T4R Guide For Beginners

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Self-development Course, from beginner to advanced.

Copyright Chris Melchior, 2006, all rights reserved.

This course will point you to processes which enable you to increase your perception of reality. It will also
make suggestions as to what the nature of areas of reality might be. It is strongly suggested that you
percieve for yourself as much as you can, rather than believing what anyone (including this course) says.
Some data that this course recommends has apparent links to some very controvercial organisations. This
course will not at any time recommend you having any contact with any organisation of any kind . . .
almost all of the progress you need to make, you can make on your own (with data and help from free
discussion groups on the net). So do not be concerned with apparent links to controvercial organisations . . .
you will not be recommended to have any contact with such organisations at any time, all the way through
to the most advanced levels of this course and beyond. You will learn that you have access to all the data
you need, for free, from the internet, and that this data is data of far better quality and depth than the
incorrect and severley limited versions promoted by various organisations (usually for large sums of
money). You will learn full details of the history of such controvercial organisations, and why they do what
they do, and why you don't need to have anything to do with them, as you progress to the advanced levels
of this course.
Some of the ideas presented in this course, for your inspection, might seem to be in opposition to other
ideas that you currently believe. It is suggested that you remain open-minded and use the processes in this
course to really percieve for yourself. Some ideas which seem contradictory might turn out to be different
viewpoints of the same thing, expressed in different ways, or from different levels. Some ideas which seem
obvious and "true" at one stage in your development, might at a later point be found to be untrue.
To make any kind of start in self-development requires starting at a level at which many ideas are presented
and understood in a form which is to some degree simplified.
For these various reasons, all data is likely to require re-evaluation at later points in your development.
Indeed this is a general rule, and a requirement for genuine self-development, which in one way could be
said to consist of re-evaluating old stable data, beliefs etc, in the light of new perceptions.
This course does not require any previous knowledge, (other than ability to read English language).


This course is fully practical in nature. You need to DO the recommended processes as you go through the
course . . . reading the material without doing the processes will do you very little good.
This is a different approach to some other courses of study in many academic subjects, and even science,
where you can simply read about the subject and understand it properly. This approach simply does not
work for these self-development technologies, as your own personal experience is absolutely essential from
the start.
One reason for this is that 'study' in academic subjects, including science, often means building up a system

of beliefs (science is, in fact, a religion . . . a belief system!). A belief is a fixed datum, which replaces
experiencing directly for yourself (not via your body senses). This course will teach you how to erase
beliefs and replace them with direct real-time experience. You will certainly gain understanding and
knowledge as you DO the processes in this course, but if you try to understand the material without actually
doing the processes, you will soon grind to a halt.
It is strongly suggested that you follow the order presented in this course. This order has been developed
from many years intensive and dedicated study, and consultation from many acknowledged experts, and
will guide you in an effective way into the subject. Some of the processes presented later in this course may
seem like a short-cut to quicker progress. While they might sometimes enable quicker progress in some
ways, that progress is often short-lived, leaving you in a lower state than previously, or in some cases, can
even be dangerous. The exact order presented in this course will introduce processes and knowledge in an
order developed to most efficiently and effectively build a real basis for real, deep change and
development. Do take any warnings in this course seriously . . . some processes can kill a body, if done
without the necessary pre-requisites. If you follow the order of work suggested in this course, you will be

Section one . . . Starting points . . . SelfClearing, EFT and Aspectika.

The Key To Success with processing . . .
The MOST IMPORTANT thing for beginners, that I have ever found . . . the
difference between almost guaranteed success and totally guaranteed
failure . .. is to UNDERSTAND what case IS. The answers your Mind gives
you are CASE . . .so PROCESS THEM . . . if you believe them, you cannot
make any progress in processing. If you understand that they are Case,
and so should be processed and/or ignored, then you can make whatever
progress you wish.
So many beginners, including those inside the CofS, make the mistake of
BELIEVING Case, rather than ignoring it and processing it, thus they fail.
Again . . . if your Mind says stuff and you BELIEVE it, you WILL FAIL at
The ONLY way to succeed at processing, is to understand that input you
get fromyour Mind is to be ignored and PROCESSED, and actually ACT on
that understanding.

The first document to download (free from www.fzint.net/downloads/index.htm ) is "selfClearing" by "the
Pilot" (Ken Ogger).

Work from the beginning of The Pilot's "SelfClearing", work through it in order, up to the end of Chapter
22. Join both the SelfClearing discussion groups . . . [email protected] as well as the one
mentioned in the SelfClearing book, to ask any questions, make comments, discuss points in the book, etc.
and to learn from the experiences of others.
Working fairly quickly and lightly at this stage will be more effective in the long term than trying to get
really deep on any one area at this point in your progress, so just do what works fairly easily . . . if you find
yourself struggling with an area, then leave it for now and move on, you will come back to it later and
make further progress with it. Having said that, you are likely to get some profound changes with this
material, which is in no way restricted or watered-down for beginners.
When you have completed up to Chapter 22, it is useful to add an additional process alongside Chapter 22,
called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Go to
and download the free manual.
Read the manual and use this process until you are familiar with it. This is a very useful process, and is
usually effective on calming down your feelings about breaks in communication, affinity and reality. It can
also be used on many other areas. Also download, read and use the 'Palace of Possibilities'
which comments on some additional ways to use EFT.
One suggested advanced strategy with EFT is to use your perception to spot exactly when an item you are
'tapping' on, clears. At this point, the next underlying item is likely to come into view, or you can ask
yourself what it might be. This can quickly lead you through lots of layers of 'cause-and-effect' to
underlying 'causes' that were not consciously available to you before you took the first layers off.
EFT is a great process, and can be used to great effect on many areas of life. However, compared to some
other processes EFT is actually working at a relatively shallow level (it is working on your Feelings about
things, rather than the actual things themselves which you will work on later in this course), which while
useful, is not ultimately as effective as some other techniques which you will learn during this course.
For example, the 'FAM' as used in EFT will temporarily neutralize a Dichotomy (you'll learn more about
these later), enough for the rest of the 'tapping' to work. This is useful, but not permanent. There are ways
to work much more deeply on Dichotomies, and to neutralize a Dichotomy much more fully, which you
will learn about later in this course.
I know that for some people, it will be tempting to think of EFT as the answer to every problem. While it is
certainly a useful process, it is strongly advised that you learn to use it effectively, then continue with the
rest of the course. However tempting it is to do so . . . if you stop at this point and try to use EFT on
everything, you will miss out on a lot of far more effective and deep-running processes later in this course.
Next, continue to work through SelfClearing, up to the end of Chapter 28.
Then download TROM. go to
and click on TROM to download the TROM book.
there is a TROM discussion list which you can join if you have any questions or comments, but many

people on the list tend to be very narrow-minded and of the opinion that TROM is the only tech that works,
so be perpared to ignore any narrow-minded views, and some of the data presented, on the TROM list. The
list can still be useful for getting good answers to questions about starrting TROM.
Information on how to join this list is given in the 'background info' section of the TROM manual.
Read from the beginning of TROM, do Level 1 and begin Level 2. If you don't understand all the theory at
this point, then do not be too concerned . . . it is advanced material and you will increase your
understanding by doing the processes. Read through Level 3, and continue running Level 2 until you feel
ready for Level 3, or find yourself doing Level 3 automatically. Then do a little work on Level 3, until you
are familiar with how it works.
You can continue Level 3, and do Level 4 if you wish to do so at this stage, or at any time later in the
course. It is advised to treat Level-5 with caution (don't do too muich work with it), as it can cause
problems (you will find out why, later).
Level 3 timebreaking is one of the basic skills that you can put to good use as you progress through the rest
of this course, which can be used to take all the 'charge' out of any negative past incident, as well as
emotions, feelings and other things.
As you might have realized from your work up to this point in the course, one vitally important part of
incidents is the decisions you made during an incident. There is a wonderful process called Aspectika
(invented by Zivorad), which is ideal for handling these decisions plus can be used on a wide variety of
other unwanted items. Read my notes on Aspectika (below). If you would like to, you can also download
the original version of the process . . .
When you are familiar with Aspectika, you can use it on anything that exists in your reality that you don't
want happening. It can be applied to body-problems, mind-problems, unwanted behaviors, unwanted
emotions unwanted beliefs, "entities" (negative spirits attached to something) and many other things. It is
one of the processes recommended most highly by the author.
After learning Aspectika, continue with any of the rest of SelfClearing that is of interest to you at this point.
Again, work fairly quickly and lightly. The first two processes in Chapter 33 can be misleading (as the
correct end points are not clear in SelfClearing. You will learn about the correct EP's later in this course
(see Filbert's book for details)) so it is advisable to miss out these processes, or just run them very lightly
until you learn what the real end-points are and why.
At this point in the course, you will have gained a good general understanding of Clearing Tech principles,
and have a good range of knowledge and processes such as Aspectika, timebreaking, EFT and repetitive
processing. With these tools you can work on anything in your life.
Having got to this stage, it is recommended that you continually widen your range of viewpoints and
approaches. As you will have found from the work you've done so far, advanced self-development requires
broad knowledge and experience, as there are many areas that are relevant, and all these areas are linked.
So attempting to make too much progress in just one area, or using just one technique, will bring
decreasing returns over time.
It is also necessary to re-evaluate viewpoints as you go. For example, some of the viewpoints and ways of
thinking you learned in SelfClearing may have to be re-evaluated later for your progress to continue
beyond a certain stage.
As well as working on your 'spirit', it is recommended that you also work on your body and your internalenergy, as these are, in ones life as a human, strongly connected. It is therefore important to keep your body
in a healthy condition with appropriate exercise, healthy diet, etc. For your internal energy (chakra-

meridian-aura system), it is advisable to use such techs as T'ai Chi, Chi Kung, Yoga, Reiki etc.
As you use any or all of these processes, be 100% sure that you understand and apply the "Key to success
with processing" above . . . if you get that right you will succeed, if you get that wrong, you will fail, it
really is that simple.
Notes notes on Aspetika.
This process is called Aspectika, and was invented by a man called Zivorad, using the Taoist principle that
everything in the universe ultimately has the goal of returning to the Tao.
This process can be used on any item that is being considered as not-self . . . anything that appears to be
happening TO you (rather than consciously chosen experiences). Basically, anything unwanted can be
processed into complete vanishment using Aspectika. For example, stress, a headache, a pain, an emotion, a
thought, a feeling, a concept etc.
Here is the basics of the process, which is how I personally do the process (after lots of practice!). The
process is described in more detail below, with additional steps that might be needed when running
Aspectika the first few times.

Basic Aspectika
1) Spot an item to run
2) Ask for the first goal (if this is not already clear)
3) Spot the instantaneous emotional 'feeling' of having that goal completely satisfied
4) Add (link) to this feeling of goal-satisfaction, the concept "for ever"
5) Ask for the next goal on the goal-chain (if it's not apparent already)
6) If the goal is "nothing" (or words to that effect), go to 7), else, go to 3)
7) Reach out an imaginary hand and grab the aspect (by this stage I've always got some reality on it's
location and shape, if not, ask it!) and jump, with it, into the great space.
8) Consciously put attention on the experience of merging with the great space
9) Immediately externalize (take a viewpoint outside) from the location of the aspect and breath some
golden energy through it's structure, intending it to decompile and discreate, until it has done so completely
10) If the aspect is not merging more and more into the great space, ask if there is another aspect holding it
in place, re-creating it (or similar). If so, handle the new aspect found (as an aspect itself)
11) Once fully merged, if the aspect re-appears as before, handle the aspect that is re-duplicating it, and run
12) From the point of view of the great space, view each of the aspect goals, down the chain, viewing what
relevance (if any) they now have.

So that's the basic process. See the more detailed version of the process below, for additional steps that
might be useful when first running the process before communication with, and direct perception of,
'Aspects' (things that can be run using Aspectika) becomes natural and immediate.
To improve ones perception of Aspects (and perception of anything else!), one of the key factors seems to
be TRUST . . . the more you trust your perceptions and communications, the better they will get. Trust is a

The Aspectika Process in more detail

a) Select the Aspect which you will be working with: the manifestation you wish to change, such as an
undesirable behavior, defect, flaw, weakness, bodily disorder, etc.
b) Be aware that in your communication with the Aspect, the Aspect's messages may appear in the form of
a human voice, bodily sensations, feelings or intuitions, for this is the language the Aspects use.
c) Become fully engrossed in the reality of the Aspect, state the negative affirmation which expresses this
Aspect. For example: "I am tense in contact with strangers!"
d) Close your eyes and relax.
e) Ask yourself "In which situations does this manifestation appear? Remember the HARACTERISTIC
situations in which this manifestation appears".
f) Describe such situations simply, in a few words.
g) Find one ACTUAL event when this manifestation appears. INCLUDE yourself in this event in your
mind. See for yourself what you saw then, hear what you heard then and feel what you felt then. At the
same time start noticing how your Aspect is manifesting.
h) Locate the Aspect. If it is in your body, in which part of the body do you feel it most strongly? If it is
outside your body, where is it located.
i) Determine the characteristics of this Aspect: What is its shape, size, weight, color, temperature? How old
is it? What is its strength on the scale from 1-10? What is its level of consciousness on the scale from 110 ?
j) If you feel that the Aspect hasn't got such characteristics, realize that you, yourself, are giving
characteristics to your Aspect! If the Aspect had a size, how big would it be?.... If it had a shape, how
would it look?... If it had a color, what would it be?.... If it had weight, how heavy would it be?... If you
could determine its age, how old would it be? If it had strength, what would it be on a scale from 1-10? If it
had consciousness, what would
it be on a scale from 1-10 ?)
k) Thank the Aspect for appearing to you. Ask it to manifest itself as strongly and completely as possible.
Address the Aspect telepathically: "I know that you wish me well. Thank you. Manifest yourself freely, as
strong and complete as possible, so that we can communicate even more easily"
l) Now ask your Aspect "What do you want for me with this manifestation (or behavior)?"What GOAL do
you wish to achieve for me? Pay attention to everything that appears as an answer: images, voice, feelings
or bodily sensations, as these are the communications from the Aspect. A reply may come instantly, but
sometimes it is necessary for the Aspect to take a little time to find its GOAL. Give it time if it needs it, for
this is a new experience for that Aspect.
You may repeat the questions to your Aspect: "What do you want for me with this manifestation? What
GOAL do you want to achieve? " (Emphasize the word "GOAL").
m) Write down the answer the Aspect gives. This is the First Goal on the Goal Chain.
The first goal will often be a negative goal. This is OK, as this is what you will be vanishing using
n) Thank the Aspect for the answer give.

o) Create in your mind a situation in which this goal is fully realized. Create an experience of achieving the
Aspect goal. Feel this fully. Enter this experience together with the Aspect, because it is the part of
yourself, and feel it completely. It is OK if the satisfaction of this Aspect goal is something you would not
yourself want in your life. It is not expected that the Aspect goal will align with your own personal
conscious goals in life.
As this is done, stay all the time in the state of this achieved goal and turn to your Aspect from it and ask:
"When you have achieved this goal fully, which goal do you want to realize for me that is even more
important and HIGHER? (emphasize the word "HIGHER").
When you get a reply, this is the second goal on the Goal Chain. Thanks the Aspect for this reply.
p) Repeat finding the next goal and satisfying it, in the same way, until you reach the 'last' goal on the Goal
Chain that represents the THRESHOLD of the Primordial State of Emptiness. This state might be
expressed as something similar to the following . . . "Peace", "Complete Peace", "Harmony with the entire
world", "Truth", "True Being", "True I", "I am", "God", "Grace of God", "All is as it should be", "One",
"Oneness", "One with the entire world", "Omniexistence", "Love", "OK-ness," "Light", "Golden Light",
"Warmth spreading through me infinitely", "Metal ball in the stomach that radiates infinitely", "Endless
blur" or similar.
q) This is actually the penultimate goal. When you find this goal (as above) you will be sure that there is
nothing beyond this goal.
r) Then enter that emptiness (Nothing, Nothingness...) and feel it totally! Identify with it, become it! Let it
permeate your entire Being.
If you feel that you are unsure how to enter the Emptiness, you simply need to decide to "Simply enter" or
"Step into that emptiness in your mind", "Slide into it" "Dive into it" "Surrender and disappear in it" etc.
Allow yourself time to identify, to feel and experience the Primordial State of Emptiness (from twenty
seconds to a minute).
s) Now you need to see how your consciousness of Emptiness (Nothing... etc.), that is the essence of your
Being, will affect the previous goals on the Chain. How your consciousness of Emptiness (of Nothingness,
Nothing etc.) affects ...(the previous goal on the Goal Chain?) and how it changes it?
Repeat this question on each goal in the goal chain that you found, in reverse order (starting with the goal
just before the Penultimate 'Nothing' goal, and ending with the first goal)
In most cases the Emptiness intensifies any positive goals and vanishes any negative goals on the chain.
t) See how the consciousness of Emptiness, the essence of your Being, affects and changes the Aspect first
goal (the original limitation or shortcoming).
If the process has been carried out properly, this original limitation will disintegrate or will not exist any
more at that moment. It will seem like it has disappeared, that it never existed, or that it seems stupid,
senseless or empty now.
u) The final test follows. Say the same negative confirmation he had given you at the beginning , You will
not be able to do it, or you will be able to say it but completely without emotional content. The change will
be clear.
v) Last important step: Fill the place where this unwanted state used to be with light. Just imagine a point of
light in the place in his body where you feel yourself most strongly. This is usually in the chest, or

sometimes the head. Breathe and with every inhalation let that light expand. Allow your imagination to take
the same form that the unwanted Aspect used to have and place that light in the same location and space.
We know that neither nature nor human mind will allow emptiness, so fill it with light, which is the essence
of good.

Once you have finished the process as above, check whether an opposition Aspect exists. Turn within and
ask yourself the question: "Does any one of my remaining Aspects feel a resistance or opposes the Aspect
merging with my whole self?"
If any new Aspects oppose the original Aspect re-integrating with your whole self, then run the same
process on those.
So, you can use this immensely powerful Aspectika process on any unwanted stuff. There might be more
than one Aspect implementing a particular area, so keep finding more until the reality of the situation
(end of notes on Aspectika).

Section 2 . . . advanced materials

Now you have made a start with a quick pass through SelfClearing (plus EFT, TROM and Aspectika), you
can work from a variety of more advanced materials and processes. Be aware that you will have to reevaluate some of the opinions from SelfClearing, and TROM etc., as you become more advanced.
As to the order you approach the following materials . . . Filbert's book is a basic core around which all the
other materials can be fitted, and you should be ready for it after having done the materials in the first part
of this course. Most of Ghost Danse and PNOHTEFTU can be read and used at any time.
Use the T4R discussion list (details below) to help you with your progress . . . there are many experts (as
well as beginners, and others at various stages of progress or following other paths which might seem to
contradict some data from Clearing techs) there who are happy to help anyone whenever possible, and the
archives of the list (available to all members) contain vast amounts of extremely valuable material. A
comprehensive document (the HSD, "Hyperlinked Self-development Data-collection") is in preparation by
the author, which should contain all the valuable data from T4R, as well as other materials, and extensive
links etc. but is unlikely to be ready before 2007 at the earliest).
The Matrix is a valuable but advanced area to process. Necessary pre-requisites include having removed
ones entities, which is normally done after Filbert's OT8 (but can in some circumstances be done earlier).
PEAT is another essential pre-requisite, and is the only highly recommended process which is usually not
possible on a solo basis, so you are advised to do it when possible (see below for more details). Learn
Gunas when you can (details in the Ghost Danse) as it is important for working on the Matrix. Ask on T4R
for full details of pre-requisites for working on the Matrix . . . some items on the Matrix material can kill
you easily if you don't know what you are doing, so treat it with respect.
There are some other materials such as the L13, which are not available on the net, as they are so advanced

as to be possibly dangerous for anyone not ready for them. If you feel you might be ready for such
advanced materials, ask on T4R.
See below for various sources of advanced materials (and/or ask on T4R for other suggestions).


Sources of advanced self-development materials . . .

[email protected] (aka. T4R)

This is the world's foremost discussion group for any advanced self-development technology. Much of the
material discussed is very advanced, although questions and comments from anyone at any level, including
beginners, are always welcome. Owned and run by the author of this course, Chris Melchior.

Excalibur Revisited by Geoffrey C. Filbert

http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~roypivn/_index.html or
http://freezoneamerica.org or
This is the most complete and correct full self-development course available today. Basically, it is a correct
version of Scientology technology (very different from the largely incorrect, incomplete and extremely
expensive Church of Scientology technology, which is not recommended by the author). This document is
almost entirely Truth, and is the most valuable document easily available in the world today. On the other
hand, it can be a very steep gradient for a beginner, which is why the author advised you to do a pass
through SelfClearing, with EFT TROM and Aspectika first, which should prepare you sufficiently to start
understanding some of Filbert's material.

Written by Ed Dawson (aka. Ouran), this document is of great value. (Avoid doing any processing on the
Matrix until you've done the necessary pre-requisites).

The Little Purple Notebook

Written by Max Sandor, this document is also extremely valuable. (Avoid doing any processing on the
Matrix until you've done the necessary pre-requisites).

Written by The Pilot (Ken Ogger), this document contains some valuable material, but also some errors
(Ken tends to duplicate some of LRH's errors).

Viking Remote Viewing site

By Edmund Meadows, this site contains very valuable information.

WHOAT ("Who says What in the advanced FreeZone of Scientology")

available direct from Mark [email protected]
This document contains some of the valuable data from the archives of Techs4reality (T4R), as well as
other useful material. A more comprehensive document (the HSD, "Hyperlinked Selfdevelopment Data
collection") is in preparation by the author, which should contain all the valuable data from T4R as well as
other materials, and extensive links etc. but is unlikely to be ready before 2007).

a very valuable process by Zivorad. This is the only common process which is almost impossible solo (due
to the vast charge on the PP), so you will need to find a practitioner to run your first session, as and when
you can. See http://[email protected] for more details. And see
http://www.spiritual-technology-association.com/ for a list of practitioners.

Polar Dynamics by Max Sandor and Ed Dawson

available from www.amazon.com
or http://www.booksurge.com/product.php3?bookID=GPUB01667-00002
An extremely valuable book on the Matrix. When you buy it, join the discussion list
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PolarDynamics It is probably more useful to wait until you have done the
pre-requisites to actually work on the Matrix directly, before reading this book, so you can explore the
reality of it for yourself, safely.

Peak States by Grant McFetridge

available from www.peakstates.com

Very valuable research into the development of a body's energy-systems. It is well worth processing this
area, which would be considered as part of the pre-grades work.


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