Igcse e Waves With MSC

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2 This question is about radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Radio waves microwaves infrared A ultraviolet B Gamma rays

(a) The names of two parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are missing. Complete the
table below, with the names of the missing parts.

(b) Which electromagnetic radiation is used for heating and night vision equipment?
A radio waves
B microwaves
C infrared
D ultraviolet
(c) Which electromagnetic radiation is used for cooking and satellite transmissions?
A radio waves
B microwaves
C infrared
D ultraviolet

(d) The list of electromagnetic radiations, from radio waves to gamma rays, is in order
A decreasing frequency
B decreasing wavelength
C increasing amplitude
D increasing time period
(e) Exposure to excessive electromagnetic radiations can be harmful to the human body.
For two named types of electromagnetic radiation, describe

a harmful effect
how the risks of exposure can be reduced.

Name of radiation ......................................................................

Name of radiation ......................................................................
(Total for Question 2 = 9 marks)

6 Light from an object forms an image in a plane mirror.

(a) Tick the two correct statements.


the image in a plane mirror is virtual

light from the object passes through the image in a plane mirror
light waves are longitudinal
the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection
the incident ray is always at right angles to the reflected ray

(b) (i) Use words from the box to complete the labels on the diagram below.




(ii) Write r on the diagram above to show the angle of reflection.


(c) A student investigates the formation of the image in a plane mirror, using the
apparatus shown in the photograph.

She uses the holes that the pins make to construct this diagram.

(i) Add to the diagram to show how the student should find the position of the image.
(ii) Explain how the student could confirm that the position of the image is correct.
(Total for Question 6 = 10 marks)

4 CD players use digital signals to transfer information.

Earlier systems using vinyl discs produced analogue signals.

(a) Describe the difference between digital signals and analogue signals.

(b) Give one advantage of using digital signals.
(c) A CD player is connected to this loudspeaker system.

The sound produced has a range of frequencies. Use ideas about diffraction to explain
why different frequencies require different sizes of loudspeaker.
(Total for Question 4 = 6 marks)

1. (a) Two methods of sending a signal are

electric current in copper telephone cables

radio waves broadcast from a radio station.

In each method, the strength of the signal received is less than the strength of the signal
(i) State the name used to describe this energy loss.
(ii) Explain the loss in signal strength in each case. electric current in copper telephone
radio waves broadcast from a radio station

(iii) How is a signal boosted to replace the lost energy?
(b) Another reason for the strength of a signal decreasing with distance is diffraction.
(i) Explain what is meant by diffraction.

The occupiers of the house in the valley notice that when they tune into a longwave
radio signal it is much stronger than when they tune into a shortwave radio signal.
Explain this in terms of diffraction.

(Total 10 marks)
1. (a) (i) attenuation; 1
(ii) An explanation to include:
1. heat (loss) / produced;
2. resistance;
1. (energy) spread out / dispersed / diffracted / r 2
1 law;
2. absorbed / hit air particles / obstacles in way;
(iii) amplifier / repeater station / regeneration / re-transmitted; 1
(b) (i) An explanation to include:
1. spreading (of wave);
2. through opening / at (around) an obstacle;
[In order to score the second mark context must be right]
[Accept diagram]
(ii) An explanation to include:
1. long wave(length) more diffraction / OWTTE / ORA;
2. so long wavelength reaches valley / house / short carry straight
[An answer on diagram is perfectly acceptable]
[Second mark conditional on the first, linking spreading / diffraction on
Total 10 marks

1. (a) The box lists the colours of the visible spectrum in order of decreasing
wavelength. Write the names of the two missing colours on the dotted lines.


(b) The box below lists radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio waves
infra-red radiation
visible light
ultraviolet light
gamma radiation

Tick the correct ending for each sentence.

(i) From top to bottom in the list, the wavelength
stays the same
(ii) From top to bottom in the list, the frequency
stays the same
(iii) From top to bottom in the list, the speed

stays the same
(Total 5 marks)

11. (a) (i) Define frequency.

(ii) Define time period.
(b) A student has a heart rate of 72 beats per minute. Calculate
(i) the frequency of his heart beat in hertz

Frequency = ................................ Hz
(ii) the time period of his heart beat in seconds.

Time period = ................................. s

(c) Generally the heavier an animal is, the lower is its heart rate. The data in the table
gives the heart rate of animals of different masses.

Mass (kg)

100 200 300 400 500 600

Heart rate (beats per minute) 63






(i) Use the grid opposite to plot a graph of heart rate against mass. Draw a smooth
curve for your plotted points.

(ii) This animal has a mass of 5000 kg.

Explain why you cannot use your graph to predict the heart rate of this animal.
(Total 8 marks)

3. (a) Use words from the box to complete the sentence.






Waves may transfer ............................................... and ................................................

without transferring matter.

(b) The diagram shows a wave and five measurements A, B, C, D and E.

Complete the sentence by adding the correct letters.

The amplitude is represented by .................... and the wavelength is represented by
(c) Complete the sentences.
(i) Frequency is the number of .................... per .....................
(ii) To calculate frequency the two quantities needed are the wavelength and the
(d) The type of wave shown in (b) is a transverse wave.
(i) Sound waves are a different type of wave. Name this type of wave.
(ii) Draw a circle around the range of frequencies that a human can hear.
0 Hz 20 Hz

10 Hz 10 000 Hz

20 Hz 20 000 Hz

(iii) Complete the sentence with a phrase from the box.

less than

the same as

greater than

The hearing range for an elderly person is ............................................................. that for

a teenager.
(Total 10 marks)

6. (a) The box gives the colours in the visible spectrum in order.
Add the names of the missing colours.

red orange .................... .................... blue indigo violet

(b) The box gives three adjacent parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Visible spectrum
A red violet B

(i) State the names of

part A .....................................................................................................................
part B .....................................................................................................................
(ii) Which part, A or B, has the higher frequency?
(Total 5 marks)

7. (a) The diagram shows an analogue signal and a digital signal.

Complete the sentences.

(i) Analogue signals vary ...........................................................................................
(ii) Digital signals have only two values which are .................... and .....................
(b) The diagram below shows a binary code and part of its digital signal.

Draw suitable lines to complete the digital signal.

(c) State one advantage of using a digital signal system rather than an analogue signal
(Total 6 marks)

10. Parts of the electromagnetic spectrum

have various uses.
(a) Which part is used for
(i) heaters and night vision equipment,
(ii) sterilising food and medical equipment?
(b) All the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are transverse waves.

(i) State one property which all the parts have in common but which is not shared with
other waves.
(ii) Give one example of a transverse wave which is not part of the electromagnetic
(iii) Complete the sentence below.
In a transverse wave, each point on the wave is moving in a direction which is
............................................................ of the wave is moving.
(Total 6 marks)

2. A child looks at her finger in a plane mirror.

(a) Complete the sentence by putting a cross in the correct box.

The mirror is described as plane because it is
(b) A process takes place at the mirror.
(i) Name this process.
(ii) A law applies to this process.
Use two of the angles a, b, c, d, e, f and g, to write an equation for this law.

(iii) Name the line XY.

(c) The child sees an image in the mirror.
(i) Is this image real or virtual?
(ii) How can you tell?
(Total 6 marks)

4. (a) The box gives the names of several colours in the visible spectrum.


Complete the sentences.

orange yellow

blue indigo


(i) The colours are arranged in order of decreasing ...................................................

(ii) The colour green is missing from the box.
It should go between .......................................... and ...........................................
(b) This box gives the names of several radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio wave s microwaves




gamma rays

Complete the sentences.

(i) The radiations are arranged in order of increasing .......................................... and
(ii) Visible light is missing from the box.
It should go between .......................................... and ...........................................
(iii) All the radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum travel at the same
.......................................... in free space.
(iv) Gamma rays are used to sterilise .......................................... because gamma rays
kill ...........................................
(Total 8 marks)

11. A student ties one end of a rope to a chair. She uses the rope to demonstrate wave
behaviour to her class.
(a) She produces a transverse wave as shown below. A is the direction of vibration and
B is the direction of the wave.

(i) State how the student could increase the amplitude of the wave.
(ii) State how the student could decrease the wavelength to produce the wave shown

(b) When the frequency of the wave is 1.5 Hz, the wavelength is 0.80 m. Calculate the
speed in m/s of the wave.

Speed = ...................................... m/s
(c) The student then uses a spring to demonstrate the behaviour of a longitudinal wave.

Draw arrows on this diagram to show

(i) the direction of vibration, and label this A.
(ii) the direction of the wave, and label this B.
(Total 8 marks)

4. (a) Use the words in the box to complete the sentence.




Waves can transfer ............................................. and .............................................

without transferring ............................................. .
(b) One type of wave is a longitudinal wave. Give an example of a longitudinal wave.
(c) A teacher demonstrates a wave. She fixes a rope at one end. She holds the rope at the
other end and shakes it from side to side.

(i) What type of wave does she demonstrate?

(ii) Give another example of this type of wave.

(Total 4 marks)

5. There are many different uses for the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
(a) Draw a line from each part to its correct use.



gamma rays

fluorescent lamps

infra-red rays

investigating broken bones


night vision equipment

ultraviolet radiation

satellite transmissions
sterilising medical equipment

(b) Complete the sentence.
....................................................... in free space.





(Total 5 marks)

16. (a) Diagrams A, B and C show the behaviour of waves.

Use a word from the box to name each behaviour.







A ...................................................................................................................................
B . ...................................................................................................................................
C ...................................................................................................................................
(b) Diagram C shows a reduction in the speed of the waves. Explain how.
(c) The gap in A is made smaller, as shown below. Draw three waves after the gap.

(Total 7 marks)

3. (a) The box contains the names of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Gamma rays




radio waves

ultraviolet visible X-rays

Fill in the gaps in the chart below to put these parts into their correct order.




(ii) Use words from the box below to complete the sentences. You may use each word
once, more than once or not at all.





Listing the parts from radio waves to gamma rays puts them in order of increasing
................................................... and decreasing ................................................... .
All the parts have the same ................................................... in free space.
(b) State
(i) a use of infra-red;

(ii) a harmful effect of over-exposure to infra-red.

(Total 8 marks)

4. (a) Complete the sentence.

When sound waves are reflected from a surface, the angle
............................................ equals the angle of ............................................ .


(b) The diagram shows a pair of reflectors. All sound waves starting from the point A
reflect off the reflectors to the point B. The path of one wave has been drawn.

(i) Complete the path of the other wave.

(ii) Why is the sound loud at point B?
(c) What type of wave is a sound wave in air?
(d) A source of sound is removed from A and a heater is placed at point B. What would
be noticed at point A?
(Total 6 marks)

11. The diagram shows a wave on the surface of the water of a swimming pool and a
ball floating on the water.

(a) Identify the features of the wave shown by:

(i) distance c;
(ii) distance d.
(b) A student observes the wave. There are thirty complete cycles in one minute.
Calculate the frequency, in hertz, of the waves.
Frequency = ...................... Hz
(c) (i) Identify the type of wave.
(ii) Describe the motion of the ball as the wave occurs.

(Total 6 marks)

5. The diagram shows a wave and five measurements A, B, C, D and E.

(a) Complete the sentences by choosing the correct letters from A, B, C, D and E.
The amplitude is represented by ................. .
The wavelength is represented by ................. .

(b) The type of wave shown in the diagram is a transverse wave.
(i) Name another type of wave.
(ii) Give an example of the type of wave you named in part (b)(i).
(c) Ultrasonic signals with a frequency above 50 kHz are used for cleaning jewellery.
(i) Explain the term frequency.
(ii) State what the symbol kHz means.
(d) State the equation which relates wave speed, frequency and wavelength.
(Total 7 marks)

11. (a) The box contains the names of seven parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio waves microwaves infra-red visible light ultraviolet X-rays gamma rays

(i) Describe the order in which they have been written.

(ii) The parts are all transverse waves. State one other property which they all have in
(b) Some of the radiation from parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can damage
human beings.
Draw lines connecting each of the four parts listed below with the damage caused.


Damage caused


mutations and cancers

infra-red radiation

internal heating of body tissues

ultraviolet radiation skin burns

gamma radiation

damage to surface cells and blindness

(c) Microwaves can be used for cooking. Give one other use for microwaves.
(Total 6 marks)
3. (a) State the law of reflection.
(b) A student is playing in goal in a football match. The window of a nearby building
reflects sunlight into his eyes.

(i) Complete the diagram to show the reflection of the ray from the front of the window.
(ii) What could you do to stop sunlight being reflected into the students eyes from this
(c) Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. If players are not protected from some
electromagnetic waves they can suffer ill effects. State which part of the
electromagnetic spectrum can cause

(i) skin burns

(ii) blindness.
(d) What do all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have in common?
(Total 7 marks)

6. (a) The diagram shows what happens when water waves pass close to the edge of a
piece of plastic.

Name the wave behaviour shown.

(b) The diagram below shows water waves about to pass through a gap. One wavefront
is shown after it has passed through the gap.

(i) On the diagram, draw two more wavefronts that have passed through the gap.
(ii) State two changes which would each make the wavefronts become more curved
after passing through the gap.
1 .............................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................
(c) (i) Sound waves with a frequency of 25 000 Hz are directed at a gap. Give a reason
why they are not heard on the other side of the gap.

(ii) Calculate the wavelength in metres of these sound waves. The speed of sound is 340
Wavelength = .................................m
(Total 10 marks)

7. A teacher draws a diagram on the board showing an analogue signal and a digital

................... signal ............................. signal

(a) (i) Complete the labels to show which is the analogue signal and which is the digital
(ii) Give two reasons for your answer.
1 .............................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................
(b) State one advantage of using digital signals rather than analogue signals.
(c) Give one example from everyday life of the use of a digital signal.
(Total 5 marks)

9. (a) A student is not sure if a signal is analogue or digital. Part of the signal is shown

(i) Give a reason why this is a digital signal and not an analogue signal.
(ii) Continue drawing a possible digital signal in the box provided.

(b) Suggest one advantage of using digital signals rather than analogue signals.
(Total 5 marks)

9. Complete the sentences about sound waves.

(a) We cannot see a sound wave. However we can see a representation of it by
connecting a microphone to ...............................................................................................
(b) The pitch of a sound depends on ..................................................................................
(c) The loudness of a sound depends on ............................................................................
(Total 3 marks)

14. (a) The diagram shows a ray of light directed at a semicircular glass block.

(i) Name line X.

(ii) Which angle a, b, c, d, e or f is an angle of incidence?
(iii) Name angle b.
(iv) State an equation which relates angle of incidence, angle of refraction and refractive
index of glass.
(v) At point Y light passes from air to glass but refraction does not take place.
How can you tell this from the diagram?
(vi) Why does refraction not take place at point Y.
(b) Glass with a critical angle of 42 was used to make the blocks shown below.
(i) Complete the diagram to show how the ray of light passes through the rectangular
glass block and out into the air.

(ii) Complete the diagram to show how the ray of light passes through the triangular
glass block and out into the air.

(Total 11 marks)

3. (a) (i) Define frequency.

(ii) Define time period.
(b) A student has a heart rate of 72 beats per minute.
(i) the frequency of his heart beat in hertz
Frequency = ................................ Hz
(ii) the time period of his heart beat in seconds.
Time period = ................................. s
(c) Generally the heavier an animal is, the lower is its heart rate. The data in the table
gives the heart rate of animals of different masses.

Mass (kg)


Heart rate 63
(beats per











(i) Use the grid opposite to plot a graph of heart rate against mass. Draw a smoothcurve
for your plotted points.


(ii) This animal has a mass of 5000 kg.

Explain why you cannot use your graph to predict the heart rate of this animal.

(Total 8 marks)

10. A teacher uses a microphone and another piece of equipment to display a sound

(a) Name the other piece of equipment.


(b) The teacher measures distance d on the screen. Complete the sentences.
(i) Distance d represents .............................................................................................
(ii) Distance d becomes smaller. This is because the sound which goes to the
microphone has become ........................................................................................
(c) Complete the sentence.
The pitch of the sound depends on ...............................................................................
(Total 4 marks)

14. (a) State one use for optical fibres.

(b) The diagram shows a ray of light moving through part of an optical fibre.
(i) Add the normal and the angle of incidence to the diagram.

(ii) Name the process which takes place in the diagram.
(iii) Use the term critical angle to explain why the process takes place.
(c) (i) State the equation which relates critical angle and refractive index.
(ii) The critical angle for glass in an optical fibre is 41.5.
cos 41.5 = 0.749
sin 41.5 = 0.663
tan 41.5 = 0.885
Calculate the refractive index of glass to three significant figures.

Refractive index = ............................
(d) A bicycle reflector is made of transparent red plastic. The diagram shows the path of
a ray of light through part of the reflector.

The critical angle for the transparent red plastic is less than 45. Explain how you can
tell this from the diagram.

(Total 12 marks)

2. Parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have various uses.

(a) Which part is used for
(i) heaters and night vision equipment,
(ii) sterilising food and medical equipment?
(b) All the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are transverse waves.
(i) State one property which all the parts have in common but which is not shared with
other waves.
(ii) Give one example of a transverse wave which is not part of the electromagnetic
(iii) Complete the sentence below.
In a transverse wave, each point on the wave is moving in a direction which is
............................................................ of the wave is moving.

(Total 6 marks)
10. A student used pins to trace a ray of light through a block of glass of refractive
index 1.5. She produced the diagram shown below. It shows a ray of light being
refracted with an angle of refraction of 40.

(a) Calculate the angle of incidence, in degrees, of the ray of light.

Angle of incidence = ..............................
(b) The experiment is repeated with a block of water. The refractive index of water is
1.3. The same angle of incidence is used.
(i) On the diagram above draw the refracted ray for a block of water.
(ii) Explain the direction of the ray that you have drawn in (i).

(c) The diagram below shows a semicircular glass block. An incident ray is drawn. Add
one more line to the diagram and mark the angle of incidence, i, for this ray.

(Total 8 marks)
18. A small submarine explores the sea-bed. The submarine has a TV camera and a
powerful searchlight.
The diagram shows the path of light from the searchlight to the surface. The angle of
incidence at the surface is equal to the critical angle between sea-water and air.

(a) On the diagram, use a ruler to continue the path of most of this light.

(b) State the meaning of the term critical angle.
(c) State the equation which relates critical angle and refractive index.
(d) (i) What happens to the light from the searchlight when it has an angle of incidence
at the surface which is greater than the critical angle?
(ii) State the full name of the process which occurs.
(e) Information from the TV camera is sent to a support ship by means of a cable of
optical fibres.
Use a ruler to complete the diagram below to show how information is transmitted
through an optical fibre.

(Total 7 marks)

14. (a) The diagram shows a ray of light passing through one side of a pair of

(i) Name the parts labelled P and Q.


(ii) Name the process shown by the path of the light in parts P and Q.

(b) Figures A and B show rays of light from a lamp on the bottom of a swimming pool.

(i) Answer these three questions with reference to Figure A.

1 What is the name of the dashed line CD?
2 Use two of the letters u, v, w, x, y and z to write the equation
angle of incidence = angle of reflection

3 State the equation which relates refractive index n, angle of incidence i and angle of
refraction r.
(ii) Refraction has not occurred in Figure B. Explain this.
(iii) State the equation which relates critical angle c and refractive index n.
(Total 7 marks)
15. A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 1200 kHz. The radio waves travel
outwards from the radio transmitter at a speed of 300 million metres per second (300
000 000 m/s).

(a) (i) State the equation which relates frequency, speed and wavelength.
(ii) Calculate the wavelength of these radio waves. Show your working and give the

Wavelength = ..........................................
(b) Use the equation
frequency =
to calculate the time period in seconds of these radio waves. Give the answer to two
significant figures.
Time period = .........................................s
(Total 7 marks)
10. The diagram shows a torch emitting a beam of light from two different positions A
and B under water

(a) What is the name of the two dotted lines on the diagram?
(b) State the relationship between critical angle and refractive index.

(c) Explain the paths followed by the two beams of light. Refer to the critical angle in
your answers.
(i) Path from position A.
(ii) Path from position B.
(d) Explain why it is not possible to use the relationship in (b) to find the refractive
index of water using an angle from the diagram.
(e) (i) State the relationship between refractive index, angle of incidence and angle of
(ii) Use angles from the diagram to calculate the refractive index of water.

Refractive index = ...................................
(Total 10 marks)

15. (a) The diagram shows a ray of light going through air towards a glass block with a
curved surface.

(i) Use a ruler to draw the path of the ray as it continues towards the glass block and
then goes through the glass block. Add labels to the diagram to show the following:

incident ray
angle of incidence, i
refracted ray
angle of refraction, r

(ii) Name two pieces of apparatus that would be required to carry out this experiment.
1 .............................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................
(b) In an experiment a student gets the following results.

i (degrees) r (degrees)
Set 1 50


Set 2 5

(i) State the relationship between i, r and refractive index, n.


(ii) Calculate a value for refractive index using Set 1.
Refractive index = .....................................................
(iii) State why Set 2 gives a less reliable value.
(Total 10 marks)

16. The diagram shows a waveform on an oscilloscope screen.

(a) The timebase is set at 0.01s per division. Determine the frequency of this wave and
give its unit.
Frequency = ..........................................
(b) A teacher demonstrated a method for determining the speed of sound. He hit two
metal rods together to produce a sound. The sound was detected by two microphones
connected to an oscilloscope.

The screen of the oscilloscope showed two signals A and B corresponding to the sound
received by the two microphones.

The time between the signals was 0.002 s and the distance between the microphones
was 0.680 m.
(i) Calculate the speed of sound in m/s.
Speed = ................................ m/s
(ii) State which property of a sound wave is represented by the amplitude of the signals.
(iii) Suggest an explanation for the relative sizes of the amplitudes of A and B.
(Total 8 marks)

2. A teacher uses a ripple tank to demonstrate the behaviour of plane water waves.

The water waves pass from deep to shallow water. The wave patterns are projected onto
a screen.
(a) State one safety concern that you would have with the apparatus.
(b) The image below is what appeared on the screen during the demonstration.

The distance between two neighbouring bright lines (or dark lines) is the wavelength of
the waves.
(i) Explain why it is difficult to measure a single wavelength accurately from this
(ii) Explain how the accuracy could be improved.
(c) After the demonstration the teacher gives you a worksheet. Part of the worksheet is
shown below.


and record:

(i) the wavelength of the waves in deep water

Wavelength of waves in deep water = ......................... mm
(ii) the wavelength of the waves in shallow water
Wavelength of waves in shallow water = ......................... mm
(iii) the angle through which the direction of the waves changes when passing from
deep to shallow water. On the diagram show how you did this.
Angle = ..................................
(d) The teacher repeated the demonstration for several depths of the shallow water.
Some students took measurements from different worksheets. The table shows
information gathered from five students.

Student Change of direction () Wavelength in shallow water (mm)
















(i) Which student has a result that does not fit the trend of the other results?
(ii) Give a reason for your choice.
(iii) Does your data from (c) fit the trend shown in the table? Explain your answer.
(Total 13 marks)

2. (a) The diagram shows an overhead view of a students experiment with a mirror and
a sheet of paper.

(i) What can the student use to produce the ray of light?
(ii) How can the student mark the position of the reflected ray?
(iii) Angle y is the angle between the ray of light and the reflected ray. Use a protractor
to measure angle y to the nearest degree.
Angle y = ......................
(b) The student turns the mirror about point P by an angle x. This changes the angle y.

Use a protractor to measure angle x to the nearest degree.

Angle x = ......................
(c) In a similar experiment another student makes a note of several pairs of angles x and

19 and 65

6 and 39

25 and 77

23 and 73

11 and 49
17 and 57

(i) Put these results into a suitable table with column headings and units.

(ii) Plot these points on the grid opposite. Label the axes. Identify any point which is
anomalous (unexpected). Decide whether a straight line of best fit or a curved line of
best fit is appropriate and draw it on your graph

(iii) Use your graph to predict the value of y when x is 20.
y = ..................
(Total 15 marks)

4. A student plans to investigate the path of a ray of light as it travels from air to oil at
different angles. The diagram shows a container of oil and points A, B and C.

(a) Draw a line through points A and B to show the ray of light in air. Continue your
line to the surface of the oil. Label the point where your line meets the surface as point
(b) Draw a line from D to C to show the ray of light in the oil.
(c) Use a protractor to draw a line at point D which is perpendicular to the surface of the
oil. This line should go upwards and downwards. On the diagram label this line normal.
(d) Use a protractor to measure, to the nearest degree,
(i) the angle between AD and the normal,
Angle = ..................
(ii) the angle between CD and the normal,
Angle = ..................

(e) A friend of the student says that this investigation will be difficult to carry out.
Describe two problems which the student will have. In each case, explain how the
student might solve the problem.
Problem 1 ......................................................................................................................
Problem 2 ......................................................................................................................
(Total 11 marks)

3. (a) A ray of light enters a glass prism at an angle of incidence i . It passes through the
prism and emerges as shown in the diagram. The angle i is measured between the

incident ray and the normal. The angle of deviation D shows the total change of
direction of the ray.

(i) Label the normal on the diagram.

(ii) Measure the angle of incidence i.

i = .........................
(iii) Measure the angle of deviation D.

D = ......................
(b) Name the equipment that you could use to provide the ray of light.
(c) A student measures D for different values of i. The table shows his results.

i (degrees) D (degrees)












(i) On the grid opposite plot a graph of D against i. Label the axes.
(ii) Circle the anomalous result.
(iii) Draw the best-fit curve through the other points.
(iv) Suggest an explanation for the anomalous result.



(Total 10 marks).

3. A student investigates the refraction of light through a rectangular block of glass. The
diagram shows part of his investigation.

(a) What can the student use to produce the incident ray?
(b) How can the student mark the position of the emergent ray?
(c) On the diagram:
(i) Draw a line which is perpendicular to the surface of the glass block at point P. This
line should go upwards and downwards. Label this line normal.
(ii) Label the angle between the incident ray and the normal as i and the angle between
the normal and the ray in the glass as r. Use a protractor to measure angle i and angle r
to the nearest degree in each case.
angle i = .................... angle r = ....................
(iii) The student uses his measurements correctly to calculate the refractive index of the
glass. He gives 1.509869215 as his answer. Refractive index is a ratio and so has no
Explain what is wrong with his answer.

(d) Another student investigates a rectangular block of transparent plastic. She records
six pairs of measurements, calculates the refractive index for each pair and then
calculates the average refractive index. Explain why this is an improvement on using
one pair of measurements.
(Total 12 marks)
3. A ray of light travels along an optical fibre as shown in the diagram.

(a) All of the light is reflected inside the fibre at A. What name is given to this effect?
(b) Continue the line to show the path of the ray of light through the optical fibre. You
should use a ruler.
(Total 4 marks)

5. Sound waves can be diffracted.

(a) How is the frequency of a wave calculated from its wavelength and speed?
frequency =

(b) Explain why the open door of a music room diffracts lower frequency sounds more
than higher frequency sounds. (You may choose to draw a diagram to help your

(Total 3 marks)

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