Sri Visnusahasranama

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The Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu


[q vEXaMPaaYaNa ovac )

[UTva DaMaaRNa( AXaeze<a PaavNaaiNa c SavRXa" )

YauiDaiZ#=r" XaaNTaNav& PauNareva>Ya>aazTa ))1))
1. r vaiampyana uvca
rtv dharmn aeea
pvanni ca sarvaa
yudhihira ntanava
punar evbhyabhata
r Vaiampyana Vysa said: After hearing the description of all the purifying places of
pilgrimage, King Yudhihira again inquired from Bhma, the son of Mahrja antanu.

YauiDaiZ#=r ovac )

ik-Maek&- dEvTa& l/aeke- ik&- vaPYaek&- ParaYa<aMa( )

STauvNTa" k&- k-MacRNTa" Pa[aPanuYauMaaRNava" Xau>aMa( ))2))
2. yudhihira uvca
kim eka daivata loke
ki vpy eka paryaam
stuvanta ka kam arcanta
prpnuyur mnav ubham
King Yudhihira said: Please tell me who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the
ultimate controller of the universe? Who is the ultimate destination of all living beings? Whom
should men glorify and worship to attain auspiciousness?

k-ae DaMaR" SavRDaMaaRNaa& >avTa" ParMaae MaTa" )

ik&- JaPaNa( MauCYaTae JaNTauJaRNMaSa&SaarbNDaNaaTa( ))3))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


3. ko dharma sarva-dharmn
bhavata paramo mata
ki japan mucyate jantur
What do you consider the best of all religious processes? What mantra should one chant to
become free from the bondage of birth and death?

[q>aqXMa ovac )

JaGaTPa[>au& devdevMaNaNTa& PauzaetaMaMa( )

STauvNa( NaaMaSahe<a Pauz" SaTaTaaeiTQaTa" ))4))
4. r-bhma uvca
jagat-prabhu deva-devam
ananta puruottamam
stuvan nma-sahasrea
purua satatotthita
Bhma said: The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the controller of all moving and nonmoving beings in the universe, and He is the worshipable master of all the demigods. His
transcendental forms and qualities are unlimited, and He is the best of all persons. One should
always glorify Him by enthusiastically chanting His Thousand Holy Names (Viusahasranma).

TaMaev cacRYaNa( iNaTYa& >a-ya PauzMaVYaYaMa( )

DYaaYaNa( STauvNa( NaMaSYa& YaJaMaaNaSTaMaev c ))5))
5. tam eva crcayan nitya
bhakty puruam avyayam
dhyyan stuvan namasya ca
yajamnas tam eva ca
With great faith, the devotee should worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord
Ka, whose forms, qualities, opulence and pastimes are all eternal and transcendental. The
devotee should glorify Him, continually meditate on His transcendental form, and offer
obeisances by bowing down before Him.

ANaaidiNaDaNa& ivZ<au& SavRl/aek-MaherMa( )

laek-aDYaa+aMSTauvNa( iNaTYa& SavRdu"%aiTaGaae >aveTa( ))6))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


6. andi-nidhana viu
lokdhykam stuvan nitya
sarva-dukhtigo bhavet
Never was there a time when Lord Viu first came into existence, and there is no time in
the future when He shall cease to exist. He is the supreme master of all planets, living entities
and the demigods who control the universe. He is the all-knowing, all pervading witness who
sees everything. One who regularly glorifies Him becomes free from all material miseries, and
in that liberated condition becomes full of transcendental bliss.

b]<Ya& SavRDaMaRj& l/aek-aNaa& k-IiTaRvDaRNaMa( )

laek-NaaQa& MahUTaMSavR>aUTa>avaevMa( ))7))
7. brahmaya sarva-dharmaja
lokn krti-vardhanam
loka-ntha mahad-bhtam
Lord Viu is the protector and well-wisher of the brhmaas, aware of all principles of
religion, the Lord who expands the glory of His devotees, the supreme monarch of all planetary
systems, the embodiment of all opulence and the original Father of Brahm, iva and all living

Wz Mae SavRDaMaaR<aa& DaMaaeR_iDak-TaMaae MaTa" )

Ya-ya Pau<@rqk-a+a& STavErcRNa( Nar" Sada ))8))
8. ea me sarva-dharm
dharmo dhikatamo mata
yad bhakty puarkka
stavair arcen nara sad
In my opinion, the best of all spiritual activities is to continuously and devotedly worship
lotus-eyed Lord Ka by reciting prayers glorifying Him and describing His Holy Names.

ParMa& Yaae MahtaeJa" ParMa& Yaae MahtaPa" )

ParMa& Yaae Mah] ParMa& Ya" ParaYa<aMa( ))9))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


9. parama yo mahat-teja
parama yo mahat-tapa
parama yo mahad brahma
parama ya paryaam
Lord Ka is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is supremely powerful and splendid,
and the sun and other luminaries derive their splendor and heat from Him. He is partially
manifest as the Brahman effulgence. He is the ultimate shelter of all living entities.

Paiv}aa<aa& Paiv}a& Yaae Mal/aNaa& c Mal/Ma( )

dEvTaMdevTaaNaa& c >aUTaaNaa& Yaae_VYaYa" iPaTaa ))10))
10. pavitr pavitra yo
magaln ca magalam
daivatam devatn ca
bhtn yo vyaya pit
Lord Ka is the most purifying of purifiers, and the power of the Ganges and other places of
pilgrimage to remove sinful reactions is derived from Him. He is the most auspicious of all
auspicious personalities, and He gives to Gaea and others the power to remove obstacles. He
is the most worshipable person, superior to Brahm and all the demigods. He is the eternal,
original Father of all living entities.

YaTa" SavaRi<a >aUTaaiNa >avNTYaaidYauGaaGaMae )

YaiSMa& Pa[l/Ya& YaaiNTa PauNarev YauGa+aYae ))11))

11. yata sarvi bhtni
bhavanty di-yuggame
yasmi ca pralaya ynti
punar eva yuga-kaye
All living beings in the material world come from Lord Ka at the beginning of the
creation. Lord Ka maintains them while the creation is manifest, and they enter into Him
again when the creation is destroyed.

TaSYa l/aek-Pa[DaaNaSYa JaGaaQaSYa >aUPaTae )

ivZ<aaeNaaRMaSah& Mae Xa*<au PaaPa>aYaaPahMa( ))12))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


12. tasya loka-pradhnasya

jagan-nthasya bh-pate
vior nma-sahasra me
u ppa-bhaypaham
Please hear from me the Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu, the supreme master and
controller of the universe. These Holy Names of the Lord destroy the fearsome reactions of
past sinful deeds.

YaaiNa NaaMaaiNa GaaE<aaiNa iv:YaaTaaiNa MahaTMaNa" )

iXai>a" PairGaqTaaiNa TaaiNa v+YaaiMa >aUTaYae )
p NaMaae >aGavTae vaSaudevaYa ))13))
13. yni nmni gauni
vikhytni mahtmana
ibhi parigtni
tni vakymi bhtaye
o namo bhagavate vsudevya
In order to attain the supreme goal of life, I shall now chant the celebrated Thousand Holy
Names of Lord Viu. Great sages glorify these Holy Names, because they describe the Lords
transcendental qualities and pastimes. O namo bhagavate vsudevya let me invoke
auspiciousness by offering my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
full with all divine opulence, r Ka, the son of King Vasudeva.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


The Thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu

p iv& ivZ<auvRzTk-arae >aUTa>aVYa>avTPa[>au" )
>aUTak*-UTa>a*avae >aUTaaTMaa >aUTa>aavNa" ))14))
14. o viva viur vaatkro
bhta-kd bhta-bhd bhvo
bhttm bhta-bhvana

o I offer my respectful obeisances;

viva viur unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead who pervades the entire
vaatkra He is worshiped in the Vedic sacrifices;
bhta-bhavyabhavat-prabhu He is the supreme controller in all phases of time: past,
present and future;

bhta-kt He is the creator of the cosmic manifestation;

bhta-bht He maintains the cosmic manifestation;

bhva He is the master of all spiritual and material potencies;

bhttm He is the creator of all living entities;

bhta-bhvana He is the supreme well-wisher who promotes everyones ultimate welfare.

PaUTaaTMaa ParMaaTMaa c Mau-aNaa& ParMaa GaiTa" )

AVYaYa" Pauz" Saa+aq +ae}ajae_+ar Wv c ))15))

15. pttm paramtm ca
muktn param gati
avyaya purua sk
ketrajo kara eva ca

pttm Lord Ka is supremely pure;

paramtm He is the Supreme Soul;

ca and;

muktn param gati He is the ultimate goal and the destination of the liberated souls;

avyaya He is eternal;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


purua He is the Supreme Person;

sk He is the witness of everything;

ketrajo He knows everything that happens to all living entities;

akara He is infallible; eva ca even so.

YaaeGaae YaaeGaivda& NaeTaa Pa[DaaNaPauzer" )

NariSa&hvPau" [qMaaNa( ke-Xav" PauzaetaMa" ))16))

16. yogo yoga-vid net
narasiha-vapu rmn
keava puruottama

yogo Lord Ka is the auspicious reservoir of yogic perfection, and success in yoga
practice depends on Him;
yoga-vid net He is the leader of those advanced in yoga;
pradhna-puruevara He is the supreme controller of the material universe and all living

narasiha-vapu He appeared in a half-man, half-lion incarnation;

rmn He is extremely handsome;

keava He is the Father of Brahm and iva;

puruottama He is the Supreme Person.

SavR" XavR" iXav" SQaaNau>aURTaaidiNaRiDarVYaYa" )

Sa&>avae >aavNaae >aTaaR Pa[>av" Pa[>aurqr" ))17))
17. sarva arva iva sthnur
bhtdir nidhir avyaya
sabhavo bhvano bhart
prabhava prabhur vara

sarva Lord Ka is present everywhere and therefore He is, in one sense, everything;

arva His association is supremely beneficial;

ivaHe is the most auspicious personality;

sthnu He is always very merciful;

bhtdi He is the creator of all living entities;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


nidhi He gives happiness to all;

avyaya He is imperishable;

sabhava He descends to this material world to protect His devotees;

bhvana He always considers how to protect His devotees;

bhart He is the maintainer of the devotees;

prabhava He is the origin of everything;

prabhu He is the supreme spiritual master who can perform feats impossible even for
Brahm or iva;
vara He is the supreme controller of all living entities.

SvYaM>aU" XaM>auraidTYa" PauZk-ra+aae MahaSvNa" )

ANaaidiNaDaNaae DaaTaa ivDaaTaa DaTautaMa" ))18))
18. svayambh ambhur ditya
pukarko mahsvana
andi-nidhano dht
vidht dhatur uttama

svayambh Lord Ka is the self-effulgent Lord;

ambhu His auspicious transcendental qualities bring great happiness to the devotees;

ditya He appears in a splendid golden form among the demigods;

pukarka He is all-pervading;

mahsvana He is the supreme object of worship;

andi-nidhana He was never born and will never die;

dht He is the original creator, before Brahm or anyone else;

vidht He is the original author of all Vedic injunctions;

dhatur uttama He is the Supreme Person.

APa[MaeYaae zqke-Xa" PaNaa>aae_MarPa[>au" )

ivk-MaaR MaNauSTva SQaiv" SQaivrae Da]uv" ))19))

19. aprameyo hkea
padma-nbho mara-prabhu
viva-karm manus tva
sthaviha sthaviro dhruva
r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


aprameya Lord Ka is unlimited and cannot be measured by the finite senses of Brahm
and the other demigods;

hkea He is the master of the senses;

padma-nbha Lord Brahm took birth from His lotus navel;

amara-prabhu He is the master of the demigods who gives them jurisdiction over the
affairs of creation and maintenance of the material universe;
viva-karm seated within the hearts of Brahm and the other demigods, He gives them
the ability to create and maintain the universe;

manu He knows everything;

tva His form is very handsome and splendid;

sthaviha He creates innumerable universes by His inconceivable potency; s

thavira He is ever-existing;

dhruva He is eternal.

AGa]a" XaaTa" k*-Z<aae l/aeihTaa+a" Pa[TadRNa" )

Pa[>aUTaik-ku-u-aMa Paiv}a& Mal&/ ParMa( ))20))
20. agrhya vata ko
lohitka pratardana
prabhtas trikakud-dhma
pavitra magala param

agrhya Lord Ka is the non-material cause of the material manifestation;

vata He is ever-existing;

ka He has an eternal, all-attractive form;

lohitka His handsome eyes are reddish;

pratardana He removes the distresses in the hearts of His devotees;

prabhta He is the supreme monarch;

trikakud-dhma He resides in the spiritual world, which is three-fourths of the entire

pavitram He is the supreme pure, free from all material contamination, and He is the
supreme purifier;
magalam param He is the supreme auspiciousness.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


wRXaaNa" Pa[aNad" Pa[aNaae JYae" [e" Pa[JaaPaiTa" )

ihr<YaGa>aaeR >aUGa>aaeR MaaDavae MaDauSaUdNa" ))21))
21. na prnada prno
jyeha reha prajpati
hirayagarbho bhgarbho
mdhavo madhusdana

na Lord Ka is the creator of everything;

prnada in His form as the first purua-avatra Kraodakay Viu, He gives life and
functions of the mind and senses to the living entities;
prna as the second purua-avatra Krodakay Viu, He is the life force that
maintains the living entities;

jyeha He is the oldest person;

rehaHe is the best person, full of excellent transcendental qualities;

prajpati He is the master of Garua and other eternally liberated souls;

hirayagarbha His spiritual realm is as splendid as gold;

bhgarbha He is the maintainer of the Earth planet;

mdhava He is the husband of the Goddess of Fortune, Lakm-dev;

madhusdana remembering Him ends the repetition of birth and death in the material

wRrae iv-Maq DaNvq MaeDaavq iv-Ma" -Ma" )

ANautaMaae duraDazR" k*-Taj" k*-*-iTaraTMavaNa( ))22))

22. varo vikram dhanv
medhv vikrama krama
anuttamo durdhara
ktaja ktir tmavn

vara Lord Ka is the Supreme Controller;

vikram He is unlimitedly powerful;

dhanv He wields the transcendental rga bow;

medhv He is supremely intelligent and expert;

vikrama krama He can travel anywhere immediately, even without the help of Garua;

anuttama no one is superior or equal to Him;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


durdhara the non-devotees cannot approach Him;

ktaja He is grateful to anyone who offers even a small tulas leaf or forest flower with
sincere devotion;
kti the conditioned souls engage in fruitive activities under the influence of His illusory
potency my;
tmavn He maintains an eternal loving relationship with the liberated souls.

SaureXa" Xar<a& XaMaR ivreTaa" Pa[Jaa>av" )

Ah" SaMvTSarae VYaal/" Pa[TYaYa" XavRdaXaRNa" ))23))

23. surea araa arma
viva-ret praj-bhava
aha samvatsaro vyla
pratyaya arva-drana

surea Lord Ka is the master of the demigods and the benefactor of the worthy

araa He is the shelter that removes the distresses of those who approach Him;

arma He is full of transcendental bliss;

viva-ret He is complete in spiritual prowess;

praj-bhava He is the Father of all living entities;

ahar He is the daylight that causes the conditioned souls to awaken from the long night of
material ignorance;
samvatsara He rescues the devotees from the fearsome ocean of birth and death;
vyla everything enters into Him at the time of universal devastation, and He is the dear
friend of rmat Rdhr, Trak and Pl;
pratyaya He is the only person in whom one can completely place ones trust;
arvadranaHe reveals His form, qualities, and everything about Himself to pure
devotees who have full confidence in the instructions of the spiritual master and the
statements of the Vedic literature.

AJa" SaveRr" iSa" iSai" SavaRidrCYauTa" )

v*zak-iParMaeYaaTMaa SavRYaaeGaiviNa"Sa*Ta" ))24))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


24. aja sarvevara siddha

siddhi sarvdir acyuta
vkapir ameytm

aja Lord Ka does not take birth in a material body forced by the law of karma like an
ordinary living entity, nevertheless He appears in this material world in the abode of
Vndvana, just to give transcendental bliss to His devotees;

sarvevara He is the master of Brahm, all the demigods and all living entities;

siddha He knows everything in the past, present and future;

siddhi He is full of unlimited powers;

sarvdi He is the origin of everything;

acyuta He protects His devotees from falling down;

vkapir He fulfills the desire of the devotees and strikes fear into the hearts of the
ameytm His form and intelligence are unlimited and immeasurable, and He is
supremely dear to the devotees;
sarva-yogavinistaHe is always free from material contact.

vSauvRSauMaNaa" SaTYa" SaMaaTMaa SaiMMaTa" SaMa" )

AMaaega" Pau<@rqk-a+aae v*zk-MaaR v*zak*-iTa" ))25))
25. vasur vasuman satya
samtm sammita sama
amogha puarkko
vakarm vkti

vasu Lord Ka always resides in the hearts of the devotees who relish hearing and
chanting His glories;
vasuman He meditates on how to increase the transcendental opulences of the pure
devotees who consider Him their only wealth;

satya He never speaks a lie, and is very dear to the truthful devotees;

samtm He accepts the role of being equal to devotees who approach Him in friendship;

sammita He magnanimously presents Himself as equal to His devotee;

sama He presents Himself as equal to the devotees related to Him in friendship,

parenthood and conjugal love to glorify them;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


amogha He grants His own supremely valuable devotional service to those who become
attached to Him;

puarkka He is always manifest in the lotus-like hearts of the pure devotees;

vakarm He fulfills the desires of His pure devotees;

vkti His transcendental form is supremely handsome.

d]ae bhuiXara b>a]uivRYaaeiNa" Xauic[va" )

AMa*Ta" XaaTa" SQaaNauvRraraehae MahaTaPaa" ))26))
26. rudro bahu-ir babhrur
viva-yoni uci-rav
amta vata sthnur
varroho mah-tap

rudra Lord Ka cures the disease of material existence afflicting the conditioned souls;

ir He appears as the thousandheaded Lord Anantadeva;

babhru He is the maintainer of the universe;

viva-yoni He is the creator of millions of universes;

uciravHe is supremely pure, and He cleanses whatever impurity may contaminate the
hearts of His genuine devotees;
amta His handsomeness is as sweet as nectar, and He rescues the devotees from the cycle
of repeated birth, old age and death;
vata He is deathless;
sthnu He eternally appears before the pure devotees and grants them transcendental
varroha He always remains in His eternal abode, Goloka Vndvana, and He rescues His
devotees from the cycle of birth and death;
mah-tap He is Himself the cause of the multiple distresses of material existence.

SavRGa" SavRivaNauivRZvKSaeNaae JaNaadRNa" )

vedae vedivdVYaae vedaae vedivTk-iv" ))27))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


27. sarvaga sarva-vid bhnur

vivakseno janrdana
vedo veda-vid avyago
vedgo veda-vit kavi

sarvaga Lord Ka is present everywhere in the material manifestation, and He

personally reciprocates the loving service rendered by His devotees;
sarva-vit He knows everything auspicious and inauspicious, and He knows all the
spiritual and material worlds;
bhnu He is like a brilliant sun shining in this world;
vivaksena His associates are like a host of armies stationed in every part of the universe
for its protection;
janrdana He crushes the demons who seek to destroy the world, and He protects the
saintly devotees by removing all their sufferings;

veda He is manifest as the Vedic hymns;

veda-vit He alone is the true knower of the Vedas;

avyagathe Vedic literature is comprised of His instructions;

vedga He is indirectly described by the six Vedgas, which explain grammar,

astronomy and similar subjects;
veda-vit kavi He is the most expert Vedic theologian, philosopher and poet.

l/aek-aDYa+a" SauraDYa+aae DaMaaRDYa+a" k*-Taak*-*-Ta" )

cTauraTMaa cTauVYaURhTaud|\Tau>auRJa" ))28))
28. lokdhyaka surdhyako
dharmdhyaka ktkta
catur-tm catur-vyha
catur-dara catur-bhuja

lokdhyaka Lord Ka is the master of the Vaiavas who engage in His devotional
service, and He is also the master of the vaidika-brhmaas who worship Him by
performance of agnihotra-yaja;
surdhyaka He is the master of all the demigods;
dharmdhyaka He is the superintendent of religious principles and the final judge of all
living entities;

ktkta He is completely free from all material contact;

catur-tm He manifests innumerable four-fold plenary expansions;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


catur-vyha He expands Himself as Lord Vsudeva, Sakaraa, Pradyumna and

catur-dara He has all the characteristics of an exalted personality;
catur-bhuja He manifests as Lord Viu, who holds a conch, disk, club and lotus in His
four hands.

>a]aiJaZ<au>aaeRJaNa& >aae-aSaihZ<auJaRGadaidJa" )
ANagaae ivJaYaae JaeTaa ivYaaeiNa" PauNavRSau" ))29))
29. bhrjiur bhojana bhokt
sahiur jagad-dija
anagho vijayo jet
viva-yoni punar-vasu

bhrjiu Lord Ka is effulgent;

bhojana He supplies the necessities of life to all living entities;

bhokta He relishes the food and other articles offered to Him with devotion, and He is
the protector of the gentle devotees;

asahiu He is intolerant of the demons;

sahiu He tolerates the offenses accidentally committed by His devotees;

jagad-dija He is the Father of Lord Brahm, the first created entity in the universe;

anagha Although He appears in the material world, He remains always pure, full of
transcendental bliss, and free from material contamination;
vijaya He is allvictorious;
jet He can defeat any demon, demigod or living entity, therefore He is the Supreme

viva-yoni He is the original creator of all universes;

punar-vasu He appears again and again within the creation to protect His devotees.

oPaeNd]ae vaMaNa" Pa[a&XaurMaaega" XauiciJaRTa" )

ATaqNd]" Sah" SaGaaeR Da*TaaTMaa iNaYaMaae YaMa" ))30))
30. upendro vmana prur
amogha ucir rjita
atndra sagraha sargo
dhttm niyamo yama
r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


upendra Lord Ka appeared as Indras younger brother;

vmanaHe appeared as a brahmacr brhmaa to help Indra defeat Bali Mahrja;

pru In the Vmana incarnation the Lord became so tall He could step over the entire

amogha His activities are always successful;

uci He is supremely pure;

rjita He is so powerful that He easily defeated Balis whole army;

atndra His strength in battle surpasses that of Indra;

sagraha He accepts all those who become devoted to Him;

sarga He created the demigods and everything else;

dhttm He enchants and delights the hearts and minds of Indra and all the other

niyama He controls the devotees;

yama He resides always in the devotees hearts and minds.

veae vE" SadaYaaeGaq ivrhae MaaDavae MaDau" )

ATaqiNd]Yaae MahaMaaYaae MahaeTSaahae Mahabl/" ))31))

31. vedyo vaidya sad-yog
viraho mdhavo madhu
atndriyo mah-myo
mahotsho mah-bala

vedya Lord Ka appeared as Krma-avatra to deliver nectar to the demigods and

remove their poverty;
vaidya He also appeared as Lord Dhanvantari, the original physician, who cures peoples
diseases simply by the expansion of His fame, and gave nectar to the demigods;
sad-yog He always acts for the welfare of the demigods;
viraha He killed the powerful demons eager to fight for the nectar churned from the
celestial Ocean of Milk;
mdhava He is the husband of Lakmi-dev, who appeared from the Ocean of Milk;
madhu He enchanted Lakmi-dev and all the pious demigods with His handsomeness and
atndriya He disappeared from the demigods along with the nectar, because He always
remains invisible to those without pure devotion to Him;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


mah-mya He then appeared in the attractive female form of Mohih-mrti, bewildering

the demons and also Lord iva;

mahotsha He acts to make the demigods successful;

mah-bala His great prowess can thwart or bewilder anyone.

MahabuiMaRhavqYaaeR MahaXai-MaRhauiTa" )

AiNadeRXYavPau" [qMaaNa( AMaeYaaTMaa Mahaid]Da*k( ))32))

32. mah-buddhir mah-vryo
mah-aktir mah-dyuti
anirdeya-vapu rmn
ameytm mahdri-dhk

mah-buddhi Lord Ka is supremely intelligent;

mah-vrya He is supremely powerful;

mah-akti He is the master of all transcendental potencies;

mah-dyuti He is supremely splendid;

anirdeya-vapu His transcendental form cannot be seen with material eyesight;

rmn He is supremely handsome;

ameytm no living entity or demigod can measure His unlimited nature;

mahdri-dhk as Lord Krma, He held up the Mandara Mountain while He and the
demigods churned the Ocean of Milk.

MaheZvaSaae Mahq>aTaaR [qiNavaSa" SaTaa& GaiTa" )

AiNa" SauraNaNdae GaaeivNdae GaaeivNda& PaiTa" ))33
33. mahevso mah-bhart
r-nivsa sat gati
aniruddha surnando
govindo govind pati

mahevsa Lord Ka appeared as the celebrated archer Lord Rmacandra;

mah-bhart He is the maintainer of the Earth;

rnivsaHe is the husband of St the Goddess of Fortune;

sat gatiHe is the master and destination of the devotees;

aniruddha He cannot be controlled by anything except pure devotional service;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


surnanda He gives transcendental bliss to the devotees and demigods;

govinda He gives pleasure to the cows, land and senses;

govindm pati He removes all obstacles from the path of His devotees with His spiritual

MarqicdRMaNaae h&Sa" SauPaNaaeR >auJaGaaetaMa" )

ihr<YaNaa>a" SauTaPaa" PaNaa>a" Pa[JaaPaiTa" ))34))

34. marcir damano hasa
suparno bhujagottama
hiraya-nbha sutap
padma-nbha praj-pati

marci Lord Ka is effulgent;

damana He removes the distress of His devotees;

hasa He appeared as a transcendental swan to enlighten Brahm and the four Kumras;

suparna He is carried by Garua;

bhujagottama His Viu form reclines on Ananta-ea;

hiraya-nbha His beautiful navel is as splendid as gold;

sutap He appears before the pure devotees who worship Him with great austerities;

padma-nbha His navel is as beautiful as a lotus flower, and He appears before the pure
devotees who worship His lotus feet;
praj-pati He is the protector and master of Brahm, iva and all other living entities.

AMa*TYau" SavRd*k( iSa&h" SaNDaaTaa SaiNDaMaaNa( iSQar" )

AJaae duMaRzR<a" XaaSTaa iv[uTaaTMaa Saurairha ))35))
35. amtyu sarva-dk siha
sandht sandhimn sthira
ajo durmaraa st
viruttm surrih

amtyu Lord Ka is deathless, and also frees His devotees from death;

sarva-dk He sees everything, including the devotional activities of His servants;

siha He sprinkles the nectar of His merciful glance upon His pure devotees, and He
becomes like a ferocious lion to attack the demons;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


sandht He is the creator of innumerable universes, and He appeared as Lord

Rmacandra, the most expert archer;

sandhimn in His plan to kill Rvaa and rescue St, He became the ally of Sugrva;

sthira He is the constant friend of Vibhan and all who approach to take shelter of Him;

aja He never takes birth in a material body, and He never abandons His friend;

durmaraa He is merciful;

st He is expert at punishing the demons;

viruttm He is famous as Lord Rma, the killer of Rvaa, who is very merciful to His
surrih He kills the demons who are always inimical to the demigods and devotees.

GauGauRTaMaae DaaMa SaTYa" SaTYaPara-Ma" )

iNaiMazae_iNaiMaz" Gvq vacSPaiTadarDaq" ))36))

36. gurur gurutamo dhma
satya satya-parkrama
nimio nimia sragv
vcaspatir udra-dh

guru Lord Ka empowers the instructing and initiating spiritual masters to benefit the
residents of the material world with His devotional service;
gurutama He is Himself the best of spiritual masters, who taught Brahm and other great
dhma He is the shelter and resting place of everything;
satya He is the benefactor of Vivmitra and other saintly devotees, and He is always

satya-parkrama His extraordinary prowess is supremely auspicious;

nimia He blinks, not recognizing the sinful actions of His devotees;

animia He never blinks in His continual recognition of the auspicious activities of

devotional service;

sragv He wears a vaijayant garland;

vcaspati He is the protector of Sarasvat, the goddess of learning;

udra-dh He is very generous.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


AGa]<aqGa]aRMa<aq" [qMaaNNYaaYaae NaeTaa SaMaqr<a" )

SahMaUDaaR ivaTMaa Saha+a" SahPaaTa( ))37))
37. agrar grma rmnnyyo net samraa
sahasra-mrdh vivtm
sahasrka sahasra-pt

agra Lord Ka appeared as Matsya-avatra and rescued the Vedas, which were tied to
His horn by the rope of Vasuki-nga;
grma Lord Matsya enjoyed pastimes on the waters of devastation as He pulled Lord
Manu and other sages in a golden boat;
rmn-nyya Lord Matsya spoke the message of the Vedas and protected them at the time
of devastation;

net He is the leader of all living entities;

samraa He moves with consummate grace;

sahasra-mrdh He has uncountable thousands of heads;

vivtm He is the Supreme Soul who pervades the entire universe;

sahasrka He has uncountable thousands of eyes;

sahasra-pt He has uncountable thousands of feet.

AavtaRNaae iNav*taaTMaa Sa&v*Ta" SaMPa[TadRNa" )

Ah" SaMvTaRk-ae viriNal/ae Dar<aqDar" ))38))
38. varttano nivtttm
savta sampratardana
aha samvartako vahnir
anilo dhara-dhara

varttana Lord Ka causes the conditioned souls to experience the cycle of birth and
nivtttm He is full of spiritual opulences and resides in the eternal spiritual world, free
from material contact;
savta He always remains invisible to the conditioned souls who are very eager to
experience the tiny happiness of material existence;
sampratardana He causes distress to the demons who are opposed to Him, even if they
pose as scholars, saintly persons or demigods;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


aha He is the succession of days, and He speaks very eloquently and sweetly;

samvartaka He is time itself;

vahnir with a part of Himself He carries the weight of the entire universe;

anila He is supremely independent, nevertheless at intervals He descends to this material

world for the welfare of the conditioned souls;
dhara-dhara He is the maintainer of the Earth.

SauPa[Saad" Pa[SaaTMaa ivDa*iGv>auiGv>au" )

SaTk-TaaR SaTk*-*-Ta" SaaDauJaRuNaaRraYa<aae Nar" ))39))

39. suprasda prasanntm
viva-dhg viva-bhug vibhu
sat-kart sat-kta sdhur
jahnur nryao nara

suprasda Lord Ka is very merciful;

prasanntm His desires are always fulfilled, and His heart and mind are always clear and

viva-dhk He maintains innumerable material universes;

viva-bhuk He protects the material universes;

vibhu He is the allpervading, all-powerful, unlimited and fearless Supreme Controller;

sat-kart He is the benefactor of the demigods, pits, brhmaas and devotees;

sat-kta the demigods, pits, brhmaas and devotees worship Him;

sdhu He is the benefactor of all living entities and His transcendental form is free from
any touch of matter;
jahnu He defeats the enemies of His devotees;
nryaa He is the shelter within whom all living entities rest, and He is the destroyer of
nara He is the Supersoul who resides in the hearts of all beings.

ASa&:YaeYaae_Pa[MaeYaaTMaa iviXa" iXak*-C^uic" )

iSaaQaR" iSaSaLPa" iSaid" iSaiSaaDaNa" ))40))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


40. asakhyeyo prameytm

viia ia-kc chuci
siddhrtha siddha-sakalpa
siddhida siddhi-sdhana

asakhyeya Lord Kas transcendental attributes are uncountable;

aprameytm His patience is unlimited;

viia His opulences are unlimited;

ia-kt He gives His devotees great faith in the message of the Vedas, transforming them
into the most elevated of peaceful saintly persons;
uci simply by hearing about Him or remembering Him, all living entities become purified
and the entire world becomes auspicious;
siddhrtha siddha-sakalpa all His desires are automatically fulfilled by His internal
siddhida He alone fulfills the desires of all living entities;
siddhi-sdhana The saintly devotees become free from all impediments and attain success
in their devotional activities simply by remembering Him.

v*zahq v*z>aae ivZ<auv*RzPavaR v*zaedr" )

vDaRNaae vDaRMaaNa iviv-" [uiTaSaaGar" ))41))

41. vh vabho viur
vaparv vodara
vardhano vardhamna ca
vivikta ruti-sgara

vh Lord Kas transcendental qualities eclipse the glory of Indra;

vabha Lord Ka illuminates and protects the entire world by teaching the principles of
devotional service;

viu He is all-pervading, present in every atom of the cosmic manifestation;

vaparv He is a jubilant festival for Indra and the best of the yogs;

vodara He protects Indra like a mother protects her child;

vardhana He causes the prajpatis to prosper;

vardhamna He considers even the smallest gift given by His pure devotee to be very
ca and;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


vivikta He remains always free from contact with the modes of material nature although
He is present everywhere throughout the cosmic manifestation;
ruti-sgara He is the great ocean into which all the rivers of Vedic knowledge converge.

Sau>auJaae duDaRrae vaGMaq MaheNd]ae vSaudae vSau" )

NaEk-Paae b*hd]UPa" iXaiPaiv" Pa[k-azNa" ))42))
42. subhujo durdharo vgm
mahendro vasudo vasu
naika-rpo bhad-rpa
ipi-via prakana

subhuja Lord Ka grants fearlessness to the devotees and protects the Vedas with His
strong arms;

durdhara He cannot be defeated by Madhu, Kaiabha or any other demon;

vgm He is supremely eloquent and is the proper object of eloquent prayers;

mahendra He is the supreme monarch who possesses all opulence;

vasuda He defeats the demons, gives shelter to the living entities, and grants nectarean
ecstatic devotional emotions to the pure devotees;
vasu He appears before those who understand His transcendental glories, becoming their
only wealth;

naika-rpa He appears in many different forms to satisfy the desires of His devotees;

bhad-rpa His transcendental form is greater than everything;

ipi-via He enters the waters of devastation and causes the inundation at the end of the
prakana He is the original cause of the cosmic manifestation, and He rescued the Vedas
from the demons Madhu and Kaiabha.

AaeJaSTaeJaae uiTaDar" Pa[k-aXaaTMaaPa[TaaPaNa" )

" SPaa+arae MaN}aNd]a&Xau>aaRSk-rauiTa" ))43))

43. ojas tejo dyuti-dhara
ddha spakaro mantra
candrur bhskar-dyuti

oja Lord Ka is supremely powerful;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


teja He is the source of all power;

dyuti-dhara He is handsomely effulgent;

praktm He personally appears before His pure devotees;

pratpana He gives trouble to the demons;

ddha He is full of all transcendental opulence;

spakara He teaches the message of the Vedas;

mantra He reveals the truth of His confidential pastimes to His most exalted and intimate
candru He is as splendid as the moon;
bhskar-dyuti He defeated the demons Madhu and Kaiabha with the supreme power of
His effulgence.

AMa*Taa&XaUvae >aaNau" XaXaibNdu" Saurer" )

AaEzDa& JaGaTa" SaeTau" SaTYaDaMaRPara-Ma" ))44))
44. amtdbhavo bhnu
aabindu surevara
auadha jagata setu

amtdbhava Lord Ka is the Father of the moon;

bhnu He is very powerful and splendid;

aabindu He defeats the atheists;

surevara He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead understood by the theists;

auadham pure devotional service to Him is the nectar-medicine that counteracts the
poisonous snakebite of material existence;
jagata setu He is the eternal enemy of all demons;
satyadharma-parkrama He defeats the speculative impersonalist philosophers and
establishes the actual truth of spiritual variety within oneness.

>aUTa>aVYa>avaQa PavNa" PaavNaae_Nal/" )

k-aMaha k-aMak*-Tk-aNTa" k-aMa" k-aMaPa[d" Pa[>au" ))45))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


45. bhta-bhavya-bhavan-ntha
pavana pvano nala
kmah kmakt knta
kma kma-prada prabhu

bhta-bhavya-bhavan-ntha Lord Ka always has been, is, and always will be the
supreme master of all living entities;
pavana He rescues the living entities from material existence with His merciful sidelong

pvana He purifies the devotees;

anala He appears in many forms to protect the devotees;

kmah kmakt He kills the material desires of His devotees, tearing them into pieces;

knta He is the supreme handsomeness, the object of the aspirations of the saintly
kma He is the source of all that is desirable, even for the bewildered living beings;
kmaprada He grants sense gratification, liberation or whatever is desired by the
conditioned souls;
prabhu He is omnipotent.

YauGaaidk*-uGaavTaaeR NaEk-MaaYaae MahaXaNa" )

Ad*XYaae VYa-Pa SahiJadNaNTaiJaTa( ))46))
46. yugdi-kd yugvarto
naika-myo mahana
adyo vyakta-rpa ca
sahasra-jid ananta-jit

yugdi-kt Lord Ka inaugurates the four yugas by appearing as the yuga-avatras;

yugvarta He causes the succession of the four yugas;

naika-mya He teaches the specific process of spiritual realization intended for each yuga;

mahana He is full of transcendental knowledge, opulence and renunciation;

adya He is invisible to the uncivilized and demonic;

vyakta-rpa His form is unlimited;

ca and;

sahasra-jit He defeats thousands of uncivilized atheists;

ananta-jit He defeats unlimited numbers of atheists.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


wae iviXaZTa" iXae" iXa%<@q Nahuzae v*z" )

-aeDaha -aeDak*-Tk-TaaR ivbahuMaRhqDar" ))47))
47. io viita iea
ikha nahuo va
krodhah krodha-kt kart
viva-bhur mah-dhara

ia Lord Ka is worshiped and glorified by Brahm, iva and all demigods and saintly
viita He is splendidly manifest in the abode of Mathur, holding the sudarana-cakra,
club, lotus and conch, and decorated with the Kaustubha jewel and other ornaments;

iea He is worshiped by those who know the purpose of the Vedas;

ikha in His Vndvana pastimes He is crowned with a peacock feather;

nahua His handsomeness enchanted the minds of the residents of Vrajabhmi;

va He showered a rain of transcendental nectar of bliss and pure love of Godhead upon
the residents of Vraja;
krodhah When His mother Yaod became angry upon hearing the description of His
naughty childhood pranks, He pacified her with sweet words;
krodha-kt when Yaod interrupted feeding Him to tend to the overflowing pot of
boiling milk, He became angry and broke the butter-pot;

kart He killed the host of demons Kasa sent to Vndvana;

viva-bhu He protects the entire universe with His powerful arms;

mah-dhara He lifted Govardhana Hill to protect the residents of Vrajabhmi.

ACYauTa" Pa[iQaTa" Pa[a<a" Pa[a<adae vaSavaNauJa" )

APaa&iNaiDariDaaNaMaPa[Mata" Pa[iTaiTa" ))48))
48. acyuta prathita pra
prado vsavnuja
ap-nidhir adhinam
apramatta pratihita

acyuta Lord Ka is eternal and unchanging, and He is the protector of the residents of

prathita He is famous throughout the entire universe, but especially in Vrajabhmi;

pra He is the object of the pure love of the residents of Vraja;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


prada He is the source of the strength and very life of the residents of Vraja;
vsavnuja even though Indra offended Him by trying to flood Vndvana with rain,
Ka kindly appeared before him;
ap-nidhi after He forgave Indras offense, He was bathed by the milk of the surabhi
cows, who proclaimed that Ka was their Indra;
adhinam Lord Ka is personally manifest as the transcendental abode of Mathur
and other places where He performed pastimes;
apramatta He protects the residents of Vrajabhmi with great care and attention;
pratihita all the cowherd men respect Him because He is the son of Nanda Mahrja,
the king of Vraja.

Sk-Nd" Sk-NdDarae DauYaaeR vrdae vaYauvahNa" )

vaSaudevae b*haNauraiddev" PaurNdr" ))49))
49. skanda skanda-dharo dhuryo
varado vyu-vhana
vsudevo bhad-bhnur
di-deva purandara

skanda Lord Ka causes demons like Kasa to wither away;

skanda-dhara He grants strength to Krttikeya, the general of the demigod armies;

dhurya the burden of the entire universe rests on Him;

varada He grants the benedictions desired by Sudm and all other devotees;

vyu-vhana He is the source of life for all living entities, and His chariot moves faster
than the wind;

vsudeva He is the son of King Vasudeva;

bhad-bhnu He is greatly effulgent;

dideva He is the original Supreme Godhead;

purandara He is the destroyer of the demons.

AXaaek-STaar<aSTaar" Xaur" XaaEirJaRNaer" )

ANaukU-l/" XaTaavTaR" Paq PaiNa>ae+a<a" ))50))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


50. aokas traas tra

ura aurir janevara
anukla atvarta
padm padma-nibhekaa

aoka Lord Ka removed the lamentation of the Earth planet;

traa He also removed the devotees fear of the demonic rulers who were actually thieves
disguised as kings;

tra He removes the devotees fear of repeated birth, old age, disease and death;

ura He is very powerful and heroic;

auri He appeared in the dynasty of the great devotee and powerful King Devama;

janevara He ruled over Mathur as king, delighting the citizens with transcendental
bliss, and He is also the supreme ruler of all living entities in the material and spiritual
anukla He is the dearmost wellwisher of the residents of Mathur, and everyone else as
atvarta His transcendental opulence and prowess bewilder both the demons headed by
Kasa and the devotees headed by Nrada;
padm He playfully holds a lotus flower;
padma-nibhekaa His eyes are as beautiful as lotus flowers, and His eternal abode
Gokula appears like a great lotus flower.

PaNaa>aae_rivNda+a" PaGa>aR" Xarqr>a*Ta( )

MahiRr*ae v*aTMaa Maha+aae Ga@Ja" ))51))

51. padma-nbho ravindka
padma-garbha arra-bht
maharddhir ddho vddhtm
mahko garua-dhvaja

padma-nbha Lord Kas navel is like a lake from which has sprouted the lotus flower
where Lord Brahm takes birth;
aravindka His eyes are like fully blossomed lotus flowers;
padmagarbha He always resides in the lotus-like hearts of the gops and other intimate
arra-bht He always protects the devotees who meditate on Him seated on the lotus of
their hearts;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


maharddhi He is full of all transcendental opulences;

ddha He is endowed with omniscience and other inconceivable transcendental powers
and qualities;
vddhtm He pervades all the universes and enjoys innumerable transcendental
mahka His handsome eyes are very large, and His transcendental form cannot be
understood with the limited material senses;
garua-dhvaja His chariot carries a battle-flag marked with the emblem of Garua.

ATaul/" Xar>aae >aqMa" SaMaYajae hivhRir" )

SavRl/+a<al/+a<Yaae l/+MaqvaNa( SaiMaiTaYa" ))52))

52. atula arabho bhma
samayajo havir-hari
lakmvn samitijaya

atula Lord Kas transcendental form is incomparable;

arabha He is like a ferocious arabha beast that destroys the demons;

bhma He liberates the fortunate demons He kills;

samayaja understanding His servants devotion, He gives them the result earned by their
efforts at the appropriate time;
havir-hari as the Supersoul within the hearts of His representatives the demigods, He
personally accepts the gh offered to them in the agnihotra-yaja;
sarva-lakaa-lakaya He is endowed with all the auspicious signs and characteristics
that identify a great personality;
lakmvn His original form in Gokula is endowed with all transcendental handsomeness
and opulence;
samitijaya He is always victorious in battle.

ivKXarae raeihTaae MaaGaaeR heTaudaRMaaedr" Sah" )

MahqDarae Maha>aaGaae veGavaNa( AiMaTaaXaNa" ))53))

53. vikaro rohito mrgo
hetur dmodara saha
mah-dharo mah-bhgo
vegavn amitana
r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


vikara Lord Ka is always affectionate to those who take shelter of Him;

rohita He becomes angry at those who try to harm those who take shelter of Him;

mrga inspired by His ever-fresh transcendental qualities, His devotees always search for
Him, and He reveals the path of enlightenment to them;
hetu He inspires great love in the hearts of His devotees, and He is the source of
dmodara He allowed Mother Yaod to tie His waist with a rope;
saha He patiently tolerated Mother Yaods chastisement, which was inspired by pure
parental love;
mah-dhara His birthday is a great celebration in Gokula, where His transcendental
names, pastimes, qualities and forms are glorified;
mah-bhga devotional service to Him is the best of all spiritual activities;
vegavn He can run faster than anyone, and is thus always ahead of everyone else, and He
runs quickly in His pastimes of transcendental friendship with the cowherd boys of
amitana He assumed a gigantic form and ate all the cakes, condensed-milk products and
other offerings the cowherd men made to Govardhana Hill.

ov" +aae>a<aae dev" [qGa>aR" ParMaer" )

k-r<a& k-arNa& k-TaaR ivk-TaaRGahNaae Gauh" ))54))
54. uddhava kobhao deva
r-garbha paramevara
karaa krana kart
vikart gahano guha

uddhava Lord Ka liberated the sons of Kuvera by dragging a heavy mortar between the
two yamala-arjuna trees;
kobhaa the devotees become agitated with transcendental bliss by hearing His qualities,
pastimes, names and forms;
deva He enjoys transcendental pastimes;
r-garbha He is the proprietor of all the opulence in the universe, and He revealed that
opulence to Mother Yaod when she looked in His mouth to see if He had eaten clay;

paramevara He is the master of rmat Rdhr, the supreme Goddess of Fortune;

karaam He is the master of the devotees, helping them attain perfection in bhakti-yoga;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


kranam He created the material world using His three internal potencies, hldin,
sandi, and savit;
kart He is the ultimate creator; vikart He is the actual creator, situated in the heart
of the secondary creator Brahm;
gahana His intelligence is very subtle and only the most wise can understand His
thoughts and intentions;
guha He desires to perform confidential pastimes with the residents of Vrajabhmi.

VYavSaaYaae VYavSQaaNa" Sa&SQaaNa" SQaaNadae Da]uv" )

PariR" ParMaSPa" Tau" Pau" Xau>ae+a<a" ))55)
55. vyavasyo vyavasthna
sasthna sthnado dhruva
pararddhi parama-spaa
tua pua ubhekaa

vyavasya the final conclusion of all Vedic literature is that Lord Ka is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead;
vyavasthna He is endowed with innumerable eternal transcendental qualities;
sasthna He is eternally youthful, and the entire cosmic manifestation enters into Him
at the time of annihilation;
sthnada He gives His devotees the most desirable destination of eternal residence in the
spiritual world;

dhruva He even becomes the submissive follower of His pure devotee;

pararddhi He is endowed with all transcendental opulence;

parama-spaa all Vedic literature glorifies Him;

tua He is always full of transcendental bliss;

pua the devotees always try to please Him by offering fragrant incense, palatable food
and other pleasing substances;
ubhekaa His merciful glance is the beginning of all auspiciousness.

raMaae ivraMaae ivrJaaeMaaGaaeR NaeYaae NaYaae_NaYa" )

vqr" Xai-MaTaa& [eae DaMaaeR DaMaRivdutaMa" ))56))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


56. rmo virmo virajomrgo

neyo nayo naya
vra aktimat reho
dharmo dharmavid-uttama

rma Lord Ka delights the hearts of the yogs, and He enjoys transcendental pastimes
with rmat Rdhrn and the gops of Vndvana;

virma He is the ultimate boundary within which everything exists;

viraja-mrga the devotees attain Him by following the supreme path of devotional service;

neya He is submissive to the devotees who approach Him in friendship;

naya He carries out the orders of His pure devotees;

anaya those who ignore His orders cannot attain an auspicious destination;

vra He is the unequalled hero who casually severed iuplas head and killed many other

aktimatm reha He is the best of all powerful demigods and yogs;

dharma He is the sustainer of all planets and all living entities;

dharmavid-uttama He is the maintainer of Manu and all others who know the truth of
spiritual life.

vEku-<#=" Pauz" Pa[aNa" Pa[a<ad" Pa[<av" Pa*Qau" )

ihr<YaGa>aR" Xa}auganae VYaaae vaYaurDaaeKXaJa" ))57))
57. vaikuha purua prna
prada praava pthu
hiraya-garbha atrughno
vypto vyur adhokaja

vaikuha Lord Ka appeared as the son of Vaikuha-dev, the wife of ubhra;

purua He is the Supreme Person;

prna He is as dear as life to the devotees;

prada He purifies the devotees senses;

praava He is eternally young, and He is worthy of the respectful obeisances of all living
pthu He generously considers His devotees equal to Himself;
hiraya-garbha He is knowledge, He is the goal of knowledge, and He is approached by
cultivation of transcendental knowledge;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


atrughna He kills lust, greed and all other enemies of His devotees;

vypta attracted by the love of His devotees, He remains forever within their hearts;

vyu He defeated Jarsandha, the King of Magadha, many times;

adhokaja He is beyond the reach of blunt material senses, and He killed the demon
akasura while resting beneath a cart.

Tau" SaudzRNa" k-al/" ParMaeq PairGa]h" )

oGa]" Sa&vTSarae d+aae iv[aMaae ivdi+aNa" ))58))
58. tu sudarana kla
parameh parigraha
ugra savatsaro dako
virmo viva-dakina

tu Lord Ka, who is endowed with all wonderful transcendental qualities, enters the
hearts of His pure devotees, who are full of love for Him;

sudarana He is supremely handsome;

kla He is the time factor that destroys all material things;

parameh He removed the burden of the Earth;

parigraha the demigods are not supreme, but Ka is the Supreme Personality of

ugra He assumes a terrible feature to kill the demons;

savatsara He always remains with His devotees;

daka His supreme handsomeness is revealed to the residents of Vndnava;

virma He removes the devotees fatigue, as He removed the gops fatigue during the
rsa dance;
viva-dakina He gives the entire world, and even Himself, to His pure devotee.

ivSTaar" SQaavr" SQaa<au" Pa[Maa<a& bqJaMaVYaYaMa( )

AQaaeR_NaQaaeR Mahak-aeXaae Maha>aaGaae MahaDaNa" ))59))

59. vistra sthvara sthu
prama bjam avyayam
artho nartho mah-koo
mah-bhgo mah-dhana

vistra Lord Ka engages in many different loving relationships with His devotees;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


sthvara He restored the Earth to a peaceful condition by removing the unnecessary

armies of the demonic kings;
sthu He appears at the end of Kali-yuga as Lord Kalki to reestablish the Vedic

pramam He always speaks the truth;

bjam avyayam He is the imperishable seed of all existence;

artha pure devotees who are free from material desires strive to attain Him;

anartha those who are filled with material desires cannot strive to attain Him, but prefer
to worship the demigods to attain heavenly sense gratification in the svarga planets;

mah-koa He is the master of an unlimited treasury;

mah-bhga He is full of all transcendental opulence;

mah-dhana He is the master of all wealth and the greatest giver.

AiNaivR<<a" SQaivae >aUDaRMaRYaUPaae MahaMa%" )

Na+a}aNaeiMaNaR+a}aq +aMa" +aaMa" SaMaqhNa" ))60))

60. anirvia sthaviho bhr
dharma-ypo mah-makha
nakatra-nemir nakatr
kama kma samhana

anirvia Lord Ka is not discouraged by the rebelliousness of the conditioned souls,

but always acts for their welfare and protection;

sthaviha His form is larger than the iumra-cakra star cluster;

bh He appears as the Dhruvaloka planet, about which the other planets revolve;

dharma-ypa He is the pillar upon which all religious principles rest;

mah-makha all the great Vedic sacrifices are meant for His satisfaction;

nakatra-nemi He causes the motions of all the planets;

nakatr He is the ruler of all stars and planets;

kama He controls the movement of the planets;

kma He is situated within all planets;

samhana pious and intelligent persons aspire to attain Him.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


Yaj wJYaae MaheJYa -Tau" Sa}a& SaTaa& GaiTa" )

SavRdXas ivMau-aTMaa SavRjae jaNaMautaMaMa( ))61))
61. yaja ijyo mahejya ca
kratu satra sat gati
sarva-dar vimukttm
sarvajo jnam uttamam

yaja Lord Ka appeared as the Yaja-avatra, the son of Prajpati Ruci and Aktidev;

ijya He is the supreme object of worship;

mahejya He should be worshiped with all grandeur and all royal paraphernalia;

ca and;

kratu the ritualistic ceremonies prescribed in the Vedas are intended for glorifying Him;

satram He is the protector of the devotees, and they value Him as their only wealth;

satm gati only the pure devotees are able to attain His association;

sarva-dar He sees everything, and He pays special attention to the activities of His

vimukttm He is free from any material contact;

sarvaja He knows everything;

jnam uttamam He is the supreme object of knowledge.

Sauv]Ta" SauMau%" SaU+Ma" Saugaaez" Sau%d" SauTa( )

MaNaaehrae_iJaTa-aeDaae vqrbahuivRdar<a" ))62))
62. suvrata sumukha skma
sughoa sukhada suht
manoharo jita-krodho
vra-bhur vidraa

suvrata Lord Ka is pleased with the devotees who faithfully keep their vows to serve

sumukha His smiling face reveals His bliss;

skma His spiritual form is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss;

sughoa He charms and pleases the minds and hearts of all living entities by expertly
playing His flute;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


sukhada He delights everyone;

suht He is the well-wishing friend of the devotees;

manohara the handsomeness of His three-fold bending form captures the devotees minds;

ajita-krodha He did not become angry when attacked by the Kliya serpent, but was
merciful to His adversary;
vra-bhu He can crush the greatest hero with His powerful arms;
vidraa He easily split Baksuras beak as if it was a blade of grass, even though
Baksura was as big as a mountain.

SvaPaNa" SvvXaae VYaaPaq NaEk-aTMaa NaEk-k-MaRkRk*-*-Ta( )

vTSarae vTSal/ae vTSaq rGa>aaeR DaNaer" ))63))
63. svpana svavao vyp
naiktm naika-karma-kt
vatsaro vatsalo vats
ratna-garbho dhanevara

svpana Lord Ka devotedly massages the lotus feet of Lord Balarma, fatigued with the
days playing in the groves of Vndvana, and makes Him fall asleep;
svavaa He is supremely independent, and by His own wish He convinced the residents of
Vraja to worship Govardhana Hill instead of Indra;

vyp He is present everywhere at every moment;

naiktm He expands His original form into innumerable viu-tattva forms;

naika-karma-kt He enjoys various wonderful transcendental pastimes to accommodate

the varieties of spiritual love of different devotees;

vatsara He personally calls each calf by its own name;

vatsala He is very affectionate to His calves;

vats He is the master of innumerable calves;

ratna-garbha He is the most precious jewel born of Yaod-dev;

dhanevara He is the master of numberless surabhi cows.

DaMaRGauPDaMaRk*-*-Mas SadSaT+arMa+arMa( )
AivjaTaa Saha&XauivRDaaTaa k*-Tal/+a<a" ))64))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


64. dharma-gup dharma-kd dharm

sad asat karam akaram
avijt sahasrur
vidht kta-lakaa

dharma-gup Lord Ka protects the religious principles taught in the Vedas;

dharma-kt He teaches the principles of religion for the welfare of all living entities;

dharm He sets the perfect example of following religious principles;

sat He exists eternally in the past, present and future;

asat He is always free from lamentation and death;

karam His lotus feet are the supreme object of worship for all living entities, and He
protects the devotees from the demons;

akaram He is the sacred syllable o;

avijt He excuses the offenses of those who take shelter of Him;

sahasru He is omniscient;

vidht He forgives the offenses of the surrendered souls;

kta-lakaa He reveals His original form to the most exalted devotees.

Ga>aiSTaNaeiMa" SatvSQa" iSa&hae >aUTaMaher" )

Aaiddevae Mahadevae deveXaae dev>a*u" ))65))

65. gabhasti-nemi sattva-stha
siho bhta-mahevara
di-devo mah-devo
deveo deva-bhd guru

gabhasti-nemi Lord Ka holds the effulgent sudarana-cakra to protect the devotees

from the messengers of Yamarja;
sattvastha He remains always situated in the hearts of the pure devotees;
siha He appears like a ferocious lion to protect the devotees from any Yamadta who
attempts to take them into custody;

bhta-mahevara He is the absolute monarch who controls Yamarja and his followers;

di-deva He is the original spiritual master, the teacher of Yamarja and his followers;

mahdeva He relishes the pastimes performed with His devotees, and He yearns to crush
whoever would harm His devotees;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


devea He relishes His pastimes of childhood play with His cowherd-boy friends, and He
forgives any offenses they may commit in the course of playing;
deva-bht guru He is the teacher and maintainer of Brahm, iva and all the demigods.

otarae GaaePaiTaGaaeRa jaNaGaMYa" PauraTaNa" )

Xarqr>aUTa>a*ae-a k-PaqNd]ae >aUirdi+a<a" ))66))
66. uttaro gopatir gopt
jna-gamya purtana
arra-bhta-bhd bhokt
kapndro bhri-dakia

uttara Lord Ka is the best person because He possesses unlimited wonderful


gopati Srya the sun-god considers Him to be his supreme master;

gopt He is the protector of all living entities;

jna-gamya He is understood by spiritual enlightenment;

purtana He expands Himself as paramtm, the Supersoul in the bodies of all

conditioned souls, and He is the oldest person;
arrabhta- bht the transcendental abode of Vndvana is a manifestation of His
personal form;
bhokt He eternally relishes pastimes in that spiritual land of Vndvana;
kapndra He is the master of the monkeys of Vndvana who participate in His childhood
bhri-dakia on His birthday celebration He gives abundant charity to the brhmaas.

SaaeMaPaae_Ma*TaPa" SaaeMa" PauiJaTPauSataMa" )

ivNaYaae JaYa" SaTYaSaNDaae daXaahR" SaaTvTaa& PaiTa" ))67))

67. somapo mtapa soma
purujit puru-sattama
vinayo jaya satya-sandho
drha stvat pati

somapa Lord Ka protects the demigod iva;

amtapa He protects all the demigods;

soma He is very famous and handsome, like a transcendental moon shining over Gokula;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


purujit He is very powerful and defeats all His enemies;

puru-sattama He is the best of all living entities;

vinaya the members of the Yadu dynasty humbly serve Him, and He reciprocates by
humbly rendering similar service to them;

jaya the affection the Yadus bear for Him has defeated and controlled Him;

satya-sandha He promises to always protect His devotees;

drha He appeared in the dynasty of King Darha, and He is the most valuable thing in
stvatm pati He is the protector of the Yadus, and the Lord and master of the great souls
who preach the truth about Him for the benefit of the conditioned souls.

Jaqvae ivNaiYaTaa Saa+aq Mauku-Ndae_iMaTaiv-Ma" )

AM>aaeiNaiDarNaNTaaTMaa MahaediDaXaYaae_NTak-" ))68))

68. jvo vinayit sk
mukundo mita-vikrama
ambho-nidhir ananttm
mahodadhi-ayo ntaka

jva Lord Ka gives life to the devotees distressed by His absence by giving them His
nectarean spiritual association;
vinayit He protects His devotees as if they were His own children;
sk He is perfectly aware of how distressed they are by not being able to associate with
Him directly;

mukunda His smiling face is as beautiful as a kunda flower;

amita-vikrama He uses His unlimited prowess to protect His devotees;

ambhonidhi the Garbhodaka ocean emanated from Him;

ananttm He takes rest by reclining on Lord Anantadeva as if on a couch;

mahodadhi-aya He peacefully reclines on Ananta-naga even when there is a great

inundation at the time of universal devastation;
antaka even during the destruction of the universe, He is splendidly handsome.

AJaae MahahR" Sv>aaVYaae iJaTaaiMa}a" Pa[MaaedNa" )

AaNaNdae NaNdNaae NaNd" SaTYaDaMaaR i}aiv-Ma" ))69))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


69. ajo mahrha svabhvyo

jitmitra pramodana
nando nandano nanda
satya-dharm tri-vikrama

aja Lord Ka appears to take birth within this material world, although He is unborn;

mahrha He is the supreme object of worship;

svabhvya the devotees meditate on Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead;

jitmitra He easily defeats lust, anger and all other enemies of His devotees;

pramodana nanda nandana nanda He makes His pure devotees jubilant, their eyes filled
with tears of joy;

satya-dharm His transcendental form is eternal;

tri-vikrama He is the supreme goal described in the three Vedas.

MahizR" k-iPal/acaYaaeR k*-*-Tajae MaeidNaqPaiTa"

i}aPadidXaaDYaa+aae MahaXa(" k*-TaaNTak*-Ta( ))70))

70. mahari kapilcryo
ktajo medin-pati
tri-padas tri-dadhyko
mah-rga ktnta-kt

mahari Lord Ka is the greatest philosopher and scholar of Vedic knowledge;

kapila He sometimes appears in a form with reddish-brown complexion;

crya He is the original teacher of pure spiritual knowledge;

ktaja He was fully aware of the pious deeds performed by Mahrja Bhagratha;

medin-pati He is the Lord and maintainer of the Earth planet;

tri-pada He is manifest as the sacred syllable o, consisting of the three letters a-u-;

tridadhyka He is the friend of the demigods and He rescues them in times of


mah-rga He carries the Earth on His great tusks in His incarnation as Lord Varha;

ktnta-kt He was as formidable as eternal time when He killed the demon Hirayka.

Mahavrahae GaaeivNd" SauXaeNa" k-Nak-adq )

Gauae Ga>aqrae GahNaae Gau-GadaDar" ))71))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


71. mah-varho govinda

suena kanakgad
guhyo gabhro gahano
gupta cakra-gaddhara

mah-varha Lord Ka manifested a form as a gigantic boar as large as a mountain;

govinda He found the Earth at the bottom of the rastala ocean and rescued her;

suena He is accompanied by a splendid and invincible army;

kanakgad He is decorated with golden armlets, crown and ornaments;

guhya it is very difficult to understand the truth about His eternal transcendental form;

gabhra gahanaHe is very difficult to approach or understand;

gupta He protects His devotees with His transcendental potencies;

cakra-gaddhara He carries the sudarana-cakra and the kaumodak club.

veDa" Svae_iJaTa" k*-Z<aae d*Da" SazRNaae_CYauTa"

v<aae va<aae v*+a" PauXk-ra+aae MahaMaNaa" ))72))

72. vedha svago jita ko
ddha sakarano cyuta
varuo vruo vka
pukarko mah-man

vedha Lord Ka appointed the various demigods and gave them their respective duties;

svaga He is the original teacher of Vedic knowledge;

ajita He is invincible;

ka His complexion is dark like a blue lotus flower;

ddha He is extremely powerful;

sakarana He defeated the demon Hirayka;

acyuta He is infallible;

varua only those He chooses can attain Him;

vrua He remains always near His devotees;

vka He accepted the goddess Bhmi as His wife;

pukarka He entered the waters of the Garbhodaka Ocean to rescue the Earth, and He
sees everything;
mah-man He grants liberation to His devotees.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


>aGavaNa( >aGaha NaNdq vNaMaal/I hl/aYauDa" )

AaidTYaae JYaaeiTaraidTYa" SaihZ<auGaRiTaSataMa" ))73))
73. bhagavn bhagah nand
vana-ml halyudha
dityo jyotir-ditya
sahiur gati-sattama

bhagavn Lord Ka possesses all wealth, strength, fame, knowledge, beauty and

bhagah He kills the sinful;

nand He is the dear son of Mahrja Nanda;

vana-mlHe wears a garland of forest flowers given to Him by His friends;

halyudha His immediate expansion is Lord Balarma, who holds a club;

ditya He also appeared as Lord Vmana, the son of Aditi;

jyotir-ditya He is as splendid as the sun, His splendor is brighter than thousands of

demigods, and those who remember Him become like demigods;
sahiu He is very tolerant, and forgives the offenses of those who take shelter of Him;
gati-sattama He gives the most valuable spiritual destination to those who take shelter of

SauDaNva %<@ParXaudaR<aae d]ivNaPa[d" )

idvSPa*k( SavRd*GVYaaSaae vacSPaiTarYaaeiNaJa" ))74))
74. sudhanv khaa-paraur
druo dravina-prada
diva-spk sarva-dg vyso
vcaspatir ayonija

sudhanv Lord Ka appeared as Paraurma, carrying a splendid bow;

khaa-parau Lord Paraurma also carried a sharp axe that He used to kill the impious
drua Paraurma was merciless to the katriyas;
dravina-prada after killing all the katriyas, Paraurma performed a sacrifice in which He
gave the entire world in charity to the brhmaas;
diva-spk He also appeared as rla Vysadeva, the divine Vedic author who explained the
truth of the spiritual world;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


sarva-dg vysa Vysadeva divided the one original Veda;

vcaspati He is the eloquent author of the Puras and Mahbhrata;

ayonija Sarasvat, the goddess of learning, personally appeared in His words.

i}aSaaMaa SaaMaGa" SaaMa iNavaR<a& >aezJa& i>azk( )

SaNNYaaSak*-*-C^Ma" XaaNTaae iNaaXaaiNTaParaYa<a" ))75))
75. trism smaga sma
nirva bheaja bhiak
sannysa-kc chama nto

trism Lord Ka, in His appearance as rla Vysadeva, divided the original Veda into
three parts;

smaga rla Vysadeva took pleasure in singing the Vedic hymns;

sma He taught those hymns to His disciples;

nirvam He freed them from ignorance and liberated them from material bondage;

bheajam He administered the medicine of pure devotional service to Ka, which freed
the devotees from the disease of material existence;
bhiak He is the greatest physician;
sannysa-kt in His appearance as Lord Caitanya, He accepts the renounced order of life,

sama Lord Caitanya is equiposed;

nta He is peaceful;

nih-ntiparyaa He is the abode of the highest peace and devotion, for He silences
the impersonalist non-devotee philosophers.

Xau>aa" XaaiNTad" a ku-Maud" ku-vle/XaYa" )

GaaeihTaae GaaePaiTaGaaeRa v*Xa>aa+aae v*XaaiPa[Ya" ))76))
76. ubhga ntida sra
kumuda kuvaleaya
gohito gopatir gopt
vabhko vpriya

ubhga the handsome features of Lord Kas transcendental body charm the minds
and hearts of the residents of Vndvana;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


ntida His gentle smile pacifies their hearts and inspires great feelings of love for Him;
sra He creates at every moment a treasure-house of transcendental bliss, which
becomes the property of the residents of Vndvana;
kumuda He becomes happy enjoying pastimes with His brother Balarma in the forests of
kuvaleaya He enchanted the residents of Vndvana by causing them to continually
drink the nectar of the sound of His flute;

gohita He is the well-wisher and benefactor of the cows;

gopati He is the master and controller of the cows;

gopt He is the protector of the cows;

vabhka He killed the Arisura demon, who assumed the form of a bull to attack the
residents of Vndvana;
vpriya after Arisura was killed, He carefully protected the cows and bulls of
Vndvana, which are very dear to Him.

AiNavTas iNav*taaTMaa Saea +aeMak*-iC^v" )

[qvTSav+aa" [qvaSa"J[qPaiTa" [qMaTaaMbr" ))77))

77. anivart nivtttm
sakept kema-kc chiva
rvatsa-vak rvsaj
rpati rmatmbara

anivart Lord Ka bravely faced the Arisura demon and rebuked the fleeing cowherd
men, calling them cowards;

nivtttm seeing that all the cowherd men had fled, He faced the demon alone;

sakept He easily killed Arisura, grasping the demons horns with His hand;

kema-kt by killing Arisura He returned the land of Vndvana to an auspicious

iva when the gops heard that Ka had killed a demon in the form of a bull, they
rejected His association because He had become sinful. To satisfy the gops, Ka then
called all sacred rivers and bathed in them all at once to return Himself to a pure and
auspicious condition;
rvatsa-vak His chest is decorated with the mark of rvatsa, the resting place of the
Goddess of Fortune;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


rvsa He is very attached to His residence in the beautiful land of Vraja, at the foot of
Govardhana Hill;
r-pati He protected the gops from the wrath of Indra;
rmatmbara He is the best of all eloquent orators and the best of the cowherd boys of

[qd" [qXa" [qiNavaSa" [qiNaiDa" [qiv>aavNa"

[qDar" [qk-r" [eYa" [qMaaNl/aek-}aYaa[Ya" ))78))
78. rda ra rnivsa
rnidhi rvibhvana
rdhara rkara reya
rmn lokatrayraya

rda Lord Ka generously gives opulent gifts to His friends and relatives;
ra He is the controller of all opulence, nevertheless He prevents His devotees from
attaining material opulence that might hinder their spiritual progress;
rnivsa He always resides in the land of Gokula, which is full of unparalleled spiritual
rnidhi all transcendental beauty and opulence are stored up in Him, as jewels in a jewelbox;
rvibhvana He manifests all beauty and opulence;
rdhara He is supremely handsome, and He maintains the gops of Vndvana and the
Goddesses of Fortune;
rkara all spiritual opulence resides within His lotus hand;
reya He is very handsome and He always remains by the side of rmat Rdhr, His
internal pleasure potency;

rmn He is the Master of the Goddess of Fortune;

lokatrayraya He is the shelter of Gokula Vndvana and all the three worlds.

Sv+a" Sv" XaTaaNaNdae NaiNdJYaaeRiTaGaR<aer" )

iviJaTaaTMaa ivDaeYaaTMaa SaTk-IiTaRiX^Sa&XaYa" ))79))

79. svaka svaga atnando
nandir jyotir-gaevara
vijittm vidheytm
satkrti chinna-saaya
r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


svaka Lord Ka is supremely charming, handsome and gentle;

svaga His transcendental form is full of all opulence;

atnanda He delights the 108 gops;

nandi He relishes transcendental bliss by enjoying pastimes in association with the gops;

jyoti-gaevara He is the master of innumerable pure devotees who try to please Him by
performing various services;

vijittm vidheytm He remains humble and submissive to His devotees;

satkrti His transcendental good character is very famous;

chinna-saaya He removes His devotees doubts.

odq<aR" SavRTa+aurNaqXa" XaaTa" iSQar"

>aUXaYaae >aUXa<aae >aUiTarXaaek-" Xaaek-NaaXaNa" ))80))
80. udra sarvata-cakur
ana vata sthira
bhayo bhao bhtir
aoka oka-nana

udra Lord Kas transcendental glories are chanted throughout the Vedic literature;

sarvata-cakus He always affectionately observes all His devotees;

ana He is completely submissive to His devotees;

vata sthira He always remains with His devotees, never leaving their association;

bhaya He takes a nap, resting in the transcendental forest of Vndvana;

bhaa He is nicely decorated with flowers and other ornaments;

bhti He fulfills the desires of His devotees;

aoka when Akrra was about to take Him to Mathur, He tried to console the lamenting
gops by assuring them He would quickly return to Vndvana;
aoka-nana He sent Uddhava to Vndvana as His messenger, relieving the suffering of
Nanda, Yaod and the other vrajavss.

AicRZMaaNaicRTa" ku-M>aae ivXauaTMaa ivXaaeDaNa" )

AiNaae_Pa[iTarQa" Pa[uMNaae_iMaTaiv-Ma" ))81))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


81. arcimn arcita kumbho

viuddhtm viodhana
aniruddho pratiratha
pradyumno mita-vikrama

arcimn Lord Ka glowed with anger when He heard Kasa insult His father
arcita the florist Sudm and the girl Kubj honored and worshiped Him;
kumbha enchanted by Kas handsomeness, Kubj wanted to enjoy Him as her
paramour, and she lustily clutched the edge of His garments;
viuddhtm when Ka promised to visit her home He was not trying to deceive her;
viodhana He killed the elephant Kuvalaypd, purifying its sins and granting it

aniruddha Kuvalaypd was unable to stop Ka from entering Kasas wrestling arena;

apratiratha Ka is always victorious in fighting;

pradyumna amita-vikrama because His strength is unlimited, He easily defeated Cra

and the other wrestlers.

k-al/NaeiMaiNaha vqr" XaaEir" XaUrJaNaer"

i}al/aek-aTMaa i}al/aeke-Xa" ke-Xav" ke-e-iXaha hir" ))82))

82. klanemi-nih vra
auri rajanevara
triloktm trilokea
keava kei-h hari

klanemi-nih Lord Ka killed the demon Kasa, who He also killed in his previous
birth as the demon Klanemi;

vra He dragged the dead Kasa around the wrestling arena to display His prowess;

auri He is the son of Vasudeva;

rajanevara He proved Himself the best of heroes by killing Kasa;

triloktm He made the three planetary systems jubilant;

trilokea He is the controller of the three worlds;

keava He has handsome black hair, and He is the Father of Brahm, iva and all the
keih He killed the Kei demon;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


hari He delights the minds of the cowherd residents of Vndvana, the demigods and all
other devotees.

k-aMadev k-aMaPaal/" k-aiMak-aNTa" k*-*-TaaGaMa"

AiNadeRXYavPauivRZ<auvsrae_NaNTaae DaNaYa" ))83))

83. kmadeva kmapla
kmiknta ktgama
anirdeya-vapur viur
vro nanto dhanajaya

kmadeva Lord Ka looked very splendid and handsome after killing the Kei demon;

kmapla by killing the demon He satisfied the residents of Vndvana and the demigods;

kmiknta at the time of killing Kei, the thought of killing Kasa began to arise in His
ktgama after killing Kei, He returned to the village of Vndvana accompanied by His
anirdeya-vapu it is impossible to describe His ultimate personal feature simply by dry
philosophical speculation devoid of bhakti;
viu however, the philosophical method will enable one to understand His impersonal
feature as the all-pervading Brahman effulgence;

vraHe eloquently expounds the perfect philosophy of spiritual life;

ananta He remains far away from those who are impure at heart;

dhanajaya after killing Kasa, He gave Kasas entire treasury to the pious King

b]<Yaae b]k*-]a b] b]ivvDaRNa" )

b]iva]<aae b]aq b]jae b]a<aiPa[Ya" ))84))

84. brahmayo brahma-kd brahm
brahma brahma-vivardhana
brahma-vid brhmao brhm
brahmajo brhmaa-priya

brahmaya Lord Ka is the well-wisher and benefactor of Gargamuni and the entire
brhmaa community;
brahma-kt He personally performs the austerities and spiritual practices enjoined for the

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


brahm He is also the origin of those spiritual duties;

brahma He is the unlimited Supreme Brahman, full of all transcendental qualities, the
maintainer of all living entities, and the Supreme Absolute Truth knowable by the study of
theistic commentaries on Vednta and hidden from the view of the atheists;
brahma-vivardhana He encourages the brhmaas in performance of austerities for
attaining spiritual realization;
brahma-vit He was initiated by Gargamuni, setting the example of how to understand the
Supreme Brahman by chanting the Gyatr mantra;
brhmaa He appeared as Lord Datttreya and in many other forms to teach the spiritual
philosophy of the Vedas;
brhm He is the supreme controller of the entire cosmic manifestation;
brahmaja He learned the nature of the Absolute Truth by studying under His spiritual
master Sndpani Muni;
brhmaa-priya He greatly pleased His guru and became very dear to him by returning
his dead sons as His guru-dakn.

Maha-Maae Mahak-MaaR MahaTaeJaae MahaerGa" )

Maha-TauMaRhaYaJva MahaYajae Mahahiv" ))85))
85. mahkramo mahkarm
mahtejo mahoraga
mahkratur mahyajv
mahyajo mahhavi

mahkrama Lord Ka cleverly killed the demon Klayavana by kicking the sleeping
King Mucukunda;
mahkarm His transcendental activities, such as killing Klayavana, are glorious,
praiseworthy, worshipable and wonderful;
mahteja His transcendental strength remains undefeated;
mahoraga He remains eternally situated within the hearts of His pure devotees, although
He occasionally blesses them by appearing before them;
mahkratu if one offers even a tulas leaf at Lord Kas lotus feet with sincere devotion,
that religious activity is greater than performing innumerable Vedic rituals, for Ka
becomes controlled by devotees who worship Him in this way;

mahyajv His devotees are by far the best performers of sacrifice;

mahyaja He personally prefers the chanting of His holy names as the best of sacrifices;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


mahhavi He considers the offering of obeisances by bowing down with devotion to be

the best kind of offering oblations.

STaVYa" STaviPa[Ya" STaae}a& STauiTa" STaaeTaa r<aiPa[Ya" )

PaU<aR" PaUriYaTaa Pau<Ya" Pau<Yak-IiTaRrNaaMaYa" ))86))
86. stavya stava-priya stotra
stuti stot raa-priya
pra prayit puya
puya-krtir anmaya

stavya Lord Ka possesses unlimited auspicious transcendental qualities, therefore we

should continually glorify Him with eloquent prayers and mantras;
stava-priya He becomes greatly pleased when devotees sincerely describe His glories and
chant His holy names;
stotram He personally empowers His devotees, such as Dhruva and others, to speak
eloquent prayers;

stuti His devotees continually glorify His transcendental pastimes and qualities;

stot He is inclined to praise the good qualities of His devotees;

raa-priya He relishes fighting when He has an opportunity to kill a demon;

pra He can kill an unlimited number of demons single-handedly because He possesses

unlimited strength;

prayit His devotees sometimes kill demons in this world;

puya He purifies the universe by killing the atheists;

puya-krti chanting His glories purifies all living entities;

anmaya glorifying Him is the medicine that cures the disease of repeated birth and death.

MaNaaeJavSTaqQaRk-rae vSaureTaa vSauPa[d" )

vSauPa[dae vaSaudevae vSauvRSauMaNaa hiv" ))87))
87. manojavas trthakaro
vasuret vasuprada
vasuprado vsudevo
vasur vasuman havi

manojava Lord Ka quickly rescues the surrendered devotees from the distresses of
repeated birth and death;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


trthakara He speaks Bhagavad-gt and other Vedic literatures to teach the living entities
how to attain Him;

vasuret He is the Father of the cosmic manifestation;

vasuprada He protects the eight Vasus, and He gives all opulence to His devotees;

vsudeva He is personally present whenever and wherever there is discussion of the

actual truth of spiritual life;

vasu He always remains in His eternal spiritual abode;

vasuman He always remembers His devotee Bhma with great satisfaction;

havi He appeared when Bhma called out for Him.

SaiTa" SaTk*-iTa" Sataa SaUiTa" SaTParaYa<a" )

XaUrSaeNaae Yadu[e" SaivaSa" SauYaaMauNa" ))88))
88. sadgati satkti satt
sadbhti sat-paryaa
raseno yadu-rea
san-nivsa suymuna

sadgati Lord Ka is attained only by pure devotees like Bhmadeva;

satkti at the time of His devotees death He helps them out of friendship;

satt He is very eager to visit His devotees, like the Pavas and the residents of
sadbhti He is willing to become the servant of His devotee, as He did for the Pavas
and Bali Mhrja;

sat-paryaa He is full of love for His devotees;

rasena He is the leader of the invincible Ydava Army;

yadu-rea He is the most exalted personality in the Yadu dynasty;

san-nivsa He resides in the splendid city of Dvrak and other spiritual abodes;

suymuna He is wonderfully handsome as He enjoys ecstatic pastimes in the forest of

Bhadvana near the bank of the Yamun.

>aUTaavaSaae vaSaudev" SavaRSauiNal/Yaae_Nal/" )

dPaRha dPaRdae_d*ae duDaRrae_QaaParaiJaTa" ))89))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


89. bhtvso vsudeva

sarvsu-nilayo nala
darpah darpado dpto
durdharo thparjita

bhtvsa all material elements and the entire cosmic manifestation rest upon Lord
Ka, who appears before His devotees eyes and upon their lotus hearts;

vsudeva He enjoys pastimes with the members of the Yadu dynasty;

sarvsu-nilaya He is the life-breath of the Yadus;

anala He fulfills all the desires of the Pavas and Yadus;

darpah He crushes the pride of the conditioned souls, as He did to Duryodhana during
King Yudhihiras rjasya-yaja;
darpada He gives all honor to His devotees, as He did to King Yudhihira in the
adpta His powers and activities are extraordinary and unprecedented, yet He remains
very humble and free from pride;
durdhara He was unsuccessful when the Pavas sent Him as a messenger to dissuade
ill-advised Duryodhana from depriving them of their claim to the throne;
ath therefore;
aparjita no one can defeat Him, and the Kurus were crushed when they tried to defeat

ivMaUiTaRMaRhaMaUiTaRr( dqMaUiTaRrMaUiTaRMaaNa(

ANaek-MaUiTaRrVYa-" XaTaMaUiTaR" XaTaaNaNa" ))90))

90. viva-mrtir mah-mrtir
dpta-mrtir amrtimn
aneka-mrtir avyakta
ata-mrti atnana

viva-mrti the entire universe is one of Lord Kas forms;

mahmrti nothing can compare with His transcendental form; dptamrti His
blazingly effulgent form is brighter than innumerable stars;
amrtimn except for the universal form, all of His forms are spiritual and eternal,
without a trace of the material elements;
anekamrti He appears in many forms simultaneously, as He did by expanding into
16,108 forms to please the queens of Dvrak;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


avyakta when Nrada saw that Ka had expanded into 16,108 forms and was enjoying
many different pastimes simultaneously, he was bewildered;

ata-mrti He appears in innumerable forms, which are all nectarean and auspicious;

atnana His handsome face is as sweet as nectar.

Wk-ae NaEk-" Sav" k-" ik&- YataTPadMaNautaMaMa( )

laek-bNDaul/aeRk-NaaQaae MaaDavae >a-vTSal/" ))91))

91. eko naika sava ka ki
yat-tat-padam anuttamam
loka-bandhur loka-ntho
mdhavo bhakta-vatsala

eka Lord Ka is one individual person eternally;

naika although to enjoy His pastimes, He appears in many viu-tattva forms;

sava He is always different from the individual living entities;

ka He is splendid and effulgent;

kim He is the supreme goal in the quest for knowledge;

yat-tat-padam anuttamam He is the supreme shelter of the living entities;

loka-bandhu He strongly binds the devotees with the rope of pure love He bears for them;

loka-ntha He is the master of all living entities;

mdhava He removed the illusions of the conditioned souls by speaking Bhagavad-gt;

bhakta-vatsala He always desires His devotees welfare.

Sauv<aRv<aaeR heMaaae vraNdNaadq )

vqrha ivzMa" XaUNYaae Da*TaXaqrcl/l/" ))92))

92. suvara-varo hemgo
varga candangad
vrah viama nyo
dhtar acala cala

suvara-vara hemga Lord Ka appears in Kali-yuga as r Caitanya Mahprabhu,

and in His early years plays the role of a brhmaa householder with a golden complexion;

varga His limbs are beautiful;

candangad His body, smeared with sandlewood pulp, seems like molten gold;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


vrah He kills lust, greed and all other enemies of His dvotees;
viama no one is equal to or greater than Him, who protects the devotees and kills the
nya He is free from all material defects, and He made the entire world unsafe for the
demons and atheists;

dhta He grants all auspiciousness to His devotees;

acala He was unmoving in His determination to protect the Pavas from all danger;

cala He broke His own promise not to take up any weapon in the Kuruketra war to keep
the promise of His devotee Bhima.

AMaaNaqMaaNadae MaaNYaae l/aek-SvaMaq i}al/aek-Da*k( )

SauMaeDaa MaeDaJaae DaNYa" SaTYaMaeDaa DaraDar" ))93))
93. amn mnado mnyo
loka-svm triloka-dhk
sumedh medhajo dhanya
satya-medh dhardhara

amn Lord Ka is the controller of everything, and He makes His devotees successful,
yet He remains very humble at heart;
mnada He desires to give all credit and honor to His devotees;
mnya He crushes those who become His devotees enemy; lokasvm He is the
controller of all the universes;
triloka-dhk He is the maintainer and protector of the three planetary systems;
sumedh although He is the master of everything and the most intelligent person, He
becomes controlled by His pure devotees, meditates on their good qualities, and aspires to
attain their association;
medhaja He appears among His devotees to obtain their association;
dhanya He considers Himself wealthy when He obtains the association of the pure
devotees who consider Him their only wealth;
satya-medh He exists eternally, although the cowherd people of Vndvana, unaware
that He is the Supreme, think of Him as their lover, son, friend or relative;
dhardhara He lifted Govardhana Hill.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


TaeJaaev*Xaae uiTaDar" SavRXa>a*TaaMbr" )

Pa[Ga]hae iNaGa]hae VYaGa]ae NaEk-Xa*ae GadaGa]Ja" ))94))
94. tejo-vo dyuti-dhara
pragraho nigraho vyagro
naika-go gadgraja

tejo-va Lord Ka protected the residents of Vndvan from Indras devastating

dyuti-dhara as He protected them, He looked handsome and splendid;
sarva-astra-bhtmbara He killed Jarsandha, alva and many other demons wielding
dangerous weapons;

pragraha He accepted the role of Arjunas chariot driver out of friendship;

nigraha He ordained the destruction of Arjunas enemies merely by glancing at them;

vyagra He quickly accomplished the destruction of Arjunas enemies;

naika-ga He defeated the Pavas enemies with many strategies;

gagraja He appeared as the elder brother of Gaa.

CTauMaURiTaRTaubaRhuTauVYaURhTauGaRiTa" )
cTauraTMaa cTau>aaRvTauveRdivdek-PaaTa( ))95))
95. caturmrti caturbhu
caturvyha caturgati
caturtm caturbhva
caturveda-vid ekapt

caturmrti Lord Ka appeared as the four sons of Dharma: Nara, Nryaa, Hari and

caturbhu Bhma, Arjuna, Satyaki and Uddhava were like His four strong arms;

caturvyha He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead described in the four Vedas;

caturgati unto Him surrender the four kinds of faithful persons: the distressed, those in
need of money, the curious and those who want to know the Absolute Truth;
caturtm He grants the four blessings of economic development, piety, sense gratification
and liberation to the people in general;
caturbhva He also grants these four blessings to the devotees in particular;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


caturveda-vit He teaches the actual message of the Vedas to the devotees;

ekapt the countless material universes are but a tiny fragment of His actual opulence and

SaMaavtaaeR iNav*taaTMaa duJaRYaae duriTa-Ma" )

dul/R>aae duGaRMaae duGaaeR duravaSaae durairha ))96))
96. samvartto nivtttm
durjayo duratikrama
durlabho durgamo durgo
durvso durrih

samvartta Lord Ka repeatedly creates the material universes;

nivtttm He also repeatedly annihilates them;

durjaya He is invincible and can be defeated only by pure devotional service;

duratikrama no one can ignore His order;

durlabha He is attained only by the most difficult-to-practice path of pure devotional


durgama He is understood by the difficult study of the Upaniads and Vednta-sutra;

durga He is glorified by the hymns of the Sma-veda, which are difficult to sing;

durvsa when one follows the difficult path of surrendering to Him, He becomes willing
to reside in ones heart;
durrih although serving Him is difficult, He helps the devotees by crushing their
difficult-to-conquer enemies, with lust as their general.

Xau>aaae l/aek-Saar" SauTaNTauSTaNTauvDaRNa" )

wNd]k-MaaR Mahak-MaaR k*-Tak-MaaR k*-TaaGaMa" ))97))
97. ubhgo loka-sraga
sutantus tantu-vardhana
indrakarm mahkarm
ktakarm ktgama

ubhga Lord Ka grants auspiciousness to, and fulfills the desires of the sincere
devotees who have firm faith in the instructions of the spiritual master and the scriptures;
loka-sraga He glorifies the good qualities of the devotees;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


sutantu His transcendental attributes and pastimes are like a great net that traps the
minds of the devotees;
tantu-vardhana the net of His qualities grows ever larger and more entangling as He
appears in innumerable attractive forms and transcendental pastimes;
indrakarm He acts for the protection and well-being of His servant Indra;
mahkarm after He killed the demon Naraksura, He returned the earrings of Aditi and
other articles the demon stole;
ktakarm He performs many wonderful pastimes and heroic deeds, like wedding 16,000
princesses simultaneously, defeating all the demigods and taking the prijta tree from the
heavenly planets by force, defeating Lord iva in the battle with Bsura, cutting off
Bsuras thousand arms, rescuing Ua and Aniruddha, and many more;
ktgama after performing these astonishing pastimes, He returned to His capital city of

ov" SauNdr" SauNdae rNaa>a" Saul/aecNa" )

AkR aeraJaSaNa" Xa*q JaYaNTa" SavRivYaq ))98))
98. uddhava sundara sundo
ratnanbha sulocana
arko rjasana g
jayanta sarva-vijjay

uddhava Lord Ka became famous for His wonderful pastimes;

sundara all the limbs of His transcendental form are exquisitely beautiful;

sunda He delights the devotees who have taken shelter of Him by showering His
causeless mercy upon them;

ratnanbha His handsome reddish navel is like a glowing ruby;

sulocana His handsome lotus eyes are reddish at the corners;

arka all the pure devotees offer prayers glorifying Him;

rjasana He provides food for all the living entities in the universe;

g in His original form as a cowherd boy He carries a buffalo-horn bugle in His belt;

jayanta He is victorious in the sports of arm-wrestling and verbal duels with His cowherd
sarva-vijay He can defeat even omniscient sages like Vasiha and Vmadeva in debate.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


Sauv<aRibNdur+aae>Ya" SavRvaGaqrer" )
Mahah]dae MahaGaTaaeR Maha>aUTaae MahaiNaiDa" ))99))
99. suvara-bindur akobhya
sarva-vg varevara
mahhrado mahgarto
mahbhto mahnidhi

suvara-bindu Lord Kas transcendental form is handsome, and His forehead is

decorated with golden tilaka;

akobhya He remains unmoved by the artificial show of love of the cold-hearted;

sarva-vk He is the most expert knower of the Vedas;

varevara He is the master and controller of Brahm, iva and all the demigods;

mahhrada He is like a great cooling lake that gives relief to all those who yearn to be free
of the burning suffering of repeated birth and death;
mahgarta millions of universes rest in a timy pore of His transcendental body;
mahbhta He emanated material sound, touch, the other sense objects and features of
the material universes;
mahnidhi the devotees consider Him their great and only wealth.

ku-u-Maud" ku-Ndr" ku-Nd" PaJaRNYa" PavNaae_iNal/"

AMa*TaaXaae_Ma*TavPau" SavRj" SavRTaaeMau%" ))100))

100. kumuda kundara kunda
parjanya pavano nila
amto mtavapu
sarvaja sarvatomukha

kumuda Lord Ka wears a lotus garland;

kundara He gives the treasures of Kuvera to those who hanker after them;

kunda He is decorated with a jasmine garland;

parjanya He rains the nectar of direct perception of His transcendental form in the hearts
of His pure devotees;

pavana He purifies the devotees hearts of the dirt of previous sinful deeds;

anila after killing Kasa, He gave the entire Earth in charity to King Ugrasena;

amta He brings His devotees to the eternal spiritual world, where life is like nectar;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


amtavapu His transcendental form is eternal, and is not destroyed at the time of
universal annihilation;
sarvaja He is aware of everything experienced by His devotees and all other living
sarvatomukha His devotees see His smiling face everywhere.

Saul/>a" Sauv]Ta" iSa" Xa}auiJaC^}auTaaPah" )

NYaGa]aeDaae@uMbrae_TQaSca<aUraNDa]iNaSaUdNa" ))101))
101. sulabha suvrata siddha
atrujic chatrutpaha
nyagrodhoumbaro vatthas

sulabha Lord Ka personally visited the homes of the brhmaa rutadeva and
Bahulva, the King of Mithil;
suvrata controlled by the love of rutadeva and Bahulva, Ka was unable to return to
Dvrak, but stayed in Mithil to satisfy His devotees;
siddha He did not return to Dvrak immediately, but stayed and gave audience to
rutadeva and Bahulva;

atrujit He vanquished lust and other enemies in rutadevas heart;

atrutpaha He distressed the political enemies of King Bahulva;

nyagrodha He stops His devotees enemies and forces them into a hellish condition of life;

uumbara His eternal spiritual abode is far beyond the limited sphere of material

avattha He is the supreme controller of all universes;

crndhra-nisdana He killed the wrestler Cra.

SahaicR" SaiJa" SaEDaa" SavahNa" )

AMaUiTaRrNagaae_icNTYaae >aYak*-YaNaazNa" ))102))

102. sahasrrci sapta-jihva
saptaidh sapta-vhana
amrtir anagho cintyo
bhaya-kd bhaya-nana

sahasrrci Lord Ka is the original source of the suns effulgence;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


sapta-jihva the seven kinds of fire are His tongue;

saptaidh in His form as Lord Sakaraa He burns the seven planetary systems to ashes
at the time of annihilation;
sapta-vhana in His form as Lord Viu He maintains and protects the seven planetary

amrti His eternal spiritual form is non-different from His Self;

anagha He is the supreme purity;

acintya He can be understood only by studying His descriptions in the revealed

scriptures, and He cannot be known at all by the process of philosophical speculation;
bhaya-kt He curses the atheist and impersonalist speculators to take their next birth in
the bodies of jackals;
bhaya-nana He removes the fearful condition created by such speculators.

A<aub*RhTk*-*-Xa" SQaUl/ae Gau<a>a*Na( iNaGauR<aae MahaNa( )

ADa*Ta" SvDa*Ta" SvaSYa" Pa[aGv&Xaae v&XavDaRNa" ))103))

103. aur bhat ka sthlo
guabhn nirguo mahn
adhta svadhta svsya
prgvao vaavardhana

au Lord Ka, appearing as the Supersoul in the hearts of the living entities, is smaller
than the smallest;
bhat He is also larger than the largest, so this material universe appears insignificant in

ka He can become so tiny He can enter into a stone;

sthla He can become so large that millions of universes can fit in the pores of His body;

guabht He maintains the three material modes of goodness, passion and ignorance;

nirgua nevertheless He always remains aloof from the material modes;

mahn He is the Supreme Person, the proper object of everyones worship;

adhta He cannot be grasped or captured by anyone except His devotees;

svadhta He is always situated in His own transcendental glory;

svsya His face is more handsome than the moon or a lotus flower;

prgvaa the members of His family, such as Pradyumna, are eternally liberated souls
free from material illusion;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


vaavardhana He greatly expanded the glory of the Yadu dynasty.

>aar>aUTk-iQaTaae YaaeGaq YaaeGaqXa" SavRk-aMad" )

Aa[Ma" Sa*Ma<a" +aaMa" SauPa<aaeR vaYauvahNa" ))104))
104. bhrabht kathito yog
yoga sarvakmada
rama samaa kma
suparo vyuvhana

bhrabht Lord Ka maintains and protects His devotees;

kathita the learned say that simply by His glance, touch or remembrance, the whole world
becomes auspicious;
yog He maintains unlimited millions of devotees simply by His wish;
yoga He is the master of the four Kumras and all other yogs, and He grants the
spiritual attainments they aspire for;
sarvakmada He grants residence in the heavenly planets to those who begin the path of
yoga, but fall down because of materialism, so they can enjoy the sense gratification they
rama after enjoying in the heavenly planets, He allows the fallen yogs to take birth in a
family of devotees who follow the varrama system, to give them a chance for further
spiritual advancement;
samaa He arranges that such fallen yogs again become attracted to the principles of
spiritual life;

kma He thus helps the fallen yogs gradually attain spiritual perfection;

supara He prefers the decoration of a tulas leaf to many golden ornaments;

vyuvhana He is carried by Garua, who flies faster than the wind.

DaNauDaRrae DaNauveRdae d<@ae dMaiYaTaadMa" )

AParaiJaTa" SavRSahae iNaYaNTaa iNaYaMaae YaMa" ))105))

105. dhanurdharo dhanurvedo
dao damayitdama
aparjita sarvasaho
niyant niyamo yama

dhanurdhara Lord Ka entered the svayamvara assembly of Lakma-dev carrying a


r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


dhanurveda He is the most expert archer;

daa with Arjunas help He easily subdued all the princes who tried to prevent Him
from taking Lakmas hand;

damayit in another svayamvara He subdued seven very fierce bulls;

adama He tamed the bulls no one else could tame;

aparjita when Rukm and his army tried to defeat Him, they failed dramatically;

sarvasaha He tolerated all the blasphemous insults spoken by His borther-inlaw Rukm;

niyant He soon retaliated by binding Rukm with ropes, and partly shaving his head,
leaving patches of hair here and there;

niyama He defeated Jambavn;

yama He won both Jambavat and the Syamantaka jewel.

SatvvaNa( Saaitvk-" SaTYa" SaTYaDaMaRParaYa<a" )

Ai>aPa[aYa" iPa[YaahaeR_hR" iPa[Yak*-*-TPa[qiTavDaRNa" ))106))
106. sattvavn sttvika satya
abhiprya priyrho rha
priyakt prtivardhana

sattvavn Lord Ka is submissive to His wife Satyabhm;

sttvika His physical and intellectual strength is unsurpassed;

satya He is the dear husband of Satyabhm;

satyadharma-paryaa He is the shelter of the truthful devotees, and the devoted husband
of Satyabhm;
abhiprya the devotees attain Him by developing pure love for Him;
priyrha He is the benefactor of the pure devotees, who know His actual nature as an
eternal person, who are full of love for Him, and who disregard the petty opulence of
material existence;

arha He is worshiped by pure devotees who have given up everything for His sake;

priyakt He accepts those pure devotees as His personal associates;

prtivardhana He is most pleased by the devotees who approach Him out of love, and not
to obtain some petty material benediction.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


ivhaYaSaGaiTaJYaaeRiTaSauRichuRTa>auiGv>au" )
rivivRraecNa" SaUYaR" SaivTaa rivl/aecNa" ))107))
107. vihyasagatir jyotir
surucir hutabhug-vibhu
ravir virocana srya
savit ravi-locana

vihyasagati Lord Ka enables His devotees to enter the eternal spiritual world;
jyoti the devotees who leave their bodies in a state of spiritual consciousness attain His
association in the spiritual realm;
suruci by His mercy it is light in the daytime;
hutabhug-vibhu He is like a splendid full moon that dissipates all the darkness in the
devotees hearts;

ravi by His mercy the sun moves in the north its orbit;

virocana by His mercy the sun moves in its annual orbit;

srya by His mercy the sun travels in the wind;

savit by His order the sun-god Aditya directs the movement of the sun;

ravi-locana by His mercy, the sun and moon travel in their orbits.

ANaNTaae huTa>auG>aae-a Sau%dae NaEk-dae_Ga]Ja" )

AiNaivR<<a" SadaMaazs l/aek-aiDaaNaMauTaMa( ))108))

108. ananto hutabhug-bhokt
sukhado naikado graja
anirvia sadmr
lokdhihnam adbhutam

ananta Lord Kas mercy frees the devotees from the bondage of repeated birth and
death and allows them to enter the spiritual world;
hutabhug-bhokt He protects the devotees;
sukhada He gladdens the devotees by freeing them from the subtle body of mind,
intelligence and false ego, which is the cause of repeated birth and death, and granting them
eternal spiritual forms to associate with Him in the spiritual world;
naikada He showers His devotees with innumerable benedictions, and even gives Himself
to His devotees;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


agraja all beauty and opulence emanate from Him and cannot be separated from Him at
any time;
anirvia sadmr His devotees endeavor with great earnestness to attain His lotus feet,
and they are never lazy in this regard;
lokdhihnam He gives shelter to the devotees who approach Him;
adbhutam He fills His devotees with wonder by showing them His ever-fresh
transcendental form, qualities and pastimes.

SaNaaTSaNaaTaNaTaMa" k-iPal/" k-iParVYaYa" )

SviSTad" SviSTak*-TSviSTaSviSTa>auKSviSTadi+a<a" ))109))
109. sant santanatama
kapila kapir avyaya
svastida svastikt svasti
svastibhuk svastidakia

sant Lord Ka relishes the food, incense and other palatable items His devotees offer
to Him;
santanatama He eternally attracts the eternally liberated souls by eternally manifesting
His eternally ever-fresh transcendental form;
kapila all the devotees desires become satisfied in Him;
kapi He supplies the water and other paraphernalia the devotees use to worship Him, and
He gives the transcendental happiness the devotees experience by serving Him;

avyaya He eternally remains in the assembly of devotees and never leaves them;

svastida He grants all auspiciousness to the devotees;

svastikt He removes all auspiciousness from the atheists and nondevotees;

svasti He is the supreme auspiciousness;

svastibhuk He protects the auspiciousness of the devotees who continually remember

Him, and He enjoys the greatest auspiciousness as He enjoys pastimes in the spiritual
svastidakia He gives entrance into His spiritual realm and many other auspicious gifts
to the devotees who perform the auspicious Vedic sacrifice of devotional service to Him.

AraEd]" ku-<@l/I c-I iv-MYaUiJaRTaXaSaNa" )

XaBdaiTaGa" XaBdSah" iXaiXar" XavRrqk-r" ))110))
r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


110. araudra kual cakr

vikramy rjita-asana
abdtiga abdasaha
iira arvarkara

araudra Lord Ka is full of transcendental bliss, therefore He never becomes angry, but
is always gentle and kind;
kual He is decorated with shark-shaped earrings, a crown, necklaces and many other

cakr He is the general of a limitless army that can never be defeated;

vikram His measureless strength can destroy any number of the most powerful demons;

rjita-asana neither Brahm, iva or any other demigod will transgress His orders;

abdtiga neither the thousand-headed Lord Anantadeva, nor Sarasvat-dev, the goddess
of learning can fully describe His unlimited glories;
abdasaha He felt compassionate toward the Pavas when He hard Draupads appeal
for protection from Durvss wrath;
iira He protected the Pavas from repeated calamity;
arvarkara He mercifully protected the Pavas by taking a little vegetable from
Draupads pot in His hand.

AU-r" PaeXal/ae d+aae di+a<a" +aiMa<aaMbr" )

ivtaMaae vqTa>aYa" Pau<Ya[v<ak-ITaRNa" ))111))

111. akrra pealo dako
dakia kamimbara
vidvattamo vtabhaya

akrra Lord Ka did not use violence to stop Durvs from harming the Pavas
because He always favors the brhmaas;
peala He expertly protected the Pavas by stopping Durvss and his disciples
daka He immediately appeared before Draupad as soon as He heard her appeal for
dakia He expertly thwarted all the attempts of Duryodhana to harm the Pavas;
kamimbara He mercifully forgave Durvs from the offense he was about to commit to
the Pavas;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


vidvattama He expertly protected His surrendered devotee Gajendra from an impending

vtabhaya He removed all of Gajendras fears;
puya-ravaa-krtana Gajendra and many others became free from all sins simply by
hearing and chanting His glories.

otaar<aae duZk*-iTaha Pau<Yaae du"SvPanNaaXaNa" )

vqrha r+a<a" SaNTaae JaqvNa" PaYaRviSQaTa" ))112))
112. uttrao duktih
puyo dusvapna-nana
vrah rakaa santo
jvana paryavasthita

uttraa Lord Ka rescued Gajendra by lifting him from the lake where he was trapped
by the crocodile;

duktih He killed the crocodile to protect His devotee;

puya He purifies everyone who hears the story of Gajendras deliverance;

dusvapna-nana he rescues everyone who remembers the story of Gajendra from bad

vrah He killed the strong crocodile;

rakaa He delivered Gajendra from the prison of an elephants body by touching him;

santa in this way He granted auspiciousness to Gajendra;

jvana He freed the Gandharva Hh from the crocodile body that had been imposed on
him by Devala Munis curse;
paryavasthita after hearing Gajendras prayers, He became very pleased and full of love
for His devotee.


cTaurae Ga>aqraTMaaividXaae VYaaidXaae_idXa" ))113))

113. anantarpo nantarr
jitamanyur bhaypaha
caturasro gabhrtm
vidio vydio dia

anantarpa when Brahm stole Lord Kas cowherd boy friends and calves, He
expanded Himself into innumerable forms just like the stolen calves and boys;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


anantar thus He manifested His unlimited power and opulence;

jitamanyu even though Brahm created a disturbance by stealing Kas devotees, Ka
magnanimously did not become angry with him;
bhaypaha when Brahm begged for forgiveness, Ka removed all his fears;
caturasra when Ka expanded Himself into many forms to replace His stolen friends,
He immediately accepted each of the older gops as His mother;
gabhrtm Kas mind is so profound and inscrutable that even after Lord Brahm
offered prayers and apologies, he could not understand whether Ka had accepted his
apology or not;
avidia because Brahm had interrupted Kas pastimes with His friends, He became
displeased with Brahm and asked him to leave Gokula so the pastimes of Vndvana could
continue undisturbed;
vydia on many different occasions Ka delegated various responsibilities for the
management of the universe to Brahm and gave him specific instructions;
adia because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the ultimate controller of
everything, He does not have to follow anyones instructions.

ANaaid>aUR>auRvael/+Maq" Sauvqrae icrad" )

JaNaNaae_JaNaJaNMaaid>asMaae >aqMaPara-Ma" ))114))

114. andir bhr bhuvo-lakm
suvro rucirgada
janano jana-janmdir
bhmo bhma-parkrama

andi Lord Ka is independent, and He does not need to follow the instructions of
Brahm or anyone else;

bh He was merciful to Brahm and forgave his offenses;

bhuvo-lakm He is the transcendental ornament of the land of Varjabhmi;

suvra He is a great hero, and fully competent to wrestle with rdm and the other
cowherd boys as their equal;
rucirgada He embraces His friends with His splendid transcendental arms;
janana in the springtime He enjoys the rsa dance near the base of Govardhana Hill in the
company of Balarma and the gops;
ajana-janmdi He is free drom the material defects of old age, disease, death and rebirth;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


bhma He was ferocious and terrifying to akhaca, who committed an offense to the
bhma-parkrama leaving Lord Balarma to protect the gops, powerful Ka chased and
caught akhaca, killed him and took the syamantaka jewel he wore in his crown.

AaDaariNal/Yaae DaaTaa PauZPahaSa" Pa[JaaGar" )

ORGa" SaTPaQaacar" Pa[a<ad" Pa[<av" Pa<a" ))115))

115. dhranilayo dht
pupahsa prajgara
rdhvaga satpathcra
prada praava paa

dhranilaya Lord Ka is the shelter of the gops, who are beautiful, gentle, charming,
expert in singing and dancing, witty and virtuous. He attracted them to the forest of
Vndvana to enjoy the rsa dance on the full-moon night of the arat season by playing His
transcendental flute;
dht alone with the gops in the forest of Vndvana, Ka made them drink the nectar
of His charming, clever words, His sweet, gentle smiles and His merciful sidelong glances;
pupahsa as He joked with the gops, His smile was as charming as a flower;
prajgara He stayed awake for an entire night of Brahm enjoying the pastimes of the rsa
rdhvaga during the rsa dance with the beautiful and wonderfully qualified gops, Ka
was so splendidly handsome He made Kmadeva seem like a fool;
satpathcra the gops love Him with pure hearts, completely free from any material
prada Ka, the life of all that lives, gave everything, even Himself, to try to reward
the gops, who had given up everything for His sake;
praava in this way He demonstrated that pure love for Him is the mostpraiseworthy and
valuable quality that anyone can attain;
paa Ka, who knows the actual value of everything, gave the greatest value to the
gops pure love for Him.

Pa[Maa<a& Pa[a<aiNal/Ya" Pa[a<a>a*TPa[aNaJaqvNa" )

Tatv& Tatvivdek-aTMaa JaNMaMa*TYauJaraiTaGa" ))116))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


116. prama pranilaya

prabht prnajvana
tattva tattvavid ektm

pramam by His regard for the gops, Lord Ka demonstrates that pure love for Him is
the supreme goal of life;
pranilaya plunged into the nectar of pure love for Ka, the gops appeared to merge
into Him, just as a when a bird enters its nest it appears to merge into it, even though the
bird actually keeps its individuality;
prabht Ka maintained the lives of the gops by giving them the nectar of blissful
personal exchanges with Him;
prnajvana He is more dear than life to the gops;
tattva His dealings with the gops were not at all material, but on the highest spiritual

tattvavit He eternally relishes these spiritual exchanges;

ektm He is the only Supreme Personality of Godhead;

janma-mtyu-jartiga He is completely beyond the old age, disease, death, rebirth, hunger,
thirst and the other defects of material existence.

>aU>auRv"SvSTaSTaar" Sa iPaTaa Pa[iPaTaaMah" )

Yajae YajPaiTaYaRJva Yajaae YajvahNa" ))117))

117. bhr-bhuva-svas-tarus tra
sa pit prapitmaha
yajo yajapatir yajv
yajgo yajavhana

bhr-bhuva-svas-taru Lord Ka is like a great tree that shades and protects the upper,
middle and lower planetary systems and provides all necessities to all living entities, who are
like birds that have taken shelter of that tree;

tra that metaphorical tree of Ka is as splendidly beautiful as a pearl;

sa the fame of the metaphorical tree of Ka is spread everywhere;

pit He is the Father of the residents of the three planetary systems;

prapitmaha He is the maintainer of the residents of the three planetary systems;

yaja He provides the ingredients the devotees use in His devotional service;

yajapati He is the protector of the process of devotional service;

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


yajv He forbids the living entities to follow the bogus so-called spiritual paths concocted
by the cheaters and speculators, and advises them to take up His pure devotional service to
the exclusion of everything else;
yajga He teaches the path of pure devotional service;
yajavhana He accepts as His devotees those who have faith in the principles of bhaktiyoga.

Yaj>a*jk*-*-jq Yaj>auGYajSaaDaNa" )

YajaNTak*-*-jGauMaMaad Wv c ))118))
118. yajabhd yajakd yaj
yajabhug yajasdhana
yajntakd yajaguhyam
annam annda eva ca

yajabht Lord Ka purifies any defects that may mar the devotees service to Him, and
He makes their service successful;
yajakt He personally performs devotional service to teach its importance to the
conditioned souls;

yaj He teaches how to engage in devotional service;

yajabhuk He is the enjoyer of the fruits of devotional service;

yajasdhana He benefits those who engage in devotional service by giving them

transcendental knowledge;

yajntakt He gives the transcendental result of engaging in devotional service;

yajaguhyam He is the ultimate object of all Vedic sacrifices;

anna He manifests Himself as the incense and other paraphernalia used in His worship;

annda He enjoys the articles offered to Him in devotional service;

eva ca indeed, especially.

AaTMaYaaeiNa" SvYa&JaaTaae vE%aNa" SaaMaGaaYaNa" )

devk-INaNdNa" a i+aTaqXa" PaaPaNaazNa" ))119))
119. tmayoni svayajto
vaikhna smagyana
devaknandana sra
kita ppa-nana
r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


tmayoni Lord Ka enjoys the company of His devotees;

svayajta He is never forced to appear in the material world, but incarnates
accompanied by His expansions and associates, only by His own sweet will;

vaikhna He kills the demons;

smagyana the hymns of the Sma-veda chant His glories;

devaknandana He appeared as the son of Devak and then became the son of Yaod;

sra He protected His mothers Devak and Yaod from all dangers;

kita He destroyed the demonic kings who were a great burden for the Earth;

ppa-nana He removes the sins of those fortunate souls who take to hearing and
chanting His glories, and He also removes the sins of the demons fortunate enough to be
killed by Him.

Xa>a*Na( NaNdk-I c-I SaaRDaNva GadaDar" )

rQaaPaaiNar+aae>Ya" SavRPa[hra<aYauDa" )

p NaMaae >aGavTae vaSaudevaYa ))120))

120. akabhn nandak cakr
srgadhanv gaddhara
rathgapnir akobhya
o namo bhagavate vsudevya

akabht Lord Ka holds the Pacajanya conchshell;

nandak He holds the Nandak sword, which is a manifestation of transcendental

cakr He holds the sudarana-cakra, a manifestation of the time potency;

srgadhanv He holds the rga bow;

gaddhara He holds the Kaumodak club;

rathgapni He took up the chariot wheel as His weapon to protect Bhmas promise;

akobhya He remains undisturbed, even if rendered weaponless in a fight;

sarva-praharayudha He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul in the

hearts of all living entities, and all weapons derive their effectiveness from Him;
o namo bhagavate vsudevya let me invoke auspiciousness by offering my respectful
obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, full with all divine opulence, r
Ka, the son of King Vasudeva.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


Phala ruti The Results of Chanting r Viusahasranma

wTaqd& k-ITaRNaqYaSYa ke-XavSYa MahaTMaNa" )
NaaMNaa& Sah& idVYaaNaaMaXaeze<a Pa[k-IiTaRTaMa( ))121))
121. itda krtanyasya
keavasya mahtmana
nmn sahasra divynm
aeea prakrtitam
[Bhma continued:] I have completed chanting the thousand transcendental Holy Names of
the glorious Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viu, who is known as Keava, the killer of the
Ke demon.

Ya wd& Xa(YaaNa( iNaTYa" YaaiPa Pairk-ITaRYaeTa( )

NaaXau>a& Pa[aPanuYaaiTk-iTSaae_Mau}aeh c MaaNav" ))122))

122. ya ida ruyn nitya
ya cpi parikrtayet
nubha prpnuyt kicit
so mutreha ca mnava
Anyone who hears and chants these thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu will not suffer in an
inauspicious condition of life, either in this life or in the next.

vedaNTaGaae b]a<a" SYaaT+ai}aYaae ivJaYaq >aveTa( )

vEXYaae DaNaSaMa*" SYaaC^Ud]" Sau%MavaPanuYaaTa( ))123))

123. vedntago brhmaa syt
katriyo vijay bhavet
vaiyo dhana-samddha syc
chdra sukham avpnuyt
By chanting these thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu a brhmaa will become learned in all
Vedic scriptures, a katriya will become victorious over all his enemies, a vaiya will become
wealthy, and a dra will become happy.

DaMaaRQas Pa[aPanuYaaMaRMaQaaRQas caQaRMavaPanuYaaTa( )

k-aMaaNavaPanuYaaTk-aMaq Pa[JaaQas Pa[aPanuYaaTPa[Jaa" ))124))
r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


124. dharmrth prpnuyd dharmam

arthrth crtham avpnuyt
kmn avpnuyt km
prajrth prpnuyt praj
By chanting these thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu, one who desires religious merit will
attain great pious credit, one who desires wealth will become wealthy, one who desires opulent
arrangements for sense gratification will attain them, and one who desires to father a great
dynasty will also attain his aim.

>ai-MaaNa( Ya" SadaeTQaaYa XauicSTaTaMaaNaSa" )

Sah& vaSaudevSYa NaaMNaaMaeTaTPa[k-ITaRYaeTa( ))125))

125. bhaktimn ya sadotthya
ucis tad-gata-mnasa
sahasra vsudevasya
nmnm etat prakrtayet
A person who is a faithful follower of a bona-fide Vaiava spiritual master should rise early in
the morning every day, purify himself by taking bath, fix his mind on the Supreme Personality
of Godhead Ka, the son of Vasudeva [by applying tilaka with viu-mantra, performing
nys, acamaa etc.], and chant this series of His one thousand Holy Names with great care
and attention.

YaXa" Pa[aPanaeiTa ivPaul&/ jaiTaPa[aDaaNYaMaev c )

Acl/a& i[YaMaaPanaeiTa [eYa" Pa[aPanaeTYaNautaMaMa( ))126))
126. yaa prpnoti vipula
jti-prdhnyam eva ca
acal riyam pnoti
reya prpnoty anuttamam
One who chants the thousand Holy Names of Lord Viu very nicely will attain unlimited
fame and become the most prominent of all his kinsmen. He will attain everlasting opulence,
and he will also attain the supreme auspiciousness.

Na >aYa& KvicdaPanaeiTa vqYa| TaeJa ivNdiTa )

>avTYaraeGaq uiTaMaaNa( bl/PaGau<aaiNvTa" ))127))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


127. na bhaya kvacid pnoti

vrya teja ca vindati
bhavaty arog dyutimn
He will become courageous and free from fear, and he will become a leader, controlling others.
He will become healthy, handsome and majestic in appearance, physically strong, and full of all
good qualities.

raeGaaTaaeR MauCYaTae raeGaaNDaae MauCYaTae bNDaNaaTa( )

>aYaaNa( MauCYaTae >aqTaSTau MauCYaeTaaPa AaPad" ))128))
128. rogrto mucyate rogd
bandho mucyate bandhant
bhayn mucyate bhtas tu
mucyetpanna pada
One who is sick will become free from his disease, and one who is in prison or some other
bondage will become free. One who is frightened because of a wicked enemy will become free
from his fear, and one who is suffering from a calamity will become free from calamity.

duGaaRNYaiTaTarTYaaXau Pauz" PauzaetaMaMa( )

STauvNa( NaaMaSahe<a iNaTYa& >ai-SaMaaiNvTa" ))129))

129. durgny atitaraty u
purua puruottamam
stuvan nma-sahasrea
nitya bhakti-samnvita
Anyone who regularly glorifies the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Viu with
devotion by chanting these one thousand Holy Names, will quickly become free from the
effects of many horrible sins.

vaSaudeva[Yaae MaTYaaeR vaSaudevParaYa<a" )

SavRPaaPaivXauaTMaa YaaiTa b] SaNaaTaNaMa( ))130))
130. vsudevrayo martyo
yti brahma santanam

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


He takes shelter of Lord Vsudeva and becomes very attached to Him. He becomes purified of
all sins, and he attains the association of Lord Ka, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Na vaSaudev>a-aNaaMaXau>a& ivTae KvicTa( )

JaNMaMa*TYauJaraVYaaiDa>aYa& NaEvaePaJaaYaTae ))131))

131. na vsudeva-bhaktnm
aubha vidyate kvacit
bhaya naivopajyate
No actually inauspicious condition is ever imposed on the devotees of Lord Vsudeva, and
therefore they do not fear having to take birth in this world again to suffer the miserable
conditions of old age, disease and death.

wMa& STavMaDaqYaaNa" [a>ai-SaMaaiNvTa" )

YauJYaeTaaTMaaSau%+aaiNTa[qDa*iTaSMa*iTak-IiTaRi>a" ))132))
132. ima stavam adhyna
One who carefully studies these prayers with great faith and devotion to Lord Ka becomes
full of the happiness attained by spiritual realization. He becomes tolerant of the temporary
happiness and distress of material existence. He attains the opulence of renunciation, patient
control of the senses, and constant meditation on Ka. Because of all this opulence he attains
great fame.

Na -aeDa& Na c MaaTSaYa| Na l/ae>aae NaaXau>aa MaiTa" )

>aviNTa k*-TaPau<Yaa<aa& >a-aNaa& PauzaetaMae ))133))
133. na krodha na ca mtsarya
na lobho nubh mati
bhavanti kta-puy
bhaktn puruottame
The devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Ka who perform the devotional
service of chanting these one thousand Holy Names of the Lord become free from anger, anvy,
greed, and all wicked thoughts.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


aE" SacNd]akR Na+a}aa" %& idXaae >aUMaRhaediDa" )

vaSaudevSYa vqYaeR<a ivDa*TaaiNa MaNaaTMaNa" ))134))
134. dyau sa-candrrka-nakatr
kha dio bhr mahodadhi
vsudevasya vryea
vidhtni mantmana
The entire expanse of outer space, the sun, moon, stars, planets, ether, directions, the Earth,
air and great oceans are all maintained by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
Lord Vsudeva.

SaSauraSaurGaNDav| SaYa+aaerGara+aSaMa( )

JaGaXae vTaRTaed& k*-*-Z<aSYa SacracrMa( ))135))

135. sa-sursura-gandharva
jagad vae vartateda
kasya sa-carcaram
The demigods, demons, Gandharvas, Yakas, Uragas, Rkasas and all moving and nonmoving
living entities within the universe are under Lord Kas control.

wiNd]Yaai<a MaNaae bui" Satv& TaeJaae bl&/ Da*iTa" )

vaSaudevaTMak-aNYaahu" +ae}a& +ae}aj Wv c ))136))

136. indriyi mano buddhi
sattva tejo bala dhti
vsudevtmakny hu
ketra ketraja eva ca
The wise say that the senses, mind, intelligence, life energy, influence, strength, patience and
material bodies of the conditioned souls, which constitute their field of activities, and the
living souls themselves are all the property of Lord Vsudeva.

SavaRGaMaaNaaMaacar" Pa[QaMa& Pairk-LPaTae )

AacarPa[>avae DaMaaeR DaMaRSYa Pa[>aurCYauTa" ))137))

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


137. sarvgamnm cra

prathama parikalpate
cra-prabhavo dharmo
dharmasya prabhur acyuta
The infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original author of all codes of religion
and religious duties found in all sacred literature. He is the protector of all religious activities.

XaYa" iPaTarae deva Maha>aUTaaiNa DaaTav" )

JaMaaJaNGaMa& >aed& JaGaNa( NaaraYa<aaevMa( ))138))

138. aya pitaro dev
mahbhtni dhtava
jagamjangama bheda
jagan nryaodbhavam
The sages, Ptas, demigods, material elements and minerals, and all moving and nonmoving
living entities within the universe are created by Lord Nryaa.

YaaeGaae jaNa& TaQaa Saa&:Ya& iva iXaLPaaid k-MaR c )

veda" Xaaai<a ivjaNaMaeTaTSav| JaNaadRNaaTa( ))139))

139. yogo jna tath skhya
vidy ilpdi karma ca
ved stri vijnam
etat sarva janrdant
The aaga-yoga system, skya philosophy, which distinguishes spirit from matter, the
fourteen kinds of knowledge, arts, crafts, architecture and similar arts, the four Vedas,
supplementary Vedic literature such as Mms-stra and Yoga-stra, transcendental
knowledge and the application of that knowledge in everyday life, have all emanated from Lord

Wk-ae ivZ<auMaRhUTa& Pa*QaG>aUTaaNYaNaek-Xa" )

}aq/aek-aNa( VYaaPYa >aUTaaTMaa >aue iv>auGaVYaYa" ))140))
140. eko viur mahad bhta
pthag bhtny anekaa
trl lokn vypya bhttm
bhukte viva-bhug avyaya

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


Lord Viu is the original cause of all causes. He is the chief living entity, eternally an
individual different from all other living entities. He is present everywhere in all three
planetary systems, and He is beginningless and perfect. He accepts offerings made with love
and devotion, and He is the protector of the universe. He is unchanging and eternally the

wMa& STav& >aGavTaae ivZ<aaeVYaaRSaeNa k-IiTaRTaMa( )

Pa#e= weTPauza" [eYa" Pa[au& Sau%aiNa c ))141))
141. ima stava bhagavato
vior vysena krtitam
pahed ya iccet puru
reya prptu sukhni ca
One who desires to attain actual happiness and auspiciousness should regularly hear and chant
this prayer glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, composed by the sage Vysa.

iverMaJa& dev& JaGaTa" Pa[>avaPYaYaMa )

>aJaiNTa Yae PauZk-ra+a& Na Tae YaaiNTa Para>avMa( )
p NaMaae >aGavTae vaSaudevaYa ))142))
142. vivevaram aja deva
jagata prabhavpyayam
bhajanti ye pukarka
na te ynti parbhavam
o namo bhagavate vsudevya
Those who worship the lotus-eyed Supreme Personality of Godhead, the unborn creator,
controller and annihilator of the material universe, do not suffer defeat by the cycle of repeated
birth and death. They become liberated from material existence and return home, back to

O namo bhagavate vsudevya let me invoke auspiciousness by offering my respectful

obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, full with all divine opulence, r Ka,
the son of King Vasudeva.

r ViusahasranamaThe Beautiful Thousand Names of God


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