TKT Yl Young Learners Part 4 Purposes of Assessing Learning PDF

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The key takeaways are that this document discusses assessing learning in young learners and the purposes of different types of informal classroom-based assessment. It also provides information about the format and content of the TKT: YL test.

Some of the different purposes of assessing learning discussed are identifying progress in language, achievement in language, and gaining feedback on the effectiveness of teaching methods.

Some examples of classroom tasks and activities include checklists to identify progress in language items, games to assess speaking objectives, and activities to show achievement in developing cognitive strategies.

TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning

Trainers notes
This session looks at different types of informal assessment and specifically at the purposes
of assessing learning, as well as the content and format of the TKT: YL test. Participants
work with various task types including a True/ False and an information gap activity.
Time required:

45 minutes
Participants worksheet 1 (1 copy for each participant)
Participants worksheet 2 (A and B) (one copy for each participant)

to familiarise participants with the format, content and task types of TKT: YL Part 4
to consider purposes of informal assessment and different ways of
assessing learning
to share classroom knowledge and experience

1. Before the class, copy the Participants Worksheets. Cut Participants Worksheet
2 into two parts, 2A and 2B, so that there is one copy of 2A for half the class and one
copy of 2B for the other half of the class.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL:

TKT: YL focuses on children from 612 years

children at this age are at different stages of their development and come to
with varying levels of English, so groups can have mixed abilities

these factors have implications for informal assessment

this session focuses on purposes of different types of classroombased assessment and reflects learners needs related to
different stages of development and levels of English.

3. (10 minutes) Write the following heading on the board:

Purposes of assessing learning
Elicit examples of different purposes of assessing learning from participants
experience, e.g. identifying progress in language (See Key below for further
4. Participants work in pairs to write examples of classroom tasks and activities which
they use or could use for the purposes elicited in Step 3 (see Key below). Feed back

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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning Trainers notes
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in plenary to share classroom experience and practice. Point or elicit the following
about progress and achievement:

Progress in language involves comparing ability in a specific language area with

previous ability, for example, doing an exercise already completed earlier in the
course and comparing results.

Achievement in language involves looking at what children can do at any given

time in the course, for example, asking them how they are going to do their
homework can assess achievement in organising learning.

5. (15 minutes) Give out Participants worksheet 1. Participants work in pairs to read
some statements about the purposes of assessing learning, some of which are true
and some of which are false. Participants identify which are true or false before
checking their answers with another pair.
6. Feed back in plenary (see Key below).
7. (10 minutes) Participants either continue to work in their pairs, or in groups of four.
They should write a correct statement to replace the false ones. Feed back in
plenary, asking volunteers to read out their corrected statements (see Key below for
8. (optional: this step can be omitted if already covered in other sessions) Put
participants into pairs, sitting back to back. Give out Participants worksheet 2A to
one member of each pair and Participants worksheet 2B to their partner. They
complete the information gap activity about the format and content of the TKT: YL
test. Pairs check answers with each other if necessary (see Key below).
9. (5 minutes) Round up to review and summarize main points covered. Ask

What is covered in Part 4 of the test? (The title of Part 4 is assessing young
learner learning through classroom-based assessment , which covers informal
assessment and includes:
purposes of assessing learning
focuses of assessing learning
acting on assessment evidence)

How confident do participants feel about answering questions on this part

of the syllabus?

What have they learnt about the TKT: YL test in this session? (Participants
learn different things depending on their own experience and knowledge gaps)

How can they prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (Candidates can do the
plan different types of informal assessment to support teaching and
learning in their own situation

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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning Trainers notes
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reflect on any informal assessment they use in the classroom and

how it could be improved or extended

Additional information

The four syllabus areas for TKT: YL are:

Part 1: Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to
young learners
Part 2: Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Part 3: Teaching young learners
Part 4: Assessing young learner learning through classroom based

The TKT: YL Handbook is available to download at

Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 4 and
TKT: YL Part 4 Focuses of assessment and TKT: YL Part 4 Acting on assessment
evidence for more information on the test format and content.

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information see our Terms of Use at

TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning Trainers notes
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning

Answer keys
Key to Procedure Steps
Steps 3 and 4
Purpose for assessing learning


Identifying progress in language

compare ability in a specific language area with

previous ability for example set a reading
comprehension task which uses vocabulary/structures
children have recently learnt

Identifying achievement in use of skills

ask children to volunteer in pairs to sing a verse of a

class song or repeat a line of a chant to assess
achievement in pronunciation and intonation

Diagnosing strengths and weaknesses in

use of skills

do simple role plays to assess speaking skills

Identifying childrens likes and dislikes

ask the class what they think about an activity after

they have finished it

Giving children and parents feedback on

progress or achievement

build portfolios during the course to include class work

and homework

Identifying children who need extra support

monitor children as they work by walking around the

class and noting which children are last to finish tasks

Identifying achievement in learning strategies

ask children how they remember difficult spellings in


Note: These are points covered on the TKT: YL syllabus (see Handbook). Other
reasonable examples which fit with purposes of assessment can be added to the list.

Key to Participants Worksheet 1

1 Giving positive feedback at the end of a task can
increase motivation.

True Teachers review target language and

children develop a positive attitude to

2 Children are good at giving feedback about

different topics on the syllabus.

True It helps a teacher to identify childrens

likes and dislikes.

3 Using checklists to identify progress in language,

distracts children when they are working.

False Children can be motivated by and

quickly become used to the teacher using
checklists for short periods of assessment to
record levels of achievement.

4 Playing a game such as Passing on a telephone

message gives feedback on speaking objectives.

True Teachers can listen to target

pronunciation or notice childrens ability to
remember language and assess achievement

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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning Answer keys
Page 4 of 7

against a checklist of speaking objectives.

5 Asking the class to rank animals in size from
biggest to smallest shows progress in developing
cognitive strategies

True Children need to think abstractly about

the size of different animals to consider an
order from large to small.

6 Doing simple reading games at word level such

as Odd one out identifies progress in learning

False. Doing reading games at word level

identifies progress or achievement in reading
and language skills.

7 Doing a colour dictation shows learners

achievement in reading skills.

False It shows achievement in listening skills

and recognition of target language such as
colours and clothes.

8 Reference resources like dictionaries or websites

assesses childrens progress in using learning

True Doing project work shows progress in

finding, reading, remembering and using
information in the target language.

9 Asking children to review their work before

handing it in gives feedback on progress in
language learning.

True Children can sometimes correct their

own mistakes and so show their progress in
using target language.

10 Gaining feedback on the effectiveness of

teaching methods is not a valid reason for
assessing learning.

False It is a valid reason for assessing

childrens learning. For example schools and
teachers need to evaluate the effectiveness
of different approaches or coursebook

Key to Participants Worksheet 2


There are 80 questions in the TKT: YL test.

Candidates have about 1 minute to do each question.

Candidates have 1 hour 20 minutes to do the test.

All answers are written on an answer sheet.

There are 4 question types including 3/4/5 ratio matching, 3 option multiple
choice, odd one out and 1-1 ratio matching.

There are 4 knowledge areas covered by TKT: YL syllabus.

The first part covers childrens learning and development and the second
focuses on planning and preparing lessons.

The third and fourth parts cover young learner teaching strategies and

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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning Answer keys
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning

Participants Worksheet 1
Read the statements about purposes of assessing learning. Some statements are true,
and others are false.

Giving positive feedback at the end of a task can increase motivation.

Children are good at giving feedback about different topics on the syllabus.

Identifying progress by using checklists of language items which the teacher ticks or
comments on distracts children when they are working.

Playing a game such as Passing on a telephone message gives feedback on

speaking objectives.

Asking the class to rank animals in size from biggest to smallest shows achievement
in developing cognitive strategies.

Doing simple reading games at word level such as odd one out identifies progress in
learning strategies.

Doing a colour dictation shows childrens achievement in reading skills.

Reference resources like dictionaries or websites assess childrens progress in using

learning strategies.

Asking children to review their work before handing it in gives feedback on progress
in language learning.

10 Gaining feedback on the effectiveness of teaching methods is not a valid reason for
assessing learning.

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information see our Terms of Use at

TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning Participants Worksheet 1
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning

Participants Worksheet 2A
Complete the information on your sheet by asking your partner, and respond to her/his


There are 80 questions in the TKT: YL test.

Candidates have about

Candidates have 1 hour 20 minutes to do the test.

All answers are written on an

There are 4 question types including 3/4/5 option matching, 3 option multiple choice,
odd one out and 1-1 ratio matching.

There are

The first part covers childrens learning and development and the second focuses on
Planning and Preparing lessons.

The third and fourth parts cover

to do each question.

knowledge areas covered by TKT: YL syllabus.

and assessment

TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning

Participants Worksheet 2B
Complete the information on your sheet by asking your partner, and respond to her/his


There are

questions in the TKT: YL test.

Candidates have about 1 minute to do each question.

Candidates have

All answers are written on an answer sheet.

There are
question types including ratio matching, multiple choice,
odd one out and 1-1 ratio matching.

There are four knowledge areas covered by TKT: YL syllabus.

The first part covers childrens learning and development and the second focuses on

The third and fourth parts cover young learner teaching strategies and assessment.

minutes to do the test.

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
information see our Terms of Use at

TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Purposes of assessing learning Participants Worksheet 2A
Page 7 of 7

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