Electromagnetic Interference Mitigation by Using A Spread-Spectrum Approach
Electromagnetic Interference Mitigation by Using A Spread-Spectrum Approach
Electromagnetic Interference Mitigation by Using A Spread-Spectrum Approach
AbstractWe investigate a new technique, referred to as spread-spectrum clock generation (SSCG), for reducing the level of radiated emission
from devices with digital clock signals. To calculate the radiated emissions
from such devices, we model the radiating geometry and compute the radiated field at a multitude of frequencies by using NEC-4, which is an electromagnetic field solver based on the method of moments (MoM). We consider
a variety of modulating profiles for the spread spectrum clock and demonstrate that by using a frequency deviation of only 1%, we can achieve from
10 to 30 dB reduction in the radiated emission levels.
Index TermsElectromagnetic interference, metallic shield, modeling,
spread-spectrum clock.
A novel technique involving the frequency modulation of the clock
and referred to as the spread-spectrum clock generation (SSCG)
method [1], [3] has recently been proposed [3][5] for reducing the
radiated emissions from digital electronic devices. This new technique,
which is analogous to the spread-spectrum technique widely used
in communications [2], effectively spreads the energy of discrete
frequency harmonics over a wider range of frequencies. In this paper,
we investigate the SSCG technique in some detail and show that the
amplitude of the harmonics of the clock signal can be reduced by
about 618 dB, depending on the clock frequency and frequency
deviation of the modulation. Then, we investigate the level of EMC
interference signals radiated by a digital device by multiplying the
frequency response of the device with the spectrum of its clock. The
frequency response is obtained by computing the radiated field of the
device with NEC by using a time-harmonic excitation of constant
phase and magnitude for various frequencies across the band of
interest. The spectrum of the digital clock is computed via the FFT of
the time waveform of the clock.
Modulation of the clock frequency creates side-bands, spreading
the emission spectrum in the process. Lin [6] has shown that the
frequency modulation is particularly effective for switching power
circuits in reducing the level of the fundamental frequency, especially
if the switching frequency is less than 150 kHz and the modulating
frequency is chosen to be somewhat greater than 200 Hz.
Consider a clock signal represented by f (t), shown in Fig. 1. The
pulse shape shown in this figure is exaggerated to convey the idea that
the pulse width of the clock signal varies over the period T of the modulating waveform.
Fig. 3. (a) Attenuation versus peak frequency deviation for different harmonics. The clock is modulated by a triangular waveform. (b) Attenuation
versus nth harmonic for different frequency deviations. The clock is modulated
by a triangular waveform.
an =
bn =
T =2
T 0T=2
T =2
T 0T=2
f (t) cos(n!0 t) dt
f (t) sin(n!0 t) dt
cn j =
a2n + bn2 :
In this work, the computation of the Fourier coefficients was carried out numerically by representing the modulated clock pulses as a
discrete sequence of pulse widths (T2k T1k ) (see Fig. 1), and taking
the Fast Fourier Transform with magnitude and frequency scaling. An
alternative method would be to compute (1) and (2) by numerical integration but that would be rather time consuming.
The frequency modulation introduces sidebands consisting of discrete frequencies spaced by !0 about every harmonic of the signal. A
comparison of the spectra of the modulated and unmodulated clocks
clearly shows the effect of the frequency modulation and the resulting
reduction of the peak level of the harmonics [1], [3]. The frequency
modulation of the clock reduces the maximum values of energy distribution in the frequency spectrum by increasing the bandwidth of the
harmonics. This suggests that we can attain a maximum reduction of
the clock harmonics by optimizing the modulating waveform.
To simulate different modulating waveforms, we chose the clock frequency to be 65 MHz, which is typical of system clocks in many digital
electronic devices such as laser printers. We also chose the modulating
waveform period to be 10 S and we restricted the maximum frequency
deviation of the modulated clock to be below a specified level in order
to avoid a system failure.
We computed the maximum attenuation of the harmonics peak
level relative to the unmodulated case for different types of modulating
waveforms. The sampled values at the maximum magnitudes for the
individual harmonics up to the 100th harmonic are presented in Fig. 2.
The comparison has been made for a peak frequency deviation of 1%.
As seen from Fig. 3, a 0.5% peak frequency deviation with triangular
modulating waveform results in a reduction of approximately 6 dB
at 65 MHz clock frequency, relative to that of the unmodulated
clock. We found that the triangular shape appears to provide the
best results among the three different modulation profiles. For this
profile, the attenuation starts from an initial value of 6.4 dB at the
clock frequency, and then increases to 16.7 dB at a frequency of 975
MHz. We could further reduce the peak magnitude by increasing the
peak frequency deviation as shown in Fig. 3, but we found that the
attenuation increases only slightly as the frequency deviation exceeds
10% for the lower harmonics. Furthermore, we found that at the 11th
or higher harmonics, the attenuation begins to decrease for a peak
frequency deviation exceeding 6% because the sidebands from the
adjacent harmonics begin to overlap.
Fig. 4. Modeled geometry. (a) Wire trace model. (b) Wire-grid model of a box. (c) Wire-grid model of a box with a slit. (d) Wire-grid model of a box with a slit
and a protruding wire.
Fig. 5. Radiation profile of the wire-grid box at the two observation points
(d) Box with a slit and a protruding wire.
X and Z . (a) Single trace above a ground plane. (b) Closed box. (c) Box with a slit.
in Figs. 7 and 8, and note that the radiation at the observation point
is higher than that at the
observation point for frequencies above
400 MHz. By using the SSCG technique with the parameters specified
In this work, we have investigated the EMC performance of the
spread spectrum clock systems and have shown, via a number of simulations, that the radiated emissions from digital devices can be mitigated by using spread spectrum clocks whose pulse width is modulated.
We also have demonstrated that the level of reduction in the radiated
field from a system utilizing such clocks depends on the amount of frequency deviation of the modulation. For the case of a 65-MHz clock
frequency with a triangular modulation and a 1% frequency deviation,
we observed a 16.7 dB attenuation of the 15th harmonic. We found that
the optimal modulation profile is a triangular one. However, we point
out that the modulation profile may have an impact on some timing parameters and, hence, the optimal modulation profile could be different
depending on the applications of SSCG.
To model PC-type electronic systems, we used wire-grid representations of the conducting surfaces and analyzed them numerically by
using the NEC code. We found that the radiation characteristics of microstrip traces above a ground plane are considerably more complex
when enclosed in a metallic box than when they are not. We further
observed that boxes with apertures can generate higher levels of radiation at certain frequencies than those without them, and that external
cables can contribute significantly to the emission levels, especially at
the lower frequencies. By comparing the system response of the device with and without the SSCG technique, we demonstrated that it is
possible to obtain from 10 to 30 dB reduction for each harmonic in the
frequency band of interest.
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[2] R. C. Dixon, Spread Spectrum Systems. New York, NY: Wiley, 1984.
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F -Statistic
Analysis of variance.
British Approvals Board of Telecommunications.
Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection.
International Special Committee on Radio Interference.
Chinese National Laboratory Accreditation System.
Electromagnetic compatibility.
Electromagnetic interference.
Electronics Testing Center, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Equipment under test.
Federal Communications Commission.
Snedecor F -Statistic.
Normally independently distributed.
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program.
Open-area test site.
ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Company.
Statistical analysis system.
Sum of squares.
Error sum of squares.
Technischer berwachungsverein.
Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information
Technology Equipment.