Chapter 1.

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Chapter # 01

Introduction to the Report

Chapter # 01

Introduction to the Study

The students of ISLAMIA COLLEGE UNIVERSITY PESHAWAR, are required to
undergo and internship of eight weeks duration in any national or international
organization of repute. This is an essential academic requirement. Comprehensive report
writing follows the internship. The internee is required to submit an internship report to
his supervisor that is properly evaluated on the basis of his description and analytical
capabilities by internal and external examiners.
Being a student of ICUP and to fulfill this academic requirement I did my internship in
Federal Board of Revenue (RTO), Peshawar.

1.2: Purpose of the Internship

The primary purpose of this study is the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
BBA (Finance) in Islamia College University Peshawar. For this connection each
student of this particular course is required to undertake training in a relevant
organization selected by them, for a period of 6-8 weeks.
The secondary purpose of this internship is to understand how
the theoretical knowledge can be applied to the practical situations and examine an
organizations financial issues and identify its opportunities/ problems and also suggest
corrective measures. This internship is also very necessary to gain confidence and
become aware of the mechanism of an organization. As an internee I want to achieve
following objectives during my internship and organization study:

SANA ULLAH Internship Report on FBR (RTO) Peshawar

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Chapter # 01
Introduction to the Report

To familiarize myself with an organization.

To familiarize myself with the different departments in an

organization and their functioning.

To enable myself to understand how the key processes are

carried out in an organization.

To understand how information are used in an organization for

decision making at various levels.

To relate theory with practice.

I am also keen to gain professional experience in an actual

testing environment.

I want to develop my skills in the application of theory to

practical work situations.

To develop my attitude conducive to effective interpersonal


To acquire good work habits and sense of responsibility.

To enhance my learning experience

fundamental concepts previously learned.

To observe, analyze and interpret the relevant data competently

and in a useful manner.

To develop my interpersonal communication skills.

I want to enhance my knowledge of the discipline of the

administration of the organization.




1.3: Statement of Research Problem

I am attached with RTO; Regional Tax Office (FBR) Peshawar regarding my
internship for the project of BBA Finance Degree in Islamia College University
Peshawar. My Research Questions for internship are the following,

What are the steps to improve tax collection?

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Chapter # 01
Introduction to the Report

How FBR collects tax revenue and enhance tax collection


1.4: Significance of Internship and Report

Significances of internship are given below,
Compulsory for my BBA (finance) degree.
Exchange theoretical knowledge to practical work.
Learned how to face with official people.
For enhancing my writing and communicational skills.
Improved my computer skill.

1.5: Objectives of The Internship

My internship in RTO (FBR) Peshawar with some objectives in mind. These
objectives are achieved with my best efforts with the help of RTO Authorities that I was
supported when we were worked with in field, So following objectives are attached with
my internship in this organization.
FBR (Federal Board Of Revenue) Pakistan
Main sources of revenue
Improve tax collection procedures

1.6: Research Methodology

The type of my research is descriptive Research which is conducted in the Regional Tax
Office (FBR) Peshawar in order to find answers for the research questions.
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Chapter # 01
Introduction to the Report

1.6.1: Population:
Basically in the overall FBR not only RTO Peshawar.

1.6.2: Sources:
To collect the required data, the followed sources are Internet, FBR Annual reports,
Questionnaire, Informal Interview with staff and Observation.

1.6.3: Type of data:

The collected data consists of both primary and secondary data.

1.6.4: Sample Plan:

To study,
1) The procedures of tax collection
2) How FBR can bitterly collect tax revenues
3) How tax procedures are improved to maximize government revenues.

1.6.5: Sample:
In RTO (FBR) Peshawar there is one chief commissioner, 5 commissioners, 11
additional commissioners and 18 deputy commissioners and some others staff
members. So due to some problems I created a sample of 20 members which
might be a better manageable and representative subset of the population of RTO
(FBR) Peshawar. Sample Size:

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Chapter # 01
Introduction to the Report
The sample that I have created bears 30 members of the Regional Tax Office
(RTO) - Peshawar staff and it consists of the following,

1 Commissioner

4 Deputy commissioners

4 Assistant Commissioner

10 Inland Revenue Officers

2 Inland Revenue Audit Officers

2 Auditor and

7 Inspector Sample Procedure:

The sample that I have created is just a Convenience Sample (sample of people
that are easily available or accessible or can be studied easily) or a Judgment
Sample (sample of people that is judged that who good prospects for accurate
information). Data Collection Technique:

In this report, in the collection of primary data in RTO Peshawar have picked the
Questionnaire which is considered a most common data collection instrument.
This questionnaire is a kind of which is administered in person. The
questionnaire is comprised of 10 questions where 6 questions are open-ended
and 4 are the close-ended. This questionnaire bears comprehensive questions
which gave sufficient data to my research. Questionnaire sample is enclosed with
the internship report. This is also used internet, Observation, annual reports FBR
books, newspaper and interview to collect the required data for the report

1.7: Limitations
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Chapter # 01
Introduction to the Report

Most of staff members do not have computer skills

There is lack of punctuality in staff members

Lack of stationary

Lack of co-operation among the employees

Lack of performance appraisal system.

Lack of check in balance system from Government side

No accommodation system for employees as well as for internees.

Sher Afridi,Bahadar (2010). FBR annual report. retrieved from,retrieve 10 September 2012.
Ahmad Basher (2011), FBR tax ordinance , ed.11th, published by facilitation and
taxpayers education wings, place of publication Pakistan, pp. 198-213
Federal board of revenue,(2011),FBR tax ordinance book ,11th edition, published
by FBR, Islamabad, pp30-120.

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