Chapter 3 Student Edition Full

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Ever since I began helping my dad in the garden

as a kid, Ive loved plants. So, when my indoor jungle was first invaded by aphids, spider mites, and


mealybugs a few years ago, I had a problem. It was

3 The Biosphere

too cold to take plants outside to hose them off. But,

4 Ecosystems and

I wasnt comfortable using insecticides indoors, with

5 Populations

my son and our dog running around. On a hunch, I

6 Humans in
the Biosphere

searched the Web for beneficial insects and found

several sites selling species that prey on planteating pests. The best sources supplied information
on preferred foods and environmental requirements


of each predatory species, so I could select the right

ones for my conditions. Soon, my own little InteMatter and Energy
Interdependence in Nature

grated Pest Management system included ladybugs,

lacewings, predatory mites, and a beetle named

Cryptolaemus. Those good bugs cost a little more

than pesticides. But, I could rest easy, knowing that
I could keep herbivore populations under control
without exposing my son to potentially harmful

Earth is a
living planet on which all forms
of life are linked to one another, and
to land, water, and air. Through those
links, energy ows and matter cycles
in patterns that support life, including
human society. We know enough
about these patterns to realize
that they are changing, due
to human activity, in ways
that we dont understand.
Our challenge is to study
our impact on the biosphere and plan for a
healthy future.

This wasnt rocket science. All forms of life on
Earth are involved in interactions with one another
and with their environment. Natural populations of
insects and plants, predators and prey, parasites
and hosts, grow and reproduce. They pass through
cycles of increase and decrease, rarely going
extinct, yet never taking over the planet, either.
Unfortunately, many Americans dont think

about food chains or nutrient cycles except during food shortages, droughts, or floods. This level
of ecological illiteracy is dangerous, because our

species is Earths most powerful force for change.

Human activity now affects not only fish populations

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in the open ocean, but also vital life-support systems

such as the ozone layer and the global greenhouse.
I hope this unit helps inspire you to teach your students that human society is part of the biosphere;
that biological diversity is a treasure; that clean air,
water, and soil are invaluable resources; and that
all life is connected. If your students learn these
lessons, they and their descendants will enjoy a happier and healthier future.





Dear Colleague,


Connect to the Big Idea

The Biosphere

The Great White Egret shown in this picture is just one of the many living things
found in the Florida Everglades. Ask students to identify some of the other living and nonliving parts of the Great White Egrets environment.
(Sample answers: living: fish, plants; nonliving: water,
air) Have students predict what might happen to the
Great White Egret if one of these living or nonliving
parts of its environment suddenly vanished. (Sample
answer: The Great White Egret might not find the
resources it needs to survive.) Ask them to anticipate
the answer to the question, How do Earths living
and nonliving parts interact and affect the survival of organisms?

Matter and Energy, Interdependence in Nature


How do Earths living and nonliving parts interact

and affect the survival of organisms?

Have students read over the Chapter Mystery. Tell them that the
focus of the Chapter Mystery is the
interactions that occur among the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem. Ask students to describe
any predictions they might have about the Chapter
Mysterys solution. After they have completed the
chapter, have them compare their predictions to the
Chapter Mysterys solution.

Great White Egret

among some plants in
the Florida Everglades

Have students preview the chapter

vocabulary terms using the Flash Cards.

Chapter 3


Flash Cards



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B.2, B.5, C.4.a, C.4.b, C.4.d, C.4.e, C.5.a, C.5.b,

C.5.e, C.5.f, D.1, D.2, E.2, F.3, F.4, F.5, G.1, G.2

A.1.b, A.1.c, A.1.d, A.2.a, A.2.b, A.2.c, A.2.d

Understanding by Design
Chapter 3 describes the biosphere and how its living and nonliving parts interact.
The graphic organizer at the right shows how these topics connect to the Big Idea,
Essential Question, and Guiding Questions. This framework helps students reach the
Enduring Understanding of how the existence of life on Earth depends on interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment.

Students will demonstrate mastery of chapter content through their responses to

lesson assessments and their performance of data analysis activities and labs. They
will synthesize chapter content while planning a museum display on the movement
of matter and energy in ecosystems and while writing a short story written from the
point of view of a producer.


Chapter 3

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3.1 What Is Ecology?

3.2 Energy, Producers, and Consumers
3.3 Energy Flow in Ecosystems
3.4 Cycles of Matter

Marine life in Rhode

Islands Narragansett
Bay is changing.
One clue to those changes
comes from shing boat captains
who boast about catching bluesh in
Novembera month after those sh
used to head south for winter. Catches
of winter ounder, however, are not
as plentiful as they once were. These
changes in sh populations coincide
with the disappearance of the annual
spring increase in plant and animal
growth. Researchers working in the bay,
meanwhile, report puzzling changes in
the activities of bacteria living in mud
on the bay oor. Whats going on?
Farms, towns, and cities surround the
bay, but direct human inuence on the
bay has not changed much lately. So
why are there so many changes to the
bays plant and animal populations?
Could these changes be related to
mud-dwelling bacteria? As you read
the chapter, look for clues to help you
understand the interactions of plants,
animals, and bacteria in Narragansett
Bay. Then, solve the mystery.
Never Stop Exploring Your World.
Finding out about Narragansett Bay
is only the beginning. Take a video
eld trip with the ecogeeks of Untamed
Science to see where this mystery leads.

Extend your reach by using

these and other digital assets offered at

Students investigate changes in Narragansett Bay to

learn more about the interactions of the living and
nonliving parts of the ecosystem.

What a tangled web nature weaves! Follow the ecogeeks of Untamed Science as they unravel the relationships in a food web.


Students can zoom in or out to see the levels of

organization of living things on Earth.

Students simulate a classic ecological data collection

method to learn how data are used to monitor a site.

Untamed Science Video

This online tutorial claries producers and consumers

and the ow of matter and energy between them.

Chapter Mystery
The Biosphere 63

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Chapter 3
Big Idea: Matter
and Energy,
Interdependence in

Students can drag and drop labels to reinforce the

roles of producers and consumers.

Students compare the reuse of building materials to

the recycling of nutrients.

3.1 GQ: How do we study life?

Chapter 3 EQ:
How do living
and nonliving
parts of the Earth
interact and affect
the survival of


3.2 GQ: How do different organisms get the

energy they need to survive?

This animation lets students interact with the

water cycle.

Students can trace the movement of nutrients

through the environment.

3.3 GQ: How does energy move through an

3.4 GQ: Why is the cycling of matter
important to life on Earth?

The Biosphere



Whats Online


Getting Started

What Is Ecology?

3.1.1 Describe the study of ecology.
3.1.2 Explain how biotic and abiotic factors
influence an ecosystem.

Key Questions

3.1.3 Describe the methods used to study ecology.

What is ecology?
What are biotic and abiotic

Student Resources
Study Workbooks A and B, 3.1 Worksheets
Spanish Study Workbook, 3.1 Worksheets
Lab Manual B, 3.1 Hands-On Activity Worksheet
Lesson Overview Lesson Notes
Activities: Art in Motion, Data Analysis
Assessment: Self-Test, Lesson Assessment
For corresponding lesson in the
Foundation Edition, see pages 5659.

What methods are used in

ecological studies?

biosphere species
population community
ecology ecosystem
biome biotic factor
abiotic factor

Taking Notes
Venn Diagram Make a Venn
diagram that shows how the
environment consists of biotic
factors, abiotic factors, and
some components that are truly
a mixture of both. Use examples
from the lesson.

THINK ABOUT IT Lewis Thomas, a twentieth-century science

writer, was sufciently inspired by astronauts photographs of Earth to
write: Viewed from the distance of the moon, the astonishing thing
about the earth . . . is that it is alive. Sounds good. But what does it
mean? Was Thomas reacting to how green Earth is? Was he talking
about how you can see moving clouds from space? How is Earth, in a
scientic sense, a living planet? And how do we study it?

Studying Our Living Planet

What is ecology?
When biologists want to talk about life on a global scale, they use the
term biosphere. The biosphere consists of all life on Earth and all
parts of the Earth in which life exists, including land, water, and the
atmosphere. The biosphere contains every organism, from bacteria
living underground to giant trees in rain forests, whales in polar seas,
mold spores drifting through the airand, of course, humans. The
biosphere extends from about 8 kilometers above Earths surface to as
far as 11 kilometers below the surface of the ocean.

Build Background
Have students identify living and nonliving things in
the classroom and record their responses in two bulleted lists on the board. Explain that the classroom is
similar to an ecosystem in that it has interacting living and nonliving parts.

Individual Organism
A species is a group of
similar organisms that
can breed and produce
fertile offspring.


A population is a group of
individuals that belong to
the same species and live
in the same area.
Lesson 3.1


An assemblage of different populations

that live together in a defined area is
called a community.

Lesson Overview

Lesson Notes Art in Motion


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Teach for Understanding

G.1, G.2
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING The existence of life on Earth depends on interactions

among organisms and between organisms and their environment.

A.1.b, A.1.d, A.2.a, A.2.b, A.2.d

GUIDING QUESTION How do we study life?

EVIDENCE OF UNDERSTANDING After completing the lesson, give students the

following assessment to show they understand how ecologists study life and the
environment. Have students work in small groups to identify a question related to
ecology. Then, have students identify the method (observation, experimentation, or
modeling) that could be used to investigate their question. Have each group write
and perform a lecture in which they assume the role of scientists who explain how
they would investigate the question theyve chosen.


Chapter 3 Lesson 1

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Ecology and Economics The Greek word oikos is also the root of
the word economics. Economics is concerned with human houses
and human interactions based on money or trade. Interactions among
natures houses are based on energy and nutrients. As their common
root implies, human economics and ecology are linked. Humans live
within the biosphere and depend on ecological processes to provide
such essentials as food and drinkable water that can be bought and sold
or traded.
Levels of Organization Ecologists ask many questions about organisms and their environments. Some ecologists focus on the ecology of
individual organisms. Others try to understand how interactions among
organisms (including humans) inuence our global environment.
Ecological studies may focus on levels of organization that include
those shown in Figure 31.
In Your Notebook Draw a circle and label it Me. Then, draw ve
concentric circles and label each of them with the appropriate level of
organization. Describe your population, community, etc.

All the organisms that live in

a place, together with their
physical environment, is
known as an ecosystem.

A biome is a group of
ecosystems that share
similar climates and
typical organisms.

Use Visuals

BUILD Vocabulary
PREFIXES The prex intermeans between or among.
Interdependence is a noun that
means dependence between
or among individuals or things.
The physical environment and
organisms are considered
interdependent because
changes in one cause changes
in the other.

Use Figure 31 to help students understand how

ecologists divide the biosphere into levels. The kinds
of questions that ecologists may ask about the living environment can vary depending on the level at
which they work. Be sure to discuss all the levels of
organization shown in the gure.
Ask What is an example of a question an ecologist studying ecosystems may ask? (Sample answer:
What is the relationship between rainfall and
amphibian diversity in an ecosystem?)
Ask Which levels of organization include nonliving
things? (ecosystem, biome, biosphere)

FIGURE 31 Levels of
Organization The kinds of
questions that ecologists may
ask about the living environment
can vary, depending on the level
at which the ecologist works.
Interpret Visuals What is the
difference between a population
and a community?

ELL English Language Learners As students read
about the root of the word ecology (oikos means
house), explain that the sufx -logy means study
of. Have students identify other words that contain
this sufx. Ask them to predict the meanings of the
words they identify.
LPR Less Procient Readers Have students examine the photographs that make up Figure 31. For
each photo, have a volunteer describe the image
using his or her own words. Then, read the label
aloud to students. As you move from one photo to
the next, point out the relationships between the
photos. For example, tell students that the individual
organism in the rst photo is a member of a population, shown in the second photo.

Our entire planet, with all

its organisms and physical
environments, is known as
the biosphere.

Students can review online how living things are organized in Art in Motion:
Levels of Organization.
The Biosphere 65

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How Science Works


The student text points out the relationship between the terms ecology and economics. The concept of sustainable development clearly demonstrates the link between
these two areas of study. Sustainable development is typically described as development that meets the needs of the current generation while also considering the needs
of future generations. Ideals of sustainable development include goals related to ecology, such as the preservation of ecosystems and natural resources, and goals related
to economics, such as improved quality of life for individuals in developing areas. The
Millennium Development Goals, established by the United Nations, embrace the ideas
of sustainable development by including goals such as ending poverty and hunger
and sustaining the environment.

FIGURE 31 A population is made up of individuals

of one species living in the same area. A community

includes a variety of species in a particular location.
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Students diagrams should
include a series of concentric circles with the
following labels, starting in the middle circle: Me,
Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome, and
Biosphere. Each circle should contain a description
along with the appropriate label.

The Biosphere



The Science of Ecology Organisms in the biosphere interact with

each other and with their surroundings, or environment. The study
Ecology is the scientic
of these interactions is called ecology.
study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and
their physical environment. The root of the word ecology is the Greek
word oikos, which means house. So, ecology is the study of natures
houses and the organisms that live in those houses.
Interactions within the biosphere produce a web of interdependence between organisms and the environments in which they live.
Organisms respond to their environments and can also change their
environments, producing an ever-changing, or dynamic, biosphere.



Biotic and Abiotic Factors

What are biotic and abiotic factors?
Ecologists use the word environment to refer to all conditions, or factors, surrounding an organism. Environmental conditions include
biotic factors and abiotic factors, as shown in Figure 32.


Expand Vocabulary
Point out the word part bio- in the term biotic.
Explain that bio- means life. Explain that the biotic
factors in an environment include all of its living
parts, such as plants, animals, and bacteria. Then, tell
students that the prex a- means not. Explain that
the abiotic factors are the nonliving parts of the environment, such as water, air, and rocks.

L1 Struggling Students Ask students to dene the
terms biotic and abiotic in their own words. Then,
have students examine Figure 32. Ask them to
identify and describe the biotic factors shown in the
left panel of the gure. Then, have them identify and
describe the abiotic factors shown in the right panel.
Then, direct their attention to the middle panel, and
have them talk about how the environment is made
up of both biotic and abiotic factors.


FIGURE 32 Biotic and Abiotic

Factors Like all ecosystems, this

pond is affected by a combination
of biotic and abiotic factors. Some
environmental factors, such as the
muck around the edges of the
pond, are a mix of biotic and abiotic
components. Biotic and abiotic
factors are dynamic, meaning that
they constantly affect each other.
Classify What biotic factors are
visible in this ecosystem?

Biotic Factors

Biotic Factors
The biological inuences on organisms are
called biotic factors. A biotic factor is any living part of the environment with which an organism might interact, including animals,
plants, mushrooms, and bacteria. Biotic factors relating to a bullfrog,
for example, might include algae it eats as a tadpole, insects it eats as
an adult, herons that eat bullfrogs, and other species that compete with
bullfrogs for food or space.
Abiotic Factors
Physical components of an ecosystem are
called abiotic factors. An abiotic factor is any nonliving part of the
environment, such as sunlight, heat, precipitation, humidity, wind or
water currents, soil type, and so on. For example, a bullfrog could be
affected by abiotic factors such as water availability, temperature, and
(Biotic and Abiotic)

Abiotic Factors

Focus on ELL:
Extend Language


students write the word biotic on one index

card and the word abiotic on another index
card. Show pictures from magazines or this
textbook that depict either a living thing or
something nonliving. Have students hold up the
appropriate index card to describe each picture.
Avoid using pictures that include both living and
nonliving things. Then, ask students to identify
other abiotic and biotic factors that are found
in ecosystems. Encourage them to use complete
spoken sentences for this activity. For example,
Soil is an abiotic factor.
66 Chapter 3 Lesson 1

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Check for Understanding


Use the following prompts to gauge students understanding of lesson concepts.

What levels of organization are used to study parts of the biosphere?
What are some examples of biotic and abiotic factors found in ecosystems?

FIGURE 32 Sample answer: Biotic factors include

birds, fish, a frog, trees, grasses, and aquatic plants.


Chapter 3 Lesson 1

If students do not understand the levels of organization used in ecology, mention

levels of organization with which they are more familiar, for example: student, class,
grade level, student body. Ask students to explain how these levels of organization
are similar to and different from ecological levels of organization. For students who
cannot identify biotic or abiotic factors, have them dene the prexes bio- and a-.

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Connect to Language Arts

What are three examples
of abiotic factors that
might affect life in

Ask What abiotic factors does Thomas mention

in this quote? (breath, moisture, sky)
Ask How does this quote show the interdependence of abiotic and biotic factors? (Sample answer:
Although Lewis Thomas mentions only abiotic elements, he describes the Earth as living. Living systems contain abiotic and biotic components.)


In Your Notebook In your own words, explain the difference

L1 Special Needs The Lewis Thomas quote uses

visual imagery to describe some of Earths abiotic
factors. Ask students to supply other sensory descriptions of abiotic factors, such as the sound of wind or
the smell of salt water at the seashore. Further, have
students list biotic factors associated with the abiotic
factors they have described.

between biotic and abiotic factors. Give three examples of each.

How Do Abiotic Factors Affect Different

Plant Species?
1 Gather four paper cups. Use a pencil to punch
three holes in the bottom of each cup. Fill two
cups with equal amounts of sand and two cups
with the same amount of potting soil. CAUTION:
Wash your hands well with soap and warm water
after handling soil or plants.
2 Plant ve rice seeds in one sand-lled cup and
ve rice seeds in one soil-lled cup. Plant ve rye
seeds in each of the other two cups. Label each
cup with the type of seeds and soil it contains.
3 Place all the cups in a warm, sunny location.
Each day for two weeks, water the cups equally
and record your observations of any plant growth.

Provide students with this more complete version

of the Lewis Thomas quote from the Think About It
paragraph at the beginning of the lesson: Viewed
from the distance of the moon, the astonishing
thing about the earth, catching the breath, is that
it is alive. . . . Aloft, oating free beneath the moist,
gleaming membrane of the bright blue sky, is the
rising earth, the only exuberant thing in this part of
the cosmos.

Analyze and Conclude

1. Analyze Data In which medium did the rice
grow bettersand or soil? Which was the better
medium for the growth of rye?
2. Infer Soil retains more water than sand does,
providing a moister environment. What can you
infer from your observations about the kind of
environment that favors the growth of rice? What
kind of environment favors the growth of rye?
3. Draw Conclusions Which would compete more

successfully in a dry environmentrice or rye?

Which would be more successful in a moist

Students should identify three abiotic

factors in Narragansett Bay, such as
water temperature, levels of nutrients,
and water currents. Students can go online to to gather their evidence.

Students simulate ecological data

collection in Data Analysis: Counting
on Nature.

The Biosphere 67

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PURPOSE Students will be able to

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trays or shallow containers in which

students can place the cups. If rye is
not available, wheat seeds can be used

describe how abiotic factors affect

growth in different plant species.


MATERIALS presoaked rye and rice

2. Rice requires a moister environment

seeds, sand, potting soil, four paper

cups, water
SAFETY Make sure students wear the

proper protective equipment and wash

their hands after handling plants and soil.
PLANNING Soak the rice and rye

seeds in water overnight. Provide

1. Both rice and rye grew better in soil.

than rye does, but both types of

plants benefit from having ample
3. Rye would compete more effec-

tively in a dry environment; rice

would be more successful in a
moist environment.

IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Students should describe biotic

factors as living and abiotic factors as nonliving.

Biotic factors include plants, animals, bacteria,
and fungi. Abiotic factors include sunlight, air
temperature, and precipitation.
The Biosphere



Biotic and Abiotic Factors Together The difference between biotic

and abiotic factors may seem to be clear and simple. But if you think
carefully, you will realize that many physical factors can be strongly
inuenced by the activities of organisms. Bullfrogs hang out, for
example, in soft muck along the shores of ponds. You might think
that this muck is strictly part of the physical environment, because
it contains nonliving particles of sand and mud. But typical pond
muck also contains leaf mold and other decomposing plant material
produced by trees and other plants around the pond. That material
is decomposing because it serves as food for bacteria and fungi that
live in the muck.
Taking a slightly wider view, the abiotic conditions around
that mucky shoreline are strongly inuenced by living organisms.
A leafy canopy of trees and shrubs often shade the ponds shoreline
from direct sun and protect it from strong winds. In this way, organisms living around the pond strongly affect the amount of sunlight
the shoreline receives and the range of temperatures it experiences.
A forest around a pond also affects the humidity of air close to the
ground. The roots of trees and other plants determine how much soil
is held in place and how much washes into the pond. Even certain
chemical conditions in the soil around the pond are affected by living
organisms. If most trees nearby are pines, their decomposing needles
make the soil acidic. If the trees nearby are oaks, the soil will be more
alkaline. This kind of dynamic mix of biotic and abiotic factors shapes
every environment.


Ecological Methods

Assess and Remediate

What methods are used in ecological studies?

Some ecologists, like the one in Figure 33, use measuring tools to
assess changes in plant and wildlife communities. Others use DNA
studies to identify bacteria in marsh mud. Still others use data gathRegardless
ered by satellites to track ocean surface temperatures.
of their tools, modern ecologists use three methods in their work:
observation, experimentation, and modeling. Each of these approaches
relies on scientic methodology to guide inquiry.


Have students work in groups of four. Ask one group

member to name an individual organism. Then,
have a second group member identify a population
in which that organism belongs. The next student
should then describe a community in which the
population belongs. Finally, the fourth group member should describe an ecosystem in which the community is found. Then, have students complete the
3.1 Assessment.

Observation Observation is often the rst step in asking ecological

questions. Some observations are simple: Which species live here?
How many individuals of each species are there? Other observations
are more complex: How does an animal protect its young from predators? These types of questions may form the rst step in designing
experiments and models.


English Language Learners If your students

have trouble with Question 1b, have them review
the Build Vocabulary feature on the word interdependence. Then, have them use the word in a
sentence to reinforce its meaning.

FIGURE 33 Ecology Field Work

The three fundamental approaches

to ecological research involve
observing, experimenting, and
modeling. This ecologist is measuring
a giant Rafesia ower in Borneo.

Students can check their understanding of lesson concepts with the SelfTest assessment. They can then take an online
version of the Lesson Assessment.

Experimentation Experiments can be used to test hypotheses.

An ecologist may, for example, set up an articial environment in a
laboratory or greenhouse to see how growing plants react to different
conditions of temperature, lighting, or carbon dioxide concentration.
Other experiments carefully alter conditions in selected parts of natural ecosystems.
Modeling Many ecological events, such as effects of global warming on ecosystems, occur over such long periods of time or over such
large distances that they are difcult to study directly. Ecologists make
models to help them understand these phenomena. Many ecological models consist of mathematical formulas based on data collected
through observation and experimentation. Further observations by
ecologists can be used to test predictions based on those models.

Review Key Concepts

1. a. Review What are the six different major levels of organization, from smallest to largest, that ecologists commonly study?
b. Apply Concepts Give an example of two objects or activities
in your life that are interdependent. Explain your choice.
2. a. Review Is weather a biotic or abiotic factor?
b. Compare and Contrast How are biotic and abiotic factors
related? What is the difference between them?
3. a. Review Describe the three basic methods of ecological
b. Apply Concepts Give an example of an ecological phenomenon that could be studied by modeling. Explain why modeling
would be useful.
Lesson 3.1


4. Suppose you want to

know if the water in a
certain stream is safe to
drink. Which ecological method(s) would you
use in your investigation?
Explain your reasoning and
outline your procedure.

Data Analysis

Lesson Assessment

68 Chapter 3 Lesson 1

Assessment Answers
1a. individual organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
1b. Sample answer: My dance class and my
health are interdependent; I need a healthy
body to dance and dancing helps me
maintain a healthy body.
2a. abiotic
2b. Biotic and abiotic factors are related in
that both are parts of ecosystems. Biotic
factors are living; abiotic factors are


Chapter 3 Lesson 1

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S1.indd 5

3a. The three methods of ecological research

are observing, which is using observations to answer questions about ecology;
experimenting, which involves testing a
hypothesis in a lab or natural setting; and
modeling, which is the use of models, such
as mathematical formulas, to answer questions about ecology.
3b. Sample answer: Global warming is an ecological problem that could be studied by
modeling more easily than by observation
or experimentation, because it occurs over
a large area and a long period of time.

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4. Answers will vary. Most students will

choose experimenting, which would involve
testing a hypothesis about whether the
water is safe to drink. Some students might
choose modeling, which would involve
using a model to investigate whether pollutants or organisms could enter the water.

Getting Started
3.2.1 Define primary producers.

THINK ABOUT IT At the core of every organisms interaction with

Key Questions

the environment is its need for energy to power lifes processes. Ants
use energy to carry objects many times their size. Birds use energy to
migrate thousands of miles. You need energy to get out of bed in the
morning! Where does energy in living systems come from? How is it
transferred from one organism to another?

What are primary


3.2.2 Describe how consumers obtain energy and


How do consumers obtain

energy and nutrients?


Primary Producers
What are primary producers?
Living systems operate by expending energy. Organisms need energy
for growth, reproduction, and their own metabolic processes. In short,
if there is no energy, there are no life functions! Yet, no organism can
create energyorganisms can only use energy from other sources. You
probably know that you get your energy from the plants and animals
you eat. But where does the energy in your food come from? For most
life on Earth, sunlight is the ultimate energy source. Over the last few
decades, however, researchers have discovered that there are other
energy sources for life. For some organisms, chemical energy stored in
inorganic chemical compounds serves as the ultimate energy source
for life processes.
Only algae, certain bacteria, and plants like the one in Figure 34
can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and convert it into
forms that living cells can use. These organisms are called autotrophs.
Autotrophs use solar or chemical energy to produce food by assembling inorganic compounds into complex organic molecules. But
autotrophs do more than feed themselves. Autotrophs store energy in
forms that make it available to other organisms that eat them. Thats
why autotrophs are also called primary producers.
Primary producers are the rst producers
of energy-rich compounds that are later used
by other organisms. Primary producers are,
therefore, essential to the ow of energy through
the biosphere.

autotroph primary producer

photosynthesis chemosynthesis
heterotroph consumer
carnivore herbivore
scavenger omnivore
decomposer detritivore

Student Resources
Study Workbooks A and B, 3.2 Worksheets
Spanish Study Workbook, 3.2 Worksheets
Lesson Overview Lesson Notes
Activities: Tutor Tube, Art Review
Assessment: Self-Test, Lesson Assessment

Taking Notes
Concept Map As you read, use
the highlighted vocabulary words
to create a concept map that
organizes the information in
this lesson.

BUILD Vocabulary
PREFIXES The prex auto- means
by itself. The Greek word
trophikos means to feed. An
autotroph can, therefore, be
described as a self feeder,
meaning that it does not need to
eat other organisms for food.

For corresponding lesson in the

Foundation Edition, see pages 6062.

Build Background
Make a T-Chart on the board, and record students
responses to the following questions: From what do
you get energy? For what do you use energy? Students responses should indicate that they get energy
from a variety of foods, and that they use energy for
all of their activities and life processes. Tell students
that all living things must obtain energy and that all
living things use energy.
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S30, T-Chart.
Transparencies, GO15.

FIGURE 34 Primary Producers Plants obtain

energy from sunlight and turn it into nutrients that
can, in turn, be eaten and used for energy by
animals such as this caterpillar.

Students can review producers and

consumers in Tutor Tube.


Lesson 3.2

Lesson Overview

Lesson Notes



0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S2.indd 1

6/2/09 6:04:13 PM

Teach for Understanding

ENDURING UNDERSTANDING The existence of life on Earth depends on interactions

among organisms and between organisms and their environment.

GUIDING QUESTION How do different organisms get the energy they need to



C.4.b, C.5.a, C.5.b, C.5.e, C.5.f, D.1


A.1.b, A.2.b

EVIDENCE OF UNDERSTANDING After completing the lesson, give students the

following assessment to show they understand the ways different organisms get
the energy they need to survive. Have students write a poem that uses all of the
vocabulary terms in the lesson. Explain that the poem should convey the meaning of
each word as well as use it correctly.

The Biosphere



Energy, Producers,
and Consumers


Energy From the Sun The best-known and most common primary
producers harness solar energy through the process of photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis captures light energy and uses it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and
energy-rich carbohydrates such as sugars and starches. This process,
shown in Figure 35 (below left), adds oxygen to the atmosphere
and removes carbon dioxide. Without photosynthetic producers,
the air would not contain enough oxygen for you to breathe! Plants
are the main photosynthetic producers on land. Algae ll that role
in freshwater ecosystems and in the sunlit upper layers of the ocean.
Photosynthetic bacteria, most commonly cyanobacteria, are important
primary producers in ecosystems such as tidal ats and salt marshes.

Connect to Chemistry
Point out the word equation summarizing the processes of photosynthesis in Figure 35. Explain that
photosynthesis is often written using a chemical
formula. Write it on the board:
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
Show students the correspondence between the
word equation on this page and the chemical formula you wrote on the board.
Use this chemical summary of photosynthesis to
start a discussion on how the process of photosynthesis affects the atmosphere. Point out that photosynthetic organisms remove carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere and add oxygen to it. Tell students
they will study the process of photosynthesis in more
detail later in this book.


FIGURE 35 Photosynthesis and

Chemosynthesis Plants use the
energy from sunlight to carry out
the process of photosynthesis.
Other autotrophs, such as sulfur
bacteria, use the energy stored in
chemical bonds in a process called
chemosynthesis. In both cases,
energy-rich carbohydrates are
produced. Compare and Contrast
How are photosynthesis and
chemosynthesis similar?

L1 Struggling Students For students who have

difculty understanding the connection between
photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, suggest they
focus on Figure 35. Point out that both processes
use energy to produce carbohydratesenergy-rich
compounds that organisms can use to power life

Life Without Light About 30 years ago, biologists discovered thriving

ecosystems around volcanic vents in total darkness on the deep ocean
oor. There was no light for photosynthesis, so who or what were
the primary producers? Research revealed that these deep-sea ecosystems depended on primary producers that harness chemical energy
from inorganic molecules such as hydrogen sulde. These organisms
carry out a process called chemosynthesis (kee moh sin thuh sis) in
which chemical energy is used to produce carbohydrates as shown
in Figure 35 (below right). Chemosynthetic organisms are not only
found in the deepest, darkest ocean, however. Several types of chemosynthetic producers have since been discovered in more parts of the
biosphere than anyone expected. Some chemosynthetic bacteria live
in harsh environments, such as deep-sea volcanic vents or hot springs.
Others live in tidal marshes along the coast.
In Your Notebook In your own words, explain the differences and
similarities between photosynthetic and chemosynthetic producers.

Carbon dioxide

Light Energy

Chemical Energy

Carbon dioxide
Hydrogen sulfide


Address Misconceptions
Energy in Biological Systems Students may think that
energy is formed, or created, by the processes of
photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Students may also
believe organisms use up, or destroy, energy when
carrying out life processes. Remind students that
photosynthesis and chemosynthesis produce energyrich compounds, but they do not produce energy.
Explain that energy cannot be created or destroyed,
but it can change form.
Ask Where does the energy for photosynthesis and
chemosynthesis come from? (The energy for photosynthesis comes from the energy in sunlight; the
energy for chemosynthesis comes from the energy in
the chemical bonds of inorganic molecules.)

FIGURE 35 Sample answer: Photosynthesis and

chemosynthesis are similar in that both use energy to

produce carbohydrates.
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Sample answer: Photosynthetic
producers use light energy to produce carbohydrates;
chemosynthetic producers use chemical energy
to produce carbohydrates. Photosynthetic and
chemosynthetic producers are both autotrophs.


Chapter 3 Lesson 2




Lesson 3.2

Tutor Tube

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S2.indd 2

Quick Facts

Energy from the sun is a vital support of life on Earth. However, much more solar
energy reaches Earth each day than is needed to support Earths producers. Most of
the extra energy is absorbed or reected by Earths surface and atmosphere. In
fact, only about 0.06 percent of the solar energy that reaches Earths producers is
converted to chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. However, even
that tiny fraction results in about 170 billion tons of organic matter every year.

6/2/09 6:04:24 PM

How do consumers obtain energy and nutrients?

Animals, fungi, and many bacteria cannot directly harness energy
from the environment as primary producers do. These organisms,
known as heterotrophs (het uh roh trohfs) must acquire energy
from other organismsby ingesting them in one way or another.
Organisms that rely
Heterotrophs are also called consumers.
on other organisms for energy and nutrients are called consumers.

Types of Consumers Consumers are classied by the ways in which

they acquire energy and nutrients, as shown in Figure 36. As you will
see, the denition of food can vary quite a lot among consumers.

Use Visuals

FIGURE 36 Consumers Consumers

rely on other organisms for energy

and nutrients. The Amazon rain forest
shelters examples of each type of
consumer as shown here.

Have students examine Figure 36. Divide the class

into six groups, and assign one type of consumer
shown in the gure to each group. Tell students their
group will have about 5 minutes to prepare several
questions about their assigned consumer category.
Collect the questions, read them to the class, and
have volunteers answer any question they did not
write. Then, discuss as a class any questions that
students have difculty answering.


Carnivores kill and eat other

animals. Carnivores include
snakes, dogs, cats, and this giant
river otter. Catching and killing prey
can be difficult and requires energy,
but meat is generally rich in nutrients
and energy and is easy to digest.

Herbivores like this military

macaw obtain energy and
nutrients by eating plant leaves,
roots, seeds, or fruits. Common
herbivores include cows, caterpillars, and deer.

Omnivores are animals whose

diets naturally include a variety
of different foods that usually
include both plants and
animals. Humans, bears,
pigs, and this white-nosed
coati are omnivores.

Scavengers are animals that consume

the carcasses of other animals that
have been killed by predators
or have died of other
causes. This king vulture
is a scavenger.

Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S26, Frayer Model.

Transparencies, GO9.


Focus on ELL:
Build Background


SPEAKERS Suggest students complete a Gallery

Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi (like this

mushroom), feed by chemically breaking down
organic matter. The decay caused by
decomposers is part of the process
that produces detritussmall
pieces of dead and decaying
plant and animal remains.

Lesson 3.2

LPR Less Procient Readers Have students complete a Frayer Model for each of the six types of
consumers shown in Figure 36. For each type of
consumer, have students write the name of it in the
center box, a denition of it in the top left section,
a drawing of it in the top right section, an example
of it in the bottom left section, and a nonexample
in the bottom right section.

(dee TRYT uh vawrz)
like this giant earthworm feed on detritus
particles, often chewing or grinding them
into even smaller pieces. Many types of mites,
snails, shrimp, and crabs are detritivores.
Detritivores commonly digest decomposers
that live on, and in, detritus particles.

Art Review

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S2.indd 3


Walk to build their knowledge of producers

and consumers. Post eight sheets of chart
paper around the classroom and label each
with one of the following: photosynthetic
autotroph, chemosynthetic autotroph, carnivore,
scavenger, decomposer, herbivore, omnivore,
and detritivore. Divide the class equally among
the posters, and give a different-colored pen
to each group. Have each group write down
everything they know about the posted category
of organisms. Encourage beginning speakers to
draw example organisms. Then, have groups
rotate through the posters evaluating previous
groups work and adding any additional
information they know.

6/2/09 6:04:33 PM

Check for Understanding

Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S6, Gallery Walk.


Present students with the following questions and ask them to show a thumbs-up
sign if they understand, a thumbs-down sign if they are confused, or a waving-hand
sign if they partially understand.
How do producers make energy-rich compounds?
How do consumers get the energy they need for life processes?
What are some different categories of consumers?

Students can drag and drop labels

over photographs of an ecosystem in Art
Review: Producers and Consumers.


Use students responses to gauge understanding of the topics covered in this lesson.
If responses indicate that students are struggling with one or more of these topics,
model for students how to make an outline of the lesson. Have each student make
an outline, and then have students work in pairs to discuss the topics in their outlines.

The Biosphere






How Do Different Types
of Consumers Interact?

PURPOSE Students will identify producers and

MATERIALS 2 potted bean seedlings, 2 wide-mouth
jars, aphids, flexible screening, 2 rubber bands,
ladybird beetles, water
SAFETY Students should wash their hands after

Place a potted bean seedling in each of two jars.

Add 20 aphids to one jar and cover the

jar with screening to prevent the aphids from
escaping. Use a rubber band to attach the
screening to the jar.
3 Add 20 aphids and 4 ladybird beetles to the
second jar. Cover the second jar as you did the
rst one.

handling the organisms.

PLANNING Plant bean seedlings two weeks before
this lab is performed. Order aphids and ladybird
beetles to arrive shortly before the lab is scheduled.

seedling. Less damage to the plant was observed

in the jar with beetles. This difference can be
explained by the fact that the beetles ate some of
the aphids, reducing the number of aphids feeding on the plant.
2. seedling, producer; aphid, consumer (herbivore);

Bacteria are important

members of the living
community in Narragansett Bay. How do
you think the bacterial
communities on
the oor of the bay
might be linked to its
producers and

beetle, consumer (carnivore)

Have students review the role of detritivores and decomposers explained in
Figure 36 and link this information
to the bacterial community in Narragansett Bay.
Students can go online to to gather
their evidence.

Assess and Remediate


Write each lesson vocabulary term on a separate

slip of paper, and place the slips in a container. Have
volunteers draw two slips of paper, and use these
two words to form a scientically accurate sentence.
Continue until all words have been drawn. Then,
have students complete the 3.2 Assessment.

Struggling Students Have students list examples of decomposers and detritivores if they have difculty answering Question 2b.

Students can check their understanding of lesson concepts with the SelfTest assessment. They can then take an online
version of the Lesson Assessment.

Chapter 3 Lesson 2

2. Classify Identify each organism in the jars as

a producer or a consumer. If the organism is a

consumer, what kind of consumer is it?

Review Key Concepts

1. a. Review What are the two primary sources of energy that
power living systems?
b. Pose Questions Propose a question that a scientist might ask
about the variety of organisms found around deep-sea vents.
2. a. Review Explain how consumers obtain energy.
b. Compare and Contrast How are detritivores different from
decomposers? Provide an example of each.
Lesson 3.2


3. The word autotroph comes

from the Greek words
autos, meaning self, and
trophe, meaning food or
nourishment. Knowing
this, what do you think the
Greek word heteros, as in
heterotroph, means?

Lesson Assessment

72 Chapter 3 Lesson 2

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S2.indd 4

6/2/09 6:04:37 PM

Assessment Answers
1a. solar energy and chemical energy
1b. Sample answer: How do organisms
that live so deep in the ocean get
the energy they need to live?
2a. Consumers get energy by ingesting
other organisms or the remains of
2b. Detritivores are different from
decomposers because detritivores
feed by eating detritus particles,


Analyze and Conclude

1. Observe What happened to the aphids and the
seedling in the jar without the ladybird beetles?
What happened in the jar with the ladybird beetles?
How can you explain this difference?

Consumer Categories Categorizing consumers is important, but these simple categories often dont express the real complexity
of nature. Take herbivores, for instance. Seeds and fruits are usually rich
in energy and nutrients, and they are often easy to digest. Leaves are
generally poor in nutrients and are usually very difcult to digest. For
that reason, herbivores that eat different plant parts often differ greatly
in the ways they obtain and digest their food. In fact, only a handful of
birds eat leaves, because the kind of digestive system needed to handle
leaves efciently is heavy and difcult to y around with!
Moreover, organisms in nature often do not stay inside the tidy
categories ecologists place them in. For example, some animals often
described as carnivores, such as hyenas, will scavenge if they get a
chance. Many aquatic animals eat a mixture of algae, bits of animal
carcasses, and detritus particlesincluding the feces of other animals!
So, these categories make a nice place to start talking about ecosystems, but it is important to expand on this topic by discussing the way
that energy and nutrients move through ecosystems.


1. In the jar with no beetles, the aphids harmed the

4 Place both jars in a sunny location. Observe the

jars each day for one week and record your observations
each day. Water the seedlings as needed.

while decomposers feed by chemically breaking down organic matter

on which they live. Decomposers
actually produce detritus. In turn,
detritivores often consume decomposers that live among detritus.

3. The Greek word heteros means

other, or different.


Energy Flow
in Ecosystems

Getting Started
3.3.1 Trace the flow of energy through living

THINK ABOUT IT What happens to energy stored in body tissues

when one organism eats another? That energy moves from the eaten
to the eater. Youve learned that the ow of energy through an ecosystem always begins with either photosynthetic or chemosynthetic
primary producers. Where it goes from there depends literally on who
eats whom!

How does energy ow through ecosystems?

In every ecosystem, primary producers and consumers are linked

through feeding relationships. Despite the great variety of feeding
relationships in different ecosystems, energy always ows in similar
Energy ows through an ecosystem in a one-way stream,
from primary producers to various consumers.

Food Chains You can think of energy as passing through an ecosystem along a food chain. A food chain is a series of steps in which
organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten. Food chains can
vary in length. For example, in a prairie ecosystem, a primary producer, such as grass, is eaten by an herbivore, such as a grazing antelope. A carnivore, such as a coyote, in turn feeds upon the antelope. In
this two-step chain, the carnivore is just two steps removed from the
primary producer.
In some aquatic food chains, primary producers are a mixture of
oating algae called phytoplankton and attached algae. As shown in
Figure 37, these primary producers may be eaten by small shes,
such as agsh. Larger shes, like the largemouth bass, eat the small
shes. The bass are preyed upon by large wading birds, such as the
anhinga, which may ultimately be eaten by an alligator. There are
four steps in this food chain. The top carnivore is therefore four steps
removed from the primary producer.




What do the three types of

ecological pyramids illustrate?

food chain phytoplankton

food web zooplankton
trophic level
ecological pyramid

Student Resources
Study Workbooks A and B, 3.3 Worksheets
Spanish Study Workbook, 3.3 Worksheets
Lab Manual B, 3.3 Data Analysis Worksheet
Lesson Overview Lesson Notes
Activity: Visual Analogy Assessment:
Self-Test, Lesson Assessment

Taking Notes
Preview Visuals Before you
read, look at Figure 37 and
Figure 39. Note how they are
similar and how they are different. Based on the gures, write
denitions for food chain and
food web.

For corresponding lesson in the

Foundation Edition, see pages 6367.

FIGURE 37 sunlight
FIGURE 37 Food Chains Food
chains show the one-way ow
of energy in an ecosystem.
Apply Concepts What is the
ultimate source of energy for this
food chain?


Largemouth bass
Lesson 3.3

How does energy ow

through ecosystems?


Food Chains and Food Webs

Primary producer

3.3.2 Identify the three types of ecological


Key Questions

Lesson Overview




Lesson Notes



0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S3.indd 1

6/2/09 6:05:34 PM

Teach for Understanding

ENDURING UNDERSTANDING The existence of life on Earth depends on interactions

among organisms and between organisms and their environment.

GUIDING QUESTION How does energy move through an ecosystem?
EVIDENCE OF UNDERSTANDING After completing the lesson, give students the


B.5, C.4.a, C.4.b, C.5.a, C.5.b, C.5.e, C.5.f, D.1


A.1.c, A.2.d

following assessment to show they understand food chains and how energy moves
through ecosystems. Have students write a creative story about the organisms that
live and interact in a fictitious ecosystem. Explain that another student should be
able to construct a food web for this ecosystem from the details that they include in
their stories. Then, have partners exchange stories and draw each others food webs.

The Biosphere



Food Webs In most ecosystems, feeding relationships are much

more complicated than the relationships described in a single, simple
chain. One reason for this is that many animals eat more than one
kind of food. For example, on Africas Serengeti Plain, herbivores, such
as zebras, gazelles, and buffaloes, often graze upon several different
species of grasses. Several predators such as lions, hyenas, and leopards,
in turn, often prey upon those herbivores! Ecologists call this network
of feeding interactions a food web.

Use Models
Explain that food chains and food webs are types
of models. Remind students that modeling is one of
three methods used in ecological studies.

Food Chains Within Food Webs The Everglades are a complex

marshland ecosystem in southern Florida. Here, aquatic and terrestrial
organisms interact in many overlapping feeding relationships that
have been simplied and represented in Figure 39. Starting with a
primary producer (algae or plants), see how many different routes you
can take to reach the alligator, vulture, or anhinga. One path, from the
algae to the alligator, is the same food chain you saw in Figure 37. In
fact, each path you trace through the food web is a food chain. You can
think of a food web, therefore, as linking together all of the food chains
in an ecosystem. Realize, however, that this is a highly simplied representation of this food web, in which many species have been left out.
Now, you can begin to appreciate how complicated food webs are!

Ask Why might scientists study feeding relationships

using a model, such as a food chain or food web?
(Sample answer: Feeding relationships may be difficult to observe, and it may be unethical to experiment with them.)
Ask What type of predictions could be made using
a food chain or food web? (Sample answer: A food
web could be used to predict what would happen
if a certain population in an ecosystem increased or
decreased in size.)
BUILD Vocabulary

L1 Special Needs Show students a picture of a
spider web. Have them compare the spider web to a
food web.

Ask In what way is a spiders web similar to a food

web? (Sample answer: There are many different connections in both kinds of web.)

Discuss with students the Visual Analogy shown in

Figure 38.


convert means to change from
one form to another. Decomposers
convert, or change, dead plant
matter into a form called detritus
that is eaten by detritivores.

FIGURE 38 Earths Recycling

Center Decomposers break

down dead and decaying matter
and release nutrients that can be
reused by primary producers.
Use Analogies How are decomposers
like a citys recycling center?

Decomposers and Detritivores in Food Webs Decomposers and

detritivores are as important in most food webs as other consumers are.
Look again at the Everglades web. Although white-tailed deer, moorhens, raccoons, grass shrimp, craysh, and agsh feed at least partly
on primary producers, most producers die without being eaten. In the
detritus pathway, decomposers convert that dead material to detritus, which is eaten by detritivores, such as craysh, grass shrimp, and
worms. At the same time, the decomposition process releases nutrients
that can be used by primary producers. Thus, decomposers recycle
nutrients in food webs as seen in Figure 38. Without decomposers,
nutrients would remain locked within dead organisms.

In Your Notebook Explain how food chains and food webs are related.

Ask What do the individual blocks in this analogy

represent? (nutrients)
Ask What would happen if decomposers were
absent from an ecosystem? (Nutrients would not be
released from dead and decaying matter, so there
might not be enough nutrients to support the primary producers in an ecosystem.)

Students compare the breakdown

and reuse of building materials to the recycling of nutrients by decomposers in Visual
Analogy: Earths Recycling Center.



Lesson 3.2

Visual Analogy

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S3.indd 2

Biology In-Depth


FIGURE 38 Decomposers break down dead

Composting is a process that uses decomposers, and sometimes detritivores, to

decompose organic wastes. Household composting is usually performed using food
and yard wastes. Decomposers break down these organic materials, much as they
would in a natural setting. The resulting material, called compost, is full of nutrients
and is used to enrich soil. Home composting can range from passive (just throw
everything into a pile) to highly controlled. Controlled composting may involve the
manipulation of conditions such as temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels to maximize decomposer activity.

organic matter and release nutrients back into

the environment. They recycle nutrients like a city
recycling center recycles paper or plastic.
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK A food chain is a portion of
a food web. It shows how energy moves from one
organism to the next as they feed on one another.
A food web is a more complex and complete
representation of the feeding relationships in an
entire ecosystem.


Chapter 3 Lesson 3

6/2/09 6:05:45 PM

FIGURE 39 Food Web in the

Everglades This illustration of a
food web shows some of the feeding
relationships within the Florida
Everglades. The orange-highlighted
food chain from Figure 37 is one of
many that make up this food web.
Interpret Visuals Describe three food
chains that are part of this food web.

Use Visuals
Students can use Figure 39 to examine feeding
relationships in an ecosystem and to review the categories of organisms that make up a food web.
Ask What primary producers are shown in this food
web? (plants, leaves, seeds, fruit, algae)


Ask What can you infer about vultures from this

food web? (Sample answer: They eat animals that
are already dead.)

L1 Struggling Students Have students use
Figure 39 to examine the structure of a food web
and to compare food webs and food chains.



Ask What do the orange arrows in the diagram

show? (the food chain from Figure 37)
Ask How does the food chain compare to the food
web? (Sample answer: The food chain is a much
simpler diagram; the food web is a more complete
representation of the energy flow in an ecosystem.)

Largemouth bass
Pig frog




Grass shrimp
and worms

ALL SPEAKERS Have students work in groups to

make a food chain or a food web, using pictures
from magazines. Integrate beginning speakers
with intermediate, advanced, and advanced
high speakers. Have beginning speakers use
single written or spoken words to describe the
components of their food chain or food web.
Intermediate speakers should describe their
food chain or food web using simple sentences.
Challenge advanced and advanced high
speakers to compare and contrast a food chain
and food web.






Focus on ELL:
Access Content

Detritus, bacteria, and

associated fungi
Plants, leaves,
seeds, and fruits

The Biosphere 75

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S3.indd 3

6/2/09 6:05:52 PM

Check for Understanding


Ask Why is a food web a more accurate representation of the feeding relationships in
an ecosystem than a food chain? (An organism is rarely food for or feeds on just one
other organism; a food web shows the many different feeding relationships that exist
between organisms in an ecosystem.)

If responses indicate that students do not understand why a food web is a more accurate representation of feeding relationships than a food chain, have them discuss the
foods they eat on a typical day. Point out that they consume foods from many different sources. Explain that most living things feed on more than one type of food, and
many living things are themselves food for many other types of organisms.

FIGURE 39 Students should identify three food

chains in the food web. Sample answer: Plants are

eaten by raccoons; raccoons are eaten by alligators.
The Biosphere



Primary producer
Consumed after death
Detritus pathway




Build Science Skills

Have students explore how food webs can be used
to make predictions. Explain that food webs, like
most models used in science, can be used to predict
the impact that a change in one factor will have on
other factors. Refer students to Figure 310, and
have them use it to make predictions.
Ask How might an increase in the herring population affect the emperor penguin population? Explain.
(Emperor penguins eat herring. An increase in the
emperor penguins food source would likely lead to
an increase in their population.)
Ask Suppose the killer whale population is signicantly reduced by disease. How might this affect the
leopard seal population? (A decrease in the killer
whale population might lead to an increase in the
leopard seal population, because killer whales are
the leopard seals only predator.)

Researchers discovered
that zooplankton in
Narragansett Bay now
graze on oating algae
more actively through
the winter than they
ever did before. What
effect do you think
this might have on
the annual late-winter
bloom of algae
that occurs in
the water?

FIGURE 310 Antarctic Food

Web All of the animals in this food

web depend on one organism: krill.
Disturbances to the krills food source,
marine algae, have the potential
to cause changes in all of the
populations connected to the
algae through this food web.
Interpret Visuals What do ecologists
mean when they say that killer
whales indirectly depend on krill for

Food Webs and Disturbance Food webs are complex, so it is often

difcult to predict exactly how they will respond to environmental
change. Look again at Figure 39, and think about the questions an
ecologist might ask about the feeding relationships in it following a
disturbance. What if an oil spill, for example, caused a serious decline
in the number of the bacteria and fungi that break down detritus?
What effect do you think that might have on populations of craysh?
How about the effects on the grass shrimp and the worms? Do you
think those populations would decline? If they did decline, how might
pig frogs change their feeding behavior? How might the change in frog
behavior then affect the other species on which the frog feeds?
Relationships in food webs are not simple, and, as you know, the
food web in Figure 39 has been simplied! So, you might expect
that answers to these questions would not be simple either, and youd
be right. However, disturbances do happen, and their effects can be
dramatic. Consider, for example, one of the most important food webs
in the southern oceans. All of the animals in this food web, shown
in Figure 310, depend directly or indirectly on shrimplike animals
called krill, which feed on marine algae. Krill are one example of a
diverse group of small, swimming animals, called zooplankton
(zoh oh plank tun), that feed on marine algae. Adult krill browse
on algae offshore, while their larvae feed on algae that live beneath
oating sea ice. In recent years, krill populations have dropped substantially. Over that same period, a large amount of sea ice around
Antarctica has melted. With less sea ice remaining, there are fewer of
the algae that grow beneath the ice. Given the structure of this food
web, a drop in the krill population can cause drops in the populations
of all other members of the food web shown.

L3 Advanced Students Have students work in
small groups to research another food web that has
been changed by human action or natural disturbance. Have each group share its ndings with the
class by presenting a short report. Ask each group to
include a food web diagram as a part of its report.

Lead students to conclude that zooplankton grazing on the algae will likely
reduce or eliminate the late-winter
algae bloom. Students can go online to
to gather their evidence.

Killer whale
Blue whale


Weddell seal

Leopard seal

Ross seal

and squids

Crabeater seal

Antarctic petrel
Adelie penguin

Primary producer

76 Chapter 3 Lesson 3

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S3.indd 76

How Science Works


FIGURE 310 Krill are the only herbivores in this food
web; without krill, the animals the killer whale eats
would not survive.


Chapter 3 Lesson 3

Stable isotopes are naturally occurring, nonradioactive forms of atoms. For example,
stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen include carbon 12 (12C), carbon 13 (13C),
nitrogen 14 (14N), and nitrogen 15 (15N). In any given tissue sample, there is a certain
amount of all of these isotopes. Finding the ratio of carbon isotopes to each other, as
well as the ratio of nitrogen isotopes, helps scientists investigate the donor organisms
relative trophic level within an ecosystem. This technique is based on the nding that
organisms tend to selectively metabolize the lighter isotopes of carbon and nitrogen
(12C and 14N). So, organisms in higher trophic levels often accumulate more of the
heavier isotopes (13C and 15N) relative to the lighter ones. In fact, an organisms 15N
ratio tends to be about 0.3 percent higher than that of the organisms it eats.

6/9/09 2:03:59 PM

Build Math Skills

What do the three types of ecological pyramids illustrate?

The 10 Percent Rule

Each step in a food chain or food web is called a trophic level.

Primary producers always make up the rst trophic level. Various
consumers occupy every other level. One way to illustrate the
trophic levels in an ecosystem is with an ecological pyramid.
Ecological pyramids show the relative amount of energy or matter
contained within each trophic level in a given food chain or food web.
There are three different types of ecological pyramids: pyramids of
energy, pyramids of biomass, and pyramids of numbers.

As shown in Figure 311, an

energy pyramid is a diagram
that illustrates the transfer
of energy through a food
chain or food web. In general,
only 10 percent of the energy
available in one level is stored
in the level above. Look at
Figure 311 and answer the
questions below.

In Your Notebook Make a two- column chart to compare the three

types of ecological pyramids.

1. Calculate If there are

1000 units of energy available at the producer level of
the energy pyramid, approximately how many units of
energy are available to the
third-level consumer?

Pyramids of Energy Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of

trophic levels in a food web or the number of organisms that live on
each level. But there is one catch. Only a small portion of the energy
that passes through any given trophic level is ultimately stored in the
bodies of organisms at the next level. This is because organisms expend
much of the energy they acquire on life processes, such as respiration,
movement, growth, and reproduction. Most of the remaining energy
is released into the environment as heata byproduct of these activPyramids of energy show the relative amount of energy
available at each trophic level of a food chain or food web.
The efciency of energy transfer from one trophic level to another
varies. On average, about 10 percent of the energy available within
one trophic level is transferred to the next trophic level, as shown in
Figure 311. For instance, one tenth of the solar energy captured and
stored in the leaves of grasses ends up stored in the tissues of cows and
other grazers. One tenth of that energy10 percent of 10 percent, or
1 percent of the original amountgets stored in the tissues of humans
who eat cows. Thus, the more levels that exist between a producer and
a given consumer, the smaller the percentage of the original energy
from producers that is available to that consumer.
FIGURE 311 Pyramid of


Energy Pyramids of energy

show the relative amount of
energy available at each
trophic level. An ecosystem
requires a constant supply of
energy from photosynthetic or
chemosynthetic producers.
Apply Concepts Explain
how the amount of energy
available at each trophic
level often limits the number
of organisms that each level
can support.


2. Interpret Diagrams What

is the original source of the
energy that ows through
most ecosystems? Why must
there be a continuous supply
of energy into the ecosystem?
3. Infer Why are there
usually fewer organisms in
the top levels of an energy


L1 Struggling Students For students who have difculty with the percentages in Figure 311, model
the relative loss of energy using example numbers
and organisms. Tell students to suppose that a particular plant produces 200 Calories worth of food.
Ninety percent of this is either used to power the
plants life processes or lost as heat. Therefore, only
10 percent of the 200 Calories will be available to
a mouse (rst-level consumer) that eats the plant.
On the board, show how to calculate 10 percent
of 200 Calories. Write:

20 Calories (0.01) = 2 Calories

Using this example, make sure students understand
the overarching concept: only a small part of the
energy an organism takes in during its lifetime can
be passed to the next organism in the food chain.





Then, explain that of this 20 Calories, only 10 percent will be available to an owl (second-level consumer) that eats the mouse. Write:


Ask If this food chain included fourth-level consumers, what percentage of the original energy
would be available to those organisms? (0.01%)

200 Calories (0.01) = 20 Calories



Have students examine Figure 311. Point out that

the percentages shown at each level of the pyramid
of energy are percentages of the original energy
entering the food chain. Explain that, at each transfer, about 10 percent of the energy from one trophic
level is available to move to the organisms at the
next trophic level.

The Biosphere 77

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S3.indd 77

6/9/09 1:26:10 PM

1. 1 unit
PURPOSE Students will calculate the

relative amount of energy available at

each level of a food chain or web.
PLANNING Remind students that energy
is transferred between organisms when
one organism eats another. Explain that
the amount of energy decreases at each
level not because it is destroyed but
because it is changed to a form (heat)
that is lost to the environment and,
therefore, unavailable to organisms in
higher trophic levels.

2. Solar energy is the original source

of energy in most ecosystems. There

must be a continuous supply of energy
because energy, unlike matter, flows
one way through ecosystems. Energy
that is converted to heat is lost to the
environment, so more energy must
enter the ecosystem to replace it.
3. There are usually fewer organisms at

the top pyramid levels because there

is much less energy available.

FIGURE 311 A trophic level cannot contain more
organisms than there is energy to support.
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Students charts should list the
three types of pyramids in the left column and facts
about each type in the right column.

The Biosphere



Trophic Levels and Ecological Pyramids



Pyramids of Biomass and Numbers The total

amount of living tissue within a given trophic level
is called its biomass. Biomass is usually measured in
grams of organic matter per unit area. The amount
of biomass a given trophic level can support is determined, in part, by the amount of energy available.
A pyramid of biomass illustrates the relative
amount of living organic matter available at each
trophic level in an ecosystem.
Ecologists interested in the number of organisms
at each trophic level uses a pyramid of numbers.
A pyramid of numbers shows the relative
number of individual organisms at each trophic
level in an ecosystem. In most ecosystems, the shape
of the pyramid of numbers is similar to the shape of
the pyramid of biomass for the same ecosystem. In
this shape, the numbers of individuals on each level
decrease from the level below it. To understand this
point more clearly, imagine that an ecologist marked
off several square meters in a eld, and then weighed
and counted every organism in that area. The result
might look something like the pyramid in Figure 312.
In some cases, however, consumers are much less
massive than organisms they feed upon. Thousands
of insects may graze on a single tree, for example, and
countless mosquitos can feed off a few deer. Both the
tree and deer have a lot of biomass, but they each represent only one organism. In such cases, the pyramid
of numbers may be turned upside down, but the pyramid of biomass usually has the normal orientation.


Lead a Discussion
Make sure students can differentiate between a
biomass pyramid and a pyramid of numbers.
Ask Which pyramid shows the amount of organic
matter at each trophic level? (biomass pyramid)

L3 Advanced Students Have students write a
paragraph comparing and contrasting food webs
and ecological pyramids. Their paragraph should
identify two similarities and two differences.

FIGURE 312 Pyramids of Biomass and Numbers

In most cases, pyramids of biomass and numbers

follow the same general pattern. In the eld modeled
here, there are more individual primary producers than
rst-level consumers. Likewise, the primary producers
collectively have more mass. The same patterns hold for
the second and third-level consumers. With each step to
a higher trophic level, biomass and numbers decrease.

Assess and Remediate


On the board, write the question: How does energy

move through an ecosystem? Have each student
write a short response. Call on volunteers to share
their responses with the class. Then, have students
complete the 3.3 Assessment.
L1 Struggling Students If students have difculty
answering Question 3, suggest they use a nger
to trace over the arrows that connect organisms to
help them nd and follow a food chain within the
food web.

Students can check their understanding of lesson concepts with the SelfTest assessment. They can then take an online
version of the Lesson Assessment.

Review Key Concepts

1. a. Review Energy is said to ow in a one-way stream through
an ecosystem. In your own words, describe what that means.
b. Form a Hypothesis Explain what you think might happen to
the Everglades ecosystem shown in Figure 39 if there were a
sudden decrease in the number of craysh.
2. a. Review On average, what proportion of the energy in an
ecosystem is transferred from one trophic level to the next?
Where does the rest of the energy go?
b. Calculate Draw an energy pyramid for a ve-step food chain.
If 100 percent of the energy is available at the rst trophic level,
what percentage of that energy is available at the highest trophic
Lesson 3.3

Assessment Answers
1a. Sample answer: Energy is not recycled.
Energy enters an ecosystem and flows
through a food chain, but it is not
reusedit is lost as heat.
1b. Sample answer: A decrease in the
population of crayfish would likely result
in less food available to raccoons, pig
frogs, and anhingas. These populations
might decrease. Populations on which the
crayfish feed, such as plants, detritus, and
grass shrimp, may increase.


Chapter 3 Lesson 3

Lesson Assessment

Interdependence In Nature
3. Refer to Figure 39, which
shows a food web in the
Everglades. Choose one of
the food chains within the
web. Then, write a paragraph describing the feeding relationships among the
organisms in the food chain.


78 Chapter 3 Lesson 3

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2a. About 10 percent of the energy at any

trophic level is passed to the next trophic
level. The remainder of the energy is used
for life processes or released into the environment as heat.
2b. Students pyramids should show
100% of the energy available at the first
level, 10% at the second level, 1% at the
third level, 0.1% at the fourth level, and
0.01% at the fifth level.

6/2/09 6:06:02 PM


Students may choose and

describe any of the food chains
in Figure 39. Check that the
food chains contain a primary producer
and at least one consumer.

Cycles of Matter

3.4.1 Describe how matter cycles among the living
and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.

THINK ABOUT IT Living organisms are composed mostly of

four elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. These four
elements (and a few others, such as sulfur and phosphorus) are the
basis of lifes most important compounds: water, carbohydrates, lipids,
nucleic acids, and proteins. In short, a handful of elements combine to
form the building blocks of all known organisms. And yet, organisms
cannot manufacture these elements and do not use them up. So,
where do essential elements come from? How does their availability
affect ecosystems?

Recycling in the Biosphere

How does matter move through the biosphere?
Matter moves through the biosphere differently than the way in which
energy moves. Solar and chemical energy are captured by primary
producers and then pass in a one-way fashion from one trophic level
to the nextdissipating in the environment as heat along the way. But
while energy in the form of sunlight is constantly entering the biosphere, Earth doesnt receive a signicant, steady supply of new matter
Unlike the one-way ow of energy, matter is recycled
from space.
within and between ecosystems. Elements pass from one organism to
another and among parts of the biosphere through closed loops called
biogeochemical cycles, which are powered by the ow of energy as
shown in Figure 313. As that word suggests, cycles of matter involve
biological processes, geological processes, and chemical processes. Human
activity can also play an important role. As matter moves through these
cycles, it is transformed. It is never created or destroyedjust changed.

Key Questions

3.4.2 Describe how water cycles through the


How does matter move

through the biosphere?
How does water cycle
through the biosphere?

3.4.3 Explain why nutrients are important in living


What is the importance of

the main nutrient cycles?

3.4.4 Describe how the availability of nutrients

affects the productivity of ecosystems.

How does nutrient

availability relate to the
primary productivity of
an ecosystem?

For corresponding lesson in the

Foundation Edition, see pages 6873.

biogeochemical cycle
nutrient nitrogen xation
denitrication limiting nutrient

Student Resources

Taking Notes

Spanish Study Workbook, 3.4 Worksheets

Outline Make an outline using

the green and blue headings in
this lesson. Fill in details as you
read to help you organize the



FIGURE 313 Nutrients are

recycled through biogeochemical

cycles. These cycles are powered
by the one-way ow of energy
through the biosphere.
Use Analogies How is the
water owing over the water
wheel similar to the ow of
energy in the biosphere?

of Matt

Study Workbooks A and B, 3.4 Worksheets

Lesson Overview Lesson Notes

Activities: InterActive Art, Visual Analogy
Assessment: Self-Test, Lesson Assessment

Have students examine Figure 313 and explain

how the ow of energy and cycles of matter are

FIGURE 313 Sample answer: Like the water over
the wheel, energy has a one-way flow through the
biosphere; it isnt recycled the way that matter is.


Lesson 3.4

Lesson Overview

Lesson Notes



0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S4.indd 79

6/9/09 1:27:01 PM

Teach for Understanding

ENDURING UNDERSTANDING The existence of life on Earth depends on interactions


B.2, C.4.a, C.4.d, C.4.e, C.5.e, C.5.f, D.2, F.3, F.4

among organisms and between organisms and their environment.

GUIDING QUESTION Why is the cycling of matter important to life on Earth?
EVIDENCE OF UNDERSTANDING After completing the lesson, give students the

following assessment to show they understand how matter is cycled through the
biosphere. Have each student make a poster that details one of the cycles discussed
in this lesson. Tell them to be as creative as they can, but specify that all of the
different processes associated with the cycle should be accurately depicted. Have
students share their posters with one another.

The Biosphere



Getting Started


Biological Processes


There are many ways in which the processes

involved in biogeochemical cycles can be classied. Here, we will use the following guidelines:

Biological Processes Biological processes

consist of any and all activities performed by
living organisms. These processes include eating,
breathing, burning food, and eliminating waste

Lead a Discussion
As a class, discuss the different types of processes
that cycle matter through the biosphere. Take a minute to talk about why human activity is discussed
separately from biological processes.
Ask Why would the breakdown of rock by ocean
waves be considered a geological process, but the
breakdown of rock by tree roots be considered a biological process? (because the latter involves a living

Geological Processes

Chemical and Physical Processes Chemical

and physical processes include the formation of
clouds and precipitation, the ow of running
water, and the action of lightning.
Human Activity Human activities that affect
cycles of matter on a global scale include the mining and burning of fossil fuels, the clearing of land
for building and farming, the burning of forests,
and the manufacture and use of fertilizers.

Chemical and Physical Processes

ELL English Language Learners Before students
read through the lesson and begin discussing the
content, prepare a handout that lists the Key Questions and their answers. Be sure the answers are
presented in simple sentences. Have students review
the handout and underline any unfamiliar words.
Then, have them use the Glossary or a dictionary to
nd the meaning of unfamiliar words. After students
complete the lesson, have them work with a partner to review the handout by asking and answering
the questions.
LPR Less Procient Readers Suggest students use
the visuals as a reference while you discuss the different ways matter cycles through the biosphere. Talk
about why each photo is a good representation of
the type of process it is showing.

Ask Why might human activities be considered a

separate category from other biological processes
involving living organisms? (because human activities
have such a large impact on the ecosystem beyond
the simple acts of eating, respiring, and eliminating
As students work through the lesson, suggest they
take note of how humans inuence different biogeochemical cycles.

Geological Processes Geological processes

include volcanic eruptions, the formation and
breakdown of rock, and major movements of
matter within and below the surface of the earth.

Human Activity

These processes, shown in Figure 314, pass

the same atoms and molecules around again
and again. Imagine, for a moment, that you are
a carbon atom in a molecule of carbon dioxide
that has just been shot out of a volcano. The leaf
of a blueberry bush in a nearby mountain range
absorbs you during photosynthesis. You become
part of a carbohydrate molecule in a blueberry. A
caribou eats the fruit, and within a few hours, you
pass out of the animals body. You are soon swallowed by a dung beetle, which gets eaten by a hungry shrew. You are combined into the body tissues
of the shrew, which is then eaten by an owl. You
are released back into the atmosphere when the
owl exhales carbon dioxide, dissolve in a drop of
rainwater, and ow through a river into the ocean.
This could just be part of the never-ending
cycle of a carbon atom through the biosphere.
Carbon atoms in your body may once have been
part of a rock on the ocean oor, the tail of a dinosaur, or even part of a historical gure such as
Julius Caesar!
FIGURE 314 Biogeochemical Processes Cycles of

matter involve biological, geological, chemical, and

human factors.

80 Chapter 3 Lesson 4

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Quick Facts

Huge quantities of water cycle between Earths surface and atmosphere. Hydrologists
estimate that about 577,000 cubic kilometers of water evaporate from Earths surface
(ocean and land surfaces combined) and enter the atmosphere each year. Considering all forms of precipitation, about 80 percent falls on oceans and about 20 percent
on land. However, this same proportion does not hold true for water that evaporates
from Earths surface: approximately 505,000 cubic kilometers (88 percent) of the
water in the atmosphere comes from oceans and only about 72,000 cubic kilometers
(12 percent) from land. The reason for the difference in proportions is simple: about a
third of the precipitation that falls on land runs off into streams and rivers and is carried to oceans annually.


Chapter 3 Lesson 4

6/2/09 6:07:09 PM

How does water cycle through the biosphere?

Every time you see rain or snow, or watch a river ow, you are witWater continuously moves between
nessing part of the water cycle.
the oceans, the atmosphere, and landsometimes outside living
organisms and sometimes inside them. As Figure 315 shows, water
molecules typically enter the atmosphere as water vapor, a gas, when
they evaporate from the ocean or other bodies of water. Water can also
enter the atmosphere by evaporating from the leaves of plants in the
process of transpiration (tran spuh ray shun).
Water vapor may be transported by winds over great distances. If
the air carrying it cools, water vapor condenses into tiny droplets that
form clouds. When the droplets become large enough, they fall to
Earths surface as precipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
On land, some precipitation ows along the surface in what scientists
call runoff, until it enters a river or stream that carries it to an ocean or
lake. Precipitation can also be absorbed into the soil and is then called
groundwater. Groundwater can enter plants through their roots, or
ow into rivers, streams, lakes, or oceans. Some groundwater penetrates deeply enough into the ground to become part of underground
reservoirs. Water that re-enters the atmosphere through transpiration
or evaporation begins the cycle anew.
In Your Notebook Dene each of the following terms and
describe how they relate to the water cycle: evaporation, transpiration,
precipitation, and runoff.

Water from
oceans and
and then
condenses to
form clouds.

Use Visuals
Have students use Figure 315 to visualize the paths
that water molecules can take in the water cycle.
Ask How are transpiration and evaporation similar?
( Transpiration and evaporation are processes by
which water enters the atmosphere.)
Ask How are transpiration and evaporation different? ( Transpiration is a biological process; evaporation is a physical/chemical process.)
Ask Do water molecules always follow the same
steps though the water cycle? (No, there is not a
single series of steps in the water cycle.)
FIGURE 315 The Water Cycle This

diagram shows the main processes

involved in the water cycle. Scientists
estimate that it can take a single water
molecule as long as 4000 years to
complete one cycle. Interpret Visuals
What are the two primary ways
in which water that falls to Earth
as precipitation passes through the
water cycle?

Water (H2O gas)


L3 Advanced Students Have students write a

paragraph describing how humans and other land
animals are involved in the water cycle. In particular,
have students consider the role of respiration, a process by which water vapor is released into the air.

Students can see an animation

of the water cycle in InterActive Art: The
Water Cycle.

Water falls to
the surface as
Surface runoff
leads through
rivers to lakes
and oceans.
Some water
seeps into the
ground and

is taken up by
plant roots and
then, through
released to the




Lesson 3.4

InterActive Art

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S4.indd 3


6/2/09 6:07:14 PM

Check for Understanding



Give each student an index card. Ask students to write one concept about the water
cycle that they understand on the front of the card. Have them identify something
about the water cycle that they do not understand, and write it on the back of the
card in the form of a question.

FIGURE 315 Water that falls as precipitation moves

to rivers, lakes, and oceans as surface runoff or seeps
into the ground and becomes groundwater.


Read over students cards to identify concepts about the water cycle that are causing
confusion for one or more students. Write these topics on the board. Have students
use their texts to nd facts, lesson vocabulary terms, Key Questions, or other information relevant to each topic. Ask volunteers to share what they have learned with the
class, and record their input on the board.

IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Evaporation is the process by

which water changes from a liquid to a vapor. Water
that evaporates enters the atmosphere. Transpiration
is the evaporation of water from plant leaves.
Precipitation occurs when water in the atmosphere
condenses and falls to Earths surface. Runoff is
precipitation that flows along Earths surface.

The Biosphere



The Water Cycle



Nutrient Cycles
What is the importance of the main nutrient cycles?
The chemical substances that an organism needs to sustain life are
Every organism needs nutrients to build tissues
called nutrients.
and carry out life functions. Like water, nutrients pass through
organisms and the environment through biogeochemical cycles. The
three pathways, or cycles that move carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus through the biosphere are especially critical for life.
Another element, oxygen, participates in parts of the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles by combining with these elements and
cycling with them through parts of their journeys. Oxygen gas in the
atmosphere is released by one of the most important of all biological
activities: photosynthesis. Oxygen is used in respiration by all multicellular forms of life, and many single-celled organisms as well.


Build Reading Skills

Explain that the information about the carbon cycle
on this page is also contained in Figure 317 on the
next page. As students read the lesson, have them
refer to the gure as each process in the carbon cycle
is described.

English Language Learners Have students
practice pronouncing terms associated with the carbon cycle by having them provide an answer to the
following question aloud:

Ask What are some compounds and materials that

carbon is a part of? (Sample answers: carbon dioxide, calcium carbonate, fossil fuels, carbonate rocks,
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids)

FIGURE 316 Oxygen in the

Biosphere The oxygen contained in

the carbon dioxide exhaled by this
bighorn sheep may be taken up by
producers and re-released as oxygen
gas. Together, respiration and
photosynthesis contribute to oxygens
cycling through the biosphere.

Address Misconceptions
Conservation of Matter Students might not understand that matterlike energyis conserved in
the biosphere. Explain that atoms cannot be created or destroyed. They are instead combined and
recombined with other atoms to form different compounds. To help, refer students to the last two paragraphs on page 80, which describe how a carbon
molecule may cycle through the biosphere.

BUILD Vocabulary
accumulate means to collect or
gather. Carbon accumulates, or
collects, in soil and in the oceans
where it cycles among organisms
or is turned into fossil fuels.

The Carbon Cycle Carbon is a major component of all organic compounds, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
In fact, carbon is such a key ingredient of living tissue and ecosystems
that life on Earth is often described as carbon-based life. Carbon in
the form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is an important component of
many different kinds of animal skeletons and is also found in several
kinds of rocks. Carbon and oxygen form carbon dioxide gas (CO2),
which is an important component of the atmosphere and is dissolved
in oceans.
Some carbon-containing compounds that were once part of ancient
forests have been buried and transformed by geological processes into
coal. The bodies of marine organisms containing carbon have been
transformed into oil or natural gas. Coal, oil, and natural gas are often
referred to as fossil fuels because they are essentially fossilized carbon.
Major reservoirs of carbon in the biosphere include the atmosphere,
oceans, rocks, fossil fuels, and forests.
Figure 317 shows how carbon moves through the biosphere. Carbon dioxide is continuously exchanged between the atmosphere and
oceans through chemical and physical processes. Plants take in carbon
dioxide during photosynthesis and use the carbon to build carbohydrates. Carbohydrates then pass through food webs to consumers.
Many animalsboth on land and in the seacombine carbon with
calcium and oxygen as the animals build skeletons of calcium carbonate. Organisms release carbon in the form of carbon dioxide gas by
respiration. Also, when organisms die, decomposers break down the
bodies, releasing carbon to the environment. Geologic forces can turn
accumulated carbon into carbon-containing rocks or fossil fuels. Carbon
dioxide is released into the atmosphere by volcanic activity or by human
activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and the clearing and burning
of forests.

82 Chapter 3 Lesson 4

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S4.indd 4

Quick Facts

According to Climate Change 2007, a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change (IPCC), the biospheres total carbon poolthe total mass of carbon
atomsis estimated to be approximately 44,750 metric gigatons. (1 metric gigaton
equals 109 metric tons.) Of that total, about 85 percent is contained in Earths oceans
and marine biota. About 8 percent of the carbon pool is contained in fossil fuels.
About 5 percent is contained in vegetation, soil, and detritus. Only about 1 percent of
the carbon pool is in the atmosphere and less than 1 percent is contained in surface


Chapter 3 Lesson 4

6/2/09 6:07:20 PM

Use Visuals

Geological activity
releases CO2.

Carbon (CO2 gas)

Have students use Figure 317 to distinguish the

biological, human, geological, and physical/chemical
processes that are involved in the carbon cycle.
Point out that each set of processes is designated
by arrows of a specic color in the gure. (The
same colors are used in Figures 314, 315, 318,
and 319.)

CO2 dissolves
in rainwater.
Burning of forests
and fossil fuels
releases CO2.

CO2 dissolves in
oceans and returns
to the atmosphere.


CO2 is taken up by
producers during
photosynthesis and
released by cellular
respiration. Consumers
eat producers and
release CO2 through
cellular respiration.

Fossil Fuels
(coal, oil, and
natural gas)

Decomposition, pressure,
and heat turn organic
matter to fossil fuel over
millions of years.

Ask Why does the process of fossil fuel formation

start as a biological process and end as geological one? (because geological forces turn biological,
or organic matter, into carbon-containing rocks or
fossil fuels)
Ask How are human activities affecting carbon reservoirs? (Human activities are taking carbon from fossil
fuels and forests and adding it to the atmosphere.)

Dissolved CO2


Carbon in
Marine Sediments

Scientists know a great deal about the biological, geological, chemical, and human processes that are involved in the carbon cycle, but
important questions remain. How much carbon moves through each
pathway? How do ecosystems respond to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration? How much carbon dioxide can the ocean
absorb? Later in this unit, you will learn why answers to these questions
are so important.
In Your Notebook Describe one biological, one geological, one
chemical, and one human activity that is involved in the carbon cycle.


Geological activity
turns marine
sediments into rock.

L1 Struggling Students Some students might

be overwhelmed by the complexity of the carbon
cycle. Divide the class into four groups, and assign
each group one of the four sets of processes in the
diagram (biological, human, geological, or physical/chemical). Have students in each group work
together to become experts on their assigned portion of the carbon cycle. Then, have each group give
a brief presentation to share its expertise with the
rest of the class.

FIGURE 317 The Carbon Cycle

Carbon is found in several large

reservoirs in the biosphere. In the
atmosphere, it is found as carbon
dioxide gas (CO2); in the oceans, as
dissolved carbon dioxide; on land,
in organisms, rocks, and soil; and
underground, as coal, petroleum, and
calcium carbonate. Interpret Visuals
What is one of the processes that takes
carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere?

The Biosphere 83

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Check for Understanding


Give students about a minute to write a short paragraph explaining why the carbon cycle is important for sustaining life on Earth. (Paragraphs should mention
that carbon is a major component of organisms and is important in the process of

If students responses reveal confusion about the importance of the carbon cycle,
suggest they work in pairs to review the information on the carbon cycle. Then, have
pairs write a new, more comprehensive explanation of why the carbon cycle is important for life.

FIGURE 317 Sample answer: Photosynthesis is
a process that takes carbon dioxide out of the
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Sample answer: Photosynthesis
is a biological activity that removes carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere; volcanic activity is a geologic
process that releases carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere; dissolving is a physical/chemical process
that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere;
and burning of fossil fuels is a human activity that
releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The Biosphere







Lead a Discussion
Have students use the information in Figure 318 to
review the nitrogen cycle.
Ask How do humans affect the nitrogen cycle?
(Humans take nitrogen gas from the atmosphere to
create fertilizers. When these fertilizers are applied
to crops, excess can wash into rivers, streams, and
oceans, resulting in increased nitrogen levels.)
Ask What biological process converts nitrogen gas to
ammonia? (nitrogen fixation)

L1 Special Needs Ask the following questions to
help students focus on the importance of cycling of
matter to life on Earth.

Ask Why do living things need nitrogen? (Nitrogen

is used to make proteins, which are a part of living
things bodies.)
Ask What would happen if the processes in the
nitrogen cycle stopped? (The nitrogen that living
things need would not be available, and living things
would die as a result.)

Since human activity hasnt changed

much, something else must be adding
nitrogen to the bay. Using Figure 318,
lead students to conclude that the bacteria that x
nitrogen have increased, leading to an increase in
nitrogen in the bay. Students can go online to to gather their evidence.

Nitrogen (N2 gas)

N2 gas is turned
into fertilizer and
applied to crops.
Excess may wash
into rivers, streams,
and the ocean as
Bacteria fix
N2 gas.

Some N2 gas is
fixed by lightning.

Bacteria release
N2 gas through


Bacteria fix
N2 gas.




Dissolved Nitrogen

Soil Nitrogen
(NH3, NO2,


FIGURE 318 The Nitrogen Cycle

The atmosphere is the largest

reservoir of nitrogen in the biosphere.
Nitrogen also cycles through the
soil and through the tissues of living
organisms. Interpret Visuals
Through which two processes does
nitrogen gas get converted into
usable forms for organisms?

Recently, researchers
discovered that levels
of dissolved nitrogen in
the bay have increased.
Given that human activity
hasnt changed much,
which organisms in the
bay do you think might
be responsible?



Nitrogen is taken up by primary producers,

reused by consumers, and released by
excretion and decomposing matter.

The Nitrogen Cycle All organisms require nitrogen to make amino

acids, which are used to build nucleic acids, which combine to form
DNA, RNA, and proteins. Many different forms of nitrogen occur
naturally in the biosphere. Nitrogen gas (N2) makes up 78 percent of
Earths atmosphere. Nitrogen-containing substances such as ammonia
(NH3), nitrate ions (NO3), and nitrite ions (NO2) are found in soil,
in the wastes produced by many organisms, and in dead and decaying
organic matter. Dissolved nitrogen also exists in several forms in the
ocean and other large water bodies. Figure 318 shows how different
forms of nitrogen cycle through the biosphere.
Although nitrogen gas is the most abundant form of nitrogen on
Earth, only certain types of bacteria can use this form directly. These
bacteria live in the soil and on the roots of certain plants, such as peanuts and peas, called legumes. The bacteria convert nitrogen gas into
ammonia, in a process known as nitrogen xation. Other soil bacteria
convert that xed nitrogen into nitrates and nitrites. Once these forms
of nitrogen are available, primary producers can use them to make
proteins and nucleic acids. Consumers eat the producers and reuse
nitrogen to make their own nitrogen-containing compounds. Decomposers release nitrogen from waste and dead organisms as ammonia,
nitrates, and nitrites that producers may take up again. Other soil
bacteria obtain energy by converting nitrates into nitrogen gas, which
is released into the atmosphere in a process called denitrication.
A relatively small amount of nitrogen gas is converted to usable forms
by lightning in a process called atmospheric nitrogen xation. Humans
add nitrogen to the biosphere through the manufacture and use of fertilizers. Excess fertilizer is often carried into surface water or groundwater
by precipitation.

84 Chapter 3 Lesson 4

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S4.indd 6

Quick Facts

FIGURE 318 Bacteria convert nitrogen gas to
ammonia through the process of nitrogen xation.
This ammonia is converted to nitrates and nitrites.
Lightning also xes nitrogen gas.


Chapter 3 Lesson 4

Nitrogen is abundant in the atmosphere; in fact, it makes up 78 percent of Earths

atmosphere. However, usable forms of nitrogen are scarce in ecosystems. The reason
for this is the structure of N2 gas. It is held together by triple covalent bonds that
lightning and certain bacteria can break. Bacteria that x nitrogen use nitrogenase,
an enzyme, to break the covalent bonds in N2 molecules and produce a form of nitrogen that living things can use. Nitrogenase can function only when it is isolated from
oxygen. On land, nitrogen-xing bacteria are found in the oxygen-excluding environments of root nodules or insulating slime on plant roots. In aquatic ecosystems,
cyanobacteria, the primary nitrogen-xers, have specialized cells called heterocysts
that exclude oxygen.

6/2/09 6:07:35 PM

Phosphorus is mined, turned into fertilizer,

and applied to crops. Excess may wash into
rivers, streams, and the ocean as runoff.


Connect to the Real World

Tell students that at one time, phosphates were an
important component of most laundry detergents
used in the United States.


Phosphate Rock


Geological activity
washes phosphates
from rock into the


Phosphorus is taken up by primary

producers, reused by consumers,
and released by excretion and
decomposing matter.

Ask If wastewater containing phosphates from laundry detergent made its way into waterways, such as
streams, rivers, and lakes, how would that affect the
phosphorus cycle? (It would result in an increase in
phosphates in water ecosystems.)


Phosphates in
Marine Sediments

The Phosphorus Cycle Phosphorus is essential to living organisms

because it forms a part of vital molecules such as DNA and RNA.
Although phosphorus is of great biological importance, it is not
abundant in the biosphere. Unlike carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen,
phosphorus does not enter the atmosphere in signicant amounts.
Instead, phosphorus in the form of inorganic phosphate remains
mostly on land, in the form of phosphate rock and soil minerals, and
in the ocean, as dissolved phosphate and phosphate sediments, as seen
in Figure 319.
As rocks and sediments gradually wear down, phosphate is released.
Some phosphate stays on land and cycles between organisms and soil.
Plants bind phosphate into organic compounds when they absorb it
from soil or water. Organic phosphate moves through the food web,
from producers to consumers, and to the rest of the ecosystem. Other
phosphate washes into rivers and streams, where it dissolves. This
phosphate may eventually makes its way to the ocean, where marine
organisms process and incorporate it into biological compounds.

Geological activity
turns marine sediments
into rock.

Ask What is one other way human activity affects

the phosphorus cycle? ( The application of fertilizers
that contain phosphorus can increase phosphates in
aquatic ecosystems.)

FIGURE 319 The Phosphorus

Cycle Phosphorus in the biosphere

cycles among the land, ocean
sediments, and living organisms.
Unlike other nutrients, phosphorus is
not found in signicant quantities in
the atmosphere.

LPR Less Procient Readers Have students use

the arrows and embedded labels in Figure 319 to
help them answer the following questions about the
effects of phosphate-laden laundry detergents.

Ask If phosphates were still part of laundry detergent, what color arrow would be used in the diagram to show the ow of phosphates from laundry
detergent into waterways? Why? (Orange, because
orange arrows are used to show how human activity
impacts the phosphorus cycle.)
Ask What would you add to the visual to show how
phosphates from laundry detergent entered the
phosphorus cycle? (I would draw an orange arrow
coming from human homes and entering the river. I
would label this arrow to explain how laundry wastewater carried phosphates into waterways.)

Nutrient Limitation
How does nutrient availability relate to the primary productivity
of an ecosystem?

L3 Advanced Students Have students research

the impact that phosphates in laundry detergent had
on aquatic ecosystems. Also, have them learn about
government and industry actions that eliminated
most phosphates from laundry detergents. Ask students to prepare a presentation on this topic. Remind
them to relate what they nd out to the information
about the phosphate cycle in the text.

Ecologists are often interested in an ecosystems primary productivity

the rate at which primary producers create organic material.
ample sunlight and water are available, the primary productivity of
an ecosystem may be limited by the availability of nutrients. If even
a single essential nutrient is in short supply, primary productivity will
be limited. The nutrient whose supply limits productivity is called the
limiting nutrient.
The Biosphere 85

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S4.indd 7

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Check for Understanding

Students can see how the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles are
connected in the Visual Analogy: Interlocking Nutrient Cycles.


Have students write an acrostic poem based on the term nutrient. Help them get
started by writing the term nutrient on the board vertically. Explain that each letter
in the term should be used as the beginning letter of a sentence that involves lesson
concepts. For example, the rst sentence might be: Nitrogen cycles between living
and nonliving things. Have students share their completed acrostics with the class.

If responses indicate that students have not mastered lesson concepts, ask them to
review each gure in the lesson with a partner. Then, have a discussion about the
nutrient cycle diagrams.
The Biosphere








Have students examine Figure 320. Tell them that,

like these gears, the nutrient cycles in the biosphere
are interdependent. Explain that, in this analogy, the
slowest-moving gear represents the limiting nutrient
in an ecosystem.

Assess and Remediate





Call on volunteers to name a matter cycle that occurs

in the biosphere. Then, ask additional volunteers to
supply details about that cycle. Continue until each
cycle has been thoroughly described. Then, have students complete the 3.4 Assessment.

FIGURE 320 The movement of each

nutrient through ecosystems depends
on the movements of all the others,
because all are needed for living
systems to function. Use Analogies
If these gears were modeling nutrient
cycling in the ocean, which gear would
typically determine how quicklyor
slowlyall the other gears turn?

L1 Struggling Students If students have difculty
answering Question 5, explain that the chemical
symbol for oxygen is O. Have them use Figure 317
to determine how oxygen atoms move through the
biosphere as part of the carbon cycle.

Students can check their understanding of lesson concepts with the SelfTest assessment. They can then take an online
version of the Lesson Assessment.

FIGURE 320 nitrogen

Nutrient Limitation in Soil In all but the richest soil, the growth of
crop plants is typically limited by one or more nutrients that must
be taken up by plants through their roots. Thats why farmers use
fertilizers! Most fertilizers contain large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which help plants grow better in poor soil.
Micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, and manganese are necessary in relatively small amounts, and these elements are
sometimes included in specialty fertilizers. (Carbon is not included
in chemical fertilizers because plants acquire carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere during photosynthesis.) All nutrient cycles work together
like the gears in Figure 320. If any nutrient is in short supplyif any
wheel sticksthe whole system slows down or stops altogether.
Nutrient Limitation in Aquatic Ecosystems The open oceans of
the world are nutrient-poor compared to many land areas. Seawater
typically contains only 0.00005 percent nitrogen, or 1/10,000 of the
amount often found in soil. In the ocean and other saltwater environments, nitrogen is often the limiting nutrient. In streams, lakes, and
freshwater environments, phosphorus is typically the limiting nutrient.
Sometimes, such as after heavy rains, an aquatic ecosystem receives
a large input of a limiting nutrientfor example, runoff from heavily
fertilized elds. When this happens, the result can be an algal blooma
dramatic increase in the amount of algae and other primary producers.
Why can runoff from fertilized elds produce algal blooms? More nutrients are available, so producers can grow and reproduce more quickly.
If there are not enough consumers to eat the algae, an algal bloom can
occur, in which case algae can cover the waters surface and disrupt the
functioning of an ecosystem.

Review Key Concepts

b. Predict Based on your knowledge of the carbon cycle, what do you think might happen if
humans were to continue to clear and burn vast
areas of forests for building?
4. a. Review Explain how a nutrient can be a
limiting factor in an ecosystem.
b. Apply Concepts Look back at the nitrogen
and phosphorus cycles (Figures 318 and 319).
How is fertilizer runoff related to algal blooms?

1. a. Review How does the way that matter ows

through an ecosystem differ from the way that
energy ows?
b. Apply Concepts What are the four types of
processes that cycle matter through the biosphere? Give an example of each.
2. a. Review By what two processes is water
cycled from land to the atmosphere?
b. Sequence Describe one way in which water
from the ocean may make one complete cycle
through the atmosphere and back to the ocean.
Include the names of each process involved in
your cycle.
3. a. Review Why do living organisms need
Lesson 3.4

5. Describe how oxygen, although it does not
have an independent cycle, moves through
the biosphere as part of the carbon cycle.
Include a description of the various forms
that oxygen
yg takes.


Lesson Assessment Visual Analogy

86 Chapter 3 Lesson 4

Assessment Answers
1a. Matter is recycled through ecosystems; no
new matter is generated. Energy is continually input into ecosystems, and moves
through ecosystems in a one-way path.
1b. Sample answers: biological, such as
respiration; geological, such as volcanic
eruptions; chemical/physical, such as precipitation; human activity, such as burning
fossil fuels
2a. evaporation and transpiration
2b. Sample answer: Water from the ocean
evaporates into the atmosphere. It falls to
land as precipitation, and then flows into
the ocean as surface runoff.


Chapter 3 Lesson 4

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_S4.indd 8

3a. Organisms need nutrients to build tissues

and carry out life functions.
3b. If vast amounts of forests are cleared and
burned, levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide will likely increase.
4a. Most primary producers need sunlight,
water, and nutrients to carry out photosynthesis. If water and sunlight are in ample
supply, it is the amount of nutrients that
limits the primary productivity.
4b. Fertilizer runoff can supply a large amount
of nitrogen and/or phosphorus to an
aquatic ecosystem. The algae in the ecosystem may suddenly have a much larger

6/2/09 6:07:50 PM

supply of the limiting nutrient in the ecosystem, producing an algal bloom.

5. Oxygen is a component of carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere. During the
process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide
is taken up and atmospheric oxygen is
released. During cellular respiration, oxygen
is combined with carbon and released in
the form of carbon dioxide. Oxygen is also
found in calcium carbonate, which is a part
of animal skeletons and some rocks.

Lead a Discussion
Have students recall the three methods used in ecological studies.

Global Ecology
From Space
Can ecologists track plant growth around the
world? Can they follow temperature change in
oceans from day to day, or the amount of polar
ice from year to year? Yes! Satellites can provide
these data, essential for understanding global
ecology. Satellite sensors can be programmed
to scan particular bands of the electromagnetic
spectrum to reveal global patterns of temperature, rainfall, or the presence of plants on land
or algae in the oceans. The resulting false-color
images are both beautiful and lled with vital

Plant and Algal Growth These data were

gathered by NASAs Sea-viewing Wide Field-ofview Sensor (SeaWiFS), which is programmed to
monitor the color of reected light. In the image
below, you can see how actively plants on land
and algae in the oceans were harnessing solar
energy for photosynthesis when these data were
taken. A measurement of photosynthesis gives a
measure of growth rates and the input of energy
and nutrients into the ecosystem.

Ask Would you classify the use of satellite images

to study ecology as observation, experimentation, or
modeling? Explain your response. (Sample answer:
This type of study is observation, because it involves
learning about the biosphere by looking at images,
rather than experimenting or modeling.)
Ask How could the satellite images be used to
develop models? (Sample answer: Scientists might
develop a model that shows changes in polar ice
cover based on satellite observations made over
Ask How could the satellite images be used to make
predictions about future changes on Earth? (Sample
answer: Scientists can use these observations to
identify trends, allowing them to predict changes
that are likely to occur in the future.)

Changes in Polar Ice Cover Sea ice around

the North Pole has been melting more each
summer since satellites began gathering data
in 1979. The image below shows in white the
amount of ice remaining at the end of the summer
in 2007. The amount of ice at the same time of
year for an average year between 1979 and
2007 is shown in green.


On Land Dark green indicates active plant

growth; yellow areas indicate barren deserts or
In the Sea Dark blue indicates very low active
growth of algae. Red indicates the highest active

Visit the Web site for the Goddard

Space Flight Center Scientic Visualization service
and select a set of satellite data to examine. Write
a brief paragraph explaining what you learned
from looking at those data.

L3 Advanced Students Have students research the

use of platform terrestrial transmitter terminals to
track migrating animals. Have them explain how this
technology uses satellites to monitor the movement
of animals, and describe how ecologists can use the
data generated with this technology. Ask students to
share what they learned with the class.

2007 White areas show the average minimum amount

of arctic ice cover at the end of the summer, 2007.
19792007 Green areas show the average minimum
amount of ice cover between 1979 and 2007.
Technology and Biology 87

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How Science Works


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) program to study Earth is
called the Earth Science Enterprise. It includes a series of missions to observe different
aspects of Earth and its systems using satellites. Terra, launched in 1999, is considered
the agship spacecraft of this program. It collects vast quantities of data about
Earths atmosphere, climate, carbon cycle, water cycle, and weather. Many other
missions are a part of the Earth Science Enterprise, including CALIPSO, launched in
2006, which primarily collects data about aerosols and clouds and their relationship
to Earths climate.


Students responses will vary, due to the wide variety

of satellite images available. Encourage students to
explore several sets of images, and to note images
with overlays of graphs that can aid in analysis of
the images.




INQUIRY A.2.b, A.2.c

Technology and Biology






Introduce students to the concepts they will explore
in the chapter lab by assigning the Pre-Lab questions.

Pre-Lab: The Effect of Fertilizer on Algae

Problem How do excess nutrients affect the growth


Chapter 3

of algae?

Materials test tubes, test-tube rack, glass-marking

Tell students they will perform the chapter lab

The Effect of Fertilizer on Algae described in Lab
Manual A.

pencil, dropper pipettes, algae culture, 25-mL graduated

cylinder, spring water, plant food, cotton balls, grow light

L1 Struggling Students A simpler version of the

chapter lab is provided in Lab Manual B.

Lab Manual Chapter 3 Lab


Connect to the
In a healthy ecosystem,
nutrients cycle among primary producers, consumers,
and decomposers. The growth of primary producers
is limited by the availability of nutrients. Humans can
intentionally increase the amount of nutrients in an
ecosystem. For example, farmers may add fertilizer to
the soil in which they grow crops. But the addition of
nutrients to an ecosystem is not always planned. For
example, runoff from soil that contains fertilizer may
ow into coastal waters or freshwater ponds. In this lab,
you will observe what happens when algae that live in
those waters are provided with excess nutrients.

Visit Chapter 3 online to test yourself on chapter

content and to nd activities to help you learn.

Untamed Science Video Help the Untamed

Science crew explore food relationships as they
turn the ecological pyramid upside down.

Skills Predict, Compare and Contrast, Infer

Have students be careful when handling cultures and

glassware. Protective gloves and goggles should be
worn at all times. Make sure students wash hands
thoroughly after the lab.

Look online for Editable Lab


Background Questions

For corresponding pre-lab in the

Foundation Edition, see page 74.

Art in Motion View a short animation showing the

different levels of organization.

Art Review Review your understanding of which

organisms are producers and which are consumers with
this drag-and-drop activity.
InterActive Art Build your understanding of the water
cycle with this animation.

Data Analysis Collect and analyze some data so you

can see how the data is used to monitor a site.

Tutor Tube Get some clarication on producers and

consumers and learn how the ow of matter and energy is not what you may think!
Visual Analogies Compare a recycling center to
decomposers in this activity. Compare nutrient limitation
to a series of cogs in this activity.

a. Review What is a limiting nutrient?

b. Explain Why do farmers use fertilizers?
c. Classify What role do algae play in freshwater


Pre-Lab Questions
Preview the procedure in the lab manual.
1. Design an Experiment What is the independent


variable in this experiment?

2. Predict After four days, how will you be able to tell

which test tube has more algae?


3. Control Variables Why will you grow Chlorella in

CONTENT C.4.a, C.4.d, C.4.e, C.5.b, C.5.e, F.4, F.5


spring water instead of pond water?


88 Chapter 3 Pre-Lab

Pre-Lab Answers

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_LAB.indd 88

a. A limiting nutrient is a chemical substance

that is necessary for life whose supply

determines the primary productivity of an
b. Most fertilizers contain large amounts of

nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which

are essential nutrients for plants.
c. Algae are the main photosynthetic produc-

ers in freshwater ecosystems. They produce

energy-rich compounds that are used by
other organisms.


Chapter 3 Pre-Lab

1. The independent variable is the presence of

2. Sample answer: In the test tube with more

algae, the liquid will have a darker green

color and be less transparent to light.
3. Sample answer: Pond water is likely to con-

tain many species of algae. Using spring

water ensures that both test tubes have
Chlorella, and that neither test tube has a
different algal species.

6/9/09 1:27:40 PM

Study Online
3.3 Energy Flow in Ecosystems

Matter and Energy,

Interdependence in Nature
The biosphere is composed of an ever-changing mix of
living and nonliving components. These components are
constantly interacting to form the environments in which
organisms struggle to survive and reproduce.

3.1 What Is Ecology?

Ecology is the scientic study of interactions
among organisms and between organisms and their
physical environment.
The biological inuences on organisms are called
biotic factors.

Pyramids of energy show the relative amount

of energy available at each trophic level of a food
chain or food web. A pyramid of biomass illustrates
the relative amount of living organic matter available at each trophic level of an ecosystem. A pyramid
of numbers shows the relative number of individual
organisms at each trophic level in an ecosystem.
food chain (73)
phytoplankton (73)
food web (74)
zooplankton (76)

Physical components of an ecosystem are called

abiotic factors.

biosphere (64)
species (64)
population (64)
community (64)
ecology (65)

ecosystem (65)
biome (65)
biotic factor (66)
abiotic factor (66)

3.2 Energy, Producers, and Consumers

Primary producers are the rst producers of
energy-rich compounds that are later used by other
Organisms that rely on other organisms for
energy and nutrients are called consumers.
autotroph (69)
primary producer (69)
photosynthesis (70)
chemosynthesis (70)
heterotroph (71)
consumer (71)

carnivore (71)
herbivore (71)
scavenger (71)
omnivore (71)
decomposer (71)
detritivore (71)

Vocabulary Review The Flash Cards and Match

It provide an interactive way to review chapter

Unlike the one-way ow of energy, matter is

recycled within and between ecosystems.
Water continuously moves between the oceans,
the atmosphere, and landsometimes outside living
organisms and sometimes inside them.
Every organism needs nutrients to build tissues
and carry out life functions. Like water, nutrients pass
through organisms and the environment through
biogeochemical cycles. The carbon, nitrogen, and
phosphorus cycles are especially critical for life.

Chapter Assessment Have students take an online

version of the Chapter 3 Assessment.
Standardized Test Prep Students can take an
online version of the Standardized Test Prep. You will
receive their scores along with ideas for remediation.
Diagnostic and Benchmark Tests Use these tests
to monitor your students progress and supply

If ample sunlight and water are available, the

primary productivity of an ecosystem may be limited
by the availability of nutrients.
biogeochemical cycle (79) denitrication (84)
nutrient (82)
limiting nutrient (85)
nitrogen xation (84)

Think Visually Using information from this chapter,

complete the following owchart:
Solar Energy


Chapter 3

Editable Worksheets Pages of Study Workbooks

A and B, Lab Manuals A and B, and the Assessment
Resources Book are available online. These documents can be easily edited using a word-processing
Lesson Overview Have students reread the Lesson
Overviews to help them study chapter concepts.

trophic level (77)

ecological pyramid (77)
biomass (78)

3.4 Cycles of Matter

Modern ecologists use three methods in their

work: observation, experimentation, and modeling.
Each of these approaches relies on scientic methodology to guide inquiry.



Energy ows through an ecosystem in a one-way

stream, from primary producers to various consumers.

Match It

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_SCA.indd 1

Chapter Assessment



1. Autotroph or Primary Producer

2. Carnivore, Omnivore, or Consumer

3. Decomposer or Detritivore


6/2/09 6:09:03 PM

Performance Tasks
SUMMATIVE TASK Have students imagine they
are museum curators who have been asked
to design an exhibit about the movement
of matter and energy in ecosystems. Explain
that the exhibit must consist of three separate
displays, each of which can be designed
in any way they choose. Have them write
a paragraph describing each of the three
displays they would design. Then, have them
write a paragraph summarizing the display as

a whole. Have students consider the scientic

terms and concepts each display will introduce
as they write their descriptions. Encourage
them to include sketches or diagrams with
their paragraphs.
TRANSFER TASK Have students write a short

story from the point of view of a producer

in an ecosystem. The story should be at least
one page in length and include the following
concepts in a creative and scientically
accurate way.

What interactions occur between the

producer and the other living things in
the ecosystem?
What interactions occur between the
producer and the nonliving things in
the ecosystem?
What role does the producer serve in
the movement of matter and energy in
the ecosystem?

The Biosphere



3 Study Guide


3 Assessment

Lesson 3.1

3.1 What Is Ecology?


1. c

2. b

3. individual organism, population, community,

ecosystem, biome, biosphere
4. Ecologists use modeling to study events that
occur over such long periods of time or such
large areas that they are difficult to study
5. Sample answer: An adult frog eats insects,
therefore, frogs influence the insects in their

Understand Key Concepts

1. All of life on Earth exists in
a. an ecosystem.
c. the biosphere.
b. a biome.
d. ecology.

7. Students questions should indicate they would

look for biotic and abiotic factors that might
have changed, such as land use around the
pond, annual rainfall, and runoff patterns.

that live together in a dened area?

a. a population
c. an ecosystem
b. a community
d. a biosphere

8. c

9. c

the biosphere, from smallest to largest.

4. How do ecologists use modeling?

inuence the organisms in an ecosystem.

Think Critically
6. Design an Experiment Ecologists have dis-

covered that the seeds of many plants that grow

in forests cannot germinate unless they have
been exposed to re. Design an experiment to
test whether a particular plant has seeds with this
requirement. Include your hypothesis statement,
a description of control and experimental groups,
and an outline of your procedure.
7. Pose Questions You live near a pond that you

have observed for years. One year you notice the

water is choked with a massive overgrowth of
green algae. What are some of the questions you
might have about this unusual growth?

3.2 Energy, Producers, and Consumers

10. d

11. Chemosynthesis is a process in which chemical

energy is used to produce carbohydrates.

1 2. earthworm, detritivore; bear, omnivore; cow,

herbivore; snail, detritivore; owl, carnivore;
human, omnivore
13. Sample answer: Organic matter may enter
the caves from outside via water or animals
that come in from outside. There may also be
chemosynthetic bacteria in the cave.





3. Name the different levels of organization within

Lesson 3.2


2. Which term describes a group of different species

5. Give an example of how a biotic factor might

6. Students hypotheses and experimental designs

may vary. Experiments should include controls.
For example, students might suggest that a
set of seeds be divided into two groupsone
exposed to high heat and one not exposed to
high heat. All other conditions should be kept
the same. Then, the germination rates of the
two groups can be compared.

9. Which of the following organisms is a

Understand Key Concepts

8. Primary producers are organisms that
a. rely on other organisms for their energy and
food supply.
b. consume plant and animal remains and other
dead matter.
c. use energy they take in from the environment
to convert inorganic molecules into complex
organic molecules.
d. obtain energy by eating only plants.

10. Which of the following describes how ALL con-

sumers get their energy?

a. directly from the sun
b. from eating primary producers
c. from inorganic chemicals like hydrogen sulde
d. from eating organisms that are living or were
once living
11. What is chemosynthesis?

Think Critically
12. Classify Classify each of the following as an herbivore, a carnivore, an omnivore, or a detritivore:
earthworm, bear, cow, snail, owl, human.
13. Form a Hypothesis People who explore caves
where there is running water but no sunlight
often nd them populated with unique types of
shes and insects. What hypothesis can you make
to explain the ultimate source of energy for these

3.3 Energy Flow in Ecosystems

Understand Key Concepts
14. The series of steps in which a large sh eats a
small sh that has eaten algae is a
a. food web.
c. pyramid of numbers.
b. food chain.
d. pyramid of biomass.
15. The total amount of living tissue at each trophic

level in an ecosystem can be shown in a(n)

a. energy pyramid.
c. biomass pyramid.
b. pyramid of numbers. d. biogeochemical cycle.

90 Chapter 3 Assessment

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_SCA.indd 90

Lesson 3.3

14. b

15. c


16. primary producers

17. Most of the energy organisms consume is used for life processes or
released into the environment as heat,
which leaves only about 10 percent
of the energy available to the next
trophic level.


Chapter 3 Assessment

6/3/09 4:00:31 PM

18. Accept all logical food chains that

begin with a producer and end with
the student.
19. Sample answer: grass, caterpillar, bird,
fox; grass, mouse, hawk; grass, mouse,
fox; tree, deer, cougar

3.4 Cycles of Matter

After students have read through

the Chapter Mystery, discuss
interactions of organisms and the

According to one hypothesis, rising

water temperatures have caused most of the
changes reported in Narragansett Bay. The bays
temperature has risen more than 1.5C (3F)
since 1960. This warmth encourages bluesh
to stay in the bay later in the fall. It also allows
predatory warm-water shrimp to remain in the
bay all winter, feeding on baby ounder. Warmer
water also enables zooplankton to graze heavily
on marine algae. This eliminates the late-winter
algal bloom whose primary production used to
provide organic carbon to the entire food web.
Those food web changes, in turn, seem to
be driving unexpected shifts in the activities
of bacteria that transform nitrogen. When the
spring bloom provided organic carbon, bacteria
denitried the water, releasing nitrogen into the
atmosphere. Now, the bacterial community has
changed and actually xes nitrogen, bringing
more of it into the water. It is still not clear what
this change means for the long-term health of
the bay and adjacent coastal waters.
1. Compare and Contrast Compare the

original situation in the bay with the current

situation, taking note of changes in both the
food web and the nitrogen cycle.

Understand Key Concepts

20. Nutrients move through an ecosystem in
a. biogeochemical cycles.
b. water cycles.
c. energy pyramids.
d. ecological pyramids.

2. Infer Narragansett Bay harbors sea jellies that

21. Which biogeochemical cycle does NOT include a

major path in which the substance cycles through

the atmosphere?
a. water cycle
c. nitrogen cycle
b. carbon cycle
d. phosphorus cycle
22. List two ways in which water enters the

atmosphere in the water cycle.

23. Explain the process of nitrogen xation.
24. What is meant by nutrient limitation?

Chapter 3

prefer warm water and have previously been

present only in summer and early fall. These
sea jellies eat sh eggs, sh larvae, and zooplankton. If the bay continues to warm, what
do you think might happen to the population
of sea jellies in the bay? What might that mean
for the organisms the jellies feed on?
3. Connect to the

Explain how
the Narragansett Bay example demonstrates
interconnections among members of a food
web and abiotic environmental factors. Can
you nd similar studies in other aquatic habitats, such as Chesapeake Bay, the Everglades, or
the Mississippi River delta? Explain.

Untamed Science Video

Chapter Mystery

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_SCA.indd 91


Ask A change in which abiotic factor triggered the

series of changes described in the Chapter Mystery?
(water temperature)
Ask What is an example of an interaction between
two living things in Narragansett Bay that changed
as a result of the change in water temperature?
(Sample answer: Warm water shrimp now stay in the
bay all winter, feeding on baby flounder.)
Ask What is an example of an interaction between a
living thing and a nonliving thing that has occurred
as a result of the increase in water temperature?
(Bacteria in the bay now fix nitrogen, rather than
denitrifying the water.)

1. Many factors have changed in Narragansett

Bay. The water temperature has risen, which
has allowed bluefish to stay in the bay later in
the year than they used to. It has also permitted
shrimp to remain in the bay and feed on baby
flounder all year round, which likely decreases
the flounder population. The late-winter algae
bloom no longer occurs, eliminating a food
source for the entire ecosystem. Organisms in
the bay used to consume nitrogen that flowed
into the bay; now the bacteria in the bay fix
2. Sample answer: If the water temperature rises,
sea jellies might arrive in the bay earlier in the
year and stay later in the fall. They would feed
on fish eggs, fish larvae, and zooplankton and
would likely cause the populations of these
organisms to decrease in the bay.

The Narragansett Bay example shows

how a change in an abiotic factor
water temperatureaffects the living
things in the ecosystem. In other aquatic habitats, abiotic factors also affect biotic factors.
Check that students have found similar studies in
other locations.

6/3/09 4:00:48 PM

Lesson 3.4

20. a



21. d

22. evaporation and transpiration

23. Bacteria that live in the soil and on roots
of plants called legumes convert nitrogen gas into ammonia. Some nitrogen
is also fixed by lightning.
24. Nutrient limitation is the concept that,
if ample sunlight and water are available, the primary productivity of an
ecosystem may be limited by the availability of nutrients.


25. The fertilizer was carried into the

stream by runoff, which prompted the
increased growth of algae. The algae
disrupted the ecosystem in a way that
caused the fish to die.
26. Students flowcharts will vary, depending on the organisms included in
the food chain. Students responses
should also include a description of
decomposers breaking down the dead
organic matter when a top-level carnivore dies, which releases the nitrogen
in the carnivores body.

In the short video

Natures Tangled
Web, the crew of
Untamed Science explores feeding relationships and
discovers how organisms at the bottom of food
chains inuence those at the top.

The Biosphere



Think Critically
16. Which group of organisms is always found at the
base of a food chain or food web?
17. Apply Concepts Why is the transfer of energy
in a food chain usually only about 10 percent
18. Use Models Describe a food chain of which
you are a member. You may draw or use words
to describe the chain.
19. Use Models Create owcharts that show four
different food chains in the food web shown

Connecting Concepts

27. Productivity increases.

28. Students graphs should show productivity leveling out as rainfall increases between 4000 mm
and 6000 mm. Student explanations should
state that, beyond 4000 mm, something other
than rainfall will begin to limit productivity in
the ecosystem.
29. Sample answer: amount of sunlight, availability
of nutrients

30. Answers will vary. Students should name and

define the levels of organization including individual organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere. Students might
choose any of the levels to study. They should
describe how their chosen level can be studied
using observation, experimentation, or modeling. The reason for the choice of method should
be logical and supported in a way that suggests
an understanding of that method.
31. Organic compounds, such as proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and fats, contain elements
such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Atoms of these elements must be available
to organisms, or organic compounds cannot be
synthesized. The carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles move these atoms through ecosystems, making them available to living things.

Sample answer: Carbon is found in the

molecules that make up living things.
Therefore, it is a part of the biotic factors in an ecosystem, and moves through the
ecosystem in food chains and food webs.
Carbon is also present as part of soil and air,
and therefore, is an abiotic factor in ecosystems
as well.

27. Interpret Graphs What happens to productivity

25. Form a Hypothesis Ecologists discovered that

trout were dying in a stream that ran through

some farmland where nitrogen fertilizer was
used on the crops. How might you explain
what happened?
26. Apply Concepts Using a owchart, trace the

ow of energy in a simple marine food chain.

Then, show where nitrogen is cycled through
the chain when the top-level carnivore dies and
is decomposed.

Connecting Concepts
Use Science Graphics
The graph below shows the effect of annual rainfall on
the rate of primary productivity in an ecosystem. Use the
graph to answer questions 2729.
The Effect of Rainfall on Plant Productivity
Rate of Plant
Tissue Production
(g/m 2 per year)


Think Critically


as rainfall increases?
28. Predict What do you think the graph would look

like if the x-axis were extended out to 6000 mm?

Represent your prediction in a graph and explain
your answer.
29. Apply Concepts What factors other than water

might affect primary productivity?

Write About Science

30. Explanation Write a paragraph that (1) names
and denes the levels of organization that an
ecologist studies; (2) identies the level that you
would choose to study if you were an ecologist;
(3) describes the method or methods you would
use to study this level; and (4) gives a reason for
your choice of method or methods.
31. Description Describe how biogeochemical cycles
provide organisms with the raw materials necessary to synthesize complex organic compounds.
Refer back to Chapter 2 for help in answering
this question.
32. Assess the

Explain how an
element like carbon can be included in both the
biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem.






Average Annual Rainfall (mm)

Samples of ocean water are taken at different depths,

and the amount of oxygen in the water at each depth
is measured. The results are shown in the table.
Concentration of Oxygen
Depth of Sample (m)

Oxygen Concentration (ppm)














33. Interpret Tables Which of the following is the

best description of what happens to the amount

of available oxygen as you get deeper in the
a. Available oxygen decreases at a constant rate.
b. Available oxygen increases at a constant rate.
c. Available oxygen remains steady until about
100 m, then drops rapidly.
d. Oxygen is available at all ocean depths.
34. Draw Conclusions Light can penetrate to only

a depth of between 50 and 100 m in most ocean

water. What effect does this have on the waters
oxygen concentration? Explain.

92 Chapter 3 Assessment

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_SCA.indd 92

PURPOSE Students will analyze data to

understand the relationship between
the depth of ocean water and its
oxygen concentration.
PLANNING Explain that the abbreviation
ppm means parts per million, a unit
that is used to express concentration.


Chapter 3 Assessment

6/3/09 2:49:15 PM


33. c
34. The depth to which light can penetrate limits the depths at which photosynthetic organisms can be found.
Photosynthetic organisms produce
oxygen, so their presence increases
oxygen concentrations at the depths
where they are found, in this case to
about 100 m.

Multiple Choice
1. A group of individuals that belong to a single species

and that live together in a dened area is termed a(n)

A population.
C community.
B ecosystem.
D biome.


Questions 78

1. A

The diagrams below represent the amount of biomass

and the numbers of organisms in an ecosystem.

2. C
3. D

Biomass Pyramid

2. Which of the following is NOT true about matter

in the biosphere?
A Matter is recycled in the biosphere.
B Biogeochemical cycles transform and reuse
C The total amount of matter decreases over time.
D Water and nutrients pass between organisms
and the environment.
3. Which is a source of energy for Earths living things?


wind energy only

sunlight only
wind energy and sunlight
sunlight and chemical energy

4. Which of the following is a primary producer?


a producer, like algae

a carnivore, like a lion
an omnivore, like a human
a detritivore, like an earthworm

Pyramid of Numbers

4. A

Third-level consumers

5. D

Second-level consumers

6. A
7. A

First-level consumers

8. A


7. What can you conclude about the ecosystem from

the pyramid of numbers shown?

A There are more rst-level consumers than
B There are more third-level consumers than
second-level consumers.
C There are more producers than rst-level
D There are more second-level consumers than
rst-level consumers.

9. Decomposers and detritivores consume matter

that does not get passed to the next higher
trophic level.

8. What can you conclude about the producers in the

5. Human activities, such as the burning of fossil

fuels, move carbon through the carbon cycle. Which

other processes also participate in the carbon cycle?
A biological processes only
B geochemical processes only
C chemical processes only
D a combination of biological, geological, and
chemical processes
6. What are the physical, or nonliving components of

an ecosystem called?
A abiotic factors
B temperate conditions
C biotic factors
D antibiotic factors

ecosystem based on the two pyramids shown?

A The producers in the ecosystem are probably
very small organisms.
B There are no producers in the ecosystem.
C The producers in the ecosystem are probably
large organisms.
D Decomposers in the ecosystem outnumber the
producers in the ecosystem.
Open-Ended Response
9. What ultimately happens to the bulk of matter in

any trophic level of a biomass pyramidthat is,

the matter that does not get passed to the trophic
level above?

If You Have Trouble With . . .


See Lesson










The Biosphere 93

0001_Bio10_se_Ch03_STP.indd 93

6/12/09 10:47:53 AM

Test-Taking Tip

Tell students to scan the questions to identify those that are about unfamiliar topics
and might require pure guesswork on their part. Explain that those questions should
be saved for last. After they have competed questions about familiar topics, students
should then return to the questions about unfamiliar topics. Explain that using reasoning to eliminate one or more obviously incorrect choices is a technique that can be
useful, even if the question is about an unfamiliar topic.

The Biosphere



Standardized Test Prep

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