Note1743455 NFEonAEX

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SAP Note 1743455

SAP NFE - Communication to SEFAZ using PI 7.31 AEX

(Java-only) - Documentation of Manual Steps

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With the release of SAP Process Integration 7.31 it is possible to run the system as an AEX (Advanced
Adapter Engine Extended /Java-only / single stack) installation. In the current release of the PI content of
SAP NFE, ccBPM processes are used for government communication. These ccBPM processes are not
supported on a Java installation since they are based on ABAP.
To enable the NFE scenarios to run on a Java-only PI installation, new adapter modules replicating the
ccBPM logic in combination with the existing RequestResponseBean and ResponseOnewayBean are used.
The new adapter modules read and store, add, and remove values from the payload. Furthermore,
acknowledgement handling is achieved by using specific adapter modules. In the remainder of this note, it is
described how to configure the SEFAZ communication in PI.


Configuration Steps
The configuration of AEX PI contains of several steps:
1. Configure NWA Destination
2. Configure integration scenarios
3. Manual post processing
4. Complete configuration

1. NWA Destination Configuration

Configure NWA Destination for delivering acknowledgement to the SAP NFE backend. For doing this open
NWA (http://[HOST]:[PORT]/nwa) -> Configuration -> Infrastructure -> Destinations and maintain the HTTP
destination GRC_NFE_WAS with the following URL.
Use HOST, PORT and CLIENT values of your SAP NFE backend
In case you have multiple SAP NFE backends you need to define separate destinations (destination name is
arbitrary) per backend.

2. Configure Integration Scenarios

Open the Integration Directory and create a configuration scenario based on integration scenario from ESR.
In the following sections, the NF-e Status Check (NFESC) is used as an example.

For AEX PI configuration integration scenarios with the infix AEX have to be used. In this case, the
integration scenario NFESC_AEX_WebAS_Outbound_NFeStatusCheck is configured.
First, create the Configuration Scenario and select the relevant Process Integration Scenario. Then, open the
Model Configurator and ensure the Configuration for Advanced Adapter Engine flag is checked.

Select the Web AS Template swim lane and choose your SAP NFE backend. Use Without Header Mapping
option for the second group of colons.


Select Government System swim lane and add all required SEFAZ systems to the swim lane.
Select the (first) connection from Web AS to government system and maintain the Communication Channel.
Please create communication channels with template using the New button.
The sender channel AEX_WAS_XI_SND can be reused across all scenarios; the receiver channel is
scenario specific.

When you create AEX_WAS_XI_SND channel check the tab Acknowledgement Handling tab.

It contains a name of an NWA HTTP Destination pointing to the SAP NFE backend for delivering XI
acknowledgements (see previous step).
Select the second connection and complete the channel configuration. Use templates to generate
communication channels. You can reuse both sender and receiver channel across all scenarios.

Save the model and perform the generation using Integrated Configuration scope.
Close the generator wizard and switch to the Objects tab in the configuration scenario. For every SEFAZ
system there will be a separate integrated configuration. In addition there will be one integrated configuration
with the SAP NFE backend as the sender.

3. Manual post-processing
3.1. Copy response Integrated Configurations
Generated integrated configuration objects in request-response scenarios need to be post processed.
List of affected scenarios:

Open the response integrated configuration having SEFAZ as sender party/service. Click on Copy Object
toolbar button and provide the NFE Backend system as virtual receiver.
Assign the resulting integrated configuration to the configuration scenario. Delete original integrated

3.2. Copy Integrated Configurations for B2B

Generated integrated configuration objects for B2B scenarios need to be manually post processed.
List of affected scenarios:


Open the integrated configuration. Click on Copy Object toolbar button. Select Sender uses Virtual
Receiver checkbox. Enter * (asterix) as value of virutual party and service. Assign the resulting integrated
configuration to the configuration scenario. Delete original integrated configuration.

3.3. Select enhanced NF-e Interface Mapping for Sefaz BA

For the communication with Sefaz Bahia (BA) you need further adjustments to complete the configuration
The reason is that some Sefaz systems created separate web services for NF-e schema version 3.1 with
naming conflicts in the web service request and response message. SAP delivers adapted PI content to
resolve the conflicts and allow NF-e issuing in these Sefaz systems.
The affected web services are:
BA: NfeStatusServico, NfeConsulta
PR: NfeStatusServico3, NFeInutilizacao3, NFeConsulta3
The delivered enhanced interface mappings must only for BA be assigned to the corresponding configuration
1. Within the Configuration Integration Builder go to the configuration scenario you created for
2. Open the Integrated Configuration (_OB) -> tab Receiver Interfaces and switch to modify.
3. Under Receiver select the line with the Communication Component for party BA.
4. Under Receiver Interfaces open the F4 help for 'Operation Mapping'.
5. You can now select between two mappings. Select the one ending in _BA.
6. Save and activate.
7. Repeat step 2 to 5 for the Configuration Scenario you created for NFESC.
4. Complete Configuration
Save and activate all changes.


Settings on NFE WebAS ABAP

Configure ABAP proxy communication to call the AEX (Java-only) directly. How this can be done is
described in the How-To Guide How To Set Up the Communication between ABAP Backend and SOAP
Adapter using XI Protocol in the SCN ( or in SAP Help under Process
Integration Advanced Adapter Engine Extended (AEX).
A sample screenshot for the required RFC destination of Type G is given below:

Path Prefix: /XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?ximessage=true

In case of a PI 7.31 double-stack system, you can use the AEX connection (e.g. for performance reasons) by
creating specific Sender IDs in transaction sxmb_adm (Configure Sender/Receiver ID). Assign the new RFC
destination to the Sender IDs of the NFE interfaces in the Integration Engine Configuration as shown on the
screenshot below (Sender ID = Subparameter).

The proxy connection for the other interfaces would then remain the standard ABAP to ABAP connection.


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