Notes From Cruise Ship Meeting 22 Jan 15
Notes From Cruise Ship Meeting 22 Jan 15
Notes From Cruise Ship Meeting 22 Jan 15
A list of Cruise Ship visits for 2015/16 compiled by the Kimberley Ports Authority (Port of
Broome) was distributed and is being circulated with these notes.
Tour operators wanting to sell their product to cruise ship passengers need to contact either
Intercruises or Abercrombie & Kent who are the two businesses handling ships coming to
Broome. Businesses wanting contact details can get these from Gail.
The Chamber of Commerce had taken over the coordination role.
In the absence of an official Chamber representative Elizabeth Lucke provided an overview
of how this had operated.
Transfers from the ship dropped pax at the Roebuck Bay Hotel carpark they provided
shade and water and pax had access to toilets.
On certain occasions Night Markets had been held.
Broome Visitor Centre staff were on hand to provide provide information about other tour
options available.
A Welcome to Broome map was distributed.
Core costs involved $500 to volunteer groups such as Surf Lifesaving Club to provide
volunteers for meet and greet.
The Chamber had put their hand up for this coordination role because of no other interest to
do this and received $15,000 from the Shire of Broome in 2014. They had indicated to the
Shire that they could not undertake the role in 2015 with the same funding support.
Graeme Campbell confirmed the Shire had been requested to provide more funding, but with
financial pressures on the Shire and limited resources if this funding were to be increased it
would likely have to come from existing funding allocated to Australias North West/Broome
Visitor Centre. He felt there was a need for those benefitting from Cruise Ship visits to
contribute and a Working Group to be formulated to support the coordination role.
Departure time of ships may not allow for Night Markets. These seem to have been
well supported by locals rather than cruise ship pax who often return to the ship for
The Ground Handler contracts the buses and makes decisions on where pax will be
dropped. This is done via Pearl Town Bus Service and Broome Taxis. The point was
made that people are keen to hear what they can do on arrival can meet and greet
staff be put on the buses for this?
Discussion on who benefits from Cruise Ship visits. Retail business, tour operators
(mainly limited to those who are contracted to the ship), transport providers.
Why was the Roebuck Bay Hotel chosen central location, parking for buses and
willingness of the Hotel to support with water for pax etc. Roebuck Bay Hotel
indicated they are happy to continue to offer their premises in 2015.
Broome Visitor Centre was mentioned as that has been used in the past to drop pax
and was a purpose built facility with toilets, large decking space etc. Tarsh Mahar
(previous BVC Manager) indicated it had worked well and gave the opportunity for
tour operators to promote their tours to pax not booked on Shorex. There is the issue
of pax seeing information on tour product that is booked via the ship at a higher price
and this has been creating issues. Also elderly pax needing to walk from BVC to
Chinatown (which had been addressed with bus transfers available).
A free shuttle to the Museum and Sisters of St John of God Heritage Centre had
operated from Roebuck Bay Hotel (and previously from the BVC). Museum entry is
only $5 and SJOG Heritage Centre free, so good attractions for pax.
Pearl Town Bus Service run their regular service every 15 minutes allowing pax to
transfer to Cable Beach and distributing them around town.
Need to look at the demographics of each individual ship. The money they spend in
town will be dependent on whether an International or Australian ship, age of the pax,
how long it has been since last Port and where previous/next stop is. Can be a
challenge for retailers, when the ship is going through to Bali for example.
Pax are not always happy with the process of getting off the ship. There are often
delays with this. Passengers on Shorex will get priority and other pax may wait a
considerable length of time to get off. This is an issue for the ship/ground handler not
with the provision of transfer services and access in Broome.
Retail it was noted that shops dont always open because they dont feel they will
get enough business and this is detrimental to the picture we present. We need to
have wide community support to present a worthwhile picture of Broome as an eager,
vibrant town.
Goolarri mentioned they could do a Taste of Broome type event, but this would be at
Goolarri and could pull pax away from Chinatown/Cable Beach.
Noted it was difficult to provide any meet and greet at gangway pax are wanting to get to
town as quickly as possible and security conditions at the Port limit access without MSIC
Card. It was stressed security regulations are enforced by the Office of Transport and
Security (OTS) and not flexible.
Despite pressure on the Port from general business including increasing Oil & Gas, cruise
ships get priority for berthing as booked 2 years in advance.
Question was raised as to whether Port can be handle bigger ships. Would need a
$300million expansion, which has been proposed to expand Port capabilities.
It was raised that Ports such as Geraldton, support with funds for each visit. No written
request has been made to the Port for funding to support visits and this would need to be
made in an official proposal.
FIRST VISIT 26 March Pacific Jewel.
Would need to establish what Ground Handler has committed to in terms of transfers etc.
Shire of Broome, Broome Visitor Centre, Chamber of Commerce, Roebuck Bay Hotel
expressed interest in being involved.
Further expressions of interest after the meeting have been received from :
Pearl Town Bus Service Melissa McDougall
Broome Taxis Shayne Murray
Yawuru Maggie MacFie
Willie Creek Pearls Paul Birch
Ozbrero Fiona Sharpe
A meeting would need to be held in the near future to formulate a strategy for welcoming the
ships (meet and greet location and facilities etc.) and determining the level of support that
would be provided (would this be subject to the level of spend anticipated for example).
Shire can provide a venue for the meetings.
Other parties interested in being in the Working Group, please email
[email protected] .
A meeting date will be set and advised to interested parties.