01 Feam Introduzione Eng

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FEAM Introduction

Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment

FEAM Introduction

The electrical safety equipment and their accessories that are manufactured by FEAM are used in areas in which an explosive
atmosphere may form in such quantities as to require special safety measures for safeguarding the health and safety of the workers concerned. The flammable and/or combustible substances must be considered to be substances that may form an explosive
atmosphere unless an examination of their properties establishes that they are unable to cause an explosion independently, even if
they form a mixture with air. Areas at risk from explosions are divided into zones on the basis of the frequency and duration of the
presence of explosive atmospheres.
Choosing the best mode of protection and determining the hazardous areas inside plants is neither easy or immediate. Thorough
familiarity with current standards is in fact required. We have therefore decided to use these introductory pages to provide a short
guide to dealing with the problem and finding other sources of information.

Explosive atmospheres (definition)

From standard IEC 60050-426:2008-02: mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form
of gas, vapour, dust, fibres, or flying which, after ignition, permits self-sustaining propagation. Using this definition we can divide
explosive atmospheres into two large groups: those that have gases as fuel and those that have dusts (granulometry up to 500 m).
Combustion is a chemical reaction that entails oxidation of a fuel by an oxidizing agent (which is in general the oxygen in the air),
with development of heat and electromagnetic radiation, often also including luminous radiation.
More strictly speaking, combustion is a type of exothermic oxidoreduction in as much as one compound oxidizes whilst another one
is reduced (in the case of hydrocarbons the carbon oxidizes and the oxygen is reduced) with a release of energy and formation of
new compounds, mainly carbon dioxide and water.
For a reaction like this to happen, must be present, contemporary and in the right proportions, 3 (three) main components:
The fuel may be of various types, e.g.: hydrocarbons, lumber or coal. the oxidizing agent par excellence is the oxygen present in
the air.
The fuel and the oxidizing agent must be of appropriate proportions to ensure
that combustion takes place within the so-called flammability range.
The flash point can be, for example, a source of heat or a spark. The flash point
is the activation energy that is required by the molecules of reagents to start the
reaction and must be supplied from the exterior energy released by the reaction
that enables the reaction to sustain itself without the addition of external energy.
In order to be able to accelerate combustion, turbulence can be used to increase
the mixing between fuel and the oxidizing agent, thus accelerating combustion.
Explosion is very rapid combustion that occurs at atmospheric pressure and the
pressure must be confined in a volume in order for the explosion to occur.
There are also substances that under certain conditions may explode spontaneously without energy input, however, this is beyond the scope of the publication that examines only the prevention and protection of explosions triggered by
electrical equipment.
To get an explosion with well defined energy of ignition, Fuel and Oxidizing
should form an EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE, or a mixture where the concentration of
hazardous substance is :
- Higher than the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)
- Lower than Upper Explosion Limit (UEL)
Otherwise the trigger for that explosion on the ignition energy can not be done by :
- lack of fuel (concentration less than LEL)
- lack of Oxidizing (concentration greater than UEL)
EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE is defined by the presence of gas mixture in the air of a flammable substance (gas or vapor form) in normal
atmospheric conditions, in which after ignition, combustion spreads to the unburned mixture. A mixture having a concentration
greater than the Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) is not an explosive atmosphere but can easily become such, therefore, for classification
purposes, you should consider it as such explosive atmosphere.
Places where there are atmospheres, with regard to electrical installations, are defined as areas at risk, or as AREAS WITH DANGER
OF EXPLOSION. The electrical equipment that is intended, therefore, must comply with specific and clearly defined regulations and
be certified as suitable for use by special Notified Bodies.

Since 1961


Feam Catalogue 01/2010 - I

FEAM Introduction

Classification of hazardous areas

One of the users tasks is to classify hazardous areas. There are currently two technical standards: one of which relates to GASES and
the other to DUSTS. Hazardous areas are classified in zones according to the frequency and duration of an explosive atmosphere
consisting of combustible gas or dusts in the form of a cloud.
In Europe and at the international level the following applies to Group II:



Zone 0

A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture

with air of flammable substances
in the form of gas, vapour or mist
is present continuously or for long
periods or frequently

Zone 20

A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of

combustible dust in air is present
continuously, or for long periods or

Zone 1

A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with

air or flammable substances in the
form of gas, vapour or mist is likely
to occur in normal operation occasionally.

Zone 21

A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is likely to occur
in normal operation occasionally.

> 1.000 h/year

Zone 2

A place in which an explosive atmosphere

consisting of a mixture with air of the form
of gas, vapour or mist is not likely to occur
in normal operation but, if it does occur,
will persist for a short period only.

Zone 22

A place in which an explosive atmosphere

in the form of a cloud of combustible dust
in air is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a
short period only.

10 1.000 h/year

0,1 10 h/year

In North America, article 500 of the National Electrical Code is the reference and the following applies:

Zone 0

A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture

with air of flammable substances
in the form of gas, vapour or mist
is present continuously or for long
periods or frequently.

Zone 1

A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with

air or flammable substances in the
form of gas, vapour or mist is likely
to occur in normal operation occasionally.

Zone 2

Class I, Division 1

Zone 20

A place in which an explosive atmosphere

consisting of a mixture with air of the form
of gas, vapour or mist is not likely to occur
in normal operation but, if it does occur,
will persist for a short period only.

Class I, Division 2

> 1.000 h/year

10 1.000 h/year

0,1 10 h/year

A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of

combustible dust in air is present
continuously, or for long periods or

A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is likely to occur
in normal operation occasionally.

A place in which an explosive atmosphere

in the form of a cloud of combustible dust
in air is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a
short period only.

Zone 21

Zone 22

Class II, Division 1

> 1.000 h/ year

Class II, Division 2

10 1.000 h/ year

0,1 10 h/ year

Gases classification
Explosive characteristics peculiar to each substance. The safety requirements for electrical equipment and systems can be tailored
according to the nature of hazardous substances into the atmosphere where the application is expected. The gases and vapors are therefore divided into groups based on well-defined parameters (Maximum Experimental Safe MESG interstitium, and Minimum Ignition
Current MIC). Gas groups and their description will become part of the marks of an electrical safety.
The classified combustible gases set out in document IEC 60079-20-1:
2010-01 (Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 20: Data for flammable gases and vapours, relating to the use of
electrical apparatus) are approximately 300:
Gas Groups Comparison

1 - group I
230 - group IIA
65 - group IIB
5 - group IIC





(hydrogen / acetylene)


The temperature class

The temperature class is the maximum temperature, surface or absolute, depending on the mode protection, that the equipment can
reach during the operations for which its category is designed.
The less the equipment heat up the less likely it is that they may cause explosions. It should be remembered that most gases have an
ignition temperature above 200-250 C (T3).
The temperature class joins marks of an electrical safety.
A comparison between European/International temperature classes and North American temperature classes is set out below.
Group II.
Since 1961

II - Feam Catalogue 01/2010


FEAM Introduction

The temperature class










Must be > 450C




Must be > 300C




Must be > 280C




Must be > 260C




Must be > 230C




Must be > 215C






Must be > 180C




Must be > 165C








Must be > 200C


Must be > 160C


Must be > 135C


Must be > 120C




Must be > 100C




Must be > 85C

Methods of protection
The types of protection are techniques that are provided by the harmonised standards in order to meet the Essential Health and
Safety Requirements. These techniques play on the fact that if only one of the elements is removed that constitute the explosion
pentagon the explosion cannot occur. Thus by limiting energy (intrinsic safety), limiting heat (increased safety, constructional safety),
by removing the fuel (pressurization, immersion in liquid, encapsulation), by containing the explosion (flameproof enclosures), the
objective is achieved.
The description of the type of protection that a specific electrical equipment has been constructed, appears in its marks of
safety electrical equipment.
I Principi dei modi di protezione sono :
It is the only technique that allows the explosion to happen, but in a confining space clear and prevent its spread in the surrounding
atmosphere. (Example: Type d)
It is the technique is physically separate or isolate the electrical parts and / or hot surfaces explosive atmosphere. (Example: Type
p Type q Type o Type m)
The characteristic of this technique is to limit the heat or electricity at levels not dangerous even in adverse circumstances. (Example:
Type e Type i Type n)
This technique is related to production procedures other than those listed above, such as combining multiple protection methods
applied jointly in order to achieve a high safety factor.
(Example: Type s)

Protection methods table






A type of protection in which the parts which can

ignite an explosive atmosphere are placed in an enclosure, which can withstand the pressure developed
mixture and which prevents the transmission of the
explosion to the explosive atmosphere surrounding
the enclosure.

Switchgear, control and indicating

equipment, control boards, motors,
transformers, light fi ttings
and other spark-producing parts.

A type of protection in which the entry of a surrounding atmosphere into the enclosure of the electrical
apparatus is prevented by maintaining inside the said
enclosure a protective gas (air, inert or other suitable
gas) at a higher pressure than that of the surrounding
atmosphere. The overpressure is maintained either
with or without continuous flow of the protective gas

As above, but especially for large

equipment and complete rooms

A type of protection in which the enclosure of electrical apparatus is filled with a material in a finely granulated state so that, in the intended conditions of service,
any arc occuring within the enclosure of an electrical
apparatus will not ignite the surrounding atmosphere.
No ignition shall be caused either by flame or by excessive temperature of the surfaces of the enclosure.

Transformers, capacitors,
heater strip connection boxes,
electronic assemblies

Since 1961


Feam Catalogue 01/2010 - III

FEAM Introduction

Tabella dei modi di protezione



A type of protection in which the electrical
apparatus or parts of the electrical apparatus are
immersed in oil in such a way that an explosive
atmosphere, which may be above the oil or outside the enclosure cannot be ignited .





(only used rarely now)

A type of protection in which measures are

applied so as to prevent with a higher degree of
security the possibility of excessive temperatures
and of the occurrence of arcs or sparks in the
interior and on the external parts of electrical
apparatus, which does not produce them in normal service

Terminal and connection boxes, control boxes

housing Ex-modules (of a different type of
protection) squirrel cage motors, light fittings

A type of protection in which the electrical apparatus

contains intrinsically safe circuits, which are incapable
of causing am explosion in the surrounding atmosphere. A circuit or part of a circuit is intrinsically safe, when
no spark or any thermal effect in this circuit, produced
in the test conditions prescribed in the standard (which
include normal operation and specific fault conditions)
is capable of causing ignition..

Measurement equipments
Control and signaling equipment.

A type of protection in which the parts which

can ignite an explosive atmosphere are enclosed
in a resin sufficiently resistant to environmental
influences in such a way that this explosive atmosphere cannot be ignited by either spar- king
or heating, which may occur within the encapsulation.

Only small capacity swichgear, control gear,

indicating equipment, sensors

The electrical parts are incapable of causing an

explosion in normal operation.

Any type of electrical apparatus (electronic

circuits, motors, control boards, etc.).

IP protection degrees for enclosures

References: UTE C20-010 EN 50014

References: IEC 529 CEI 70-1 UTE C20-010 DIN 40050

1 number
Protection against solid bodies

3 number
Protection against impact

2 number
Protection against liquids

No protection

No protection

No protection

Protected against solid

bodies larger than 50 mm
(e.g.: accidental contact
with the hand

Protected against
vertically-falling drops of
water (condensation)

Impact Energy 0.225


Protected against solid

bodies larger than 12,5
mm (e.g.: finger of the

Protected against drops

of water falling at up to
15 from the vertical

Impact Energy 0.375


Protected against solid

bodies larger than 2.5
mm (e.g.: tools, wires)

Protected against drops

of rain water at up to 60
from the vertical

Impact Energy 0.500


Protected against solid

bodies larger than 1 mm
(fine tools and small

Protected against
projections of water
from all directions

Protected against dust

(no harmful deposit)

Protected against jets of

water from all directions

Protected against
dust completely

Protected against jets of

water from all directions

Protected against the

effects of Immersion

52,5 mm

52,5 mm

2,5 mm

1 mm

Protected against prolonged effects of immersion

under pressure

Impact Energy 2.00


Impact Energy 6.00


Impact Energy 20.00


Since 1961

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FEAM Introduction

94/9/EC (ATEX 95) Directive

Directive 94/9/EC of March 23, 1994, is one of the Community directives of the new approach. The ATEX 95 could be applied from
1 March 1996 under the coexistence with the directives of the old approach (Directives 76/117/EEC, 79/196/EEC, 82/130/EEC and its
amendments) and this phase ended 30 June 2003, when the directives of the old approach has been repealed, so from July 1, 2003 may
be marketed only those products that meet the requirements of the ATEX 95
The Directive applies to:
- apply to the Electrical Equipment or Protective Systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
- surface areas (Group II) and underground mining (Group I)
- in the presence of mixtures of gases, mists, vapors (as in the previous Directive) and combustible dusts
- also applies to safety devices, monitoring and control to be used outside of a potentially explosive atmosphere, but necessary or
useful for the safe operation of materials for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (devices Article . 1, para 2)
ATEX 95 Directive :
- adopt new criteria for classification of equipment depending on the criticality, and in connection therewith, shall establish procedures
for assessing conformity
- fixing the Essential Health and Safety, addressing risk analysis, not only to those of electrical but also mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic static, and so on..
The ATEX 95 excludes from its scope :
- Equipment for medical use
- Equipment in the presence of explosives or chemically unstable
- Domestic appliances
- Personal protective equipment (Directive 89/686/EEC)
- Ships and mobile offshore units, including facilities on board
- Means of transport, except those used in explosive atmospheres
- Equipment for military use only
The Directive provides the following breakdown for the Classification of Equipment
Group I - Products which are intended for use in mines and plants in their area.
Group II - Products whose use is expected to sites on the surface with explosive atmospheres.
The products are then divided in groups as follows :
Category M1 - Devices that provide a very high level of protection, they must be connected with network (power supplied) in the
presence of explosive atmosphere.
Category M2 - Devices provide a high level of protection, for they shall be able to disconnected the power supply in the presence of
explosive atmosphere.
Category 1 - Devices that provide a very high level of protection, they are intended to places where there is always or for long periods,
an explosive atmosphere.
Category 2 - Devices that provide a high level of protection, they are intended to places where there is the likely development of
explosive atmosphere.
Category 3 - Appliances that provide a normal level of protection, they are intended to places where there is little likelihood of explosive developments.

99/92/EC (ATEX 137) Directive

Directive 99/92/EC of 16 December 1999, is one of the EU Directive social.
The ATEX 137 should be applied:
- for plants built after July 1, 2003: In addition to the measures set out in Annex II Part A describes the criteria for selection of equipment
according to ATEX marked the division of areas in accordance with Annex I, including the identification and classification (Annex II, Part
A and B);
- for plants already in existence on June 30, 2003: provides organizational measures such as training and information, and protection
against explosions including coordination between the installations, equipment and all connecting devices (Annex II A) for everything
as of June 30, 2003 was having to be replaced, the replacement could be made before June 30, 2006.
The Directive applies to:
- Apply in places where workers may be at risk from explosive atmospheres;
The ATEX 137 excludes from its scope:
- Areas used directly for the medical treatment of patients
- The use of gas appliances (Directive 90/396/EEC)
- Production, handling, storage, use, transport of explosives or chemically unstable
- Mining and quarrying of minerals (Directives 92/91/EEC and 92/104/EEC)
- Means of transport, except those used in explosive atmospheres

Since 1961


Feam Catalogue 01/2010 - V

FEAM Introduction

The certification of a product (a term used to describe a process or service) is a means to ensure that it conforms to a specific technical
standard or other normative documents. Some product certification systems may provide initial tests on the product and supplier quality
system assessment, followed by surveillance system for factory and laboratory testing of samples taken at the factory and the market.
Other systems are based on initial testing, and monitoring, while others rely exclusively on type testing
In the case of Directive 94/9/EC can define two levels of certification :
- The certification issued by the producer, otherwise known as self-certification, scheduled for the equipment group II, category 3;
- The certification issued by a Notified Body, otherwise known as certification of Part III, scheduled for most of the cases.
In the first case, the manufacturer of certification coincides with the EC declaration of conformity, and is released after both the phases,
design and manufacturing have been successful. In the second, for most products, certification issued by the Notified Body is to separate
the two phases mentioned above, a document for each phase :
- Certificate of EC type examination, which actually sound design from the standpoint EX;
- Notification of the guarantee of product quality or production, which in fact testifies that the manufacturer, through a management
system ensures that products are manufactured in accordance with the approved design.
Regarding the design, Feam has dozens of EC type examination certificates obtained during its fifty activities in Ex applications, which are
constantly updated with new pieces of legislation representing the state of the art in the prevention and protection of the explosions.
Regarding the production instead Feam got served with the quality assurance of products issued by CESI, notified body No. 0722, this
number is put on the plate products in the vicinity of the
Our notification of guarantee is CESI 09 ATEX 055Q.

Examples of marking Ex equipment

Electric Equipment: Group II - Category 2G, for Example a Junction Box






CE marking of conformity

identification number of the Notified Body responsible for surveillance equipment on the production of ATEX

Community specific hallmark of explosion protection

marcatura ATEX
II: gruppo di apparecchi - componente idoneo ad essere installato in luoghi di superficie
2G: categoria componente idoneo ad essere installato in luoghi in cui, durante le normali attivit, vi la probabilit che si manifestino atmosfere esplosive dovute a gas, vapori o
nebbie (zona 1); idoneo ad essere istallato in zona 1 ed in zona 2.

Ex : Explosion protection
e : type of protection increased safety
II: A device capable of being installed in places of surface
T5: temperature class - from the apparatus to reach maximum temperature (100 [C])

Electric Equipment: Group II - Category 2D, for example an unit of command and control






IP66/67 T108C

CE marking of conformity

identification number of the Notified Body responsible for surveillance equipment on the production of ATEX

Community specific hallmark of explosion protection

ATEX marking
II: Equipment group - component may be installed in places of surface
2D: category - component may be installed in places where, during normal activity, there is the likelihood that explosive atmospheres caused by mixtures of air and combustible dust
(zone 21), suitable to be installed in Zone 21 and Zone 22.

Ex: Explosion protection

tD: type of protection by enclosures
A: test method
21: Suitable to be installed in Zone 21 and Zone 22

IP66: degree of protection against the effects of spray

IP67: degree of protection against the effects of immersion
T108 C: Maximum surface temperature

Electric Equipment: Group II - Category 2 (1) G: for example an unit of command and control







CE marking of conformity

identification number of the Notified Body responsible for surveillance equipment on the production of ATEX

Community specific hallmark of explosion protection

ATEX marking
II: group equipment - equipment suitable to be installed in places of surface
2 (1) G : Category - equipment suitable to be installed in places where, during normal activity, there is the likelihood that explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapors or mists
(zone 1), capable of being installed in the area 1 and Zone 2; inside there is a device that interfaces associated with the zone 0.

ATEX marking - protection method

Ex: Explosion protection
d: of protection flameproof
[Ia]: equipment associated with Intrinsic Safety category a
IIB: A device capable of being installed in places of surface - gas subgroup B, suitable also for the subgroup of gas A
T6: temperature class - maximum surface temperature reached from the apparatus (85 [ C]).
Since 1961

VI - Feam Catalogue 01/2010


FEAM Introduction

Other certification schemes


Ever since the early years of the 21st century, outside the European Union, an international voluntary certification scheme has been
increasingly asserting itself: it is the IEC-Ex scheme (http://www.iecex.com/). Based on its philosophy, this scheme is very similar to that
of Directive 94/9/ EC and provides for control over both design (Ex-TR) and manufacturing (QAR) by a Certification Body qualified by
this scheme; with these two documents, it is possible to apply for the certificate of conformity (CoC). This scheme, as well as its results
(certificates), is acknowledged by an increasing number of States at an international level.


The regulatory framework in Russia is very different from the European context, in which we are used to get by with agility. Whereas in
the EU the mutual acknowledgement principle applies and compulsory certification (CE marking) is only requested for certain families
of products which are either dangerous or associated with serious risks, in Russia, based on law no. 508 of 22 July, 1992 concerning the
protection of consumers rights, most of the products that are meant for marketing on the Federation markets must be certified to assess
product compliance with Russian national standards. Since the task of checking imported goods based on safety and quality indexes does
not fall within the direct province of the customs organs, the latter merely check on the existence and genuineness of the documents
certifying the properties of imported products. According to the system governing customs control over the safety of goods, the main
document is the certificate of conformity issued as part of the compulsory GOST R certification system; another fundamental document
is the employment permit issued by Rostechnadzor (RTN). GOST stands for Gosudarstvennyj Standart (State Standard in Russian). This
national certification system was introduced to protect public health and to ensure the safety and quality of imported goods, which have
flooded the domestic markets of the countries of the former ex-USSR. The products bearing the GOST-R marking prove that they meet
the applicable standards and have received a GOST R certificate from an accredited certification office.
Goods can therefore only be cleared by customs if they are provided with this certification issued by an official Russian body credited
by Gosstandart; the certificate of conformity must be produced together with the customs bill of entry, and represents the fundamental
document to allow goods to access the customs territory of the Russian Federation.
Shipments bearing the official copy of the certificate will be cleared by customs and will be accepted by the Russian buyer. For many
goods intended for industrial areas within the Russian territory, which are potentially dangerous and comprise EX equipment, an additional permit is required. Among such permits is the Rostechnadzor (RTN), issued by the Federal Service for Ecology, Technology and
Nuclear Surveillance. This permit is required to indicate that the potentially dangerous equipment meets the Russian safety standards
and can be operated without risk. All items handling oil, natural gas or other high pressure/high temperature fluids automatically fall
within this category, as they are deemed to be dangerous fluids employed in dangerous activities. The permit is requie in order to run
the equipment or the plant. Without it, the plant cannot receive the authorization. As a rule, the necessary calculations are carried out,
including a review of the maintenance and repair procedures, a review of control systems, hydraulic tests, non-destructive tests, etc; a
review of the possible environmental impact, such as discharges, fluid waste leaks, etc., is also carried out. The validity period for using
the permit, according to Russian law, is 5 years. In order to obtain the employment permit, technical passports and instruction manuals
in Russian are also required.


To ensure that the goods comply with the GOS STANDARD requirements of Kazakhstan, an assessment and registration process is also
carried out and, once this has been successfully completed, a Certificate of Conformity or GOST K Certificate is issued. The GOST K Certificate states that the goods meet the appropriate Russian codes and standards and may be imported into the Republic of Kazakhstan and
used there. Government regulation no. 367 of 20 April 2005 includes a list of the goods and applicable rate codes subject to compulsory
certification. As a rule, this list is significantly shorter than the one existing in Russia. A GOST K Certificate of Conformity can be issued by
the certification organs credited by Gosstandard in Kazakhstan.
The GOST-K Certification process is basically the same as the certification process in Russia; there are three types of certificate:
- certificate for individual use (basic batch): for the purposes of this certificate, the product importer indicated on the certificate must
be a Kazakhstan company. The certificate must specify the importers name, place of production, HS codes (customs rate numbers) of
the product, contract date and number. It can only be used once and only for a specific Kazakhstan importer.
- series production certificate (1 year): this is issued based on samples and documents, without an experts visit, and its period of validity is 1 year. These certificates need to be updated after their expiry.
- series production certificate (3 years): this is issued for series production, to cover a three year period after an experts visit. For this
certificate, the regulations require that a surveillance visit is conducted on an annual basis.

Risk analysis
Risk analysis is a fundamental process for understanding if we are inside or outside the problem. This process consists of evaluating,
depending on the required level of protection (normal, high, very high), whether the appliance has its own potential sources of ignition
that are able to cause an explosion. Thus if the analysis shows that our equipment, in the various types of operation required, does not
have its own potential sources of ignition we are outside the scope of the Directive; on the other hand, we must take measures to ensure
that its own potential sources of ignition do not become effective. Risk analysis is normally constituted by the following four logic phases :
1) Hazard identification: systematic procedure aimed at identifying all dangers associated with the product. After identifying an hazard,
it is possible to change the design to minimise the hazard, regardless of whether the degree of risk has been estimated. If the hazard
is not identified, it will not be possible to eliminate it during the design phase.
2) Hazard estimation: determining the probability that the identified hazards could occur and the level of seriousness of possible
damages arising from the considered hazards.
3) Hazard evaluation: comparison of the estimated risk and the criteria that enable us to decide whether the risk is acceptable or when
the designof the product needs to be modified to reduce the risk in question.
Since 1961


Feam Catalogue 01/2010 - VII

FEAM Introduction

Risk analysis
4) Analysis of the hazard-reduction options: the last phase of the risk analysis is the process of identifying, selecting and modifying
variations to the project to reduce the overall risk arising from the products. Although it is always simple to reduce risks further, they
can rarely be reduced to zero without eliminating the activities
The following potential sources of ignition must be considered:
hot surfaces
flames and hot gases (including hot particles)
mechanically generated sparks
electric apparatus
stray electric currents, protection against cathode corrosion
static electricity
electromagnetic waves
ionizing radiation
adiabatic compression and shock waves
exothermic reactions, including self-ignition of dusts Directive

Declaration of conformity
The EC declaration of conformity is the formal and final step which FEAM says in front of the EU single market, to have complied with
the Essential Health and Safety of all Community directives applicable to your products.
Our EC declarations of conformity are prepared considering the following legislative and regulatory references:
- Annex III EC Declaration of Conformity to the Decision No. 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 9 July 2008
on a common framework for the marketing of products and repealing Decision 93/465/EEC (G.U.U.E. Series L, No. 218, 13/08/2008);
- Annex X sec. B content of the EC declaration of conformity and Directive 94/9/EC ATEX 95
- Technical standard ISO/IEC 17050-1 and 17050-2 Conformity Assessment - Declaration of conformity issued by the supplier nitore

Instruction for use and maintenance

The instructions are the means for transmitting user information on how to use product correctly and safely, the instructions are part of
the supply of the product.
Our instructions are written considering the following legislative and regulatory references:
- annexe II par. 1.0.6 istruzioni per luso Directive 94/9/CE ATEX 95
- technical note IEC 62079 preparazione di istruzioni struttura, contenuto e presentazione

In Europe the standards are prepared on behalf of the European Commission to individual standards bodies. Although not required their
use, they simplify the procedures for verification of compliance as they constitute a presumption of conformity to the requirements
of the Directive for which they were created.
Periodically, the list of rules that meet the criteria of each Directive is published by notice in the Official Journal of the European Union,
series C.
The technical standards are evolving to keep pace with the knowledge you acquire at the state of the art in a given field.
Actually, for Ex applications and for electrical appliances, there are two lines of reference standards:
- series 60079-.., for Gases
- series 61241-.., for Dusts.
Reference Standards for Ex applications:



classification of hazardous areas



selection and installation of equipment



testing and maintenance



repair, overhaul and repair of equipment


Certification of Quality System

Quality is a theme that has always been part of the culture of FEAM and allowed it to be among the first Italian companies to acquire, since
1994, the CSQ certification according to ISO 9002 and more recently the ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Since 1961

VIII - Feam Catalogue 01/2010




From page 01 to page 94

Ex Enclosures
Waterproof Enclosures

Ex Cable Glands for Armoured Cables

Ex Cable Glands for Unarmoured Cables
Cable Gland Accessories

Cable Glands

From page 95 to page 130

Ex Conduit Fittings


From page 131 to page 142

Ex Control Stations
Ex Receptacles and Socket Outlets

Control Stations
Receptacles & Plugs

From page 143 to page 156

From page 157 to page 170

Ex Earthing Clamps
Ex Acoustic Signallers
Ex Fan / Ex & Waterproof Radiators
From page 171 to page 180

Earthing System / Signallers

Fan / Radiators

Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment

Since 1961

Ex Lighting
Indoor Lighting
Waterproof Lighting


Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting






Page 1

Page 5

Page 11

Page 15

Page 16

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Page 21

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting






Page 25

Page 27

Page 29

Page 31

Page 33

Page 37

Weatherproof Lighting

Weatherproof Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Weatherproof Lighting

e191 - e192







Page 41

Page 45

Page 49

Page 53

Page 57

Page 61

Weatherproof Lighting

Weatherproof Lighting

Weatherproof Lighting

Weatherproof Lighting

Ex Lighting

Indoor Lighting







Page 65

Page 69

Page 73

Page 77

Page 79

Page 83

Weatherproof Lighting

Weatherproof Lighting

Ex Lighting

Ex Lighting

Weatherproof Lighting






Page 85

Page 87

Page 89

Page 91

Page 93

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures







Page 95

Page 97

Page 101

Page 105

Page 109

Page 113

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Ex Enclosures

Weatherproof Enclosures








Page 115

Page 117

Page 119

Page 121

Page 125

Page 127

Page 129
Since 1961

1.INDEX - Feam Catalogue 01/2010



Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment

Cable glands
Ex Cable glands

Ex Cable glands

Ex Cable glands

Ex Cable glands

Ex Cable glands

Ex Cable glands







Page 131

Page 133

Page 135

Page 137

Page 139

Page 141

Conduit fittings
Ex Conduit fittings

Ex Conduit fittings

Ex Conduit fittings




Page 143

Page 145

Page 147

Ex Conduit fittings

Ex Conduit fittings

Ex Conduit fittings

PLG - NP - EM - ELV - DL - DB



Page 149

Page 153

Page 155

Control Stations / Interlocked sockets & plugs

EX Control Stations

EX Control Stations

EX Control Stations

EX Control Stations

Ex Interlocked sockets & plugs






Page 157

Page 159

Page 161

Page 163

Page 165

Ex Interlocked sockets & plugs

Ex Interlocked sockets & plugs



Page 167

Page 169

Ex Earthing clamps

Ex Grounding electronic systems

Ex Acustic signallers

Ex Axial fan

Ex Radiators


SM2021F - SM2001IIC

ETH2... - S2



Page 171

Page 173

Page 175

Page 177

Page 179

Since 1961


Feam Catalogue 01/2010 - INDEX.2

Product certifications
CESI - Italian Electrotechnical Experimental Institute
KEMA - Kema Quality B.V. (Netherlands)
LOM - Laboratorio Oficial J.M. Madariaga (Spain)
ISSeP - Institute Scientifique de Service Public (Belgium)
S.C.S. - SIRA Certification Service (England)
INERIS - Institut National De LEnvironnement Indus. et des Risques (France)
S.G.S. - Societ Generale de Surviellance (Switzerland)

- Underwriters Laboratoires Inc. (USA)


- Robbanasbiztos Berendezesek Vizsgalo Allomasa (Hungary)

NANIO - Certification Centrer of Explosion-Proof and Mine Electrical Equipment (Russia)


Quality System Certification

Since 1993 FEAM under goes annual verification and a new reassessment of the company each 3 years.
FEAM is certified by a notified body in compliance with ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.

Since 1961

4 - Feam Catalogue 01/2010


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