Lessons From The Christmas Story
Lessons From The Christmas Story
Lessons From The Christmas Story
Christmas Story
Andrew Wommack
that you were pregnant but that you had not been
unfaithful? Add to this the fact that you had been
gone for three months, and you were now three
months pregnant. Who would believe you? How
would you convince Joseph? There is no reason to
believe that Mary even tried. There is evidence to the
contrary -- she let God do the talking. How much
better off would we be if we followed her example?
When the angels sang, "Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth, peace, good will toward men" they
weren't saying that there would be an end to wars
and strife. This wasn't peace among men they were
heralding but rather peace toward men from God.
They were announcing the end of the war between
God and mankind. God isn't mad anymore. He's not
even in a bad mood. God loves us. That's the good
news they were proclaiming, and that should be our
message too.