Annual Bmaintenance Contract

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The key takeaways from the document are that it outlines an agreement for annual maintenance of computer systems and equipment. It details the terms, services, conditions, payments and responsibilities of both parties involved in the maintenance contract.

Under the comprehensive annual maintenance contract, quarterly preventive maintenance and checks, operating system level support without spare parts, and corrective maintenance including carrying out necessary repairs and fitting of parts are provided. Spare parts required will be provided by the customer or charged extra separately.

The maintenance service includes requirements like maintenance engineers logging all calls, preventive maintenance records and spare replacements. No components can be removed without authority. Unauthorized usage, tampering, or repairs by non-authorized people will void the contract.


I, Mr. XYZ shall maintain the various Computer Systems and
other Peripherals specified in this agreement on terms and
conditions hereinafter mentioned. Any addition/deletion of
machines /equipment shall be subject to terms and conditions of
this agreement.
Terms of Agreement
This agreement shall remain in force for the period from
. to for ..
. It shall be open to either party to terminate this
Agreement any time during the said period by giving one-month
notice to the other party in writing.
NON- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract
Under this Comprehensive maintenance contract, the following
services will be provided.
Quarterly preventive maintenance and checks.
Operating System level support without any spare part.
Spare Parts required for Maintenance will be provided by
customer or will be charged extra.
Any service apart form the agreed contract or any fresh work /
assignment will be charged for, at the charges agreed at that
point of time.
Note: The replaced Components, Cables or Card will become the
Property Of the company.
Company shall provide service from 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM on all
working days to keep the machines / equipment in good working
order. The service consists, corrective maintenance and includes
carrying out the necessary repairs and fittings of parts. The
maintenance service with the following conditions includes:

The Service Engineers should maintain Log Registers for all

calls attended / pending issues / preventive maintenance
records and details of spare replacement.
No component(s) / spare(s) shall be removed without
informing the Competent Authority.
A detailed Annexure showing the total number of
component(s) / computer(s) / equipment(s) / printers and
other accessories etc., for which AMC is covered, are given
in the Annexure A.
Unauthorized attendance / abnormal usage misuse Failure
of equipment due to voltage fluctuations, abnormal voltage,
defects in your electrical installation abnormal usages or
misuse is not covered by this contract. Tampering with or
repair of the equipment or Service equipment at any time
and under any circumstance whatsoever by anyone with the
exception of our authorized representative will render the
contract null and void , without rejoice to our other rights.
All failures resulting from the above will be rectified on
additional chargeable basis.
Unless and otherwise specially agreed to all services will
be rendered during our normal working hours in all working
days of the week (i.e. not on Sunday, Normal holidays and
other Public holidays). Your cooperation is solicited to
ensure that our engineers do not have to waste their time
waiting this delays service to next customer.
Damage / Loss:
Company will not be liable for any damage / total
destruction of any part of equipment which may occur in
process of handling the equipment, accidents, humidity or
causes other than ordinary use unless it is proved that the
same was due to wrongful act or negligence on part of
All equipment brought to our workshop will be remaining
there at cost, if requested by you, Company will not be
liable for any loss direct and indirect, due to delay
inspection or attending your call, due to explosion or due to
any other circumstances beyond our control. Backup of
data, Power conditioning and virus problems are user

responsibility; damage due to this is bearable by customer

Change of ownership or Location:
The contract not transferable and the company reserve the
right to contract in case of ownership or location of the
equipment. On such termination, their will be no refund of
the contract fees for the unexpired period of contract.
Force Majeure:
No liability shall be attracted to us for non- performance or
delayed executions of this contract because of force
majeure i.e. due to any cause, which beyond the control of
All disputes and differences arising out of or connected
with this contract, failing agreeable settlement shall be
referred to the arbitration, one to be appointed by each
party. The arbitrator shall appoint an arbitrator before
proceeding with Arbitration under the arbitration Act 1940
or any modification thereof, for the being in force,
Arbitration shall take place only at Mumbai.

The total amount of AMC for the period from. to
.. Being Rs. /- (Rupees.
only) will be paid as detailed in advance. The above amount
quoted is for the AMC.
Travel Expenses
All costs, charges and expenses in respect of moving the
equipment or any part thereof including cost, charges and
expenses for reinstallation, and testing shall be borne by the
company and _________________________________________________will
not bear any for transportation expenses to company during the
AMC period.

The Agreement
This Agreement together with any attachment here to signed by
both parties shall constitute the entire binding Agreement
_____________ for the period from . to .
We agree with Mr. XYZ, maintaining the equipment Specified in
this Agreement in accordance with and subject to the terms and
conditions mentioned above.
Signed on behalf of M/s. _____________________________________________
________________________., by
Mr. XYZ maintains equipment specified in this Agreement in
accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions
mentioned above.
Signed by Mr. XYZ, by
Net Amount:
Total Amount:

Hardware Details:

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