LC PC Configuration

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LC BC Configuration

Bank Gaurantees are normally two stage transactions i.e


When you receive the Bank Gaurantee


When you receive the payment for which it was issued

The configuration for Bank Gaurantee can be done using the T Code FBKP.
You need to assign the GL accounts for the Special GL Indicator "G".In tis process you can do it for
Customers or Vendors.
It is a GL Account Assignment to the Reconcilliation Account that is being assined the Customer or
Vendor master.
When ever a Bank Gaurantee is received then we enter the data as Noted item.And the amount would
be shown as a open item in the Bank Gaurantee GL account.
When the amount is received then in the entry screen for the amount received we also select the
Special GL indicator G so that the Open Item gets cleared.
By doing so it would be possible to arrive at the list of the Gaurantees open at any point of time.

The steps are as follows :

1.T Code FBKP for GL Account Assignment to the Reconcilliation Account
2.T.Code F-49 for entering the Bank Gaurantee received as Noted Item.
3.T Code F-28 for Gurantee received from the Customer for the sales invoice. In the first screen in the
Open Item Selection segment provide "G" as the Specil GL indicator after providing the Customer No.
The the system would automatically clear the Gaurantee along with the invoice amount.

We will not receive the BG from Customer nor pay to the Vendor. as Security there will be Deposit in
our bank account.
the Entry for the same will be

DR FDR with Bank for BG.( % of the BG as deposit (asset)

DR Bank Charges.( % of BG, will be expense)
CR Bank CC A/c ( CC already allot for the client)
In case of delivery fullfillment with customer or after the fixed term the entry will be
Cr FDR with Bank for BG
Cr Intrest Chages ( Income on the Deposit)
Dr Bank cc A/c.
1. By OBB8 create a payment term with the payment method "R" inside and I'd link this payment term to the
customer master data.
2. Transaction OBYN to create a special G/L indicator W for Account type D. Here You have to link the reconciliation
account defined into the customer master data to a Special G/L Account.
3. Create the payment method R into the Country and into the Company Code by FBZP --> as bill of exchange
(incoming payment)
Then You have to create a dummy internal bank by FI01
4. customize the table T045W
5. Customer invoice (FB70, F-22)
6. Bill of exchange payment (F-36) or F110 in case of automatic procedure
7. Post bill of exchange (F-33 FBW3) or FBWE
8. F-06 Manual posting (DEBIT BANK account, CREDIT BANK bill of exchange collection)
8. Reverse bill liability (F-20 FBW4) or by the report RFWOBL00
9. in case of failed payment FBZG, program RFBITB01

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