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Steel Bridges
Steel Bridges; BCSA; 44 pp; ISBN: 0 85073 018 X;
price 22 UK, 26 airmail, inc. p&p. To order
phone BCSA Publications: 020 7839 8566, or
email [email protected]
The aim of this publication from BCSA is to
provide guidance upon the practical aspects of
fabrication which influence the efficient design of
steel bridges. Extensive consultation took place
with experts in the design, fabrication and
erection of steel bridges and hence the publication
represents a compilation of many years
knowledge and experience. Examples are given of
good deck layouts and cross sectional
arrangements, fabrication details and economic
design solutions to specific bridge requirements.

Eurocode 3 may be more convenient than national

standards in certain countries for the design of
steel portal frames. However, it is important that
designers check that the key clauses on plastic
design, Sections, 5.2.5 and, are
accepted in the National Application Document
(NAD) of the country where the structure is to be
erected. In some cases, the relevant national
design standard may contain r ules that are
compatible with this document instead.

page facing each calculation sheet, has been

retained. Both examples are presented, together
with the deck slab design from the simply
supported bridge book.

Steel in Basements

Three new Bridge


New Publications
Comparison of National Application Documents
for Eurocode 3: Part 1.1 and Eurocode 4: Part 1.1.
(P-255) J. J.C. McFarland and J.C. Taylor; The Steel
Construction Institute, 2001; price: 40 for non
members, 20 for SCI corporate members, 36
SCI individual members.
The European Prestandard ENV 1993-1-1
(Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures: Part 1.1 General Rules and Rules for Buildings) and ENV
1994-1-1 (Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel
and Concrete Structures Part 1.1 - General Rules
and Rules for Buildings) were issued by the
European Committee for Standardisation (CEN)
in 1992. This enabled designers to become
familiar with all the Structural Eurocodes during
their ENV (BSI Draft for Development) period,
prior to achieving EN (European Standard) status.
The ENV Eurocodes are intended to be used in
conjunction with National Application Documents
(NAD) valid in the country where the project is
located. Currently, the national variations detailed
in the NADs militate against easy use of
Eurocodes. The publication will interest potential
exporters and designers of structures in other
countries, as well as benefiting those concerned
with the further development of the Eurocodes.
This publication provides a comprehensive review
of those clauses of Eurocode 3: Part 1.1 (EC 3) and
Eurocode 4: Part 1.1 (EC4) that have be en
modified by the respective NADs of the various
European countries.
Design of Steel Portal Frames for Europe; (P-164)
C.M. King; The Steel Construction Institute, 2001;
price: SCI Corporate Members 25, SCI Individual
Members 45, Non-Members 50.
The European Prestandard ENV 1993-1-1
Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Part 1.1
General Rules and Rules for Buildings was
published in 1992. The Ste el Constr uction
Institute is in the process of preparing design
guides to encourage the use of the Eurocodes
during their Prestandard or ENV periods. This
publication will form part of a set of design
guides that will serve that purpose. It deals with
steel portal-framed buildings and shows how to
choose an efficient frame and prepare calculations
to Eurocode 3.
The design principles given in this publication are
applicable for constr uction throughout the
European Economic Area (EU and EFTA),
provided that the relevant National Application
Document of the country of use is complied with.
The design guidance includes additions to the
Eurocode text derived from SCI-P-147, Plastic
Design of Single Storey Pitched Roof Portal
Frames to Eurocode 3, which was written as part
of the Eureka CIMsteel project.

The Steel Construction Institute has produced

three new publications to help bridge designers
come to terms with the many changes to BS 54003: 2000, which has now been re-issued.
The most notable changes are those relating to the
rules for determining lateral torsional buckling
slender ness, the associated value of design
moment and requirements for restraint systems.
Commentary on BS 5400-3: 2000, Code of
Practice for the Design of Steel Bridges; (SCI
P295); price: 50 non members, 25 corporate
Provides an updated background to the code, the
SCIs Commentar y publication has be en
thoroughly overhauled and a new section has
been included to cover longitudinally stiffened
Design of Composite Highway Bridges; (SCI P289),
D.C. Iles; price: 45 non members, 22.50
corporate members.
The SCIs three previous bridge design guides,
which have given much-appreciated support to
bridge designers for the last ten years, have been
completely re-written and are now presented in
two new publications. The earlier publications
covered compact continuous bridges, non-compact
continuous bridges and simply supported bridges
separately, and each had its own worked example.
The new designs rules in BS 5400-3 allow a more
unified approach, so the detailed guidance in the
three books has been updated and amalgamated
into a single publication, Design of Composite
Highway Bridges. The new book covers all the
new design rules and, in offering comment on
practical design aspects, makes reference to the
Guidance Notes that have been produced by the
SCIs Steel Bridge Group (also recently updated
and extended). The familiar and popular flow
charts are retained and they now relate to the new
design rules.
Design of Composite Highway Bridges: Worked
examples; (SCI P290) D.C. Iles; price: 55 nonmembers, 27.50 corporate members.
The two continuous bridge worked examples have
been re-calculated according to the new design
rules. The previous format, with a commentary

Steel Intensive Deep Basements; (SCI P275); E.

Yandzio and A.R. Biddle; The Steel Construction
Institute, 2001; price: Non-members 55, SCI
corporate members 27.50
Over the last few years, the design of basements
has been developing towards more efficient and
economic forms of construction. It has included
the permanent use of steel sheet piling as part of
the outer boundary wall with clutch sealants to
assist waterproofing. This has the following
cost and construction time savings
better support of adjacent buildings from the
improved waterproofing of the basement
during construction with reduced de-watering
improved waterproofing in service with
reduced maintenance costs
The SCI has produced a Steel Intensive Basements
Guide in order to assist designers with up-to-date
advice on the design and construction issues of
including steel sheet pile walls in basements. Steel
tubular plunge columns are also being used in the
top-down construction method. The Guide was
sponsored by Corus.

To order SCI publications, or to receive the free

publications catalogue, please contact: The
Steel Construction Institute, Silwood Park,
Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN.
Tel: 01344 872775. Fax: 01344 622944.
E-mail: [email protected]
or view a list of titles on
Please note that postage and packing are not
included in the above prices.

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