BH Index 2002
BH Index 2002
BH Index 2002
January-December, 2002
Abbreviations include: acctg, accounting; adm, administration; adver,
advertising; AEI, Average-Earnings Index; agree, agreement; agr, agriculture; AI, Artificial Insemination; Am, American; amt, amount; ann, annual;
anniv, anniversary; appt, appointment, appointed; Arg, Argentina; assn,
association; asst, assistant; attend, attendance; auc, auction; Aust,
Australian; avg, average; bldstk, bloodstock; BC, Breeders Cup; bm,
broodmare; bd, board; brdrs, breeders; brdg, breeding; Bute, Butazolidin;
c, colt; Can, Canada; CCA, Coaching Club American; CEM, contagious
equine metritis; chrmn, chairman; champ, champion; co, company; com,
committee; comm, commission; conf, conference; conv, convention; corp,
corporation; ct, court; dec, decrease; dept, department; dh, dead heat; dir,
director; disq, disqualified; div, division; dur, during; ECR, equals course
record; EIA, equine infectious anemia; Eng, England, English; ETR, equals
track record; Eur, European; EVA, equine viral arteritis: exec, executive; f,
filly; fm, farm; fed, federal; Fr, France; fur, furlong; gam, gambling; GB,
Great Britain; gen, general; gov, governor; H, Handicap; hndl, handle; hs,
horse; hsmen, horsemen; incr, increase; Inc, Incorporated; internatl, international; insur, insurance; Ire, Ireland, Irish; ITW, intertrack wagering; Jpn,
Japan; joc, jockey; legis, legislation, legislature; Lex, Lexington; Ltd,
Limited; mdn, maiden; mbrs, members; mdn, maiden; mrls, mare reproductive loss syndrome; med, medication; Mex, Mexico; mngmt, management; mngr, manager; mrkt, market; mil, million; mtg, meeting; NAm,
North America; nam, named; NAR, new American record; natl, national;
NCR, new course record; neg, negative; NTR, new track record; NWR,
new world record; NYC, New York City; NZ, New Zealand; no, number;
Ont, Ontario; OTB, off-track betting; ownr, owner; p, picture; ped, tabulated pedigree; pm, pari-mutuel; pres, president; prog, program; pub, publicity; pur, purchase; rac, racing; re, regarding; rep, representing; rnrs, runners; S, Stakes; SAm, South America; sched, schedule; sec, secretary;
simul, simulcasting; stks, stakes; strtr, starter; stln, stallion; stp, steeplechase; sum, summer; summ, summary; supt, superintendent; susp, suspend; sw, stakes winner; syn, syndicated; Tbd, Thoroughbred; treas, treasurer; trk, track; TC, Triple Crown; trnr, trainer; TV, television; univ, university; USDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture; v-chrmn, vice-chairman;
vet, veterinarian; vp, vice president; wag, wagering; wnlg, weanling; wnr,
winner; wt, weight; yo, year old; yr, year; yrlg, yearling.
ORGANIZATIONS: AAEP, American Association of Equine Practitioners;
ACRS, American Championship Racing Series; AHC, American Horse
Council; AQHA, American Quarter Horse Association; ATA, American
Trainers Association; ATBA, Arizona Thoroughbred Breeders Association;
ATBHA, Arkansas Thoroughbred Breeders and Horsemens Association;
BC, Breeders Cup; BRIS, Bloodstock Research Information Services; CHRB,
California Horse Racing Board; CTBA, California Thoroughbred Breeders
Association; CTHS, Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society; CTS, California
Thoroughbred Sales; DRF, Daily Racing Form; EBF, European Breeders
Fund; FT, Fasig-Tipton Company; FTK, Fasig-Tipton Kentucky; FBSC,
Florida Breeders Sales Company; FHBA, Florida Horsemens Benevolent
Association; FTBA, Florida Thoroughbred Breeders Association; FTWA,
Florida Turf Writers Association; GTBOA, Georgia Thoroughbred Breeders
and Owners Association; HBA, Horse Breeders Association; HBPA,
Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association; IRB, Illinois Racing
A B Noodle, meet wnr at BM,
A Bunch of Maniacs, meet wnr at
BM, 6623.
A Gleam H, Irguns Angel, 3995.
A New Twist, Old Hat S, 205; Old
Hat S, 388ped.
A P Valentine, experiencing fertility
problems, 1583p; retired from
stud duty, 1871; impregnates first
mare, 2735.
A.G. Vanderbilt H, Orientate, Mike
Kane, 4474; Orientate, 4486.
A.P. Indy, Silverbulletday foals first
Silverbulletday produces colt by,
1102p; Marley Vale produces filly
by, 1424p; Dance Smartly foals
colt by, 2614; stud fee stays at
$300,000, 5268; sires standing for
$100,000 or more stud fee, 6397.
A.P. Indy S, Dixie Tactics, 5656;
Dixie Tactics, 5913.
Steeplechase S, Its a Giggle,
Board; IRS, Internal Revenue Service; JC, Jockey Club; KSRC, Kentucky
State Racing Commission; KTOB, Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and
Breeders; LBSC, Louisiana Breeders Sales Company; LSRC, Louisiana State
Racing Commission; MHBA, Maryland Horse Breeders Association; MJC,
Maryland Jockey Club; MTA, Minnesota Thoroughbred Association; MUTBOA, Michigan United Thoroughbred Breeders and Owners Association;
NJTBA, New Jersey Thoroughbred Breeders Association; NSHA, National
Steeplechase and Hunt Association; NTA, National Thoroughbred
Association; NTBA, Nebraska Thoroughbred Breeders Association; NTRA,
National Thoroughbred Racing Association; NTWA, National Turf Writers
Association; NYRA, New York Racing Association; NYSRWB, New York
State Racing and Wagering Board; NYTWA, New York Turf Writers
Association; OBSC, Ocala Breeders Sales Company; OJC, Ontario Jockey
Club; QAP, Quality Assurance Program; RCI, Association of Racing
Commissioners International; TARA, Thoroughbred Adoption and
Retirement Association; TBA, Thoroughbred Breeders Association; TBH,
The Blood-Horse; TCA, Thoroughbred Club of America; THA,
Thoroughbred Horsemens Association; TJC, The Jockey Club; TOBA,
Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association; TOC, Thoroughbred
Owners of California; TPA, Turf Publicists of America; TRA, Thoroughbred
Racing Associations, TRC, Thoroughbred Racing Communications; TRPB,
Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau; TTBA, Texas Thoroughbred
Breeders Association; UTTA, United Thoroughbred Trainers of America;
VTA, Virginia Thoroughbred Association; WHBA, Washington Horse
Breeders Association.
Abbreviations for racetracks: Aks, AKsarben; Arl, Arlington International
Racecourse; Aqu, Aqueduct; AsD, Assiniboia Downs; Atl, Atlantic City;
Ato, Atokad Park; Bel, Belmont Park; Beu, Beulah Park; Bir, Birmingham
Race Course; BM, Bay Meadows; Bmf, Bay Meadows Fair; Bml, Balmoral;
Bow, Bowie; BRD, Blue Ribbon Downs; Cby, Canterbury Downs; CD,
Churchill Downs; Crc, Calder Race Course; CT, Charles Town; CNL,
Colonial Downs; DeD, Delta Downs; Del, Delaware Park; Det, Ladbroke
DRC; Dmr, Del Mar; EmD, Emerald Downs; ElP, Ellis Park; EvD,
Evangeline Downs; Fai, Fair Hill; FE, Fort Erie; FG, Fair Grounds; FL,
Finger Lakes; Fon, Fonner Park; FP, Fairmount Park; Fpx, Fairplex Park;
GG, Golden Gate Fields; GP, Gulfstream Park; GS, Garden State Park; HsT,
Hastings Park; Haw, Hawthorne; Hia, Hialeah; Hol, Hollywood Park; Hoo,
Hoosier Park; Kee, Keeneland; LS, Lone Star; LaD, Louisiana Downs; LA,
Los Alamitos; Lga, Longacres; Lrl, Laurel; MD, Marquis Downs; Med,
Meadowlands; Mth, Monmouth Park; Mtn, Mountaineer Park; NP,
Northlands Park; OP, Oaklawn Park; OT, Oak Tree; Pen, Penn National;
Pha, Philadelphia Park; Pim, Pimlico; Pla, Playfair; Pln, Pleasanton; PM,
Portland Meadows; Pom, Pomona; PrM, Prairie Meadows; RP, Remington
Park; Ret, Retama Park; RD, River Downs; Rkm, Rockingham Park; Rui,
Ruidoso Downs; Hou, Sam Houston Race Park; SA, Santa Anita; Sac,
Sacramento; Sar, Saratoga; SFe, Santa Fe Downs; Spt, Sportsmans Park;
StP, Stampede Park; Suf, Suffolk Downs; Sun, Sunland Park; Tam, Tampa
Bay Downs; Tdn, Thistledown; Tim, Timonium; TrM, Trinity Meadows;
TP, Turfway Park; TuP, Turf Paradise; WRD, Will Rogers Downs; WO,
Woodbine; Wds, Woodlands; YM, Yakima Meadows.
Adalgisa, wins debut, 4479.
Adam, Don, million-dollar mares
top early action at Kee Nov sale,
Adams, Kathleen, death of Hals
Hope, Final Turn, 4406.
Added Edge, Silver Deputy S,
5119ped; Swynford S, 5536ped;
Nashua S, Steve Haskin, 6423p;
Nashua S, 6456ped; 2002
Sovereign Award wnr, Ray
Paulick on, 7190.
Adena Springs, inaugural sale had
festive air, 1883; 2-year-olds in
training sale, 1961; buys interest
in Greatness, 4198; bm sale, 6576;
annual bm sale at FT, 6637.
Adena Springs Farm, to auction
many of its 2yos, 765; fined by
state agency, 4308; stud fees figure to go down, David Schmitz
on, 5339.
Adena Springs Kentucky, acquires
Red Bullet for stud, 5201.
Adena Springs South, acquires Red
Bullet for stud, 7486.
Adirondack S, Awesome Humor,
Adjunct medications, medication
reported in program for Preakness
S, 3007.
Admire Cozzene, Yasuda Kinen,
Barbara Bayer on, 3259.
Adoration, Senorita S, 2790;
Senorita S, 2918ped; Hollywood
BC Oaks, Craig Harzmann on,
3514p; Hol BC Oaks, 3534ped.
Adored, dies, 6097.
Advance deposit wagering, acct
wager continues to grow, 4173;
continues to grow in Calif, 4702.
Advanced-deposit wagering companies, betting providers and
Calif fairs strike deal, 3945.
Advertising, on jocs rights to sell,
Letters, 610; NTRA ad campaign
more member-friendly, 2112;
United Arab Emirates airline first
to adver on silks in Calif, 3588;
doesnt care for adver on jocs
pants, Letters, 5174.
Aegon Turf Sprint S, Testify, 2816.
Affectionately H, Zonk, 378.
Affirmed, TC memory, 2461p.
Affirmed H, Came Home, Craig
Harzmann on, 3642; Came Home,
Affirmed Success, Toboggan H,
1804ped; Carter H, Steve Haskin
on, 2298p; Carter H, 2332ped;
Albert Fried Jr. bds bms at
Buttonwood Fm, 2669.
Affluent, La Brea S, Craig
Harzmann, 196p; La Brea S,
226ped; El Encino S, Craig
Harzmann on, 524p; John C.
Harzmann on, 4230p; John C.
Mabee/Ramona H, 4250ped.
Agence Francaise auction, sale has
drop, 4704.
Agnes Digital, February S, Barbara
Bayer, 1152.
Aguilar, Manuel, Oct Joc of the
Mth at Crc, 6088.
Airdrie Stud, Forest Camp purchased by, 153; ownrs purchase
Woodburn Fm, 3318; acquires
Indian Charlie for stud, 5565;
acquires Include for stud, 6563.
Airway, obstruction, HealthWatch,
Airway Dynamics, airway health,
HealthWatch, 5470.
Queen, 5670.
Anderson Farms, brdr of First Class
Gal, 7538.
Anderson, Cy, inductee into BC
Rac Hall of Fame, 1368.
Anderson, Dr. David, study on use
of Bute has some drawbacks,
Anderson, Eric, on success of Stan
Fulton, Dan Liebman on, 7206p.
Anderson, Leslie, dies, 2365.
Anderson, Michael W., new job at
CD, 258.
Andrade, Pablo, receives Crcs
barn of the month award, 3166.
Andrews, Robert and Vincent,
Laffit Pincay awarded settlement
with Chris McCarron, 4042p.
Anees, Veil Dance produces colt
by, 1728p.
Anet, rep by first wnr, 3496.
Ange Gabriel, Grand Prix de SaintCloud, Richard Griffiths, 3748p;
Hong Kong Vase, Mike Kane,
Anglian Prince, Marine S, 3152ped.
Anna M. Fisher Debutante S,
Rubys Reception, 4792.
Anne Arundel S, Marthas Music,
Annenberg, Walter H., dies, 5692;
on death of, Final Turn, 5714.
Anniron, inducted into FL Hall of
Fame, 4128.
Anoakia S, Puxa Saco, 6074.
Anson, Ron, passion for hs, Amy
Tucker on, 1466p; to serve on bd
of dirs of TOC, 4128.
Anspach, Edwin, dies, 4531.
Antespend, dies, 3836.
Anti-inflammatory drugs, Ky Rac
Comm revises race-day medication policy, 5457.
Antley, Chris, TC memory, 2458.
Appalachian S, Stylelistick, 2528.
Appearance fees, should only be
for ownrs, Ray Paulick, 4337.
Apple Blossom H, Azeri, Leslie
Deckard on, 2162; Azeri, 2205.
Applebite Farms, acquires
Compelling Sound and Rainbow
Blues, 5340.
Appleby Gardens, wins Shady Well
S, 3814p.
Appleton H, Pisces, Scott Davis,
204; Pisces, 234.
Appleton, Arthur I., Bridlewood
Fms focus changing to commercial operation, 1885.
Applewood Farm, Bob and Ginny
White purchase, 4044.
Apprentice jockey, John McKee
brks record set by Steve Cauthen
at RD, 4854; Ryan Fogelsonger
leads nation in wins by an
apprentice, 5600.
Aptitude, hs vans to carry image
of, 772.
Aqueduct, attend/hndl, 1704;
NYRA gets franchise extension as
part of VLT deal, slot machines
must be ready by April 1, 2003,
2957; attend/hndl, 2964; NYRA
seeks $100m for projects, fires
pm clerks, 3697; NYRA could
partner with Donald Trump on
VLTs, 5460; Victor Carrero fined
for actions after hs brks down,
Aquilino, Joe, Winners, Paul
Volponi, 4754p.
Arabian Light, to stand in Saudi
Arabia, 1424.
Arapahoe Park H, Maysville Slew,
B. Thoughtful S, Favorite Funtime,
Jon White, 2632.
Babae, Just a Game BC H, Paul
Volponi on, 3386p; Just a Game
C D Cool, City of Edmonton Distaff
H, 4960ped.
C D Ruckus, champ for Alb, 2669.
Caesar Rodney H, Revved Up,
Caffe Latte, produces Red Ransom
colt, 2736p.
Cahooters, dam of Buddha purchased by Gaines-Gentry Tbds
and Castleton Lyons, 2548.
Caines Stallion Station, acquires
Leave a Legacy for stud, 5340.
Caixeta, alert for wood shavings,
HealthWatch, 2122.
Cal Cup XIII, at Oak Tree, Craig
Harzmann, 6418.
Cal Fed Snow Chief S, Calkins
Road, Jon White, 2632.
Calabrese, Frank C., ownr of the
mth at AP, 3916; fixtures of
Chicago rac scene are enthusiastic
group, John McEvoy, 5782p; AP
meet wnr, 6480; sets sights high,
Jeff Johnson, 7521p.
Calaway Gal, wins Golden Slipper
S, 1848p.
Calder Breeders Cup H,
Jennasietta, 3153ped.
Calder Derby, Union Place, Scott
Davis on, 5876; Union Place,
Calder Hall of Fame, new inductees
into, 3776.
Calder Oaks, Cellars Shiraz, 5901.
Calder Race Course, Grand Slam II,
Scott Davis, 202; David
Brownlees crew honored for
barn of the mth, 258;
attend/hndl, 292; stall applications available, 1368; wins Dade
Partners Exemplary Award, 1668;
awards college scholarship, 2932;
trks to name races in honor of
Grayson JC Research, 2962;
Manoel Cruz joc of mth for, 3048;
two brothers charged with racing
ringer at Crc in 1998, 3086; barn
of the month award, 3166; Carlos
Gonzalez joc of the mth, 3558;
ownr convicted in scam, 4306;
Cornelio Velasquez joc of the
mth, 4670; Jimmy Hatchett and
crew Barn of the mth award,
4809; to present retired Tbd ceremony, 5404; Larry Bates receives
Barn of the Mth, 5550; Festival of
the Sun races, Scott Davis on,
5876; Manuel Aguilar Oct Joc of
the Mth, 6088; Bill White trnr in
Fla, Scott Davis on, 6280; meet
wnrs, 6328; names Ron Spatz and
crew for Oct barn of the mth,
6328; Florida Million Day, Scott
Davis, 6732.
Calder Turf Sprint H, Texas Glitter,
Scott Davis on, 5876; Texas
Glitter, 5910.
Calgary Racing Entertainment
Group, Horse Racing Alberta
decides against granting longterm lic, but awards a B license,
California, Cees Tizzy leading sire,
Kristin J. Ingwell on, 192; West
Coast improves field size, East
Coast struggling, 289; TVG isnt
only one getting hurt by impasse
with Magna, Ray Paulick, 323;
TOC deal with Magna is critical,
763; Calif doesnt seem concerned
with rac fan, Ray Paulick, 797;
Cees Tizzy leading sire for 2001,
856; CTBA says progress made in
2001, Sunshine Millions next project, 910; hsmen could face hefty
incr in amount they pay toward
wkers compensation, 1065; plans
progress for Great State
Challenge, Tom LaMarra, 1144;
Ballingarry, Jennifer MorrisonLearn, 5520; Ballingarry, 5532.
Canadian Juvenile S, Taiaslew,
Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency,
policies halt some wagers in Can,
Canadian Thoroughbred Horse
Society, 2yo in trning sale at Wo,
3172; Alb div sumr yrlg sale,
4981; BC div mixed sale, 5556;
Alb fall mixed sale, 6095; Ont.
winter mixed sale, 7260.
Canadian Turf H, North East
Bound, Scott Davis, 1316; North
East Bound, 1360.
Canani, Julio and Nick, trnrs who
pass tradition on to sons, Lenny
Shulman on, 3500.
Cancer, lymphosarcoma form of,
HealthWatch, 4316.
Candid Glen, John B. Connally BC
Turf H, 1356ped; Hou meet
champ, 2232.
Canmor Farms, Budroyale retired,
heading to, 2262.
Cannata, Carl and Olivia, 2001
TOBA natl award wnr, 4921.
Canonero II, TC memory, 2443p.
Canta Ke Brave, Carolina First
Carolina Cup, 2221ped.
Canterbury Park, seeks opportunity
for growth in new yr, 18; begins
lobbying for slot machines, 1069;
announces record revenue for
2001, 2264; Minn Tbd Assn
mixed sale, 4676; attend/hndl,
5020; unveils plan for racino,
5733; Claiming Crown to return
in 2003, 7452.
Canterbury Park Holding, secondquarter report, 4560.
Cantey, Charlsie, on set live during
Blue Grass S, 2260; tv review of
BC, Lenny Shulman on, 6270.
Canzone, CTT and Tbd Ownrs of
Calif H, 5257ped.
Cape Town, rep by first wnr, 4072.
Capsized, Fourstardave H, Mike
Kane on, 4766p; Fourstardave H,
4784ped; Steinlen H, 6470ped.
Captain Bodgit, to stand at
Questroyal Stud, 6097.
Captain Squire, Turf Paradise
Derby, 872ped; 3130; Lazaro
Barrera Mem S, 3145ped.
Captain Steve, top hs of 2001 by
earnings, 1529.
Captive insurance program, plan
for wkers comp ready in Calif,
trnrs not sure of it, 4703.
Capuano, Dale, Pim meet wnr,
Carava, Jack, scores three consecutive wins, 6420.
Cardiff Stud Farms, acquires
Bienamado, 945; acquires
Skimming for stud, 4735.
Cardinal H, Quick Tip, 6942.
Career Boy, early turf champion,
David Schmitz on, 5058p.
Caressing, trnr not sure what path
to take with her, 2164; bred, then
placed back in trning, 2979p.
Carey, Robert F. Jr., dies, 3782.
Carl G. Rose Classic H, Best of the
Rest, Scott Davis, 6732.
Carleton F. Burke H, Special
Matter, 6311.
Carnegie, to stand in Aust, 2079;
stln for Darley, 4585.
Carolina First Carolina Cup, Canta
Ke Brave, 2221.
Carpenter, Gary, to leave TJC for
AQHA, 1850p.
Carr, Ted Mac, sergeant-at-arms of
Ky Tbd Fm Mngrs Club, 6623.
Carr, Jefferson, dies, 586.
Carr, Ted, roundtable of fm mngrs,
5352p; on panel of Reflections, fm
mngrs, part II, 5492p; on Round
Table panel of fm mngrs, part III,
Carrero, Victor, has 36 wnrs at Bel
spring/summer meet, 4095;
deserves punishment for behavior, Letters, 6822; fined for
actions after hs brks down, 6827;
upset with actions, Letters, 6984;
seems insincere, Letters, 7282.
Carroll, Jerry, wants to build casino
in Ky, 6991p.
Carroll, John, has first group I win,
Carry Back S, Royal Lad, 4001.
Carson Hollow, Prioress S, Steve
Haskin on, 3852p; Prioress S,
3881ped; Floral Park H, 5224;
Floral Park H, 5248ped.
Carter H, Affirmed Success, Steve
Haskin on, 2298; Affirmed
Success, 2332ped.
Cartier Racing Awards, Rock of
Gibraltar Hs of the Yr, 6663.
Cascapedia S, Madame Pietra,
Cascio, C.W. Bubba, Tx Hall of
Fame nominee for 2002, 3663;
recent inductee into Tx Hs Rac
Hall of Fame, 6376p.
Casey Griffin, Rebs Policy S, 1458;
Rebs Policy S, 1510ped.
Casey, Lillian, Jimmy Winkfields
daughter remembers Derby
anniv, 2772.
Casey, Ray, OTB off mkt, NYRA
wants to talk, to head, 1265p.
Cashel Castle, Lafayette S,
Cashiers Dream, La Troienne S,
2820ped; dies from colic after
surgery, 3813.
Cashmina, euthanized, 3130.
Casino, tribal council peaks interest, 17.
Casinos, study on racetrk gaming
revenue at $2.18, 3317; Iowa ct
upholds ruling on racetrk casinos,
4557; gross annual wagering
report, Eric Mitchell on, 4742;
Ariz ruling about casinos works
against racetrks, 6992.
Casner, Bill, Elliott Walden private
trnr for WinStar Fm, 1034; daughter Karri killed in Bali attack,
Casner, Karri, Bill Casners daughter killed in Bali attack, 5978p;
death of, Whats, 6011; memorial
contribution made be made in
honor of, 6328.
Cass, Jessica, received Valordictorian Award, 4308p.
Casse, Mark, opinion of Kee Nov
sale, 6570.
Cassel, Joe, Tx Hall of Fame nominee for 2002, 3663; recent
inductee into Tx Hs Rac Hall of
Fame, 6376p.
Cassels, James, co-ownr of Private
Emblem, Evan I. Hammonds on,
Cassidy, Marshall, returns to
announcers booth at TuP, 6130p.
Cassidy, Simon, dir of fm operations at Windfields Fm, 6623.
Casso, Victor, exercise rider and
wks in admissions dept for
NYRA, 3324p.
Cullen, Jim, racehs prtnrships offer
best route to racehs ownrship,
Eric Mitchell, 4466p; U.S. to race
hs in Dubai, 5731.
Culver Academies Horsemanship
Hall of Fame, inductees, 5732p.
Cunningham, Jim, dies, 6328.
Curragh, Paul Hensey new mngr
for racecourse, 1520.
Curran, Bob, court cases may
shape registration rules on artificial insemination, Eric Mitchell
on, 517p.
Currency exchange, Kee has
exchange at Kee Sept sale, 5214.
Curribot, euthanized, 2961.
Currie, Fred, TTA elects dirs, 258.
Cuscuna, Dave, simul conference
attendees discuss offshore outlets,
rebating, television production,
Scott Davis, 5512.
Customers, taking care of, Letters,
Cutler, Kate, named to Iowa rac
comm, 3439.
Cyanide, researchers still look for
cause of MRLS, Kristin J. Ingwell,
D & B Ventures, successful aspect
of Nick de Merics pinhooking
business, Deirdre B. Biles on,
Da Bounboun, produces Behrens
filly, 2140p.
Dado, Craig, racetrk giveaway promotions, Lenny Shulman, 6700p.
Daggett, Mike, vet and trnr susp
for drug guanabenz, 764.
Dahl, David, Nicholas Campbell
stars in top tv drama in Can and
trns his hs, 6998p.
Dahlia H, dead heat in, Craig
Harzmann, 7519.
Daily Racing Form, Herman Miller
wins handicapping contest, 618;
death of Walter Annenberg, Final
Turn, 5714; warnings about tote
companies have been ignored,
Whats, 6401.
Daisy Double, Neb champ, 1224.
Dakota Light, Three Ring S,
Daley, Paul, New Eng Turf Writers
re-elects current officers for second term, 2360.
Dalham Hall Stud, John Ferguson
key player in the development of
Sheikh Mohammeds global operation, Richard Griffiths on, 3728;
acquires Tobougg for stud, 5622;
acquires Best of The Bests, 6097.
Daligian, Craig, a day in the life of
a trk, 4602p.
Dallas Turf Cup H, Suances, Gary
West, 3525; Suances, 3538.
Damitrius S, Stormin Oedy, 3037.
Dams, top-class female runners
make best producers, Evan I.
Hammonds on, 1600.
Dance Me Free, champ for Alb,
Dance Smartly, nominee for Hall of
Fame, 1697; foals A.P. Indy colt,
Dance Smartly H, Sweetest Thing,
Dance, Milton J. Laddie Jr.,
remembering, Whats, 7027; dies,
Doubledogdare S, Evan I.
Doubledogdare S, 2530ped; Go
for Wand H, Steve Haskin on,
4225p; Go for Wand H, 4254ped;
retired, 6097.
Dancing, Santa Ynez S, 680; Santa
Ynez S, 708ped.
Dancing Guy, career of Newcomb
Green, major rnr for, Steve
Haskin on, 984p; Americana H,
Dancing Promise, NM state-bred
champ, 1368.
Dandy, Ron, has 2,000th career
win, 5138; Rkm meet wnr, 5404.
Dane River, Danehill sires 200th
sw with, 6162.
Danehill, leading sire at NZ sale,
765p; top-priced colt returned
after sale in Aust, 2111p; given
rest from shuttling, 3719; taking a
yr off from shuttling, 4449p; sires
200th sw, 6162; record price paid
at Hong Kong Internatl sale,
Daney, Bernard, ownr of Docent,
Leslie Deckard on, 5378p.
Daniels, William H., dies, 1954.
Danthebluegrassman, Golden Gate
Derby, 376ped; Northern Dancer
S, Lenny Shulman on, 3520;
Northern Dancer S, 3542ped.
Dantsu Flame, Takarazuka Mem,
Barbara Bayer on, 3635.
Danzig, Surfside produces colt by,
2980p; sires 100th group/graded
wnr, 4072; top season at Stln
Access sale, Evan I. Hammonds,
4460; top sire at Kee Sept sale,
Deirdre B. Biles on, 5344p; to
stand for a private fee, 5565; lack
of sire power in mrkt, BldStk &
Mrkts, 5868p; sires standing for
$100,000 or more stud fee, 6397.
Darbepoetin, on illegal drug use,
Final Turn, 2094.
Darby Dan Farm, acquires
Aldebaran for stud, 5621;
acquires Hap for stud, 5926;
launches plan for stlns that stand
for less than $10,000, 6865; creative brdrs exploring new ways to
promote stlns, Whats, 7489.
Darby Dan Profit Protection, Darby
Dan Fm launches plan for stlns
that stand for less than $10,000,
Darko, Richard, Indy trk gets ok
for parlor on Ky border, 3810.
Darley, to set up Aust base, 4585;
photographs in Stln Register,
7282; creative brdrs exploring
new ways to promote stlns,
Whats, 7489.
Darley Arabian, influential foundation stln, HealthWatch, 150.
Darley at Jonabell, Dan Pride joins,
6088; acquires E Dubai for stud,
Darley breeding operation, John
Ferguson key player in the development of Sheikh Mohammeds
global operation, Richard Griffiths
on, 3728.
Darley Dewhurst S, Tout Seul,
Richard Griffiths on, 6046.
Darley July Cup, Continent, Mark
Popham on, 3991.
Darling Doll, fire kills two hs at Ky
trning center, 3942p.
Darshaan colt, Ivan Allan settles
with Tattersalls out of ct, 1849.
Dash for Cash, becomes millionaire
with win in Futurity S, Peter
Tonkes on, 1456.
Desormeaux, Kent, nominee for
Hall of Fame, 1697.
Dettori, Frankie, wins third Prix de
l Arc, Richard Griffiths, 5658;
wins both Japan Cup and Japan
Cup Dirt, Ray Paulick on, 6892p.
Devastating, Sweet Briar Too S,
Devenport, Roger, Unbridled Elaine
retired, Thunder Gulch possible
mate, 945p.
Devils Enemy, Wash champ,
Devils Honor, runs at Pha, 5734p.
HealthWatch, 1998.
Di Scala, Bill, racehs prtnrships
offer best route to racehs ownrship, Eric Mitchell, 4466p.
Diaco, Dr. Nicholas, Azeri and
Astra to be sold at Barretts,
Diagnostic ultrasound, tendon
injuries, HealthWatch, 1078.
Diamond A USA S, Regiment,
Diamond G Ranch, of Randy
Gammill in Okla, Eric Mitchell,
Diana H, Tates Creek, 4256;
upgraded to gr. I for 2003, 6987.
Dianehill, Stravinsky S, 2532ped.
Dickinson Farms, acquires
Treasury for stud, 5565.
Dickinson, Michael, trk surface
espionage lawsuit settled, 3946;
on oldr sw, Ben Hickman on,
Diehl, Dr. Nancy, use of sedation,
HealthWatch, 2724.
Diets, therapeutic feeding,
HealthWatch, 4186.
DiFrancesco, Gov. Don, NJ purse
supplement cut, 286.
Digital radiographs, thoughts on
using, Letters, 7134.
DiGiulio, Frank, on Bob Tiller,
Jennifer Morrison-Learn, 6590p.
DiGuilio, Frank Jr. and Sr., 2001
TOBA natl award wnr, 4921.
Diplomatic Jet, rep by first wnr,
Disco Rico, Md champ, 1668.
Discovery H, Saint Marden, 6313.
Disease, control, Trade Zone, 5882.
Diseases, disc at AAEP conv,
Kimberly S. Herbert, 7193.
Dispersals, dispersal of Wimborne
Fm, Deirdre B. Biles, 3980.
Display S, Gigawatt, 6950.
Distaff Breeders Cup H, Raging
Fever, Steve Haskin on, 2040;
Raging Fever, 2058.
Distance, distance change of BC
juv races has pros and cons,
Distant Valley, Regret S, 3536ped.
Distilled, wins allow, 1752; retired,
2288; to stand in Korea, 6332.
Distinctive Mr. B, Glassy Dip S,
Distorted Humor, rep by first wnr,
2356; stud fee, 6397; its possible
NAms leading first-crop sire will
be determined in a hearing room
in Eng, Whats, 7175.
Disturbingthepeace, Triple Bend
BC H, Craig Harzmann, 3856p;
Triple Bend BC H, 3884ped; Bing
Crosby BC H, Craig Harzmann
on, 4230p; Bing Crosby BC H,
4256ped; Pat OBrien H, 4652ped;
David Milch plans to disperse
stock, 4853; BC sprinters heading
E Dubai, Suburban H, Steve Haskin
on, 3852p; Suburban H, 3882ped;
to stand at Jonabell Fm, 5047p; to
stand at Darley at Jonabell,
6397p; new sire for 2003, David
Schmitz, 7029.
E&G Stables, meet wnr at Med,
E.P. Taylor S, Fraulein, Jennifer
Morrison-Learn, 5520; Fraulein,
Eagle Cafe, Japan Cup Dirt, Ray
Paulick on, 6892p.
Early Times Mint Julep H, Megans
Bluff, 3029.
Early Wisdom, Col. R.S.
McLaughlin H, 5251ped.
Earth Colony, to stand at Hurstland
Fm, 946.
Only, 4660.
Ellison, Robert D. Mike, dies, 1955.
Elliston, Bob, Ky hsmen near consensus on slot revenue splits, 522;
VLT bill nears completion in Ky,
910; hs named after Brian Harden
wins at TP, 920p; Ky gaming bill
intro, 1393p; gaming legis stalled
in Ky, could resurface in the
future, 2110; Ky trks plan to revisit gaming issue next yr, 6991p.
Elloluv, Hol Starlet S, Lenny
Shulman, 7360; Hol Starlet S,
Elmaamul, to stand at Beechwood
Grange Stud in Eng, 7024.
Elmer Heubeck Distaff H,
Coolbythepool, Scott Davis, 6732.
Elnadim, to shuttle to Westbury
Stud, 3610.
Elusive City, Richmond S, Richard
Griffiths, 4368p; Prix Morny,
Richard Griffiths, 4770p.
Elusive Quality, rep by first wnr,
2356; stud fee jumps, 6162; its
possible NAms leading first-crop
sire will be determined in a hearing room in Eng, Whats, 7175.
Elzey, Steve, a day in the life of a
trk, 4612p.
Embezzlement, trial delayed for hs
ownrs accused of, 1398.
Embryo transfer, Aust opposes
embryo-transfer foal regis, 17;
court cases may shape registration rules on artificial insemination, Eric Mitchell on, 517;
embryo transfer policy violates
law, 3084; AQHA settlement
could have impact on TJC, 3469;
TJC makes changes to clarify foal
eligibility, 3814.
Emerald Breeders Cup Distaff H,
Always a Dixie, 4956.
Emerald Downs, Wash industry
considers its option, 1554; meet
title wnrs, 5693; rac dates and
expanded gam are topics in
Wash, Kristin J. Ingwell on, 6404;
Muckleshoot Indian tribe to purchase land EmD sits on, 6989.
Emerald Downs Breeders Cup
Derby, Flying Notes, 5117.
Emerald Pastures Farm, acquires
Pistols and Roses for stud, 5565.
Emeraldforajudge, Natl JC Oaks,
Jeff Johnson, 2636p; Natl JC
Oaks, 2660ped.
Emergency Status, Jersey Derby,
Emirates Airline Champion S,
Storming Home, Richard Griffiths
on, 6046.
Emirates Racing Association, U.S.
to race hs in Dubai, 5731; simul
debate over Dubai in Great
Britain, 6370.
Empire Classic, Gander, Paul
Volponi on, 6055.
Encephalitis, infectious nervoussystem disorders, part I,
Understand-ing, 3262; part II,
Understanding, 3398.
Encino, dies, 4197.
End of the Road, to stand at
Highcliff Fm, 1424.
End of the Trail Farm, acquires
Why Change for stud, 6097.
End Sweep, sire of sale topper at
FT Midlantic sale, Deirdre B. Biles
on, 3116p; dies in Jpn, 3963p.
Endeavour S, Chausson Poire,
Endine S, Xtra Heat, 5108.
Endometrial cysts, occurs in mares,
HealthWatch, 7150.
Endometritis, understanding of,
HealthWatch, 4052.
Endy Cap, to stand at Strate Halo
Ranch, 320.
Engelhardt, Don, 7 & 7 prog
dropped except for a few wks,
England, death of Queen Elizabeth,
Ray Paulick, 2017; Ascot plans
major upgrade, but BC bid not in
the works, 3693.
Englander, Richard, leading ownr
of 2001, Leslie Deckard on, 66p;
named Penns ownr of the yr,
882; Eclipse Award for ownr,
David Schmitz, 1138p; has first gr
stks in NY, Steve Haskin on,
Englands Legend, Modesty H,
Enron, Robert McNair buys out
former chief executive, 916.
Entenmann, William, Timber Bay
Fm brdr of Sarava, Dan Liebman
on, 3364p.
Entepreneur, to stand at The
Stallion Park, 6097.
Entry procedures, CD should
review entry procedures for
Derby, Ray Paulick on, 2739.
EPM, new host, HealthWatch, 774;
research of Ohio State Univ,
Deirdre B. Biles on, 2024; infectious nervous-system disorders,
part I, Understanding, 3262.
EPO, new drug classifications
issued by regulators organization, 3197; CHRB to ban use,
3313; move to prohibit EPO gains
steam in more states, 3696; Penn
and Ontario takes action, 3811;
related substance banned in
California, 4702; susp of leads to
out of competition question,
4851; Ky Equine Drug Council
discusses options to prohibit,
Epsom Derby, many runners will
bypass, Richard Griffiths, 2909;
High Chaparral, Richard Griffiths
on, 3392.
Epsom H, Excellerator, Peter
Tonkes, 5655.
Epsom/Irish Derby double, High
Chaparral becomes 15th wnr,
Richard Griffiths, 3748.
EQTAH Group, Andy Stronach
among applicants for Mich dates
in 2003, 5182; faces opposition at
a hearing in Mich, 5732; pulls
Mich dates application, 6370.
Equality, Tampa Bay Derby, Dan
Mearns on, 1762; Tampa Bay
Derby, 1796ped.
Equibase, John C. Ertmann pres
and chief operating officer of,
2550; automated collection of
data tested, 4555; Ray Tromba to
serve on mngmnt com, 4670;
now providing joc, trnr, and pps
statistics, 5550; industry introduces quarterly report, 5594; on
installation of automated system
of charting races, Final Turn,
Equine Athletic Performance
HealthWatch, 2870.
Equine Behavior Lab, great Tbds
seems to understand their greatness, Paul Volponi on, 1297.
Equine coital exanthema, viral disease, HealthWatch, 5602.
Equine Dental System, new dental
F. Ambrose Clark Award, NSA to
present award to George Sloan,
Fabre, Andre, successful trnr in
France and trnr of three BC wnrs,
Richard Griffiths on, 5772p.
Fabulous Brush, Pepsi Bassinet S,
Fahrenkopf, Frank, gaming assoc
endorses legis on internet gambling, 2962; industry warned of
potential challenges, Tom
LaMarra on, 5632.
Fair circuit, Calif fair circuit faces
the future, Tom LaMarra on,
Free of Love, Westchester H, Paul
Volponi, 2904p; Westchester H,
Free Vacation, to brding shed for
first time, Kristin J. Ingwell on,
Freedman, Lew, Red Smith Ky
Derby Writing Contest wnr, 5924.
Freedoms Daughter, Schuylerville
S, Steve Haskin on, 4225p;
Schuylerville S, 4258ped; Todd
Pletchers barn continues to deal
with setbacks, 4557p.
French Derby, Sulamani wins,
Richard Griffiths on, 3260p.
French Riviera, Tbd Club of
America S, Evan I. Hammonds
on, 6052p; Tbd Club of America
S, 6056ped.
French Satin, Florida Oaks, Dan
Mearns on, 1762p; Florida Oaks,
French Teacher, Ohio Valley H,
French Two Thousand Guineas,
Landseer, Richard Griffiths, 2909.
Freshmen sires, look at freshmen
sires, Dan Liebman, 5508.
Friday Morning, South Carolina
champ, 882.
Fried, Albert Jr., bds bms at
Buttonwood Fm, 2669.
Friendly Lover, to stand at Rockin
River, 4736.
Friendly, Ed and Natalie, TOC honors, 4518.
Friendly, Natalie, dies, 2929.
Frills and Ribbons, South Carolina
champ, 882.
Frizette S, Storm Flag Flying, Steve
Haskin on, 5640; Storm Flag
Flying, 5668.
Fructan, role of in laminitis,
HealthWatch, 2402.
Full Moon Madness, Answer Do S,
Full of Wonder, Niagara BC H,
Fuller, Abby, career as joc and
mother, Paul Volponi on, 1589p.
Fuller, Don, retires, 2360.
Fully Approved, top price at OBS
fall mixed sale, Evan I.
Hammonds on, 5864.
Fulton, Stan, ownr of Roll
Hennessy Roll, Craig Harzmann
on, 6900; success of, Dan
Liebman on, 7206p.
Fungi, fungal organisms capable
causing corneal disease called
keratomycosis, HealthWatch,
Furl Sail H, Mimis Tizzy, 248.
Furlongs, to host dinner and auction, 2074.
Furosemide, official medication
summit report released, 137.
Fusaichi Pegasus, Goodbye Heart
produces filly by, 499; Goodbye
Heart produces filly by, 648p;
sires standing for $100,000 or
more stud fee, 6397; leads firstcrop sires at Kee Nov, 6572; firstcrop wnlg sires, Dan Liebman,
Futural, claimed for $80,000, 3396.
Future wager, BC proposes, 287;
BC to offer, 2588; BC inaugurates,
Futuristic Entertainment, Andy
Stronach patenting new wager
machine, 616.
Futurity S, Dash for Cash becomes
millionaire with win in, Peter
Gabriel, Christine, new mbr of cancer leadership council, 2360;
spearheads trail ride to help
American Cancer Society, 5468p.
Gabriel, Frank G. Jr., NTRA and
BCs mrkting alliance with
Longchamp and Ascot, part of rac
panel, Tom LaMarra, 3630;
chrmn of North Am Rating Com,
4394; APs renowned grass
course, Jeff Johnson on, 5498p;
promoted at AP, 6770.
Gaines, Carla, trnr of Super High,
Craig Harzmann, 6418p; Craig
Harzmann on, 7198p.
Gaines, John R., among Culver
Hall of Fame inductees, 5732.
Gaines-Gentry Thoroughbreds, fms
and sales agents banding together
to form alliances, Bldstk & Mrkts,
1745; purchases Cahooters with
Castleton Lyons, 2548; prominent
bldstk and insur agencies clash,
Gainesway Farm, wins approval
for estate planning project, 3589;
acquires Officer and Orientate,
Gainesway Thoroughbreds, brdr of
Orientate, Leslie Deckard on,
Gait, abnormalities, HealthWatch,
Gait abnormality, forging,
HealthWatch, 3952.
Galileo, to shuttle to Aust, 2735;
tops shuttle group, 4333.
Gallagher, Bill, Penn brdrs bullish
on future, 5592.
Gallagher, Jim, official medication
summit report released, 137;
potential for uniform drug policy
focuses on therapeutics, Tom
Consortium forms task forces,
2716; NYRA prohibits blood-doping, 3198p.
Gallaghers Stud, acquires Intidab
for stud, 6799.
Gallant Bloom H, Nasty Storm,
5644; Nasty Storm, 5679.
Gallant Bob H, Thunderello, 5904.
Gallant Fox H, Coyote Lakes, 239.
Gallant Man, misjudged finish of
TC, 2460p.
Gallant Prospector, dies, 1102.
Gallimore, Bobby Cotton, dies, 106.
Gallion, Ron Sr., dies, 586.
Gallo, William Jr., officer of TRA,
Gallorette H, Quidnaskra, 3032.
Galvin, Fergus, Ambenay wins
TBH Sportsmans Challenge,
Gambling, lawsuit could delay start
of video gaming in NY, 764; Ky
gaming bill clears house panel,
1697; pm provisions stripped
from legis, 3585; different ways
state regulated can affect, Letters,
3806; gov expected to sign legis to
enact compulsive gambling prog
in NY, 4555; gross annual wagering report, Eric Mitchell on, 4742;
Internet ban faces tough road,
5312; Hong Kong and Jpn target
unregulated betting, 5313;
Internet gambling bill passed by
house, 5589; industry warned of
Graded stakes, minimum purses
for gr stks raised for 2003, 4701;
could be tied to super test prog,
6125; for 2003 released by com,
6987; changes in 2003 grades,
Graded stakes winners, top-class
female runners make best producers, Evan I. Hammonds on, 1600.
Graeme Hall, to stand at Winding
Oaks Fm, 5340; new sire for 2003,
David Schmitz, 7029.
Graham, Dr. Charles, Tx Hall of
Fame nominee for 2002, 3663;
recent inductee into Tx Hs Rac
Hall of Fame, 6376p.
Grammarian, Sunset H, Jack
Shinar on, 4096p; Sunset H,
4106ped; to be trained by Beau
Greely, 6902.
Grand Criterium, Hold That Tiger,
Richard Griffiths, 5658.
Grand Jewel, to stand at Stoneview
Fm, 1872.
Grand National, Bindaree, Richard
Griffiths on, 2172.
Grand Prairie Turf Challenge S,
National Park, 2219.
Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Ange
Gabriel, Richard Griffiths, 3748.
Grand Slam, rep by first wnr, 3227;
mares bred in 2002, The Jockey
Club, Dan Liebman on, 6033;
stud fee, 6397; events, Scott Davis
on, 7203.
Grand Slam II, at Crc, Scott Davis,
202; becomes Crcs most well-bet
day in history, 203.
Grandera, Prince of Waless S,
Richard Griffiths on, 3632p; Irish
Champion S, Richard Griffiths on,
5080; Eurs oldr hs, 6663p.
Grands Jetes, produces War Chant
filly, 946p.
Grasmick H, Leaping Plum finally
loses, 1070p.
Grass, two researchers believe
weather and pasture grass caused
MRLS, Deirdre B. Biles, 5506.
Grassick, Christy, on success of
Sadlers Wells, Final Turn, 3926.
Gray, gene responsible for located,
HealthWatch, 5742.
Gray, Art, Sure Lines develops new
reins for jocs, 2772p.
Gray, Nigel, NTRA and BCs mrkting alliance with Longchamp and
Ascot, part of rac panel, Tom
LaMarra, 3630.
Gray, Rose Mary, day in the life of
a racetrk, 4594p.
Grayson-Jockey Club Research
Foundation, grants, HealthWatch,
1710; trks to name races in honor
of, 2962; Belmont Ball raises
money for, 3558.
Great Britain, Brit JC target after
corruption allegations, 5592;
structure, integrity of rac targeted,
Mark Popham, 5729; simul
debate over Dubai in Great
Britain, 6370; Sheikh Mohammed
calls for change, 7287.
Great Lady M. H, Go Go, 4008.
Great Lakes Downs, Frank Stacks
rac sec, 578; Mich hsmen question purse distribution, 3084;
Chirs Dragone gm of, 3558; Andy
Stronach among applicants for
Mich dates in 2003, 5182; 2003
dates, 5732.
Great North Productions, 2002
Sovereign Award wnr, Ray
Paulick on, 7190.
consortium, 7286.
Gulfstream Park Breeders Cup H,
Cetewayo, Scott Davis, 1146;
Cetewayo, 1199.
Gulfstream Park Breeders Cup
Sprint Championship H, Dream
Run, Scott Davis, 1624; Dream
Run, 1651.
Gulfstream Park H, Hals Hope,
Scott Davis on, 2036; Hals Hope,
Gutfreund, Dave, handicapping for
RICF cause, 3400.
Gutterman, Allen, racetrk giveaway
promotions, Lenny Shulman,
Guy, Hubert, has a knack for finding BC wnrs, Lenny Shulman on,
Gygistar, Hallandale Beach H,
2534ped; Riva Ridge BC S, Paul
Volponi on, 3386p; Riva Ridge BC
S, 3419ped; Dwyer S, Steve
Haskin on, 3852p; Dwyer S,
3890ped; Kings Bishop S, Mike
Kane on, 4766p; Kings Bishop S,
Haas, Don, a day in the life of a
trk, 4604p.
Habel, Steve, charged with forgery,
Hack, John-Mark, soundness study
proposed, 5015.
Hackney Empire Royal Lodge S, Al
Jadeed, Richard Griffiths on,
Hagan, Timothy, Ohio democratic
candidate for govs budget
includes VLTs, 5018.
Haggin S, Oberwald, Craig
Harzmann on, 3514; Oberwald,
Hagyard-Davidson-McGee veterinary, gauging impact for MRLS in
2002 tough task, 2959.
Hahn, Sherry, to stand three stlns
at Strate Halo Ranch, 320.
Hail The Chief, National JC H, Jeff
Johnson, 2484p; National JC H,
2524ped; Hawthorne Gold Cup H,
Jeff Johnson on, 3014; Hawthorne
Gold Cup H, 3024ped.
Hair, analysis, HealthWatch, 7000.
Hall of Fame, nominees released,
1697; elections to, 2585; nominees into Cans Hall of Fame,
3085; inductees, 4202; members,
4214; inductee ceremony, Evan I.
Hammonds on, 4344.
Hallandale Beach H, Gygistar,
Hallowed Dreams, retired, to be
bred to Unbridleds Song, 4197p.
Halory, dies, 1871p.
Halos Image, sires top price at
select OBSC sale, 4746p.
Halpern, Ed, Calif wkers comp
deal shifts to new carrier, 4850;
insurance plan about ready in
Calif, 6367.
Hals Hope, Creme Fraiche H, Scott
Davis, 1624p; Creme Fraiche H,
1654ped; Gulfstream Park H,
Scott Davis on, 2036p; Gulfstream
Park H, 2056ped; dies from surgical complications, 3944p; death
of, Final Turn, 4406; loving the
animal, Letters, 4550.
Hamelback, Eric, gauging impact
for MRLS in 2002 tough task,
2959; gm of Live Oak Stud, 6088;
control of MRLS, 6532; opinion of
IBM, warnings about tote companies have been ignored, Whats,
Ibn Al Haitham, Saranac H, 4906;
Saranac H, 4940ped.
Icahn, Carl, leads Forbes list of billionaire hs ownrs, 1400p; on
Forbes list of wealthiest, 5316.
Iceberg II, early turf champion,
David Schmitz on, 5058p.
Icecoldbeeratreds, Dmr Futurity,
Lenny Shulman on, 5230p; Dmr
Futurity, 5242ped.
Idaho Thoroughbred Association,
mixed sale, 4527.
IDM, Justin Morgan composes
music with computer, 6376.
Illegal bookmaking, Hong Kong
arrests two of regions top jocs for
alleged race-fixing scheme, 1068.
Illinois, plans progress for Great
State Challenge, Tom LaMarra,
1144; riverboat casino plan
stalled, racing is blamed, 1554;
state of racing, Final Turn, 1830;
budget woes bring talk of slots,
2960; West Nile virus detected in
three more states, 2962; politics
stymies rac legis, 3201; Arl and
other trks hit by states budget
woes, 3695; natl rac lic continues
to make inroads, 5014; Spts closes door on wager for good, 5018;
govs veto may cut $15 min in
purse money, 6987; yr-in-review,
Illinois Derby, War Emblem wins,
Repent has ankle chip, Jeff
Johnson on, 2168; War Emblem,
2207; One Tuff Foxs scratch
could lead to lawsuit, 2261; War
Emblems bonus from Ky Derby
still hangs in balance, 3081; Spts
files complaint over Derby bonus,
Standards Committee, minimum
stks purse again raised for black
type, 3698.
International Classifications, Mark
Popham on, 520.
International Conference on Equine
Exercise Physiology, airway
health, HealthWatch, 5470.
International Exposition Concepts,
plans to relaunch an industrywide tradeshow and seminar
prog, 6534.
International Racehorse Owners
Association, new internatl ownrs
group formed, 1701.
International Simulcast Conference,
conf has internatl flavor, 5314;
simul conference attendees discuss offshore outlets, rebating,
television production, Scott Davis,
Internet, gambling bill on table
once again, 2860; gaming assoc
endorses legis on internet gambling, 2962; pm provisions
stripped from legis, 3585; Kee
suspends online Internet sales
experiment, 5014; ban faces
tough road, 5312; gambling bill
passed by house, 5589; Internet
gambling a top priority, 7138.
Internet gambling, revenues from,
William Shanklin on, 7490.
Internet sale, season to Gulch highlights Internet seasons sale, 914.
Interns, at Kee, 5320.
Interstate Drug Testing and
Research Program, Racing
Consortium forms task forces,
Interstate Horseracing Act, Ky
hsmen want law clarified, 14; pm
provisions stripped from legis,
Interstate Horseracing Act of 1978,
natl HBPA opposes proposed
amendment to rac act, 3085.
Interstate wagering, pm provisions
stripped from legis, 3585.
Interview, with Richard L.
Duchossois, Bob Kieckhefer on,
5780; with Roger Licht, Lenny
Shulman on, 7496.
Intestinal, problems, HealthWatch,
Intidab, to stand at Gallagher Stud,
Investors Dream, wins local debut,
Invincible Spirit, Haydock Sprint
Cup, 5081.
Invisible Ink, wins allow, 1752;
retired, 6695.
Iowa, champs, 578; PrM focus of
speculation, 1554; PrM lease
extended, 3120; study on racetrk
gaming revenue at $2.18, 3317;
PrM gets huge boost from high
court, 3471; Sure Shot Biscuit first
Iowa-bred to clear $1-mil mark,
4422; ct upholds ruling on racetrk
casinos, 4557.
Iowa Derby, Easyfromthegitgo,
Dan Johnson on, 3864;
Easyfomthegit-go, 3901.
Iowa Distaff S, Ministers Baby,
Iowa Horsemens Benevolent and
Protective Association, five new
mbrs elected to bd, 5138.
Iowa Oaks, Lost At Sea, Dan
Johnson on, 3864; Lost At Sea,
J Jsdream S, Heavenly Miss,
Jacinto, John, Hou meet champ,
Jack Dudley Sprint H, Tour of the
Cat, Scott Davis, 6732.
Jackson, Bill, ARCIs chairmanelect, 5138.
Jackson, Bob, a day in the life of a
trk, 4616p.
Jackson, Ellen, Victory Rose Fm is
on the rise in Northern Calif, Tom
LaMarra on, 2046p.
Jackson, Eric, Instant Racing
boosts OP, Tom LaMarra on,
2035p; attend/hndl for OP, 2390;
OP purses up for 2003, 5594.
Jackson, James, Ky hsmen issue
call for new HBPA election,
4043p; ownr of Valhol to call it
quits, 5729p.
Jackson, Jerry, dies, 4531.
Jacobs, Klaus, one of top buyers at
Kee Nov sale, Deirdre B. Biles on,
6569p; Starine purchased by at
Kee Nov sale, 6574.
Jacobs, Klaus and Renata,
Newsells Park Stud to sell at Kee
in July and Sept, 2860.
Jacobs, Martin, Magna in deal to
purchase Lrl and Pim, 3941p.
Jacobson, Dixie, things are looking
up in British Columbia since HsT
bought by Woodbine Entertainment, Kristin Ingwell, 6874p.
Jacques Cartier S, Wake At Noon,
Jade Hunter, sires top price at FT
Tx 2yo in trning sale, Tim Price
on, 2076; sire of Azeri, Jill
Williams on, 6253p.
Jade Robbery, to stand in Dubai,
Jaipur H, Shibboleth, Steve Haskin
on, 3122; Shibboleth, 3147.
Jake the Flake, Ky Cup Mile S,
Jamaica H, Finality, 5374; Finality,
Jambalaya Jazz, rep by first wnr,
James B. Moseley Breeders Cup H,
Stormin Oedy, 3273ped.
James C. Ellis Juvenile S, Private
Gold, 4794.
Jamison, Johnie, dies, 5287.
Jana Domino Thoroughbred
Foundation, Robert Fox surveying
at Sept sale to see what interests
are, 5215.
Janet, Brown Bess H, 868ped.
Janney, Stuart S. III, named to bd
of trustees for NYRA, 3663.
Jannise, Dee, starts jewelry co,
Jansen, Beverly, forms Racing For
Charities stable, 3092p.
Japan, Kurofune to stand at stud
in, 45; purchases at 2yo select
sales, Bldstk & Mrkts, 2316; effect
of Sunday Silences death in,
Final Turn, 4998; War Emblem to
head to Japan after BC Classic,
Marienbard to stand in, 6007;
Yuki and Koichiro Hayata file for
bankruptcy, 6990.
Japan Bloodhorse Breeders
Jones, Gary and Farrell, clarification in both are type A personalities, 3663.
Jones, Gary and Marty, trnrs who
pass tradition on to sons, Lenny
Shulman on, 3500p.
Jones, Jack G. Sr., dies, 4282.
Jones, John T.L. Jr., forms Four
Star Sales, 1552p; fms and sales
agents banding together to form
alliances, Bldstk & Mrkts, 1745p.
Jones, Larry, a day in the life of a
trk, 4614p.
Jones, Mike, rac dates and expanded gam are topics in Wash,
Kristin J. Ingwell on, 6404p.
Jones, Richard, BC seats 13 new
dirs, seeks contract for LS for
2004, 3941.
Jones, Russell, opinion of Kee Nov
sale, 6570.
Jones, Terry, a day in the life of a
trk, 4598p.
Joseph T. Grace H, Takin It Deep,
Jostle, back in trning, 18p; finishes
third in Banshee Breeze H, Scott
Davis on, 2168p; retired, bred to
Storm Cat, 2613p.
Joy Valley, foals Forestry filly,
Joyeux Danseur, to stand at
Lakeview Tbd Fm, 5622.
Joying, co-top price at FT winter
mixed sale, 1229.
Juddmonte Farms, 2001 NYTWA
honoree, 108; hs vans to carry
image of Aptitude, 772; Eclipse
Award for brdr, David Schmitz
on, 1140; honored by NYTWA,
3663; 2001 TOBA natl award
wnr, 4921; TOBAs regional
award wnr, 5015; receives
TOBAs natl ownr/brdr award for
2001, 5015; acquires Mizzen Mast
for stud, 5621.
Juddmonte International, Nayef,
Richard Griffiths, 4770.
Judge T C, to stand at Wafare Fm,
5565; to stand at McMahon of
Saratoga Tbds, 7023.
Julie Jalouse, Orchid H, 1931ped.
Jump Start, to stand at Overbrook
Fm, 793; withdrawn from stud
duty, 1292.
Jumron Won, Wash champ, 1224.
Junk, Rob, rac sec for Rui, 1814.
Jury Box, wins mdn, 3743.
Just a Broad, nicknames for filly by
The Names Jimmy, 3082.
Just a Game Breeders Cup H,
Babae, Paul Volponi on, 3386;
Babae, 3424.
Justaplain Farm, acquires Federal
Trial for stud, 154; acquires
Turnofthecentury for stud, 6799.
Juvenile auctions, med policies for
juv sales to be more restrictive,
Deirdre B. Biles, 338; review of
pinhooking mrkt, Bldstk & Mrkts,
Juvenile Fillies, distance change of
juv races has pros and cons,
5593; Peace of World, Barbara
Bayer, 7060.
Juvenile Jinx, on Whats article vs.
Reflections Round Table of fm
mngrs, Letters, 6122.
Juvenile races, distance change of
BC juv races has pros and cons,
Juvenile sales, pinhooking totals
from five major juv select sales,
Bldstk & Mrkts, 1313; 2yo select
review, Deirdre B. Biles on, 2624.
K Zs Wild Thing, produces Down
the Aisle filly, 2288p.
Kafwain, Best Pal S, 4764; Best Pal
S, 4786ped; Norfolk S, 5677ped.
Kalatiara, retired, 5155.
Kalookan Queen, Santa Monica H,
Craig Harzmann, 678p; Santa
Monica H, 706ped; Potrero
Grande BC H, 2057ped; Rancho
Bernardo H, 4764; Rancho
Bernardo H, 4788ped; Ancient
Title BC H, Craig Harzmann,
5646p; Ancient Title BC H,
5670ped; BC sprinters heading to
sale ring, 6267p; million-dollar
mares top early action at Kee Nov
sale, 6368p; purchased by
Courtlandt Fm, 6574.
Kane, Mike, officer for NTWA,
2832; Red Smith Ky Derby
Writing Contest wnr, 5924.
Kaplan, Michael, Wired looks at
exotic wager pools, 920.
Karamanos, Horatio, Lrl meet title
wnr, 4973.
Karches, Peter, ownr of Fast
Decision, Paul Volponi on, 2788p;
elected to three-yr term with
TOBA, 4422p.
Katy Kat, Bayou BC H, 1506ped.
Katzen, Christiana S, 5390ped.
Kawachi, Hiroshi, wnr of World
Super Joc Series, Barbara Bayer,
Kazzia, to run in St. Leger, 3634;
Flower Bowl Invit H, Steve
Haskin, 5514p; Flower Bowl Invit
H, 5527ped; Eurs 3yo filly,
6663p; retired, 6695p.
Keck, Rob, important part of
Crestwood Fm, Dan Liebman on,
Keegan, Francis Bud, charges that
the NJ Tbd Hsmens Assn mismanaged hundreds of thousands
of dollars, 6533.
Keegan, Karl, wks as both exercise
rider and joc valet at NY trks,
Keene, James, Sysonby was once
considered the racehs of the 20th
century, Eliza R.L. McGraw,
Keeneland, Ky hsmen back racetrk
gaming, 137; Jan sale, Deirdre B.
Biles on, 330; stud fees at Jan
sale, Deirdre B. Biles on, 334; Ben
Huffman to succeed Howard
Battle as rac sec, 410; Jan hs of all
ages sale, 427; Ky trks and hsmen
have revenue deal, 613; pinhooking totals from five major juv
select sales, Bldstk & Mrkts, 1313;
Lanes End Fm back at July sale,
1397; adjusts takeout rate, 1846;
changing Sept sale format, 2393;
2yo in trning April sale, 2426; pinhookers at April 2yo in trning
sale, 2430; 2yos in trning sale,
2552; 2yo select review, Deirdre
B. Biles on, 2624; attend/hndl for
spring meet, 2720; spring meet
leaders, 2832; July yrlg catalogue
bigger than last yr, 3086; Thomas
Thornbury assoc dir of sales,
3663; BH Publications wins multiple awards at AHP conf, 3698;
July preview, Deirdre B. Biles on,
L&D Farm, meet champ, 2932.
L.A. Fitz, FL meet wnr, 6959.
La Brea S, Affluent, 226.
La Canada S, Summer Colony,
Craig Harzmann on, 976;
Summer Colony, 1020.
La Gueriere, Wimborne Fm to sell
brding stock, fm also for sale,
2262; top price at dispersal of
Wimborne Fm, Deirdre B. Biles,
La Habra S, High Society, 1506.
La Jolla H, Inesperado, 4654.
La Lorgnette S, Mulrainy, 5534.
La Martina, Walmac Lone Star
Oaks, 3904ped.
La Prevoyante H, Krisada, Scott
Davis, 202; Krisada, 228.
La Recherche, Irving Distaff S (2nd
div), 2353ped; Summer Finale H,
La Reines Terms, Labor Day H,
5123ped; Md Million Turf, Leslie
Deckard on, 5378p.
La Senorita S, Sea Bloom, 4954ped.
La Troienne S, Cashiers Dream,
La Voyageuse H, Madame Roar,
Labamta Babe, Santa Catalina S,
Craig Harzmann on, 524p; suffers
minor strain, 762.
Labeeb S, Red Sea, 6616.
Labor, description of normal,
Understanding, 2318; dealing
with, part II, Understanding,
Labor Day H, La Reines Terms,
Lacer, Don, a day in the life of a
trk, 4597p.
Lacy, Paul, co-ownr of Hail The
Chief, Jeff Johnson, 2484p.
Ladies Din, Shoemaker BC Mile S,
Craig Harzmann on, 3128p;
Shoemaker BC Mile S, 3142ped.
Ladies H, Summer Colony, 96.
Ladinos Bambino, to stand at
Hancock Fms, 1872.
Lady Dora, retired, 2013p.
Lady George, 2001 champ for
CTBA, 1034; Boo La Boo S, 1152.
Lady Hallie H, Pretty Gale, 2350.
Lady of the Future, New Castle H,
Lady Shari, Canadian Derby,
4946ped; Maple Leaf S, 6460ped;
2002 Sovereign Award wnr, Ray
Paulick on, 7190.
Layton Farm, state of La officially
ownr of Our Dani, 296.
Lazaro Barrera Memorial S,
Captain Squire, 3145.
Le Cinquleme Essai, 2002
Sovereign Award wnr, Ray
Paulick on, 7190.
Le Grande Danseur, to stand at
Doubletree Fm, 1584.
Le Metayer, Louis, intern at Kee,
Le Numerous, Iowa champ, 578.
Lea Downs, racetrk in works for
NM, 2714; NM Rac Comm delays
trk proposals, 5016.
Leach, Rep. James, Internet gambling bill passed by house, 5589.
Leaping Plum, finally loses
Grasmick H, 1070p.
Leave a Legacy, to stand at Caines
Stallion Station, 5340.
LeBlanc, Dr. Michelle, MRLS studies point to caterpillars, Kristin J.
Ingwell, 3510p.
LeBlond, Mary Stephenson, dies,
Lecomte S, Easyfromthegitgo, Gary
Easyfromthegitgo, 714.
Lee, Bob, natl HBPA probes potential conflicts of interest, 2587p.
Leelanau, to stand at Walmac
Internatl, 5565.
Left Bank, Bold Ruler H, Paul
Volponi, 2904p; Bold Ruler H,
2918ped; on cover, 3797p; Tom
Fool H, Steve Haskin on, 3852p;
Tom Fool H, 3888ped; Whitney
H, Mike Kane on, 4362p; Whitney
H, 4372ped; undergoes surgery,
4423p; dies from colic surgery,
Left laryngeal hemiplegia, what
causes roaring, HealthWatch,
Legal Heir, Wo barn fire kills Tbds,
Legal Light S, Running Tide, 3156.
Legislation, VLT bill nears completion in Ky, 910; bill to allow VLTs
at Rkm dead, 912; Ariz pursues
video gaming for trks, 912; Cby
begins lobbying for slot machines,
1069; Ky has gaming bill, 1393;
Hia makes another pitch for regulated dates, 1396; bill calls for
reconstitution of NJ Rac Comm,
1396; passes in Ind for dockside
gaming a riverboat casinos and
pull tab machines at trks, 1396;
congressional caucus to meet,
farm bill on the table, 1398; to
permit gaming in Ky, Ray Paulick,
1427; Fla vlt legis could be
revised, 1550; introduced to
authorize betting hubs in Ky,
1552; Va pm legis fails by one
vote, 1553; Ky gaming bill clears
house panel, 1697; no expanded
gaming yet approved in Ind,
1699; federal aid bill assists hs
ownrs, 1700; Ky gam bill still
alive, but for how long, 1845;
gaming legis stalled in Ky, could
resurface in the future, 2110; Ky
legislators may not understand
how many jobs the hs industry
generates, Ray Paulick, 2143;
gaming assoc endorses legis on
internet gambling, 2962; politics
stymies rac legis in Ill, 3201;
NTRA funding could hinge on
Calif law, 3470; would let trnrs
join TOC, 3473; laws extended in
to, 154.
Liberty Stud, acquires Manlove for
stud, 6097.
Library, Kee opens new, Kristin J.
Ingwell, 3982.
Licenses, KRCs vote to reinstate lic
of convicted criminal raises questions, 3811; natl rac lic continues
to make inroads, 5014.
Lichlyter, Mary Ada, dies, 6088.
Licht, Roger, q&a with, Lenny
Shulman on, 7496p.
Lickle, Bill, stp champ, 7258.
Lido Palace, Woodward S, Steve
Haskin on, 5068p; Woodward S,
5100ped; Clark H, Lenny
Shulman on, 7068p; Clark H,
Liebau, Jack, takeout hike remains
option to pay for wkers comp in
Calif, 2257p; proposed Fpx dates
transfer draws opposition, 3081;
wkers comp funding plan shelved
in Calif, 3082; SA to dispense
retroactive purses, 3086; wkers
comp subject of mtg in Calif,
5313; redirected revenue key to
wkers comp relief in Calif,
Liebman, Dan, officer for NTWA,
2832; rethinking Kee July, Final
Turn, 4158.
Lieutenant Governors H, Lord
Nelson, 3906.
Ligaments, tending to injuries,
Bettina Cohen, 3402.
Light Hearted S, Bruanna, 4267.
Lightner, Molly, West Point Bldstk
Services hires as client services
rep, 7258.
Lights on Broadway, 2001 TX
champ, 726.
Like a Hero, Lazaro Barrera Mem
S, 3130; Alydar S, 3155ped; Andy
Durnin exercised, 3324p.
Lil Personalitee, Eclipse H,
Lilys Affair, Nastique S, 3277ped.
Line Rider, Harry Henson S,
Lines of Power, dies, 4072.
Linkage, to stand at Liberty Hall
Fm, 154.
Lion Hunter, sire of Lovely Jubly,
Peter Tonkes on, 3254.
Lion Spring Farm, Take Arms to
stand at, 46.
Lisieux Rose, produces Storm Cat
filly, 946p.
Lismore Knight, Summer S,
Jennifer Morrison-Learn, 5074p;
Summer S, 5112ped.
Listen Here, Amsterdam S, Mike
Kane on, 4362p; Amsterdam S,
4375ped; euthanized after suffering leg injury, 4702.
Listen Well, produces Dixieland
Band filly, 3342p.
Lit de Justice, to stand at Magali
Fms, 5340.
Little Current, fan of, Letter, 134.
Little Lolitta, champ for Alb, 2669.
Little Treasure, San Clemente H,
Craig Harzmann, 4366p; San
Clemente H, 4375ped; Pucker Up
S, 5246ped.
Little, Don Jr., racehs prtnrships
offer best route to racehs ownrship, Eric Mitchell, 4466p.
Little, Lucille Caudill, Lex Pub
Library to receive equine addition
to decor, 3480; dies, 5920.
Littleexpectations, to stand at
Millennium Fms Ky, 5155; to
enter stud for first time in 2003,
Littrell, Rick, opinion of Kee Sept
sale, 5345.
Live Foal Report, 2002 live foals
reported by stallion, Dan
Liebman on, 5358.
Live foals, live foal reports down in
other states, 2959.
Live Horseracing Protection Act of
2002, natl HBPA opposes proposed amendment to rac act,
Live Oak Stud, leading buyer at
Kee Jan sale, Deirdre B. Biles on,
330; acquires Marco Bay, 1424;
Eric Hamelback gm, 6088.
Live the Dream H, Dwildcat, 5256.
Livingston, tribal council peaks
interest, 17.
Livingston, Barbara, enjoyed article
on pensioners, 10; enjoyed article
by, Letters, 462; enjoyed article
by, Letters, 610; Eclipse statuette
stolen at dinner, 1264p; stolen
Eclipse Award returned to
Barbara Livingston, 1698p; book
excerpt from Old Friends: Visits
Thoroughbreds, 4900p.
Lizza, Carl, fire claims 22 hs at
Ocala Stud, 1261.
Loaded Gun, retired, 6097.
Loading gate, races can be won or
lost at starting gate, Paul Volponi,
Loans, regulations are being drafted for MRLS, 14.
Lobbying budget, progress of Sen.
Jim Bunning and efforts of lobbying, Ray Paulick, 157.
Lobo, Paulo, trnr of Farda Amiga,
Deirdre B. Biles on, 2780p; path
to become a trnr, Winners, Craig
Harzmann, 5366p; mentor, who
is his father, visits barn of, 6136p;
retires Farda Amiga, 6695p.
Lockinge S, Keltos, Richard
Griffiths on, 3019.
Locust Grove H, Voodoo Dancer,
Lodati, Robert, tellers plead guilty
in money-laundering case, 2590.
Loder, Edmund, dam of Proud
Citizen owned by, 2832.
Logan, Eddie, special place at SA,
Margaret Ransom on, 1996p.
Lombardi Cancer Center, Patti
Cooksey to receive Symbol of
Courage Award, 5600.
Lone Star Derby, Wisemans Ferry,
Gary West, 2906; Wisemans
Ferry, 2913.
Lone Star Million Day, Gary West
on, 3132.
Lone Star Park, parties express
interest in trk, 910; Magna
Entertainment to buy, 1549;
could host 2004 BC, 2717; four
Hall of Famers to compete in joc
challenge, 3202; gets $2.9m for
BC upgrade, 3697; honors Steve
Asmussen, 3916; BC seats 13 new
dirs, seeks contract for LS for
2004, 3941; champ for meet at,
4014; attend/hndl, 4046; sale on
hold pending background check,
4556; Tx Rac Comm approves rac
sched for 2003, 4556; Magnas
transaction on LS purchase, 5314;
Magna gets go-ahead to purchase,
5975; Jeffrey Greco promoted to
gm, 6530; BC expansion begins,
Lone Star Park H, Congaree, Gary
Wes on, 3132; Congaree, 3146.
BM, 6623.
Luna, Julian, NM Rac Comm
delays trk proposals, 5016; New
Mexico wrestles with licensing,
commission woes, 7452.
Lungs, Dr. Johanna Reimers report
on lung inflammation was only
seen in pericarditis cases, 1955.
Luniewski, Ron, gains
cash but loses executives, 1701;
joining Magna Entertainment,
Lure, Southern Hemisphere time a
lure for Alberta Butner, 5312.
Lush Soldier, Alywow S, 3428ped.
Lusky, Leonard, Secretariat being
marketed on the web, 3198p.
Lusty Latin, ten hs make late TC
deadline, 1986p; finish position in
Ky Derby, 2760.
Luxury Flight, top price at
American Equine Sales yrlg sale,
Luxury suites, CD pitching leases
for luxury suites under construction, 5980.
Lyell Creek, 25th anniv of Irish stp
depicted by stamps, 2868p.
Lyme disease, nervous-system disorders, part III, Understanding,
HealthWatch, 4186.
Lymphoma, disease, HealthWatch,
Lymphosarcoma, form of cancer,
HealthWatch, 4316.
Lynch, Damian and Braxton, purchase Chadwick Fm, 4044.
Lyracist, John B. Campbell H,
Lyster, Wayne, BC seats 13 new
dirs, seeks contract for LS for
2004, 3941.
Mabee, Betty, joins Dmrs bd of
dirs, 726; cutting back, but still
carrying on with Golden Eagle,
Lenny Shulman on, 5216p.
Mabee, John, suffers second
stroke, 2392; death of, Lenny
Shulman on, 2626p; remembering, Morton Cathro on, 2627.
Mabee, John and Betty, 2001
champ for CTBA, 1034; TOC honors, 4518.
Macaron, Franklyn, NM state-bred
champ, 1368.
Macau Jockey Club Craven S, King
of Happiness, Richard Girffiths
on, 2486.
Macho Uno, breezes, 683;
Massachusetts H, Paul Daley on,
Machowsky, Mike, trnr of
Harzmann on, 3018p.
Mack, Kevin, dir of operations at
Hoo, 7412.
Mackie, Edward G. Sr., dir of
mutuels at Crc, 7109.
Madame Pietra, Cascapedia S,
Madame Roar, La Voyageuse H,
Madden, John E., remembering
TC, 2436p.
Madden, Preston, among Culver
Hall of Fame inductees, 5732p.
Madison S, Victory Ride, 2348.
Maecenas, Brooke and Bruce
Nickells have first Tbd strtr,
Maeda, Koji, ownr of Sunday
Break, Steve Haskin on, 3122p.
Magali Farms, acquires Lit de
Justice for stud, 5340.
Magic Millions, slight declines for,
288; vets told to examine clinically, not rely on radiographs,
Magic Smoke, Cinderella S,
Magic Storm, Mth BC Oaks, Linda
Dougherty, 4634p; Mth BC Oaks,
Magic Weisner, Md champ, 1668;
Ohio Derby, Leslie Deckard on,
4100p; Ohio Derby, 4106ped;
scratched from Penn Derby,
Linda Dougherty on, 4912;
improving at New Bolton Center,
Magical Madness, Memorial Day
H, 3278ped.
Magna Cum Laude, receives Mich
award, 7258.
Magna Entertainment, properties
of, groundbrking of Palm
Meadows, Eric Mitchell, 58; talks
end between Magna and TVG,
285; may extend BM lease, 286;
proposes Calif-Fla showdown,
288; TVG isnt only one getting
hurt by impasse with Magna, Ray
Paulick, 323; acct wager begins in
Calif, 613; to issue more stock,
620; to broadcast races on new
satellite netwk, 761; TOC deal
with Magna is critical, 763; acct
wager leader, 768; Calif doesnt
seem concerned with rac fan, Ray
Paulick, 797; cant come to terms
with TVG, Letter, 906; TBH
should leave alone, Letter, 906;
TOC bargains with TVG, 909; proceeding with plans to build new
facility near Ocala, 913; sale of
NYCOTB not in NY budget, 1066;
reports strong results for fourth
quarter, 1072; sale rumors swirl
around MJC trks, 1261; what
does future hold for Northern
Calif, Tom LaMarra on, 1306; to
buy LS, 1549; gobbling market
share, 1556; proceeding with
offering of 20 million shares of
stock, 1556; Frank Stronach has
tight grip on cos, 1704; Ron
Luniewski joining, 1852; some
mbrs of Md Rac Comm opposed
to Magna buying Lrl and Pim,
1986; forms charter of rights,
more acquisitions to be in wks,
2389; raises money from public
offering, 2396; hopes to have 24hour rac netwk with HorseRacing
TV, 2715; closing in on MJC deal,
2960; entertainment complex to
be build adjacent to GG, 3199;
under fire in plan to move dates
in Calif, 3313; report critical of,
3592; in deal to purchase Lrl and
Pim, 3941; betting providers and
Calif fairs strike deal, 3945; analysts differ on status, 3948; acct
wager continues to grow, 4173;
NYRA chrmn questions business
model, 4176; has plan for new
acquisitions, 4176; NYRA chrmn
questions business model, 4176;
Pim to be torn down and rebuilt,
4305; ends buying spree, to focus
on existing facilities, 4305; Pim to
be torn down and rebuilt, 4305;
second-quarter slump, 4310; lets
industry know they are not going
Nad al Sheba, U.S. to race hs in
Dubai, 5731.
Nader, Bill, simul reform, some
want change in way simul signals
are bought and sold, Eric Mitchell
on, 1605; with TC on line, Bel
hopes for record crowd, 3083p;
attend/hndl for Belmont S, Eric
Mitchell on, 3378.
Nafzger, Carl, TC memory, 2456p.
Nagle, Roger, day in the life of a
trk, 4596p.
Nagle, Valerie, ElP meet title wnr,
Naify, Marsha, bought late fathers
farm and amassing her own stable, Eric Mitchell, 4087; 505
Farms and Trning Center to be
auctioned, 4426; 505 Fm auctioned in three parcels, 5181.
Najran, Perryville S, 5914ped.
Nakatani, Corey, involved in spill,
Names, protection of famous
names, Final Turn, 4290; protection of, Letters, 4300; on limitations of, Letters, 4550.
Nanies Dinner, keeps on giving,
NAPA Breeders Cup Sprint, preview, Lenny Shulman on, 5810;
Orientate, Lenny Shulman,
6212p; ped of Orientate, Leslie
Deckard on, 6219p; sprinters
heading to sale ring, 6267p.
Napoli, dam of Domedriver, Kristin
J. Ingwell, 6229p.
Narjan, Perryville S, 5875.
Narlinger, Dennis, owns Officer
with Gainesway Fm, 6563p.
Nasal strips, studies on efficiency
of, HealthWatch, 626; news of,
HealthWatch, 5602.
Nashua S, Added Edge, Steve
Haskin, 6423p; Added Edge,
Nashwan, dies, 4071p.
Nassau County Breeders Cup S,
Nonsuch Bay, Paul Volponi,
2904p; Nonsuch Bay, 2910ped.
Nassau S, Siringas, 3271ped.
Nastique S, Lilys Affair, 3277ped.
Nasty Storm, Gallant Bloom H,
5644; Gallant Bloom H, 5679ped.
Natalma S, One and Twenty,
5114ped; Fortuitous, 5116ped.
NATC Futurity, consignors stks
purses to incr, 5182.
NATC Sorority, consignors stks
purses to incr, 5182.
Nates Colony, Downs At
Albuquerque H, 3650ped.
National Association of PariMutuel Regulators, drugs top
issue at RCI conv, 2258.
National Association of Two-Year-
New Economy, Robert G. Dick
Mem BC S, 4118ped.
New England, Rkm to switch to
harness rac in 2003, Leslie
Deckard on, 7200.
New England Patriots, coach of
admits tape of BC Classic helped
motivate team, 1272.
New England Turf Writers
Association, re-elects current officers for second term, 2360; award
wnrs, 5924.
New foal, first wk of a foals life,
Understanding, 2642.
New Hampshire, bill to allow VLTs
at Rkm dead, 912; Rkm gives up
Tbd dates for harness in 2003,
New Hampshire Sweepstakes H,
Del Mar Show, 3645.
New Jersey, purse supplement cut,
286; purse supplement wont be
coming, calendar uncertain, 1068;
plans progress for Great State
Challenge, Tom LaMarra, 1144;
bill calls for reconstitution of NJ
Rac Comm, 1396; progress reported by hsmen to strike deal with
Standardbred industry, 1990;
hsmen and trks finally strike a
deal, 2391; two breeds share
shame prog at Med, 2862; West
Nile virus shows up in three more
locations, 3086; industry believes
slot machines have become a
necessity, 5311; rac dates set to
incr in NJ, 6829; TBA elects
Michael Harrison to two-yr term
as pres, 7258; expanded wagering
closer, 7452.
New Jersey Racing Commission,
slashes dates, hsmen may sue,
761; bill calls for reconstitution of,
1396; move to prohibit EPO gains
steam in more states, 3696; yr old
ruling overturned, Michael Moran
plans to appeal, 4853; charges
that the NJ Tbd Hsmens Assn
mismanaged hundreds of thousands of dollars, 6533.
New Jersey Sports and Exposition
Authority, remembering Sept. 11,
Tom LaMarra on, 4892; Med
apologizes for disappointing
meet, 6665.
New Jersey Thoroughbred
Horsemens Association, legal
challenges linger as judge sets
purse structure, 909; natl HBPA
opposes proposed amendment to
rac act, 3085; plan to revive Hia,
New Mexico, state-bred champs,
1368; racetrk in works, 2714;
Curribot euthanized, 2961; study
on racetrk gaming revenue at
$2.18, 3317; slot machines proving a source of optimism for
hsmen in La and NM, 6668; ownr
Kelly Winter sentenced in 1998
ringer scam, 6829; wrestles with
licensing, commission woes,
New Mexico Gaming Control
Board, bd recommends against
licensing R.D. Hubbard, 6666.
New Mexico Racing Commission,
delays trk proposals, 5016.
New Orleans H, Parade Leader,
Gary McMillen, 1460; Parade
Leader, 1498.
New Phoenix Stable, Gary Drake
and Paul and Susan Roy coownrs of Sarava, Lenny Shulman
on, 3358.
New Vocations, finding alternatives for hs, Final Turn, 4026.
Adoption Program, Einar Paul
Robsham money adoption prog,
New Years Eve H, Keepondealing,
New York, Phone Trick leading
sire, Kristin J. Ingwell on, 192;
sale of NYCOTB unresolved, 764;
lawsuit could delay start of video
gaming, 764; sale of NYCOTB not
in budget, 1066; plans progress
for Great State Challenge, Tom
LaMarra, 1144; leading sires in,
David Schmitz on, 1186; OTB off
mkt, NYRA wants to talk, 1265;
trks wont get VLT assistance,
1516; approval of VLTs in
Saratoga Springs has residents
taking sides, Jane Gottlieb on,
1608; VLT plans moves ahead,
but trks wary of splits, 1848;
champs, 2074; foaling problems
reported, several factors cited,
2113; may change VLT revenue
splits, 2718; trks push for more
VLT revenue, 2862; West Nile
virus shows up in three more
locations, 3086; Simon Harris and
Karl Keegan wks as both exercise
rider and joc valet at NY trks,
3208; the city of hope, Final Turn,
Lenny Shulman, 3454; racing
laws extended, no VLTs at Bel,
3585; regulators pondering
restrictions, new generic drug
use, 4425; gov expected to sign
legis to enact compulsive gambling prog, 4555; judge wont dismiss lawsuit over VLT law, 6370;
trks need more revenue from vlts,
7289; slowly declining figures,
7292; yr-in-review, 7342.
New York City Off-Track Betting
Corp., sale of unresolved, 764;
sale of not in budget, 1066; OTB
off mkt, NYRA wants to talk,
1265; NYRA chrmn Barry
Schwartz seeks merger with
NYCOTB, 2109; Ted Nicholson
joins, 4014.
New York H, Owsley, 3886.
New York Horse Rescue, Golden
Tent retiring to, 1560.
New York Olympic Games
Commission, David Cornstein to
head, 6540.
New York Racing Association, has
strong hndl for 2001, 139; VLTs
in Sar take major step forward,
139; Sar harness trk approved for
VLTs, 1065; OTB off mkt, NYRA
wants to talk, 1265; Jerry Porcelli
trk super for trks, 1520; NYRA
chrmn Barry Schwartz seeks
merger with NYCOTB, 2109;
Raphael Chetcuti joins, 2360;
tellers plead guilty in money-laundering case, 2590; gets franchise
extension as part of VLT deal,
2957; blood-doping prohibited,
3198; Jerry Porcelli superintendent, 3324; Patrick Kehoe vp and
gen counsel, 3558; Cathy Marino
vp of customer services, 3558;
racing laws extended, no VLTs at
Bel, 3585; Stuart Janey III named
to bd of trustees, 3663; seeks
$100m for projects, fires pm
clerks, 3697; provides incentive
for open-company races, 3812;
issues restrictions on therapy for
brdr/ownr of Domedriver, Evan I.
Hammonds, 6224p.
Nice Boots Baby, Ruthless S,
Nicholls, Max, dies, 407.
Nichols, Les, arrives at Ground
Zero, 3820.
Nichols, Rick, misunderstood on
quote at Kee Sept sale, 5404.
Nicholson, David, BHB bldstock
rep, 1814.
Nicholson, Nick, Ky hsmen back
racetrk gaming, 137; NTRA hopes
to coordinate plans for Sept. 11
anniv, 3318; NTRA channels its
energies into controlling the tv
viewing, Lenny Shulman, 3848;
reinventing The Greatest Game,
Tom LaMarra on, 4903; industry
gets peek at The Greatest Game,
Nicholson, Ted, joins NYCOTB,
4014; promoted at AP, 6770.
Nick Shuk Memorial S, Patrol,
Nickell, Terry Jr., sec of Ky Tbd
Fm Mngrs Club, 6623.
Nickells, Brooke and Bruce, has
first Tbd strtr, 5468p.
Nielsen, Gerald, elec pres of NY
Tbd Brdrs, 726.
Nielsen, Joanne, fan of Nick de
Meric, Deirdre B. Biles on, 962p.
Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald, NY
champ, 2074.
Night Caller, Donald Levine Mem
S, 4799ped.
Night Patrol, Inglewood H, Craig
Harzmann on, 2790; Inglewood
H, 2917ped; Oak Tree BC Mile S,
Craig Harzmann, 5646p; Oak Tree
BC Mile S, 5676ped.
Ninebanks, meet wnr at BM, 6623.
Nitrogen, caterpillars are innocent
of MRLS, Final Turn, 7270.
No Matter What, owned by George
Strawbridge, 1034.
No Slip, Golden Gate BC H,
No Turbulence, Sunland Park
Oaks, 2064ped.
Noble Damsel H, Tates Creek,
5374; Tates Creek, 5386ped.
Noll, Cindy, PrM meet title wnr,
Nolt, Benjamin, Penn comm to rule
on lic for Penn racetrk, 5180.
Nonsuch Bay, Nassau County BC
S, Paul Volponi, 2904p; Nassau
County BC S, 2910ped; Mother
Goose S, Steve Haskin on, 3738p;
Mother Goose S, 3751ped.
Noor, nominee for Hall of Fame,
1697; elected to Natl Museum of
Racs Hall of Fame, 2585p; on
cover, 4161; Hall of Fame
inductee, David Schmitz on,
4212; Hall of Fame inductee ceremony, Evan I. Hammonds on,
Norfolk S, Kafwain, 5677.
Norman, Cole, OP meet champ,
2360; trnr of Unrullah Bull, Gary
West, 2638p.
Norman, Patricia, selling Auburn
Creek Tbd Fm, 6130.
North America Cup, Wo has developed the model for the rest of the
pari-mutuel industry to follow,
Ray Paulick, 3723.
North American Pari-Mutuel
Regulators Association, has wk
relationship with RCI, 1264;
awards scholarships, 2669; indus-
Oak Hall, Evangeline Mile H,
Oak Leaf S, Composure, Craig
Harzmann, 5646; Composure,
Oak Tree Breeders Cup Mile S,
Night Patrol, Craig Harzmann,
5646; Night Patrol, 5676.
Oak Tree Derby, Johar, Craig
Harzmann, 5880; Johar, 5896.
Oak Tree Farms, Ghazi relocated
to, 2613.
Oak Tree Racing Association, BC to
be held at for 2003, 2392; proposed Fpx dates transfer draws
opposition, 3081; 2003 rac calendar approved, 5978; 2003 rac
dates approved, 6129.
HealthWatch, 1710.
Oakhurst Farm, acquires Bagshot
for stud, 1584.
Oaklawn Breeders Cup S, Ask Me
No Secrets, 1794.
Oaklawn H, Kudos, Leslie Deckard
on, 2162; Kudos, 2206.
Oaklawn Park, Instant Racing
boosts, Tom LaMarra on, 2035;
meet champs, 2360; attend/hndl,
2390; purses up for 2003, 5594;
stewards named, 6480; to rejoin
NTRA, 6990.
Oaks, Smile Tomorrow, Barbara
Bayer, 3015.
Obeah S, Your Out, 3651ped.
Oberwald, Haggin S, Craig
Harzmann on, 3514p; Haggin S,
Obligato, to stand at Hycrest Fm,
Obrekaitis, Steve, a day in the life
of a trk, 4607p.
OBS Championship S, Mountain
Forum wins, Deirdre B. Biles on,
Ocala, Frank Stronach proceeding
with plans to build new facility
near, 913; Fla has trademark for
slogan Horse Capital of the
World, 1988; Frank Stronach
buys Ocala-area land, 3084; fm
ownrs wary of development plan,
Ocala Breeders Sales Co., med
policies for juv sales to be more
restrictive, Deirdre B. Biles, 338;
mixed sale, Deirdre B. Biles, 580;
review of pinhooking mrkt,
Bldstk & Mrkts, 670; Calder sale,
Deirdre B. Biles on, 956;
Cleveland Wheeler ranked second among consignors at Calder
sale, 958; pinhooking totals from
five major juv select sales, Bldstk
& Mrkts, 1313; March select sale
experiences a slight lift in avg and
median, Deirdre B. Biles on,
1882; 2yo select review, Deirdre
B. Biles on, 2624; spring sale of
yo in trning, Deirdre B. Biles on,
2671; records set at, Patricia
Dolan, 3666; yrlg sale is down,
but still meets expectations,
Paasch, Christopher, biggest
spender at OBS March sale,
Deirdre B. Biles on, 1882p.
Pacific Classic S, Came Home,
Craig Harzmann on, 4760p; Came
Home, 4776.
Pacific Racing Association,
Woodbine Entertainment Group
on, 1605.
Pope, Pat, OP purses up for 2003,
Popular, San Miguel S, Craig
Harzmann, 340p; San Miguel S,
Porcelli, Jerry, trk super for NYRA
trks, 1520; superintendent for
NYRA, 3324.
Port, Sidney L., fixtures of Chicago
rac scene are enthusiastic group,
John McEvoy, 5782p.
Portcullis, Charlie Barley S,
3758ped; Toronto Cup H,
4002ped; 2002 Sovereign Award
wnr, Ray Paulick on, 7190.
Porter, Erin, to be at Olympics,
Portland Meadows, federal agency
forces early end to meet, 763.
Posse, Ky BC S, Leslie Deckard on,
3134p; Ky BC S, 3146ped.
Postponed, to stand in NZ, 1292.
Poteen, to stand at Old English
Rancho, 320.
Potomac horse fever, research of
Ohio State Univ, Deirdre B. Biles
on, 2024; Tbd filly dies from
horse fever, 4044; four cases
confirmed in Ky, 4426.
Potrero Grande Breeders Cup H,
Kalookan Queen, 2057.
Poule dEssai des Poulains,
Landseer, Richard Griffiths, 2909.
Poule dEssai des Pouliches,
Zenda, Richard Griffiths, 2909.
Powell, Dick, simul conference
attendees discuss offshore outlets,
rebating, television production,
Scott Davis, 5512.
Powell, Dr. David, research indicates Eastern tent caterpillars
involved in MRLS, Kristin J.
Ingwell, 2902p.
Powell, Lonny, RCI has wk relationship with NAPRA, 1264;
drugs top issue at RCI conv, 2258;
Mich seeking answers to boost
business, 4421p; industry reps to
gather to discuss natl health insur
prog, 5973; steps taken against
future manipulation of BC Pick 6
with task force com, 6402.
Powell-Hodges, Mindy, quote from
Kee July sale, 4077.
Power, Mike, Special T Tbds to
auction off Siberian Summer
because ownr hasnt paid bills,
Prado, Edgar, joc of Sarava in
Belmont S, Evan I. Hammonds
on, 3362p; Sar meet title wnr,
4973; nominee for George Woolf
Mem Joc Award, 5924.
Prairie Meadows, focus of Iowa
speculation, 1554; and Polk Co
seek deal to split gaming revenue,
1848; trks to name races in honor
of Grayson JC Research, 2962;
lease extended, 3120; machine
gaming has saved some trks, Eric
Mitchell on, 3236; gets huge boost
from high court, 3471; Nora
Michaloffs handiwork worn by
jocs and hs, 3704; attend/hndl,
4046; inductees into Hall of Fame,
5266; changes in store for 2003,
5594; meet title wnrs, 5693; gets
ok to continue slot machines,
Prairie Meadows Cornhusker
Breeders Cup H, Mr. John, Dan
Johnson on, 3864; Mr. John,
Prairie Meadows Derby, Robin Zee,
Prairie Meadows H, Woodmoon,
Uluvitnunoit, 5126.
Prairie Predator, wins mdn, 342.
Prather, Kris, mistakenly reported
was first female appr to win riding title, 108; returns to riding
with a victory in first race of
2002, 142p; fractures pelvis from
kick from hs, 3522.
Preakness infield, TC jewel, 2462.
Preakness S, TC memory, 2465;
MJC heightens security, 2716;
War Emblem may head field,
2771; near full field expected,
2857; War Emblem, Steve Haskin
on, 2986; chart of wnrs, 3000; tv
review of, Lenny Shulman on,
3004; attend/hndl for, 3006;
remembering Seattle Slews,
David Schmitz on, 3012; War
Emblem, 3024; tv ratings highest
since 1990, 3198.
Precision, Hong Kong Cup, Mike
Kane, 7357.
Precisionist, nominee for Hall of
Fame, 1697.
Precisionist H, Mc Mahon, 3276.
Understand-ing, 1322; diagnosing, Understand-ing, 1463; dealing with labor, part II,
Understanding, 2488.
Pregnant mares, Understanding,
1158; diagnosis, Understanding,
Premiers H, Shacane, 6064.
Presque Isle Downs, MTR Gaming
gets approval for Erie trk, 5460p;
MTR Gaming granted lic to operate trk in Erie, 6990.
Presswood, Phyllis L., credits hs
with getting thru battle with cancer, 3400p.
Presto Lad, dies, 3610.
Pretty Gale, Lady Hallie H,
Pride, Dan, joins Darley at
Jonabell, 6088.
Prince Ahmed Salman, ownr of
War Emblem, Lenny Shulman
on, 2752p; Derby bonus creates
Preakness S, Steve Haskin on,
2986p; did not attend Belmont S,
3379; Spts files complaint over
Derby bonus, 3587p; dead at 43,
Lenny Shulman on, 4039p; death
shocking, Letters, 4170; death of,
David Schmitz on, 4216.
Prince Faisal Salman, to head Tbd
Corp., 4306p; at Kee Sept sale for
first time, 5214p.
Juddmonte Fms receives TOBAs
natl ownr/brdr award for 2001,
Prince of the Mt., rep by first wnr,
Prince of Waless S, Grandera,
Richard Griffiths on, 3632.
Princess Rooney H, Gold Mover,
Scott Davis, 3990; Gold Mover,
Prioress S, Carson Hollow, Steve
Haskin on, 3852; Carson Hollow,
Prismatical, dies, 3836.
Private Emblem, Black Gold H,
395ped; Southwest S (1st div),
1512ped; Arkansas Derby, Evan I.
Hammonds on, 2302p; Arkansas
Derby, 2333ped; finish position in
Quadracci, Harry V., dies, 4396.
Quadratic, moved to River Ridge
Fm, 154; will not be a pensioner,
to cover mares for charity, 726.
Quail Roost Farm, career of Elmer
Heubeck, Scott Davis, 7076.
Quarantine, quandry in Jpn,
Whats, 6869.
Quarantine barn, CD might consider, 2772.
Quarter Horse, RP forced to run
QH meet, 5459; KTKRC panel
wants more data before considering granting lic for QH trk, 5461;
Ky Rac Comm says no to quarter
hs trk, 6368.
Quarter Horse racing, AQHA hopes
to revive live rac in Ky, 3473; TP
seeks, 5016; lic denial for
Southern Bluegrass Downs could
bring appeal in Ky, 6665.
Queen Elizabeth, death of, Ray
Paulick, 2017; incorrect deceased
daughters name, 2232.
Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup
S, Riskaverse, Deirdre B. Biles,
5874; Riskaverse, 5894.
Commemorative Cup, Fine
Motion, Barbara Bayer, 6587.
Queen Elizabeth II S, Where Or
When, Richard Griffiths on, 5522.
Queen Mother, death of, Ray
Paulick, 2017; incorrect deceased
daughters name, 2232.
Queen Mother Elizabeth, dies,
Queen of Wilshire, Hawthorne H,
Jon White, 2632p; Hawthorne H,
2656ped; WinStar Distaff H,
3272ped; LS meet champ, 4014.
Queen Suite, sale topper at FT Mid
mixed sale, 1038.
Queenie Belle, retired, to be bred
to Fusaichi Pegasus, 2548.
Queens County H, Snake
Mountain, 7238ped.
Queens Plate, T Js Lucky Moon,
Jennifer Morrison-Learn, 3636p.
Quest Star, Natl Musuem of Rac
Hall of Fame H, 4476; Natl
Museum of Rac Hall of Fame H,
Questroyal Stud, acquires Captain
Bodgit for stud, 6097; acquires
Gold Fever for stud, 6398.
Quick Blue, Royal North H,
Quick Tip, Cardinal H, 6942ped.
Quidnaskra, Gallorette H, 3032ped.
Quiet Resolve, Connaught Cup S,
Quinn, Jim, steps taken against
future manipulation of BC Pick 6
with task force com, 6402.
Quintons Gold, Phoenix Gold Cup
H, 1657ped.
R.R.M. Carpenter Jr. Memorial S,
Bowmans Band, 4120ped.
Rabies, infectious nervous-system
disorders, part II, Understanding,
Rabito, Joseph, tellers plead guilty
in money-laundering case, 2590.
Rabon, Doris, vp of S.C. TOBA,
Raccoons, Anthony Flash Wilcox
rids Tbd fms of unwanted visitors, Lenny Shulman on, 3626p.
Race caller, Marshall Cassidy
returns to announcers booth,
Race day medications, policies trigger debate, 2857.
Race For Education, horse earnings
fuel scholarship program, 4704.
Race Track Chaplaincy of America,
Don Dean pres of, 882; to recognize backstretch wkers, 4308.
Race Track Practitioners, racetrk
vets ponder forming own organization, 1551; race-day policies
trigger debate, 2857.
Race-fixing, Hong Kong arrests two
of regions top jocs for alleged
race-fixing scheme, 1068.
Racehorse Adoption Referral
approach issue from different
directions, Tom LaMarra, 3508; to
have face-to-face mtg on drugs,
Tom LaMarra on, 3509; moving
forward with a natl policy statement and plans to incorporate,
Racing partnerships, list of, 4467;
need for structure in prtnrships,
Laura A. DAngelo, 6880.
Racing Post Trophy, Brian Boru,
Richard Griffiths on, 6274.
Racing starts per horse, Gary
Biszantz laying blame on vets for
decreased rac starts, Final Turn,
Racing surface, fast trk of last
years Derby, Final Turn, 2570;
trk maintenance, Trade Zone,
Racinos, Cby unveils plans for,
5733; industry officials want more
race in racinos, Tom LaMarra on,
Radiographs, vets told to examine
clinically, not rely on radiographs,
Radke, Kevin, EmD meet wnrs,
Rafferty, Jim, industry officials
want more race in racinos, Tom
LaMarra on, 6723.
Rafter L Training Center, Sulphur
Springs plans to put itself on the
Tbd map, 5731.
Ragin T Rex, Manhattan Beach S,
3396; Manhattan Beach S,
3547ped; Finlandia Cup H, 4764;
Finlandia Cup H, 4958ped.
Raging Fever, First Lady H, 528;
Distaff BC H, Steve Haskin on,
2040p; Distaff BC H, 2058ped;
Bed o Roses BC H, Paul Volponi,
2482p; Bed o Roses BC H,
2524ped; Ogden Phipps H, Steve
Haskin on, 3640p; Ogden Phipps
H, 3644ped.
Rahy, benefited from a bonus, Ray
Paulick, 503; Winters Love produces filly by, 1872p; stud fee
reduced, 5488.
Railbird S, September Secret, Craig
Harzmann on, 3018; September
Secret, 3031.
Rainbow Blues, to stand at
Applebite Fms, 5340.
Raise a Booger, Colorado Derby,
Raja Baba, euthanized, 5767p.
Ralph M. Hinds Pomona
Invitational H, Rebas Gold, 5539.
Ramer, Sam, The Backstretch to
cease publication, 6666.
Ramirez, Martin, FE meet wnr,
Ramos, Jackie, opinion of Kee Sept
sale, 5345.
Rampart H, Forest Secrets, Scott
Davis on, 1462p; Forest Secrets,
Ramsey, Ken and Sarah, respect
for, Letter, 462; KTM Ownr of the
Yr, 1224; Kee spring meet leader,
2832; CD meet wnr, 3916; Kee
meet wnr, 6328; meet title wnr at
CD, 7072.
Ramsted, Russell, asst rac sec at
OP, 6480.
Rancho Bernardo H, Kalookan
Queen, 4788.
Rancho San Miguel, acquires
Richly Blended for stud, 3836;
acquires Roar for stud, 4450.
Rancour, champ for Alb, 2669.
Ryders River Ridge Farm, acquires
Time Bandit for stud, 5565.
Saarland, second in Gotham S,
Steve Haskin on, 1760p; would be
a popular wnr of Ky Derby, Ray
Paulick on, 2617; reportedly will
require surgery, 2772.
Sabertooth, Longacres Mile H,
Sabin H, Miss Linda, Scott Davis
on, 970; Miss Linda, 1020.
Sabino, white Tbds, Letters, 1258.
Sacahuista, dam of top-priced hs at
FT Sar sale, Deirdre B. Biles on,
Sacramento, 2003 rac calendar
approved, 5978; 2003 rac dates
approved, 6129.
Saddle Brook Park, ground broken
on proposed trk, 3589.
Saddleback Park, NM Rac Comm
delays trk proposals, 5016.
Sadler, Jack, exec vp of Dogwood
Stable, 7538.
Sadler, John, trnrs appointed to
TOC bd of dirs, 6367.
Sadlers Wells, tops Eng/Irish sire
list again, 319p; sires 200 sw,
David Schmitz on, 3609p; success
of, Final Turn, 3926; likes Nearco
over, Letters, 4036; Tattersalls
sale produces most expensive yrlg
at sale this yr, Deirdre B. Biles,
5634; sire of High Chaparral,
David Schmitz, 6189p; sires top
four spots in Racing Post Trophy
S, Richard Griffiths on, 6274.
Safarando, to stand at Tule Creek
Ranch, 7543.
Safely Kept H, Gold Mover, 6469.
Safely Kept S, Miss Lodi, 5249.
Saffron Dancer, Flaming Page S,
Sahadi, Jenine, on retirement of
Chris McCarron, Final Turn,
Saigon Lieutenant, FL meet wnr,
Sailor, Gulfstream Park H, 205.
Sailors Warning, to stand at
Colonial Fms, 154; dies, 5565.
Saint Ballado, sires top price at
OBSC Calder sale, Deirdre B. Biles
on, 956p; stud fee for, 5768; to
undergo surgery, 5768; euthanized, 6007.
Saint Marden, Discovery H,
Saint Verre, Cliff Hanger H,
Saito, Scott, involvement with
Make-A-Wish Foundation, 24;
Tdn honors, 2832.
Sakee, may have suffered from
recurring knee trouble, 4772.
Sakhee, on top of Internatl Class,
Mark Popham on, 520; withdrawn from King George VI and
Queen Elizabeth Diamond S,
4234; to stand at Nunnery Stud,
5047p; stud fee at Nunnery Stud,
5268; retired, to stand at Shadwell
Stud, 5767.
Sales, med policies for juv sales to
be more restrictive, Deirdre B.
Biles, 338; X-ray technology going
digital, Bldstk & Mrtks, 671; pinhooking totals from five major juv
select sales, Bldstk & Mrkts, 1313;
formation of Four Star Sales,
Taylor Made prtnr with
Savitch, Jordan, named senior vp
and gen counsel of Penn Natl
Gam, 5596.
Sawyer Media, Chris Young produces documentary about Tbd
industry, 4712.
Saxon, Terry, some mbrs of Md
Rac Comm opposed to Magna
buying Lrl and Pim, 1986.
Say Florida Sandy, 2001 NYTWA
honoree, 108; NY champ, 2074;
wins 6 1/2f allow, 3641; honored
by NYTWA, 3663.
Sayler Racing Stable, acquires
Crowning Season, 500.
Saylorville S, Sweet Nanette, 4003.
Scanlan, John, trnr of Toccet, Craig
Harzmann, 7519p.
Scatmandu, first-crop sires, Evan I.
Hammonds on, 3727.
Schapiro, John D., dies, 260; dies,
David Schmitz on, 406p; remembering, Final Turn, 450; enjoyed
article on, Letter, 906.
Schauf, Debbie, Okla rac is in the
midst of a life or death struggle,
Eric Mitchell on, 6714p.
Schenck, Cathy, Kee opens new
library, Kristin J. Ingwell, 3982p.
Schenectady Daily Gazette, NYRA
challenges story that said it lost
$11 mil, 4304.
Scherf, Chris, officer of TRA, 1668;
trks to update odds every 45 seconds, 3944; simul conference
attendees discuss offshore outlets,
rebating, television production,
Scott Davis, 5512; steps taken
against future manipulation of BC
Pick 6 with task force com, 6402;
discusses possibility of industryowned insur, Tom LaMarra on,
7353; debating rebating, Victor
Ryan, 7456.
Schertle, Ken, retires, 142.
Schickedanz, Bruno, FE meet wnr,
Schiff, Peter, ownr of Riskaverse,
Deirdre B. Biles, 5874p.
Schliep, Ti Ronda, dies, 578.
Schloessman, Carl, vp of mrkting
and sales at AP, 2832.
Schloss, Jamie, land-preservation
prog experiencing growing pains,
Schmidt, Harry, roundtable of fm
mngrs, 5352p; on panel of
Reflections, fm mngrs, part II,
5492p; on Round Table panel of
fm mngrs, part III, 5626p.
Schmidt, Hilmer, co-ownr of
Mountain Forum, Deirdre B. Biles
on, 1884.
Schmitt, Karl Jr., mngment
changes continue at CD, 7450.
Scholarship program, horse earnings fuel scholarship program,
Schonefeld, Kathleen, opinion of
Kee Sept sale, 5345.
Schulhofer, Flint Scotty, announces
retirement, 138p.
Schuylerville S, Freedoms
Daughter, Steve Haskin on, 4225;
Freedoms Daughter, 4258.
Schwartz, Barry, 2001 NYTWA
honoree, 108; OTB off mkt,
NYRA wants to talk, 1265p; VLT
plans moves ahead in NY, but
trks wary of splits, 1848; NYRA
chrmn seeks merger with
NYCOTB, 2109; NYRA gets franchise extension as part of VLT
deal, 2957p; racing laws extend-
ment, 1398.
Seven Four Seven, Autumn Leaves
H, 5683ped.
7 & 7 program, dropped except for
a few wks, 16; Ohio trks revive,
Sexton, Steve, comments on info
on BC tkts, Letters, 3938; not sure
of plans by CD to hire new pres,
6127; to head CD, 7287p.
Sexual battery, Joseph Bradley
Cathey arrested, 3814.
Outofthe-box to stand at, 3964.
Shacane, Premiers H, 6064ped.
Shadai Farm, Japan Rac Hs Assn
has highest price ever, 3945p.
Shadai Stallion Station, Kurofune
to stand at stud in Jpn, 45; to
stand at Arrowfield Stud in 2002,
3963; Sunday Silences life threatened by laminitis, 4421; death of
Sunday Silence, Barbara Bayer,
4624; War Emblem to head to
Japan after BC Classic, 5177;
Swept Overboard to stand in Jpn,
5487; War Emblem getting ready
for Jpn, 6161.
Shadayid, dies, 2735p.
Shadow Caster, to stand at
Sherwoods Fm, 6332.
Shadwell Keeneland Turf Mile S,
Landseer, Lenny Shulman, 5652;
Landseer, 5665.
Shadwell Stud, acquires Sakhee for
stud, 5767.
Shaffer, Fred, asst fm mngr for
Edward P. Evans, Steve Haskin
on, 652p.
Shakertown S, Morluc, 2350.
Sham S, U S S Tinosa, Craig
Harzmann on, 976.
Shamrock Farms, acquires Eastern
Echo for stud, 794.
Shanekite, dies, 4882.
Shanklin, William L., how difficult
to win Triple Crown, 2898.
Shapiro, Thomas, brdr of Calkins
Road, Craig Harzmann, 6418p.
Shapiro, Thomas and Deborah,
ownr/brdr of Calkins Road, Jon
White, 2632p.
Sharkey, Iowa champ, 578.
Sharkys Review, Iowa champ,
Sharp Impact, Spectacular Bid S,
Sharp, Bayard, dies, 4472p.
Shavings, alert for, HealthWatch,
Shawklit Man, Remington MEC
Mile S, 7253ped.
She Wont Tell, dies, 4132.
Shea, Jim, gives runner of Olympic
sled to Kozo Yoshida, 1560p.
HealthWatch, 4566.
Sheepshead Bay H, Tweedside,
Sheffield Farm, Meg and Mike Levy
purchase former, 4044.
Sheikh Maktoum, son dies in auto
accident, 1266.
Sheikh Mohammed, mares of being
bred to Sunday Silence, 647; to
stand Jade Robbery in Dubai,
648; leads way with TC nominees, 913; Special Eclipse Award,
Dan Liebman on, 1140p; wins
Dubai World Cup, Craig
Harzmann on, 1892p; praise for,
Letters, Gary Biszantz on, 1982;
John Ferguson key player in the
Mohammeds global operation,
Smith, Mike, 14-yr-old Raymond
Handal spends wk with, 4712p;
resurgence of career, Lenny
Shulman on, 6025; joc of Azeri,
Eric Mitchell on, 6243p; on cover,
7273p; comebacks, yr-in-review,
Steve Haskin on, 7324.
Smith, R.K., champ for Alb, 2669.
Smith, Tim, NTRA natl office to
narrow focus for phase two,
1700p; believes brand equity will
help industry, 2718p; remembering Sept. 11, Tom LaMarra on,
4892p; TOBA hopes to launch
new series, 5218; NTRA to seek
three-yr tv rights and signs with
Guinness beer, 5458; annual
NTRA Mrkting Summit and mtg,
Tom LaMarra on, 5630p; BC pick
6 wager subject of probe, 6125;
steps taken against future manipulation of BC Pick 6, 6402; taking
steps to protect bettors from computer fraud, Victor Ryan, 6584;
Univ of Arizs Symposium on
Rac, Victor Ryan on, 7352p.
Smith, William Richard WR, dies,
Smithfield, to stand at Bar 17
Stable, 6332; to stand at Bar 17
Stable, 6398.
Smithwick, Suzanne W., dies,
Smoked Em, Federico Tesio S,
Smoken Devine, to stand at Y Bar
Ranch, 5340.
Smokn Frolic, Cotillion H, Linda
Dougherty, 5647; Cotillion H,
Smollin, Barbara, on oldr sw, Ben
Hickman on, 7044p.
Smooth Jazz, Best Turn S,
1510ped; wins 7f allow, 3641.
Smullen, Pat, joc of Dress To
Thrill, Craig Harzmann, 7056p.
Snake Mountain, Stuyvesant H,
6610ped; Queens County H,
Snierson, Lynne, New Eng Turf
Writers re-elects current officers
for second term, 2360.
Snippets, dies, 724.
SNo Business, to stand at
Whitebrook Stable, 1424.
Snow Dance, Suwannee River H,
Scott Davis on, 1462p; Suwannee
River H, 1504ped.
Snow Ridge, El Conejo H, Craig
Harzmann, 196p; El Conejo H,
240ped; Palos Verdes H, Craig
Harzmann, 678p; Palos Verdes H,
710ped; wins third straight, 1458;
San Carlos H, 1497ped; dq in
Churchill Downs H, Leslie
Deckard on, 2784p; Maryland BC
H, 3027ped; retired, 3495p; to
stand at Padua Stables, 3964; to
stand at Padua Stables, 4198.
Snow, Mel, things are looking up
in British Columbia since HsT
Entertainment, Kristin Ingwell,
Snowball Flannagan, stp champ,
Snowden, Hal Jr., 2001 TOBA natl
award wnr, 4921.
Snyder, Larry, assoc steward at OP,
Society of International Thoroughbred Auctioneers, minimum stks
purse again raised for black type,
Stalls, simul problems with Tam
and hsmen, Final Turn, 1050.
Stampede Park, Horse Racing
Alberta decides against granting
long-term lic, but awards a B
license, 6666.
Stamps, Sunline and others depicted on stamp in NZ, 618; 25th
anniv of Irish stp depicted by,
Stan, early turf champion, David
Schmitz on, 5058.
Standardbred, three cos seek trk,
Standardbred program, Wo has
developed the model for the rest
of the pari-mutuel industry to follow, Ray Paulick, 3723.
Standridge, Steven, trnr of French
Satin, Dan Mearns on, 1762p.
Staples, Craig, now based at Mth,
formerly rode in Aust, 3820p.
Star Programmer, career of Gene
Palmieri, Dan Liebman on,
Star Shoot S, Platel, 2216.
Starine, BC Filly & Mare Turf, Tom
LaMarra on, 6202; ped of, Jill
Williams on, 6209p; BC wnr
expected to see more action,
6266; purchased by Newsells
Park Stud, 6574.
Starlex Farm, acquires Tejano Run,
Starlight Stable, ownr of Harlans
Holiday, Scott Davis on, 1750p.
Starrer, Bayakoa H, Lenny
Shulman, 7360; Bayakoa H,
Stars and Stripes Breeders Cup
Turf, Cetewayo, 3892ped.
Startac, Bel BC H, 5242ped.
Starting gate, races can be won or
lost at, Paul Volponi, 5502.
State-bred races, NYRA provides
incentive for open-company
races, 3812; CTBA has more
power over state-bred stks funds,
Stauffer, Vic, Calif fair circuit faces
the future, Tom LaMarra on,
Staunch Avenger, Tx Hall of Fame
nominee for 2002, 3663; recent
inductee into Tx Hs Rac Hall of
Fame, 6376p.
Stay Out Front, book excerpt from
Old Friends: Visits With My
Favorite Thoroughbreds, 4900p.
Medicine Foundation, joint
injuries in human and equine
athletes are found to have much
in common, Les Sellnow, 6582.
Steady Rollin, Sutter S, 255ped.
Steeplechase, Tony McCoy great
stp joc, Richard Griffiths on,
2120; Blythe Miller seventh joc to
win 200 American stp races,
Steeplechase Circle, ownr of
Mandys Gold, Steve Haskin on,
Steinlen H, Capsized, 6470.
Stephen Foster H, Street Cry,
Lenny Shulman on, 3520; Street
Cry, 3528.
Stephen Got Even, Stephen and
Tomisue Hilbert to disperse at
Feb sale, 290p.
Stephens, Woody, missing trophy
of discovered, 911p; TC memory,
Stephentown, wins allow, 346.
Sweetest Lady, ped of War
Emblem, David Schmitz on,
Sweetest Thing, Bewitch S, Leslie
Deckard, 2634p; Bewitch S,
2654ped; Dance Smartly H,
3902ped; retired, 4881.
Sweettrickydancer, Hol Wildcat S,
Sweetwater Promise, receives Mich
award, 7258.
Swept Overboard, Metropolitan H,
Steve Haskin on, 3122p;
Metropolitan H, 3140ped; to
stand in Jpn at Shadai Stln
Station, to run in BC Sprint,
Swerczek, Dr. Tom, two
researchers believe weather and
pasture grass caused MRLS,
Deirdre B. Biles, 5506p.
Swifty Farms, acquires Indy Mood,
Swing and Miss, rep by first wnr,
Swiss Yodeler, rep by first wnr,
2613; first crop doing well, Craig
Harzmann on, 3514p; John
Turner mngr of Pepper Oaks Fm
where Swiss Yodeler stands,
Switzer, David, loan regulations
are being drafted for MRLS, 14;
Ky hsmen near consensus on slot
revenue splits, 522; soundness
study proposed, 5015; Ky wins
the inaugural NTRA Great State
Challenge, 7184p; no link found
between abortions and mrls,
Swoons Son, nominee for Hall of
Fame, 1697.
Sword Dance, runners of doing
great, 3496.
Sword Dancer Invitational H, With
Anticipation, Mike Kane, 4474;
With Anticipation, 4484.
SWR Worldwide research firm,
consumer research study by, Ray
Paulick, 1731.
Swynford S, Added Edge, 5536.
Sycamore Breeders Cup H,
Rochester, 5656; Rochester, 5903.
Sydney Easter Yearling Sale, Hong
Kong JC and Aust auction co at
odds, 1068.
Symbol of Courage Award, Patti
Cooksey to receive Lombardi
Cancer Centers award, 5600.
Symposium on Racing, Univ of
Arizs, Victor Ryan on, 7352.
Syncline, Sussex H, 4383ped; to
stand at Crestwood Fm, 6799.
Syndicates, need for, Final Turn,
4834; how treated by industry,
Letters, 5306; need for structure
in prtnrships, Laura A. DAngelo,
Sysonby, was once considered the
racehs of the 20th century, Eliza
R.L. McGraw, 6884p.
T & L Farms, acquires Fourway
Action and Downbeat for stud,
T Js Lucky Moon, Gino Molinaro
ownr of, Ray Paulick, 3613;
Queens Plate, Jennifer MorrisonLearn, 3636p.
T.M. Opera O, to stand at East
Stud, 647.
Tactical Cat, first-crop sires, Evan I.
Theodosis, Gus, KRCs vote to reinstate lic of convicted criminal raises questions, 3811.
Therapeutic, feeding, HealthWatch,
Therapeutic drugs, Natl HBPA
wants affiliates to talk medication, 616; potential for uniform
drug policy focuses on, Tom
Consortium forms task forces,
2716; two major hsmens groups
that have floated proposals for
medication approach issue from
different directions, Tom
LaMarra, 3508; positives for,
Thermography, assessing hoof balance, HealthWatch, 3952.
Thistledown, 7 & 7 prog dropped
except for a few wks, 16; honors
meet champs, 108; honors Scott
Saito and Gary Johnson, 2832;
begins major barn construction
project, 3316; Ohio trks revive 7 &
7 prog, 4178; meet wnrs, 6328.
Thomas Edison S, Bop, 5120.
Thomas Sale Co., spring mixed
sale, 3441; summer mixed sale,
Thomas, Becky, Lakland North,
Mike Kane, 6738p.
Thomas, Eddie, helping out with
TC for Bob Baffert, Steve Haskin
on, 2986p.
Thompson, Glenn, a day in the life
of a trk, 4609p.
Thompson, Winston, has 2,000th
win, 6328.
Thornbury, Thomas J., Kees assoc
dir of sales, 3663.
Thornton Oil, to offer list of products available in CD infield for
Oaks and Derby, 2394.
Thornton, Carter, of Threave Main
Stud, Lenny Shulman on, 2028p.
Thornton, T.D., technology needs
to be advanced, Final Turn, 5574.
Thornton, Tim, opinion of Kee Sept
sale, 5345.
Association of New Jersey, elects
Michael Harrison to two-yr term
as pres, 7258.
Thoroughbred Breeders Australia,
opposes embryo-transfer foal
regis, 17.
Thoroughbred Capital Investment
Fund, NYRA gets franchise extension as part of VLT deal, 2957p.
Thoroughbred Championship Tour
series, TOBA hopes to launch
new series, 5218.
Thoroughbred Charities of
America, raises money for charity, 410; approves grant for emergency fund, 3663; to hold annual
auction of stln seasons, 6959.
Thoroughbred Club of America,
Dr. Jack K. Robbins to be honored, 4178; Dr. Jack Robbins honored guest at Testimonial Dinner,
Thoroughbred Club of America S,
French Riviera, Evan I.
Hammonds on, 6052; French
Riviera, 6056.
Thoroughbred filly, dies from
horse fever, 4044.
Association, two major hsmens
groups that have floated proposals for medication approach issue
from different directions, Tom
colt, 2140p.
Three Chimneys Farm, Seattle
Slew recuperating at, 1583;
thanks for kindness, Letters,
3582; Slew o Gold pensioned,
4735p; Fly So Free pensioned,
Three Chimneys Juvenile S,
Holiday Runner, Leslie Deckard
on, 2784; Holiday Runner, 2921.
Three Ring S, Dakota Light, 7400.
Threewitt, Noble, celebrates 91st
bday, 1321.
Thulliez, Thierry, joc of
Domedriver, Evan I. Hammonds,
Thunder Gulch, on cover, 125p;
leading sire and third-crop sire,
Evan I. Hammonds on, 158p;
covers 371 mares on shuttle
sched, 1291p; 2002 live foals
reported by stallion, Dan
Liebman on, 5358p; stud fee,
Thunderello, Gallant Bob H,
5904ped; to stand at Buck Pond
Fm, 6865.
Thunders Echo, wins mdn, 7362.
Tickets, Steve Sexton comments on
info on BC tkts, Letters, 3938; for
BC at AP, Whats, 4885.
Ticky Tacky, produces colt by
Yankee Victor, 1872p.
Tie the Knot, wins Chipping
Norton for fourth straight yr,
Tiffany Lass S, Lake Lady, Gary
McMillen, 684; Lake Lady, 716.
Tilden, Sam, rac dates and expanded gam are topics in Wash,
Kristin J. Ingwell on, 6404p.
Tiller, Bob, leading trnr in Can,
Jennifer Morrison-Learn, 6590p.
Tillman, Lewis, memories of
grooms from The Meadow, Steve
Haskin on, 350p.
Timarida, produces Sinndar colt,
Timber Bay Farm, William
Entenmann brdr of Sarava, Dan
Liebman on, 3364p.
Time Bandit, to stand at Ryders
River Ridge Fm, 5565.
Timely Action, wins mdn, 3018;
wins allow, 3518.
Timely Ruckus, champ for Alb,
Tioga Downs Race Track,
TrackPower to become trk ownr,
Tissue injuries, tending to injuries,
Bettina Cohen, 3402.
Tizalovelylady, brks mdn, 5880.
Tizbud, runs third in 6f maiden,
Tiznow, Jay Robbins learning to
live without, Craig Harzmann,
51p; 2001 NYTWA honoree, 108;
liked article on, 282p; win in BC
Classic Moment of the Yr, 766p;
2001 champ for CTBA, 1034;
Eclipse Award for oldr male,
Steve Haskin, 1108p; honored by
NYTWA, 3663; 2003 stud fee,
TNS Research, poll says interest in
rac up again, 1550.
TNT Stud, Woodman to stand at,
TOBA, survey results show need
for uniformity, 1263; 2001 natl
award wnrs, 4921; special award
wnrs and regional award wnrs
named, 5015; hopes to launch
Tbd Championship Tour, 5218; gr
U S S Tinosa, Sham S, Craig
Harzmann on, 976p.
U So Bad, to stand at Reigle Heir
Fms, 7543.
U.A.E. Derby, Essence of Dubai,
Craig Harzmann on, 1892.
U.S. Broadcasting Board of
Governors, Ken Tomlinson to
serve as chrmn, 4432.
Udouj, Irene, dies, 1954.
Ulcers, study of omeprazole,
HealthWatch, 6378.
Ulman, Lou, question of legality
whether BC Pick 6 wagers are
legal in Md, 6402.
Ultimate Female Fans, contest
wnrs, 5984.
Ultra Pick 6, BC pick 6 wager subject of probe, 6125; public confidence concerns in wake of probe
in BC, 6365; warnings about tote
companies have been ignored,
Whats, 6401; integrity and security of scandal, Victor Ryan on,
6402; question of legality whether
BC Pick 6 wagers are legal in Md,
6402; steps taken against future
manipulation of, 6402; FBI joins
investigation, 6529; unwanted
publicity from Pick 6 scandal,
Lenny Shulman on, 6536; taking
steps to protect bettors from computer fraud, Victor Ryan, 6584;
three charged with wire fraud in
investigation, 6661; policies halt
some wagers in Can, 6664; IRB
bans some bets, holds off on lic
totes, 6664; OTBs and tote cos
need oversight, 6664; need tighter
security controls, Final Turn,
6810; Giuliani Partners hired to
oversee review of electronic
wager systems, 6825; Chris Harn
pleads guilty to fraud charges in
Pick 6 scandal, 6828; IRB awaits
word on Pick 6 payments, 6828;
class-action suit against Autotote
for fraud, 6988; guilty pleas
entered in pick 6 case, 7286; Univ
of Arizs Symposium on Rac,
Unrullah Bull, Texas Mile S, Gary
West, 2638p; Texas Mile S,
Unseen Power, FL meet wnr, 6959.
Until Sundown, to stand at Wafare
Fm, 7408.
Upson Downs Farm, Sarava recuperating, 4558.
Upward fixation, gait abnormalities, HealthWatch, 3210.
Urban Dancer, WVa Sec of State H,
Uriah, Long Island H, Steve Haskin
on, 6736; Long Island H,
Uterine inflammation, understanding of, HealthWatch, 4052.
Utley, Mike and Mark, a day in the
life of a trk, 4600p.
Vacca, Ralph, apptd to Wash Hs
Rac Comm, 3199.
Vagrancy H, Xtra Heat, 3421.
Vague Memory, Chaposa Springs
H, Scott Davis, 202p; Chaposa
Springs H, 242ped.
Val Royal, wks three-eighths, 680;
retired, 2287; to stand at Odessa
Stud in SAf, 2736; to stand at
Eliza Park in Aust, 3774.
Valdivia Jr., Jose, joc for Ron
Anson, Amy Tucker on, 1466p.
Valdivieso, Jorge, has 4,000th win,
Valedictory H, Lucky Molar, 7246.
Valenzuela, Pat, makes comeback
at SA, 18p; has warm welcome
back, 73; has first stks victory in
more than two yrs, 820; receives
first race title in 11 yrs, Lenny
Shulman on, 4092p; meet champ
at Hol, 4128; wins joc title at
Dmr, 5079; wins title meet at
Dmr, 5266; comebacks, yr-inreview, Steve Haskin on, 7324.
Valhol, Whirlaway H, 1026ped;
James Jackson to call it quits,
Valid Appeal, euthanized, 153p.
Valid Expectations, leading freshman sire, Dan Liebman on, 176p.
Valid Expectations S, Prized
Amberpro, Gary West on, 3133;
Prized Amberpro, 3275.
Valid Video, Sapling S, 4496ped.
Valiramix, euthanized dur Smurfit
Champion Hurdle, 1764p.
Vallejo, 2003 rac calendar
approved, 5978; 2003 rac dates
approved, 6129.
Valley Crossing, to stand at ToothAcres Fm, 5155.
Valley Stream S, Randaroo, 6903;
Randaroo, 6947.
Valley View S, Bedanken, Evan I.
Hammonds on, 6052; Bedanken,
Valor Farm, acquires Festival of
Light, 4449; acquires Festival of
Light for stud, 5268.
Van Clief, D.G. Jr., BC in Eur a
longshot, 287p; BC bd makes
changes, one being distance of
BC juv races at AP, 1698; BC to
be held at OT for 2003, 2392p; LS
could host 2004 BC if renovations
happen, 2717p; NTRA sponsorship sales brought in house, tv
deal with ESPN finalized, 4307;
BC date at CD not a sure thing,
5013; Bel expected to be host in
2005 when event has to be
W.L. McKnight H, Profit Option,
Scott Davis, 202; Profit Option,
W.S. Cox Plate, Northerly, Peter
Tonkes, 6276.
Wade, Tom, Seattle Slew moves to
Hill n Dale Fm, future still
uncertain, 1985p; groom for
Seattle Slew, Lenny Shulman on,
2892; Seattle Slew honored at
memorial service, 4040p.
Wafare Farm, acquires Judge T C
for stud, 5565; acquires Until
Sundown for stud, 7408.
Wafare Farm S, Miss Ritz, 2535.
Wagering, gross annual wagering
report, Eric Mitchell on, 4742.
Wagering hubs, legis introduced to
authorize betting hubs in Ky,
Wagering Integrity Alliance,
Giuliani Partners hired to oversee
review of electronic wager systems, 6825.
Wagering machine, Andy Stronach
patenting new wager machine,
Wagering systems, Giuliani
Partners hired to oversee review
of electronic wager systems,
Waikato Sprint, Sunline wins, Peter
Tonkes, 973.
Wake At Noon, Briartic H,
2062ped; Jacques Cartier S,
2346ped; Vigil H, 2658ped;
Highlander H, Jennifer MorrisonLearn, 5520p; Highlander H,
5535ped; 2002 Sovereign Award
wnr, Ray Paulick on, 7190.
Walden, Ben, opinion of Kee Nov
sale, 6570.
Walden, Ben Jr., exerciser
machines used as sales prep tool,
Bettina Cohen, 3868p.
Walden, Elliott, private trnr for
WinStar Fm, 1034.
Walden, Robert Wyndham, TC
memory, 2464p.
Waldman, Ric, Gary Player wants
to win a BC race, Scott Davis on,
512p; reassessing Kee July sale,
Deirdre B. Biles on, 4219p; stud
fees figure to go down, David
Schmitz on, 5339p; lack of sire
X Country, Slipton Fell H, 3546ped;
Fall H, 5541ped.
Xaar, stln for Darley, 4585.
Xalapa Farm, Bob and Nancy
Harney purchase Mill Tract of
Xalapa Farm, 4044.
XpressBet, acct wager begins in
Calif, 613; Magna to broadcast
races on new satellite netwk, 761;
Calif doesnt seem concerned
with rac fan, Ray Paulick, 797;
acct wager in Calif after two
mths, Jack Shinar on, 1985; betting providers and Calif fairs
strike deal, 3945; Mass gets acct
wager, 4044.
X-rays, technology going digital,
Bldstk & Mrtks, 671; Hong Kong
JC and Aust auction co at odds,
1068; top-priced colt returned
after sale in Aust, 2111; Aust seriously considers repositories,
2260; vets told to examine clini-
Y Bar Ranch, acquires Smoken
Devine for stud, 5340.
Yakima Meadows, trks may be
reopened in Vermont, Wash,
Yankee Affair S, Texas Glitter,
Yankee Gentleman, promising colt,
1752; ten hs make late TC deadline, 1986p.
Yankee Victor, Ticky Tacky produces colt by, 1872p; first-crop
wnlg sires, Dan Liebman, 6720.
Yapp, Donald, dies, 4680.
Yarrow Brae, rep by first wnr,
Yasuda Kinen, Admire Cozzene,
Barbara Bayer on, 3259.
Year-in-Review, milestones, Dan
Liebman on, 7336.
Yearling market, middle mrkt
shows some signs of stability,
Whats, 4453.
Yellow Ribbon S, Golden Apples,
Craig Harzmann, 5646; Golden
Apples, 5668.
Yerba Buena Breeders Cup H, Peu
a Peu, 3030.
Yes, Ore champ, 1224.
Yes Its True, Speak Up foals colt
by, 1728p.
Yetter, Chuck, elec to bd of Iowa
HBPA, 5138.
Yonaguska, purchased by Tom
Simon to stand at Vinery, 5201;
stud fee for, 5565; new sire for
2003, David Schmitz, 7029.
Zabeel, 25th anniv of Irish stp
depicted by stamps, 2868p.
Zabenz, NY Turf Writers Cup Stp
H, 4948ped; stp champ, 7258.
Zabla International, acquires
Milkies Desire, Warrinsky, and
Back When, 724.
Zafonic, to stand at Arrowfield,
3963; dies, 5048.
Zalubil, Bruno, new officer of Turf
Publicists of America, 7412.
Zanzuccki, Frank, charges that the
NJ Tbd Hsmens Assn mismanaged hundreds of thousands of
dollars, 6533.
Zarbs Luck, La Champions Day
Sprint, Gary McMillen on, 7364.
Zast, Victor E., being an ownr,
took third try to get mare in foal,
Final Turn, 3570; remembering
the little guy, Letters, 3582.
Zavata, Tremont S, Steve Haskin
on, 3738p; Tremont S, 3756ped;
Sar Special S, 4632; Sar Special S,
Zelanda, foals first Dubai
Millennium foal, 499; produces
Dubai Millennium colt, 648p.
Zenner, Dave, new officer of Turf
Publicists of America, 7412.
Zia Park Racetrack and Casino,
racetrk in works for NM, 2714;
NM Rac Comm delays trk proposals, 5016.
Ziadie, Ralph, trnr of Sir Bear,
Scott Davis, 344p.
Zimbabwe, unrest threatens brding
industry, 4705.
Zippy Chippy, tired of hearing
about, Letter, 758.
Zito, Nick, ct upholds susp, 7290.
Zoffinger, George, progress reported by NJ hsmen to strike deal
with Standardbred industry,
Zollars, Bob, co-ownr of Private
Emblem, Evan I. Hammonds on,
Zone Judge, Play the King H,
Zonk, Affectionately H, 378ped.
Zydeco Affair, El Joven S, 4952ped;
Manila S, 6076ped.