AJAXweb Yenyewe Important Notes

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Advantages of Web Applications Over desktop

Web applications are easy and inexpensive to deliver. With web applications, a company can reduce the costs
of the IT department that is in charge of installing the software on the users' machines. With web
applications, all that users need is a computer with a working web browser and an Internet or intranet
Web applications are easy and inexpensive to upgrade. Maintenance costs for software have always been
significant. Because upgrading an existing piece of software is similar to installing a new one, the web
applications' advantages mentioned above apply here as well. As soon as the application on the server
machine is upgraded, everyone gets the new version.
Web applications have flexible requirements for the end users. Just have your web application installed on
a serverany modern operating system will doand you'll be able to use it over the Internet/Intranet on
any Mac, Windows, or Linux machine and so on. If the application is properly built, it will run equally well
on any modern web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Safari.
Web applications make it easier to have a central data store. When you have several locations that need
access to the same data, having all that data stored in one place is much easier than having separate
databases in each location. This way you avoid potential data synchronization operations and lower security

HTTP is supported by all web browsers, and it does very well the job it was
conceived forretrieving simple web content. Whenever you request a web page
using your favorite web browser, the HTTP protocol is assumed. So, for example,
when you type www.mozilla.org in the location bar of Firefox, it will assume by
default that you meant http://www.mozilla.org.
The standard document type of the Internet is HyperText Markup Language (HTML), and
it is built of markup that web browsers understand, parse, and display. HTML is a language
that describes documents' formatting and content, which is basically composed of static text
and images.
Web Client

Client request index.html(html) via http

Web Server

Web server replies by sending back the content of index.html

N.B HTTP transactions always happen between a web client (the software making the request, such as a web
browser) and a web server (the software responding to the request, such as Apache or IIS).
2. The user is the person using the client.
3. Even if HTTP (and its secure version, HTTPS) is arguably the most important protocol
used on the Internet, it is not the only one. Various kinds of web servers use different
protocols to accomplish various tasks, usually unrelated to simple web browsing.

The technologies that enable the Web to act smarter are grouped in the following two main
Client-side technologies enable the web client to do more interesting things than displaying static documents.
Usually these technologies are extensions of HTML, and don't replace it entirely.
Server-side technologies are those that enable the server to store logic to build web pages on the fly.

PHP and Other Server-Side Technologies

Server-side web technologies enable the web server to do much more than simply returning the requested
HTML files, such as performing complex calculations, doing object-oriented programming, working with
databases, and much more.
E.G Just imagine how much data processing Amazon must do to calculate personalized product
recommendations for each visitor, or Google when it searches its enormous database to serve your request.
Yes, server-side processing is the engine that caused the web revolution, and the reason for which Internet
is so useful nowadays.
Examples of server-side scripting langage include; PHP,ASP.NET (Active Server Pages, the web
development technology from Microsoft), Java Server Pages (JSP), Perl, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails,
and others.

JavaScript and Other Client-Side Technologies

The various client-side technologies differ in many ways, starting with the way they get loaded and executed by the
web client. JavaScript is a scripting language, whose code is written in plain text and can be embedded into HTML
pages to empower them. When a client requests an HTML page, that HTML page can contain JavaScript. JavaScript
is supported by all modern web browsers without requiring users to install new components on the system.
JavaScript is a language in its own right (theoretically it isn't tied to web development), it's supported by most web
clients under any platform, and it has some object-oriented capabilities. JavaScript is not a compiled language so it's
not suited for intensive calculations or writing device drivers and it must arrive in one piece at the client browser to
be interpreted so it is not secure either,
AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX can be read "empowered
JavaScript", because it essentially offers a technique for client-side JavaScript to make
background server calls and retrieve additional data as needed, updating certain portions of
the page without causing full page reloads.
An example of Ajax call

User (Web client)

(Web server)Server executes

the php page a html response

Client request a php page

response containing Html and Javascript

Javascript code makes invisible call to server

Server replies by sending the
requested data

javascript updates the web page

using this data

AJAX is about reaching a better balance between client functionality and server
functionality when executing the action requested by the user. Up until now, client-side
functionality and server-side functionality were regarded as separate bits of functionality
that work one at a time to respond to user's actions. AJAX comes with the solution to balance
the load between the client and the server by allowing them to communicate in the
background while the user is working on the page.
AJAX is made of the following:
JavaScript is the essential ingredient of AJAX, allowing you to build the client-side functionality. In your
JavaScript functions you'll make heavy use of the Document Object Model (DOM) to manipulate parts of
the HTML page.
The XMLHttpRequest object enables JavaScript to access the server asynchronously, so that the user can
continue working, while functionality is performed in the background. Accessing the server simply means
making a simple HTTP request for a file or script located on the server. HTTP requests are easy to make
and don't cause any firewall-related problems.
A server-side technology is required to handle the requests that come from the JavaScript client. In this book
we'll use PHP to perform the server-side part of the job.
AJAX brings you the following potential benefits when building a new web application:
It makes it possible to create better and more responsive websites and web applications.
Because of its popularity, it encourages the development of patterns that help developers avoid reinventing the
wheel when performing common tasks.
It makes use of existing technologies.
It makes use of existing developer skills.
Features of AJAX integrate perfectly with existing functionality provided by web browsers (say, redimensioning the page, page navigation, etc).
Common scenarios where AJAX can be successfully used are:
Enabling immediate server-side form validation, very useful in circumstances when it's unfeasible to transfer
to the client all the data required to do the validation when the page initially loads. Chapter 4 contains a
form validation case study.
Creating simple online chat solutions that don't require external libraries such as the Java Runtime Machine or
Flash. You'll build such a program in Chapter 5.
Building Google Suggest-like functionality, like an example you'll build in Chapter 6.
More effectively using the power of other existing technologies. In Chapter 7, you'll implement a real-time
charting solution using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and in Chapter 10, you'll use an external AJAX
library to create a simple drag-and-drop list.

Coding responsive data grids that update the server-side database on the fly. You'll create such an application
in Chapter 8.
Building applications that need real-time updates from various external sources. In Chapter 9, you'll create a
simple RSS aggregator.

Potential problems with AJAX are:

Because the page address doesn't change while working, you can't easily bookmark AJAX-enabled pages. In
the case of AJAX applications, bookmarking has different meanings depending on your specific
application, usually meaning that you need to save state somehow (think about how this happens with
desktop applicationsthere's no bookmarking there).
Search engines may not be able to index all portions of your AJAX application site.
The Back button in browsers, doesn't produce the same result as with classic web applications, because all
actions happen inside the same page.
JavaScript can be disabled at the client side, which makes the AJAX application non-functional, so it's good to
have another plan in your site, whenever possible, to avoid losing visitors.

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