Assignement 3 - 22 Miaque v. Patag

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Miaque v.

FACTS: 5 informations for libel were filed in the RTC against petitioner Miaque and
3 others. Said informations were quashed for lack of jurisdiction of the offense
charged. Specifically, said Informations failed to allege either that private
respondent Vicente Aragona actually held office in Iloilo City at the time of the
commission of the offenses or that the alleged libelous remarks were printed or first
published in Iloilo City.
5 new informations for libel were filed against petitioner in the RTC as
recommended by Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Maraon. The new Informations
were similarly worded as those previously quashed but with these added
allegations: (1) Aragona, Regional State Prosecutor VI of the Department of Justice,
held office at the Hall of Justice, Iloilo City or (2) the alleged libelous remarks were
written, printed and published in Iloilo City.
Petitioner filed his motions not to issue warrants of arrest and, if already issued, to
recall them. The motions were denied on the ground that petitioner was beyond the
courts jurisdiction as he was not under the custody of the court.
Petitioner contends that the Informations were filed without the mandatory
preliminary investigation. Moreover, the new Informations were filed by one who
had no authority to do so because these were filed by the Iloilo Provincial
Prosecutors Office and not the Iloilo City Prosecutors Office. Jurisdiction over the
subject matter supposedly belonged to the latter. Petitioner likewise assails the
refusal of respondent judge to recall the warrants of arrest issued against him.
The OSG stated that a new preliminary investigation was unnecessary because the
quashed Informations were merely amended to include the allegations mentioned.
On the warrant of arrest, the OSG alleges that the trial court acquired jurisdiction
over petitioner because the filing of the motions supposedly was tantamount to
voluntarily submitting to the jurisdiction of the court.
ISSUE: Whether or not the Iloilo Provincial Prosecutors Office has authority to file
and sign the new Informations against petitioner.
HELD: The Informations must be quashed. The offenses charged in each of the new
Informations were alleged to have been committed in Iloilo City but said
Informations were filed by the Iloilo Provincial Prosecutors Office.
The Charter of the City of Iloilo provides: [The City Fiscal, now City Prosecutor] shall
also have charge of the prosecution of all crimes, misdemeanors and violations of
city ordinances, in the Court of First Instance (now RTC) and in the Municipal Trial
Court of the city, and shall discharge all the duties in respect to criminal
prosecutions enjoined by law upon provincial fiscals.

The city fiscal shall cause to be investigated all charges of crimes, misdemeanors,
and violations of ordinances, and have the necessary informations or complaints
prepared against the persons accused.
The authority to sign and file the new Informations is properly lodged with the Iloilo
City Prosecutors Office. The Iloilo Provincial Prosecutors Office was clearly bereft of
authority to file the new Informations against petitioner. An Information, when
required by law to be filed by a public prosecuting officer, cannot be filed by
another. The court does not acquire jurisdiction over the case because there is a
defect in the Information.
Questions relating to lack of jurisdiction may be raised at any stage of the
proceeding. An infirmity in the information, such as lack of authority of the officer
signing it, cannot be cured by silence, acquiescence, or even by express consent. he
common infirmity in the Informations constituted a jurisdictional defect that could
not be cured. There was no point in proceeding under a defective Information that
could never be the basis of a valid conviction.

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