Vbu 7

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Chapter 8


This chapter teaches you to use arrays and structures to process data through the
use of various loop and table lookup procedures. Single and multi-dimensional
arrays are covered. For EachNext loops are used to process arrays. ListBox
controls are also used to process arrays.

In this chapter you will develop a project for the VB University Bookstore that
enables students to find information about products that are for sale in the bookstore.
The initial appearance of the form for the project is shown below.

You will create three versions of this form while studying the concepts taught in this

The menu strip control has the following menu items with hot keys and shortcut keys
Total Sales by Product

Purchase Ctrl-U


Text box control (DescriptionTextBox, PriceTextBox, QuantityTextBox, and

TotalDueTextBox) property settings:
ReadOnly True
TabStop False
TextAlign Right (all but the DescriptionTextBox).

Single-Dimension Arrays
An Array is a list of values all values in an array are referenced by using the
same name.

An array is like a ListBox without the box where the list of values are all stored
in memory.
Arrays are also called tables.
Arrays are based on the System.Array object a type of collection object.
Arrays can store almost any type of data such as integer, string, decimal, etc.
Element this is the term used to refer to an individual part of an array.
Each element is numbered beginning with the number zero. Example, 0, 1,
2, 3, etc.
The number referring to an array element is placed inside parentheses and is
called a subscript or index. This is the general format for an array reference.

Example references to array elements:

'Element 4 of the array named AmountDecimal remember
'that arrays start with 0 so the 4th element is numbered 3
'Element 7 of an array named StatesString

An array element can also be referenced by using an index variable usually

each element in a single-dimension array is termed a row so you might name
the index variable a name such as RowInteger.
In this example the referenced element depends on the current value of
'The referenced element depends on the value of

Declaring an Array
Arrays are created in memory by declaring them as you would a variable.
Generally you declare local arrays with the keyword Dim and module-level
arrays with the keyword Private in order to specify the array scope.
The number inside parentheses that specifies the number of elements should
be an integer if a floating point number is used, VB will round the number to
an integer value automatically.
Numeric array elements default to a value of zero; string array elements
default to a value of the empty string.
There are several different correct syntax variations for declaring arrays. The
general formats are:
Dim ArrayName(UpperSubscript) As DataType

Dim ArrayName() As DataType = {ListOfValues}

Dim ArrayName As DataType() = {ListOfValues}

Example declarations:
'A String array with 26 elements numbered 0 through 25
Dim NameString(25) As String
'A decimal array of 11 elements numbered 0 through 10
Private BalanceDecimal(10) As Decimal

This example declares a module-level array and stores values to the array
immediately. When storing values immediately to the array, you cannot
specify the number of elements within the parenthesesVB will determine the
number of elements automatically.
'A private string array with 6 elements numbered 0
through 5
Private SchoolString() As String = {"Arts and Sciences",
"Business", "Nursing", "Engineering", _
"Education", "Pharmacy"}
Element Number

School Name
Arts and Sciences

Array Subscript Errors

A subscript (also referred to as an index) must always reference a valid, existing
array element.
If an array contains 10 elements, and a VB program attempts to reference element
-1 or element 11, the reference will be invalid and result in an error message:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException'
occurred in Ch08VBUniversity-Version1.exe
The subscript (index) is out of the allowable range of 0 through 10 for element

For Each...Next Loops

Arrays are often processed in loops. The power of arrays comes with using a
variable as the subscript.
A For...Next loop can process an entire array with a few lines of code as
shown here, but the code requires you to manipulate the array index.
This example writes the array contents to the Output window, one school
name per line:
For RowInteger = 0 To NumberOfSchoolsInteger
Next RowInteger
Another type of count-controlled loop is the For Each...Next loop the advantage of
this coding construct is that you don't have to manipulate the index.
The loop code shown here is equivalent to the one shown above.
For Each SchoolNameString As String In SchoolString
Debug.WriteLine(SchoolNameString )
Next SchoolNameString
Learn these rules about For Each...Next loops:
The index data type must match the array data type, i.e., for a string array
the index should be a string index, for an integer array the index should be an
integer, etc.
This above example declares SchoolNameString as a string variable index
and then immediately uses it to search the SchoolString array.
An array can be used to accumulate values where you would otherwise need to
declare many accumulating variables. Sometimes a numeric accumulating array
needs to be re-initialized to zero. This loop sets all elements of an integer array
named TotalInteger to zero. Remember a numeric array starts out with each
element equal to zero, but if the array is used over and over within a program, it may
need to be reinitialized.
For Each IndividualElementInteger As Integer In TotalInteger
IndividualElementInteger = 0
Next IndividualElementInteger

A structure object allows you to combine fields of related data into a single object
you can combine data of type integer, decimal, string, color, radio button, and other
data types. This allows you to create your own, unique data types.
Structures are public by default, but you can also declare private structures.
This example defines a Product structure that might be used to track
products sold by retail stores.
Each product has a product identifier, product description, quantity on hand,
and price. The ProductIDString, DescriptionString, QuantityInteger, and
PriceDecimal variables become properties of the Product data type.

Structure Product
Dim ProductIDString As String
Dim DescriptionString As String
Dim QuantityInteger As Integer
Dim PriceDecimal As Decimal
End Structure

Declare variables and arrays as a structure data type just as you would any
other data type.
Dim TextBookProduct As Product
Dim InventoryProduct(450000) As Product

These assignment statements store values to the properties of the

TextBookProduct variable and two of the elements of the InventoryProduct
TextBookProduct.ProductIDString = "X599"
TextBookProduct.DescriptionString = "Intro to CMIS
TextBookProduct.QuantityInteger = 75
TextBookProduct.PriceDecimal = 79.4D

InventoryProduct(0).ProductIDString = "A402"
InventoryProduct(0).DescriptionString = "History of
America Textbook"
InventoryProduct(0).QuantityInteger = 10
InventoryProduct(0).PriceDecimal = 65.55D
InventoryProduct(1).ProductIDString = "A804"
InventoryProduct(1).DescriptionString = "College Logo
InventoryProduct(1).QuantityInteger = 15
InventoryProduct(1).PriceDecimal = 18.99D

This example defines a Sale structure with three properties the SaleDecimal
property is an array.
'Module-level declaration
Structure Sale
Dim SaleIDString As String
Dim SaleDate As Date
Dim SaleDecimal() As Decimal
End Structure

Declaring an array as a structure element requires use of the ReDim

statement because when an array is initially declared inside of a structure,
you are not allowed to specify the number of elements.
'later in the code
Dim SalesInfoSale As Sale
'Inside a procedure you would need to redim the array
'attribute of the structure
ReDim SalesInfoSale.SaleDecimal(6)
'Later during processing.
SalesInfoSale.SaleIDString = 4
SalesInfoSale.SaleDecimal(RowInteger) =

Table Lookup
Table Lookup a programming technique to search an array (table).
Objective: find a key value in order to use some other non-key value that is
associated with the key for some type of processing.
Analogous Example: Consider how you look up information in a telephone book.
The telephone book is actually a very large table with the Name, Address, and
Telephone Number columns.
The key value in the telephone book is the Name.
The value you actually want to use is the Telephone Number.
Consider the array shown below with four columns: (1) ProductIDString stores each
product's identifier, (2) DescriptionString stores each items corresponding
description, (3) QuantityInteger stores the quantity on hand for each product, and
(4) PriceDecimal stores the price of the item

Declare a Product structure.
Declare an array of type Product and store data to the array.
Write a search proceduresearch for a product ID value in order to display
the corresponding description, quantity, and price.


History of America



College Logo Tshirt







College Logo Sweat Pants




Drinking Mug



Pencil and Pen Set




College Logo Sweat Shirt




Intro to Philosophy




Intro to CMIS Textbook



Version 1 of the Bookstore Application

Create or Copy Project
Task 1: Create a new project named Ch08VBUniversity-Version1 or copy the
Ch08VBUniversity-Start Project folder from drive Y of the class server.
If you create a new project, build the form for the VB University Bookstore project as
shown earlier in this note set and set the forms File Name = BookStore1.vb.
Set the CharacterCasing property of the ProductIDTextBox control to
Upper this will cause any alphabetic characters typed in the TextBox control
to automatically convert to upper case.
Set the MaxLength property of the ProductIDTextBox control to 4 this will
limit the number of characters that can be typed into the TextBox control.
Map the SearchButton control to the keyboards Enter key by setting the
forms AcceptButton property.
Define a structure in the general declarations section named Product.
'Public structure to define Product data type
Structure Product
Dim ProductIDString As String
Dim DescriptionString As String
Dim QuantityInteger As Integer
Dim PriceDecimal As Decimal
End Structure

Declare a module-level integer variable specifying the maximum number of

products in inventory (set its value to 7 to represent 8 different products
numbered 0 to 7).
Declare a module-level array of type Product named InventoryProduct that
will enable processing up to the eight product items in the bookstore this
should be flexible and easily changed.
'Module-level variables/constants/arrays
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 7
Private InventoryProduct(NumberProductsInteger) As

Load Event
A form's Load event can be used to perform initialization tasks that you need to
complete whenever a form loads from disk into memory. Example tasks include
connecting to a database or storing initial values to an array. The Load event fires
whenever the form loads the first time.
Task 2: Create a Load event for the form as shown below.
Load initial values into the array elements by coding the form's Load
procedure event. When you study Chapter 10, you will learn how to access
Product data values from a database table.
Private Sub BookStore1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
InventoryProduct(0).ProductIDString = "A402"
InventoryProduct(0).DescriptionString = "History of
America Textbook"
InventoryProduct(0).QuantityInteger = 10
InventoryProduct(0).PriceDecimal = 65.55D
InventoryProduct(1).ProductIDString = "A804"
InventoryProduct(1).DescriptionString = "College Logo
InventoryProduct(1).QuantityInteger = 15
InventoryProduct(1).PriceDecimal = 18.99D
InventoryProduct(2).ProductIDString = "C344"
InventoryProduct(2).DescriptionString = "College Logo
Sweat Pants"
InventoryProduct(2).QuantityInteger = 25
InventoryProduct(2).PriceDecimal = 25.99D
InventoryProduct(3).ProductIDString = "F554"
InventoryProduct(3).DescriptionString = "Drinking Mug"
InventoryProduct(3).QuantityInteger = 8
InventoryProduct(3).PriceDecimal = 5.49D
InventoryProduct(4).ProductIDString = "G302"
InventoryProduct(4).DescriptionString = "Pencil and
Pen Set"
InventoryProduct(4).QuantityInteger = 15
InventoryProduct(4).PriceDecimal = 35.5D
InventoryProduct(5).ProductIDString = "M302"
InventoryProduct(5).DescriptionString = "College Logo
Sweat Shirt"
InventoryProduct(5).QuantityInteger = 25
InventoryProduct(5).PriceDecimal = 22.99D
InventoryProduct(6).ProductIDString = "S499"

InventoryProduct(6).DescriptionString = "Intro to
Philosophy Textbook"
InventoryProduct(6).QuantityInteger = 50
InventoryProduct(6).PriceDecimal = 85D
InventoryProduct(7).ProductIDString = "X599"
InventoryProduct(7).DescriptionString = "Intro to CMIS
InventoryProduct(7).QuantityInteger = 75
InventoryProduct(7).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
End Sub

Search Button Click Event

Task 3: Code the Search Button control's Click event sub procedure to search the
array's ProductIDString element and, if found, display the associated description,
quantity on hand, and price.
This event sub procedure also handles the Click event for the corresponding
Product-Search menu item.
The ProductIDTextBox.Text property does not require the .ToUpper method
because the CharacterCasing property of the TextBox control is set to Upper
Private Sub SearchButton_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
SearchButton.Click, SearchToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Search the ProductIDString property of the
'array to see if the value of ProductIDTextBox matches
an ID
'in the array
'Start variables to control the search
Dim FoundBoolean As Boolean = False 'Control how long
to search
Dim RowInteger As Integer = 0
'Current row in
the search
'Loop to do the search
Do Until FoundBoolean = True Or RowInteger >
'Compare textBox to array
If ProductIDTextBox.Text =
InventoryProduct(RowInteger).ProductIDString Then
'found a match - display other data to the
readonly textboxes
DescriptionTextBox.Text =

QuantityTextBox.Text =
PriceTextBox.Text =
'change variable to indicate we have a match
FoundBoolean = True
'no match yet
RowInteger += 1
End If
'After the search determine if the ProductID was found
If FoundBoolean = False Then 'no match was found
'Clear the textbox controls that display product
'except for the ProductID textbox
'Display message that the ProductID is not valid
MessageBox.Show("Reenter a valid product ID.",
"Invalid Identifier", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
End If
End Sub
Test the program.
Enter a valid product ID and confirm the correct description, quantity on hand
and price values display.
Enter an invalid product ID and confirm the Invalid Product ID message box
displays, the text boxes for description, quantity on hand, and price are
cleared, and the product ID text box value is selected and highlighted.
Purchasing a Product
Values from arrays can be displayed to ListBox controls as part of on-line order

In the Bookstore application, application users will first search for a product of
interest, then click the Product-Purchase menu item.
Display the product purchased to the PurchaseListBox.
Default to the purchase of a quantity of one of the products.
Accumulate the total value of the order and display this value to the
TotalDueTextBox control.

Task 4: Add a module-level variable to store the total due for an individual
bookstore customer (highlighted in yellow).
'Module-level variables/constants/arrays
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 7
Private InventoryProduct(NumberProductsInteger) As Product
Private TotalDueDecimal As Decimal 'total due for a
Task 5: Code the Click event procedure for the Product-Purchase menu item.
o The If statement tests for the DescriptionTextBox equal to the empty
string this means a valid bookstore product was NOT found by a
o When a match has been found, the information to be stored to the
ListBox is stored to the ProductString variable.
o The TotalDueDecimal variable accumulates the value currently
displayed in the PriceTextBox control use of the Decimal.Parse
Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency enumerated value to convert
a formatted product price back to decimal for addition to
o The TotalDueTextBox control displayed the updated value of the total
amount due.
o The form can be cleared to prepare for the next item to be purchased.
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product
before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDTextBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order
'and display it to the output textbox
TotalDueDecimal +=

TotalDueTextBox.Text =
'Here you can clear the form of product info if
you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
End If
End Sub
Test the project to determine:
If the item purchased displays in the ListBox control.
The total due value accumulates and displays correctly.

Resetting the Form

The form must be reset for the next application user (next bookstore customer). This
requires clearing all text box controls, clearing the ListBox control, resetting the
TotalDueDecimal accumulating module-level variable to zero, and setting the focus
to the ProductIDTextBox control. The solution code is straight-forward and is given
Task 6: Code the ResetToolStripMenuItem Click event sub procedure.
Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Clear all text box controls
'Clear the list box control
'Reset the total due module-level variable to zero
TotalDueDecimal = 0
'Set the focus to the product ID text box
End Sub

Product Search Menu item

This sub procedure illustrates use of the PerformClick method (for review purposes)
in coding the Click event of the Product-Search menu item. You could alternatively
alter the Handles clause of the SearchButton_Click event sub procedure.
Task 7: Code the SearchToolStripMenuItem Click event sub procedure
Private Sub SearchToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Call the Click event for the Search button control
End Sub

Help About Menu

The Help-About menu option is straight-forward and uses a message box to display
application information.
Task 8: Code Help-About menu.
Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim MessageString As String = "Version 1 of the Book
Store Project" & ControlChars.NewLine & "Today's date/time: "
& Date.Now
Dim TitleString As String = "About Version 1"
MessageBox.Show(MessageString, TitleString,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub

Exit the Form

The click event sub procedure for the File-Exit menu item is given here:
Task 8: Code File-Exit menu.
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Close the form
End Sub

The remaining menus for the project are coded when you develop Version 2 of the

Version 2 of the Bookstore Application

Using ComboBoxes with Arrays

When the list of items to be stored in an array is small, such as with the bookstore
product application, it can be efficient to let the system user select items from a
ComboBox a list type control can list all valid product ID codes or it can list items
by description.
Advantages include the coding and processing of data is simplified:
The current value of the SelectedIndex property of a ListBox or ComboBox
can be used to as the row index to access other properties of a structure.
Use of the SelectedIndex property as an index for an item selected from a list
can be used to replace complex lookup code.
You will now modify the VB University Bookstore application to incorporate use of a

Start New Project

Task 1: Start a new project.
Name the project Ch08VBUniversity-Version2.
Delete the Form1 form that is added to the new project by right-clicking
Form1.vb in the Solution Explorer window.
Add the form from the Ch08VBUniversity-Version 1 project:
o Select the Project Add Existing Item menu.
o Browse to the Version 1 project folder.
o Select the BookStore1.vb file and click the Add button (this will
automatically also copy the BookStore1.designer.vb and
BookStore1.resx files these files can be listed in the Solution
Explorer by clicking the Show All Files button and expanding the
BookStore1.vb filename).
Rename BookStore1.vb to be BookStore2.vb in the Solution Explorer or
Properties window.
In Solution Explorer, double-click My Project set the Startup form dropdown to BookStore2.
Change the title bar (Text property) to update the version to Version 2.

Redesign Interface
Task 2: Redesign the interface.

Replace the ProductIDTextBox control with a combo box named

o Set the DropDownStyle property = DropDownList.
Add the product ID values to the Items collection of the
ProductIDComboBox as shown in this figure. The Product ID values are:
A402, A804, C344, F554, G302, M302, S499, and X599.
Delete both the Search button and the Product-Search menu item.
Check the forms Tab Order and correct as necessary.

Coding the Project

Task 3: Code the ProductIDComboBox SelectedIndex_Changed event sub
Delete the Click event sub procedures for the Search button and ProductSearch menu item.
Code the SelectedIndex_Changed event for the ProductIDComboBox (see
o Note that the need for a search loop procedure is eliminated because
the application user uses the combo box to perform the search.
o The SelectedIndex value of the ComboBox control (highlighted)
represents the product row within the InventoryProduct structure
Private Sub ProductIDComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Store the selectedIndex to variable
Dim RowInteger As Integer =

'Based on RowInteger, display values to TextBox

'from the array named inventoryProduct
DescriptionTextBox.Text =
QuantityTextBox.Text =
PriceTextBox.Text =
End Sub
Task 4: Modify the Product-Reset menu item's Click event sub procedure as
shown here. Code changes are highlighted in yellow.
Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Clear the ComboBox and all TextBox controls
ProductIDComboBox.Text = String.Empty
'Clear the list box control
'Reset the total due module-level variable to zero
TotalDueDecimal = 0
'Set the focus to the ProductIDComboBox
End Sub
Task 5: Modify the code in the Product-Purchase menu item's Click event sub
procedure due to the replacement of the ProductIDTextBox with the
ProductIDComboBox control as highlighted in yellow below.
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product
before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
'Remark out the next line

'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDComboBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order
'and display it to the output textbox
TotalDueDecimal +=
TotalDueTextBox.Text =
'Here you can clear the form of product info if
you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
ProductIDComboBox.Text = String.Empty
End If
End Sub
Test the system as before. Ensure that the total due for the purchase of bookstore
products accumulates properly. The figure shown below illustrates execution of the
revised application.

Using Array Elements for Accumulators

You can use arrays as accumulators, for example, accumulating the total dollar
sales by product for the VB University Bookstore.
In-Class Exercise
Task 6: Declare an accumulating array.

A module-level accumulating array can be declared that corresponds to the

InventoryProduct structure array.
'Array to store the total sales for each product
Private ProductSalesTotalDecimal(NumberProductsInteger)
As Decimal

Task 7 Add code to the Product-Purchase menu item Click event sub procedure.

As a purchase is made, the value of the purchase is added to the

corresponding position within the ProductSalesTotalDecimal array.
This is coded inside the Click event sub procedure for the Product-Purchase
menu item. The revised sub procedure is shown here with code modifications
highlighted in yellow.

Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender

As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product
before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDComboBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order
'and display it to the output textbox
TotalDueDecimal +=
TotalDueTextBox.Text =
'Accumulate total sales by product to an array
Dim IndexInteger As Integer =
ProductSalesTotalDecimal(IndexInteger) +=
'Here you can clear the form of product info if
you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
ProductIDComboBox.Text = String.Empty
End If
End Sub

Task 8: Code the FileTotal Sales by Product menu Click event sub procedure.

Display the total sales by product to the Visual Basic immediate output
window as a simple means of producing a report.

This is coded for the File-Total Sales by Product menu item.

o A For...Next loop processes both the array and the structure.
o A string variable (SalesString) is used to build the string value to be
displayed to the immediate window the string variable stores the
product ID from the structure and corresponding dollar sales value from
the accumulating array.

Private Sub
TotalSalesByProductToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Display output to immediate window
Dim RowInteger As Integer
For RowInteger = 0 To NumberProductsInteger
'Build string to display
Dim SalesString As String = "Product ID: " &
InventoryProduct(RowInteger).ProductIDString & "
Sales: " & ProductSalesTotalDecimal(RowInteger).ToString("C2")
'Display string to immediate window
End Sub
Test the project:
Add several products and ensure the total for an individual is correct.
Display output to the Immediate window to check that the accumulated total
sales by product is correct for each product.

Multidimensional Arrays
A multidimensional array has more than one dimension we will work with arrays
that have both rows and columns to produce a two-dimensional table.
An example of an application that uses a two-dimensional table is the use of tax
tables for computing personal income taxes to be paid to the U.S. government.

This declaration statement allocates memory for TaxTableDecimal as a modulelevel array assuming there are 150 different income level brackets:
Private TaxTableDecimal(150,3) As Decimal

The rows represent the income levels.

The columns represent tax classifications such as single, married, and head
of household).
Remember, numeric arrays are automatically initialized to zero.
When referencing the TaxTableDecimal, the first subscript represents the
row. The second subscript represents the column.
To display the value of row 20, column 2 to a label, the code is:
TaxAmountTextBox.Text =

One limitation of the two-dimensional table is that you can only store one type of
data in the array you can work around this to a certain extent by storing data as
String that would otherwise be numeric and using Convert methods to convert data
from string to Decimal or Integer or another numeric data type to support processing.

A Two-Dimensional String Table

This figure shows a table named StatesString that stores the names of states of the
United States as string data. States are classified in columns according to their land
mass size as Large, Middle, and Small sized.

The StatesString table is declared as a two-dimensional table and filled with state
names as follows:
Dim StatesString(,) As String = { _
{"Alaska", "Indiana", "R. Island"}, _
{"Texas", "Maryland", "Delaware"}, _
{"California", "Idaho", "Vermont"}, _
{"Florida", "Iowa", "Hawaii"}}
Note the use of braces, commas, and line-continuation characters.
The first left brace marks the beginning of the table.
The next left brace marks the beginning of the first row of data.
Each element is stored as string within double-quote marks.
The first right brace marks the end of the first row of data.
The last right brace marks the end of the table.
Each element within a row is separated by a comma.
Each row is separated by a comma from the next row.
The line-continuation characters make it easier to read the table as each row
is on a single line. The table data could be typed as one continuous line of
code, but it would be very difficult and messy to read.
If the value RowInteger = 2 and ColumnInteger = 1, the state "Idaho" is displayed
to the text box named StateTextBox.
StateTextBox.Text = StatesString(RowInteger,
This sub procedure illustrates printing the StatesString table to the immediate
output window for purposes to debugging code with nested For...Next loops. Each
state will display on a single line.
Private Sub StatesButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles statesButton.Click
Dim StatesString(,) As String = { _

{"Alaska", "Indiana", "R. Island"}, _

{"Texas", "Maryland", "Delaware"}, _
{"California", "Idaho", "Vermont"}, _
{"Florida", "Iowa", "Hawaii"}}
Dim RowInteger As Integer = 0
Dim ColumnInteger As Integer = 0
'Print to the Immediate Window as an output location
For RowInteger = 0 To 3
For ColumnInteger = 0 To 2
End Sub

Lookup Search for Two-Dimensional Tables

There are several techniques for searching in two dimensions.
1. One approach has the application user enter values into two different TextBoxes.
One TextBox would represent the row index; the other would represent the
column index.
If you use this approach, then you must ensure that the values entered for the
row and column do not exceed the limitations of the array.
If the row and column index values are valid, you can use them to directly
reference a cell in the array, for example:
TaxTextBox.Text = TaxTableDecimal(RowInteger,
2. A second approach uses ComboBox controls.
Here the SelectedIndex property of one ComboBox represents the row
index (income level) and the SelectedIndex property of the second
ComboBox represents the column index (tax classification status).
Assuming that both ComboBoxes have a selection, the reference for an
array cell is:
Dim RowInteger As Integer = IncomeComboBox.SelectedIndex
Dim ColumnInteger As Integer =
TaxTextBox.Text = TaxTableDecimal(RowInteger,
3. Another approach requires the application user to search for a value to be found
in the array.
This approach requires coding a nested For...Next search or a DoLoop
search similar to those techniques shown above.

With this approach, the application system user enters a value in a TextBox,
then a code search procedure searches a specific column in an array to try to
find the value that was typed into the TextBox. If the search succeeds, the
code returns a value from a different column of the same array or from column
in a different array.

The number of ways that arrays are used is practically limitless, and your ability to
manipulate them will improve with practice over time.

Version 3 of the Bookstore Application

In this version of the Bookstore Application, a two-dimensional, module-level, string
array stores the data the Product structure is removed from the project.
Each row represents a product record and each column represents a product
field (attribute).
As with version 1 of the program, application users enter the desired product
ID value into a ProductIDTextBox control and click the Search button.
Search procedure code in the Search button control's click event searches the
column that stores the product ID value for the two-dimensional array
(column 0 in this case, but it could be any column in a two-dimensional array)
for the product ID value entered into the ProductIDTextBox control.
If a match is found, the product's description, quantity on hand, and price will
be displayed in the other TextBox controls; otherwise, an error message is

Start New Project

Task 1: Start a new project.
Name the project Ch08VBUniversity-Version3.
Delete the Form1 form that is added to the new project by right-clicking
Form1.vb in the Solution Explorer window.
Add the form from Ch08VBUniversity-Version1 as follows:
o Select the Project Add Existing Item menu.
o Browse to the version 1 project folder.
o Select the BookStore1.vb file and click the Add button (this will
automatically also copy the BookStore1.designer.vb and
BookStore1.resx files these files can be listed in the Solution
Explorer by clicking the Show All Files button and expanding the
BookStore1.vb filename).
Rename BookStore1.vb to be BookStore3.vb in the Solution Explorer or
Properties window.
In Solution Explorer, double-click My Project set the Startup form dropdown to BookStore3.
Change the title bar (Text property) to update the version to Version 3.

Redesign Interface
Task 2: Redesign the application interface.
Delete the declarations of the Product structure and InventoryProduct array.
Delete the Load event.

Coding the Project

Task 3: Modify the module-level declarations to add an array to store inventory

Create a two-dimensional, module-level string array named InventoryString

to store the product data as shown below.
o Do NOT enter values for the number of rows and columns in declaring
the array VB will allocate memory properly at runtime.
o The beginning and end of the data stored to the array are enclosed
with a set of braces { }.
o Pay close attention to the punctuation entries of commas, braces, and
line-continuation characters (underscores with a blank space just
before each underscore).
Add the declaration for the ProductSalesTotalDecimal array to store total
product sales that was used in Version 2 of the application as shown below.
Declare two module-level variables named RowInteger and ColumnInteger
to store the row and column values for the search procedure as shown below.
The module-level variables/constants/arrays declarations should now look like

'Module-level declarations
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 7 'number of
Private TotalDueDecimal As Decimal 'total due for a customer
'Array to store the total sales for each product
Private ProductSalesTotalDecimal(NumberProductsInteger) As
'Module-level variable to store row and column values
Private RowInteger, ColumnInteger As Integer
'Declare two-dimensional inventory array
Private InventoryString(,) As String = { _
{"A402", "History of America Textbook", "2", "$65.55"}, _
{"A804", "College Logo Tshirt", "15", "$18.99"}, _
{"C344", "College Logo Sweat Pants", "25", "$25.99"}, _
{"F554", "Drinking Mug", "8", "$5.49"}, _
{"G302", "Pencil and Pen Set", "15", "$35.50"}, _
{"M302", "College Logo Sweat Shirt", "25", "$22.99"}, _
{"S499", "Intro to Philosophy Textbook", "50", "$85.00"},

{"X599", "Intro to CMIS Textbook", "75", "$79.40"}}

Task 4: Modify the SearchButton controls Click event sub procedure.

Rewrite the code as follows:

o Column 0 (contains product ID) is searched by varying the RowInteger
variable from 0 to NumberProductsInteger.
o The search stops when a match is found or the search runs out of rows
to examine.
o When a match between the value in ProductIDTextBox .Text and the
InventoryID in column 0 of the array occurs, the other TextBox controls
display values from the same row, columns 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Private Sub SearchButton_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Search the ProductIDString property of the
'array to see if the value of ProductIDTextBox matches
an ID
'in the array
'Start variables to control the search
Dim FoundBoolean As Boolean = False 'Control how long
to search
RowInteger = 0
'Current row in the search
ColumnInteger = 0
'Search column zero
'Loop to do the search
Do Until FoundBoolean = True Or RowInteger >
'Compare TextBox to array
If ProductIDTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, ColumnInteger) Then
'found a match - display data to the readonly
DescriptionTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, 1)
QuantityTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, 2)
PriceTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, 3)
'change variable to indicate we have a match
FoundBoolean = True
'no match yet
RowInteger += 1
End If

'After the search determine if the ProductID was found
If FoundBoolean = False Then 'no match was found
'Clear the textbox controls that display product
'except for the ProductIDTextBox
'Display message that the ProductID is not valid
MessageBox.Show("Reenter a valid product ID.",
"Invalid Identifier", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
If Convert.ToInt32(QuantityTextBox.Text) = 0 Then
PurchaseToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
PurchaseToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Task 5: Modify the Product-Purchase menu item's Click event sub procedure.
The procedure must accumulate the total sales by referencing the RowInteger
variable that stores the current row from the search procedure. Modifications are
highlighted in yellow.
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product
before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the ListBox control
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDTextBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text

'Accumulate the total value of this customer order

'and display it to the output TextBox
TotalDueDecimal +=
TotalDueTextBox.Text =
'Accumulate total sales by product
ProductSalesTotalDecimal(RowInteger) +=
'Here you can clear the form of product info if
you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
End If
End Sub
Task 6: Add the File-Total Sales by Product menu item's Click event sub
procedure (from Version 2) as shown here.

The product ID value is now referenced from the InventoryString twodimensional array by using RowInteger to be the row subscript and zero (0)
to be the column subscript. Modifications are highlighted in yellow.

Private Sub
TotalSalesByProductToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Use For Next loop to process array and structure
Dim RowInteger As Integer
For RowInteger = 0 To NumberProductsInteger
'Store values to string variable to be added
'to the ListBox control
Dim SalesString As String = "Product ID: " &
InventoryString(RowInteger, 0) & "
Dollar Sales: " &
'Display report to the Immediate Window
End Sub

Test the project:

It should perform exactly as Version 1 the outer interface looks identical
despite the coding modifications and use of the array.

Possible Project Extensions Reducing Quantity On Hand

The project can be enhanced if time allows:
Add an About form to the project and display it from the Help-About menu
Update the amount of inventory in the array by reducing the quantity on
hand value displayed by one whenever a purchase is made.
Reducing the quantity on hand is a relatively straight-forward task. You must
decrease the value of the quantity column of the InventoryString array each time a
purchase is made. However, if the inventory level is zero, then a purchase cannot
be made.
The modified PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click event sub procedure is shown
A nested If statement is added to the Else processing branch of the outer If
statement. This inner If tests the value of the quantity that is stored at
location RowInteger, Column 2 to determine if the quantity is greater than
zero (highlighted in yellow).
If the quantity is greater than zero, the value is stored from the array to
QuantityInteger converting the quantity from string to integer. At the same
time the quantity is reduced by subtracting 1 from the value.
The value from QuantityInteger is then converted back to string and stored to
the array.
The Else branch of the inner If statement displays a message box with a
message that the product is out of stock.
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product
before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
If Convert.ToInt32(Me.InventoryString(RowInteger,
2)) > 0I Then
'Subtract 1 from quantity

Dim QuantityInteger As Integer =

Convert.ToInt32(Me.InventoryString(RowInteger, 2)) - 1I
'Store the quantity back to the array
InventoryString(RowInteger, 2) =
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the ListBox
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDTextBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer
'and display it to the output TextBox
TotalDueDecimal +=
TotalDueTextBox.Text =
'Accumulate total sales by product
ProductSalesTotalDecimal(RowInteger) +=
'Here you can clear the form of product info
if you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
MessageBox.Show("Ask for a raincheck, we are
out of that product.", "Out of Stock", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
End If
End If
End Sub
Test the application to confirm that the quantity decreases as purchases are made.

Solutions to In-Class Exercises

This solution shows the Ch08VBUniversity-Version1 code for the Bookstore1.vb

'Project: Ch08VBUniversity-Version1
'D. Bock
'Today's Date
Option Strict On
Public Class BookStore1
'Declare a Product structre
Structure Product
Dim ProductIDString As String
Dim DescriptionString As String
Dim QuantityInteger As Integer
Dim PriceDecimal As Decimal
End Structure
'Module-level declarations
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 7 'number of
'Array of type Product
Private InventoryProduct(NumberProductsInteger) As Product
Private TotalDueDecimal As Decimal 'total amount for
individual customer
Private Sub BookStore1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
InventoryProduct(0).ProductIDString = "A402"
InventoryProduct(0).DescriptionString = "History of
America Textbook"
InventoryProduct(0).QuantityInteger = 10
InventoryProduct(0).PriceDecimal = 65.55D
InventoryProduct(1).ProductIDString = "A804"
InventoryProduct(1).DescriptionString = "College Logo
InventoryProduct(1).QuantityInteger = 15
InventoryProduct(1).PriceDecimal = 18.99D
InventoryProduct(2).ProductIDString = "C344"
InventoryProduct(2).DescriptionString = "College Logo
Sweat Pants"
InventoryProduct(2).QuantityInteger = 25
InventoryProduct(2).PriceDecimal = 25.99D
InventoryProduct(3).ProductIDString = "F554"
InventoryProduct(3).DescriptionString = "Drinking Mug"
InventoryProduct(3).QuantityInteger = 8
InventoryProduct(3).PriceDecimal = 5.49D

InventoryProduct(4).ProductIDString = "G302"
InventoryProduct(4).DescriptionString = "Pencil and
Pen Set"
InventoryProduct(4).QuantityInteger = 15
InventoryProduct(4).PriceDecimal = 35.5D
InventoryProduct(5).ProductIDString = "M302"
InventoryProduct(5).DescriptionString = "College Logo
Sweat Shirt"
InventoryProduct(5).QuantityInteger = 25
InventoryProduct(5).PriceDecimal = 22.99D
InventoryProduct(6).ProductIDString = "S499"
InventoryProduct(6).DescriptionString = "Intro to
Philosophy Textbook"
InventoryProduct(6).QuantityInteger = 50
InventoryProduct(6).PriceDecimal = 85D
InventoryProduct(7).ProductIDString = "X599"
InventoryProduct(7).DescriptionString = "Intro to CMIS
InventoryProduct(7).QuantityInteger = 75
InventoryProduct(7).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
End Sub
Private Sub SearchButton_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Search the ProductIDString property of the
'array to see if the value of ProductIDTextBox matches
an ID
'in the array
'Start variables to control the search
Dim FoundBoolean As Boolean = False 'Control how long
to search
Dim RowInteger As Integer = 0
'Current row in
the search
'Loop to do the search
Do Until FoundBoolean = True Or RowInteger >
'Compare textBox to array
If ProductIDTextBox.Text =
InventoryProduct(RowInteger).ProductIDString Then
'found a match - display other data to the
readonly textboxes
DescriptionTextBox.Text =

QuantityTextBox.Text =
PriceTextBox.Text =
'change variable to indicate we have a match
FoundBoolean = True
'no match yet
RowInteger += 1
End If
'After the search determine if the ProductID was found
If FoundBoolean = False Then 'no match was found
'Clear the textbox controls that display product
'except for the ProductID textbox
'Display message that the ProductID is not valid
MessageBox.Show("Reenter a valid product ID.",
"Invalid Identifier", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product
before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDTextBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order

'and display it to the output textbox

TotalDueDecimal +=
TotalDueTextBox.Text =
'Here you can clear the form of product info if
you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Clear all text box controls
'Clear the list box control
'Reset the total due module-level variable to zero
TotalDueDecimal = 0
'Set the focus to the product ID text box
End Sub
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Exit the form without asking to close
End Sub
Private Sub SearchToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Call the Click event for the Search button control
End Sub

Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim MessageString As String = "Version 1 of the Book
Store Project" & ControlChars.NewLine & "Today's date/time: "
& Date.Now
Dim TitleString As String = "About Version 1"
MessageBox.Show(MessageString, TitleString,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub
End Class
This solution shows the Ch08VBUniversity-Version2 exercise code of the
Bookstore2.vb form.
'Project: Ch08VBUniversity-Version2
'D. Bock
'Today's Date
Option Strict On
Public Class BookStore2
'Declare a Product structre
Structure Product
Dim ProductIDString As String
Dim DescriptionString As String
Dim QuantityInteger As Integer
Dim PriceDecimal As Decimal
End Structure
'Module-level declarations
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 7 'number of
'Array of type Product
Private InventoryProduct(NumberProductsInteger) As Product
Private TotalDueDecimal As Decimal 'total amount for
individual customer
'Array to store the total sales for each product
Private ProductSalesTotalDecimal(NumberProductsInteger) As
Private Sub BookStore2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
InventoryProduct(0).ProductIDString = "A402"
InventoryProduct(0).DescriptionString = "History of
America Textbook"
InventoryProduct(0).QuantityInteger = 10

InventoryProduct(0).PriceDecimal = 65.55D
InventoryProduct(1).ProductIDString = "A804"
InventoryProduct(1).DescriptionString = "College Logo
InventoryProduct(1).QuantityInteger = 15
InventoryProduct(1).PriceDecimal = 18.99D
InventoryProduct(2).ProductIDString = "C344"
InventoryProduct(2).DescriptionString = "College Logo
Sweat Pants"
InventoryProduct(2).QuantityInteger = 25
InventoryProduct(2).PriceDecimal = 25.99D
InventoryProduct(3).ProductIDString = "F554"
InventoryProduct(3).DescriptionString = "Drinking Mug"
InventoryProduct(3).QuantityInteger = 8
InventoryProduct(3).PriceDecimal = 5.49D
InventoryProduct(4).ProductIDString = "G302"
InventoryProduct(4).DescriptionString = "Pencil and
Pen Set"
InventoryProduct(4).QuantityInteger = 15
InventoryProduct(4).PriceDecimal = 35.5D
InventoryProduct(5).ProductIDString = "M302"
InventoryProduct(5).DescriptionString = "College Logo
Sweat Shirt"
InventoryProduct(5).QuantityInteger = 25
InventoryProduct(5).PriceDecimal = 22.99D
InventoryProduct(6).ProductIDString = "S499"
InventoryProduct(6).DescriptionString = "Intro to
Philosophy Textbook"
InventoryProduct(6).QuantityInteger = 50
InventoryProduct(6).PriceDecimal = 85D
InventoryProduct(7).ProductIDString = "X599"
InventoryProduct(7).DescriptionString = "Intro to CMIS
InventoryProduct(7).QuantityInteger = 75
InventoryProduct(7).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
End Sub
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found

MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product

before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDComboBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order
'and display it to the output textbox
TotalDueDecimal +=
TotalDueTextBox.Text =
'Accumulate total sales by product to an array
Dim indexInteger As Integer =
ProductSalesTotalDecimal(indexInteger) +=
'Here you can clear the form of product info if
you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
ProductIDComboBox.Text = String.Empty
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Clear the ComboBox and all TextBox controls
ProductIDComboBox.Text = String.Empty
'Clear the list box control

'Reset the total due module-level variable to zero

TotalDueDecimal = 0
'Set the focus to the ProductIDComboBox
End Sub
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Exit the form without asking to close
End Sub
Private Sub ProductIDComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Store the selectedIndex to variable
Dim RowInteger As Integer =
'Based on RowInteger, display values to TextBox
'from the array named inventoryProduct
DescriptionTextBox.Text =
QuantityTextBox.Text =
PriceTextBox.Text =
End Sub
Private Sub
TotalSalesByProductToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Display output to immediate window
Dim RowInteger As Integer
For RowInteger = 0 To NumberProductsInteger
'Build string to display
Dim SalesString As String = "Product ID: " &
InventoryProduct(RowInteger).ProductIDString & "
Sales: " & ProductSalesTotalDecimal(RowInteger).ToString("C2")
'Display string to immediate window
End Sub

Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim MessageString As String = "Version 1 of the Book
Store Project" & ControlChars.NewLine & "Today's date/time: "
& Date.Now
Dim TitleString As String = "About Version 1"
MessageBox.Show(MessageString, TitleString,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub
End Class
This solution shows the Ch08VBUniversity-Version3 exercise code for the
Bookstore3.vb form.
'Project: Ch08VBUniversity-Version3
'Today's Date
Option Strict On
Public Class BookStore3
'Module-level declarations
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 7 'number of
Private TotalDueDecimal As Decimal 'total amount for
individual customer
'Array to store the total sales for each product
Private ProductSalesTotalDecimal(NumberProductsInteger) As
'Module-level variable to store row and column values
Private RowInteger, ColumnInteger As Integer
'Declare two-dimensional inventory array
Private InventoryString(,) As String = { _
{"A402", "History of America Textbook", "2",
"$65.55"}, _
{"A804", "College Logo Tshirt", "15", "$18.99"}, _
{"C344", "College Logo Sweat Pants", "25", "$25.99"},
{"F554", "Drinking Mug", "8", "$5.49"}, _
{"G302", "Pencil and Pen Set", "15", "$35.50"}, _
{"M302", "College Logo Sweat Shirt", "25", "$22.99"},
{"S499", "Intro to Philosophy Textbook", "50",
"$85.00"}, _
{"X599", "Intro to CMIS Textbook", "75", "$79.40"}}

Private Sub SearchButton_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
SearchButton.Click, SearchToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Search the ProductIDString property of the
'array to see if the value of ProductIDTextBox matches
an ID
'in the array
'Start variables to control the search
Dim FoundBoolean As Boolean = False 'Control how long
to search
RowInteger = 0
'Current row in the search
ColumnInteger = 0
'Search column zero
'Loop to do the search
Do Until FoundBoolean = True Or RowInteger >
'Compare TextBox to array
If ProductIDTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, ColumnInteger) Then
'found a match - display data to the readonly
DescriptionTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, 1)
QuantityTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, 2)
PriceTextBox.Text =
InventoryString(RowInteger, 3)
'change variable to indicate we have a match
FoundBoolean = True
'no match yet
RowInteger += 1
End If
'After the search determine if the ProductID was found
If FoundBoolean = False Then 'no match was found
'Clear the textbox controls that display product
'except for the ProductIDTextBox
'Display message that the ProductID is not valid

MessageBox.Show("Reenter a valid product ID.",

"Invalid Identifier", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
If Convert.ToInt32(QuantityTextBox.Text) = 0 Then
PurchaseToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
PurchaseToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product
before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
If Convert.ToInt32(Me.InventoryString(RowInteger,
2)) > 0I Then
'Subtract 1 from quantity
Dim QuantityInteger As Integer =
Convert.ToInt32(Me.InventoryString(RowInteger, 2)) - 1I
'Store the quantity back to the array
InventoryString(RowInteger, 2) =
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the ListBox
Dim ProductString As String =
ProductIDTextBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer
'and display it to the output TextBox
TotalDueDecimal +=
TotalDueTextBox.Text =

'Accumulate total sales by product

ProductSalesTotalDecimal(RowInteger) +=
'Here you can clear the form of product info
if you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
MessageBox.Show("Ask for a raincheck, we are
out of that product.", "Out of Stock", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Clear all TextBox controls
'Clear the ListBox control
'Reset the total due module-level variable to zero
TotalDueDecimal = 0
'Set the focus to the ProductIDTextBox
End Sub
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Exit the form without asking to close
End Sub

Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim MessageString As String = "Version 1 of the Book
Store Project" & ControlChars.NewLine & "Today's date/time: "
& Date.Now
Dim TitleString As String = "About Version 1"
MessageBox.Show(MessageString, TitleString,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub
Private Sub
TotalSalesByProductToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
'Use For Next loop to process array and structure
Dim RowInteger As Integer
For RowInteger = 0 To NumberProductsInteger
'Store values to string variable to be added
'to the ListBox control
Dim SalesString As String = "Product ID: " &
InventoryString(RowInteger, 0) & "
Dollar Sales: " &
'Display report to the Immediate Window
End Sub
End Class

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