Ganga Maa Mandal

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The passage discusses the work of Dabholkar ji in introducing new farming methods and organizing networks of information exchange among farmers.

He called this network 'Swasharya Vikas Mandal', meaning 'self-help and self-reliance'.

It functioned through mutual correspondence and feedback between participants, with them sharing experiences of common experimental activities in their groups.



Ultimate Secret on Beyond Organic Farming

1.0 Preamble
It is important to understand that any system we adopt for any area of societys needs be it food,
education, livelihood, public administration or law; should be completely holistic and sustainable;
offering the highest benefits to all included in the system. We have digressed in many ways from
this concept today. Our systems today follow issue based approach rather than an integrated
approach. The issue based approach is discrete in nature hence can not address to our
requirements holistically. Therefore such approaches are failing to be sustainable. Only when the
society wakes up and changes its approach of fulfilling the basic needs to more holistic ways, can
we expect any higher evolution of the collective human spirit today.
Food on one hand is one of the most basic requirements of the human beings and on the other
hand is one of the strongest factor that determines the quality of a societys health. The quality of
health of a society is determined by health of every individual vis--vis his/her interpersonal
relationship in a community and thus, the collective health of his/her surroundings! The word
health includes physical, emotional, social and economical health! If food is the factor
determining such health of a society, it becomes significant to pay attention to the ways we grow
our food.
Since centuries, we have experimented with various farming technologies to grow our food. The
technologies evolved with us through experiments and few of them settled down with us as the
traditional farming techniques and contemporary farming techniques.
When it comes to holistic fulfillment of the societies health, our traditional & conventional
methods of farming have fulfilled some needs but they also caused socio-ecological imbalance in
many ways. Today, the contemporary farming methods have been proving themselves devastating
in terms of lack of nutrition in food, chemical infusion in food, soil fertility, microbial culture in
the soil and the surroundings on a broader platform! Such farming is also leading to exploitation
of natural resources, fights for resources like water and electricity, debts on farmers further
leading to great decline in societys health!
It is time for us to understand the factors contributing to this decline, learn lessons from our past
and present and change our farming methods from destructive farming methods to such methods
which take care of every factor listed above and contribute to our HEALTH as discussed in
preceding paragraphs! More suitable is a farming method which is based on the universal values
of compassion, synergy & service as our traditional farming ways were.
When a system does not have any exploitative agenda to perpetuate, when a system is based on
the vision of service and benefit to all, when a system brings man closer to nature that system
becomes a divine vehicle for true social progress, Natueco is one such system.

2.0 History
Ever since man started cultivating food evolving from his dependence on his surroundings and
hunting, Agriculture practices have continuously evolved to address the growing need for
agriculture produce. The ever growing demand for better productivity is generated not only due
to the growing demand but also due to increasing percentage of the population taking up nonagriculture occupation. Changing eating habits of people added further demand to better
productivity. The situation got aggravated when agriculture land and produce started finding its
place for satisfying other human needs (e.g.; Corn for fuel, land for housing and industries, etc).
The constant search for better farming resulted in the development and promotion of different
farming systems from different parts of the world. For example, Traditional farming, Natural
farming, Bio-dynamic farming, Homa-farming, Organic farming, Chemical farming,
Permaculture-farming, Zero budget farming and Natueco farming. Different systems focused
on different issues.
Of all these different systems, the system of Chemical farming largely dominated many parts of the
world and still continues to do so. This happened mainly due to the market dynamic and the quick
results that can be obtained by Chemical farming. Chemical farming technology was generally
considered to be a good solution to improve the crops after a few years of its introduction by
rectifying the shortcomings in the traditional farming. But even after 40 to 50 years of its
introduction, farmers the World over are still struggling to get any sustainable achievement in
agriculture through chemical farming. They are also facing several problems in the produce due
to the increasing number of pest and diseases, and decreasing soil fertility. It is now being proved
that chemical farming technology is in fact not a good solution for a long term application.
2.1 Agriculture in India
Before British conquest, agriculture in India was a traditional way of life. It was not an economic
activity. In the autonomous Indian village, agriculture was the basic life activity of the people. Its
major function, (if an integrated life activity can at all be analyzed in terms of functions), was to
fulfill their life needs. The needs of the Government, of the market, of the industry were all
secondary to this function.
Agricultural practice was naturally organic, self-sustaining and strengthening the village. An
organic relationship existed between the village and its surrounding forest too. Forest supplied
food to the cattle, clean air for the crop, holding the aquifer of the land, fuel, timber for
implements and construction. Cattle played the prominent role in this agriculture, not only
supplying the manure (transferring the fertility from forest to agriculture) but also the prime
source of drought power. Irrigation for the entire village was largely maintained by village
community by connecting larger irrigation network with the local one.
Exports of agricultural produce such as spices, cotton clothes, medicinal/aromatic product and

Sandalwood were major items which in turn brought silver and gold into the country.
Comparatively, Indian agriculture was the best among all in this period (Dr. John Augustes
Vodeker 1893). This was the golden period of Indian Agriculture.
The first attack on this self-sustaining agriculture took place in the form of heavy burden of tax
imposed on it by Britishers, altering the farmers relations with his farming land. Very soon the tax
increased to over 50%. This burdened the cultivators heavily and in turn had its effect on the
infrastructure the farming depended on. The forest policy of the British Government came as the
next major attack. In reserving the forest for industries (railways and ship-building), the farming
community was denied the use of forests thereby breaking the organic link between forest and
agriculture. Further, the local irrigation was made to decline by starving it of resources. Indian
farmers were forced to cultivate new crops like cotton, jute, sugarcane, tea, indigo, which were
needed as raw material for industries. This forced agriculture affected the farming community
Under the impact of altered land relations imposed by Britishers, the restraints imposed on Indian
Agriculture for well over a century through their forest policy, negative attitude towards local
irrigation and due to forced agriculture etc., the Indian agriculture started losing much of its
vitality. In spite of these adverse situations, the productivity of the Indian agriculture continued to
increase even during most of the 19th century. With so many constraints, at the dawn of
Independence, contribution of agriculture in National GDP was still more than 65%. But with the
negligent attitude of our own Govt towards Agriculture continued after the British rule and as a
result we witnessed a huge decline in its contribution to GDP. By the year 2005, it reduced to only
about 25%.
2.2 Green revolution.
In order to meet increasing food demand and respond to unbalanced demand supply ratio post
independence, Chemical farm inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc were
introduced to the Indian Agriculture with the objective to increase the its yield. This new way of
farming was termed as the Green revolution! The Green revolution package was introduced in
selected pockets in Haryana, Punjab and Western UP. But its impact was felt in the entire country.
Concentration of resources in pockets implied a total neglect of the other regions, the aggregate
rate of growth of our agriculture production reduced as a result. The chemical farming led to the
decline of all traditional technologies and traditional resources.
Perhaps the greatest impact has been on traditional seed varieties. Thousands of traditional seed
varieties, tested and evolved over centuries with the Indian farmers, started disappearing from
market and from farmer families in less than a decade. The high yield seeds tested in some
laboratory for a merely an year or two started finding application in the Indian agriculture
leading to all sorts of diseases and pest attacks on the crops. Simultaneously the soil started seeing

the impact of chemical infusion on it.

The chemical fertilizers and pesticides not only killed most of the micro-organisms that played the
role of revitalizing the soil, but also removed the valuable micro nutrients from the soil. Soil
started a great decline in its fertility and started depending on chemical inputs to produce crops.
With the decay of indigenous resources, the agriculture all over the country became dependent on
industrial inputs. Farmers not only lost control over agricultural operations but also could no
longer produce according to their needs. They now produced primarily to pay for the inputs. Once
the knowledge about traditional agriculture was a village wealth. The farmers, seed sellers were
equipped with this traditional knowledge. But with introduction of conceptually new agriculture
technique ( use of chemicals to produce crop ) the knowledge had to come from agriculture
universities and agriculture service centers. Most of the seed, fertilizer and pesticide sellers were (
and still are) technically unequipped people for this kind of knowledge. To procure the quality
seeds, unadulterated fertilizer and pesticides remained a challenge for a common village farmer.
The residual effect of agro-chemicals in the soil led to many new forms of diseases accompanied by
a decline in nutritional value of food. Soil fertility has been continually dipping since the use of
chemicals. Cumulative effect of all this raised a question about sustainability of this agricultural
system . Due to the introduction of several agro chemicals in the soil over a prolonged period, the
organic nutrient cycles of the soil have been eliminated and the natures self sustainability is
disturbed. At present the world is still fighting for food security, production and sustainability.
This is compelling all the Governments across the globe to consider the challenges of Chemical
farming and develop solutions for them.
3.0 Few Definitions:
3.1 Ecological foot print.
Some people live on with very minimal means while some need a lot of things to live. The raw
materials for all these things we nee, are grown in farms, forests, gardens, found in mines, water
streams etc. Then these things are manufactured in factories (with the raw material) which occupy
a lot of space on the earth. If people use more of things, then more fields are required to produce the
raw material. The area of fields needed to grow the required amount of things for an ordinary
human being of any certain village or area to live, is called the ecological foot print of that
person. It is measured in units of hector.
A person living in the city generally requires more things than someone living in rural areas.
Therefore, a city dweller also requires more fields to grow or produce the raw material for the things
she/he needs. Therefore the ecological foot print of a city dweller is large. People in some regions of
the world survive with a very little amount of things. Hence their ecological foot print is generally
very small. The ecological foot prints of people living a lavish life in expensive cities of the world is

very high. The least the field area required by a population, the more people can be fed on the same
area of land. Higher the ecological footprints, less number of people can be provided for.
3.2 Food distance (food mile)
Whatever we eat, is generally produced in some place-other than where we live. The distance between
us and that place is defined as food mile. Suppose you live in Madhya Pradesh and the mango you eat
is collected from a tree in Andhra Pradesh, the distance between you in Madhya Pradesh and that tree
in Andhra Pradesh will be the food mile. Generally, it is measured in miles. The longer the food mile,
the more energy is required to supply the food to you.
This energy is acquired by using organic fuel and the increasing use of such fuel is becoming more and
more harmful for the environment. The food supplied from faraway places is also generally more
expensive. So, lesser the food mile, better for you and the environment as well. In simple words, the
more you consume grain, fruit, vegetables, spices and other things produced in your village or
farm, better for you as well as the environment.
4.0 Natueco Culture:
The word Natueco combines two words together, Natural and ecological!
Natueco culture is a way of farming which is based on imitating nature through critical scientific
methods to strengthen the ecology of a farm!
Natueco has been conceived as a holistic way to meet our farming and food requirements. It
addresses serious issues of a farm like
I) how to stay in synergy with nature without burdening it,
II) how to reduce the dependency on the external inputs to a farm
III) how to work scientifically, within the available resources in the surrounding of a farm,
without harming its ecology and at the same time gaining highest benefits from it.
4.1 Beyond Organic :
The features of Natueco culture distinguish it from the Natural Farming and/or organic
Farming. Natueco Farming can be termed as Beyond Organic Farming

In Natural or Organic farming, farming is done trusting the nature through the empirical wisdom of the
ages. In Natueco Farming, on the other hand, farming is done by knowing nature more and more and better
and better through critical scientific inquiries and experiments. It is an ever-growing, novel, unique,
participatory tryst between man and nature!

Natueco culture and Critical Scientific Agriculture became synonymous words. The major features of
scientific farming were also the basic features of Natueco Culture!
S. A. Dabholkar.
5.0 The Vision
Natueco has the vision to see every farmer prosperous and successful, to see every consumer
healthy and happy and to see Mother Nature thriving in our cultivation. Natueco is scientific in
approach and spiritual in its essence.
When we dont exploit the nature, when we work in harmony with natural laws, when we do not
focus on yield but rather work with an intention to nurture the soil which subsequently nurturers
its produce and hence our health; farming does not remain merely a commercial activity but
becomes a service to the nature and to the society.
This farming science is now being adopted and promoted by many young farmers in both rural
and urban areas who are seeing the benefit of it which are both less resource consuming and more
rewarding in terms of yield and its quality.
The objective behind the promotion of Natueco is to make people understand the difference
between an activity carried out only with the commercial objectives and an activity carried out
with community spirit.
Any activities become self sustainable when people contribute their efforts, share resources, cocreate a product and share rewards rather than competing with each other for exactly this cause!
Our religious places, the temples, mosques, gurudwaras and churches are all examples of how
people unite under a common vision and contribute selflessly for the benefit of all.
Similarly when the farmers unite for the common good of individuals, their families, society, when
the farmers change their farming approach from growing only cash to cultivating food for the
people; the entire society would change for the better. Farming is the core activity of human
society and when this core changes, every other layer will benefit from this positive change.
When the farmer learns to become truly self sufficient in terms of knowledge, resources and
approach; when a farmer learns what he is doing against himself and against the society, he can
undo the harm that has been done in few decades gone by.
The farmer has his first duty towards the mother earth to protect its delicate balance, second duty
towards his family and community to provide sustenance and health and then he has his duty to
offer the harvest of his labor to the world, to provide food in spirit of selfless service and not as a
competitive commercial activity! Such sense of farming makes a farmer richer in far more aspects
than by mere cash!

Farming is not about getting more yield in whichever way possible or earn more money by saving
time and effort but it is about being able to grow quality produce continuously and sustainably! It
then becomes a service! Service to mother earth, mother nature, fulfilling the need of the
community; it becomes like offering the crop as Prasadwhere all have enough and all share same
blessings without discrimination.
Promoting Natueco is one little effort of ours in the direction to awaken farmers; as they are
unaware of their own exploitation and loss which are being incurred on them due to wrong
farming practices.
When the farmers of India be they from Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra or anywhere in the country
will rise up and refuse to become slaves of the corrupt systems, when the farmers will decide to
work for the highest good of their own community and that of people in the country, much will
change in the society.
Promoting Natueco is one little effort of ours in this direction to awaken farmers!
Let us spread the awareness about being richer by being in harmony with nature by adopting
Natueco farming, by adopting the approach of farming as community service, by adopting the
occupation of natural farming as a philosophy, a way of life and not a mere livelihood activity.
5.1 The visionary
Sri Sripad Dabholkar was the visionary behind Natueco Science! He dedicated 40 years of life in
finding out sustainable solution for the Indian farmers apathy which was consuming the farmer
community in 1960s.
Sri Shripad Dabholkar was a mathematician turned horticulturist who taught Natueco Farming
to the world as an exact science of Farming.
After leaving behind his own family and home he had set out on a journey with a warriors
determination to offer single solution to all the problems of the farmer community. He changed
himself from a mathematician to a botanist, ecologist, environmentalist, horticulturist and a
farmer to reinvent farming as an exact science independent of any individuals farming skills!
Natueco science to him was just one way of integrating these three aspects. His efforts to make
farmers into self directed learning groups(whom he called as Prayog Pariwar) or his stress
on venturism to develop true entrepreneurial farmer or his understanding of the deep connection
between consumer and the producer(which he called prosumership) was all intended to help an
individual integrate his living or lifestyle, his earning or livelihood and his learning (defined as an
ability to grow both inner as well as outer dimensions) into one seamless world resulting into not
only plenty for him but eventually plenty for all, forever".
In his book, Plenty for All he has explained about the Natueco Science and its exactness.

He was also an educationist or a researcher who understood how to integrate living, livelihood
and learning into one homogenous canvas. He was named as Venturananda after his various
successful community ventures into many fields of life skills and education.
Readers are advised to read this book along with the book Plenty for all.
5.2 Philosophy:
Philosophy of Natueco system is to live and let live with joy, ease and grace!
Natueco is a science of life in and around Farms. Fundamentally Natueco believes that Where
there is Life, there is a flow of Energy. Therefore Natueco also deals with the flow o energy
around a farm indirectly.
Its objective is to create an occupation where learning, living, livelihood, love and laughter ( 5Ls)
is generated along with the work. Working in a Natueco farm is not only about working in a farm
to produce an output but it is about living in symbiotic relationship with the farm and its
5.3 The spirituality:
Natueco is for those who firmly believe in living a life of abundance, fearlessness, love, and believe
in living non-aggressively. Paradoxically, it is also about maximizing the farm output. To
understand this paradox, lets elaborate it further.
In an age where farming is considered as a source of income, Natueco brings home the point that
such activity needs to be holistic and should stem from a larger vision. Mere learning and
practicing a few skills can never be a substitute for this larger understanding and vision for life.
Natueco farming and its practice requires one to draw connections of their life with this culture
and live in sync with the other elements in their immediate environment. The love and the
nurturance provided to the plants in a natural environment creates positive energy and healthy
environment. For instance, healthy soil with balanced composition of elements and microbes
improves not only the health of the plant but also transcends into the life of people interacting
with this environment. Thus, it is not just a science but also a culture, such that it can be


understood in any local context without any barriers of language, conventional education, region,
Those who want to learn the art of living, the art of being free and at the same time want to earn
their livelihoods with dignity and non violence can only appreciate and make the best of this
science. And those who look at their farms with only commercial motives may get disappointed
with Natueco farming if they are not ready to change some of their fundamental beliefs about life.
In a nutshell, Natueco is about living a rich life with grace and dignity!
6.0 Natueco Science
Nature has developed its ecology and continues to do so since billions of years, by utilizing its own
resources within their availability; without depending on any external resources and creating an
abundance in its ecosystem. With its abundance, this ecosystem nurtures higher and higher
complexities of life processes throughout their evolution.
Natueco Culture is a scientifically developed Farming system taking clues from this trait of the
nature, aimed towards abundance without external inputs to a farm and keeping the scope of
enhancement of knowledge wide open through individual experiments and experiences!
Natueco Science is a science of harvesting maximum Sunlight available on earths per square foot
of area using farming as a medium. The focus is on conservation of energy than on mere farm
output by weight. It emphasizes optimal and efficient use of soil, water and labor.

The Natures food chain starts with synthesis of carbohydrates in green plants, runs through
various macro and micro consumers and ultimately ends into brown mass of decomposed
organic matter, before releasing its mineral elements in air and soil. All natural aspects, which can
be incorporated in accelerating the biomass production, need to be used to their optimum level to
harvest maximum richness of nature.
Thus, Natueco Farming emphasizes on `Neighborhood Resource Enrichment' by `Additive
Regeneration' rather than through dependence on external, commercial inputs. It addresses the
four main areas for a crop.
i) SOIL-Creat a soil with best primary productivity by recycling the biomass and by
establishing a proper energy chain.
ii) ROOTS-Focus on development and maintenance of white root zones of the plant for
efficient absorption of nutrients.

iii) CANOPY-Focus on harvesting the sun light by proper plant canopy management for
efficient photosynthesis.
iv) EXTERNAL RESOURCES-Focus on minimizing the use of external resources including
water to reduce dependency on the secondary productivity of the soil.
It maximizes farm output with minimum input in energy terms. Its goal is to maximize carbon or
biomass of the soil (factors of Primary productivity).
In Natueco cultivation harvesting of Sun energy is given prime importance, coupled with nursery
soil built up through use of all the plant parts. In Natueco, one needs to understand the principles
on his own initiatives, continuous innovating with scientific knowledge. Once this attitude is
established, Natueco promises "Plenty for all.
The answers given by Natueco science to our farming and food production needs are indeed
complete and beneficial. Natueco farming teaches us on how to cultivate an integrated view with
the nature & its resources while working in our farms for fulfilling our needs.
6.1 Productivity of a farm:
Productivity of a farm ( also called visible productivity ) is a combined effect of Primary
Productivity and Secondary Productivity and is measured as drymass/ per hectare.
6.1.1 Primary Productivity
Definition : Primary Productivity by is the productive efficiency of land without any external
6.1.2 Secondary Productivity
Definition : Secondary productivity is defined as the incremental productivity of soil achieved over
and above the primary because of external inputs like water, fertilizers, pesticides, transportation
6.1.3 How to measure Productivity of a farm?
Primary Productivity is measured in terms of output efficiency (dry mass/ per hectare/KL of
water consumed) while Visible Productivity is measured in terms of gross output (dry mass/per
hectare). Hence with more addition of external elements to the soil it is very much possible that

while Visible Productivity seems to be going up, the Primary Productivity of the soil is going
Natueco Farming enhances the Primary productivity of the soil establishes a firm correlation with
use of energy and water as a resource.
6.2 Key aspects of Natueco
6.2.1 Focus on the mother not the child
When a mother is healthy she looks after the childs need all by herself. A sick mother cannot
deliver healthy babies. The same principle is applied to mother earth and the crop. Therefore,
Natueco farming focuses completely on how best the mother earth can be nurtured and made
strong and healthy. Natueco focuses on nurturing the soil and creating conducive environment for
the best yield to manifest rather than intervening with the nature and disturbing natural rhythm
of crop cultivation.

6.2.2 Focus on strategic thinking than short cut means

Natueco farming is a growing method, a system where new improvisations are continuously
sought and added for more benefit. Every practice in Natueco farming comes from strategic
thinking about how best to utilize natures resource and potential of the crop. The short cut means
can give immediate results but they make the system weak in the long run and hence threatens its
Natueco farming does not have cutting corners! Every aspect of farming is given due importanc.
Every aspect is studied and analyzed in relation to other factors and the conclusions so derived
are then applied to the entire farm system making it stronger with every improvisation. In thios
respect, Natueco is a closed loop system with provision of improvement built in it.

6.2.3 Focus on developing values in farming as an occupation

Natueco farming is not just a scientific farming approach but it also promotes human values like
compassion, harmony & service. It highlights that it is important for farmers to have high self
esteem and greater human values, that they realize the value and impact of their work on the
society. Farmers like everyone else have to become learned, responsible and aware citizens.
Natueco offers them a platform to practice this in their work, by adopting more sustainable means
of cultivation and right vision about agriculture as an act of service.


6.2.4 Focus on uniting farmer community of India

Natueco also aspires to unite the entire farmer community of India, so that the much needed
change can find momentum. Agricultural practices in India have to go through this revolution if
people have to sustain their food resources without compromising on their health and without
causing ecological damage. If Natueco reaches to only a few farming communitie, its benefits will
never reach to the larger society. Thus to have a true impact on food values, to see organic
produce replacing conventional chemical laden produce, Natueco has to be adopted by every
farming community.
6.2.5 Focus on Self Sustenance & Self Learning
Natueco farming teaches people to adopt farming as a viable, sustainable and profitable
occupation. It teaches entrepreneurship and self learning creating a winning livelihood for the
farmers. Natueco gives farmers the right context and knowledge to make their work a creative
process which transforms their occupation into a celebration.
6.2.6 Focus on Prosumer Society
In the society today the farmers and consumers are two separate entities. The gap between these
two entities results in many challenges in the food security. Natueco promotes prosumer
approach where consumer and producer are integrated and operate as one unit. This way the
resources are better utilized and needs are better fulfilled. Farmers and Consumers are not
separate here (PROducer+conSUMER= PROSUMER) they understand each others requirements
and work together to achieve food security and food abundance for all.
6.2.7 Focus on enriching Bio Diversity
Natueco removes a farmers focus from single type of cultivation in isolation from others and
makes the farmer focus on enriching bio diversity in his produce. In Natueco approach all
cultivation can be grown in synergy with each other and thus a rich ecology is developed within a
farm where not only plants but birds, insects and other life forms find a very supportive
environment to thrive. This bio diversity within a farm helps in long term sustenance and overall
enriched experience to the farmer.
When ecology of a farm is diverse we gain more from the exchange happening between various
life forms. Because the nature sustains itself better in a balanced ecology we do not need to put
more efforts in managing the crop. This aspect of Natueco greatly benefits both farmer and
nature. This has been completely overlooked in traditional farming therefore much of our bio
diversity has been lost. With Natueco we can regain bio diversity and restore the natural balance
of the land.
7.0 Major features of Natueco :
To recapitulate, the major features of Natueco culture are

1. Harvesting the Sun

2. Recycling Process
3. Establishing proper energy cycle and energy chain as food chain.
8.0 Basic Principles of Natueco:
1. The first principle of the Natueco culture is the establishment of canopy index of a plant at the
earliest so that the plant will be capable of taking full advantage of the Sunlight it has to harvest.
2. The second important principle is that only the mature leaves of a plant are capable of doing
optimum harvesting of the Sun.
3. The third important principle for having optimum photosynthesis in nature is that there should
be matching storage organ growth in plants at the time when optimum photosynthesis istaking
place in the matures leaves.
9.0 Understanding Plants
9.1 What do plants need to grow properly?
Plants need 104 elements. Out of which 4 primary elements, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and
hydrogen are taken from the atmosphere. The rest of the 100 elements are taken from the soil.
The ecstasy of the nature is that these 4 elements constitute 98% dry weight of the plant structure
with carbon 44%, oxygen 44%, nitrogen 2 to 4 % and hydrogen 6%. Remaining 100 elements
constitute only 2% of the plant. But for our nutrition, this 2% of plant plays a vital role.
9.2 How do we provide for these 100 elements to the soil?
While in the conventional farming only part of these elements are fed to the soil in the form of
micronutrients through chemicals, in the Natueco farming, these can be provided by following
natural elements which are naturally and plentily available in and around a farm.

Tender leaves

Mature green leaves

Flowering stage of plants leaves, branches, stem, flower and their roots

Dried Leaves along with the decomposable parts of the plant


Ash of the thick parts

9.3 Why do plants need water, if none of the essential elements come from it?
Water is needed to act as a media for exchange of ions between the soil and the roots. Then it
becomes a simple chemical process in which the elements from the soil make chemical
combinations with the Hydrogen ions available in the water, the element in this combination is
then absorbed by the plant and Hydrogen is released back in the soil through root.
10.0 Let us Recapitulate
To put together all that we have elaborated in this book so far,
1. The Primary Productivity of a farm is the KEY FACTOR to determine its quality of the
visible productivity (yield).
2. The soil with good primary productivity helps in harvesting optimum sunlight
3. This helps in efficient photosynthesis in a plant
4. Hence the plant gives better yield with quality nutrients available in the crop.
With these fundamental scientific requirements of a plant, Natueco teaches to create your own
soil. The soil such created helps a farmer to do quality farming irrespective of the soil quality
naturally available in his farm.
11.0 Natural resources available to a farm :
While soil is the principal element of a farm, Natueco science has established a farms relationship
with few other natural resources too which contribute to a farms directly or indirectly.
In all, the natural resources which play important role in the plants growth as well as into a farms
development are :
1. Air
4 main constituent elements of a plant are obtained from Air accounting for 98 % of
plants nutritional requirements.



Percentage (%)








2. Water
Acts as a medium to carry minerals to plants through roots.
Acts as a solvent to dissolve minerals as plants take them in dissolved form.
Regulates temperature of a plant.

3. Soil
Serves as a medium for plant growth.
Defines primary productivity of a farm
2 % of elemental requirements of a plant comprising of 96 non-constitutional elements are
supplied by soil.
Supports the microbial activity important for the plants active growth and important for
the symbiotic relations of the nature maintain soils fertility.
4. Sunlight
Required for photosynthesis.
Sun light absorption in a plant and the rate of Photosynthesis are directly proportional to a
plants Leaf area (leaf index and canopy). Hence the amount of food produced by a plant
depends on the plants own foliage which in turn depends on overall growth of a plant.
Controls the different season and hence the temperature.
5. Moonlight
Impacts the movement of water inside every life form.
Harvesting from plants depends on the intensity of moonlight.
(Amavashya: Harvest oilseeds, food grains, etc as water content is minimal).
(Purnima: Harvest of ripened fruits.)
6. Dew
Plays an important role in rain fed farming.
Maintains soil moisture.

Regulates temperature.
7. Humidity
Directly proportional to water loss through transpiration.
(It is advised to water the plants in the evening because roots in a plant grow at night)

8. Soil Micro-organisms

Decomposition of biomass.
Converts unavailable form of elements to available form.
Manage the porosity of the soil.
Helps in developing humus.

9. Other Plants in the surrounding

Provide biomass for mulching for moisture conservation.

Provide ash when burnt.
Conserve soil and water.
Maintain soil temperature.
Increase carbon.
Provide in situ Nutrition.
Shade to earth, shelter for birds, food for humans.
Biggest source of taking nutrition from the deepest portion of the soil.
Control micro-climate.
Reduce carbon dioxide.
Provide oxygen during day time.
Source of energy for all beings.
The only source for harvesting, storing and converting sunlight it in food chain

10. Animals

Rodents: Dig the soil and increase porosity and water holding capacity.
Animals: Fastest source to extract potassium and nitrogen for the soil. Animals eat
biomass and excrete within 24 hours. There excreta contains most of the nutrients
required by a plant. (Urine- Nitrogen, Salt, Acids) (Dung- Potassium, Nitrogen, Micronutrient, Microbes).
Earthworms: Soil turner, bring minerals from well below the soil to the top soil to replenish
deficiency. It enriches the soils with enzymes and and bacteria helpful in plant growth.

Birds: Controls insect and pests on plants, bird droppings act as manure. Propagate seeds
from one place to another.

11. Stones

Used as mulch.
Stone powder provides fertilizer.

12. Magnetic Force; Direction

Plantation in North-South direction of a farm ensures better harvesting of sunlight.
Plantation in North-south direction increases the energy in plant growth leading to
energetic food for all living organism.
13. Slope

Farms with slope towards East ensure effective flow of water in a farm using gravitational
force. ( most of the rivers in our country flow eastward)
Therefore construction of water harvesting structures in a farm are recommended towards

12.0 Components of a Natueco Farm

Important components of a Natueco farm are
1. Amrut Soil
2. Knowledge base
3. Seed treatment
4. Bio-diversity
5. Live fencing
6. Data base
Let us learn about them one by one.
12.1 Amrut Mitti :
The two main components the Amrut Mitti are
Amrut Jal

Amrut Mitti
12.1.1 Amrut Jal
Amrut Jal is a solution of water, jaggery, cow dung and cow urine containing a very high number
and diversity of hermetic micro-organisms. The chemical elements present in Amrut jal make the
soil fertile and the micro-organisms increase the chemical and physical qualities of the soil.

Materials required preparing Amrut Jal (the cost of the raw material is also included to give an
idea of requirement as per the individual size of the farm. This costing is applicable if all the items
are to be purchased. If these are available in a farm, the cost reduces further).

Material / Labor


Rate (Rs)

Total Cost (Rs)

Fresh cow dung

1 liter



Cow Urine

1 liter




110 liter

Jaggery *



1 hour

Total cost for 112 liters of Amrut Jal -






Amrut Jal is required in the quantity of 1L per sq foot per plant.

Cost of Amrut Jal per liter would be approx. Rs.0.25

*In case Jaggery is not available, use 12 over ripe bananas or 6 guavas or 12 jack fruits or 500
ml of sugar cane juice or 12 cashew nuts fruits, whichever is available.

Importance of the key ingredients of Amrut Jal


Cow Urine
Contains urea and other mineral salts.
Acts as insect repellent.
Source of Nitrogen.
Source of acids


Cow Dung
Culture medium containing anaerobic micro-organisms for decomposition.
Source of nitrogen and potassium.

3. Jaggery
Food for the growing micro-organisms.
Used for fermentation to create bacterial life.

Preparation of Amrut Jal-The Process

Step I

Make a fine paste of 1 kg cow dung with 1 L of cow urine.

Step II Add fine paste of 50 gm of jaggery to the mixture of Cowdung and Cow urine.
Step V

Transfer the mixture to a container containing 10 L of water.

Stir the mixture, 12 times in clockwise direction and 12 times vice versa. Cover the
Stir as above indicated thrice a day for 3 days. The mixture is kept for 3 days as the
microbial count is its maximum on 4th day and beyond this the microbial count starts
On the 4th day, transfer the solution to a tank containing 100 L water and mix well.
The solution is ready for application.

Application of Amrut Jal at the rate of 1L per square foot per plant



Advantages of Amrut Jal

Contains plant growth promoting micro-organisms.

Can be used in place of water for better plant growth.
Helps in faster decomposition of biomass.
Used in seed treatment.
Promoter for feeder roots growth.
It increases vital energy of the plant.
It provides anaerobic microbes to make Amrut Mitti

12.1.2 Amrut Mitti

Amrut Mitti is soil prepared from biomass, Amrut Jal and soil. It is a soil that contains all the
essential elements that are needed by a plant for its growth and development. It consists of 50 %
of biomass and 50 % of activated mineral top soil.

Timeline:- It takes about 110-150 days to prepare Amrut Mitti

Area required:- 12 ft X 5 ft
Materials Required
s. no

Raw material


Rate (Rs.)

Amrut Jal

400 L



85 kg (approx)



Biomass (C4 plants like maize, bajra, jowar and

Soil leaves are preferred.)

60 liter




10 kg



Seeds (a mix of maize, methi, coriander, gram,

mung days
and spinach
10 gm
square foot.)

300 gms



Total Cost of Heap Rs.


Total (Rs.) **


*This costing is applicable if all the items are to be purchased.

Note: a. One heap of 30 cu. ft. gives 20 cu. Ft. Amrut Mitti equivalent to 540 Litres
b. 1 Litre Amrut Mitti weighs 400 gms.
c. One heap of Amrut Mitti (20 cft ) can be used for 135 sq. ft. area.
Hence 1 kg of Amrut Mitti costs Rs. 3.15 ie. 675/(540 x0.4)
Importance of key ingredients
S. no.





Converts minerals from unavailable form in biomass to available form.



Increases porosity



Forms manure after decomposition


Seeds of different

To supply minerals in available form and provide different cultures through

the roots of each seeds plant


Amrut Jal

Facilitates fast decomposition of biomass

Procedure for making Amrut Mitti

It involves three steps
1. Heap making
2. Seed sowing
3. Pruning and heap turning


Fig 1: Heap Making

Fig 2: Seed Sowing

Fig 3: Pruning


Fig 4: Pruned Plants on


1. Steps of Heap making

Step I

Step II

Chop 100 kg
dry biomass
by 3-4 inches
Soak biomass for
Amrut Jal
Clean an area
of 12 ft X 5 Ft

Step III

area of 10 ft
by 3 ft

Step IV

Spread a thin
layer(1/4th of
the biomass
layer) of soil
above it

Step V

another layer
above the soil

Step VI

Repeat the process till 6th layer


Spread a thin layer of sand after every 6 layers

Repeat the process till the heap attains a height of 1 ft.


*Turn the heap upside down once every 7 days, ie 4 times in a moth.

Step IX

After 30 days cover Heap with 2 inches soil

*While turning the heap, point should be kept in mind not to harm the microbial culture
born inside the heap. Therefore the heap should be turned softly.


2. Seed Sowing
Following types of seeds should be sown on the Heap according to the six rasas (shadras) of
Ayurveda:The seeds of six tastes (shad rasa ) are as follows Sweet

Fennel seeds




Fenugreek, bitter gourd


Ambadi, tomatoes




Spinach, cow urine


Process of sowing Seeds

Step I

Step II


Spread inch
of soil above
the heap
Soak the 6
types of seed
in Amrut Jal
for 2 hours

above it, about
double the size
of the seed


Sprinkle Amrut
Jal to moisten
the soil

Step V

Cover the soil

in Amrut Jal


Keep the surface moist by sprinkling Amrut Jal at regular intervals



Step I

Step II

Step III

Pruning and Heap Turning

the mulch
when the
On the 21st day
after germination
prune the plants
by 25 % from the
stem. Leave the
residue in the
42nd day after
again prune the
plants by 25 %
and leave the
residue on the
prune the plants,
keeping 0.5 1 inches
from the ground and
leave the residue on
the heap for drying

Step IV

Soak the dry

Amrut Jal for
4 hours

Step V

residue over
the heap

Step VI

Turn the heap. Continue turning once in a week for one month
Amrut Mitti will be ready for use after 140 to 150 days since the start of the process


Stages and purpose of pruning

Trimming 25% of the plants will allow elements found in the soft leaves such as zinc, phosphate,
boron, molybdenum to mix in the Heap. Again, after 21 or 42 days trimming 25% of the rest of the
grown up plants will enrich the heap with the elements found in mature leaves such as nitrogen,
potassium and magnesium. On the 63rd day there will be flowers in some plants, cutting all the plants
from half inch above the ground provides elements such as calcium, silica, iron and manganese.
Plants roots remaining in the heap also harbor useful organic chemicals/culture.


Days after germination


% pruning

Application of Amrut Mitti: Amrut Mitti is applied at the rate of 4L per sq. ft.of canopy
What should be done to keep the Amrut Mitti fertile?

On harvesting the produce of this Amrut Mitti, the excess biomass should be mulched over it.
After every three months, ash should be mixed in the Amrut Mitti at the rate of 30 grams /
square foot.
Amrut Mitti should always be kept covered with live cover. If there is scarcity of water, Amrut
Mitti should be made in the shade and kept covered with dry grass, polythene, paper or stones,
to reduce evaporation.

How to identify Amrut Mitti?

Amrut Mitti is light, soft, granular and black. Its smell is similar to that of soil after the first rain of the
season. Squeezing it in your hands will not leave any mark of soil on your hands. The height of the
heap decreases to 2/3 of the original height of the heap. If 1 litre of Amrit Mitti is weighed, it should
weight about 400 grams.
How to examine the moisture in the heap?
Take out a handful of organic waste from about 6 inch deep inside the heap. Press it hard in your
hand grip. If a few drops of water drip from it, this indicates that the level of moisture in the heap is
alright. If it doesn't drip this is an indication of lack of moisture in the organic waste. If your hand
gets sticky or wet as soon as you hold it in your hands then it means there is excess moisture in the
heap. Due to excess moisture, micro-organisms do not get enough air and the decomposing of organic
waste is slowed. Repeat this testing in different parts of the heap intermittently.


What is the process of maintaining moisture in the heap?

If organic waste like sugarcane leaves is used, usually the water poured on the heap flows over and
out of it, resulting in a deficiency in moisture inside the heap. In order to overcome this, 6 inch deep
and 1 inch wide pits should be made at every 1 ft interval on the heap. By pouring water into these
pits the water will seep inside the heap and moisture will be maintained.
What should be done if the heap becomes hard?
If the heap becomes hard then it should be mixed properly by turning it over. Sufficient amount of
Amrut jal should be mixed in it and the heap should be spread again in its original shape and kept
covered with dry grass.
What could be the reasons for Amrut Mitti falling to develop after 140 days?
There could be several reasons for this. Following are a few among them

The organic waste has not been chopped properly into fine pieces of 3-4 inches.
Enough moisture has not been always maintained in the heap.
Excess or less layers of organic waste have been laid on the heap.
Micro-organisms have died due to not having mulch (cover) the heap.
Living Micro-organisms have died due to obstacles in the flow of air in the heap.
Excess of water makes the heap sticky inside. Micro-organism cannot work in these
Decomposing is slow due to lack of nitrogen in the heap. Need to increase Amrut Jal.
There is an excess amount of fiber in the biomass.

What should be done to keep the Amrut Mitti fertile?

After taking yield produced in the soil, all the left over biomass should be used as a cover on it.
After every three months ash should be mixed in it at the rate of 30 grams in every square foot.
It should always be kept covered with live cover. If there is lack of water, then the heap of
Amrut Mitti should be kept covered with dry grass, polythene, paper or stones, so that less
water evaporates.


Production from Amrut Mitti soil is as under by many farmers from different parts of the
s. no




40 quintals/acre


30 quintals/acre

Soya bean

20 quintals/acre

Ground nut

24 quintals/acre


120 tons/acre

Sugar cane

100 tons/acre


400 fruits/tree/annum


16 tons /acre





180 kg/tree/annum



40 tons/acre

Natueco science is emphasizes on understanding the nature and its web of relationships;
and using our understanding to intervene intelligently to help nature by enhancing its
processes to become more efficient and effective for a plants growth. A true Natueco
farmer must strive to understand the underlying principles behind the processes as
importantly as the steps and method of each stage of Natueco farming.

Knowledge base

Language of science should be indigenous, trouble-free and convenient to help people to

Sri Sripad Dabholkarji.
Every Natueco farmer is encouraged to create his own Knowledge base of Natueco Science.

Natural Intelligence
All life embodies an evolutionary intelligence embedded in its very DNA. It is this intelligence
which tells each cells how to grow, where to grow, when to grow, what to grow into. When the
balance of this intelligence is disturbed, then immunity of the plant is reduced leading to diseases.
It is this Natural Intelligence inherent in the Plant Kingdom that we seek to harness, nourish and
manifest through the Art and Science of Natueco Farming.


Demystification of Science
Demystification of science is generally used synonymously with traditional and local knowledge to
differentiate the knowledge developed by and within distinctive indigenous communities as
compared to international knowledge (sometimes incorrectly called the Western knowledge)
system generated through universities, government research centers and private industry. In India
few people understand the science of plants. These include students who complete their
institutional study and want to become a professional and handful people who have
comprehended plant science but do not adopt farming as profession. Today the bridge of
Knowledge is one way, our indigenous knowledge is not transferred to universities and knowledge
with universities is not transferred to demystified indigenous knowledge.


Demystification of Natueco Science : a depiction

Natueco Science is indegenious to the nature and the farmer community. No expert from some
school or university is required to teach this knowledge to a farmer. It is generated by individual
experiences of a farmer. And such individual knowledge with the freedom to experiment is then
shared across the Natueco farmers groups which are called as Prayog Parivaar by shri
Dabholkar. The prayog parivaar become guides, mentors, helpers of each other and move in sync
with each other and with the nature. This way the Natueco Science gives rise to De-Schooling;
arriving at the concept of knowledge by Practice, education by experiments, learning with natural
Natueco Farming -Energy to Energy Relationship

Natueco is a science of life and life can be defined as flow of Energy.

When a farmer becomes a Natueco farmer, he manages farming with energy. He creates, he
nurtures and he maintains his own farm. The aspects of Brahma (creation) Vishnu ( nurturance)
And Mahesh ( maintaining the balance) all are inculcated into the farmer indirectly which gives
him abundance, joy and grace. Farming is a Dharma, a creation-when such products are

There is a srong correlation between a Natueco Farm output and the use of natural resources and
use of energy in a farm.
Symbiotic Relationship with Nature & Ecology.

Believes that the Natures intelligence is most superior, so we must develop farming from
mimicking Nature.
Follows the principles of eco-system networking of nature.

Offers an alternative to the commercial and heavily chemical dependant farming.

Emphasizes on harvesting sunlight through critical application of scientific examination,
experiments and methods that are rooted in neighborhood resources.
Demystification of Science. by developing a thorough understanding of plant physiology,
biology geometry of growth, physics, fertility and biochemistry.

Additional Principles of Natueco Science Farming

1. Harvesting the sunlight

Optimal utilization of sunlight and minimal loss

To obtain a higher degree of photosynthesis.
Increase the surface area of leaf/canopy to harvest more sunlight in the shorter time.

2. Stages in plant life


Root Development.
Vegetative growth.
Flowering and fruiting.

Old age:

Declined metabolic activity followed by death.

3. Medium for the growth of Root zone

Give support and anchorage to the tap root.

Supply nutrients to feeder roots.
Provide moisture to plants.
Provide good aeration to roots.

4. Food production by plants

Increases the rate of photosynthesis.

Plants produce 3-4 gm of dry-mass per sq.ft. of photosynthesis area a day (8-10 hrs).
Dry mass


1 gm

Plant metabolism


Vegetative growth



Desired output can be obtained with knowledge of timing and place of storage of

5. Plant biochemistry
Understanding plant chemistry.
Creating a micro-environment / climate which resemble a forest and understand the inter
element chemical relationship.

The three areas Natueco Science addresses to are:




Enrichment of soil through biomass recycling


Development of feeder roots for enhanced absorption


Proper spread of canopy for increased photosynthesis rate


6.Plant Physiology:- Fundamental processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, plant

nutrition, plant hormone functions, photoperiodic, physiology, seed germination.
7. Plant Geometry:- Matghematics of plants vegetative growth and its multiplication along the
plant growth.
8. Plant Chemistry:- An example is the plants reaction after getting Amrut jal and Amrut mitti.
9. Plant Physics:- How a plant grows with respect to its surrounding.


Natueco farming comprise of 10 major components which are:














Seed Treatment

Seed Treatment is a process to ensure maximum germination and provide in situ total Nutrition
for optimum growth of plants so that its produce is full of nutrition and vital energy.

Materials Required
1. Seeds to be planted.
2. Four different varieties of seeds (mixture of dicots & having less canopy and height then main
3. Fresh cow dung.
4. Termite soil.
5. Ash
6. Amrut Mitti / soil of the field in which seed would be sown
7. Cow urine
Importance of above materials
(a) Volume of four different seed should be equal to that of the main seed
 These seeds are taken as they have complementary effect on main crop.
 It helps the main plant by providing nutrients to it.
 Of the 4 seeds;
Oil seeds: Provides Nitrogen, elements and vital energy.
Coriander: Resistant power, repellant to insect, high availability of micronutrients
Fenugreek: Nitrogen fixation + KADURAS + Iron
Bengal gram (CHANA): Nitrogen + amino acid; weed repellant as it contains acid.
Onion: Tikha Ras plus Sulphur + enzymes
Tomato (KHATA): Potash from leaves
Till or Muster
(b) Amrut Mitti / soil of the seed
 The seed will have an experience of growing in the soil in which it has to grow.

( c)

It will become aware of the PH and the deficiency of the soils nutrition.

Termite soil
 It is used as binding agent, it bind the seeds, cow dung and ash.
Note: - If termite soil is not available then it may be replaced by clay soil.

(d) Cow urine

 Contains anaerobic microbes that help plant growth.
 In presence of cow urine, the photosynthesis bacteria will develop fast.
 Cow urine has acid and act as a catalyst
(e) Cow dung
 Non aerobic Micro organism of cow dung helps in conveying message to soil organism
and earthworms to bring the deficient mineral to top from the bottom layers (from 8 feet) .
 Attracts earthworm that provides excreta with dissolve mineral in available form near
the root zone. Plants roots take this nutrition and provide it to the plant.
Process of Seed Treatment

Steps I

Mix the four different seeds + 2
part of fresh cow dung + 2 part
of ash + 2 part of termite soil.

Steps II

Using cow urine

make paste of
above material
Make balls of 1
cm. dia of this
seed in it.

Steps III

These balls can be directly

sown in the nursery after
drying or it can be dried in
sunlight and preserved to
use within three years

Steps IV

Benefits of seed treatment

All family members are involved in making seed balls and energies the ball with their feelings. This
enriches the process and is more beneficial to the consumers family. While family members prepare

seed balls they convey their positive feelings and emotion. The seed also gets the message of the
family and behave accordingly and will germinate with full energy and nutrition, thereby fulfilling
the nutritional need of the farmers family and consumers (This important aspect is ignored by the
modern university scientist!).
When a seed germinates, it indicates entrance of life into the seed. When the seed is enclosed in soil
(as in seed treatment) , the microbes can learn about soil and communicate to its environment about
deficiencies as it is the question of seeds survival. This is very supportive for the plant growth.
Seed support each other to grow main seed to avail nutrition from the soil. When society consume
these crops, growing and support each other, the World can feel Vasudev kutumbakam.


Bio= Life


Biodiversity is variety of life in a given ecosystem and their essential interdependence/ interaction
for sustainability as a whole. The variety of life on Earth and its biological diversity is commonly
referred to as biodiversity.
The number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in
these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests and coral reefs
are all part of a biologically diverse Earth.
Essence of Biodiversity:
Biodiversity in farm indicates that flora & fauna are working with each other, helping each other
in natural and holistic way. Every one lives for helping each other in an symbiotic environment.
For instance cow eats bio waste of farm and offers urine and dung which helps soil enrichment to
spawn more life in soil which in turn helps flora and fauna of the farm. This is an example of
natures cycle.
If we can relate the pattern of biodiversity to human society, joint families can be the example of it.
A Joint family has biodiversity ie variety of relationships of different people in a family; offering
love and performing duties of different inter personal relations, working for each other,

benefitting each other and supporting each other. In contrast is the relationship pattern of a
nuclear family.
This example depicts comparison between a farm with biodiversity in its produce and a farm of
which cultivates is mono crop. In a farm with no biodiversity, there is an deficiency of natural
emotions with among all the natural elements of a farm hence the flow of energy is hindered in
one of the other. Emotionless farming technique also gives rise to violence in the form as basic as
destroying microbial quality of the soil and surrounding thence interrupting the cycle of the
nature. Such energy deficient farm produces crop which in turn is deficient in energy.
In our Puranas food is considered to be basic building block of life. If this block is energy deficient,
the flow of energy is disturbed in its consumer too. Hence it is said that
JAISA ANN VAISA MAN ( mind is developed of the same universal qualities as that of the food we
Importance of Biodiversity:
Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, has
an important role to play.
For example,
When a big tree falls, their dry leaves become available as food to Microbes and Earthworms in
the soil. The Earthworms work round the clock for their lives but their life processes contribute to
their surroundings. They eat soil and dry leaves of trees and excrete. Their excreta is rich in
Nitrogen. They also bring nutrient from deep down the soil to the surface. These enriched
nutrients manure the plants of short life span (Alpjeevi i.e. seasonal / annual plants ) that grows in
refuge of the plants of medium life span (Madhyam jeevi i.e. bi-annual plants ). The life and death
cycle of Alpjeevi and MadhyamJeevi plants create manure for plants of Long Life span ( Deergh
Jeevi i.e. perennial plants ). The seasonal plants also create a constant food supply for the
earthworms in the form of dry biomass after their season gets over. All these plants offer food to
human beings, birds and animals and the cycle of the nature continues.
Hence the mention in our Puranas:
If we allow our farms to flourish in sync with the nature, we too become a part of this
universal phenomenon and hence can generate a feeling of VASUDHAIVE KUTUMBAKAM
(Whole world is my family).

In a farm, a larger variety of plant species indicates a greater variety of crops


Greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms

Healthy ecosystems can better withstand and recover from a variety of disasters

Biodiversity support food security, dietary health, livelihood and sustainability.

How is Bio-Diversity achieved in Natueco Farming?

Bio-diversity is achieved in a Natueco farm through a concept of multi-layer, multi-tyre crop
cultivation. In a limited area one can grow plants of different height ( from similar habitat ) in a
cluster which can give diversity in produce according to our needs. This also benefits the plants to
create a symbiotic relationship with each other also reduce the water requirement of plants by
capturing humidity within that area.
Two effective models of such integrated plantation are created in the Natueco farming with a biodiversity on a limited area to benefit small farmers/ house gardens to produce the daily food
requirement of a family in an effective way.
The two models are named as
(a) Ganga Ma Mandal and
(b) Ten Guntha model.
(a) Ganga Maa Mandal
This model was developed by a South Indian housewife. She developed the model for sustaining
her familys nutritional requirement and also empowered herself through adding income to her
family with minimum efforts by only utilizing the neighborhood resources to an optimum level.
Bill Mollison, the agriculturist, proposed this model for domestic farming by every woman of a
family to eradicate malnutrition and death of infants in underprivileged families.


Fig: Ganga Maa Mandal in full bloom.

Fulfill the nutritional need of underprivileged families by optimum utilization of neighborhood
Materials required
1. Land of 30 ft diameter i.e. (710 sq. ft.)
2. Seeds / seedlings
3. Amrut Mitti heaps 8
4. Biomass for mulching 200 kg
5. Amrut Jal @ 1 L / ft. i.e. 710L
1. Within 3 months it starts producing
2. It takes about 1 -1.5 years to become fully productive.


Fig: Pictorial representation of Ganga Maa Mandal with crops undertaken and layout with bio-diversity.


Fig: Layout of Ganga Maa Mandal

Step I

Clear a land of 30 ft diameter- layout as in diagram

Step II

Dig a disc shaped pit of 2 ft deep and 6 ft diameter-apply ash at bottom- moisten the pit with Amrit

Step III

Fill with No.3 biomass (more fibrous) like sugar cane begesse, coconut fiber, groundnut shell, etc that
has been soaked for 24 hours Amrut Jal, leaving 2 inches at top-fill the space with Amrut mitti.

Step IV

Fill its outer circumference with Amrut Mitti up to 1 ft and 1.5 wide.

Step V

Fill each part up to 1 ft and desired width, leaving the pathway

Step VI

Plant the seedling of plants as mentioned in the diagram

Ganga Maa Mandal elements

1. Central Circle



Total Production
140 kg
320 kg
8 kg
32 cobs

Nutritional value
Carbohydrates, Iron
Carbohydrates, salts, Vitamins
Blood purifier

2. Inner Circle: Comprises of crops for daily use.

S. no Crops
Lemon grass


Total Prod.

Nutritional value / Benefits

Digestive disorders
Cough, cold; increase vital energy
Herbal tea


Sweet Potato
Cow pea

1 kg / week
1 kg / week

Vitamins, Iron and salts

Vitamins, Iron, salts and minerals

3 kg/month
1 kg / sq ft

Vit. A

3 kg/season


3 kg /sq ft
1 kg / sq ft

Salts, Vit. C
Vit. A and iron

Salts and minerals

1 kg / season


3. Outer Circle- mainly consists of tuber and medicinal crops.

S. No.
Part 6



Total Prod.

Nutritional value / Benefits




1 kg / sq ft


Safed Musli
Kapur Tulsi

Hair and memory tonic
Body pain
Resistance power

Ram tulsi


Cough digestion
Resistance power
Cough and cold, spice

Kadu kadyatu

Wounds, burns, skin , ulcers
Kidney Stone
Milk indigestion
Throat dryness




5 kg/plant



High blood pressure and

4. Pathways- each pathway comprises of eight vegetable plants for daily use i.e. each pathway
for a day.


Quantity Total
Bottle Gourd
Sponge Gourd 8
Cow pea

Nutritional value /
Salts, Vitamins
Salts, Vitamins
Salts and Vitamins
Protein, calcium, vitamin

S. no. Items
Amrut mitti Heaps
Biomass for mulching
Amrut Jal
Total Rs.


model 5

Rate (Rs.)

Total (Rs.)


(b) TEN GUNTHA model

Ten Guntha is a term for a physical area of 10,000 sq. ft. in Western India. This is also the name
given to a model of farming that can sustain the livelihood of a 5 member family catering to all
the nutritional needs of the family members. It not only gives the family food security but also
fulfils other requirements to lead a graceful life with Liberty and Prosperity.
Ten Guntha model is the art of sunlight networking to get optimum yield and prosperity based on
Natueco Science farming. It requires 8 hours labor work a day for the first 3 years and only 2
hours a day after that. A Ten Guntha model becomes sustainable within 3 years.

Fulfill the Nutrition and Calories value needed by a 5 member family for a healthy life.
Fulfill all other farm related requirements of a 5 member family.
Raise the living standards of marginal farmers to a middle class level.
Ensure marginal farmers live a life with equality, prosperity and freedom without being

Basics of Ten Guntha


Harvest the sunlight falling on the Ten Guntha.

Need an assured supply of water (1000 L/day).
Equity sharing with the Labor working in the model.
Use only neighborhood resources.
Use of latest science and manifest its outcome.

Scientific reasons for Ten Guntha.

Recommended daily intake (Dietary reference value) of a person is prescribed by WHO as :
Women- 2,000 Calories/day; Men- 2,500 calories/day
Total Fat
Saturated Fatty Acid

55 g
20 g

Total Carbohydrate

300 mg
2300 mg
4700 mg
300 g
25 g
50 g

How can 10Guntha model meet this requirement?

1. Solar energy gives 1250 Kilo Cal per Sq. ft. in eight to ten hours a day.

2. Matured green leaves harvest only 1% of it, so 100 sq. ft. for one meal.
3. Apart from food, family needs firewood, cloth, oil etc. This requires 1400 ft2/person. Total
7000 ft2..
4. Shelter and water each requires 1000.ft.2.
5. Storing place and place for play 500 ft.2 for each, total 1000.
Grand total of 10,000 sq ft. or Ten Guntha
Allocation of 10 Guntha
S. No.

Area (1 Guntha = 1000 sq. ft.)

Crops / Use


1.0 Guntha



0.5 Guntha

Store room


0.5 Guntha

Free space


1.0 Guntha



2.0 Guntha

Paddy + Mung in Kharif

Wheat + Jowar in Rabi


1.0 Guntha

Pulses + Food grains


1.0 Guntha



0.5 Guntha



0.5 Guntha

Spices + Herbs


1.0 Guntha

Fruit crops


0.5 Guntha

Oilseeds (Groundnut + Til)


0.5 Guntha

Fodder & Fuel





Heaps (nos)



Biomass (kg)for mulching @ 200 gm /ft.


Amrut Jal

Total (Rs.)

a) Soaking Biomass (L)




b) Seed Sowing @ 1 L / sq. ft.




Labor- Clearing, layout and Installation

of model
Total Rs




a. This excludes the cost of seeds, pond, house and store room.
b. This costing is applicable if all the items are to be purchased.


Pictorial representation of 10 Guntha with crops undertaken


12.5 Live fencing to the farm

What is live fencing?
A fence created of live plants is called Live Fencing
In Natueco farming, live fence plays an important role.
Purpose of Live fencing

Acts as a wind breaker.

Protection from animals.
Source of income for daily requirements.
Provides biomass for mulching and nutrition.
Creates micro-climate

Table: Plants that can be planted in Live Fencing are as follows.

S. No.

Methi Neem Curry Patta
Vetiver Grass
Bottle Gourd
Kadu Kadyatu
Lemon grass

Spacing (ft.)


12.6 Database
Self Education through Documentation (De-schooling)
Incredible brain can take from rags to riches, from loneliness to popularity and from
depression to happiness and joy if it is used properly. If you do the right things in right

Documentation is essential for success. Usually farmers do not document their farm input vis--vis
farm output. This trend stops them from learning from mistakes and hence stops them from
Farmers can self-educate by documentation. It helps to avoid/repetition of mistakes, data helps to
go take corrective actions. Natueco Science says when farmer understand plant physics, plant
physiology, plant chemistry, plant geometry, plant biology - he understand language of plants.
When plants get their requirements as per their needs plants grow well and yield better produce.
Documentation of plants growth vis--vis the farms input, farms output vis--vis farm input, yield
per plant, relation of canopy size with its yield etc helps a farmer learn from his own farm. Also
the farmer can shrare his experience with Prayog parivar to create a bigger database.
Suggested Format for Data collection for Grains/ Root crop/ Vegetables


( M)


Seeds sowing





Cost Date




Date cost



e (B)


13.0 Prosperity with Equity

Today the Equity sharing in agriculture has reduced to a practice of few land owners giving their
farm land on contract to farmers for a season and get returns in the form of certain percentage of
the production.
The Wealth and Prosperity that abounds anywhere today is the creation of the progress of
Modern Science. But till today, the best and the latest of the modern science and its results have
failed to reach to the last person. It is always essential to hand over the essence of the science to
the grass root people. With the self earned knowledge of such science they can build their own
techniracies (Technical Literacies) to create their desired Plenty and Prosperity from their
neighborhood. Their dependence on the Govt and other institution will reduce this way. Prosperity
with Equity will gain its true meaning then.
Dr. Dabholkar ji had said that the Prosperity can only self-sustain itself if it is inclusive and
equitable in nature. An equitable farm reduces poverty and inequality by ensuring a systematic
re-distribution of the economic benefits of development.
Dabholkar ji suggested every farmer to bear a childs curiosity towards his/her farm. Each one of
us as a child is gifted by nature. We grow up with learning through W/H questions on every
observation of ours. The same curiosity should be re-inculcated in a farmer. As a childs constant
prattle on 'Why', 'How', 'How much', 'Why not this way' etc gets him/her well acquainted with the
things, a farmer too should get acquainted with his/her farm and its surrounding through
continued curiosity. The spirit of sharing the equity, sharing knowledge, sharing database
generates from this curiosity
But if an inequality exists in the farming culture in a group, the curiosity about a particular
culture poses the risk to its existence.
Natueco says agriculture is not only a cultivation of flora and fauna but it also a cultivation of
prosperous culture. Sharing of knowledge, labor, resource etc. Individual farm contribute to the
Nations prosperity too.

14.0 Advantages of Natueco Farming

Natueco Cultivation is:
1. A non violent way of growing food- with minimum tilling and digging.
2. No external additives or pesticides required
3. The soil nourishes itself while growing food-the method imitates natural process of top soil
4. Unlike conventional farming, it is less laborious (after 3 years).

5. Maximizes yield, healthier plant which in turn makes it less susceptible to pests and disease
6. Maximizes nutrition to family by diverse and multi-crop pattern of cultivation
7. Less water intensive- rain fed and needs as much as we (humans) consume for personal
8. Dramatically reduces our eco-footprint and food-miles-good for environment
9. Aligned with natures 3 cycles- of matter, energy and life.
10. Increases biomass through perfect management of Sun, soil, plant and man.
11. A dignified way to help an individual shift from total dependence on external inputs to self
12. Shock absorption against ecological and pest disasters- due to multi-cropping and crop
13. Combination of age old natural farming and modern scientific intervention
14. Highly integrative-reduces sense of duality.
15. It emphasis primary productivity.
16. It fulfils 5 L concept comprising living, livelihood, learning, love and laughter.


No loss in production from the very first crop.

Active microbial population and yet no disease throughout the season.
Reduces dependency on farm inputs from external sources.
In built and in-situ process with all resources available from the neighborhood.
Enrichment and enhancement of soil quality.
Mutually beneficial for producer and consumer.
Minimum tilling and thus increasing the organic carbon in soil.
Decreasing the entropy of ecosystem.
Diversified / Multi-tier farming approach.

15.0 Natueco vis--vis conventional farming in terms of farm productivity :

With conventional methods of farming our efforts have been to increase the Visible Productivity
of a farm. Therefore the Green revolution was introduced. The fundamental approach of green
revolution was to enhance the visible productivity of a farm by its Secondary Productivity which
in itself is sensible thing to do. But over a long period of time we only considered the visible
productivity of a farm as its measure, hence rigorously followed enhancing its secondary
productivity and neglected, gradually forgot about the farms primary productivity.


We derived a false sense of pride from the visible productivity of the farm without realizing the
apathy of soils primary productivity!
In the beginning with such conventional farming, the Visible Productivity can be easily increased
by external inputs. However, over a long period of time it impairs farms Primary Productivity
and gradually we start seeing a decline in the Visible Productivity even though external inputs
are the same.
Natueco Sciences focuses completely on the Primary productivity of a farm and concentrates
around enriching the soil in its carbon value. In other words, it is a way to increase the dry mass
output per hectare per kilolitre of water consumed.
In the beginning of understanding, this seems to be a very subtle factor but is an extremely
important point because the Suns energy can only be harvested optimally if the dry mass output
is maximized.
If land is harvested at its most optimal levels of Primary Productivity, it WILL give maximum
yield per hectare FOR EVER with the least input cost! Thus such farming becomes viable
With increase in the primary productivity, dependence on the external resources reduces
gradually; helps the farmer to create a knowledge base and data base of experience, create his/
her own seed bank and hence such farming becomes sustainable for a longer period of time.
The markets of the supplements for conventional farming unfortunately do not offer anything to
enhance the Primary Productivity of a farm.


15.1 Difference between Natueco Farming and Natural Farming

Natueco Farming

Natural Farming

This is a new concept of Farming

This is the traditional concept of Farming

Farming is done through understanding nature

more and more

Farming is done through trusting nature as it is

It is nature friendly

It is nature glorifying

It promises Plenty for all

It hopes to establish sustainable development


It asks for resource right for each family of five.

It is worried of resource crunch in nature. It

fails to understand how abundant wealth can
be generated for the benefit of all through
enrichment and enhancement of neighborhood

Eg. a) Ten Guntha ( 100 M square) Sunlight

b) daily 1000 liters of water as usable waste
c) Latest of Science in a demystified way.
It has a new vision of infinite resource
potentials in nature through increasing the
universal human creativity to harvest these.

It is very sensitive to disturb the present

equilibrium of the system

Depends on critical understanding of greening

and recycling of bio mass from within to enrich
the structure and fertility of soil in a calculated

Depends on traditional practices of organic

farming in an empirical way where mostly,
organic waste are brought from outside.

It promises record assured yields trough

knowing plants actual fertility needs, plants
geometry of growth, plants cycles of growth,
plant physiology, new techniracy of canopy
management and soil and water management
with least external inputs and for optimum
harvesting of Sun light.

It provides no basic insight into various

natures processes in programming any crop

It has developed the new concept of agriculture

where abundance for every one where of
everything is possible.

It s confused between the difference between

the riches and abundance and fels increasing
human needs is anti nature.

It visualizes that in near future; there will be

energy markets only. All consumer goods will
be from neighborhood home farming systems.

It has no better alternative to fight against the

present commercial market and money market

The present paper economy system will have to

give way to new energy equivalence ecoeconomic system of nature.

The myth of present paper money system is as

yet not exposed by natural farming system.

Promises to build up new enriched eco systems

Natural farming promises only sustainable

living as in ancient times.
(Derived from Plenty for All)

16.0 Other Important Processes in Natueco Farming:

16.1 Root treatment
Root treatment is a process to rejuvenate the feeder roots to enhance growth of the canopy. The
process is applicable for medium and long term plants.

Fig: Root treatment


To develop better root system (Feeder Root Zone).

To get better vegetative growth of the plants and optimum quantity of vegetables or fruits.
Ensure food for plant at right place and in right quantity.
To increase the life of the plant.

To locate feeder root zone, start digging from outer circle of the canopy towards the tree, 6
inches breadth and 1 feet depth.
When feeder root zone is located, dig a trench 1x1 feet for 1/4th circle of the tree canopy.
Cut those feeder roots which are exposed in the trench. Moisten the pit with Amrut Jal and
Apply ash on the cut feeder roots as antiseptic to the roots.
Fill the pit with Amrut Mitti and again moisten the surface of the trench.
Mulch the trench with biomass (No. 3*) dipped in Amrut Jal.

After two months, carry out the same process on the opposite side of the plant circle and
then after four months left or right side of the plant. At six months the remaining side.
After a year this process can be done 1 foot further towards the canopy, but this time the
whole circle can be done.
On the place where root treatment takes place, the shadow loving crops can be grown.
* No.3 biomass, which has the capacity to absorb 50% water of its own weight.
* In the rainy season this process of root treatment can be done at 15 days interval.
16.2 Pruning
Pruning is a post plantation management technique conducted to reduce the maturity time of a
plant and also for canopy management to get more productive vegetative growth to increase the
production from the plant in quantity and quality. Pruning also helps to prolong the yield
Increase the productivity of the plant.
Maintain health and quality of plant and fruits.
Remove the dead, non productive and diseased branches.
Give specific shape and height to the plants/trees.
Regeneration of old plant.
Develop secondary and treasury branch earlier to have fruits on time.
Manage production with respect to market demand

Materials Required

Cow dung,
Cow urine


Methods of pruning of selected plants

1. Bottle Gourd

Fig: Before pruning

Fig: After pruning

Follows this chart after date of seed germination

Various pruning stages in Bottle gourd


Time after

of nodes

Pruning at nodes
from top


At 21day nodes/leaves emerge(childhood)

Secondary branch at 13 nodes
Tertiary branch 6 nodes

34 days
50 days
59 days

13 nodes
13 nodes
6 nodes

At 5th node
At 5th node
At 5th node

Ensure 2nd and 4th branch gives fruit and 1st and 3rd leave for vegetative growth. Same procedure
can be followed in every plant.
Provide ash in 30th days 10gms to maintain the nutrition taken by the plants to the soil.


2.Tomato and Brinjal

Pruning of Tomato and Brinjal

Stage of pruning
At flowering stage

Prune at
Just above the flowering node.



3. Pruning of Chilli

Stage of pruning
45 days after germination
After harvesting

Prune at
30% from the top
70% from the top


Fig: Pruned mango tree




Pruning of Mango plant

(f) The time of the pruning is always after harvesting. 70% pruning is done for rejuvenation of
old mango plant, after this it would give more than the previous year fruiting at least for 2
years. (Subject to root treatment: please see the science of Root Treatment).
(g) Pruning should be done 30% from the top in order to maintain the shape and increase the
capacity to harvest cosmic energy.
(h) First identify main stem- which is the longest. It is pruned at a height till which we want.
(i) Pruning is done just after 3 nodes if new branch are not developing, cut 2 nodes from the
top. This helps to accelerate the new multi branches from the pruned part.
(j) If there are 4 branches (3 healthy and 1 weak), cut the weak one, if 3 weak and 1 healthy
then cut the healthy one.
(k) Cut the surrounding branches at 9 inches distance towards outer circle, prune below the
height of center point.
(l) Again 9 inches from the above is pruned at a height less than the previous.
The branches which are less than 450 are pruned where two or more branches are
seen, more than 900 also to be pruned.
6. Pruning of Pomegranate
(n) When the plant attains height of 3 feet, cut 1 foot from the top.
(o) Allow the 4 new branches to attain the length of 3 feet, prune them 1 foot from the end.
(p) After 3 years harvest, prune the plant 70% and develop new branches. Root treatment at
this stage is very useful.
(q) Water shoot and branching emerging from the ground other than the stem should be
7. Pruning of Drumstick
(r) 1st pruning when the plant attains a height of 3 feet from the ground and color change in
the top stem. The branch should be cut to allow new branch from well storage stem.
(s) When the new branches grow more than 3 feet length, cut 1 foot from the end.
(t) After harvesting the fruits, prune the tree keeping the height from the land 3feet.


16.3 Humidity Chamber

A Humidity Chamber is a structure made of plastic sheets, bamboo, bricks and Amrut Mitti to
facilitate growth of plants. As the polythene is transparent, sunlight enters the Chamber. It heats up
due to incoming solar radiation and carbon dioxide released by the plants. Along with this, internal
moisture turns into vapor during day time and falls back as dew when the external temperature
reduces during the night. This reduces the requirement of water. The warmed structures and plants
inside the humidity chamber re-radiate some of their thermal energy in the infrared spectrum, to
which plastic is partly opaque, so that this energy is also trapped inside the chamber. The primary
heating mechanism of a humidity chamber is convection. This principle is the basis of the autovent
automatic cooling system. Although heat loss occurs due to thermal conduction through the plastic
and other building materials, net energy increases inside the chamber.
This entire process results in activating the plants in the chamber.
A Humidity Chamber
1. Is a nursery which can be made with very little water and space (10 foot long, 4 foot wide, 4 foot

Is a nursery in which a seedling can be kept under excessively humid conditions supplied with
fresh air.
Is a moist chamber where there is very little transpiration from the leaves and increased foliage
Controls key factors like temperature, light, water and atmosphere.
Can be used to overcome the poor growing qualities - such as poor light levels, seasons, or soil
infertility- thereby improving food production in marginal environments throughout the year.
Can be used to grow saplings faster. Aromatic plants and the those that favor shade such as
coriander, mint grows faster in it. Saplings (plants fit to sow) can be made from the seeds in it.

Need of Humidity Chamber

Helpful in feeder roots growth and development of canopy of the plant.


To grow leafy vegetables throughout the year.

Able to grow plants/seeds in off seasons.
Slips and branches/wildings which do not have seeds can also be grown in nursery.

Materials and cost to build a Humidity chamber

200 Gauge black polythene
150 gauge White polythene
Amrut Mitti
Amrut Jal
Bamboo strips

4 x11 feet
14 x 8 feet
80 lt. (32kg)
32 kg
50 lt.

Rate (Rs.)
3 each
10 each

Total (Rs.)

How to build a moisture pavilion?





Method of building
Step I
Step II

Place the 10 foot long and 4 foot wide black polythene of 200 gauges on the leveled ground to prevent
absorbing water from the soil, due to this moisture will be maintained.
Use the bricks to line the boundary around the polythene to stop Amrut Mtti from draining out.

Step III

Fill the structure by 50% of sand and 50% of Amrut Mitti

Step IV

Saturate this with Amrut Jal.

Step V

Fix both ends of the bamboo strips of at five places of the chamber

To bind these sticks strongly, 10 foot long bamboo, split in the middle is placed and tied to each
other in five places- one in the middle and two on either side.
Step VII 12 foot by 8 foot transparent polythene of 150 gauge is laid on this structure of bamboo sticks. The
pavilion is sealed by placing bricks along its border
Step VI


Precautions to be taken while building the Humidity Chamber and use

Build in a place where the polythene won't be damaged.

Build in a place with less exposure to sunlight. Polythene melts faster in bright sun and plant
dies due to increase in internal heat inside the chamber. A chamber of shed net can also be
made over that.
Keep the two vertical ends open for an hour each day for air ventilation on very hot days.

17.0 Conclusion
Natueco Farming is a component of a larger and deeper thought-process. It is essential for a
Natueco farmer to create an understanding of this larger vision and understand how Natueco
farming fits into this greater picture. In fact, Natueco Science is a holistic science concerned with
farming integrating other sciences with it, aiming at a final integration of living, livelihood and
learning. In the book plenty for all written by Sri Dabholkarji, one can read about the Science of
Direct-Learning, (experiential and de-schooled); about the Science of Venture and
Prosumership( concerned with the relationships and societal spheres) and about the Science of
Energy Economics and eco-economics vs monetary economics.
Natueco Science is about Life, it is a wholesome science which wants to include rather than
exclude, which wants to integrate all the sciences rather than compartmentalize; it aims at
generating a dynamic overall understanding that everyone can enrich through their own directlearning. Natueco Science is thus concerned with Oneness.
When we farm with love and concern for all forms of Life, our experience becomes deeper, we
open our hearts to understandings that normally evade us in daily life. We observe, we understand
our relationship with Nature, our being Nature. Natueco farming is thus envisioned to produce
not only material but also spiritual abundance.
Love and concern are key concepts in Natueco Farming, without these there is no Natueco as such.
Farming with consciousness is essential to bring about the transformation of the Self. With
consciousness our work becomes a sacred activity and with consciousness we have the power to
transform ourselves, and eventually our communities and the world we live in. If we act
collectively with consciousness, we can find solution for todays problems, we can reduce the
selfishness, the greediness and violence. More than this, global warming is known to be
irreversible, but the Truth is that by working consciously and collectively we can reverse its ill
effects without any doubt.
The Natueco farming system is a farming practice which involves effective and efficient use of the
available resources within the farm vicinity to enhance and enrich the ecosystem without
exploiting it, thus making a farmer prosperous with equality and liberty.
Natueco Farming Science is a (healthy) way of farming through scientific methods by using less
space, less water and natural resources from surrounding areas in accordance with changes in

the environment. Its aim is the protection of environment and the prosperity of the peasant
families. This method is developed by combining old/new natural methods and scientific methods
of agriculture. It has resulted in more and better yield at lesser cost.
The message of Natueco is -Farm yourself; your own transformation can only lead to a world
Natueco science stresses on understanding nature and its web of relationships. Then,
using our understanding to intervene intelligently to help nature by making its processes
more efficient and effective. A true Natueco farmer must strive to understand the
underlying principles behind the processes.
Our world is facing unprecedented challenges ranging from poverty to Global warming. Natueco
farming can provide prosperity, joy and livelihood even to the poorest.
Soil is the most critical factor in farming and Amrut Mitti and Amrut jal has been scientifically
tested for superiority. This improved soil content will not only increase yield (quantity) but also
improve quality. Even in case when the quantitative improvement is stagnated, one can be sure of
qualitative improvement (increased nutritional value) in the produce. Increased nutritional value
will not only support good health of our society but also reduce food demand as we will be fulfilled
with lesser food intake.
While all these benefits are outcome of Natueco farming, it is very important to re-state that
farming should not merely be an act of money making. Only then true benefits of farming will
come about. If profit is the sole yardstick of farmers, Natueco farming will not attract him beyond
a point.
Soil, plants, microbes, birds, animals all help us in growing food, without knowing it as a great
work. They just do what is natural for them and give their service as offering to nature. They all
co-exist happily. In spite of our immense brain power, human beings do not do things as offering
but rather for selfish motives. Human beings have been gifted with capacity to reduce the entropy
in nature but we have done exactly the opposite. We must learn from nature, mimic nature and
live in co-existence with all living and non-living entities of universe.
In this book we have tried to share various concepts, ideas and processes related with Natueco
farming. The account in this book is not by any sense close to completeness. Farming is as vast as
life. Itll take volumes to cover the science and processes of farming, there is endless depth to it. In
a farm, life is abundant, so many worlds exists. A true farmer must be a continuous learner
because theres no end to learning. This book is just the beginning, as we spend more time with
nature, itll unfold its mystery and poses many new questions. This is why Natueco looks at
farming as a lifestyle for evolution of human consciousness.
Natueco farming does offer an opportunity, an invitation to start living a life of health, happiness
and non-exploitation.

Only when we understand the deeper sense of life and nature, can we really make right use of
various processes of Natueco farming which is nothing but mimicry of nature. Its unfortunate
that farming has reduced only to a non-glamorous way of making money. Farming is a way of
life, which can help in realizing the true purpose of human life which is the knowing who we are
and living joyously.
Natueco Farming - the challenge
The success of the Natueco Farming depends solely on the interest and dedication of the farmer to
work with awareness and consciousness for his betterment in the society.
18.0 The way forward
Natueco is growing to become an inspiration for the coming generations of farmers. Natueco is
taking its mission forward by reaching out to many farming communities, by also offering urban
people support and resources on farming for their own day to day needs. Farming should be seen
in a new light of awareness about our needs and natures working, and Natueco is doing that with
its every growing community and its relentless work.

18.1 The role of individuals & society

The focus of Natueco is on transforming the mindset of people from consumers to co creators,
working towards creating food abundance for all. If people understand and apply Natueco
farming techniques to their farms, the food requirements can be fulfilled for all along with
nutrition and economic sustenance. Every individual can be the part of this movement by
adopting Natueco farming wherever one can, by learning about Natueco science, by promoting
Natueco and by participating in our farming activities.
You can lead Natueco movement in your village or city and help your community to get rid of
resource heavy farming and chemical laden food. If one can inspire others by ones own efforts no
matter how big or small, we would love to join hands with every such person who wishes to
contribute and work in this direction.
It will be a service to humanity and to nature to adopt Natueco farming. We all are called in to be
a part of this service which is the call of the hour!

18.2 Context
Natueco culture compels us to ask some very fundamental questions to ourselves; even if they
appear irrelevant or unrelated in the beginning but as we begin to understand the whole picture,
we will start realizing the image.

Who are we? What is the purpose of Human life? Are we and how are we related to rest of the
nature? What is our natural food? Is agriculture natural way of farming at all? How did
agriculture start? What kind of conduct will bring peace and happiness in us and our
There are no definite answers but all that we human do, including farming, must lead us to a way
of life that addresses or supports the search of the fundamental questions.
18.3 Ask question to yourself before you adopt Natueco in your farms.
If you find any of the reasons listed below are one of the answers to your question, you
have the right mindset to adopt Natueco farming!
21 reasons why I want to be Natueco Farmer?
1. It is a non violent way of growing food-No tilling and digging.
2. No external additives or pesticides are required
3. The soil nourishes itself while growing food-the method imitates natural process of top soil
4. Becomes Less laborious after 3 years of starting, unlike conventional farming
5. Maximizes yield per plant. This happens with improved health of a plant which in turn
makes it less susceptible to pests and disease
6. Maximizes dry matter/sq ft of available land. Makes business sense. More for less.
7. Maximizes nutrition per family by diverse and multi-crop pattern of cultivation
8. Least water intensive-just rain fed and as much as we consume for personal use
9. Overcomes an important constraint-a need to have good quality of top soil on existing
land. i.e. The results of the Natueco are independent of the soil type (produces same results
in clayey soil as well as sandy soil).
10. Dramatically reduces our eco-footprint and food-miles-reducing carbon footprints.
11. Is perfectly aligned with natures 3 cycles- of matter, energy and life.
12. Increases biomass thru perfect management of Sun, soil, plant and man.
13. The only occupation to set a man truly free-free from being a slave of an employer
14. The only dignified way to help an individual shift from dependence on external inputs(like
job, government help, infrastructure etc) to liberation and Swaraj in real sense
15. Provides shock absorption against ecological and pest disasters because of multi-cropping
and crop diversity
16. The best combination of age old natural farming and modern scientific intervention
17. Not an esoteric or theoretical concept and leads to wholesome and spiritual experience
18. Possible to develop new ventures and non-exploitative entrepreneurship abilities
19. Generates a natural healing climate where automatically harmony and love evolves and
greed or selfishness dissolves.
20. Highly integrative-reduces sense of duality. It is a highly spiritual practice.
21. Helps the farmer unlearn old mono-culture ideas and traditions which no longer are
useful. A perfect way to de-school ourselves.


Appendix 1: The cover page and the significance of its design.

Appendix 2: About Sri S.A.Dabholkar, excerpts from his book Plenty for All




Dabholkarji came from a middle class family, had seven brothers and five sisters living together,
father was a well known High court lawyer and mother was very cultured and considerate Indian
woman. Since his young age Dabholkar ji believed more in his own experiences and expressions,
rather than academic way of building his character.
In 1942 he was a university student preparing for science graduation. The 1942 quit India freedom
movement made him feel strongly to build his individual academic career. In that period Dabholkarji
used to walk among the people in the countryside and also lived with them and tried to cultivate a
small organization called Shastra Siddhi Sadhanalay with an aim let us share and serve science
so that science can serve us with its blessings.
With this vague vision he undertook various graduate level studies. Physics, Chemistry and
Mathematics were course subject but he was always interested in Agricultural sciences, Biology and
especially Botany. With this subject he also got interested in Physiology of plants and studied
different social sciences: Sociology, Political science, Economics, Philosophy and Anthropology.
By the time our nation was a free sovereign Dabholkar ji got post graduation in Mathematics. After
completion PG he had a great opportunity to start Open Self Study Courses in different subjects.
This endeavor of different open courses was operated by Dabholkar ji single handedly. It soon
became very popular. With this early success, his passion for exposing own self to different life
situation increased. During this period he used to take long holidays and go to unknown places
where he lived the life of a tramp and moved on foot like a Sanyasi among the people of villages
with a different mother tongue and environment.
All these form of varied experiences and experiments enriched his life. He began to realize that
knowledge abounds everywhere in such a varied form that it is difficult to consolidate it in any
system. After some time he rapidly began to lose interest in his own activities in the open courses.
He closed entire open activity system. It took one full year to close these activities because of
various types of personal, social, structural, administrative, economical, and emotional involvements
which had to be dissolved in a detached manner.
In 1958 he was a free-lancer again, free to move and get involved in any field of life. He joined
Mouni Vidyapeeth. After spending three to four years here, he felt very familiar with the complex
mode of educational activities and got actively engaged in various types of extension and teaching
However, he began to get disillusioned about the thesis of bringing a change in our complex rural
life through various institutional activities and training. He formed an opinion that in whatever way
the institution may work, the structured curriculum of the system kills all the germs of creativity and
originality. During this thinking he initiated some activities and experiments in the institute.
Dabholkar ji had love for experimenting with plants since early childhood. He was successful in
growing prize pumpkin in a small earthen pot of about one and a half liter capacity, that the neighbor
used to call him Pumpkin Doctor. His desire for experimenting with the plant kingdom continued


with the rural surrounding of institute and in campus with living quarters and a small open space
around each home.
This small space became an experiment ground for studies in Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture,
poultry, Goat and Rabbit rearing, soil fertility building, new techniques in wasteland development,
and so forth. All these experiments were aimed at a farmer who is living a life below poverty line in
the country and is living at a level of disinvestment, and who has no other resources than his own
free labour and the dry waste-land that he has at his disposal. During these experiments, Dabholkar
ji realized that so called packages of agriculture practices, professed agriculture extension agencies,
were out of place in such a dire conditions. The whole process needed a new approach towards the
application of scientific principles and techniques with minimum or no external resources available.
Dabholkar ji then started work on new approach in which exciting results began to be visible from
the very first year of experiments. In a very small area of nearly one thousand square feet, he was
able to grow a variety of fruit plants. He grew good bunches of grapes on one cubic feet soil, 30
lemons in 20 liters of soil, pineapples, guava, pomegranate, papaya, Drumstick, Custard apple on
terrace in polythene bags and even mango. Along with this, he grew a variety of vegetables too.
The whole place which used to be a barren waste-land, became like a forest of fruit plants, all
healthy, all productive and all taking their nourishments from the symbiotic built- in-aggregate from
the garden waste. To this space, he also added poultry, goat, rabbit, and sericulture. This small
garden became a sensation to everyone in the locality and to anyone who came for training or a
study course in the institute. About thirty people used to visit the work every day to discuss and
understand the approach; and used to leave their address, in a hope to join the courses on the
subject if started at this place.
The then popular Marathi magazine called Kirloskar offered to publish Dabholkarjis experiments
to bring these ventures to the common man. In January 1966 first issue was published and it
created sensation among the people. This magazine had the highest circulation among the Marathi
intellectuals and middle class readers, and among many farmers and active village workers. The
article received a tremendous response! it was a novel situation to deal with, 10,000 letters were
received on first issue. In November 1966, in the Diwali special issue, Dabholkar ji wrote an article
explaining a new design to organize a network of information on his ventures; he called this network
Swasharya Vikas Mandal, meaning self -help and self- reliance. This was created to build new
creative constructive possibilities in the ventures by working in ones own real life situations. The
nature of such a knowledge communication network became clear only after its actual trial in the
field. Each person was expected to have communication at least twice in every month and was
expected to give a ready procedure to others to conduct those trials.
After the success of this network, Dabholkar ji started a new network of learning exchanges. Five
hundred participants came forward to work on the new network. They were of different age groups,
of both sexes, of different professional and social standings. There was no syllabus, no regular
printed matters to send. They worked in one of the several venture groups like grape cultivation,
poultry rearing, vegetable production, wasteland development and so forth. For this purpose
Dabholkar ji introduced participants having common interests to one another. This cross
communication relay created a further feeling of belonging and togetherness in the entire group. The
network thus began to function by mutual correspondence and feed-back, and then began to
express as a unit by sharing and caring for the common experimental involvements in the group.


To make this system active and dynamic, a telephone exchange-like-directory method was
introduced. By looking at a particular code number of the network activity one could contact the
desired set of addresses.
For example: They found that any code number of 7 or 8 digits will be enough to maintain a free
ready reference with all for any type of desired learning exchange.
Eg : in the grape cell activity there were various levels of real life situations that could be classified in
ten groups.
1.With verdana space to grapes
2. With kitchen garden and meager resources
3. With small farm but no resources
4. with a good farm but adverse climate etc.
All these numbers could further be suffixed to make them more systematic. The digit in the units
place was relating to a real life situation. Thus number 24 meant 2 for kitchen gardening and 4 for
availability of less water (for two months in a year). The suffix 4 helped to denote how the group 2 is
further qualified. The meaning of each of these digits would be given on a separate page elsewhere
in the directory.
The next digit in the tens place would denote credit unit situation, say (2)64 is the number, no. 6 in
this place speaks (from corresponding reference list) of non availability of fertilizers in the locality
then a credit to get over that difficulty would arise when he would be venturing in the cell.
Now the umber (2)64 could be easily read as the ventures where the provision of fertilizer could be
made to the participants of kitchen gardeners who in their locality had to face water problem in
Thus this post box cum directory number could make the choice system work as a telephone
exchange system helping one another to build up direct communication in the form of any
institutional communication in a cell. Moreover as this was a voluntary collaboration, no problems of
paying or charging fees also arise.
Dabholkar ji called this entire activity a Cell activity and the whole system of network was called as
Prayog Pariwar. The old name Swasharya Vikas Mandal was now replaced with this new
name. The word Prayog signifies experiments and the word Pariwar signifies sense of
belongingness and togetherness till the successes is achieved.


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