February 11, 2015 Tribune Record Gleaner

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Tribune Record Gleaner

Volume 121 Number 6




Wednesday, February 11, 2015


A lesson for all you guys: This is the way to propose

Be advised, all you guys out there who plan to dazzle
your gal this Valentines Day. No matter what you do,
youre probably not going to impress her like Andy Vine
did last month with his now bride-to-be.
Andy and Melissa Severson live and farm together
north of Greenwood, and have a 1-year-old, son, Weston.
They spend a lot of time together, so Andy needed a few
hours of alone time to pull off a special plan.
So, on Jan. 13, when Melissa went to get her hair
done, Andy flew into action. He first moved nine large
round hay bales into position along their driveway,
then took green spray paint and marked his message
Melissa, will you marry me? All the while checking in
with her by text message to make sure she didnt come
home too early, he prepared the rest of his proposal. A
bouquet of flowers to hold. A CD player on the hay pile
to play John Deere Green by Joe Diffie. A second bouquet for little Weston to hold when Melissa came inside.
With everything hurriedly but properly in place, all
Andy had to do then was wait until Melissa came down
the road. And there he was, down on one knee in front
of his large painted proposal.
Andy said he had been planning his proposal for a
month, and timed it for a special day -- Jan. 13 had been
Westons due date. Melissa said she was of course surprised to come into the driveway and see all her beau
had prepared.
He didnt have much time alone. He had to work
fast, Melissa said. He went all out. It was pretty
An early summer wedding is in the works.


Melissa Severson and Andy Vine -- and their 1-year-old son, Weston -- stand in front of the large marriage
proposal Andy painted on round hay bales along their driveway north of Greenwood on Jan. 13. Andy
had only a short time frame to put his plan in action while Melissa was getting her hair done, but he was
waiting -- down on one knee with flowers in his hand -- when she drove in the driveway.

Marty Nigon earns Greenwood Chambers top citizen honor


Marty Nigon (with plaque) was given the Greenwood Chamber of Commerces annual
citizen of the year award Sunday evening at the groups annual banquet at Parkway
Pines. Family members on hand included (from left) his in-laws, Donald and Mary Ann
Lindner; his daughter, McKayla; his wife, Kathy; daughter Kristyn; and son and daughter
in law, Luke and Amy.
the original 240-acre operation, and Marty
and his brother and sister-in-law, Jim and
Elaine Nigon, who owned a farm just down
the road, helped work it.

Most everybody who is familiar with

the Greenwood area knows exactly where
Marty Nigons farm is located. Its the
well-kept one on Highway 73 a few miles
south of town, where you can buy sweet
corn every August, or maple syrup in
the spring, or decorative mulch for your
yard, or where community events are
sometimes held.
On Sunday evening, the owner of that
well-known farm on the highway was
named by the Greenwood Chamber of
Commerce as its 2015 citizen of the year.
For donating his time to various church
and community causes, for giving his
sweet maple syrup every year for the
church pancake and dairy breakfasts,
and for helping any neighbor who needs
a hand, Nigon earned the annual honor
given out by the Chamber since 1980. The
honor was presented at the Chambers
annual banquet held at Parkway Pines.
The Nigon name was not a familiar one
in the Greenwood area until 1978, when
Marty and his parents, Claire and Gerry,
bought the former Ray Gregorich farm on
Highway 73 so Marty could get a start in a
dairy farming career. His parents bought

Marty married Kathy Lindner in 1985,

and they moved into a rented house a mile
from the home farm. When Claire and
Gerry retired in 1988, Marty and Kathy

moved onto the farm, and they bought it

10 years later after Claire passed away.
Marty and Kathy have made numerous improvements and expansions to the
farm. The barn was revamped to hold 70
milking cows, and the Nigons built three
new silos, a slurry-store, a heifer/steer
building, a hay shed, and a large shop. The
farm now includes 322 acres, with another
500 acres rented. The land is enough to
provide all the farms feed needs, with
some left for cash cropping.
The Nigons have been able to survive
and expand in a difficult dairy farming
climate by diversifying. They raise all
the young stock on the farm, and Marty
markets the steers and excess heifers for
another revenue source.
Marty has also been a Dairyland Seed
salesman for more than 10 years. He also
sells decorative yard mulches, and produces maple syrup every spring to sell
and to give to causes such as the St. Marys
Catholic Church pancake breakfast and
the Chambers June dairy breakfasts.
Since 1996, Marty has also helped his

Please see Citizen, page 6

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Page 2 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

UW budget cuts maybe not so extreme

The governors budget
proposal has stirred the
normal controversy and
concer ns among various groups of people. I
understand some of the
reasons for the concern and would like
to give you some of what Ive uncovered
as I was investigating. This may take
several articles as the next weeks and
months unfold.
As you may remember, I try to put
things into perspective in a way that can
be understood by me. If I can get my head
around something, its my hope that others can as well.
Lets start with the governors proposed cuts to the UW System.
The news media has been reporting
state funding slashed by over 13 percent. While this is technically true, its
not the whole story. Lets calmly look at
the whole picture, and resist the urge to
run around like our hair is on fire.
Budget cuts are seldom well received.
But how drastic are they really, and what
will it mean to the UW System? In numerous meetings and communications with
deans and a chancellor, as well as many
emails with faculty and students, I have
some insight into this very complex issue.
After looking at private and for-profit
universities in comparison to the UW
System, I find that the student to faculty
ratio at the UW Universities and Colleges
is very much in line with those private
universities. If the numbers and ratios
are calculated the same, and I trust they
are, I can deduce from this that the UW
is a competitive entity and not bloated
or inefficient as compared to private and
for-profit universities.
Next, allow me to put into perspective
the proposed $300 million ($150 million
per year) budget cut.
The overall budget for the UW System is $6,098 million per year. The $150
million cut per year represents about

2.5 percent of the total

yearly operating budget.
I understand that not
all of these funds are
accessible and many
are already committed
in cost-to-continue operations. Many
small and large businesses experience
much greater fluctuations than this ...
and survive, and even thrive. 2.5 percent
certainly does not constitute the end
of a very resilient UW System!
Further if you look at the Net Position (Net Worth) of the UW System over
the last several years you can see that the
university is doing very well. From the
audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report I learned that the University
of Wisconsin System has increased its
net worth year after year for the last four
years. Following are the numbers:
2011 -- $4,393 million
2012 -- $4,418 million
2013 -- $4,513 million
2014 -- $4,674 million
The increase in the UW System net
position was $161 million from 2013 to
2014. The $150 million cut is almost
exactly what the change in net worth was
in the past year.
$150 million amounts to three percent
of the net position. This, while substantial, does not equate to gutting the
system. If the UW System operates as
well as I believe it will, it will not run out
of money. Given the flexibility that the
UW System has been asking for, the UW
will continue to be very strong for many,
many years!
There are several other revenue
sources that could and possibly should be
considered. Out-of state tuition could be
raised. That is a bargain when you look at
other schools of the same caliber in the
USA. Keeping Wisconsin citizens tuition
frozen is a good idea, and I applaud that.
This proposed budget, as with all oth-

Rep. Bob Kulp

R, Stratford

Please see Budget, page 6

Greenwood Board in need of diversity

The TRG editorial of
Feb. 4 brings up some good
points. Female leadership
administratively and on
the School Board have not been very
popular lately in Greenwood. Is there a
hostile attitude toward women on the
part of some board and community
members? And why are there no parents
on the School Board? Im happy there is
at least one grandparent of children in
the district.
Greenwood needs balance on the


Writer says thanks to an old friend

My purpose for this letter to the editor
is simple, thank you Bob Rogstad for all
of your support and many hours of hard
work in helping to make Clark County and
this country a better place to live, work

Do Walkers proposed UW budget cuts go too far?

All of the University of Wisconsin campuses face difficult personnel decisions in
the wake of Gov. Scott Walkers call for a
$300 million system-wide cut in taxpayer
support for the 2015-17 biennium.
The governor, who left Marquette University without getting a degree, suggested
the UW System should ask faculty to teach
an additional course each semester. He
said that would limit any future tuition
increases and at the same time we maintain a high quality education.
Walker is starting his second four-year
term as governor. He will be governor at
least until 2019 unless he goes to Washington, D.C. It could be a lengthy period
of lean times for the UW.
The long-range future of the university
system will continue to be its ability to
attract and retain the best teachers and
researchers. Walkers budget and rhetoric
will receive widespread notice because
he is preparing to run for the Republican
nomination for president.
Other universities across the country
may seek to lure away the best upcoming
stars of the Wisconsin system. Surely
the long-range budget picture for the UW
campuses will be a factor to current UW
top performers if they receive offers from
other colleges.
That situation also will make it difficult
to attract quality to the system campuses.
But a $300 million budget reduction in
state support to public higher education
suggests there wont be much outside recruitment going on at most of the systems
The cut will stimulate thoughts of retirement from veteran faculty members,

but that wont come quick enough to avoid

layoffs within the system. Their postretirement pensions seem likely to grow
faster than their salaries in coming years.
Other nuts-and-bolts personnel issues
include whether those who are laid off
will have first shot at regaining their jobs.
Employees who are laid off have the ability to collect unemployment compensation
benefits. Ironically, the laid-off workers
could be among the first to be required to
undergo Walkers drug testing requirements -- another part of
his budget plan.
Re p u b l i c a n s h ave
large majorities in both
houses of the Legislature, meaning the governors slash in university
money likely will be approved.
But there is some
nervousness among legislators because of the
potential impact on camPommer puses in their legislative districts. Austerity
sounds great in the abstract, but there is
political pain when it hits the folks back
home. Legislators will be concerned that
their home campus gets treated like other
campuses in the system.
Smaller and newer campuses could feel
the state cutbacks the most. One-third of
the Superior campus budget comes from
state aid. It is 25 percent at the Parkside
campus in Kenosha County and 20 percent
at the Green Bay campus.
Madison, Milwaukee, and Oshkosh
-- the campuses with the largest enroll-

School Board for the sake

of our children, staff and
district. We need women,
men, parents, grandparents and interested community members. Its time for our district
to heal.
Please get to know the candidates so
you can make a decision. Give them a call.
See what they think. Vote in the primary
Feb. 17 and in the general election in April
for people that will move our district
forward. I for one have had enough of
the past.

Sharon Rogers

ments -- each have been getting 17 percent

of their budgets through state aid.
The governors plan would give the
university more autonomy while slashing state help by 13 percent. Being free
of significant legislative oversight and
state regulations is supposed to help offset
budget reductions.
For decades, one question has lingered:
how could a relatively low population,
medium-size state like Wisconsin afford
a world-class university system, such as
the UW? Walkers budget proposal seems
to raise new doubts about the universitys



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and raise
our children.
M a n y
times during the last
25 years I personally asked for and received your help. You were a man who
worked tirelessly for your community
and your country. We need more selfless

Earl Hoffman

Please see Letter, page 6

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Editor ............................................................ Dean Lesar
Advertising Sales......................................Phil Greschner
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 -Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 3

Trinity Lutheran ELCA


201 S. Washington St., Unity 715-223-2155 Pastor Al Houts

9 a.m. - Sunday school 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Memorial Day to Labor Day: 9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Neillsville Seventh Day Adventist Church

5th & Clay Streets Neillsville 715-743-7988
Saturday Services: 9:30 a.m. - Sabbath school
11 a.m. - Worship, 6:30 p.m. - Thursday Bible study

Trinity Lutheran ELCA

201 N. West Loyal 715-255-8880
7 p.m. - Saturday worship service
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Christ the King Church
101 Wendel Spencer 715-659-4480
4 p.m. - Saturday evening mass 8 and 10 a.m. - Sunday morning mass
Masses for Holy Days of Obligation evening before, 8 p.m.; day of, 5:30 p.m.

Zion American Lutheran ELCA

Granton 715-238-7269
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Holy Family Catholic Church

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Willard 715-255-8017 FATHER STEVEN BRICE

4 p.m. - Saturday mass

St. Anthonys Catholic Church

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


407 N. Division Loyal 715-255-8017
6:30 p.m. - Saturday mass, 10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning mass

2207 W. 5th St., Marshfield 715-384-4559

9:30-10:20 a.m. - Priesthood, Relief Society, Young Women
9:30-11:15 a.m. - Primary 10:25-11:15 a.m. Sunday school
11:20 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Sacrament meeting

St. Marys Parish

Greenwood 715-255-8017 FATHER STEVEN BRICE
8:30 a.m. - Sunday morning mass

Church of Christ

St. Paul Lutheran

B3942 State Highway 13, Spencer

9 a.m. - Sunday Bible study; 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service
7 p.m. - Wednesday Bible study
Evangelist: Clint A. Oppermann - 715-650-1970
Web site: www. spencercoc.com E-mail: [email protected]

North Green Grove P.O. Box 206 N13510 Cty. Rd. E

Colby, WI 715-223-1726 REV. PAUL HUNSICKER
9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Christ Lutheran - Chili

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service, 10 a.m. - Sunday school
Holy Communion celebrated the first and third Sundays of each month.

Immanuel United Church of Christ

Trinity Lutheran

3 mi. w. on G, 1 mi. n. on Hwy. O. Greenwood

Phone 715-267-6547 REV. ASAFA RAJAOFERA
8:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

(Missouri Synod)
109 W. Clark Spencer 715-659-4006
7 p.m. - Saturday worship service
8:40 a.m. - Sunday school; 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Hwy. 10 & Fairground Ave. Neillsville 715-743-2471

9:15 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Living Hope Evangelical Free Church

Zion Lutheran

Our Fathers House Christian Community Church

W2894 Granton Road, Granton 715-238-7318

9:15 a.m. - Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated first and third Sundays of each month.

W770 County Trunk H, Chili 715-683-2889

9:30 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Emmanuel Lutheran - ELCA

Immanuel United Methodist

W5752 Colby Factory Road Town of Longwood

10:45 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated second and fourth Sundays of each month.

Chili 715-683-2886 10:30 a.m. - Morning worship

Granton United Methodist

8 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran

Loyal United Methodist

(Wisconsin Synod) (rural Neillsville)

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

Loyal Office 715-255-9213 Home 715-255-8737

9:15 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Spencer United Methodist

Nazareth Lutheran - ELCA

Church Office 715-659-5551 REV. MICHAEL CARLSON

9:30 a.m. - Sunday Bible study
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

North County T Withee 715-229-2051

10 a.m. - Sunday worship service. Everyone welcome.

United Methodist

Our Saviors Lutheran - ELCA

209 W. Clark St., P.O. Box 533 Colby

JANINE JOHNSON, lay speaker
7 p.m. - Wednesday worship service
No Sunday services
Church school as announced prior to evening service

110 W. Begley Greenwood 715-267-6142

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church

(Wisconsin Synod)
Christie 715-743-2480
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

York Center United Methodist

Office 715-255-9213 Home 715-255-8737
9 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 10 a.m. - Sunday school

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran

St. Katherines Episcopal Church

(Wisconsin Synod)
711 W. 5th St. Neillsville 715-743-2944
9 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 10:15 a.m. - Sunday school and Bible class
7 p.m. - Monday worship

206 E. 3rd St. Owen, WI 715-229-2643 REV. TONY RING

10 a.m. - Wednesday morning prayer & Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

St. Pauls Lutheran - ELCA

Bible Baptist

1131 Meridian St. Curtiss

Church: 715-223-4000 Office: 715-785-7975
[email protected]
10:15 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 9:30 a.m. - Sunday school

700 E. 15th St. Neillsville 715-743-4695

9:30 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Worship service,
3 p.m. - Sunday afternoon service
7 p.m. - Wednesday night Bible studies

St. Johns Lutheran - ELCA

Riplinger 715-659-5158 EVERYONE WELCOME
11 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Communion every second Sunday of the month.

Missionary Baptist

302 N. Main Greenwood 715-267-6114

9:30 a.m. - Sunday school for all ages
10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning worship service
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday ALL FOR HIM (grades 7-12)
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday AWANA club ( age 3-grade 6)

St. Johns Lutheran - ELCA

B3750 Hwy. 13 Spencer 715-659-5158
[email protected]
9 a.m. - Sunday worship with communion
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday evening worship with communion
Handicapped accessible

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concern with other universities taking

many of our professors.
That is just another jolt as the same
thing happened four years ago when
many either retired or went somewhere
else. Im aware of at least one professor
who left Wisconsin for a position in Utah.
It isnt that he wont be missed as he was
voted teacher of the year his first year in
the new job.

After writing about 2,200 people having

their hand guns confiscated as they passed
through airport security, I thought that
would end the story about dumb things
people do.
Well, you probably heard this one on
your television news programs. I picked
it up on the Internet from both television
stations in Eau Claire and La Crosse.
It seems the manager of a big retail
store in Black River Falls suspected
someone had left the store without paying for some merchandise. He was lucky
enough to get the license number of the
van involved and called the Black River
Falls police.
While discussing the matter with a police officer who had responded, the store
manager noticed the van returning. He
followed the man back inside the store
and the police officer kept watch outside.
The man again left the store with a
shopping cart filled with merchandise
that he hadnt paid for. When the store
manager called attention to it, the man
took off running. He was quickly stopped
by the police officer who was observing the
whole thing.
When the merchandise was totaled up it
amounted to more than $1,800. He also had
an accomplice. The pair were taken to jail.
Wouldnt you think if they were lucky
enough to get away with theft they would
have left the scene, instead of going back
for more. I guess along with being a stupid thing to do, it also shows that greed
doesnt pay.

One of the highlights of the year is

coming up Saturday. Thats the annual
Wisconsin Coffee. If Im lucky, Ill get a
story or two there.
What you see isnt always a sure thing.
One day this week I saw a lady wearing a
sweatshirt that read, Eau Claire Basketball. I asked her if she lived in Eau Claire.
She said, Yes, Eau Claire, Mich.. I guess
I wasnt the first person from Wisconsin
to ask her that.
Eau Claire, Mich., I learned is a town
of about 1,100 people and is in southwest
Michigan, just a few miles north of the
Indiana border.


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Writing about the weather is bound to

change it. After talking about our nice
weather, we ended up with a cool, damp
week. It had been nice over the weekend. I
went to church in my shirt sleeves, noticed
that someone had mowed the lawn in front
of the church and the pastor turned on the
air conditioning before the service started.
Another nice weekend ahead and the
weatherman is telling us that it is time for
the farmers to start their planting. That
might mean a trip off the island, just to
see if he is right.

It seems the new year is well under way

and politics are getting off to a bad start
almost everywhere you look. Congress,
which is now all under Republican rule,
continues to be against everything the
president wants. It has been reported that
the House of Representatives has voted
more than 50 times trying to kill the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It makes me
wonder why in the world they didnt just
try once to provide a health care plan on
their own if they didnt like the plan that
currently was approved.

Here in Texas, Gov. Rick Perry decided

not to run for another term, after serving
for 14 years. While he ran the state with a
my way or no way method, he had different advice for the Texas Legislature on
the day he left office.
He encouraged them to compromise in
reaching their decisions, a message that
got him an extended standing ovation.
However, the advice went right in one ear
and out the other. The following day, the
head of the State Senate, another Republican, pushed through a new rule changing
the requirement of a two-thirds majority
to bring a bill to a vote, to three-fifths.
Under the old rule it took 21 of the 31
senate members to bring up a vote. The
new rule only requires 19 and with 20
of the senate Republicans it smells like
things will be going all one way. Incidentally, the old rule had been in effect for 80

Im only getting bits and pieces from

Wisconsin, but it doesnt appear to be
going much better back there. Our governor seems to be bent on keeping the state
divided. Four years ago, it was his attack
on most public employee unions which resulted in lots of teachers and other public
employees taking an early retirement or
other employment.
Now he wants to change things at the
University system. He apparently even
wants to do away with Public Radio and
Television. I saw a note tonight about the

PHONE : 715-255-8695 715-255-8600 (SHOP)

If you would like to

advertise in this section,
call Phil Greschner at
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The cost is $7.50 per
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Page 4 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

CVTC seeks board applicants

EAU CLAIRE -- Applications are being
accepted for three positions on the Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC)
Board of Trustees. The open positions
include one member who is an employer,
one who is an employee and one school
district administrator. Successful candidates will serve three-year terms beginning July 1.
Applications are due by 4 p.m., March
9. Send applications to Candy Johnson,
Chippewa Valley Technical College, 620
W. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire, WI 54701.
There are a number of requirements
all candidates must meet in order to be

eligible for Wisconsin Technical College System district board membership.

Candidates must be residents of the
technical college district, must submit
an application/affidavit with a completed
questionnaire and at least two written references, and must attend a district board
appointment committee public hearing in
person to be interviewed. The hearing is
scheduled for March 30, at 1 p.m., at the
CVTC Business Education Center.
For more information or to request an
application, contact Johnson at 715-8336500, [email protected], or go to www.

Last month marks fourth safest

January in terms of traffic deaths
Last month, 36 people died in traffic
crashes in Wisconsin, which was the fourth
safest month of January in terms of traffic
fatalities in the last 10 years, according to
preliminary statistics from the Wisconsin
Department of Transportation (WisDOT).
Last month also was tied for the ninth
safest month of January since the end of
World War II when the modern highway
transportation system originated.
Since monthly traffic fatality figures
were first compiled in 1937, the safest
month of January occurred in 2010 with 20
deaths, and the deadliest was in 1964 with
82 fatalities.
Traffic deaths last month were three
more than January, 2014 and equaled the

five-year average for the month of January.

Traffic fatalities in January included 24
drivers, five passengers and six pedestrians.
With gas prices down and the economy
improving, we expect an increase in traffic
volume this year measured by vehicle miles
traveled, says David Pabst, director of the
WisDOT Bureau of Transportation Safety.
Unfortunately, with more vehicles on the
road traveling longer distances, the overall
risk for traffic crashes increases. Last year,
Wisconsin had fewer than 500 traffic fatalities for the first time since 1943. All of us
need to do everything possible to maintain
a steady decrease in fatal crashes until we
reach the ultimate goal of zero preventable
traffic deaths in Wisconsin.

Dont wait for the

Tooth Fairy.


St. Anthony School celebrates Grandparents Day

The students at St. Anthony School celebrated Grandparents Day during

Catholic Schools Week. Grandparents Day began with Mass, where the
students and grandparents worshipped together. After Mass, the parents in St.
Anthonys S.T.P. served a special dinner in the church basement. The students
then put on a musical program. The theme for the program was Down on
the Farm featuring cows, chickens, a pedal tractor and a salute to farmers.
Catholic Schools Week is celebrated throughout the nation Jan. 25-31.


Love Where You Live

Your children should visit a

Historic Neillsville is home to the Neillsville Retirement

Community, an assisted living residence offering a blend of
supportive services and home town comfort. We take pride in
assisting our residents in maintaining friendships built over a
lifetime and remaining a part of their own community. Personal
touches, such as driving our residents to doctor appointments,
going on shopping trips and attending community events makes
life easy at Neillsville Retirement Community.

dentist when their first tooth

comes in or no later than their
first birthday, according to
the American Academy of
Pediatric Dentistry.

Please join us for a Valentines Day Party at

Neillsville Retirement Community on
February 12th at 1:00 pm, music with Jerry Strack.

Be kind to your childrens teeth.


Our dentists and on-staff pediatric specialist can

show you how to brush your babys teeth and how to
establish healthy dental habits that will benefit
your child for a lifetime.

Appointments: Call 715-387-1702

Three convenient locations. Emergency service available 24/7 at our Marshfield office.
Marshfield: 306 W. McMillan St. | Stratford: 429 N. 3rd Ave. | Neillsville: 2510 Black River Rd.


1211 Lloyd Street Neillsville, WI 54456


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 5

Harold Kaiser

Paul W. Dekker entered eternity on Dec. 25, 2014.

Paul was born in Mears, Mich., the son of an itinerant
pastor. While growing up, Pauls family lived in Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania. He attended Troy High
School at Troy Penn., graduating in 1949. Paul graduated
from Houghton College in Houghton, N.Y., where he
met DonaMae Gotter. They married in 1956 and lived in
Jackson, Mich., where Paul worked for the Public Health
Department, and Dona taught nursing. In 1957 Paul and
Dona moved to Waldron, Mich., to pastor the Wesleyan
church. In 1958 they were assigned to Sierra Leone,
West Africa, to work at the hospital in Kamakwie and
were later moved to Bafodia. Their first child, Jane, was
born in 1959, followed by their son, Gregory, in 1960. Paul and Dona retired from
Wesleyan World Missions in 1970 and returned to the United States. Paul taught at
Satellite Christian Institute in San Diego, Calif., where they became members of
Skyline Wesleyan Church. Some years later, Paul joined Overseas Crusades and
traveled with ministry teams worldwide. Ultimately God called Paul and Dona to
form their own ministry, Dekker Ministries, Inc. After the children finished college
and were married, the Dekkers moved to Loyal to be security for Donas parents
until they entered eternity. While in Loyal, Paul was employed as a bus driver for
Branstiter Brothers Bus Service as well as a driver for Domine Automotive Center.
Paul and Dona continued to travel the United States with Dekker Ministries for
several years after moving to Loyal. Paul served as a relief pastor for several area
churches and was an inspiration to those who heard him preach.
Paul lived his life as a servant. Whether it was serving on the mission field, caring for his family, driving a team bus, or ministering to members of any community
he lived in, Paul always put God first. It was no different in Loyal where he took
every possible opportunity to build relationships with people in the community.
He was a spiritual father to anyone who had a seeking heart.
In 2010, Paul and Dona moved to Madison, Ala., where they became valued members of Summit Crossing Community Church in Huntsville, Ala. Paul treasured
his time mentoring and encouraging the pastors and staff at Summit. He found
great joy in discipling the worship team, ministering to young married couples,
and praying over the mission teams before their trips. On Christmas Day, after a
short battle with cancer, Dekker went home to meet the Lord after a lifetime of
Paul left behind Dona, his wife of 60 years; his daughter, Jane Conrad, her
husband David and their two sons; one son, Greg Dekker and his wife Diane,
their four children and four great-grandchildren. He also left behind a legacy
that honored God.
Paul and Donas daughter Jane said it best, "Dad's relationship with God influenced every part of his life, everything he did. (He) prayed often, anywhere,
with anyone. (He) loved his family and believed that the health of his family unit
validated his ministry. We were his top priority after God."
We in the Loyal area were blessed to have him as a part of our community.


Edward R. Schecklman, 83, Neillsville,
passed away on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015, at
his home surrounded by his family. Funeral
services will be held at 11 a.m., on Friday, Feb.
13, at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Loyal. Rev.
Steve Brice will officiate. Burial will follow in St.
Anthony Catholic Cemetery. Military rites will be
conducted by the Loyal American Legion Post #175.
Visitation will be held at the church, on Friday, from
9:30 a.m. until the time of service.
Edward Robert Schecklman was born on Dec. 5, 1931, in
the town of York, Clark County, the son of Leo and Mary (nee Walter) Schecklman.
He was raised on the family farm and received his education in the town of York,
graduating from Loyal High School in 1949. He was inducted into the U.S. Army
on Nov. 20, 1952, where he served during the Korean Conflict, until his honorable
discharge on Sept. 11, 1954. Ed married June O. Genskow on July 21, 1956, at St.
Anthony Catholic Church in Tigerton. He farmed in the town of York, and also
operated his own TV repair shop. Ed also worked at OW Trindal feedmill in Loyal,
Chili Implement, and was a partner in K&H Auto. He was a member of St. Anthony
Catholic Church and the Loyal American Legion Post #175. Ed had many interests
but especially enjoyed watching sports, going to the casino, and he loved animals.
He will be dearly missed by his wife, June, Neillsville; four sons, Daniel (Lynn)
Schecklman, Marshfield, Todd (Maryann Tytor) Schecklman, Greenwood, Peter
(Angel) Schecklman, Loyal, and John Schecklman, Neillsville; three daughters,
Lisa (Jeff) Hoff, Marshfield, Sara (Jeff Lukes) Eilers, Loyal, and Lori (Randy)
Seliskar, Loyal; 11 grandchildren, Chad Braun, Heidi Braun, Travis Braun, Matt
(Kim) Schecklman, Ryan (Kehly) Schecklman, Cody Schecklman, Marc Eilers,
Amanda Eilers, Dylan Eilers, Paul Schecklman and Claire Schecklman; one stepgrandson, Chris Seliskar; five great-grandchildren, Achilles, Alayna, Kade, Daelyn
and Adalynn; four step-great-grandchildren, Kaleigh, Trevor, Ryder and Maecy; one
granddaughter-in-law, Elicia Seliskar; three brothers, Tony Schecklman, Marshfield,
Jim (Jackie) Schecklman, Neillsville, and Bob Schecklman, Henderson, Nev.; two
sisters, Florien Muller, Latrobe, Penn., and Rosalind Aumann, Butler; and several
nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; three children, Billy, Paul and Nicole
Schecklman; one step-grandson, Dan Seliskar; and one brother, George Schecklman.
The family would like to thank the staff at Ministry Home Care Hospice for their
expression of kindness, care and compassion.
Online condolences may be expressed at www.cuddiefh.com.
Cuddie Funeral Home, Loyal, is assisting the family with arrangements.


Harold L. Kaiser, 76, Hudson, passed away on Thursday,

Feb. 5, 2015, with his family by his bedside. A Mass of
Christian Burial was held at 3 p.m., on Sunday, Feb. 8, at
St. Patricks Catholic Church, Hudson. Rev. John Gerritts
officiated. Interment took place at St. Patricks Catholic
Cemetery. Pallbearers were Pat Kaiser, Randy Kaiser,
Jerry Wolfe, Ryan Mayer, Rodney Mayer, and Jeff Mayer,
with the St. Patricks Knights of Columbus as honorary
Harold was born on June 4, 1938, in Chippewa Falls, the
son of Frank and Maude (nee Maxwell) Kaiser. Harold attended Cadott Elementary and graduated from Loyal High
School. He proposed to Elaine Mayer in April 1962 with a
ring he purchased using his second paycheck of his new job, the first of which was
used to purchase a car so they could get around. They were married on Sept. 1 of
that year at the Fairview Catholic Church. Harold graduated from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in electrical engineering that led to a dedicated
career in the medical device industry. Solving problems motivated him, and he was
exceptional at it. Harold had a passion for the outdoors, whether canoeing in the
boundary waters of Minnesota, spending time at the cottage in New Auburn on
lower Long Lake, or being in the woods during the deer hunting season. He was a
student of the game of golf and enjoyed his time on the course with friends and
family both in Wisconsin and while wintering in The Villages, Fla. He was quick
to say "yes" to an invitation to go fishing, whether it was with friends or family,
and he was an especially good teacher to his sons and grandchildren. Harold had
a very deep faith throughout his life that guided his generous charitable contributions and led him to achieve the 4th degree of the Knights of Columbus. He will be
remembered for his generosity and unselfish sacrifice for others. He was someone
who would always do the right thing, when nobody was watching. Harold and Elaine
shared 53 years of marriage together, creating storybook adventures -- traveling,
dancing, and enjoying the company of others.
Harold will be remembered and missed by his sons, Len (Chris) Kaiser, River
Falls, Mike (Angela) Kaiser, River Falls, and Dan (Tana) Kaiser, Plano, Texas; 10
grandchildren: Brittany, Landon, Jordan, Alexa, Cole, Austin, Mariah, Shaun, Dillon and Logan; two brothers, Bernard Kaiser, Loyal, and Jack Kaiser, Auburndale;
a sister, Ginny Perone, Eau Claire; and many nieces, nephews, other relatives and
dear friends.
He was preceded in death by his dearly beloved wife, Elaine; his parents; and a
brother-in-law, Jay Perone.
Donations in memory of Harold can be made online at https://stpatrickofhudson.
The OConnell Family Funeral Home of Hudson assisted the family with arrangements.


Frances Tiny Vetterkind

Frances E. "Tiny" Vetterkind, 84, Greenwood, passed
away on Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015, at her home. A memorial
service will be held at a later date.
Frances Elizabeth Truse was born on Jan. 14, 1931, in
Chicago, Ill., the daughter of Charles Sr. and Gertrude
(nee Osowski) Truse. As a young girl, her family moved
to Thorp, where she was raised and received her education at Goff School. Frances married Holley E. Vetterkind
on April 12, 1954, at St. Hedwig's Chapel in Thorp. They
resided in the town of Warner, rural Greenwood, where
she worked as a cook for the Greenwood School District
for 15 years. She had many interests, but especially loved
spending time with her family. She was an awesome fisherwoman, loved life, enjoyed her flowers, garden, baking, birds, canning, making
blankets and quilts, crocheting afghans, and her specialty was making lap robes
for the Veterans and Children's Hospital.
Frances is survived by four sons, Michael (Carla) Vetterkind, Greenwood, Pat
(Faye) Vetterkind, Stetsonville, Dave (Jane) Vetterkind, Homer, Alaska, and Dan
Vetterkind, Greenwood; eight grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; one sister,
Helen Benzschawel, Stanley; one brother, Robert Truse, Thorp; and nieces, nephews,
other relatives and friends.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Holley, on Nov. 27, 2001;
one daughter, Susan Armbrust, on Nov. 29, 1996; one granddaughter, Amy Vetterkind,
on Jan. 1, 1979; and one brother, Charles Truse Jr.
Online condolences may be expressed at www.cuddiefh.com.
Cuddie Funeral Home, Greenwood, is assisting the family with arrangements.





Paul Dekker

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Page 6 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Citizen from page 1

children plant, grow, harvest and sell sweet corn and
pumpkins, with the earnings going into their college
funds. Marty has also done custom fieldwork for area
farmers through the years.
Martys community activities include various involvements in the church. He has always been supportive
of the St. Marys school, which all six of the Nigon
children attended. He was also active with the former
Greenwood/Willard Jaycee Chapter, and is active yet
with the Greenwood FFA Alumni. He is a member of the
Clark County Holstein Breeders and has held offices in
the organization. The Nigon family hosted the Chamber
dairy breakfast in 1999, as well as the Holstein Breeders
Twilight Meeting.
Marty and Kathy have raised six children on the farm.
Their oldest son, Luke, is now married and a forester for
the Clark County Forestry & Parks Dept. Tyler is the sec-

ond oldest and works for Farm Intelligence in Mankato,

Minn. Third son Brandon will finish work this spring on
a masters degree and will then start work for Caterpillar. Cyrus graduated from Greenwood in 2012 and is in
his third year at UW-Madison. The girls are still in high
school; Kristyn is a junior and McKayla a sophomore.
In addition to raising a family, operating a farm, and
being involved in numerous other ventures, Marty has
also found time to help neighbors get crops in or assist
them in other ways when theyre in need. The narrative
presented before he was given his award on Sunday said,
Marty makes it a priority to help out neighbors and
friends who have fallen on hard times, as he has been
very grateful for the helping hand of those same people
in times that he has needed it the most.
In other business at the Chambers annual meeting,
local business members attending heard presentations
from Memorial Medical Center on its new patient initiatives, from Clark Electric Cooperative on its building
project, and from Pioneer Bank, this years featured
business. Miss Greenwood Kaitlyn Artac spoke about
her years experiences, and high school FBLA Chapter

The Loyal School District announces

The Loyal School District

announces 4K and 5K
registrations for 2015/2016


Thursday, February 19, 2015

You are invited to participate in a special day set aside for young
children and their families. The Loyal School District, with the help of a
number of community organizations, sponsors Child Development Day.
Child Development Day is designed for all children in the Loyal
School District between birth and 6 years of age by Sept. 1, 2015.
Clark County Birth to Three will be here to screen children birth to 2
years of age and personnel from the school district will screen children
2 to 6 years of age. The primary goal of this screening is to reach
children who may be in need of special education services. A secondary
goal of such a screening is to provide families with information about
their childs development. It is also an opportunity to obtain information
about other programs and services available in our area.
Please call the elementary ofce at 715-255-8561 to schedule
an appointment between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., on Thursday, Feb. 19.
Appointments should be made on or before Thursday, Feb. 12. We
want all children in this age range and
their families to be part of Child
Development Day.

If your child is eligible for either kindergarten or 4-yearold kindergarten, we would like to take this opportunity
to invite you to register your child in the Loyal School
District. You are welcome to visit our school and see the
classrooms. The age requirements are listed below for
each of the kindergartens. Registration information for both
the 4- and 5-year-old kindergarten programs are available
by contacting the elementary ofce at 715-255-8561.
Your child is required to be 4 years old on or before Sept.
1, 2015, and you are a resident of the Loyal School District.
4-year-old kindergarten will be offered all day, every other
day (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday).
We highly encourage all students coming to 4-year-old
kindergarten to participate in Child Development Day on
Thursday, Feb. 19. Please contact the elementary ofce at
715-255-8561 to set an appointment.
Your child is required to be 5 years of age on or before
Sept. 1, 2015. We invite you to register him/her for our
kindergarten program. If you are interested in having your
child be a part of Child Development Day, please contact the
elementary ofce at 715-255-8561 to set an appointment.

members Aarica Humke and Booker Bredlau described

their chapters activities.
In elections for the Chambers board of directors,
Pat Lindner of Centuries on Main, Peggy Noeldner of
Grassland Dairy Products, and Joe Meyers of Adult
Development Services were elected to new 3-year terms.
Sarah Trunkel, Memorial Medical Center, was elected to a
seat vacated by the resignation of Jennifer Vogler. Other
Board members are Diane Del Fatti, Forward Financial
Bank; Lonna Klinke, city of Greenwood; Vicky Sterland,
Pro-Build; Pam Delo, Forward Financial Bank; and Barb
Noeldner, Mayvilles Market.

Letter from page 2

people like you.
I remember stopping by Bobs home for a cup of coffee
and a chat. Most times when he was on the school board
his table would be full of papers he was studying, or full
of county board papers, still he found time to help with
the Republican Party. He never missed helping set up at
the Clark County Fair.
He never talked much about his time in the Army,
however he and I did share many hours about two farm
boys, and our paths did not cross until later, wish we
would have had more time.
He spoke very highly of his wife Jackie and his
children. In fact as I have met them after his passing it
seemed like I knew them. They will miss you and so will
I, old friend.

Budget from page 2

ers in the past, will require a good deal of collaborating, negotiating, and talking. Remember that it is a
proposed budget and its nearly four months before
a balanced budget will be agreed on by the legislature
and governor.
I remain committed to listening well and working
hard to the concerns of every one of the stakeholders
in this great state; taxpayers and the education community!
I have every confidence that our UW System will
continue to deliver quality education and workforce
readiness to students. The reason I believe this is because I trust the very capable leadership of President
Ray Cross, the chancellors and deans of the UW System.


presented by

This Coming Events column is for nonfundraising events. The exception is for
fundraisers which are accompanied by a
paid advertisement.
Social Security office hours for Clark County
are by appointment only. Appointments
can be made by calling 715-845-1321 on
weekdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Feb. 11

The Clark County Relay for Life Kickoff for committees, team captains and
other interested parties will start at 6:30
p.m., at Adult Development Services,
Greenwood. Call Avis at 715-255-9017
for information.

Feb. 13

The Loyal American Legion Post 175

will serve a Sweetheart Special prime
rib and lobster or Friday fish fry from
4:30-8:30 p.m. There will be music by the
Balsam Road Ramblers starting at 6 p.m.

Grassland Dairy Products, Inc. N8790 Fairground Ave. P.O. Box 160
Greenwood, WI 54437 1-800-4butter

Reservations are appreciated.

Feb. 15

Christ the King Catholic Church in

Spencer will serve its annual pancake
breakfast from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. There will
also be a raffle drawing for various prizes.

Feb. 15

St. Marys Holy Name Society will serve

its 52nd annual turkey dinner from 11
a.m.-1:30 p.m. at St. Marys School
Hall in Greenwood. Carry-outs will be

Feb. 15

The LuCille Tack Center for the Arts in

Spencer will host The Diamonds -- A
Salute to American Bandstand at 3 p.m.
For tickets, call 715-659-4499 or visit

Feb. 15

The Youth Encounter Group Captive

Free will perform a free contemporary
Christian music program at 7 p.m. at
Trinity Lutheran Church, Loyal. All are

Feb. 16

The Tri-County Retired Educators will

meet at 12:30 p.m. at The Hayloft in
Withee for lunch and a business meeting.
All retired educators are welcome.

Feb. 18-19

The 35th Annual Marshfield Farm Show

will take place each day from 10 a.m.-4
p.m., at the Marshfield Mall.There will
be more than 160 booths, farm machinery
displays, and more.

Feb. 20

The Greenwood American Legion will

serve its monthly fish fry from 4-7:30 p.m.
Carry-outs will be available.

Feb. 22

Clark County 4-Hs annual ice fishing day

will be held at Rock Dam starting at noon.
The event is open to both 4-H and non-4-H
youth. The registration deadline is Feb.
13 and space is limited to 25 participants.
Call Roy Tyznik at 715-773-0311 to sign

Feb. 24

St. Johns Lutheran Church north of

Spencer on Highway 13 will serve its
monthly Community Meal for Everyone,
from 5-6 p.m. All who would like a hot
meal and fellowship are welcome.

March 1

Trinity Lutheran Church, Loyal, will serve

its annual pancake supper from 4-8 p.m.,
at the church. For carry-outs or delivery
in the city of Loyal, call Dick or Janet
Halverson at 715-255-9375.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 7

To be a sponsor contact
TRG at 715-255-8531
This ed

ition sp











teahr ___________
knpi ____________
darc ____________
pucdi ___________








nd Ave.

(715) 2 , Greenwood, WI 5

Help Andy nd his way to
his valentine Suzie!


Find the
words going
across and down
in the puzzle



Find the cupids that look the same!

d by:


How many of these Valentines Day

words can you unscramble?
velo ____________
siks ____________
dnyac ___________
befuarry _________
tdae ____________




Brown Sugar Blondies


1 cup all-purpose our

1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup to 1-1/3 cup M&Ms
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).














Answers to Unscramble the words:

love, heart, kiss, pink, candy,
owers, february, card, date, cupid

Answers to Match the Cupids:

A & E, B & F, C & D



Mix together our, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and set aside. Melt 1/3 cup butter.
Add 1 cup rmly packed brown sugar and mix well. Cool slightly. Add egg (beaten) and
vanilla and blend well. Add our mixture, a little at a time, mixing well. Mix in 2/3 cup
M&Ms. Spread in 9 x 9 x 2 inch pan. Sprinkle 1/3 to 2/3 cup M&Ms on top. Bake for 20 to
25 minutes. Store in airtight container at room temperature.


Page 8 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Vincent Edward Denk
A son, Vincent Edward, was born to Riley and Kristy Denk, Madison, on Monday,
Jan. 26, 2015.
Grandparents are Bob and Loni Klinke, Greenwood; Marcia Denk, Greenwood; and
the late William Denk.
Great-grandparents are Junior and Eve Podevels, Colby.

Marriage Licenses
The Clark County clerk has granted the following marriage licenses:
-- Lisa A. Frane, Abbotsford, and David A. Balderas, Abbotsford, on Jan. 28, at
-- Annetta H. Burkholder, town of Longwood, and Russel M. Brubaker, town of
Reseburg, on March 5, at town of Longwood.
-- Stacy A. Binning, town of Colby, and Lucas W. Mercier, town of Colby, on Feb. 20,
at town of Colby.

Walking and Talking Crops Soil Health to be held

tension crops and soils agent, will present
Methods to Interpret Soil Test. Francisco
Arriaga, UW soil scientist, will have two
presentations Deep Tilling -- Proper Timing with Pros and Cons of Deep Tilling
and The Pros and Cons of No-Till Farming. There will also be a Round Table
Discussion with the experiences of Clark
County farmers using reduced tillage and
no-till practices.
Bring all your questions
related to soil health and the
The Womens Bridge Club
interaction of soil health and
meets every Tuesday, at
There is a $5 cost to cover
1 p.m., at Shelbys in Loyal.
lunch and handouts. If you
This weeks winners were:
are interested in attending
Joan Hendricks, rst, and
call the UW-Extension office
Gayle Davis (substitute from
(715-743-5121) or e-mail richthe O-W Club), second. Again!
[email protected]
no later than Feb. 19.

NEILLSVILLE -- Join us on Feb. 20, from

10 a.m.-3 p.m., at Greenwood Fire Hall in
Greenwood, for Walking and Talking
Crops -- Soil Health. With all the challenges
from the 2014 growing season we can get
inside and discuss what we learned from
the 2014 growing season related to tillage
and soil health.
Richard Halopka, Clark County UW-Ex-

Buy your sweetheart something

comfortable! A glider rocker
makes the perfect gift!

True love truffles

1 1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 c. butter (no substitutes)
22 oz. white baking chocolate, divided
1 can (5 oz.) evaporated milk
1/2 c. semisweet chocolate chips
2 pkg. (4.67 oz. each) mint Andes candies Pink/red food coloring, optional
1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow creme
In a heavy saucepan, combine sugar, butter and milk. Bring to a boil over medium
heat, stirring constantly. Reduce heat; cook and stir until a candy thermometer reads
236 (soft-ball stage). Remove from the heat. Stir in candies until melted and mixture is
well blended. Stir in marshmallow creme and vanilla until smooth. Spread into a buttered 15-in.x10-in.x1-in. pan; cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Cut into 96 pieces; roll ech
into a ball (mixture will be soft). Place on a waxed paper-lined baking sheet. In a heavy
saucepan or microwave-safe bowl, melt 18 oz. of white chocolate and chocolate chips.
Dip balls in melted chocolate; place on waxed paper to harden. Melt the remaining white
chocolate; add food coloring if desired. Drizzle over truffles. Store in an airtight container.

Cupids chocolate cake

1 c. butter or margarine, softened
2 1/2 c. sugar
4 eggs
2 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, divided
2 3/4 c. all-purpose flour
1 c. baking cocoa
2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt
2 c. water
1 c. whipping cream
1/4 c. confectioners sugar
4 c. butter cream frosting of your choice

In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well
after each addition. Beat on high speed until light and fluffy. Stir in 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla.
Combine dry ingredients; add to the creamed mixture alternately with water. Pour into
three greased and floured 9-in. round baking pans. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes or until
a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks to cool completely. For filling, in a mixing bowl, beat cream
until stiff peaks form. Beat in confectioners sugar and remaining vanilla. Place bottom
cake layer on a serving plate; spread with half of the filling. Repeat. Place top layer on
cake; frost top and sides of cake with butter cream frosting. Store in the refrigerator.

Chocolate orange fondue

1 1/4 c. heavy cream
1 T. grated orange zest
3 T. freshly squeezed orange juice
1 tsp. orange liqueur
12 oz. dark chocolate, chopped
Heat the cream and orange juice in a saucepan over medium heat until it starts to
bubble at the edges. Remove from the heat, and immediately whisk in the chocolate,
orange zest, and orange liqueur until smooth. Serve in a fondue pot over the lowest
heat setting, or farthest from the heat source.



Braylon Thomas Burkholder

A son, Braylon Thomas, was born to Chad and Lexi Burkholder, Neenah, at 9:09
p.m., on Friday, Nov. 21, 2014.
He weighed 6 pounds, 1.4 ounces, and was 18.5 inches long.
Grandparents are David and Sonia Burkholder, Hazel Green; Jay and Margie Ouimette, Neillsville; and Thomas Briski, Loyal.
Great-grandparents are Richard and Rose Mary Burkholder, Platteville; Rodger and
Leone Jacobson, Hazel Green; and Ken and Mary Dolle, Greenwood.



sponsored by:

ZEPPLINS Furniture and Carpet

Loyal, WI 715-255-8244

Miles: Miles was living in an abandoned feed mill and is now so

healthy and happy to be living in Kitty City. Hes only 15 weeks old,
neutered, vaccinated and ready to be a great pet for someone. Be sure
to stop in to meet him. Hes got a lot of friends, who are also waiting
for their new homes. If you have room in your heart and home for
him or any of the other pets, go to the Web site and see the pictures
and descriptions of them.There are 38 cats or kittens and 22 dogs or
puppies here. Surely theres one just right for you. Check them out
Do you know we get all the adoptable cats fromMarshfieldafter their
stray hold is up? Did you also know that we get all the stray dogs from five Wood County townships?
CCHS is a very busy place and if you have found a pet, or are missing your pet, be sure to check here.
Stop atourPaws &ClawsAdoptionCenterin the Marshfield Mall. We have lots of cats and kittens
just waiting for people to adopt and many arefree!Paws & Clawsis right next to Furniture &
ApplianceMart and is openevery Saturday,from10 a.m.to4 p.m.Come on in to visit, spend some
time with the kitties, and browse our large selection of special, pet merchandise (greeting cards,
shirts, jewelry, giant cat furniture, etc.) or even get your pet microchipped!

M, W, F & Sat. 12-3 p.m. W3926 St Hwy 73 P.O. Box 127, Neillsville, WI 54456 www.cchs-petshelter.org

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 9

Pancake Breakfast

serving from 4-7:30 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015

9 a.m.-1 p.m.


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Sunday, February, 15, 2015

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Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Valentines Day: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

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Page 10 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference Filling Lakes and Plates to be held

The two-day conference offers networking opportunities and educational
sessions for those interested in Midwest aquaculture. This years conference will include an overview of the
Walleye Initiative Grant program and
panel presentation by farmers who were
awarded grants last year. This program
is a partnership between the Wisconsin
DNR and private and tribal aquaculture
working together to increase walleye
stocking as well as industry capacity
and has proven a success this past year
meeting 97 percent of the stocking goal.
Additionally, sessions on the early life
stages of trout, affordable farming ideas
and modifications, and practical knowledge for aquaponics will be presented.
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,
Trade and Consumer Protection Secretary Ben Brancel will welcome fish
farmers and aquaculture enthusiasts to
the conference.
The Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference attracts top experts in the region
and nation to speak such as this years
Seafood at Its Best" session which has
been presented around the country
to national audiences. University of
Idaho Extension Aquaculture Educator Gary Fornshell, co-writer of the
curriculum, will provide an overview
of the curriculum, incorporating topics on what is seafood, why seafood is



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into plant fertilizer for retail sales. During sessions, aquaculture experts will
highlight emerging opportunities such
as aquaponics while fish farmers will
share information about how they modified or built components for their farms.
University of Wisconsin Extension
Aquaculture Specialists will be available
throughout the conference to answer
any questions attendees will have from
startup and beginning aquaculture to
established operations. The conference
is sponsored by Wisconsin Aquaculture
Association, Inc., University of Wisconsin-Extension, University of WisconsinStevens Point/Northern Aquaculture
Demonstration Facility, and Wisconsin
Department of Agriculture, Trade and
Consumer Protection. The conference
is also supported by the many vendors
participating in the event.
Registration fees for the event are $115
for Wisconsin Aquaculture Association
members and $145 for non-members
prior to Feb. 27. One-day registration is
also offered. The fee for non-members
includes a complimentary one-year
membership to Wisconsin Aquaculture
Association (WAA). To register online,
visit the Web site at www.WisconsinAquaculture.com or contact WAA Secretary Cindy Johnson at 814-515-2470 or
[email protected] for
more information.

important, and selecting, handling and

cooking. Ron Johnson, UW-Extension
aquaculture specialist, will provide an
overview of Wisconsins Aquaculture
Food Sector, what and where aquaculture products are grown, how consumers
can find Wisconsin grown products and
the importance of locally grown food.
Kathleen Kline will give information on
Wisconsin Sea Grants new initiative,
Eat Wisconsin Fish, including their
consumer survey and events, and promotional materials will also be shared.
The event features a Trade Show with
more than 20 vendors, Retail Product
Showcase for producers to unveil their
value-added creations, a filleting demonstration and the Taste of Wisconsin
Aquaculture Cooking Demonstration
using recipes spotlighting locally grown
fish. Aquaculture, or fish farming, is
an important part of the States agriculture industry contributing to local
economies. Wisconsin ranks 1st in the
Midwest for aquaculture and bolsters
a $21 million economic impact to the
state. Wisconsin is home to more than
2,400 fish farms that range from producing food fish, to pond and lake stocking,
and bait for recreational fishing, and is
a leader in aquaponics.
The event will include more than a
dozen educational sessions including a
look at the use of turning fish trimmings


MADISON -- Filling Lakes and Plates

is the theme of the 2015 Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference. Registration is now
open for the 20th annual event which will
be held March 6 and 7, at Hotel Marshfield in Marshfield.
The theme highlights the Walleye
Initiative Program and the grants that
were awarded this past year to help increase private, tribal and state walleye
production which has already proven
successful in enhancing the states walleye stocking. The conference kicks off
with grantees giving updates on their
grant projects.
The success of the walleye stocking
program is a direct result of the positive
relationship between the Department
of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Industry, says Dave Gollon, president of
Gollon Bait and Fish Farm. The credit
for the walleye initiative program must
be given to Governor Walker. It was
his vision that started the initiative.
The progress of the program and its
implementation belongs to DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp and Deputy Secretary
Matt Moroney and their willingness to
foster a significant partnership between
public, private and tribal entities. This
partnership, while still in its infancy,
will provide long lasting recreational,
environmental and economic benefits
for the public to enjoy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 11

Area schools announce second quarter honor roll students

Granton Area School District
honor roll
2014-2015 -- term 2
High school
High honors (3.6-4.0) *Indicates 4.0
Cheyenne Thomas, Cheyenne Redcay,
Kayla Foemmel, Danielle Eichten, Kellisa Rowe, Alanna Dix, Brianna Hartwich,
Danielle Anding, Cassondra Bandt, Jessica
Stamp, Michael Meddaugh, Jared Thomas,
Angela Kowal, Matthew Tyler, Jill Richmond, Adeline Schoenherr, Jillian Tyler
Honors (3.0-3.599)
Brandon Anding, Kevin Johnson, Maxwell Opelt, Jessica Richmond, Sheryl Sebesta, Derek Anding, Page Vandeberg, Sarah
Dayton, Hunter Martin, Tyanne Sabin
Middle school
High honors (3.6-4.0) *Indicates 4.0
*Alanna Strey, *Ceasar Young, Kayla
Johnson, Rose Schoenherr, Austin Carver,
Terek Matteson, Kylie Ganther, Lauren Wilson, Boone Koller, Kristin Strey, Samantha
Honors (3.0-3.599)
Teagan Friedemann, Mariela Urbina,
Noah Piskow, Alejandro Mendoza, Jaden
Gardner, Hunter Vine, Ashley Dean, Brianna Heeg, Holly Dean, Makenzie Muraski,
Kaitlyn Martin, Skylar Grata, Ashlee Piskow, Kylie Steele, Riley Sternitzky, Caitlin
Loyal High School honor roll
Second quarter
High honors (3.667-4.333)
Grade 12
Michelle Arndt, Travis Becker, Ryley
Fischer, Logan Genteman, Kaitlin Hoeser,
Brian Karl, Elizabeth Knack, Morgan Larson, Morgan Malm, Lane Meyer, Veronica
Nikolai, McKaila Olson, Lina Quotschalla,
Tyler Prust, Jake Rueth, Tyler Wehrman
Grade 11
Seth Baumgartner, Derrian Braun,
Tehya Brostowitz, Kayless Chalmers, Erin
Froeba, Chase Grambsch, Eric Haselow, Larissa Heath, Mikaela Krahn, Alec Krasselt,

Bailey Mueller, Reanna Oestreich, Bailey

Parker, Amy Popp, Kanyon Rachu, Devyn
Schoonover, Hannah Schreiner, Megan
Schuette, Jennifer Szymanski, Brandon
Timmler, Shane Troutt, Jake Waldhart,
Karley Wehrman, Ryleigh Wilke, Amanda
Zettler, Benjamin Zimmerman
Grade 10
Janel Acker, Rachel Anderson, Megan
Bauer, Samuel Baumgartner, Annie Cuddie,
Alexis Dietsche, Joel Fulwiler, Riley Geiger,
Rachel Hederer, Morgan Lindner, Natalie
Martin, Miranda North, Morgan Reinwand,
Grant Roedel, Karsyn Rueth, Nick Rueth,
Stetson Rueth, Brady Sorenson, Bailey
Waldhauser, Karlye Weber
Grade 9
Luke Bogdonovich, Zachary Geier,
Vanessa Hebert, Edrea Kubista, Tamerat
Kubista, Ashley Prusinski, Jordan Radue,
Rosa Rarick, Bryanna Rayhorn, Miriam
Reynaldo, Brody Scherer, Blain Schmidt,
Tanner Troutt, Devin Witt
Grade 8
Montana Acker, Quinn Brussow, Naomi Gauger, Emily Goodbrand, Jackson
Lindner, Kyanna Lord, Clayton Rarick,
Maverick Roehl, Sydney Schultz, Zachary
Grade 7
Kaycee Benz, Saydee Benz, Kole Bogdonovich, Kobe Delis, Remi Geiger, Keralin
Genteman, Gabrielle Hederer, Paul Hoesly,
Brandy Hollenbeck, Olivia Horn, Mason
Malm, Riley Much, Kevin Mireles, Tiffany
Radue, Autumn Schubert, Alexis Spuhler,
Carter Toufar, Colby Toufar, Elizabeth
Troutt, Rebecca Walter, Jared Weber,
Trevyn Wilke
Honors (3.000-3.666)
Grade 12
Amber Acker, Tiffany Behrens, Melissa Benz, Jasmine Culton, Carly Dix,
Preston Fulwiler, Derrick Heath, Amanda
Much, Mariah Olson, Emily Nikolai, Jessica Schill, Miranda Stumpner, Christina
Troutt, Jaelynn Young

Grade 11
Brenden Collins, Cassandra Esselman,
Marcus Genteman, Samantha Happe, Derrick Howard, Jason McPherson, Jaedyn
Pieper, Jose Perez-Perez, Colten Roehl,
Michael Vine, Timothy Zupanc
Grade 10
Cameron Brussow, Joshua Kroening,
Deveni Rowley, Mariah Scheel
Grade 9
Dion Bergeron, Dawson Brock, James
Chalmbers, Paige Colby, Elliot Genteman,
Taylor Gessert, Nathan Harm, Christina
Miller, Hunter Much, Misty Much, Caleb
Mueller, Gabrielle Nikolai, Emily Rand,
Dylan Rowley, Danika Young
Grade 8
Amanda Krasselt, Parker Leffel, Maria
Leon-Vera, Bryana Meyers, Hannah Peroshek, Emma Piller, Sayer Rachu, Hailey Rueth, Tyne Scheel, Alexis Schreiner, Taylor
Wilke, Ethan Weinfurtner
Grade 7
Jacob Baumgartner, Bailey Bravener,
Jackson Dietsche, Austin Haselow, Jared
Jarvis, Victoria Krause, Kaylee Mess, Mackenzie Prust, Morgan Timm, Harlee Zvolena
Spencer High School honor roll
High honors (3.5-4.0 GPA)
Grade 9
Lexi Baehr, McKenna Brecht, Ashley
Burt, Megan Burt, Cheyenne Dietsche, Regynne Doepke, Alexis Eichman, Lukas Ellefson, Leah Higgins, Kayla Hopperdietzel,
Will Johnson, Kaitlin Kasch, Kaelyn Lyon,
Jereme Neuendank, Collin Nieman, Aaron
Pankratz, Brennen Post, Hayley Scheppler,
Alek Siegel, Leigh Sieracki, Waylon Sternweis, Hope Stirk, Alyssa Stoiber, Dominick
Wichlacz, Kathy Zamarripa
Grade 10
McKenzie Bainer, Felicia Bauer, Jessica
Becker, Courtney Buss, Johanna Ellefson,
Elizabeth Endreas, Lauren Faber, Katelyn
Fleischman, Dyllan Griepentrog, Austin
Gropp, Cinnamin Harwood, Kelly Hougum,
Miranda Jackson, Montana Kleinschmidt,

Megan Meyer, Alexander Mowbray, Aleisha

Mueller, Jenna Schober, Noah Zastrow,
Katelyn Zimmerman
Grade 11
Dakota Andreae, Ryan Busse, Hayden
Czaikowski, Amanda Doescher, Kaytlin
Gessert, Serena Gessert, Chad Hahn, Jessica Heisler, Ellayna Lyon, Tiffany Raatz,
Kallie Reckner, Andrew Seefeldt, Casey
Shaw, Melissa Strupp
Grade 12
Faith Becker, Allison Farrell, Brittany
Fitzgerald, Haley Griepentrog, Johnathon
Huebl, Brooke Kettleborough, Jordon
Miller, Seanna Mueller, Kalie Ress-Schram,
Logan Schafer, Jaden Shelley, Abigail Varsho, Katlynne Walter, Jordyn Wichlacz,
Rachel Zastrow, Ashley Zimmerman
Honors (3.0-3.49 GPA)
Grade 9
Caden Schillinger, Damian Albert, Stevie Tibbetts, Adam Walter, Brianna Fredrickson, Logan Mannigel, Devin Gerstner,
Sadie Mercier, Kathryn Hall, Hunter Luepke, Jacob Miller, Colten Post, Bryce Shaw
Grade 10
Jenna Rogers, Victoria Kniess, Angel
Kadrlik, Sierra Kind, Megan Gamble,
Alexis Tremelling, Elijah Schuh, McKenna
Rahm, Karla Garcia, Max Weber
Grade 11
Jack Burnett, Jonathan Tomke, Calvin
Lenz, Bailey Schubert, Nicole Strebe,
Dakota Gumz, Lindsey Vaughan, Jessica
Meinders, Hunter Hildebrandt, Tanner
West, Elizabeth Wodinowich, Aaron Zenner,
Morgan Mancl, Brinna Molaison, Ryan
Schauer, Samantha Kniess
Grade 12
Elizabeth Duerr, Marissa Nigon, Timothy Larsen, Zaira Navarro, Hannah Pankratz, Emilee Weisgerber, Miles Weber,
Nathan Mercier, Lukas Celis, Bradley
Doescher, Mikaela Krause, Marisa Johnson,
Rylyn Reddy, Amanda Springob, Paige Lawrence, Zachary Schneider, Dylan Schubert,
Daniel Wilke

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Page 12 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

USDA announces funding availability for Household Water Well System Grants
USDA Rural Developments funding
continues to have a dramatic impact on
rural communities across Wisconsin.
Last year, USDA Rural Development has
invested more than $507.7 million on essential public facilities, small and emerging businesses, water and sewer systems,
and housing opportunities for Wisconsin

families. Each year more than 100 rural

communities in Wisconsin receive assistance from USDA Rural Development
for community-improvement and publicsafety projects.
USDA Rural Developments mission
is to deliver programs in a way that will
support increasing economic opportunity and improve the quality of life of

rural residents. Progam funds are used

to finance and foster growth in homeownership, business development, and
critical community and technological
infrastructures. Further information on
USDA Rural Development programs is
available at a local USDA Rural Development office or by visiting the Web site at

Workshop series helps parents raise a thinking child

Children as young as four years of
age can learn to think for themselves
in ways most of us never thought possible, according to Myrna Shure, author
of Raising a Thinking Child. The
Raising a Thinking Child workshop
series is an evidence-based program
that helps parents teach young children
how to solve problems and resolve daily
conflicts; explore alternative solutions
and their consequences; and consider
the feelings of others, says Nancy Vance,
UW-Extension family living agent serving Clark County
The University of WisconsinEx-

tension is partnering with Granton

Elementary School District, to offer the
workshop series. Raising a Thinking
Child offers special dialogues, games
and activities, and communication techniques designed to respond to childrens
problems in a new way -- a way that produces emotionally healthy, self-confident,
and socially adjusted children.
The Raising a Thinking Child program, according to Vance who will be
conducting the workshop series, uses the
this approach, children increase empathy, think about consequences, and gain

skills to solve their own problems.

Weekly 1 1/2 hour sessions will be
held Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m., March
10-April 28, at the Granton Elementary School. To register, call 715-743-5121.
Child care is available during the program. The registration deadline is March
6. For more information, or to register
for this workshop, contact Nancy Vance,
Clark County UW-Extension office, 715743-5121, or e-mail at susan.caacbay@
co.clark.wi.us. You may also view and
print the brochures with registration
from our Web site: http://clark.uwex.

Genomic selection and herd management meeting to be held

UW-Extension will host a meeting
for dairy farmers and those in the dairy
industry on the topic of herd management and genomics for improved feed
efficiency on Feb. 26. A multi-state survey
of genomic selection and herd management was conducted on Wisconsin and
Michigan dairy farms in 2014 with the
interest of improving feed efficiency
and sustainability in the dairy industry.
The University of Wisconsin-Extension
and the Department of Dairy Science
will provide the survey results, tools

for nutritional feeding, and best ways

to incorporate these tools into farm
The meeting will be held in two western Wisconsin area locations on Feb. 26,
10 a.m.-12 p.m., in Altoona, at the Eau
Claire County UW Extension office (227
1st St.) and 1:30-3:30 p.m., in Bangor, at
the Log Cabin Inn (N4697 State Hwy. 162).
Speakers and topics at the meeting include Randy Shaver, UW-Extension dairy
nutritionist (Management of Dairy Cows
for Feed Efficiency), Victor Contreras



UW-Dairy Science (Genetic Architecture

of Feed Efficiency and Genomic Selection of More Efficient Cows), and Victor
Caberra, UW-Dairy Science Department
(Genomic Breeding Tools to Improve
Whole Herd Feed Efficiency).
There is no charge for this program,
however registration is appreciated. For
more information or to register, contact
the UW-Extension Office in La Crosse
County (608-785-9593), Eau Claire County
(715-839-4712), or Jackson County UWExtension (715-284-4257).


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STEVENS POINT -- U.S. Department of

Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development
announced the availability of funding
for applications from non-profit organizations to help rural homeowners construct
or upgrade household water well systems.
The funding is provided through USDA
Rural Developments Household Water
Well System grant program. Grants may
be made available to qualified non-profit
organizations to establish lending programs for homeowners to borrow up to
$11,000 to construct or repair household
water wells for an existing home.
Because many rural residents do not
live in areas where a centralized water
system is feasible, it is essential that their
wells are safe and working properly, said
USDA Rural Development Wisconsin
Community Programs, Brian Deaner.
This program helps meet a basic human need, access to clean, safe drinking
USDA Rural Development plans to
award up to $993,000 in grants. Non-profit
groups must contribute at least 10 percent
of the grant request. Individuals are not
eligible for grants, but may be eligible for
loans through the non-profits lending program if their annual household income
does not exceed 100 percent of their state
or territorys median non-metropolitan
income. Loans may not be provided for
home sewer or septic system projects,
and USDA does not provide funds directly
to property owners under this program.
The application deadline is April 13.
The published notice and application
guide may be obtained electronically
through www.rd.usda.gov/programsservices/household-water-well-systemgrants. For additional information, see
the Feb. 10, Federal Register, http://

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February 11, 2015

Open weights costly for Spencer in close league meet


Spencer senior Dan Wilke squeezes Stanley-Boyd/Thorp/Owen-Withees Tony Borowski to the mat in the 138-pound
title match at the Feb. 7 Cloverbelt Conference wrestling tournament in Abbotsford. Spencer had four weight class
champions -- including Wilke, who won an 18-6 major decision over Borowski -- but leaving two weight classes
empty cost the Rockets precious team points. SB/Thorp/OW outscored Spencer 241.5-224.5 to win the league
tournament title. For more tournament photo coverage, please see page 19.
to the finals, but lost by technical fall there to Austin
Najbrt (33-3) of Cadott.
At 182 pounds, Zach Schneider (30-11) first pinned
Abbotsford/Colbys Dylan Leffel in 2:23, then took a 4-0
decision over Andrew Buchanan of NGL in the semis.
Schneider lost a 7-2 decision in the finals to Austin
Burzynski (27-5) of SB/Thorp/OW.
Spencer also got third-place finishes from Caden
Schillinger at 120 pounds and Tim Bauer at 132. Schillinger (19-18) first lost a 17-14 decision to Dalton Smith
of SB/Thorp/OW, but bounced back for a pin of OF/A/
FCs Andrew Fenner in 2:48 and another pin over
Cadotts Bennet Bowe in 49 seconds. Bauer (24-13) first
won by injury default, then dropped a 3-1 decision to
Stetson Rueth of NGL. In his third-place match, Bauer
won an overtime decision over Tyler Gillett (29-13) of
For Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyal, Jake Rueth became
only the fourth wrestler associated with the storied

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Neillsville wrestling program to win four Cloverbelt

Conference championships. And he did it easily, running his season record to 35-3 with a pin of SB/Thorp/
OWs Ben Turner in 1:08 and a technical fall in 5:21 over
Brad Ritger (26-7) of OF/A/FC.
Rueths younger brother, Nick, also took a conference
crown, improving his record at 220 pounds to 34-4 with a
pin over Spencers Travis Stelson in 5:45 and a pin in the
finals in 3:24 over Regis/McDonells Hunter Hood (13-5).
Dylan Nielson (24-10) reached the finals with a technical fall over Bennet Bowe of Cadott, but lost in the
final seconds of his finals match against Dalton Smith
(15-16) of SB/Thorp/OW. Stetson Rueth (30-8) also made
the finals, but lost a 3-2 decision to Sam Burzynski (29-7)
of SB/Thorp/OW.
Andrew Buchanan (21-7) took third place for NGL at
182 pounds. He lost a 4-0 decision to Zach Schneider of
Spencer, but came back to pin Jered Olson of Regis/McDonell in 1:17 and pin Blake Bortrager of Cadott in 1:39.

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Even before the 2014-15 wrestling season began,

Spencer head coach Jake Zschernitz knew a shortage of
wrestlers to fill all 14 weight classes would be something
his Rockets would struggle to overcome. It was never
more evident than near the end of Saturdays Cloverbelt
Conference tournament at Abbotsford.
With only the final matches left at 220 and 285 pounds,
the team scores were announced, showing the Rockets
and Stanley-Boyd/Thorp/Owen-Withee deadlocked
with 224 points each. That might make it seem like
Spencer still had a great chance to take the tourney
title, only it had no entry in the 285-pound class, while
Stanley-Boyd had a wrestler in the finals. Game over.
SB/Thorp/OW took the team title with 241.5 points,
just 17 more than Spencer. The difference was that the
Orioles had wrestlers in all 14 classes, while Spencer
was open at 170 and 285. Even if Oriole wrestlers did not
win their weight classes, they picked up crucial points
here and there for the team win.
Spencer did crown four weight class champions -- senior Dan Wilke at 138 pounds, junior Nathan Neumann
at 145, junior Hunter Hildebrandt at 152, and freshman
Hunter Luepke at 195. The Rockets also got second-place
finishes from freshman Dominick Wichlacz at 106, freshman Bryce Shaw at 113, junior Austin Post at 126, and
senior Zach Schneider at 182.
Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyal had three champions
and finished third as a team with 182.5 points. Winning titles for NGL were sophomore Skylar Barth at
106 pounds, senior Jake Rueth at 170, and sophomore
Nick Rueth at 220. It was Jake Rueths fourth individual
conference title. NGL got second-place performances
from freshman Dylan Nielsen at 120, sophomore Stetson
Rueth at 132, and junior Derrick Nielsen at 145.
Spencer got expected individual titles from the two
wrestlers who have led the team all season -- Wilke and
Luepke. Wilke improved his season record to 34-6 by
pinning Abbotsford/Colbys Tom Carlson in 1:45 and
then overpowering SB/Thorp/OWs Tony Borowski
(23-8) for an 18-6 major decision in the finals.
Luepke also made quick work of his opponents, pinning Regis McDonells Jake Gilbertson in 1:52 in the
semis, then scoring a 12-1 major decision over Jeffrey
Breaker (29-8) of Osseo-Fairchild/Augusta/Fall Creek.
Hildebrandt ran his season record to 24-13 with a
pin of Cadotts Hayden Thompson and an 11-2 major
decision in the finals over Brandon Nitz (18-12) of SB/
Thorp/OW. Neumann won the conference title at 145
pounds, pushing his season mark to 27-13, by pinning
Cadotts Isaiah Pecha in 3:12 and then pulling off a dramatic reversal with 12 seconds left in his finals match
to win 4-3 over Derrick Nielsen (16-12) of NGL.
Wichlacz (25-16) reached the finals at 106 pounds
with a pin in 2:10 over OF/A/FCs Zach Zamora and
a 7-2 decision over Cadotts Alex Licht. Wichlacz was
pinned in 3:52 in the finals by NGLs Skylar Barth (33-6).
Shaw (20-16) pinned Kyle Gurney of NGL in 4:24 to
reach the finals, where he was pinned in 3:08 by Cadotts
Andrew Gunderson (31-4). Post (21-11) notched a technical fall over Elliott Morning of Regis/McDonell to get

Page 14 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Loyal approves another two years of Neillsville wrestling co-op

Loyal will remain part of the Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyal high school wrestling co-op program for at least the next
two years, under action taken Monday
night by the district Board of Education.
The Board voted unanimously to extend the co-op agreement another two
years. Loyal has belonged to the shared
team with Neillsville and Greenwood for
four years, after it had maintained its
own team for decades. Like other schools
in the area, Loyal no longer has enough
wrestlers to fill out a team on its own,
and has turned to a co-op program to give
its athletes an opportunity to compete in
the sport.
Parents, wrestlers and coaches of
the current co-op program appeared at
Monday nights Board meeting to urge
the Board to continue the co-op effort.
Head coach Scott Bryant said none of the
three schools can fill out a competitive
team on its own, but together Neillsville
and Greenwood and Loyal have fielded a
team that has produced a 69-19 dual record
as well as three conference and three regional team titles.
Bryant said this years varsity team
had eight wrestlers each from Loyal and
Neillsville and four from Greenwood, at
the start of the season. Some have been
lost since then, and Bryant said it has been
difficult to find 14 wrestlers of different
weights to fill all the weight classes.
The team will lose only one senior this
year, and there are five Neillsville eighthgraders and two from Loyal who could
move into the program next winter. The
numbers are light in the current middle-

school programs of each school, so Bryant

said a co-op program is the only way for
the schools to field a competitive team.
Other co-op program supporters asked
the Board to approve it for another two
years (the term required by the WIAA).
Parent Rick Rueth, who has two sons on
the varsity team, said Loyal does not have
enough wrestlers of its own anymore to
put out a team. The only hope for the sport
is a co-op venture.
A co-op is the best thing, Rueth said.
There will be no Loyal wrestling ever
(without it). There just isnt the numbers.
This is a plus for everybody, Neillsville,
Greenwood and Loyal, because there
isnt going to be wrestling in any of those
Rueth also spoke of the camaraderie
that has been built between the schools.
The athletes and parents from each school
join together in support of the program.
Youd say theyre all from one community. They just bind, Rueth said.
Jason Toufar, parent of a youth wrestling participant, said the younger kids
are looking forward to competing with
athletes from other schools.
Its already trickling down into the
youth, he said. Its making the youth
already better knowing the three schools
are together.
Paul Opelt, who coaches the joint junior
high program, said the kids learn quickly
that they are all part of one team. At the
first days practice, the kids from each
school hang together, but they quickly
make friends with the others.
By the end of the year, everybodys
meshing, Opelt said. Theres no segrega-

tion with them.

One change that will take place for next
year is scheduling of a home match at
Loyal. In the past four years, all dual meets
have been held at Neillsville. Bryant said
he is in favor of wrestling at Loyal, as well.
Loyal District Administrator Cale
Jackson recommended that the Board reapprove the co-op.
I have not heard one problem from

anybody in the last two years, Jackson

Since athletic co-ops are only approved
on 2-year terms, Jackson said the door
will still be open someday if Loyal can
re-establish its own program.
I dont think that time is now. Obviously, we dont have the numbers for that
now, he said.

DNR spring hearing questions on-line

The complete questionnaire for proposed changes to Wisconsin fish and
wildlife rules that will be reviewed at the
2015 Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources spring rules hearings is now
available online.
On Monday, April 13, there will be 72
public hearings, one in each county where
individuals interested in natural resources management have an opportunity to
provide their input by non-binding vote
and testimony on proposed rule changes
and advisory questions relating to fish and
wildlife management in Wisconsin.
The questions cover a broad array
of statewide and local proposed rules
changes for state hunting, trapping and
fishing rules, as well as advisory questions
from the state Natural Resources Board
and Wisconsin Conservation Congress.
County residents have the option to run
for a seat on the Wisconsin Conservation
Congress, or elect other delegates from
their county to represent their county
views regarding natural resources on the
Conservation Congress. Also, individuals
have the opportunity to bring forth new

conservation issues of a statewide nature to the attention of the Conservation

Congress through the citizen resolution
People interested in attending the
hearings are encouraged to review the
questionnaire on line.
The fisheries questions relate to season,
bag limit, and length limit regulations,
-- expanding inland trout seasons and
reducing the number of special regulations;
-- changing panfish bag limits on 100
lakes to improve panfish average size; and
-- removing or modifying dates and
boundaries on 51 fish refuges.
Wildlife questions include:
-- expanding the areas where waterfowl
-- increasing the limit on the number of
small game animals a person is allowed
to possess;
-- modifying the spring wild turkey
hunting season opening date, among other
rule changes.


Thurs. Nite Ladies







Boys basketball

Boys basketball

Boys basketball

Boys basketball

Thursday, Feb. 12
Home -- Marsheld Columbus
Friday, Feb. 20
Home -- Neillsville
Monday, Feb. 23
At Greenwood

Thursday, Feb. 12
Home -- Loyal
Tuesday, Feb. 17
At Marsheld Columbus

Thursday, Feb. 12
At Greenwood
Tuesday, Feb. 17
Home -- Owen-Withee

Girls basketball

Girls basketball

Thursday, Feb. 12
At Neillsville
Monday, Feb. 16
At Athens
Tuesday, Feb. 17
At Gilman

Friday, Feb. 13
Home -- Loyal
Monday, Feb. 16
At Spencer
Thursday, Feb. 19
Home -- Cloverbelt Conference cross-over game

Friday, Feb. 13
At Greenwood
Monday, Feb. 16
Home -- Owen-Withee
Saturday, Feb. 21
Cloverbelt Conference rst/
second place games at

Girls basketball
Friday, Feb. 13
At Gilman
Monday, Feb. 16
Home -- Neillsville
Thursday, Feb. 19
Home -- Cloverbelt Conference cross-over game

Saturday, Feb. 14
WIAA Division 2 regional at


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Friday, Feb. 13
At Neillsville
Monday, Feb. 16
Home -- Greenwood
Thursday, Feb. 19
Home -- Cloverbelt Conference cross-over game



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Girls basketball

Saturday, Feb. 14
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Wednesday, February 11 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 15

Me? A high-energy type? Maybe after one more nap

what this exercise is all about. I think.
Time's up, everybody hands raised high
now, who thinks I'm a cheetah? No, no, not a
cheater, cheetah. There, that makes more sense.
Much fewer hands now. Like just one. What's
that ma'am? Oh, the restroom? Down the hall
to your left.
Alright, then everybody who thinks I'm
more like a sloth than a cheetah respond by
yelling, "Heil, Hitler!" Ha, just kidding, really now, if you think I'm more sloth-like than
cheetah-like, simply leave the room. OK then,
so long. Thanks for coming. Your checks will be
in the mail (as soon as my pet sloth gets them
to the post office).
Well, I sorta' saw that one comin,' I guess,
since I tend not be the most potent proton in
the atom's nucleus (dang, but Mr. Jackson would
be proud that I remembered that). Some might
say I'm sluggish, or lazy even, though I like to
think I'm simply preserving my energy stores
until they're absolutely required, like when there
is just one double-sized Three Musketeers bar
left on the candy rack and some chunky kid
is reaching for it, and I leap (like a cheetah,
maybe?) from the next aisle and snatch it first.
Sluggish, you say? Well, yeah, maybe after I
polish off that double-sized Three Musketeers
and some doughnut holes, I might need a little
siesta, you know, just to rest my eyes.
I do realize that I'm a relatively listless person, leaning more toward the morgue corpse
than the marathon runner in terms of the
energy I'm willing to spend on a given task. It's
not really that I'm not willing to burn energy,
it's just that most of the time I don't have much
of it, sort of like being a 200-watt light bulb with
a 20-watt power supply.
I'm jealous of people with high energy. Some

An Outdoorsmans
by Mark Walters

First Bobcat
Hello friends,
Last week I wrote about the challenges of hunting bobcat with hounds
while hunting with The Northland Houndsmen out of Bloomer. Even
though these guys did not know me, today would be the fifth day on three
separate experiences that up to five trucks of hardcore hunters worked
the northwoods country of Rusk and Chippewa counties helping me to
fill my first bobcat tag.
Thursday, Jan. 22 -- high 31, low 20
It takes just under three hours to reach Flaters Resort (my northwest
Wisconsin headquarters) from my house. When I arrived this morning
it was not long and our first genuine bobcat track was soon found and
thus the real adventure would begin.
Three round trips, two others cancelled and by God we had a cat to
chase. I had been told all along that if a cat track was found leading to
a certain cedar swamp that I would be in for a challenge and today a
cat track was leading to that certain cedar swamp that is HE double
toothpicks to walk through.
First, Don Naset and I are heading in deep as we follow Elwood a
Redbone, Conway a Plott and Sailor a Walker on the actual bobcat track.
At first we are walking on a creek with some pretty scary ice. The
ice proved weaker then the weight on it when Don Naset broke through
and toughed his way out.
My buddy, Mark Tomasovich, had told me that I would be tested to
see what I could physically handle and holly molly was he ever right.
Don Naset is a hardcore, in shape outdoorsmen and we moved fast, real
fast to try to catch the hounds who at times the GPS told us were 750
yards a head of us.
I was told that the actual dense part of the cedar swamp was the size
of two football fields and it was difficult to negotiate because a storm
had gone through 20 years ago leaving many of the trees laying on the
ground and still alive.
Don Naset is a no nonsense kind of guy and when we reached the
blowdowns, visibility was no more then five yards. To travel, you either
crawled under or over cedar trees and everything had powdery snow
on it so I really had to protect me Remington 1187 so that when it was

by TRG Editor Dean Lesar
folks get up out of bed in the morning with great
ambition and an intense physical metabolism to
match, and they fly through their days, working
out twice, going to their jobs, and expending
more calories than I do between haircuts.
I wake up about as slowly as a Galapagos
Island finch evolves a new beak shape to eat
new strains of nuts. My only thought when
climbing out of bed is when I can get back in.
Some people get by with four or five hours of
sleep a night; I can knock off 11 flat and wake up
feeling like an insomniac. Bears would do well
to study me for better hibernation techniques.
I think I mentioned the key word before -metabolism. That is, of course, a body's ability
to carry out chemical transformations within
cells, for basic purposes such as breaking down
food to convert to energy and using said energy
to construct cells. Some people have naturally
high metabolisms. They tend to create and burn
their energy at highly efficient rates and usually
maintain lithe, muscular figures. Others, like
me, consume energy like an open flame in the
wind trying to burn a pile of wet newspaper. We
just sort of fizzle in and out, emit a lot of acrid
smoke, and eventually say, "Ah, what the heck,

must be bedtime, eh?" And usually

there's nobody to tell us no, because
the normal metabolism people are
off mowing their lawns or dancing to
P90X exercise tapes that teach them
how to do push-ups while running
up flights of stairs. I had a friend who
gave me a beginner's exercise tape
sometime late last spring. Just took
it out of the envelope last weekend.
Whew. Those are exhausting.
I think my energy issues go back to
my childhood. While all the other kids
in the country neighborhood where I
grew up had to get up at 6 a.m. to help in the
barn, I slept in until the first Gilligan's Island
episode came on. The only real physical labor
I had to perform was occasionally holding a
flashlight while my Dad worked on some dark
crevice of a car engine. I basically completed
my childhood as a 98-pound weakling who
tipped the scales at 87. Didn't even have the
drive to get that part right.
It's appropriate that I ended up in a career
that confines me largely to a desk. I probably
wouldn't have had the energy to be a roofer,
or a logger, or even an undertaker (too many
caskets around to not be tempted to nap), although I think now that I could have excelled
as a sleep apnea machine tester.
I do my best to live with my condition,
other than eating right, exercising, controlling my blood sugar levels, limiting stress and
attaching leeches to my face to suck out the
impurities. Basically, I've come to grips with
the fact that I'm more sloth than cheetah, more
slug than songbird. Generally speaking, it's not
a problem, unless I'm awake, and I do my best
to limit those opportunities.

needed it would actually work (the guys really got into making fun of
my worn out shotgun).
Heres the plan! I have to climb up a horizontal cedar tree and let
Elwood, Conway and Sailor work the cat around which should be going
in circles.
Back at the creek, many of The Northland Houndsmen are patiently
waiting for whatever results may happen. The hounds come through
barking. It is so dense I cannot even see them. I pick openings that are
no bigger then a square yard where if a cat appears I might see it.
I pick other openings to watch where I think the cat may appear if I
cannot take a shot at first sighting.
I feel insecure, this isnt easy folks, I am gonna be a hero or a zero.
I move twice to what I hope will be a better view. I can barely balance
myself on my perch, stand and aim. I see movement, O my God its a
bobcat. I pick an opening 20 yards away, cat appears, gun goes boom,
cat vanishes.
It takes me a full five minutes to get to where the cat might be. Ye
haa! Dead cat. I am about to pick it up and a crazy hound grabs my trophy and does not want to let go. I get the cat from the hound that chased
the cat to me. Hound literally, leaps and pulls the cat out of my hands.
Pictures are taken, we hike out of the swamp, blood is running down
my back (I love it) lots more pictures and high fives. I am really happy
that I did not shoot my cat out of a tree and fully realize what an incredible sport it is to hunt cat, coyote, and bear with hounds.
Last autumn, I said that my goal was to film my stepson, Joey, harvesting his first black bear with a bow and arrow, fill my wolf tag and
fill my bobcat tag. This complete goal was met and obviously the bobcat
was thanks to my good pals out of Bloomer, The Northland Houndsmen.
The cedar swamp experience was insane! Sunset

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I'm going to name two animals and I want

you to choose which one you think I most
resemble. OK. Got it? Do we need more
rules, or are we ready? Just remember, two
distinct mammals, one is like me, the other
is just hairy with disgusting breath.
OK, the first choice is the cheetah, one
of nature's most athletic beasts, capable of
running at speeds of 60 mph, just to catch a
bunny rabbit for a snack. The cheetah is an
incredible biological machine that is capable
of turning raw protein into pure speed, and
almost instantly. In fact, I think I read once
that a cheetah can go from a standstill to 55
mph in less time than it takes Brian Williams
to make up a story about putting his personal
safety on the line, just to bring you the news.
OK, so cheetah is your first choice. Sleek.
Fast, full of energy. Aggressive. Dynamic.
You're following me here, right? Alright, the
second choice then is the brown-throated
three-toed sloth, which sleeps 15-18 hours
per day, leaves its tree about once per week
to use the restroom, and is a creature that
"moves only when necessary and even then
very slowly." Even if being pursued by something that wants to eat it, a three-toed sloth
will only cover about 13 feet per minute, not
because it can't go any faster, I suspect, just
that it don't wanna. Female sloths of reproductive age are known not to become pregnant for as long as a year after they're ready,
just because they don't move far enough to
find a mate.
Just to give you a final mental picture to aid
in your choice, sloths have flat heads, big eyes,
short snouts, long legs, and tiny ears. Oh, sure,
it's OK to glance at my photo for comparative
purposes. After all, getting the answer right is

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Page 16 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pursuant to Chapter 75.07 Wisconsin Statutes
Notice is hereby given that all the following described tracts of
land and city and village lots situated in Clark County, Wisconsin,
were held in tax certificates by the Clark County Treasurer on the 1st
day of September, 2013, for delinquent taxes and special assessments of 2012 and other years as specified and remain unredeemed
at the office of the county treasurer of said county.
Now, therefore, unless the taxes and interest set opposite the several tracts and lots herein specified shall be paid at the office of the
county treasurer of said county, on or before the 31st day of August,
2015, the same will be conveyed to the said county thereof pursuant
to the statutes in such case made and provided. Interest is computed to the last day of redemption.
Given under my hand and seal at the office of the county treasurer, in the City of Neillsville, in said county and state, this 23rd day
of January, 2015.
Kathryn M. Brugger
Clark County Treasurer
Clark County, Wisconsin
TOWN OF BEAVER Twp 27 N R 1 W: Frac NW-NW, Section 4,
John P. Burch, $3,038.51; Com at NW Cor of NW-NE th S 51 rds 12
th E 18 rds th S 10 rds 12 th W 18 rds th N 10 rds 12 to POB, Section 25, Robin G. & Tina S. Peterson, $1,816.83; Com 165 W of NE
Cor of NW-SE th W 745.42 alg C/L of tn rd th S 33 E 745.24 th N 33
to POB Section 28, Christopher D. & Michelle D. Carpenter, $2.73;
N 330 of E 396 of SE-SE wh inc OL 1 CSM 1996 DOC 584176,
Section 28, Todd A. Krasselt, $1,397.15; Outlot 2 CSM 1996 DOC
584176 bg pt of SE-SE, Section 28, Todd A. Krasselt, $2.73.
TOWN OF BUTLER Twp 27 N R 4 W: S 350 of E 242 of SE-SE,
Section 10, Dominick T. Sykora, $1,262.08; SW-SW ex S 12 rds 12
of W 12 rds 12 & ex NW-SW-SW, Section 14, Steven D. Parent,
TOWN OF COLBY Twp 28 N R 1E: SW-SE ex N 608 of W 450,
Section 17, Tammy K. Griesbach, $243.46; SE-NW, Tammy K.
Griesbach, $702.34.
1 CSM rec in 404/466, Section 23, Brian K. Oberheu & Harold G.
Arndt, $2,587.27; Lot 1 CSM 696 rec 604/188 bg pt of SW-NW, Section 23, Christopher A. Holt, $116.06; Pt of GL 3 & SE-SW desc in
427/336 & Aff of Cor #570705 incl Pcls 1 & 2 CSM 36 Rec 334/145,
Section 24, Michael T. & Linda J. Werthman, $6,035.39; W of SENE, Section 25, Hinu B. Smith, $5,285.35; Lot 6 High Rock Addition, Section 25, Michael T. & Linda J. Werthman, $1,270.55; Lot 9
CSM 450 Rec 540/662 bg pt of Govt Lot 4, Section 25, Michael T. &
Linda J. Werthman, $2,882.11; OL 9 CSM 450 Rec 540/662 bg pt of
Govt Lot 4, Section 25, Michael T. & Linda J. Werthman, $1,118.31;
SE-SE, Section 25, Richard L. Smith & Hinu B. Smith, $190.92;
Lot 16 Beau Vieau Subdivision, Section 34, Kazimierz & Elizabeth
Chmielewski, $314.26; S 8 rds of E 20 rds of NE-NE & ex Hwy. R/W
as desc 209/196, Section 34, Just O. & Estrella Alamar, $3,708.73;
E 233 of Lot 2 of CSM 95 REC 374/161 bg pt of NW-SE, Section 34,
Robert E. & Jean Terpening, $14.02; E 280 of the S 165 of NW-SE
ex Hwy., Section 34, Russ & Lori Shoemaker, $352.42.
TOWN OF EATON Twp 26 N R 2 W: Lot 1 CSM 1231 Rec 698/902
bg pt of SW-NW lyg S RR R/W, Section 4, Joseph D. Clark dba Faith
Farms, $805.60.
TOWN OF FOSTER Twp 26 N R 4 W: Lot 22 Rock Dam Assessors Plat, Section 15, Anthony & Ann Manion, $1,105.73.
TOWN OF FREMONT Twp 25 N R 1 E: W1/2-W1/2 NW-NW, Section 11, Scott L. Foemmel, $1,525.21; N 208.7 of W 208.7 of NE-NE
ex Hwy. R/W desc 204/615, Section 16, Eric J. Mortvedt, $116.57;
W 335 of N 650.15 of NW-SW, Section 20, Robert L. & Sharon L.
Dorbert, $ 2,785.52; S 220 of N 376 of W 210 of SW-NW, Section
23, Kelly A. Pilz, $1,209.77; N 16 rds of S 23 rds 10 of W 10 rds of
SW-NW, Section 30, Craig S. Miller Sr. & Penny K. Miller, $461.68;
Lot 1 of CSM 228 Rec in 435/183 & com at NE cor of Lot 1 th N 60
th W 153 th S 60 th E 153 to POB ex Hwy. R/W desc in 314/80 bg
pt of SW-SW & com at NE cor of Lot 1 th S 168 th E 40 th N 208
th NWly at 45 degree angle to pt 20 E of E/L of Lot 1 extended th W
20 to pt of E/L of Lot 1 exten wh is 60 N of NE cor of Lot 1 th S 60 to
POB, Section 35, Karen A. Davis, $3,221.11; E 57 of Lots 1 & 2 Blk
N & W of vacated Maple St. Uninc Vlg of Chili, Brice E. & Carrie J.
Draeger, $1,070.95; Outlot 2 & E of vacated Maple St. Uninc Vlg of
Chili, Just Jakes LLC, $2,323.02.
TOWN OF GRANT Twp 24 N R 1 W: SE-SW ex pt Lot 1 CSM 1137
(673/187) & ex Lot 1 CSM 1259 (710/94) & ex Pcl desc in 711/169,
Section 6, Tanya R. Van Dyk, $180.73; E 10 rds of S 12 rds of SESE ex Hwy. R/W (306/509), Section 17, James & Juanita Swenson,
$2,201.79; NE-NE ex Hwy. R/W as desc in 304/470, Section 19,
James I. Matousek (Charles V. Matousek), $934.04; N 2 rds of SENE, Section 19, James I. Matousek (Charles V. Matousek), $5.63; E
NE-NE ex W 16 rds of N 10 rds & ex E 24 rds of N 10 rds & ex com
165 S of NE cor of NE-NE th S 325 th W 260 th N 150 th W 400 th
N 175 th E 660 to POB, Section 26, Laura Stillman, $179.29; NWSW, Section 26, Noah E. & Clara E. Shetler, $1,839.53; SW-SW,
Section 26, Noah E. & Clara E. Shetler, $127.80; N 342 of E 180
of NW-NE, Section 32, Mark Wiechers, $99.82; Lot 1 CSM 968 Rec
642/594 ex Outlot 1 CSM 1805 REC 877/989 bg pt of N of Sw ,
Section 33, Douglas T. Quella, $1,860.96.
TOWN OF GREEN GROVE Twp 28 N R 1 W: N 236 of S 401 of
E 260 of NE-SE, Section 20, Alfred J. & Catherine R. Firek, $86.01.
TOWN OF HENDREN Twp 26 N R 3 W: Frac NE-NW ex th pt lyg
Ely of Rocky Run Creek & ext to N B/L, Section 2, Peter Bigelow,
$508.03; E Frac NW-NW ex W 12 acres, Section 2, Peter Bigelow,
$560.42; SW-SE, Section 9, Sharon R. Henze, $2,513.00; W 506.5
of E 658 of S 413 of SW-SE, Section 14, Thomas & Heather Revier
Jr, $2,422.38; S NE-SE, Section 19, Dean L. Lesar, $1,294.77; S
NW-SE, Section 19, Dean L. Lesar, $1,294.77; W 385 of E 460
of N 165 of NE-NW, Section 22, Heather Newmann (Patrick Vetterkind), $1,140.54; Com at SE cor of SE-SE th W on sec ln 370
to POB th N 228 th W 190 th S 228 th E 190 to POB, Section 36,
Mary M. Mason, $2,616.50; Lot 9 & 10 Blk 2 Original Plat Uninc, Vill
of Willard, Terry Lewis, $80.84; Lot 11 Blk 2 Original Plat Uninc, Vill
of Willard, Terry Lewis, $29.12.
TOWN OF HEWETT Twp 24 N R 3 W: W of S 10 A of SE-SE
Section 11, Karrie L. Sage, $220.94; S 190 of Lot 19 Witte-Karnitz
Addition, Section 11, Rhonda K. Witte, $88.37; W Lot 34 Witte
Karnitz Addition; Section 11, Rhonda K. Witte, $2,248.19; OL 1
of CSM 763 (613/381) & Lot 2 CSM 736 (609/332) & Lot 1 CSM
764 (613/382) bg pt of NW-NW, Section 13, Douglas Alan Myren,
$1,127.77; E 1/2 of NE-NE lyg N of US Hwy. 10 ex Hwy. R/W in
495/220, Section 14, Ethel M. Kalsow, $402.80; W of NE-NE lyg N
of US Hwy. 10 ex Hwy. R/W in 495/220, Section 14, Karrie L. Sage,
$150.75; S 660 of W 330 of E SE-SW, Section 27, Jeffrey Schumacher, $687.66; SW-SW Section 32, Sia Vang, Song Lang Vang, Lue
Vang & Tou Yer Vang, $1,941.33; Assmt Lot 40 & W 31 of Lot 39
Assessors Plat Uninc Vill of Columbia, Robert J. Hoey Etal, $93.25.
TOWN OF HIXON Twp 29 N R 2 W: S 522 of W 418 of SW-SW
Section 1, Ralph E. Jr & Kenda K. Stark, $2,763.12; NE-NW Section 9, Adeline L. Ernst, $160.76; NW-NW lyg N of RR R/W, Section 9, Adeline L. Ernst, $3,331.16; SW-NW lyg N of RR R/W, Section 9, Adeline L. Ernst, $24.09; SE-NW lyg N of RR R/W, Section
9, Adeline L. Ernst, $128.60; N 215 of W 455 of NW-NW, Section
12, Ralph E. & Shirley J. Stark, $329.20; Frac SW-SW lyg S of RR

R/W, Section 30, Daniel Baehr (Mary Ann Baehr), $189.69; SESW lyg S of RR R/W, Section 30, Daniel Baehr (Mary Ann Baehr),
$195.02; SW-SE lyg S of RR R/W, Section 30, Daniel Baehr (Mary
Ann Baehr), $166.13; SE-SE lyg S of RR R/W, Section 30, Daniel
Baehr (Mary Ann Baehr), $208.98; NE-NE ex S 28 Acres, Section
31, Daniel Baehr (Mary Ann Baehr), $34.84; NW-NE ex S 28 Acres,
Section 31, Daniel Baehr (Mary Ann Baehr), $385.82; N 25 acres
of NE-NW, Section 31, Daniel Baehr (Mary Ann Baehr), $96.18; N
22.54 acres of frac NW-NW, Section 31, Daniel Baehr (Mary Ann
Baehr), $2,240.16; E of NE-NW LYG S of RR R/W, Section 34,
Orlando H. & Jackie A. Olson, $2,218.19; E of SE-NW, Orlando H.
& Jackie A. Olson, $375.13.
TOWN OF HOARD Twp 29 N R 1 W: Lot 1 CSM 932 (632/449)
bg NW-NW, Section 3, Roger Venet, $1,269.92; NE-NW, Section 20,
Merlin & Marilyn Folz, $679.47; SE-NW Section 20, Merlin & Marilyn
Folz, $1,581.34.
TOWN OF LEVIS Twp 23 N R 2 W: Com at a pt 169 E of pt where
N/L of Lot 3-4-23-2W inter with Blk Riv bg on S side of bridge- th
in an Erly dir approx. 400 alg S edge of Tn Rd th Srly alg W edge
of Tn Rd 1006 MOL to pt where N boundry of crk inter W edge of tn
Rd th Wrly alg N edge of crk to a pt 156 E of Blk Riv & at inter of N
edge of crk & E edge of new Tn Rd th alg new Tn Rd NErly 890 MOL
to POB, Section 4, Mary Ellen Greenburg, $16.60; Comm alg cen of
Hwy. 880 W of SE cor of SE-SE th 420 N, W 280, N 200, E 280, S
200 to POB, Section 8, James & Lisa Bryan, $923.20; Com alg cen
of hwy. 880 W of SE cor of SE-SE th N 105 to POB th W 280 N 315
E 280 S 315 to POB, Section 8, James K. & Lisa L. Bryan, $61.38;
NW-NW Section 15, Rolland & Janice Stenulson, $25.14; Comm at
SW cor of SE-NE th N 0 deg 36 39 sec W alg W/L of sd 40 421.78
to POB th cont N 0 deg 36 39 sec W 236.43 th S 89 deg 27 32
sec E 559.72 th S 0 deg 6 6 sec W 236.39 th N 89 deg 27 32 sec
W552.65 to POB ex E 225 & ex W 143, Section 19, Neil Hensiak
& Shelley Randolph, $656.82; W 176 of SE-SE, Section 19, Steven
R. Gross, $7.66; SW-NW Section 25, Norman C. & Bettie F. Gibson,
$2,010.54; SE of SE-NW, Section 30, John Mike Jr., $573.75; Frac
NW-SW ex com at NW cor th E 330 th S 660 th E 300 th S 660 th
W 630 th N to POB, Section 30, Howard Levi Swallow, $3,122.87;
Pt of NW-SW desc as comm at NE cor of Lot 1 CSM rec in 403/241
th E 300 th S to S/L of sd 40 th W 300 th N to POB, Clayton D. Winneshiek, $2,762.84.
TOWN OF LONGWOOD Twp 28 N R 2 W: SE-NE Section 14, William A. Smasal Etal, $23.78; Comm at NW cor of NW-NW th E 16 rds
th S 5 rds th W 8 rds th S 2 rds 8 th W 8 rds th N 7 rds 8 to POB ex
Hwy. r/w as desc in 474/134, Section 26, Delores M. Kloss, $434.52.
TOWN OF LOYAL Twp 26 N R 1 W: S 1165 of SE-SE, Section 8,
Randall & Pamela Meyer, $1,994.85; S N W NW-NE & S 66
of N 324 of E 460 of W NW-NE ex W 66 pf N 187 (Street), Section 15, Margaret A. Cox, Fred Cox III, Douglas Cox, $6,572.26; S
of W of NW-NE, Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox,
$55.07; SW-NE Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox,
$2,505.71; SE-NE Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox,
$220.23; NE-SE ex RR R/W, Section 15, Fred Cox III, $220.23; E
of NW-SE ex RR R/W, Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte
Cox, $52.42; W of NW-SE lyg N of RR R/W ex W 550, Section
15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $39.32; W 550 of NW-SE
lyg N of RR R/W, Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox,
$1,517.26; N 667. 91 of E 330 of SW-SE, Section 15, Fred Cox III,
Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $28.84; Th pt of SE-SE lyg N or RR R/W
ex pcls desc in 264/579, Section 15, Fred Cox III, $31.46;
S 25.55 acres adj to St. Hwy. 98 ext entirely & equidist across the
Frac SW-NW & W of SE-NW & ex Hwy. R/W, Section 18, Randall
& Pamela Meyer, $1,327.57; SW-NW ex Hwy. R/W as desc in V271
P147, Section 22, Fred Cox III & Douglas A. Cox, $1,837.12; N 360
of E 200 of NE-NE, Section 25, Peter P. Shannon, $1,516.35.
TOWN OF LYNN Twp 24 N R 1 E: S 16 rds of W 15 rds of SW-SW
ex Hwy. R/W desc in 312/463, Section 3, Autumn S. Blakey, $311.65;
That pt of SE-SE lyg E of US Hwy. 10 ex Hwy. R/W desc in 317/105,
Section 4, Ben L. Kayhart, $1,801.68; N 660 of NE-SW, Section 11,
Todd D. Anderson, $1,671.55; SW-SW lyg S of RR R/W ex comm.
at SW cor th E 75 N 500 E 375 N to S/L of RR R/W th W alg R/W
to W/L of SW-SW th S 956 MOL to POB, Section 12, Greg S. &
Cindy L. Gotz, $915.86; Com at SW cor of SW-SW th E 75 N 500
E 375 N to S/L of RR R/W th W alg R/W to W/L of SW-SW th S 956
MOL to POB bg pt of SW-SW S of RR R/W, Section 12, Daniel A.
Porter, $751.68; NE-NW Section 26, Andrew J. Schkeryantz III Etal,
TOWN OF MAYVILLE Twp 29 N R 1 E: That pt of NE-SE nka
Pcl 2 CSM 63A rec 358/478, Section 13, Allen & Marie Freiboth,
TOWN OF MEAD Twp 27 N R 3 W: NW-NE Section 7, Christie
Rae Ciolkosz (Clarence F. Biddle), $274.67; Frac SW-NW ex Hwy.
R/W as desc in 251/563 & ex Lot 1 CSM 1444 (760/78), Section 7,
Frank S. & Kathleen A. Jacque, $1,486.40; Lot 1 CSM 1444 (760/78)
ex Hwy. R/W desc 251/563 bg pt Frac SW-NW, Section 7, Frank S.
& Kathleen A. Jacque, $444.94.
TOWN OF MENTOR Twp 24 N R 4 W: A pcl desc in Vol 629 Pg
597 bg 255 x 177 bg pt of SE-SE Section 15, Vicky L. & Timothy
K. Dittner, $1,122.85; Lot 1 CSM 1819 Doc 570710 bg pt E SE
Section 18, Bradley Dean Hardwick, $1,183.82; E 166 of W 830
of SE-SE Section 27, Bradley J. Kupris, $209.92; Outlot 8-A Assessors Plat Uninc Vill of Humbird, Roger Dale Jensen & Greta Marie
Larson Jensen, $1,939.31; Outlot 22-A Assessors Plat Uninc Vill of
Humbird, Daniel D. & Wendelin I. Fitzmaurice, $143.28; Outlot 46 A Assessors Plat Uninc Vill of Humbird, Lyle Robert Martin, $1,008.43;
NE-NE Section 32, Lyle Robert Martin, $248.71; NW-NE ex com 44
rds E of NW cor of NW-NE th E 15 rds th S 2 deg E 8 rds th W 15 rds
th N 2 deg W 8 rod to beg ex beg in cen of Hwy. 11 ch 50 l E of NW
cor of NW-NE th SWly alg cen of hwy. to ln th N 9 ch 35 l to POB
& ex S 10 ch 25 l of W 4 ch 88 l of NW-NE Section 32, Lyle Robert
Martin, $611.86; S 16 rds of W 21 rds of NW-NE Section 32,
Lyle Robert Martin, $10.79; Lot 2 CSM 1920 DOC 579289 bg pt of
S SE Section 32, Lyle R. Martin (Raymond C. Martin), $332.52;
NE-NE Section 33, Vonnie D. Parker, $136.52; NW-NE Section 33,
Vonnie Parker, $1,269.15; Lot 3 CSM 1674 (832/682) ex the S 20bg
pt of SE-NE, John Ray & Emma Jean Calkins, $432.25; S 20 of Lot
3 CSM 1674 (832/682) Section 33, John Ray Calkins, $37.87; E 15
ac of NE-NW Section 33, John Ray & Emma Jean Calkins, $622.68;
Com at a pt 185 S & 400 W of NE cor of NW-NW th S 185 W 209
th NWly to a pt 185 S of N/L of sd NW-NW th E to pob & com at NE
cor of NW-NW th S 0 deg 0303 W on E/L 370 th N 89 deg 2831 W
400 to POB th N 89 deg 2831 W 232.86 to Erly R/W of US 12 th S
26 deg 0149 E 45.96 th N 79 deg 3358 E 216.26 to POB Section
33, Max R. & Autumn L. Young, $2,222.14; NW-NW lyg S & W of RR
R/W Section 33, Lyle Robert Martin, $616.42; Th pt of SW - NW
lyg E of US Hwy. 12 & 27 Section 33, Lambert & Charity Narlock,
$259.23; Lots 7 & 8 Blk 2 Village of Humbird Original Town, Jeanne
H. Whittington, $81.09; E 100 of Lot 12 Blk 2 Original Town Village
of Humbird, Joshua G. Halvorson, $395.59; E 100 of Lot 13 Blk 2
Original Town Village of Humbird, Joshua G. Halvorson, $105.11;
Lots 10-12 Blk 8 Original Town Village of Humbird, Steve Thomas
Pozega, $68.78; Lots 25 & 26 & N 25 of Lot 24 Blk 8 Original Town
Village of Humbird, Steve Pozega, $1,352.20; S of Lot 3 & all
of Lots 4 & 5 Blk 10 Original Town Vill of Humbird, Joshua F. Hart,
$232.21; Lots 6,7, & 8 Blk 12 Original Town Vill of Humbird, Jerry
Dean Parker, $2,335.02; Lots 5 & 6 & N 38 of Lot 7 Blk C W Wis Ry
Add Village of Humbird, Leroy J. Fitzmaurice, $546.96; Lot 15 & 16

Blk I W Wis Ry Add Village of Humbird, Daniel Fitzmaurice (L/E Edith
Fitzmaurice), $1,514.85.
TOWN OF PINE VALLEY Twp 24 N R 2 W: Lot 3 Appleyards Blk
Riv Bluffs 1st Addition Section 2, Leonard R. & Cynthia M. Kurcab;
$588.68; SW-SE ex Lot 1 CSM 468 rec in 546/452 Section 4, Craig
A. Jakobi, $950.83; That pt of SE-NE & S NE-NE lyg N of US
Hwy. 10 desc as Com at pt of inter of W/L of R/W of Cty. Trk. G with
N/L of R/W of Hwy. 10 th rng N 487.5 W 323 th S 323 MOL to N/L
of R/W of sd Hwy. 10 th SEly alg N/L of sd R/W 365 MOL to POB
ex Hwy. R/W as desc in 461/57 Section 18, Duwayne A. OConnell,
$6,243.01; Lot 1 CSM 1722 Rec 849/306 bg pt of SE-SE Section 21,
Zachary T. Foss, $2,682.69; NW-NE ex E 2 rds Section 31, Corine
M. Duboff (Masi), $1,564.06; SW-NE ex E 8 rds of N 10 rds Section
31, Corine M Duboff (Masi), $574.01; NE-NW Section 31, Corine M.
Duboff (Masi), $888.99; SE-NW Section 31, Corine M. Duboff (Masi),
TOWN OF RESEBURG Twp 28 N R 3 W: E 262 of W 640 of S
150 of SW-SW Section 9, Sarah Oberle, $101.88; Lot 3 CSM 531
(571/256) bg pt of SW-SW, Sarah Oberle, $1.71; Com at SE Cor of
SW-SE th W 652 to POB th W 172 th N 310 th E 172 th S 310 to
POB Section 28, Loren D. Mallo, $645.08; SE-SE Section 32, Frank
S. & Kathleen A. Jacque, $3,206.55; SE-SW Section 33, Evonne R.
Truse, $1,591.65.
TOWN OF SEIF Twp 25 N R 3 W: NW-SW ex E 20 rds & ex com
at NW cor of sd NW-SW th E 990 S 1060 W 200 N 400 W 790 N
85 E 400 N 200 W 400 N 375 to POB Section 11, George Miedziak
& Patricia Martinez, $3,051.96.
TOWN OF SHERMAN Twp 26 N R 1 E: N 342 of W 128 of NESW Section 16, Distinguished Concrete Systems LLC, $129.31;
W 570 of S 815 of SW-NW Section 23, Vernon & Elizabeth Yoder
(Luke & Cheryl Stoltzfus), $1,877.15.
TOWN OF SHERWOOD Twp 23 N R 1 E: NW-NE Section 9, Bruce
Wenzel, $1,986.69; SW-NE Section 9, Bruce Wenzel, $1,936.62; Lot
4 CSM 889 (626/394) & 1/12 int in OL 1 CSM 887 (626/390) bg pt of
N of NW Section 16, Michelle L. Sanborn, $1,490.68.
TOWN OF THORP Twp 29 N R 4 W: NW-SW Section 3, Robert L
Ciolkosz, $425.41; SW-SW Section 3, Robert L. Ciolkosz, $385.49;
N 330 of E 330 of NE-NE, Chasity M. Starck, $122.59; NE-SW ex S
208.71 of E 208.71 Section 18, Renee P. Long & Alexis J. Lepak Jr,
$1.92; S 208.71 of E 208.71 of NE-SW Section 18; Renee P. Long,
$1,374.33; Com 560 N & 470 E of the SW cor of NW-SW th E 382
th N 225 th in a Wly dir approx 382 to a pt 150 N of POB th S 150
to POB Section 21, Helen Benzschawel, $728.59; E 400 of W 875
of SW-SW lyg S of RR R/W Section 28, Benjamin & Mindy Miland,
$662.90; Lot 1 desc 601/768 bg pt of NW-SW, Rhonda R. Nicpon,
TOWN OF UNITY Twp 27 N R 1 E; S 396 of E 330 of SE-SE Section 4, Richard W. Nieman & Jennifer A. Martens, $12.46; E 250 of
W 577 of N 412 of Lot 1 CSM 891 rec 626/451 bg pt W of NE &
pt Frac SE-NW Section 24, Dana & Danielle Sockness, $1,441.12.
TOWN OF WARNER Twp 27 N R 2 W: Govt Lot 1 Section 3,
Gerald F. Zawadzki, $358.58; SE-NW Section 3, Gerald F. Zawadzki,
$150.78; E 140 of the W 462 of the S 311 of the SE-SE Section
36, Raymond S. Springer, $806.35.
TOWN OF WASHBURN Twp 23 N R 1 W: N 653.4 of S 1153.4
of W 200 of SW-SW Section 4, Gerald Neil Holm Jr., $607.13; Frac
NE-NW Section 5, Gary Tremble (Walter Iwanczuk & David Naze),
$853.42; Frac NW-NW Section 5, Gary Tremble (Walter Iwanczuk
& David Naze), $1,006.16; S 208 2/3 of N 417 1/3 of E 209 of NENE Section 8, Deborah L. Brown (Hoffman), $627.43; N 20 rds of
W 12 rds of NW-NW Section 9, Goodwin R. & Sherry Y. Westbay,
$717.95; Com at SW cor of NW-SW th E 1320 N 430 W 310 S 400
W 610 N 337 W 400 th S 367 to POB Section 9, Dean W. Gerber,
$1,080.26; N 2476 of S 495 of E 440 of NE-NW Section 14, Brian
M. Wilson, $1,036.28; NE-SW MFL(7) Section 17, Andrew T. Shackelford, $39.26; SE-SW MFL (7) 20A (8) 19 A Section 17, Andrew T.
Shackelford, $2,305.45; NW-NE Section 23, Richard A. & Katherine
C. Stenulson, $3,032.70.
TOWN OF WESTON Twp 25 N R 2 W: NW-NW ex E 395 Section
22, Daniel W. Schultz, $4,489.48; Govt Lot 1 ex E 395 Section 22,
Daniel W. Schultz, $209.74.
TOWN OF WITHEE Twp 29 N R 3 W: NW-SE Section 22, Dux Q.
& Carrie A. Calo, $3,822.60; SW-SE Section 22, Dux Q. & Carrie A.
Calo, $146.12; NW-NE Section 30, Borysiak Farms, Inc., $94.98;
NE-NW ex E 151 of W 267 of N 189 Section 30, Borysiak Farms,
Inc., $238.83; E 151 of W 267 of N 189 of NE-NW Section 30, John
Borysiak, $763.60; Com at SW cor of SW-SE th N 33 th E 250 to
POB th N 110 th E 79 th N 90 th E 143 th S 200 th W 222 to POB
bg pt of Lot 1 CSM 2000 DOC 584353 Section 32, Robert F. & Sharon A. Rohland, $1,506.76.
TOWN OF WORDEN Twp 28 N R 4 W: Comm at a pt 15 rds W of
NE cor of NE-NE th W 30 rds th S 10 rds th E 30 rds th N 10 rds
to POB Section 4, David & Theresa Hoyle, $552.25; S 500 of W 832
of NW-SW & N 20 of W 832 of SW-SW Section 19, Lori L. Lewallen
& Charles Gustafson, $2,637.48; Com 447 N & 345 W of SE cor of
SE-NE th N 170 W 265 S 170 th E 265 to POB Section 20, David
J. & Tina M. Kaczmarek, $17.90; N of NW-SW ex S 60 of W 380
Section 22, Timothy J. Nitz, $43.26; SE-SW ex com 25 S of NW cor
of SE-SW th N 25 th E 25 th Swly to POB Section 27, Shawna M.
Leonard (Timothy P. Leonard), $1,735.25; Com at SE cor of W 60 rds
of SE-SW th W 240 N 166 E 240 S 166 to POB Section 29, Kim R.
Kmieciak, $1,906.58; W 166 of E 996 of NE-NW Section 35, Edward
J. Hughes, Dec of Trust, $23.33.
TOWN OF YORK Twp 25 N R 1 W: W 300 of E 500 of S 250 of
NE-NE Section 21, Robert W. & Tawnya M. Featherston, $40.48; S
250 of E 200 of NE-NE Section 21, Robert W. & Tawnya M. Featherston, $1,102.33; Lot 2 CSM 1386 rec 744/546 bg pt of NE-NE
Section 26, Daniel C. Hebert, $209.60; Lot 3 & Outlot 1 CSM 1386
(744/546) bg pt of NE-NE Section 26, Daniel C. Hebert, $850.71.
VILLAGE OF CURTISS: S 42 of Lot 11 Blk B Original Plat, J Eleo
Bardo Salazar Ortega, $665.90; Lots 1-3 Blk 10 Olsons Addition,
Roman M. & Teresa A. Olvera, $2,365.98; Lot 30 Machletts Outlots,
Gerard A. & Deborah L. Draxler, $8,313.73.
VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER: Lot 1 Blk 1 & N 7 of Lot 2 Blk 1
Original Plat, Diane M. Kayhart, $648.10; S 37 of Lot 2 Blk 4 Original Plat, Ellen Recore, $302.11; Lots 1 & 2 Blk 7 1st Addition, David
L. Moberg, $1,153.34; Lot 15 Blk 13 Second Addition, Rose, Daniel
C. & Jack D. Bolinger, $176.74; Outlot 12 Assessors Plat A, Gerald
& Pamela Harrellson (G & C Harrellson); $1,169.15; N 15 of Outlot
18 Assessors Plat A, Gerald C. & Pamela Sue Harrellson, $29.21;
Outlot 8 Assessors Plat B, Michael L. Clark, $51.16; Comm at the
NE cor of NE-SW th W alg N/L of sd 40 768 MOL to Ely R/W of Soo
Line RR th SW alg R/W 1050 to POB th E 750 th S 540 th W to Ely
R/W of sd RR th NEly alg R/W to POB bg pt of E of SW Section
12, Liberty Homes of WI Inc., $3,929.80; Comm at NE cor of NE-SW
th W 768 MOL to Ely R/W of Soo Line RR th SW alg R/W 1050 th E
750 S 540 th W to Ely R/W of sd RR th SW alg sd R/W to a pt 942
N of S/L of SW-SW th E 209 th SWly // & 209 E of sd R/W 909 to N
R/W of CTH A th E to a pt 1920 E & 33 N of SW cor of Sec 12 th N
150 E 410 N 217 E 267.5 th S 400.4 to S/L of sd Sec th E to S
cor th N to POB Bg pt of E -SW 12-29-1E, Liberty Homes of WI
Inc, $11,132.33; Comm at a pt 744 N of SW cor of Sec 12 th rng N

Continued on page 17

Continued from page 16
N 209 E 135 S 209 W 135 to POB bg pt of SW-SW Section 12, Bob
Tischendorf & Margaret Knippel, $1,917.34; Pcl in NE-NE des as
com at NW cor E 2063.5 th S 33 to E R/W Vircks Dr. th S 663.39
to POB th S 156.67 th E 510.95 th N 156.57 th W 509.25 to POB
Section 13, Liberty Homes Inc., $58.89; A piece of land com at a pt
209 W of the NE cor of Sec 14 T29 NR1E th rng W 184 th S 209
th E 184 th N 209 to POB Section 14, Shirley Mehner, $1,577.20.
VILLAGE OF GRANTON: Comm 56 S of inter of S/L of Third St. &
W/L of Oak St. th rng S alg the W/L of Oak St. 94 th W 115 th N 94 th
E 115 to POB be Lot 3 & S 44 of Lot 2 Blk K wh inc of adj abnd alley Marshs Second Addition, Eric T. Sonderberg, $139.63; Comm at
a pt 88 S of NW cor of Blk 8 Park Add, th rng S 80 th E 132 th N 80
th W 132 to POB pt of Blk 8 Park Addition, David A. Free, $2,023.60;
Lots 7, 8,9 & 10 Blk 11 ex E 37 of each lot Park Addition, Kenneth A.
Dolle, $227.13; E 259.28 of N 168 of Outlot B Park Addition, Phyllis
Wasenius, $2,103.75; N 80 of Lot 3 Drinsinger Subdivision, Daniel
C. & Cheryl L. Luedtke, $442.93.
VILLAGE OF WITHEE: Lots 5 & 6 Blk D Original Plat, Evelyn &
Sarah Oliver, $90.56; Lots 5 & 6 Blk F Original Plat, Benjamin R.
Bauer, $890.33; N of Lot 1 & 2 Blk H Original Plat, Christopher &
Sonya Rohland, $1,345.34; Lot 5 Blk H Original Plat, Josephine M.
Tansky, $563.03; N 70 of Lots 1 & 2 Blk 1 and N 32 of S 49 of Lots
1 & 2 Blk 1 ex W 26 of Lot 1, John S. Owen Lumber Co Addition,
Joseph P. Konwinski (Robert L. & Catherine E. Martin), $2,654.99;
Lot 2 Blk 1 ex N 102 John S. Owen Lumber Co. Addition, Joseph P.
Konwinski, $9.55.
CITY OF ABBOTSFORD: Lot 5 & S of Lot 6 Blk C Original Plat,
Duane R. & Sharon F. Broeske Family Trust (Alba Lidia Soto Garcia),
$1,562.50; W 12 of N 41 of Lot 1 & All of Lots 2-3-4 Hughes Addition,
Dearborn Street Holdings LLC, Series 16 M & I (Thomas E. Weister,
BMO Harris Bank NA), $10,508.81; Lot 2 CSM 1250 (705/931) bg pt
SE-SE Section 36, McKee Properties LLC, Jason & Tammi McKee,
$1,498.00; Lot 1 CSM 1250 (705/931) bg pt of SE-SE Section 36,
McKee Properties LLC, Jason & Tammi McKee, $433.61.
CITY OF COLBY: N 25 of Lot 17 & all of Lot 18 Blk 8 First Addition, Kay Pierce, $519.74.
CITY OF GREENWOOD: Lot 8 Blk 1 Greenwood Assessors Plat
#1, Dawn Branish, $1,429.22; Lot 3 Blk 3 Greenwood Assessors
Plat #3, Bernard & Laura J. Kolano, $1,315.04; Lot 5 Blk 5 Greenwood Assessors Plat #5, Donna J. & Kelly J. Akey, $2,933.93; Lot
16 Blk 7 Greenwood Assessors Plat #5, Bonnie Shong, $990.56; E
6 rds of Lot 51 Assessors Plat, Korey M. Moline, $933.13.
CITY OF LOYAL: W 66 of Lots 12 & 13 Blk 3, John Graves First
Addition, Alan & Barbara Langfeldt, $2,136.59; Lots 1 & 2 Blk 6 John
Graves First Addition, Patrick D. Langfeldt, $2,378.59; Lot 11 Blk 1
Drapers 1st Addition, Fred Cox III, Douglas & Monte Cox, $2,292.88;
S of Lot 1 Blk 3 P G, Gwins 1st Addition, James & Mary Lou Felix,
$3,403.46; Lot 8 Blk 4, Gwins 3rd Addition, Red Door Properties
LLC, $1,305.21; Lot 1 Blk 1, Ruplinger Stave & Heading Co. 1st Addition, MARD LLC, $1.70; N Lot 11 Blk 1, Ruplinger Stave & Heading Co. 1st Addition, MARD LLC, $1.50; Lot 12 Blk 1 Ruplinger Stave
& Heading Co. 1st Addition, MARD LLC, $63.90; Lot 5 Blk 1 Johnsons 1st Addition, Patricia L. Sommers, $1,014.54; Outlot 112 Assessors Plat, Red Door Properties LLC, $869.70; OL 125 ex N 300
& Ex S 165 Assessors Plat, Alan & Barbara Langfeldt, $1,053.28;
W 33 of OL 126 lyg S of Central St. Assessors Plat, Alan Langfeldt,
$118.77; All th pt of SE-SE-9-26-1W lyg S of Soo Line RR R/W ex E
765 Section 9, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $133.17; A
pcl of ld loc in SE-SE-9-26-1W desc as com at SE cor of sd sec th W
alg S ln of sd SE-SE 552 th N to Sly R/W of WI Cent RY & POB th
S alg aforementioned ln to S ln of sd SE-SE th W 213 N to Srly R/W
ln to sd WI Cen Ry th SEly alg sd RR R/W to POB Section 9, Fred
Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $1,492.35; Lot 5 Industrial Park,
Jon J. & Rosanne K. Bauer, $5,343.36; Lot 7 Industrial Park, Jon J. &
Rosanne K. Bauer, $464.27; Lot 11 & 12 Wolf Subdivision, Douglas
A. Cox, $449.87; Com 2,114.87 E & 517 S of NW cor of NW th S
630 W 242 S 173 E to E ln of NE-NW th N 803 th W to POB bg pt
of NE-NW Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $75.58;
All that pt of SE-NW sec 15-26-1W lyg Ely & Nly of Soo Line RR as
now operated across & through sd 40 formerly WI Cen RR & ex N
18 rds Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $169.17;
E 767.13 of N 297 (18 rds) of SE-NW Section 15, Fred Cox III,
Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $35.98; Th pt of NE-SW lyg on E side of
Soo Line RR R/W Section 15, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox,
$43.19; NW-NE ex com at SW cor of L 38 Lees 2nd Addition th W
60 to POB th N alg W/L of Gwinn St. 206 W 100 S 206 E alg S/L
of NW-NE 100 to POB & ex Lot 1 CSM rec 402/412 & ex Lots 2 &
3 CSM rec 403/123 & ex Lots 1 & 2 CSM 500/383 & ex pcl desc in
548/472 (Aumann) Section 16, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte
Cox, $197.95; Pt of NE-SE 16-26-1W com at intersec of W/L of W
st and S/L of Draper St. and rng th S alg W/L of W st 78.7 th W 132
th N 78.7 th E 132 to POB and com at int of W/L of W St & S/L of
Draper St. & rng th S alg W/L of W St 78.7 to POB th W 132 th S
33 th E 132 th N 33 to POB Section 16, Alan & Barbara Langfeldt,
$3,811.02; N of SE-SE ex N 412 of E 346 & ex Hwy. R/W as desc
in 271/143 & ex W 132 of E 172 of S 248 & ex CSM 625 rec 590/69
Section 16, Fred Cox III, Douglas A. & Monte Cox, $97.16.
CITY OF NEILLSVILLE: N 146 of E 130 of Outlot 6 Bacons Subdiv, Mavis A. Burkhalter, $2,607.38; Lots 1 & 2 Blk 2 Covell & Darlings Subdiv, Richard L. & Norma K. Christie Sr., $2,084.68; Lot 1
Blk 9 Furlongs 1st Addition, Amy M. Symington (Donald Schutte),
$780.13; That pt of Lot 3 Blk 1 W of Black River Rd., James Furlongs 2nd Addition, Red Door Properties LLC, $1,699.90; Lot 3 Blk
5 James Furlongs 2nd Addition, Thomas C. Turcotte & Jeffrey R.
& Carol D. Lutz, $1,378.64; Lot 6 James Furlongs Add of Outlots,
Mark A. Dayton, $686.81; Lots 1 & 24 Blk 1 tog with alley in sd Blk 1,
S 32 of Lots 4-12 Blk 1 & pts of Lots 13-21 Blk 1 lyg Nly of a ln P/W
& distant 100 Sly meas radially from C/L of main trk-now removedof Neills & NE Ry Co., later the C.St. P.M. & Orr Co. now C & NW
Transp. Co., as sd main trk C/L was orig loc and established ex pt
of CSM 556 rec 573-738 James Hewetts Addition, Richard L. Sr. &
Norma Christie d/b/a Christie Enterprises, $543.97; Lot 16 & W 20.4
of Lot 17 Blk 1 ex RR land & ex pt C/S map 556 rec 573-738 James
Hewetts Addition, Richard L. Sr. & Norma Christie d/b/a Christie
Enterprises, $105.66; Lot 17 ex W 20.4, Lot 18 & 19 Blk 1 ex RR
land James Hewetts Addition, Richard L. Sr. & Norma Christie d/b/a
Christie Enterprises, $621.01; Lots 20 & 21 Blk 1 ex RR land James
Hewetts Addition, Richard L. Sr. & Norma Christie d/b/a Christie Enterprises, $129.12; Lots 4 to 9 Blk 6 James Hewetts Addition, Demert
Concrete Construction LLC, $4,648.06; Lot 10 ex W 5.6 of N 40 &
the S 56 of E 4.4 of Lot 11 Blk 6 James Hewetts Additon, Demert
Concrete Construction LLC, $730.61; Lot 22 ex E 258 Hewetts Add
of Outlots, C. L. & Suzzanne Carr, $1,102.40; Lot 105 Hewetts Add
of Outlots, Red Door Properties LLC, $1,787.27; Lot 121 Hewetts
Add of Outlots, Richard M. & Bridget S. Reil, $3,258.78; Lots 25-27
Blk 45 Krumreys Addition, Sylvia A. & Juliann M. Dayton, $80.54;
Lot 4 Blk 1 ONeills 4th Addition, James Edward Swenson & Tim C.
Swenson, $1,481.43; Lot 1 Blk 5 ONeills 4th Addition & Comm at
SE cor of Outlot 32 of Hewetts Add of Outlots th N 10 W 66 S 10
E 66 to POB bg pt of ONeills 4th Addition & Pt Hewetts Addition of
Outlots, Aaron & Betsy Frisch, $524.31; S 99 of OL 4 Schusters Out-

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 17

lots, Joseph R. Kunze, $164.36; Lot 11 Staffords Addition, Heather &
Jeremy Pozega, $1,256.98; Lot 4, Tibbetts Subdivision, Catherine
M. Sikora, $1,731.13; Lot 230 C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921, Shelley E.
Games, $1,922.30; Lot 231ex S 89 6 C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921,
Shelley E. Games, $336.56; N 114 of Lot 329 C.S. Stockwells Plat
1921, Roy & Patricia Kvistad (Billy Donnelly), $2,213.13; Lot 354
ex W 30 bg pt CSM 464 (545/558) C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921, Joseph Greg Gomez & Michelle Marie Gomez, $3,990.57; Lot 355 bg
pt CSM 464 (545/558) C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921, Joseph Greg Gomez & Michelle Marie Gomez, $172.20; Lot 379 C.S. Stockwells
Plat 1921, Kay Christie, $1,963.37; E 185 of N 7 of Lot 2 & E 185
of S 92 of Lot 3 Blk 4 Bacons Subdiv of Lots 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 & 93
of Hewetts Add of OL bg pt of Assmt Lot 509 C.S. Stockwells Plat
1921, Robert L. Keller & Mary E. Peterson, $1,371.08; Lot 531 C.S.
Stockwells Plat 1921, Hareld V. Heck, $1,300.04; W of Lot 585
C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921, Michael Shane Hart & Cynthia Wendy
Hart, $199.70; Lot 592 C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921, William Gurney,
$1,091.75; Lot 678 ex W 8 rds C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921, Phyllis J.
Wasenius, $236.76; Lot 687 C.S. Stockwells Plat 1921, Caroline M.
Seliskar, $2,106.21; Com at NW cor NW-SE-11-24-2W th S 594 alg
Q/L to POB th S 342 th E approx. 176 to W edge of Hwy. 73 th NErly
alg edge of sd hwy. to a pt due E of POB th W to POB Section 11,
Carol & Jerry Grassman, $2,561.36.
CITY OF OWEN: Lot 14 Blk 3 Original Plat, Mary M. Koplien,
$678.40; Lot 9 Blk 10 aka Outlots 102,103,104 & th W 4.4 of Lot
10 Blk 10 Original Plat, Jacalyn C. & Thomas C. Reinke, $1,727.34;
Lots 9 & 10 Blk 14 Original Plat, Duane R. Zager, $186.25; Lot 15
Blk 15 Original Plat, Robert W. & Megan J. Wilczek, $1,306.98; E
of Lot 10 Blk 16 and all of Lot 11 Original Plat, David A. & Mary Kay
Smith, $162.84; All that part of Lots 9,10 & W of Lot 11 Blk 17 lyg
E of Soo Line R/W Original Plat, Jerome P. Schmitt, $238.45; Lot
10 Blk 19 ex N 11 & all of Lots 11 to 13 Original Plat, Roger Wallace, $5,742.26; Lot 7 Blk 24 Original Plat, Marie T. Kingery (Bliss),
$151.32; Lot 4 Blk 25 Original Plat, Joseph P Konwinski, $325.86;
Lots 9 to 13 inc Blk 32 & S of alley adj to Lots 10 thru 13 & N
of vac st adj to Lots 12 thru 13 John S. Owen Lumber Co. 2nd Addition, Michael J. & Carla Riihinen, $313.85; Lot 4 Blk 34 John S.
Owen Lumber Co. 3rd Addition, Laura Harmon, $457.39; Lot 3 & E
of Lot 4 Blk 36 John S. Owen Lumber Co. 3rd Addition, Phillip J.
Troiber, $439.87; Lot 1 Weavers Addition, Michael J. & Carla Riihinen, $151.32; Lot 2 Weavers Addition, Michael J. & Carla Riihinen,
$1,415.81; Lot 4 Country Side Estate Phase 1, Thomas & Rhiannon
Clark, $2,288.25;
Outlot 2A beg 33 E of SW cor of SW-NW 31-29-1W th N 75 E 171.5
S 75 th W 171.5 to POB bg pt of Lot 1 CSM 915 (629/452) Assessors Plat, Josephine M. Tansky, $100.88; OL 14A ex N 1026 as
desc 187/367 ex pcl desc in 503/205 & bg pt of Lot 1 CSM 1811 rec
878/750 Assessors Plat, Marvin D. Matejka, $155.20; S 975.2 of
Outlot 20A ex pcl desc in 503/205 & bg pt of Lot 1 CSM 1811 rec
878/750 Assessors Plat, Marvin D. Matejka, $582.03; Outlot 21A
ex pcl desc in 503/205 & bg pt of Lot 1 CSM 1811 rec 878/750 Assessors Plat, Marvin D. Matejka, $10,029.90; Pt of OL 19A & 62A
Assessors Plat bg a pt of SE-NE & NE-SE-36-29-2W desc as comm.
at E cor of Sec 36 ext th S 448.5 th N 76 deg 40 W 402.1 to POB
th N 0 deg 04 E 171.5 th N 89 deg 53 W 366 th N 0 deg 04 E 320
th S 89 deg 53 E 366 th S 4 deg 4 W 320 th S 89 deg 53 E 257 th
S 249 M/L to the pt of inter with the N/L of R/W of Soo/L RR th N 76
deg 40 W to POB & bg pt of Lot 1 CSM 1811 rec 878/750 Assessors
Plat, Marvin D. Matejka, $372.50; Outlot 63A and bg pt of Lot 1 CSM
1811 rec 878/750 Assessors Plat, Marvin D. Matejka, $582.03; Lot 3
& N 56 of W 7.20 of Lot 4 Blk 1 Subdivision of Outlot 8A Assessors
Plat, Matthew Riihinen, $1,233.45.
CITY OF THORP: N of Lots 2-5 Inc Blk F Original Plat, Michelle
A Blasel, $1,927.83; A piece in SW cor 29 x 80 of Lot 8 Blk 8 Vill of
E Thorp, Frank S. & Kathleen A. Jacque, $454.72; Lot 9 Blk 8 Vill of
E Thorp, Teresa Zoromski, $46.11; Lots 7 & 8 Blk 14 Boardmans
Addition Village of East Thorp, James & Sarah McCarter, $1,339.36;
Lot 4 Smith Addition, Michael J. & Julie A. Shore, $1,863.95; Comm
at pt of inter of E/L of Thorp St. & a ln // to & 100 dist Sly from C/L of
Main Trk of Wis Cen Ltd th Ely 25 to POB th cont E 85 th N 65 th W
85 th S 65 MOL to POB bg pt of SW-SW Section 30, Cooperative
Services, $76.47; W 67 of Lot 1 & E 25 of Lot 2 Blk 1 Boardmans
2nd Addition, James Walters, $916.20; Lot 2 Conway Assessors Plat
Formerly pt of Barr Add, Dolores D. Dahlberg & Donald A. Farber
(CitiMortgage, Inc), $2,163.73; Lot 2 Blk 9 Bel-Aire Subdiv, Richard
J. & Virginia T. Langiewicz, $5,147.44.
Loyal Board of Education
Regular meeting
Dec. 17, 2014
Members present: J. Acker, P. Gries, A. Luchterhand, T. Odeen,
D. Roedel, K. Weiler, D. Zimmerman
Administrators present: C. Jackson, C. Lindner
The meeting was held in the high school library and open session was called to order at 8 p.m., by Board President Gries. It was
verified that the meeting agenda had been posted at the three usual
sites on Dec. 8, 2014, and published in the TRG on Dec. 10, 2014.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. A motion to approve the agenda was made, seconded, and approved on voice vote.
Public comments: None.
A motion to approve the Nov. 19, 2014, regular monthly Board
meeting minutes as presented was made by Roedel, seconded by
Weiler, and carried on voice vote.
Treasurers report: On Nov. 30, 2014, the General Fund balance
was $459,974.39. General Fund deposits for November totaled
$98,640.31; less disbursements for November of checks #3819638321 of $408,044.01; net payrolls of $163,942.54; fall worker pay of
$2,633.76, fall worker pay of $2,633.76; and service charge of $150.
The OPEB Fund 73 -- checking account had a beginning balance
on Nov. 1, 2014, of $314,433.63; plus a deposit of $10,143.98, less
check 585 for $9,442.05 for a final balance of $315,135.56. The district also has a Fund 73 OPEB CD for $51,021.15 which will mature
on Dec. 12, 2014, and another CD for $52,295.97 which will mature
on Sept. 12, 2015. A motion to approve the treasurers report was
made by Luchterhand, seconded by Acker. Motion carried on voice
Committee reports and other recommendations, including Board
approvals. None.
Old business: None.
New business:
Discuss/decide: Administrator contract extension. Administrator
Jackson notified the Board that it was the time of year to review
the administrator contracts and approve a one-year extension (renewal) to extend the contracts to the end of the 2016-17 school year.
A motion was made by Odeen, seconded by Luchterhand, to extend
(renew) the contracts of Cale Jackson and Christopher Lindner. The
motion carried on voice vote.
Approve: Out-of-state field trip. Mr. Jackson read a letter from
Vocal Music Director Joseph Anderson naming the four students
who will be representing Loyal at the Dorien Music Festival in early
January. He requested permission to take these students out of state
(Decorah, Iowa). A motion to approve his request was made by Weiler, seconded by Zimmerman. Motion carried on voice vote.

Discuss: District administrator evaluation. The district administrator evaluation form which is currently being used was sent to each
Board member in their packet this month. President Gries requested
that all the Board members complete the evaluation and get it back
to him before the January Board meeting. No action taken.
Final reading and approve: Technical Education Scholarship
Policy. Mr. Jackson had discussed this policy with the Board at the
November meeting. We were notified of the Technical Education
Scholarship in October, and if we would like to be able to award
one in February we will need to have a policy in place this month. It
was the recommendation of the Policy Committee to follow the state
guidelines for awarding the scholarship. Any deviation from the state
guidelines would need to be approved by the state before we could
award the scholarship. Mr. Jackson reviewed Policy JIA -- Technical
Education Scholarship with the Board. A motion to waive the first two
readings of Policy JIA was made by Luchterhand, seconded by Weiler. Motion carried on voice vote. A motion to approve Policy JIA was
made by Acker, seconded by Weiler. Motion carried on voice vote.
Discuss/approve: Support staff holiday language. Upon close review of the 2014-15 employee handbook, Mr. Jackson discovered
that there is some language in the support staff holiday that needed
to be corrected. The handbook currently states in section 6 HOLIDAYS (page 77) that Ten Month But Less Than Twelve Month Employees will get holiday pay for Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Fourth of July. As these
employees do not work in July, Mr. Jackson felt that they should be
paid for Christmas Day instead of Fourth of July. A motion to remove
Fourth of July and replace it with Christmas Day in the handbook
was made by Weiler, seconded by Roedel. Motion carried on voice
Hire: Varsity softball coach. It is the recommendation of Principal
Lindner and Athletic Director Lambrecht that we offer the varsity softball coach position to Laurel Heintz. A motion to hire Laurel Heintz
was made by Luchterhand, seconded by Odeen. Motion carried on
voice vote.
Update: Whooping cough. Mr. Jackson reported that we currently
have no students out of the building with the whooping cough. The
last student diagnosed with whooping cough was cleared to come
back to school on Monday, Dec. 15.
Discuss: Upcoming School Board Convention. Three Board
members and Mr. Jackson are registered to attend the convention.
Rooms are reserved. No action taken.
Discuss/approve: WASB resolutions. Mr. Jackson reviewed the
WASB resolutions that will be voted on in the assembly at the State
School Board Convention. Deb Roedel will be the delegate. He didnt
find any resolutions that the district would not vote affirmative on. A
motion to direct our delegate to vote affirmative on the resolutions
was made by Odeen, seconded by Acker. Motion carried on voice
Other business: Mr. Lindner gave his report to the Board. He listed all of the activities that were held in the last month at the School
District of Loyal. He listed upcoming events that the Board might
want to attend. No action taken.
Public comments: Elroy Roedel wished everyone a very Merry
Upcoming meetings:
Buildings and Grounds Committee: Monday, Jan. 12, 2015, at
7:30 p.m.
Regular Board meeting: Monday, Jan. 19, 2015
A motion to adjourn was made by Odeen. Motion carried on voice
vote. The meeting was declared adjourned by President Gries at
8:45 p.m.
Tom Odeen, Board clerk
Eva Aumann, recording secretary


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Clark County Treasurer, Kathryn M.
Brugger, pursuant to Section 59.66(1) (c) Wis. Stats. is required to
publish in Clark County, a Class 3 notice, under Chap. 985, a listing of names and last known addresses of all persons for whom
Clark County is holding money or security and unless the owners
call for and prove their ownership of the money or security within 90
days from the time of the completed publication, the treasurer will
take possession or control of the money or security. The following
list of unclaimed funds is available to the owner of record as stated
below. To claim these funds, the owner must appear in person, with
proper picture identification, at the Clark County Treasurers office,
517 Court St., Rm. 302, Neillsville, WI.
Antele, Lazaro Nmi, 207 N. 4th St. #B, Abbotsford, WI 54405,
Castro Contreras, Pascual, 2664 Hwy. 29, Abbotsford, WI 54405,
Collins, Dusty, 309 N. 3rd St., Barron, WI 54812, $200.00
Milner, Kevin N., 934 Bond St., Green Bay, WI 54303, $15.00.
Ponick, Daniel K., 27587 20th Ave., Cadott, WI 54727, $50.00
Statezny, Rachel I., 242 E. Thomas St. #7, Wausau, WI 54401,
Woggon, Bruce A., W3194 Eddy Rd., Owen, WI 54460, $3,500.00.
Lovstad, Karl, W981 Chili Rd., Chili, WI, 54420, $25.00.
Phillips, Pamela, W4889 St. Hwy. 10, Lot 8, Neillsville, WI 54456,
Lesniewski, Richard, PO Box 265, Thorp, WI 54771, $40.00.
Notice to creditors (informal administration)
Case no. 15-PR-6
1. An application for informal administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth June 6, 1925, and date of
death Dec. 7, 2014, was domiciled in Clark County, state of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W4266 State Road 29, Owen, WI
3. All interested persons waived notice.
4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is
May 12, 2015.
5. A claim may be filed at the Clark County Courthouse, 517
Court St., Neillsville, Wis., room 403.
/s/Stephen J. Walter, probate registrar
Jan. 22, 2015
Attorney Bruce L. Sautebin
113 S. Main St.
P.O. Box 67
Greenwood, WI 54437
Bar no.: 1015688

Page 18 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Loyal closes in on firstever Cloverbelt crown

Loyal did something it
With only three games
has often done this season
remaining on its Eastern
in burying Spencer in a
Cloverbelt Conference
Feb. 3 home game. The
schedule and a 2-game
GIRLS BASKETGreyhounds got off to a
lead in the loss column
over second-place Owen- BALL STANDINGS torrid start, outscoring
the Rockets 18-4 in the
Withee, the Loyal girls
first quarter, to leave little
basketball team is on the
Loyal .....................13-0
doubt what the final outvery verge of capturing
come would be.
its first ever conference
Neillsville............. 10-3
Rueth had a 16-point,
championship. If the GreyColby ..................... 8-6
8-rebound game and
hounds can take care of
Schoonover had 10 points,
Granton (played Tuesday
Marsh. Columbus ...7-6
five assists and three steals
night) at Loyal and handle
Spencer ............... 4-10
as Loyal dominated from
Greenwood on the IndiGreenwood .......... 3-10
star t to finish.Eleven
ans court on Feb. 13, they
Gilman ................. 2-11
different players scored
will not even have to beat
Granton ............... 1-12
for the Greyhounds as
Owen-Withee in their final
coach Mike Rueth got his
game of the season on Feb.
reserves into the game.
16 to clinch an outright
Loyal led 30-7 at the half, and did not alconference title.
The Greyhounds made sure they would low Spencer to break double digits in any
be in this position by easily dispatching quarter. The Greyhounds did struggle
two opponents last week. Loyal topped from the line, hitting six of 15 attempts.
Nadia King led Spencer with six points.
Spencer 62-20 on Feb. 3 and overpowered
Spencer 42 Rib Lake 34
Colby 56-26 two nights later to remain
Spencer picked up a non-conference
undefeated in league play (15-2 overall)
and keep Owen-Withee and Neillsville at win on Feb. 9 by outscoring Rib Lake in
three of the four quarters. Spencer had
arms length in the league standings. If
Loyal can take care of its few final pieces an 11-6 lead after a quarter, maintained a
of business, it will earn a spot in the Feb. 5-point edge at the half, then went into the
21 Cloverbelt Conference championship final period leading 34-28.
Melissa Lehman scored 13 points for
game at Neillsville, against either Fall
Spencer and hit three of her four freeCreek or Eau Claire Regis.
Loyal had a potential trap game at throw chances. Lexi Baehr added eight
Colby on Feb. 5. The Hornets have eight points, hitting a pair of 3-pointers. Abby
conference wins on the year, but Loyal Varsho scored six points and grabbed
took charge in the second quarter to nine rebounds. Liz Endreas had seven
squelch any thoughts of an upset. Loyal rebounds.
Gilman 37 Spencer 34
led 12-8 after one period, but opened a 27-10
Spencer did not need many points in
lead by halftime.
Karsyn Rueth hit seven of 11 field-goal the fourth quarter to beat Gilman on Feb.
attempts -- including 3-4 on 3-pointers -- 5, but the four it scored were not quite
and scored 19 points for the Greyhounds. enough. The Rockets went into the final
Devyn Schoonover had nine points and quarter with a 30-27 lead, but were outfour steals and Missy Benz added eight scored 10-4 in the final eight minutes.
Gilman hit five shots from 3-point
Loyal shot an efficient 49 percent (20-41) range in the game, on 15 tries, to get just
from the field and put down 12 of 15 free- enough offense to win. Each team hit 10
throw attempts. Colby hit only 27 percent free throws in the game.
Baehr hit a pair of 3-pointers and led
of its shots, went 3-11 on free throws, and
Spencer with 10 points. Lehman scored
committed 19 turnovers.
Loyal 62 Spencer 20


Spencers Lexi Baehr looks to pass out of a baseline trap from Gilmans Desiree
Budzinski during the Pirates 37-34 win at Spencer on Feb. 5. Baehr scored 10 points
for Spencer but the Rockets managed only four points in the fourth quarter as Gilman
got its second ECC win of the season.

Spencer controls Granton to stay

atop ECC; Loyal gets win at Gilman
Spencer romped to a 38-point win at
in with eight.
Granton on Feb. 6 to keep its Eastern CloMichael Meddaugh and Max Opelt
verbelt Conference record free of losses.
scored seven points each for Granton.
With five games left on its schedule, and
The Bulldogs did not get a free throw in
BOYS BASKETa 3-game lead in the loss column over
the whole game as Spencer was whistled
Marshfield Columbus and Neillsville, the BALL STANDINGS
for only three fouls.
Rockets are in solid position to claim an
Loyal 67 Gilman 49
ECC title.
Sophomore point guard Riley Geiger
Spencer ................11-0
Five of Spencers last three games,
sank seven 3-pointers and erupted for
Mar. Columbus. ......9-3
however, are against the second-, third26 points as Loyal notched its sixth ECC
and fourth place teams in the standings.
win of the year. The Greyhounds hit 10
Owen-Withee ........ 7-4
The Rockets hosted Owen Withee (7-4) on
long-range shots as a team to get the Feb.
Loyal ...................... 6-7
Tuesday night, and will head to Neillsville
6 road win.
(9-3) on Feb. 12. The Rockets also play at
Loyal hit 48 percent (25-52) of its overGreenwood ............ 5-7
Gilman (2-11) on Feb. 17, at Colby (5-8) on
all shots and went 10-22 on 3-point tries.
Colby ..................... 5-8
Feb. 20, and conclude their ECC season at
Geiger hit nine of 13 total shots and went
Gilman ................. 2-11
home on Feb. 23 against Columbus (9-3).
7-11 on 3-pointers for his biggest offensive
Granton ............... 1-12
Spencer wasted no time at Granton,
night of the season. Tyler Prust had a
running to a 20-6 lead after one quarter
12-point, 9-rebound game for Loyal and
and a 30-15 advantage at halftime. The
Cameron Brussow added 10 points.
Rockets drilled seven 3-pointers on the
Gilman shot 40 percent (19-47) from the floor and was
night, although they needed 30 attempts to get them.
3-11 on 3-pointers. Neither team shot well from the freeBobby Pilz led Spencer with 15 points, Miles Weber throw line, with Gilman missing nine of 17 attempts and
added 11, Calvin Lenz scored nine and Mitch Susa pitched Loyal shooting 7-19.

Loyals Tyler Prust knocks away a shot attempt from

Gilmans Colton Schmitt during the Greyhounds 67-49
win on Feb. 6.

E-mail your news to:[email protected]


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 19


Cadotts Andrew Gunderson lifts Spencers Bryce

Shaw in the Cloverbelt Conference tournament
championship match at 113 pounds.
Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyal sophomore Nick Rueth attempts to turn Spencers Travis Stelson during a
semi-final match at 220 pounds. Rueth (34-4) went on to win the weight class title.

2015 Cloverbelt
Conference champions
106: Skylar Barth, NGL
113: Andrew Gunderson, Cadott
120: Dalton Smith, SB/Thorp/OW
126: Austin Najbrt, Cadott
132: Sam Burzynski, SB/Thorp/OW
138: Daniel Wilke, Spencer
145: Nathan Neumann, Spencer
152: Hunter Hildebrandt, Spencer
160: Ronny Ponick, SB/Thorp/OW
170: Jake Rueth, NGL
182: Austin Burzynski, SB/Thorp/OW
195: Hunter Luepke, Spencer
220: Nick Rueth, NGL
285: Jesse Cwikla, SB/Thorp/OW
Spencers Deitrik Ellis battles Abbotsford/Colbys Colin Stuttgen in a third-place match at 160 pounds. Ellis
lost a 9-0 decision and finished fourth.

Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyal freshman Dylan Nielsen fights the grasp of

Stanley-Boyd/Thorp/Owen-Withees Dalton Smith in the finals at 120 pounds.
Smith scored in the final seconds of the match to take a 3-1 decision.
Spencer freshman Caden Schillinger lays back to complete a 49-second pin
over Cadotts Bennet Bowe in the third-place match at 120 pounds.



Page 20 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Spencer Board of Trustees
Regular meeting
Jan. 19, 2015
Meeting was called to order by President Frome, at 6:30 p.m.
Roll call: Trustees Pokallus, Schafer, Day, Maurer, Toufar and
Hagen were present.
Minutes: (Hagen)(Maurer) was carried to dispense the reading of
the minutes and approve them as printed.
Citizen comments:
Sue and Mike Jonett spoke about the wood smoke from outdoor
wood stoves in town. Mike mentioned that his home is permeated
with the smell of wood smoke from a neighbors wood stove.
Mike asked the Board if they would consider notifying home owners to clean up their wood stoves and furnaces. He brought some
information from the EPA. President Frome referred the matter to the
Health and Safety Committee.
Wayne Hagen reported on the previous fire commission meeting.
He mentioned that the number of volunteer members is getting low.
Announcements: None.
Public works report:
John Dunbar reported that the Christmas decorations are scheduled to be taken down this week. Chris Helgestad added that the
wastewater treatment plant did well during the cold weather.
Joe Scidmore mentioned that the lighting for the business park
sign was damaged. Anderson Electric will offer a replacement concept for that sign.
Police chiefs report: Police Chief Shawn Bauer reported that the
night shift position has been primarily staffed by part-time officers.
Chief Bauer added that that there are many deficiencies with the
current ordinance book and that it should be recodified. Thaddeus
added that it is challenging for residents to search the online version
of the code. President Frome will put this item on the agenda of the
next regular Board meeting.


FEB. 17, 2015

Notice is hereby given, that the primary election for the Spencer
School Board will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015, at the Town
Hall, W1296 Capital Road. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Marsha Martens, clerk


want you to be aware of the following public notices
published the week of JAN. 27, 2015:






Air Pollution Permit Application Reviews: (WWSL[VU4LKPJHS*LU[LY1HU"7YPU[WHJR1HU"


Presidents report: President Frome had nothing to report.

Old business: None
New business:
-- None
-- (Maurer)(Hagen) was carried to table the creation of a quarterly
newsletter that will be mailed to each household until the next regular
Board meeting.
-- (Maurer)(Hagen) was carried to table a contest/search for a
new and improved village logo and slogan and refer it to committee.
-- (Pokallus)(Maurer) was carried to authorize the village clerk to
advertise and publish bids for a financing RFP for the 2015 streets
-- (Pokallus)(Toufar) was carried to approve change order #2 for
added work, do to contractor problems, from MSA Professional Services not to exceed $7,500.
-- (Pokallus)(Day) was carried to approve a temporary class B
picnic license for the Spencer Swampstompers for their annual antique snowmobile show on Saturday, Jan. 31, located at 405 W. Cedar St.
-- (Toufar)(Maurer) was carried to approve temporary operators
licenses for Lisa Schubert, Roger Werstovshek and Jeremiah Bonitz
for the Spencer Swampstompers annual antique snowmobile show
on Saturday, Jan. 31, located at 405 W. Cedar St.
-- (Schafer)(Pokallus) was carried on a unanimous roll call vote to
approve vouchers totaling $92,208.94, while holding out the invoice
from Streichers Inc.
Clerks report:
-- Thaddeus reported that there were no building permits issued.
-- Thaddeus offered the treasurers report.
-- An update on the fundraising for the Veterans Memorial was
Committee reports:


At the election to be held on Feb. 17, 2015, in the village of
Spencer, the following polling place locations will be used for the
wards indicated:
Spencer Municipal Building
All wards
105 S. Park St.
Spencer, WI 54479
If you have any questions concerning your polling place, contact
the municipal clerk.
Thaddeus Kubisiak
105 S. PARK ST.
8 A.M. TO 5 P.M.
All polling places are accessible to elderly and disabled voters.



TUESDAY, FEB. 17, 2015 7 P.M.


Search public notices from all state communities online at:

WisconsinPublicNotices.org is a public service made possible

by the members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.


Call meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Verify posting
Corrections or additions to agenda
Comments from citizens present
Approve minutes from the Jan. 20, 2015, regular Council meeting
Treasurers report
Committee reports
A. Utility Committee
1. Discussion and action on well #6 maintenance
2. Any other matters pertaining to the Utility Committee
B. Police Committee/Fire and Ambulance
1. No meeting held
2. Any other matters pertaining to the Police Committee
Fire and Ambulance
C. Finance Committee
1. Discussion and action if necessary on closed session
2. Any other matters pertaining to the Finance Committee
D. Library Committee
1. Report from meeting
2. Any other matters pertaining to the Library Committee
E. Personnel Committee
1. No meeting held
2. Any other matters pertaining to the Personnel Committee
F. Park and Recreation Committee:
1. Discussion and action on community service for the school
2. Discussion and action on walkway to the bathroom at
Westside Park
3. Any other matters pertaining to the Park and Recreation
G. City View Estates Committee
1. No meeting held
2. Any other matters pertaining to the City View Estates
H. Planning Commission
1. No meeting held
2. Any other matters pertaining to Planning Commission
I. Loyal Economic Development
1. Report from meeting
2. Any other matters pertaining to Loyal Economic
10. Clerks report
11. Mayors comments
12. Any old business
13. Any new business
14. Approve vouchers
15. Adjourn
Shannon Toufar, clerk/treasurer

-- Finance and Personnel: Chairperson Hagen reported on the

joint committee meeting.
-- Utilities and Equipment Committee: Chairperson Schafer had
nothing to report.
-- Parks and Buildings Committee: Joe Scidmore mentioned that
the logging of Woodlot #1, south of the compost site, has been completed.
-- Health, Safety and Emergency Govt.: Chairperson Toufar
scheduled a committee meeting for Monday, Jan. 26, at 6:30 p.m.
-- Economic Development and Main Street: Chairperson Maurer
reported on the previous committee meeting.
-- Streets and Sidewalks: Chairperson Day inquired about the
timeline for the 2015 street projects to be published. Thaddeus indicated that it is expected toward the beginning of February.
(Hagen)(Toufar) was carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 p.m.
/s/Thaddeus Kubisiak, clerk
/s/Pauline Frome, president

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18, 2015

1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Public appearance
-- Larry Gotham -- discussion/action on wastewater treatment
facility plant
4. Approve the January meeting minutes
5. Police report
6. Utility report
-- Water and sewer updates
7. Public works report
8. Approve the payment of vouchers
9. Approve treasurers report
10. Clerks report
-- Discuss/action on Greenwood Fire Dept. revised budget
11. Attorneys report
12. Council members report
13. Mayors report
14. Adjourn
Lonna Klinke, city clerk
Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to
participate in this meeting or hearing should be made at the clerks
ofce at 715-267-6205 before the meeting.




Public notice is hereby given to the public and news media

pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes that the regular school Board
meeting of the School District of Greenwood will be held on
Monday, Feb. 16, 2015, at 6:30 p.m., in the Board room, located in
the middle-high school building. The agenda for the said meeting
is as follows:
Regular agenda
I. Call meeting to order -- President Roger Sonnentag
II. Roll call
III. Notice of meeting
IV. Open forum
V. Presentation -- audit report -- Schenck & Associates
-- Jon Trautman
VI. Consent agenda
A. *Minutes of previous regular meeting -- Jan. 19, 2015 -J. Krempasky
B. *Treasurers report -- M. Shain
C. *Approval of vouchers
D. *Accept gifts, grants or donations
E. *Contracts/resignations/substitutes/volunteers -- staff
member appreciation letter
F. *Family medical leave request
G. *Field trip -- FBLA Mall of America
VII. Reports
A. District administrator s report -- Legislator
correspondence, January DPI pupil count, Board
candidate orientation ...
B. Principals report -- Geography Bee, ACT prep ...
C. Board members reports -- CESA 10, WASB
State Convention
VIII. Discussion and possible action
A. *Policy Committee -- January tabled item regarding
WASB Policy Services
B. *Personnel approval/contracts
1) 6th grade teacher
2) Head softball coach
3) Head track
C. School calendars
1) 2014-15 school calendar change request
2) 2015-16 draft school calendar
D. *Class size considerations and resulting class size
E. *Summer School organization and structure
F. *4K design ideas for 2015-16
G. *Phone system changes
IX. Approve suspending the regular meeting to convene
an executive session per WI S.S. 19.85 (1) (i) for
discussing nancial acts of business
X. Reconvene to open session
XI. Other matters that may legally come before the Board
XII. Adjourn
Mark Lacke, interim district administrator



Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 21


Memorial Medical Center of Neillsville, Wis. is growing! To meet our

expanding needs, the following career opportunities are available:
Casual status RN position on the Med/Surg unit; 0-24 hrs/week, all shifts,
weekends and holidays, as needed. Experience is preferred.
Full-time (36-40 hrs/week) primarily 7 a.m.-7 p.m., 3 days a week
Full-time (32-40 hrs/week) variable daytime hours with one late evening
until 7 p.m.
Part-time (24-28 hrs/week) Float, variable days/hours. Availability and
flexibility required. Minimum 1-2 years of experience.
Part-time (16-24 hrs/week) for Med/Surg Unit; all shifts, every-other
weekend and holiday rotation.
Casual status (0-24 hrs/week) for Assisted Living Unit; all shifts, weekends
and holidays on an as-needed basis. LPNs may apply. Experience necessary.
Part-time (16-24 hrs/week) for Med/Surg Unit; all shifts, every-otherweekend and holiday rotation. In addition to CNA duties, this position will
perform clerical responsibilities required of a HUC. Experience preferred.
For full details of these positions, please visit our Web site at
www.memorialmedcenter.org. Qualified individuals may apply online or in
person at 216 Sunset Place, Neillsville, WI EEO


Full time/7 days on, 7 days off/part time drivers.

New competitive plus pay package. Brand new
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your family. Fair and exible home time options.
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Medford, WI 54451

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Memorial Medical Center of Neillsville, WI has an exciting opportunity available for

a Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) Specialist. This newly-created position is
full-time (40 hrs/wk), dayshift hours Monday-Friday. The CDI Specialist will facilitate
improvement in the overall quality and completeness of documentation within the
Electronic Health Record through interaction with physicians, nursing staff, and coding
staff. Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, ensuring that the severity of
illnesses is reflected by APR-DRG code assignments; perform record reviews for accurate
diagnosis and procedure code assignments; and educating relevant healthcare team
members on documentation and compliance issues. Individual must possess strong skills
in communication, critical and analytical thinking, organization and prioritization; be selfmotivated and detail-oriented; and have solid typing and computer skills.
Candidates must be a graduate of an accredited school of nursing with Bachelor Degree
preferred; hold a current Wisconsin license, and have a minimum of three years Medical/
Surgical clinical experience. Active CDIS certification or achievement expected within two
years of employment. Previous experience in CDI or related area is strongly preferred;
proficiency in Case Management, Utilization Review or Quality roles a definite plus.
Full benefits offered. Qualified individuals may apply online at
www.memorialmedcenter.org or in person at 216 Sunset Place, Neillsville. EEO

Clark County, Departmentt
of Social Services, has a
limited-term employment
opportunity for a Social
Worker. This position
will provide case manageagement services to residents
t off Clark
Cl k County
C t in
i the
th following
f ll i
program area: Child Protective Services for adults and children.
Additional duties may include completing child abuse investigations and/or on-going services for child welfare. State of
Wisconsin Regulation and Licensing Social Work Certication
or Training Certicate required. Prior experience with Child Protective Services is desirable.


Please submit a letter of interest, resum and Clark County

employment application to Clark County - Ofce of Personnel,
517 Court Street, Room 205, Neillsville, WI 54456. Applications
will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 13, 2015.
Clark County is a CRC/EOE/ADA employer


Its never
been easier!

Granton Area School District is accepting applications for

child care workers for the Granton Community Child Care
Center. Early Childhool Degree is preferred. Application
may be picked up in the Granton Area School District Ofce
or send a letter of interest plus rsum to: Charles Buckel,
district administrator, Granton Area School District, 217
N. Main St., Granton, WI 54436. Application deadline is
Feb. 23, 2015.



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TUESDAY, FEB. 17, 2015
Notice is hereby given to the qualied electors of the School District of Spencer, village of Spencer,
towns of Spencer, Brighton, McMillan, Marathon County, towns of Sherman and Unity, Clark County,
Wis., that on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015, a primary election of school Board members will be held. The
names of the candidates for each ofce, whose nominations have been certied to or led in this ofce,
are given under the title of the ofce in the sample ballot below.
Electors will vote in their regular polling places. Polls will be open at 7 a.m., and close at 8 p.m.
Upon entering the polling place and before being permitted to vote, an elector shall state his or her
name and address. If an elector is not registered to vote, an elector may register to vote at the polling
place serving his or her residence if the elector presents proof of identication in a form specied by law
unless the elector is exempted from this requirement, and, if the document presented does not constitute
proof of residence, the elector provides proof of residence. Where ballots are distributed to electors, the
initials of two inspectors must appear on the ballot. Upon being permitted to vote, the elector shall retire
alone to a voting booth or machine and cast his or her ballot, except that an elector who is a parent or
guardian may be accompanied by the elector's minor child or minor ward. An election ofcial may inform
the elector of the proper manner for casting a vote, but the ofcial may not in any manner advise or indicate a particular voting choice.
The elector shall ll in the oval (R) next to the name of the candidate of his or her choice for each ofce for which he or she intends to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot,
the elector shall write in the name of the person of his or her choice in the space provided, and ll in the
oval (R) on the write-in line.
When using the AutoMARK ballot marking device to mark a ballot, the elector shall touch the screen
at the name of the candidate of his or her choice for each ofce for which he or she intends to vote. To
vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the elector shall type in the name of the
person of his or her choice in the space provided for a write-in vote.
The vote should not be cast in any other manner. Not more than ve minutes' time shall be allowed
inside a voting booth. Sample ballots or other materials to assist the elector in casting his or her vote may
be taken into the booth and copied. The sample ballot shall not be shown to anyone so as to reveal how
the ballot is marked.
If the elector spoils a ballot, he or she shall return it to an election ofcial who shall issue another ballot
in its place, but not more than three ballots shall be issued to any one elector. If the ballot has not been
initialed by two inspectors or is defective in any other way, the elector shall return it to the election ofcial,
who shall issue a proper ballot in its place.
The elector may spoil an AutoMARK ballot at the voting station before the ballot is cast.
After an ofcial ballot is marked, it shall be inserted in the security sleeve so the marks do not show.
The elector shall insert the ballot in the precinct counter and discard the sleeve, or deliver the ballot to an
inspector for deposit. The elector shall leave the polling place promptly.
An elector may select an individual to assist in casting his or her vote if the elector declares to the
presiding ofcial that he or she is unable to read, has difculty reading, writing or understanding English
or that due to disability is unable to cast his or her ballot. The selected individual rendering assistance
may not be the elector's employer or an agent of that employer or an ofcer or agent of a labor organization which represents the elector.
Jerry Wienke, Spencer School Board clerk
The following is a sample of the ofcial ballots.

FEBRUARY 17, 2015


Spencer School Board Member

At Large
(Vote for one)

318 N. Main St.

Loyal, WI 54446
(715) 255-8531
[email protected]


Shawn M. Lyon

James Krasselt

Lynda LeGrand


... news/sports ideas; letters to the
editor; and births, weddings, and
engagement announcements

[email protected]



Page 22 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015


20 words
7 publications**
46,950 Listings



Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________

Phone ________________________________________________________________
Please call 715-223-2342 for credit card payments.
Amount Enclosed $ ______________________________________________________
(Ad must be pre-paid. Payment must be enclosed or call with information to bill your credit card.)

Offer Excludes WCWS & TC


$ 00


Monday 4:00 p.m.

Thorp Courier Paper
Star News Paper
Tribune-Phonograph & The Record-Review
Courier Sentinel
Thursday Noon:
West Central Wis. Shopper (Thorp)
Thursday 1:00 p.m.
The Shopper (Medford)
Thursday 2:00 p.m.
The Central Wis. Shopper

City/Zip _______________________________________________________________

Bold My Classied Ad

per week

*Each additional word is

50 cents per word.
**The Shopper,
Central Wisconsin
Shopper, The Star News,
Tribune Phonograph,
The Record-Review,
Tribune Record Gleaner,
Courier Sentinel

Per Pub - Per Week

Write one word per box. Use sheet of paper if additional room is needed.

Deadlines subject
to change during
holiday weeks

20 or Less - Minimum Charge
















Please check the paper(s) where you want your ad to run

and number of times you would like it to run:
Weekly Price
 Star News Shopper
 Central WI Shopper
 West Central WI Shopper
 The Star News
 Tribune Phonograph & The Record Review $6.50
 Thorp Courier
 Tribune Record Gleaner
 Courier Sentinel
 TP & RR & TRG
Full Combo***:
Over 20 Words:
*20 per word
**30 per word

# Weeks

Check only one.

 Business Opportunities
 Child Care
 For Sale
 Garage Sales
 Lost and Found
 Mobile/Manuf. Homes
 Sporting Items
 Wanted to Rent

Agriculture (Misc.)
Card of Thanks
Farm Equip./Machinery
For Rent
Free/Give Away
Help Wanted
Real Estate
Wanted to Buy
Work Wanted/Services


***50 per word


PO Box 677, 103 W. Spruce St., Abbotsford, WI 54405

[email protected] 715-223-2342 Fax: 715-223-3505 www.centralwinews.com


COME SEE OUR TUCSON WINTER! 2.5 to 5 acres from $49,500.

Improved Custom Home lots.
Country living and mountain view
near Tucson, Arizona. 1-800-7970054.

FOR SALE: 1996 4x4 Dodge

truck, SLT, with 70,000 miles,
runs good. $3,200 OBO. 715223-8703.

February 13-14. El Norteno Banquet Center, Curtiss. Friday, 3
p.m. - 8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5
p.m. Bearing Arms Gun Shows,


This is a salaried position, with benets. Hours for this position are 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Minimum
qualications for this position are 3 years of computer experience or an associates degree in computer science. Additional
experience or education in: accounting, payroll and bookkeeping. Experience or ability to learn municipal clerk functions,
such as: licensing, billing, taxes, budget and elections. Other
required duties may be assigned. Successful applicant must be
able to qualify for Wisconsin Clerk certication and be bondable for nancial duties. Any questions regarding this job announcement please contact: Village President (Tom Gorst) at
715-937-2751. A job description will be available for pickup in
the Village Ofce starting Feb. 6, 2015. Rsums may be hand
delivered to Village Ofce. No e-mailed or faxed rsums will
be accepted. Rsums are required to be received no later than
5 p.m., Feb. 27, 2015. Rsums should be mailed to:


4 BEDROOM, 2 bath house available soon in Loyal. Corner lot,

high ceilings, excellent family
home, rent or for sale. 715-2676633 preferred, or 715-429-0207.
FOR RENT In Loyal: 2 bedroom,
stove and refrigerator included.
Washer and dryer available. Nice
location. No pets. Available April
1. Call 715-613-0478.
FOR RENT Or sale: 3 bedroom,
1 bath, house in Loyal. Available
in March. References required.
715-267-6633 or 715-429-0207.
ONE BEDROOM Upper apartment in Abbotsford, stove and
refrigerator included, 1/2 2-car
garage. You pay utilities. Phone






Punch Press Operator



pastured organic chickens. Delivery available to Medford, Marshfield and other areas. 715-2577132 or farmerfries.com.
FOR SALE: Cut and split mixed
hardwood firewood, $70 per face
cord. Call Robin Beran, 715-2234363.
HEELER LAB Puppies for sale,
$50. Sam Hostetler, W2111 Capital Road, Spencer, WI 54479.
5-1/2 miles west of Hwy. 13.
Network starting at $19.99/
month. Free install, HD DVR, 3
months HBO, Cinemax, Showtime and Starz. Call for more
information. Also available,
local network antenna sales &
service. Phone 715-654-5600,
cell 715-613-5036.
6-7 face cord per load, $250 plus
$2 per mile delivery charge. Benz
Sawmill Inc., Loyal. 715-2558312.

DAILY SPECIALS. Sunday: lasagna dinner. Senior citizens size
meal all week on any lunch special. Grandmas Kitchen of Loyal,


N8624 Lakeside Road,
Imagine your new home
bordering 1,000+ acres of county
forest and being a stones throw
from Rock Dam Lake. This new construction, 3-bedroom, 2-bath,
1,800+ sq. ft. home features in-oor heating, vaulted ceilings, wood
and tile oors, tiled walk-in shower, huge great room and more. Plus,
it sets on 2.34 acres of this recreational paradise.
W3961 Capital Road, Loyal
Picturesque country setting. This
3-bedroom ranch home, large
pole shed and animal shed sets
on 7+ acres. The home has newer
windows, roof, siding and deck,
both sheds have concrete oors. This would make a great hobby farm
and offers a great location.
510 N. River Road,
Four-bedroom raised ranch home
with three bathrooms. Home sets
on 4.92 wooded acres that adjoins
the Black River. Oversized garage and new deck. Motivated seller!



#1 CALIFORNIA Navel oranges

(chemical-free), 79, 20 lb. case
- $15, 40 lb. case - $27.95. California grapefruits, 99 lb., 25-28
lb. case - $23.95. Delicious fruit.
While supplies last. Maranatha
Market, Spencer, WI. 715-6594896. Email: [email protected].


116 N. Main St.,

Greenwood, Wis.
Inc. 715-267-7243


Dean Bogdonovich, WI Cert. General Appraiser Cert. No. 173


Dean Bogdonovich: 715-267-7600 Roy Gregorich: 715-429-0571

Will Zalizniak: 715-897-4680




Furnaces Air Conditioning

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Before you buy your
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Mike and Sharon Spuhler

W3580 26th Rd., Loyal, Wis.
(715) 255-8006
Wiring for new and
existing homes
(state certified)

216 E. Division St.

Neillsville, WI 54456




Neillsville, WI 54456


TRUCK DRIVER Wanted for grain

hopper division. Home weekends. 715-571-9601.




Summary: Sets up and operates power press to trim,

punch, shape, notch, draw, or crimp CRS or SS metal:
Assembles, installs, and aligns dies in press according
to specications, using feelers, shims, templates, bolts,
clamps, and wrenches. Inspects work pieces for conformance to specications, visually or using gauges, calipers,
micrometers or templates, and adjusts machine to correct
errors. Experience with Progressive dies is desired.
We will train the right person who has strong mechanical
and technical abilities.
Please email resume to [email protected] or
apply in person. NO phone calls.

Thomas Gorst
Attn: Village President
N4529 County Hwy K
Granton, WI 54436
Equal Opportunity Employer


PO Box 485
Abbotsford, WI 54405

Corporation is accepting applications for CNC machinists,
painters, press brake operator,
production welders and general
labor. Competitive wage, excellent fringe benefits. Normal work
week is four 10-hour days - Monday through Thursday. Apply in
person at Meyer Mfg. Corp., Hwy.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 23

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Page 24 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dont overlook important dental health habits for young children

these poor habits start early, and American parents may be contributing to their
childrens tooth decay long before they
can brush or floss on their own.
Childrens baby teeth need to be
As soon as a childs first tooth comes
in, it should be brushed. But 63 percent of American parents didnt begin
brushing for their children at this time.
Instead, they waited until there were a
few or even a full set of teeth.
The first tooth -- and all subsequent
teeth -- should be brushed gently with a
soft, child-sized toothbrush and a ricegrain size smear of fluoride toothpaste
twice a day until age two. A small, peasized amount of toothpaste should be
used from ages two to six. Even before
children get the first tooth, the mouth
and gums should be wiped with a soft,
damp cloth or infant toothbrush after

Poorly established brushing habits

have helped contribute to so many kids
having cavities. These habits set a foundation for children as they get older.
Its important for parents to get their
children in a routine as soon as the first
tooth appears, so they dont question the
habit later on.
Childrens bottles and sippy cups at
naptime and bedtime should be filled
with water.
Many parents dont know that children shouldnt be put to bed with a bottle
or sippy cup, unless it contains water.
But, 46 percent of parents with children
under age three put their child down for
a nap or bedtime with a bottle or sippy
cup containing milk or juice at least once
a week or more.
Fruit juice, and even plain milk, can
be harmful to young kids oral health.
Both beverages have many grams of
sugar that, when left to bathe on teeth

at naptime or overnight, can result in

tooth decay.
Parents should only fill bottles or
sippy cups with water, except at meal
and snack times. And anytime children
are given sugary beverages or snacks,
teeth should be either rinsed with water
or brushed afterward.
Some other important habits for
healthy smiles:
-- Once any two teeth are touching,
parents should floss, or help the child
floss, once a day.
-- Children should first visit the dentist within six months of getting the
first tooth -- and no later than the first
-- Parents should eliminate salivatransferring behaviors -- such as sharing
utensils and toothbrushes and cleaning
a pacifier with their mouths -- which
are all activities that can pass harmful
bacteria to a child.

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February is Childrens Dental Health

Month, a great time to remember that a
childs dental health is set in motion from
a very young age. Tooth decay can develop any time after the first tooth comes
in, starting around six months old, and
good habits should begin even earlier.
Only 28 percent of American parents
would give their kids an A grade for
oral health, according to a new survey
of American childrens dental health
by Delta Dental. In fact, nearly nine
out of 10 parents (86 percent) say their
childrens oral health isnt as good as it
could be.
A majority of parents (51 percent)
understand that oral care habits -- rather
than genetics or what their kids eat -- are
most responsible for their childrens oral
health. Yet, almost one-third of children
dont brush twice daily, and 61 percent of
children dont floss daily.
The Delta Dental survey indicates that

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