Bidirectional Visitor Counter

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Project Report

Automatic Door with Bidirectional

Visitor Counter
Submitted to


in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree

Bachelor of Engineering



Gunjan Kushwaha
Kaushal Rai
Nishant Dhote
Priyesh Chandra
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Yogesh Sharma
Assistant Professor
Session: 2014-2015

We the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled
Automatic Door with Bidirectional Visitor Counter is based on our own work
carried out during the course of our study under the supervision of Mr. Yogesh Sharma,
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department.
We assert that the statements made and the conclusions drawn are an outcome of the
project work. We further declare that to the best of our knowledge and belief that the
report does not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of
any other degree/diploma/certificate in this university or any other university.



Gunjan Kushwaha

Kaushal Rai

Roll No: 3352811010

Roll No: 3352811015

Enrollment No: AK2149

Enrollment No: AK2198



Nishant Dhote

Priyesh Chandra

Roll No: 3352811023

Roll No: 3352811028

Enrollment No: AK2292

Enrollment No: AK2358

This is to certify that the report of the project submitted is an outcome of the project work
entitled Automatic Door with Bidirectional Visitor Counter carried out by

Roll No

Enrollment No

Gunjan Kushwaha



Kaushal Rai



Nishant Dhote



Priyesh Chandra



under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in Bachelor of Engineering
in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda
Technical University, Bhilai (C.G.), India.
To the best of my knowledge the report
i) Embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,
ii) Has duly been completed,
iii) Fulfills the requirement of the Ordinance relating to the BE
degree of the University and
iv) Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.



(Signature of the Guide)

(Head of Department)

Mr. Yogesh Sharma

Mr. Vishal Moyal

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

Department of Electronics &

Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics &

Telecommunication Engineering

Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Technology & Management, Junwani, Bhilai.


This is to certify that the project work entitled
Automatic Door with Bidirectional Visitor Counter
Submitted By

Roll No.

Enrollment No.

Gunjan Kushwaha



Kaushal Rai



Nishant Dhote



Priyesh Chandra



has been examined by the undersigned as a part of the examination for the award of
Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering of
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University, Bhilai.



Internal Examiner

External Examiner



We welcome this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude and regards to all those
who helped us in completion of this project. We are thankful for their aspiring guidance,
invaluably constructive criticism and friendly advice during the project work.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to our project guide, Mr. Yogesh Sharma,
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department for
his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information
regarding the project.
We would like to express our gratitude towards

Mr. Vishal Moyal, Head of

Department, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department for his kind

cooperation and encouragement which helped us in completion of this project.
We place a deep sense of gratitude to our teachers Mr. Pradeep Singh Yadav and Mr.
Nilay Nagdeve for their guidance and support which helped us in completing this project.
We will also like to thank our lab staff Mr. Anil Kumar for his support during our
project work.
Last but not the least we place a deep sense of gratitude to our family members and our
friends who have been constant source of inspiration during the preparation of this
project work.



Gunjan Kushwaha

Kaushal Rai

Roll No: 3352811010

Roll No: 3352811015



Nishant Dhote

Priyesh Chandra

Roll No: 3352811023

Roll No : 3352811028

Table of Content

Chapter 1


Page No.


List of Tables


List of Figures




Embedded System


Brief Introduction

Chapter 2

Literature Review

Chapter 3

Components Description

3.1. Requirement

Chapter 4

3.1.1. Hardware Requirement

3.1.2. Software Requirement

3.2. Components Description



4.1. Operation


4.1. Automatic Door


4..2. Bidirectional Visitor Counter


4.2. Block Diagram


4.3. Working


4.4. Circuit Diagram


Chapter 5

Result & Discussion


Chapter 6

Conclusion & Future Scope


6.1. Conclusion


6.2. Future Scope





The project proposes a system wherein the number of persons entering or leaving a room is
displayed on a screen and the door is opened or closed automatically by sensing any body
movement near the door.
This is achieved with help of a PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor. The sensing signal is fed to a
microcontroller to operate a door motor through motor driver IC. When a body approaches
within the operating range of the sensor, it sends a logical command to open the door. The door
automatically closes with a fixed time delay, if there is no further movement within the PIR
operating range. Interrupt signals are used through limit switches to avoid locked rotor condition
of the motor.

When a person enters the room, count would be increased, whereas on leaving, the count would
be decreased. IR sensing mechanism is used to sense the presence of visitors. Two sets of IR
sensors consisting of an IR LED and photo transistor are placed at two ends. Output from each
sensor is fed to the microcontroller. In normal operation, IR light from the LED would fall on the
photo transistor and the latter would conduct. The output from the sensor would be a logic low
signal in this case. In case of any interruption (due to any person crossing the path), the photo
transistor would cease to conduct or conduct less and the output from the sensor would be a logic
high signal. The transition from low to high, for each sensor pair is detected by the
microcontroller and accordingly the count would be increased or decreased.

List of Tables

Table No.

Table Name

Page No.

Hardware Requirement

List of Figures

Figure No.

Figure Name

Page No.


Block Diagram Of P89V51RD2




IC L293D Motor Driver


PIR Sensor





Transistor BC547



Crystal Oscillator



IR Transmitter-Receiver



Voltage Regulator 7805



Voltage Regulator 7809



Diode IN4007









Variable Resistance



Light Emitting Diode


Figure No.

Figure Name
7-Segment Display

Page No.





Block Diagram Of Automatic

Door With Bidirectional Visitor
Circuit Diagram Of Automatic
Door With Bidirectional Visitor




Chapter 1

1.1. Embedded System

An embedded system is a computer system with dedicated function within a larger mechanical or
electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a
complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. Embedded systems control
many devices in common use today. Modern embedded systems are often based
on microcontrollers.
An embedded system is a system that has software embedded into hardware, which makes a
system dedicated for an application(s) or specific part of an application or a product or part of a
larger system. It processes a fixed set of pre-programmed instructions to control
electromechanical equipment which may be part of an even larger system.
The key characteristic of embedded system is being dedicated to handle a particular task. Since
the embedded system is dedicated to specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it to reduce
the size and cost of the product and increase the reliability and performance. Some embedded
systems are mass-produced, benefiting from economies of scale.
1.2. Brief Introduction
The objective of this project is to make a microcontroller based model to control the opening and
closing of door automatically and count the number of persons visiting the room.
A passive infrared sensor is located at the door to control the automatic opening and closing of
the door. There are two IR Transmitter-Receiver pair located at the door which is used to detect
whether a person is entering the room or leaving the room. Based on the detection, the counter
value will be increased or decreased.
The system comprises of a passive infrared sensor which is located at the door. This sensor will
detect the person and will control the opening and closing of the door. Whenever a person will
come within the range of sensor, the sensor will detect the person. This sensing signal is fed to
microcontroller to operate a door motor through motor driver IC. The door will then be opened
and after sometime, the door will close automatically.

There are two IR Transmitter-Receiver pair which is located at front and at the back of the door.
There is a counter which is set at the value 00H, initially. Whenever a person tries to enter into
the room, the IR Transmitter-Receiver pair identifies the person. This sensing signal is fed to a
microcontroller which will control the counter. When a person will enter the room, the counter
value will be increased and when the person will leave the room, the counter value will be

Chapter 2

This article describes the design and working of a bidirectional visitor counter. The main
intention is to design a system wherein the number of persons entering or leaving a room is
displayed on a screen. When a person enters the room, count would be increased, whereas on
leaving, the count would decrease. IR sensing mechanism is used to sense the presence of
visitors and the whole counting operation is done by a microcontroller.
We have added one more feature to this project. In addition to bidirectional visitor counter, we
have also added the automatic door which will open or close by sensing the movement of person
within the range of sensor.

By Sundus Tahir (

From the article we studied that the digital visitor counter is a reliable circuit that takes over the
task of counting number of persons/visitors in the room very accurately. When somebody enters
into the room then the counter is incremented by one. The total number of persons inside the
room is displayed on the seven segment display module. The microcontroller does the above job.
The microcontroller receives the signals from the sensors and this signals are operated under the
control of software which is stored in ROM. It can be used to count the number of persons
entering a hall in the up mode at entrance gate. In the down mode, it can count the number of
persons leaving the hall by decrementing the count at exit gate. It can also be used at gates of
parking areas and other public places.
The circuit is divided in three parts: sensor, controller and counter display. The sensor would
observe an interruption and provide an input to the controller which would run the counter in
up/down mode depending upon the selector setting. The same count is displayed on a set of 7segment displays through the controller. This project we will create counter system for apply.
The total number of object is displayed on the seven segment display.

PIR sensors allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has
moved in or out of the sensors range. They are small, inexpensive, low-power, easy to use and
don't wear out. For that reason, they are commonly found in appliances and gadgets used in
homes or businesses. They are often referred to as PIR, "Passive Infrared", "Pyroelectric", or "IR
motion" sensors.
PIRs are basically made of a pyro-electric sensor (which you can see above as the round metal
can with a rectangular crystal in the centre) which can detect levels of infrared radiation.
Everything emits some low level radiation, and the hotter something is, the more radiation is
emitted. The sensor in a motion detector is actually split in two halves. The reason for that is that
we are looking to detect motion (change) not average IR levels. The two halves are wired up so
that they cancel each other out. If one half sees more or less IR radiation than the other, the
output will swing high or low.
PIRs are used for many products that need to detect when a person has left or entered the area, or
has approached. They have a wide lens range, and are easy to interface with.

Chapter 3

3.1. Requirement
3.1.1. Hardware Requirement
S. No.



IC P89V51RD2


741 OP-AMP


L293D Motor Driver


PIR Sensor




Transistor BC5473


Crystal Oscillator


IR Transmitter-Receiver Pair


Voltage Regulator 7805



Voltage Regulator 7809



Diode IN4007






Variable Resistance


12-0-12 V



11.0592 Hz


10 F/63V

1000 F/25 V

22 pF



10 K


8.2 K

10 K

4.7 K


Light Emitting Diode


7-Segment Display



Table 3.1: Hardware Requirement

3.1.2. Software Requirement

1. Keil Software as Compiler
2. Proteus for Circuit Designing
3. PCB Wizard for PCB Designing
4. Flash Magic
3.2. Components Description
1. IC P89V51RD2
The P89V51RD2 is an 80C51 microcontroller with 64 kB Flash and 1024 bytes of data RAM. It
can be programmed via serial port using NXPs utility or Flash Magic.
The Flash program memory supports both parallel programming and in serial In-System
Programming (ISP). Parallel programming mode offers gang-programming at high speed,
reducing programming costs and time to market. ISP allows a device to be reprogrammed in the
end product under software control. The capability to field/update the application firmware
makes a wide range of applications possible.
The P89V51RD2 is also In-Application Programmable (IAP), allowing the Flash program
memory to be reconfigured even while the application is run.

Fig.3.1: Block Diagram of P89V51RD2

2. 741 OP-AMP
The term Operational Amplifier or OP-AMP refers to a class of high gain DC coupled amplifiers
with two inputs and single output. it can be made to perform a wide variety of analog signal
processing tasks. Operational amplifiers can be used to perform mathematical operations on
voltage signals such as inversion, addition, subtraction, integration, differentiation, and
multiplication by a constant. It is also quite affordable.
LM741 IC is a general purpose single operational amplifier which is packaged in 8-pin mini DIP.
The integrated circuit contains 20 transistor and 11 resistors.

Fig.3.2: IC 741 OP-AMP

3. L293D Motor Driver
L293D is a motor driver IC which allows DC motor to drive in either direction. L293D is a 16pin IC which can control a set of two DC motors, simultaneously in any direction.
L293D contains two inbuilt H-bridge driver circuits. In its common mode of operation, two DC
motors can be driven simultaneously, both in forward and reverse direction. Input logic 00 or 11
will stop the corresponding motor. Logic 01 and 10 will rotate the motor in clockwise and anticlockwise, respectively.

Fig.3.3: IC L293D Motor Driver
4. PIR Sensor
PIR sensors allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has
moved in or out of the sensors range. They are small, inexpensive, low-power, easy to use and
don't wear out. For that reason, they are commonly found in appliances and gadgets used in
homes or businesses. They are often referred to as PIR, "Passive Infrared", "Pyroelectric", or "IR
motion" sensors.
PIRs are used for many products that need to detect when a person has left or entered the area, or
has approached. They have a wide lens range, and are easy to interface with.

Fig.3.4: PIR Sensor

5. Transformer
A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy between two or more circuits
through electromagnetic

induction. The working





upon Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. Actually, mutual induction between two or
more winding is responsible for transformation action in an electrical transformer. Transformers
are capable of either increasing or decreasing the voltage and current levels of their supply,
without modifying its frequency, or the amount of electrical power being transferred from one
winding to another via the magnetic circuit.

Fig.3.5: Transformer

6. Transistor BC547
BC547 is a NPN bi-polar junction transistor. A transistor, stands for transfer of resistance, is
commonly used to amplify current. A small current at its base controls a larger current at
collector & emitter terminals.
BC547 is mainly used for amplification and switching purposes. It has a maximum current gain
of 800. Its equivalent transistors are BC548 and BC549.
BC547 is used in common emitter configuration for amplifiers. The voltage divider is the
commonly used biasing mode. For switching applications, transistor is biased so that it remains
fully on if there is a signal at its base. In the absence of base signal, it gets completely off.

Fig.3.6: Transistor BC547

7. Crystal Oscillator
A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a
vibrating crystal of piezoelectric

material to







precise frequency This frequency is commonly used to keep track of time (as in quartz wrist
watches), to provide a stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits, and to stabilize
frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers.

The most common type of piezoelectric resonator used is the quartz crystal, so oscillator circuits
incorporating them became known as crystal oscillators.

Fig.3.7: Crystal Oscillator

8. IR Transmitter-Receiver
IR Transmitters and Receivers are present in many different devices. The way this technology
works is that one component flashes an infrared light in a particular pattern, which another
component can pick up and translate into an instruction. These transmitters and receivers are
found in remote controls and all different types of devices, such as televisions and DVD players.
Transparent LED is a transmitter IR LED and it will transmit infrared light which is not visible to
human eye, and dark blue LED is a photo diode or IR receiver LED.

Fig.3.8: IR Transmitter-Receiver

9. Voltage Regulator
The voltage source in a circuit may have fluctuations and would not give the fixed voltage
output. The voltage regulator IC maintains the output voltage at a constant value.
7805 and 7809 are voltage regulator integrated circuits. They are members of 78xx series of
fixed linear voltage regulator ICs. The xx in 78xx indicates the fixed output voltage it is designed
to provide. 7805 provides +5V regulated power supply. 7809 provides +9V regulated power
supply. Capacitors of suitable values can be connected at input and output pins depending upon
the respective voltage levels.

Fig.3.9: Voltage Regulator 7805

Fig.3.10: Voltage regulator 7809

10. Diode IN4007

A diode is a specialized electronic component with two electrodes called the anode and the
cathode. Most diodes are made with semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium, or
The fundamental property of a diode is its tendency to conduct electric current in only one
direction. When the cathode is negatively charged relative to the anode at a voltage greater than
a certain minimum called forward break over, then current flows through the diode. If the
cathode is positive with respect to the anode, is at the same voltage as the anode, or is negative
by an amount less than the forward break over voltage, then the diode does not conduct current.

Fig.3.11: Diode IN4007

11. Capacitor
A capacitor


a passive two-terminal electrical

component used


store energy electrostatically in an electric field. The capacitors contain two electrical
conductors (plates) separated by a dielectric (i.e. insulator). The conductors can be thin

films, foils or sintered beads of metal or conductive electrolyte, etc. A dielectric can be glass,
ceramic, plastic film, air, vacuum, paper, mica, oxide layer etc. An ideal capacitor does not

dissipate energy. Instead, a capacitor stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field
between its plates.

Fig.3.12: Capacitor
12. Resistor
A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical
resistance as a circuit element. Resistors act to reduce current flow, and at the same time, act to

lower voltage levels within circuits. In electronic circuits resistors are used to limit current flow,
to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, terminate transmission lines among other uses.
Resistors can have fixed resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating
voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or a
lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.

Fig.3.13: Resistor
13. Variable Resistance
A variable resistor is a device that is used to change the resistance according to our needs in an
electronic circuit. It is applied in an electronic circuit for adjusting circuit resistance to
control voltage or current of that circuit or part of that circuit.

Fig.3.14: Variable Resistance

14. Light Emitting Diode
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a basic PNjunction diode, which emits light when activated. LEDs have many advantages over

incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved
physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching.

Fig.3.15: Light Emitting Diode

15. 7-Segment Display
A seven-segment display or seven-segment indicator, is a form of electronic display device for
displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays.
Seven-segment displays are widely used in digital clocks, electronic meters, basic calculators,
and other electronic devices that display numerical information. The seven elements of the
display can be lit in different combinations to represent the arabic numerals.

Fig.3.16: 7-Segment Display

16. Switch
A switch is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or
diverting it from one conductor to another Switches are essentially binary devices: they are either
completely on ("closed") or completely off ("open").

Fig.3.17: Switch

Chapter 4

4.1. Operation
4.1.1. Automatic Door
The system comprises of a passive infrared sensor which is located at the door. This sensor will
detect the person and will control the opening and closing of the door.
Whenever an obstacle will come within the range of sensor, the sensor will sense that there is an
obstacle. This sensing signal is fed to microcontroller. The microcontroller is connected to a
motor driver IC. The motor driver IC will operate the door motor for opening of door. The door
will then be opened.
When the sensor will detect that there is no movement within its range, the sensor will again
send a signal to microcontroller. The microcontroller is connected to motor driver IC. The motor
driver IC will operate the door motor and the door will be closed.
4.1.2. Bidirectional Visitor Counter
The system comprises of IR Transmitter-Receiver pair which will detect the person entering or
leaving a room. Based on this detection, the microcontroller will operate the counting operation
and increase or decrease the counter accordingly.
There are two IR Transmitter-Receiver pair which is located at front and at the back of the door.
There is a counter which is set at the value 00H, initially. Whenever a person tries to enter or
leave the room, the IR Transmitter-Receiver pair will identify the person. This sensing signal is
fed to a microcontroller which will control the counting operation. The signal will tell the
microcontroller that whether a person is entering a room or leaving a room. When a person will
enter the room, the counter value will be increased and when the person will leave the room, the
counter value will be decreased.

The circuit is divided in three parts: IR Transmitter-Receiver pair, Microcontroller and Counter
Display. The IR Transmitter-Receiver pair will observe an interruption and provide an input to
the microcontroller. The microcontroller will run the counter in up/down mode depending upon
the selector setting. The same count is displayed on a set of 7-segment displays through the
microcontroller. The total number of persons inside the room is displayed on the seven segment
4.2. Block Diagram








Motor Control
Circuit (For



When the system is powered, the compiler initially initializes the stack pointer and all other
variables. It then scans the input ports (Port P1.0 first).
In the meantime, when there is no interruption between the IR LED and the phototransistor of
the first sensor pair, the output of the phototransistor is always at low voltage. In other words
port P1.0 is at logic low level.
The microcontroller unit continuously checks for the arrival of any person from outside by using
the automatic door sensors located at the door.
As soon as the value at the sensor port becomes 1 or high, the DC motor (here it represents the
door rotates first clockwise (opening of the door)) and remains in the same state for few seconds
so that the person may enter the room and then it rotates anticlockwise (closing of the door).
Now when a transition takes place, i.e., a logic high level is received at port P1.0, the compiler
sees this as an interruption to sense the passage of a person or an object between the IR LED and

the phototransistor. As per the program, the count value is increased and this value is displayed
on the 7-Segment Display.
Similarly, if a person inside wants to go out, then the Op-Amp based IR sensors detects that a
person is standing in front of the door, inside the room. The value at the inside sensor port goes
high, the DC motor then first rotates clockwise (opening of the door) and remains in the same
state for few seconds so that the person may leave the room and then it rotates anticlockwise
(closing of the door).
Now the compiler starts scanning the other input pin-P1.1. Similar to the first sensor pair, for this
sensor pair also the phototransistor conducts in absence of any interruption and P1.1 is at logic
low level. In case of an interruption, the pin P1.1 goes high and this interruption is perceived by
decreasing the value of count.
The value of the seven segment display at any instant corresponds to the number of persons
inside the room. It acts as a counter here.
4.4. Circuit Diagram

Fig.4.2: Circuit Diagram Of Automatic Door With Bidirectional Visitor Counter

Chapter 5

Thus the project entitled Automatic Gate with Bidirectional Visitor Counter helps to
control the opening and closing of the door in a room and measure the visitor entering and
exiting a particular passage or way.
The circuit opens and closes the door of the room automatically by sensing the movement of
person within the range of sensor. The gate will open automatically by sensing the movement of
the person and then it will close after a particular time delay. Then the circuit counts both
entering and exiting visitors and displays the number of visitors present inside the hall.
On the successful implementation of the system, it displays the number of visitor present in the
room. This system can be economically implemented in all the places where the door has to be
opened automatically and visitors have to be counted and controlled.

Chapter 6

6.1. Conclusion
This project titled Automatic Door with Bidirectional Visitor counter is designed and presented
in order to open and close the door automatically and count the visitors of an auditorium, hall,
offices, malls, sports venue, etc. Depending upon the interrupt from the sensors, the system
identifies the entry and exit of the visitor. The system counts both the entering and exiting visitor
of the auditorium or hall or other place, where it is placed. On the successful implementation of
the system, it displays the number of visitor present in the auditorium or hall. This system can be
economically implemented in all the places where the visitors have to be counted and controlled.
6.1.1. Advantages of automatic door
For people in wheelchairs and other disabled individuals, automatic doors are an immense boon,
since conventional doors can be very hard to work with. It may be impossible to open a
conventional door while seated in a wheelchair or navigating with crutches.
In hospitals and scientific labs, automatic doors can be used to secure an area by ensuring that
the doors are shut at all times, while reducing the risk of cross-contamination since people do not
need to handle the doors to pass through them.
Automatic doors can also be useful in warehouses and other facilities where people frequently
have their hands full, contributing to safety and efficiency by making it easier for people to get
It reduces human labour and prevents the situation of inconvenience.

6.2. Future Scope

Some additional features can be added to this project to make this project more useful like digital
calendar. The digital calendar using microcontroller will display the day, date and month.
The automatic light controller can be added to this project. Lights can be turned OFF/ON
according to the number of people in the room. We can check the ambient light intensity and then
decide if the light needs to be turned ON or not.
Metal detector can be added for security purposes.


Citation from Website:

[1] Report on Automatic Bidirectional Visitor Counter using 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51),
by Himanshu Choudhary,
[2] Report on Automatic Door with Visitor Counter,
Citation from Books:
[1] Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay, The 8051
Microcontroller and Embedded System, Second Edition.

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