Turbine Startup Procedure
Turbine Startup Procedure
Turbine Startup Procedure
Open the water inlet valve of the condensate pump and the cut-off
valve in the air piping from the condensate pump to the steam side of
the condenser.
Close the water outlet valve to the boiler feed water system.
After the condensate pump operated, gradually open the outlet valve
of the condensate pump.
Open the recycle valve, the water-supplying system valve to the waterstealing element of the vacuum system.
The level auto control system of the hot well is disabled temporarily.
Putting the ejector into operation gradually open the steam inlet valve
of the starting air ejector until the pressure after the valve reached to
0.2 Mpa.
Warm up the piping for 5 minutes, and then rise the pressure to the
normal working pressure.
Slowly open the air valve between the air ejector and the condenser,
building up vacuum in the system.
When the vacuum reached to 0.4 Mpa and the condensate pump has
worked normally, start the main air ejector.
Warm up the piping of the main air ejector, open the drain valve of the
cooler when the steam is admitted.
Put the second stage of main air ejector has aerated normally, stop the
starting air ejector.
During stoppage, close the air valve first and then steam inlet valve.
When turbine starting, the vacuum should be at .06 Mpa, the minimum
value cannot be less than .052 Mpa.
4. Supplying gland steam and barring:
In order to build up the vacuum in the condensing system quickly, it is
required to supply the gland steam for the gland bush during barring.
The attention must be paid that supplying the steam for the gland bush
under rotor standstill should be avoided.
Adjust the supplying steam flow based on the vacuum change in time.
Meanwhile, once the gland bush has be supplied with the steam, rotate
the rotor as soon as possible, so as to avoide the excessive
temperature difference between the upper and the lower parts of the
gland bush.
The attention must be paid during turbine hot starting, under barring
the gland bush should be supplied with gland steam first and then start
the air ejector to build up the vacuum.
The cold water or cold steam should be avoided entering into the gland
bush during supplying the gland steam.
Before turbine starting, the barring gear must be put into operation in
advance, it is important especially for turbine hot starting.
Where the shaft jacking system is provided, enable the barring gear
after the jacking system has worked normally.
For the turbine with manual or hydraulic discontinuous-type barring
gear, the barring must be disable before the rotor rotates.
But the interval from stopping barring to rotating the rotor should not
be longer than 5 minutes.
5. Protection system:
When the emergency stop valve tripped, the control valve should be
closed simultaneously.
The controlling functions for the extraction pressure and back pressure
or fresh-steam pressure in the controller are all at the disabled states.
7. Instruments:
All of the readings on the primary and secondary are in accordance
with current states and measured parameters.
8. Warming up piping:
Warm up the main steam piping before the isolate valve.
1. Warming up piping:
To warm up the main steam piping between the emergency stop valve
and isolated valve, gradually open the bypass valve of the isolated
valve and then isolated valve.
The warm-up of the piping should be carried out according to the
pressure and temperature rising rates specified in the operation
After the pressure before the emergency stop valve reached to the
rated value, fully open the isolated valve.
2. starting curve:
The starting curve 0-0320-T.Nr-00 in the attached documents is
applicable to your turbine.
As showed in the picture below, it consists of two sets of curves.
Each set of curves includes several starting curves suitable for different
The cold state means that the temperature of the turbine casing is at
room temperature during starting.
While the temperature of the casing inner wall at the control stage
section is heigher than 150 deg C, it is called hot state.
The starting curves for hot states are usually given out based on the
interval duration from stopping to restarting.
When the shut down duration lies betwwen two given times,the
starting curve can be educed with interpolation method.
Where the measuring point of the casing temperature is provided,the
starting curve for hot state is based on the temperature of the casing
inner wall at the control stage section.
If the zone forbidding speed to stay exists in the turbine starting,its up
and low limits will be indicated on the starting curve.
The speed must pass through this speed zone quickly and continuously
during raising speed.
3. Opening emergency stop valve Open the emergency stop valve with the starting control (1-1840-) or
the starting valve mounted in the trip block (1-2001-)
4. Raising speed Raise the turbine speed from the low warming-up speed to the rated
speed in steps.
After the speed reached to 80%Nm,the inlet oil temperature of the
bearing should not be lower than 42 deg C.
When it is higher than 42 deg C,adjust the opening of the water inlet
valve of the oil cooler to kept the oil temperature with in the range of
45+3 deg C.
When the MOP is driven by the turbine shaft,switch the auxillary oil
pump to the MOP when the turbine speed reached to 80 or 85%Nm.
When the governor takes over the control,increase the speed set point
of the governor,raising the turbine speed to the rated speed.
Usually,when the abnormal condition,such as excessive
vibration,occurs during raising speed, lower the speed first and then
continue to raise the speed after stabilized for a while.
After the turbine speed reached the rated speed, the vaccum of the
condenser should reach to the rated value. The vaccum monitoring
may be enabled at this moment.
When the turbine is running under no load, the steam flow passed
through the turbine is very small, it is not enough to carry off the heat
in the exhaust section, resulting in the temperature rose and vibration
takes place. So the turbine cant run under no load and temp must not
exceed 120 deg C.
5. Loading During loading on the turbine set, the loading rate should be controlled
With the increase of the steam flow, temperature & pressure
increased. So to keep the expansion & thermal stess in permitted
For cold starting turbine, it will take aaprox. 0.35Ta from 5% Pnto 50%
Pn, approx. 0.65ta from 50% Pn to 100% Pn.
For hot starting turbine, the ratio of the times lasted for different load
zone is differed with the shut down time.
When pressure at the extraction port is higher than the extraction line,
open the extraction stop valve to supply steam to the extraction line.
After that, close the drain valve in th extraction piping and enable the
extraction pressure monitoring,it should be about 5% of the rated
extraction flow per min.