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Lab 2 Introducing Classes PDF

This document provides instructions for a laboratory exercise on object-oriented programming in Java. Students are tasked with implementing several classes - Counter, BankAccount, and Person - and writing test drivers to demonstrate their functionality. The exercises introduce concepts like defining classes, creating objects, using accessors and mutators, static and non-static methods, and testing classes. Students must submit their source code files Person.java and PersonTester.java by the deadline for marking.
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Lab 2 Introducing Classes PDF

This document provides instructions for a laboratory exercise on object-oriented programming in Java. Students are tasked with implementing several classes - Counter, BankAccount, and Person - and writing test drivers to demonstrate their functionality. The exercises introduce concepts like defining classes, creating objects, using accessors and mutators, static and non-static methods, and testing classes. Students must submit their source code files Person.java and PersonTester.java by the deadline for marking.
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Object Oriented
Programming in Java
Laboratory 2
Introducing Classes
Steve Marriott

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

In this laboratory session you will learn how to:

define a class;
create instances of the class you have defined;
use mutator and access methods;
use static and non-static methods.

Before working through these notes have a quick look at the lecture slides (Lectures 1 and 2)which
introduce the topic of classes and objects. Use the code in the lecture slides to help you develop a
solution to the assessed laboratory work in these notes. Also, keep a copy of the course text besides
you for reference purposes.
These notes contain assessed laboratory work.

Exercise 1: Using the Counter Class

Make a copy of Horstmanns Counter class. Compile this code and remove any syntax errors.
Create a second file called CounterTester which generates the following output:

Figure 1 Testing the Counter Class

The code for Counter and CounterTester can be found in the slides for Lecture 1.Modify
CounterTester so that the following output is generated.

Figure 2 Modified Version of CounterTester

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

Exercise 2: Adding Functionality to the Counter Class

Add two extra methods to the Counter class. The first method reset() sets the value of the
counter to zero; the second which is called decrement() subtracts one from the value of the
counter unless the counter is already set to zero in which case there is no modification of the state.
Having provided this extra functionality you will need to recompile Counter.java to obtain an
updated class file. In order to test that these two new methods work it will be necessary to amend
CounterTester.java so that both methods are invoked at least once.
Make sure that your test program generates appropriate test narrative.

Exercise 3: Using The Bank Account Class

By tradition the BankAccount class is often the first class that students encounter on a Java
course. In todays laboratory session a version of this class will be implemented and tested. Although
most of the code will be provided for you, do not simply copy and paste but rather spend some time
studying the code and understanding how it works.
To get started on this exercise use Appendix 1 to create a file called BankAccount.java. Note that
the code is incomplete and that you will need to replace the question marks by appropriate Java
expressions. The code supplied also contains deliberate syntax errors. Compile the source file and
remove these errors.
Using the code template for BankAccountTester create a test driver that will

Create two instances of BankAccount the first instance should be called

jacksAccount and the second instance will be called jillsAccount (Jack and Jill have
accounts at the same bank)
Open Jacks account with a balance of zero pounds whilst Jills account is opened with a
deposit of 500
Make a deposit of 200 into Jacks account
Make a withdrawal of 200 from Jills account
Make a withdrawal of 500 from Jacks account
Use an appropriate method to display the final balance of each account

Check that the value of both balances is correct. Make sure that you perform a calculation with
respect to each balance before you actually run the program. These two expected values constitute
test data.

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

Exercise 4: The Credit Crunch Comes

As you can see there is a problem with our bank account system because it allows reckless
individuals like Jack to make withdrawals even when they have no money in their account.
Solve this problem by altering the implementation of the withdraw() method. The new
implementation allows account holders to withdraw as much as they want but only whilst their
balance remains greater than or equal to zero. Any attempt withdraw more than the existing
balance results in the balance being set to zero. Do not insert any error messages or warnings into
the withdraw()method.
Use your test driver to check that the amended version of withdraw() works as expected.
Finally, write a toString()method for the class (see Horstmanns Big Java:Late Objects, p.446).
This method will return a string representation of the objects state. So for a BankAccount object
the string returned will look like this:
BankAccount[balance = 500] // See note below
The header for the method is listed below:
public String toString()
Because the class has been modified it should now be tested again. Revise BankAccountTester
so that it includes test code for the two new methods which have just been supplied.
Finally, read Horstmann on the topic of unit testing.

If BankAccount contained another instance variable e.g. accountNumber then the toString
method should create the following string:
BankAccount[balance = 500, accountNumber = 734089427]

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

Assessed Laboratory Work

Developing the Person Class
For this piece of laboratory work, you are required to implement a Person class that can be used to
create objects representing individual people. Your Person class should hold the following
information with respect to each person:

height (in metres)

Each piece of information must be stored using private variables of appropriate types. As the
access type of these instance variables is private, appropriate get and set methods for each
variable should be provided.
Write a toString() method to display the contents of each instance variable. A sample return
string for this method looks like the following:
Person[foreName=joe, surName = smith, age = 25, height = 1.57, gender =

Also write a format()method which constructs a string containing formatting information such
that when the string is printed the data values are neatly aligned in columns and thus suitable for
screen display similar to the following.















To see how to write a format method look at Horstmanns invoicing case study in Chapter 11, Big
Java. Note the difference between a toString() and a format() method.
Save your source code in a file called Person.java. For a desription of what a toString method
should do, see HorstmannsBig Java: Late Objects (p.446). Note also that both methods return an
object of type String.
Write a test driver called PersonTester.java which tests all of the methods in your class.This class
must include a main method to allow execution of the program. Do not supply test values at runtime but follow the approach presented in the lecture slides with respect to test drivers. Also
provide test narrative in your output.
/Continued on next page

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

Adding a Static Variable and Method

The next task is to add a static variable and method to the class Person. The private
static variable is called personCount and should store the number of persons that have been
created by the test driver. As static variables and methods are associated with the class and not
the instances of the class, there will only ever be one copy of the static variable personCount.
This variable should be incremented by an appropriate instruction in the class constructor so that
whenever a new instance of the class is created the personCount variable is incremented.
For the final part of this laboratory, you are going to examine the behaviour of the variable that has
been added to the class under development. To view the value of personCount add a static
method to Personclass called getPersonCount(). This method simply returns the value of
personCountto the test driver.

Although static variables have not been covered in the lecture course this topic is easily mastered.
See the Oracle tutorial site for more information:


By contrast, the use of static methods has been discussed and method invocation should follow the
pattern below:
ClassName.methodName; e.g. Math.pow(2,3);

Your main method in PersonTester should create five instances (i.e. objects) of your Person
class and then display their details together with the final value of personCountwhichshould
hold the value five.

The details of the five persons MUST NOT be read from the keyboard at run-time but instead
supplied through the test driver as parameters to an appropriate constructor.

Note that static variables are sometimes called class variables because they are shared by all
instances of the class in question.

/ Continued on next page

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

Use Blackboard to submit your source code files. Each source code file must

contain a program header;

contain appropriate level of comments;
follow a consistent style of indentation;
follow the usual Java conventions for class and variable names.

The deadline for submitting your work is posted on Blackboard. Late submissions will be penalised
in line with School policy.
Marks for this laboratory exercise are awarded with respect to the following:

correct implementation of class Person;

there is evidence of program testing;
comments, layout and structure;
conceptual understanding.

The following errors will incur a substantial marking penalty

incorrectly indented code;

absence of comments;

failing to follow usual conventions regarding class, variable and method names;

inability to explain the concept of a static variable.

You should submit the following Java source files via Blackboard


Do not submit anything else it will not be marked. When submitting work it is your responsibility to
ensure that all work submitted is:

consistent with stated requirements;

entirely your own work;
and submitted on time.

Please note that there are severe penalties for submitting work which is not your own. If you have
used code which you have found on the Internet or from any other sourcethen you must signal that
fact with appropriate program comments. Note also that to obtain a mark you must attend a
laboratory session and be prepared to demonstrate your program and answer questions about the
coding. Non-attendance will result in your work not being marked.

Steve Marriott

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

Appendix 1: BankAccount
A bank account has a balance that can be changed by
deposits and withdrawals.
public class BankAccount
Constructs a bank account with a zero balance.
public void BankAcount()
balance = 0;
Constructs a bank account with a given balance.
public BankAccount(doulbleinitialBalance)
balance = ???;
// Deposits money into the bank account.
public void deposit(double amount)
double newBalance = balance + amount;
balance = newBalance;
// Withdraws money from the bank account.
public void withdraw(double amount)
double newBalance= ???;
balance = ???;
// Gets the current balance of the bank account.
public doublegetBalance()
return ???;
private double balance;

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

ICP 1023/2123

Laboratory Exercises

A class to test the BankAccount class.
public class BankAccountTester
// Tests the methods of the BankAccount class.
public static void main(String[] args)
BankAccountjacksAccount = new BankAccount();
// to be completed

School of Computer Science, Bangor University

Semester 2, 2015

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