,
Native Excavating, Inc.
Born and raised on the slopes of Steamboat, Charlie has been fortunate enough
to call the Yampa Valley home his whole
life. Despite a four year stint in the Peoples Republic of Boulder, CO, Charlie has always found
the five pillars of the Steamboat Institute to hold precidence
in his own life. He returned full-time to Steamboat in 2007
and quickly began his career in the famliy business, Native
Cheri Carsten
Cheri had a first career as a Non-Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Army serving in Asia, Europe and the U.S. and
then as a civilian with the Department
of Defense in Germany and Washington
DC with a specialty in Organizational
Development. Cheri holds a degree in
psychology from the University of Maryland. In her second
career, Cheri was a senior Human Resources Management
executive for several large corporations including Prudential and a subsidiary of Air Canada.
Kelly Victory, MS, MD, FACEP
President, Victory Health
Kelly is a board certified trauma and
emergency specialist, and an expert in
disaster preparedness and the medical
management of mass casualties. She
holds a BS from Duke University, studied literature at Oxford University in England, attended the
Masters program in Clinical Psychology at the University
of Illinois, and received her Medical Degree from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


PO Box 883037
Steamboat Springs, CO 80488

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