Aee Mech Syllabus

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1. THERMODYNAMICS: Basic concepts, Open and closed systems. Heat and work, Zeroth, First
and second law, application to flow and non-flow processes. Entropy;, Availability, Irreversibility, T-S
relations, Clapery on and real gas Equations. Properties of ideal gases and vapours. Air standard
cycles, Two stage air compressor, CI and SI engines, Valve travel diagram, Pre ignition, Detonation
and Diesel knock, Fuel injection, Carburetion, Super charging, Turbo prop and Rocket engines.
Cooling, Emission and Control. Measurement of calorific value of fuels. Conventional and Nuclear
2. HEAT TRANSFER: Modes of heat transfer. One-dimensional steady and unsteady conduction.
Composite slab and equivalent resistance. Heat dissipation from extended surfaces. Heat
exchangers, Over all heat transfer coefficient, Empirical correlations for heat transfer ;in laminar and
turbulent flow, Heat transfer in free and forced convection. Thermal boundary layer over a flat plate.
Fundamentals of diffusive and convective mass transfer. Black body and fundamental concepts of
radiation. Shape factor, Network analysis.
3. REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING: Heat pump, Refrigeration cycles and systems,
Refrigerants, Condensers, Expansion devices, Psychrometry, Charts and application to air
conditioning, Sensible heating and cooling.
Effective temperature, Comfort indices, Load
calculations. Solar refrigeration, Duct design.
4. STEAM GENERATORS AND TURBINES: Fire tube and water tube boilers. Binary vapour system.
Flow of steam through nozzles and Diffusers. Dryness fraction, Condensation. Various types of
turbines, Compounding, Velocity triangles, Partial admission, Reheat, Regeneration, Efficiency and
Governance. Gas Turbines, Role of Mach number.
CAMS Gears and Gear trains. Fly wheels, Governors, Balancing of rotating masses, Balancing of
single and ;multi cylinder engines. Linear Vibrations of mechanical systems, Transmissibility and
Vibration Isolation. Critical speeds. Two rotor and Three rotor systems. Automatic controls - Order
and Type of system, 2nd order system and its characteristics. Frequency analysis. Stability, RouthHurwitz criterion, Nyquist criterion.
6. MACHINE DESIGN: Theories of failure, Design of Cotter joint, Keys, Splines, Welded Joints,
Threaded fasteners, Bolt of uniform strength, Screw Jack. Design of Bearings, Couplings, Clutches,
BELT DRIVES and Spur gear system. Hydrodynamic and Antifriction bearings. Design of shafts for
combined loads. Helical and Leaf Springs. Thin and Thick walled pressure vessels.
7. ENGINEERING MATERIALS: Basic concepts of structure of solids. Crystalline Materials. Defects
in Crystalline materials. Alloys and Binary Phase diagrams. Structure ;and properties of common
Engineering Materials. Heat treatment of Steels. Plastics, Ceramics and Composite materials.
Common applications of various materials.
8. PRODUCTION ENGINEERING: Metal Forming: Basic principles of Forging, Drawing and
Extrusion. High energy rate forming. Powder Metallurgy.
Metal Casting: Die casting, Investment Casting, Shell molding, Centrifugal casting, Gating and Rising
design, Melting furnaces.
Fabrication processes: Principles of Gas, Arc and Shielded Arc welding. Advanced welding
processes. Weldability, Metallurgy of Welding.
Metal cutting: Turning, Methods of Screw production, Drilling, Boring, Milling, Gear Manufacturing,
Production of Flat surfaces, Grinding and Finishing processes. Computer controlled manufacturing
systems-CNC, DNC, FMS, Automation and Robotics.
Cutting Tool Materials, Tool geometry, Mechanism of Tool Wear, Tool Life and Machinability.
Measurement of Cutting Forces. Economics of Machining. Uncoventional Machining processes.
Jigs and Fixtures. Fits and Tolerances. Measurement of Surface texture. Comparators Alignment
Tests and Reconditioning of Machine Tools.
9. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: Production planning and Control: Forecasting, Moving Averages,
Exponential Smoothing, Operations, Scheduling, Assembly line balancing. Product Development,
Break-even analysis, Capacity Planning, PERT and CPM.
Control Operations: Inventory Control, ABC analysis, EOQ model, Material requirement Planning.
Job Design, Job standards, Work Measurement, Quality Management, Quality Analysis and Control.
Operations Research: Linear Programming Graphical and simplex methods. Transport and
Assignment Models. Single server Queuing Model.
Value Engineering: Value analysis for Cost value.
10. ELEMENTS OF COMPUTATION: Computer Organization, Flow charting, Features of Common
Computer Languages FORTRAN, d Base III, Lotus 1-2-3, C and Elementary Programming.

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