Algae Dynamics: Questionable IPO
Algae Dynamics: Questionable IPO
Algae Dynamics: Questionable IPO
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The Securities and Exchange Commission is tasked to protect future
investors, with limited resources, by determining whether a
86% of the company is owned by insiders and they too are already
seeking to sell shares.
Insiders paid $100 total for 8.6 million shares.
Executives were compensated in excess of $120,000 in 2014.
The remaining shares for registration were purchased by a small group
of unsophisticated Ontario investors.
No revenue now or in the foreseeable future.
Low/no cash (shows $63,000 in the bank as of March 2014).
Shareholder agreement terminated with Waterloo University
researchers (the technology and bacteria source).
No money to sustain operations or build a plant.
No operations people, employees, plant staff on payroll.
Massive yearly losses.
In 2014, $3,000 spent in Research and Development hardly
substantial R&D into new technology
The S1 includes an employment agreement for Sandra Elsley, a family
therapist in Niagara Falls, Ontario, who was paid to raise capital for the
company and handle investor communications.
No operational plant.
No production.
No Form 4s or Form 3s from insiders.
YTD accumulated
(omitted from AS)
(omitted from AS)
$3.13 million loss
$6 million loss
$13 million loss
$0 (Ramsay leaves
The year 2000 financial statement could not be located for this expos;
however, 1998,1999,2001,2002,2003-2005 were available to fill in the gaps
you get the idea: huge losses. The inflated share value came from the
Internet bubble. The stock became a penny share with massive losses shortly
thereafter. Yearly losses were cut significantly when Algae Dynamics
management retired. The Cymat 2002 Annual Report states:
Paul B. Ramsay* A director since June 1998, Mr. Ramsay was a co-founder
of the company and retired as Vice President of Cymat in March 2002.
Richard J. Rusiniak* Mr. Rusiniak has served Cymat as a director since June
1998, and was a co-founder of the company. He retired as Vice President in
March 2002.
Sandra Elsley, VP Communications
Sandra Elsley S1 Biography: Over 25 years of experience in human relations
and the organizational development field as a communications and
relationship expert, working in government, corporate and private sectors.
Extensive experience developing, marketing and managing peak performance programs to enhance individual and company dynamics in
Canada and internationally. Was involved in the start up of an Ontario based
company, was instrumental in raising funds and working as VP Corporate
Communications/Investor Relations - share price went from $0.50 to $7.70.
Has privately owned and managed a successful psychotherapy and consulting
practice since 1991.
Fact Check: SEDAR and EDGAR do not reveal Ms Elsley working for any
public company that had a share price that went from $0.50 to $7.70. There
is one public filing from a non-public company that states Ms Elsleys
employment with the company was terminated with cause. There are also
numerous judgments and court orders against
In SPAM emails to new potential investors, Ms Elsley claimed the Mr Ramsey
and Mr Rusiniak were "smart business men who made $50,000,000 Million
about ten years ago and retired" and she goes onto say they "Spent alot of
money, got bored, and decided to find the next best product to market." Ms
Elsley failed to disclose to investors material information like the two men
enjoyed high compensation, share sales to unsuspecting investors, while
driving Cymat to a $13,000,000 loss, never achieving a profit, and little to no
revenue in less than 5 years.
Ms Elsley will be further discussed in the capital raising detail of this expos.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has now published comments from
SEC staff and answers from Algae Dynamic company executives. Highlights
of the communications include:
Offering Document
Revenue 2014
Gross Profit 2014
Plant Equipment 2014
Net earnings YTD
EBITDA (page 8 of
$5.5 million
$3.6 million
$2.6 million
$2.5 million profit
$247 million value
Commission reporting the shares they own and how much they paid for
The Ontario Securities Commission overseas investment and market
regulation much like the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United
mean shareholders who purchased shares in Ontario can demand a refund or
file an action against the company and individual who sold them the shares
illegally or by misrepresenting facts. Due to time limitations, we expect the
Ontario S1 investors will soon commence actions against Algae Dynamics or
the Officer who handled their share purchase to recover their money. The
Ontario Securities Commission can be very helpful in this regard.
Boiler-room emails from IR blindly seeking fresh investors and press releases
publicly seeking investors will likely draw the intervention of the Ontario
Securities Commission.
At this time, the SEC is not permitting Algae Dynamics to trade on the OTCBB
market. Future litigation and likely rescission of investment by Ontario
investors will pepper Algae Dynamics filings for years to come.
In the unlikely event the company does go public, the only shares registered
for sale are the S1 investors the company did NOT file a shelf registration
to sell its own registered shares in the future. If Algae Dynamics trades, the
only shares available on the market would be the S1 investors looking to exit
as quickly as possible. Presently, the Company is not publicly traded. It has
not sought registration for any of its treasury shares for future financing.
Algae Dynamics is following the same pattern of business management as
Cymat Technologies and we would not be surprised if the SEC chooses to
deny its registration as a public company. Algae Dynamics does not even
deserve to trade on the Pink Sheets in our view.
Disclosure: I will short Algae Dynamics if it becomes public. I wrote this
article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving
compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose
stock is mentioned in this article.