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Applications for

SIPROTEC Protection Relays


Line Protection in Distributions Systems

Applications for
SIPROTEC Protection Relays

Protection of Combined Cable and Overhead Lines

Redundant Supply with Bus Coupler
Coordination of Inverse-Time Overcurrent Relays
with Fuses
Medium-Voltage Protection with Auto-Reclosure
and Control
Differential Protection of Cables up to 12 km via
Pilot Wires (Relay Type: 7SD600)
Differential Protection of Cables via Fiber Optics
(Relay Type: 7SD610)
Thermal Overload Protection of Cables
Disconnecting Facility with Flexible Protection
Earth-Fault Protection in Systems with Isolated
Star Point
Earth-Fault Protection in a Resonant-Earthed System
Earth-Fault Protection in a Low-ResistanceEarthed System
Coping with Single-Phase Load Diversity Using
Adaptive Relay Settings



Line Protection in Transmission Systems

400 kV Overhead Transmission Line Protection
Directional Phase Overcurrent Protection ANSI 67
with 7SA522 and 7SA6
Distance Protection with Parallel Compensation
Protection of Long Lines with SIPROTEC 7SD5


Transformer Protection
Protection of a Three-Winding Transformer
Protection of a Transformer with Tap Changer
Protection of an Autotransformer


Motor Protection
Protection of a Motor up to 200 kW


Generator Protection
Protection of a Medium-Sized Generator up to 5 MW
System Solutions for Protecting Medium and Large
Power Station Units
Protection of Medium-Sized and Large Generators
Unit Protection System for Pumped-Storage Power


Busbar Protection
Application of Low-Impedance 7SS601 Busbar
Differential Protection
Basic Busbar Protection by Reverse Interlocking
Siemens AG 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

n 1. Distance protection with auto-reclosure on

mixed lines
On mixed lines with cables and overhead lines the
distance zone signals can be used with a distance
protection relay 7SA6 to distinguish to a certain
extent between cable and overhead line faults.
Mixed lines mean that part of the protected line is
designed within the same grading zone as a
cable section and the other part of that line as an
overhead line section. The auto-reclosure function
is only useful on the overhead section of the line.
The section of the line to be protected must be
selected accordingly in the grading. The auto-reclosure function can be blocked (in the event of a
fault in the cable section) by interconnection by
means of the user-programmable logic functions
(CFC) in the DIGSI parameterization and configuration tool.
n 2. System configuration
According to the system configuration in the distance zones Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z5 with their line impedances (impedances of the line as R and X values, resistance values and reactance values) the
line sections are graded as usual in the distance
protection relay SIPROTEC 7SA6. Zone Z1B
serves above all for the automatic reclosing function and for switching functions (e.g. manual
close). Zone Z4 is used to measure and select the
cable or overhead line part of the line to be protected.
Zone Z1B can also be used for fast disconnection
of the line to be protected when closing onto a
fault, in addition to application in conjunction
with the auto-reclosure function. The protection
must trip fast if, when closing onto the line to be
protected, the feeder at the remote end is e.g. still
earthed. The 7SA6 also provides the high-current
instantaneous trippingfunction for this protec tion as an alternative. Both applications are described here.


Protection of Combined
Cable and Overhead Lines

Fig. 1 SIPROTEC 7SA6 distance protection

Fig. 2 Protection of combined cable and overhead lines

The application is described on the basis of a line

<A-B> with two SIPROTEC 7SA6 distance protection relays.
A solution for the protection relay at location A
is described in the following. Here the line sections of the mixed line are selected with the distance zones Z1B and Z4.
The protection relay at location Bcan be set for
auto-reclosure on mixed lines either

by the distance zone Z1B and the high-current

instantaneous tripping or
alternatively with grading of zones Z1B and Z4.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

n 3. Settings in the configuration with DIGSI

First the following settings must be made in the
configuration matrix in the parameter set for the
7SA6, for configuration in DIGSI.
Configuration matrix (group: Auto-reclosureor
General distance protection
a) FNo. 2703 >Block auto-reclose function
configured to Source CFC
b) FNo. 3747 Distance pickup Z1B, loop L1E
configured to Target CFC
c) FNo. 3748 Distance pickup Z1B, loop L2E
configured to Target CFC
d) FNo. 3749 Distance pickup Z1B, loop L3E
configured to Target CFC

n 4. Creating the logic flowcharts

All that need now be done is to create, link and
translate the appropriate logic diagrams in the
CFC in DIGSI. The fastPLC task (PLC0) is used
as a run level in the CFC.
The individual logic functions and the effect on
the protected zone are described below.
Appropriate allocations must be performed (with
the execution of an auto-reclosure function) for
the described line <A B> in both distance protection relays, to detect the zone of the overhead
4.1 Control of auto-reclosure in the 7SA6 for
protection relay A

e) FNo. 3750 Distance pickup Z1B, loop L12

configured to Target CFC
f) FNo. 3751 Distance pickup Z1B, loop L23
configured to Target CFC
g) FNo. 3752 Distance pickup Z1B, loop L31
configured to Target CFC
h) FNo. 3759 Distance pickup Z4
configured to Target CFC
Parameterization: (parameter group A, distance
protection polygon, zone 4)
Parameter 1335 T4 DELAY
The tripping time for zone 4 (parameter 1335 =
T4) must be set to infinite (T4 = ) because this
zone is only used for selecting the cable or overhead line part of the line. Zone 4 should only signal a pickup in this application. Tripping in this
zone is irrelevant. This function is particularly important for the single-pole auto-reclosure function because the tripping then takes place
exclusively via zone Z1B.

Fig. 3 Control of the auto-reclosure for protection relay A

7SA6 protection relay A:

The setting values of zone Z4 correspond to the
grading with the R and X values of the cable section. Zone Z1B is designed as usual for about
120 % of the line length. Since no auto-reclosure
is to be performed in the cable section, the overhead line section is selected in zone Z1B by a CFC
plan. With the result of the CFC plan (FNo. 2703:
>AR block.) auto-reclosure can be blocked in
the event of a fault in the cable section (zone Z4)
(see Fig. 4).


>AR block
(FNo. 2703)

Fig. 4 CFC plan for protection relay A

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

4.2 Control of auto-reclosure in the 7SA6 for

protection relay B

At least 2.5 times the rated current of the line is

recommended as a pickup value for the instantaneous high-current tripping.

4.2.1 Version 1

4.2.2 Version 2

Fig. 5 Distance protection with zone Z1B and the instantaneous high-current tripping

Fig. 6 Distance protection with grading of the zones Z1B

and Z4

7SA6 protection relay B:

7SA6 protection relay B:

The setting values of zone Z1B correspond to the

grading with the R and X values of the overhead
line on which the auto-reclosure function is to be
performed. The instantaneous high-current trippingfunction is used in 7SA6 for instantaneous
tripping when closing onto a fault, to completely
protect the <A B> line.

The setting values of zone Z4 correspond to the

grading with the R and X values of the overhead
line. Zone Z1B is designed as usual for about 120 %
of the line length. Since no auto-reclosure is to be
performed in the cable section, the overhead line
section is selected in zone Z1B with a CFC plan.
With the result of the CFC plan (FNo. 2703: >AR
block.) automatic reclosing is blocked in the
event of a fault in the cable section. This means
that an auto-reclosure is only performed in the
case of pickup of the protection in zones Z1B and
Z4 (see Fig. 7).

The task of the instantaneous high-current element (instantaneous high-current switch-ontofault) is to perform tripping immediately and
without delay when a feeder is closed onto a
high-current short-circuit. It serves primarily as
fast-acting protection when connecting an
earthed feeder, but can also become effective
(settable) with every closing including autoreclosure. The connection of the line is reported
to the protection by the detection of the circuitbreaker position(parameter 1134).
In order to make use of the instantaneous highcurrent tripping, the function must have been enabled in the relay scope configuration. The value
of the short-circuit current which leads to pickup
of the instantaneous tripping function is set as
I>>> value (parameter 2404). The value must be
high enough to avoid the protection tripping
(whatever the circumstances) in the event of a line
overload or current increase e.g. as a result of a
brief interruption on a parallel line.

n 5. Summary:
By division into two distance protection zones
(Z1B and Z4), selection of the cable and overhead
line sections for double-end feeding in the event
of a fault is substantially simplified. In the practical application the auto-reclosure function can
only be performed restricted to the overhead line.
A fault in the cable section leads immediately to a
final TRIP command.
As shown, special requirements (such as selection
of the faulty line section) can be implemented
easily and at low cost with the CFC logic in the
SIPROTEC distance protection.


>AR block
(FNo. 2703)

Fig. 7 CFC plan for protection relay B

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Redundant Supply with

Bus Coupler

n 1. Introduction
Liberalized energy markets are demanding new solutions for the operation of electrical systems. This
publication describes an application in which the
availability of power supply of a switchgear or plant
can be improved considerably by switching over
from a faulty to a redundant incoming supply. The
influence of external system faults is minimized decisively by fast disconnection of faulty system parts
and switchover from a faulty to a trouble-free infeed. These automation tasks can be accomplished
today with modern SIPROTEC protection relays
without the need for further equipment.
n 2. Influential variables of system availability
Power Qualitycovers all the properties of an
electrical power supply. Power quality can be further subdivided into voltage quality and system
reliabilityas shown in Fig. 2. The latter is closely
linked with an adequatepower supply and the
security of the supply. Only the system reliability
is looked at in detail below.



Fig. 2 Subdivision of Power Quality



Automatic switchover of incoming supply with


Fig. 1 SIVACON 400 V, with 7SJ62-protected and controlled circuit-breakers

The reliability of an electrical system is determined by a number of factors. These include the
reliability of every single item of equipment, the
kind and method of connection of the equipment,
i.e. the system topology, the properties of the protection relays, the remote control equipment, the
dimensioning of the equipment, the method of
operation including troubleshooting, and the system load capacity. The most frequently applied
qualitative criterion in power system planning is
(n-1), with which a system can be checked for
sufficient redundancy.
It requires that the system must be able to survive
failure of any item of equipment without impermissible restriction of its function. The (n-1) criterion is a pragmatic and easy-to-handle basis for
decision but has the disadvantage that the supply
reliability cannot be quantified. Frequency, duration and scope of interruptions in the supply are
not measured, with the result that it is not possible
(for example) to distinguish between different
(n-1)-safe system variants in terms of reliability.
Quantitative methods of system reliability analysis
allow further evaluation of planning and operating variants supplementary to the qualitative
methods. The supply quality is quantified by suitable parameters and thus enables a comparative
assessment of different (n-1) reliable planning and
operation variants (for example). This allows a
specific estimate of the costs and benefits of individual solutions in system planning and operation.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Switchover with redundant incoming feeders

means investment. However, by considering the
behavior in case of outages of equipment, the system topology, the protection concepts, the system
capacity utilization (supply and loads) and the
method of operation, even more reliable and safe
system operation can be ensured. The aim is overall system reliability, expressed in terms of a high
degree of supply availability for special customers
with sensitive processes. Closer analyses by way of
the load cycle of individual feeders or transformer
stations as well as permanent rationalization
measures in operation of the power systems also
call for a higher degree of automation in all power
system sections.
2.1 Transient voltage sags and outages
The most frequent cause of system faults and internal voltage sags or outages (total failures) is a
lightning strike. As Fig. 3 shows, the system fault
may be in the transmission system or in the distribution system.
Usually there is no total blackout but the remaining residual voltage is greater than 70 %.

Fig. 4 Typical failure costs per voltage sags

n 3. Functional principle and aim of automatic

A traditional method for a utility to solve its
power quality problems is information from customers about supply limitations suffered. With
the multifunction protection relays presented below it is possible to find solutions for protecting
whole areas from outages by means of protection
relays with integrated automatic functions.
Automatic switchover is suitable for disconnecting an endangered supply and quickly bringing in
a redundant, secure supply with the aid of an alternative incoming feeder. A fault is detected by
an undervoltage detection function. Using a directional overcurrent detection function, it can be
decided whether the fault is external or internal.
In the event of an external fault, switchover to the
alternative incoming feeder takes place. However,
if the fault is internal there is no switchover, with
the intention that the fault can be cleared by available circuit-breakers.

Fig. 3 Possible locations of system faults

The economic damage caused by sags or outages is

immense (Fig. 4). The following Fig. 5 shows
computer loads can fail already when the system
amplitude deviates from its rating for less than
one period. This so-called ITI/CBEMA curve is
used worldwide as a reference for the sensitivity of
other load types too, because the appropriate
manufacturer data are often unavailable. The difficulty in protecting a highly automated factory is
largely attributable to the large number of loads
and the degree of networking of these loads.

Switchover to the alternative incoming feeder or

the coupling of separated networks only takes
place instantaneously when both separated networks are synchronized. Otherwise it waits until
synchro- nicity between the two separated networks is established or the voltage has dropped to
such an extent that safe connection is possible.
However this is only on condition that the two incoming feeders are not impaired in their voltage
quality by the same system fault, such that
switchover provides no protection against load

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

In the case of rapid system decoupling (opening

the circuit-breaker in the faulty incoming feeder)
it can be assumed that the fault current has a
higher displacement than in normal switching.
This should be taken into account in the choice of
circuit-breakers. The system configuration and
the specific requirements regarding switching time
must therefore be analyzed before choosing the
suitable rapid switchover.
The following typical applications are particularly

Switchover from one redundant incoming

feeder to the next to protect loads from voltage outages


System decoupling in the event of a fault on

the load side and therefore prevention of the
fault from affecting other loads.

3.1 Practical principle

The SIPROTEC relays attend to full protection of
the incoming feeders by means of directional
overcurrent-time protection.
Configuration instructions for protection of the
incoming feeders are not dealt with in detail here.
Automatic switchover is implemented by at least
two autarchic SIPROTEC 4 relays (e.g. 7SJ62)
which can be adapted individually to the design
and basic conditions applying in a customer specification, in combination with the existing

Fig. 5 ITI/CBEMA curve

The following switchover possibilities can be

distinguished here:

Overlap switchover
Both circuit-breakers are actuated almost
Rapid switchover
Circuit-breaker 1 is opened and circuit-breaker 2
closed as long as the voltage is below U motor
rundown behavior is taken into account
Slow switchover
Motors must have run down, or else be switched
back on as from a certain residual voltage, the
reason being high start-up current of the motor
groups; this possibility should be rare.

3.2 Description
The desired configuration can be selected as nor mal operationwith the preselector switch S100.
The selected circuit-breaker remains defined as
normally OPEN. This open circuit-breaker is
considered as a backup in the event of a fault
which can then supply the faulty, disconnected
busbar section with energy again. Each circuitbreaker operates autarchically and is controlled by
one single multifunction relay.

Fig. 6 Bay layout

The relays are interconnected by binary signal

communication between the binary inputs and
outputs. In this way every relay can communicate
with the other two relays and exchange information about circuit-breaker position and protection

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Therefore it is possible to create self-controlling

automatism also allowing manual control from
the outside. When connecting, the synchro-check
can be performed by the multifunction relays
(7SJ64) themselves or by a separate synchro-check

This configuration was installed in the plant of a

petrochemical industry customer and has been
operating reliably since 2002.
The principle has proven so reliable that it is used
in all the busbars there, from the 400 V switchgear
through 6.6 kV right up to the 33 kV level.

a) In the event of undervoltage and breaker

failure from subordinate feeders or from the
parallel incoming supply, the circuit-breakers
are tripped individually by any protective


If the disconnector is closed in the troublefree incoming feeder and the parallel supply is
released (2 releases), the circuit-breaker is
closed, either at synchronicity or if there is no
voltage on the busbar. Disconnection of the
faulty incoming feeder and switch-in of the
substitute incoming feeder can be coordinated by the timer T1 (overlap time).
By setting the post-fault time with timer T2,
the maximum permissible time interval is
specified which may pass between connection
and the last satisfied synchronization condition.


b) If the protection has picked up due to a fault

outside the switchgear or plant, or the supply
voltage drops although there is no shortcircuit/earth fault, the parallel incoming
feeder is granted release (release of infeed B)
to close.

Fig. 8 Air-insulated switchgear 8BK, 6.6 kV, with

7SJ63-protected and controlled circuit-breakers

n 4. Summary
Multifunction relays which also assume control
and protection duties for the switchgear or plant
are highly attractive due to their greater flexibility.
There is considerable interest in solutions for protection against outages that would otherwise bring
whole factories to a standstill. Therefore this solution has the potential for use in both the low and
the medium-voltage sector.
Automatic switchover based exclusively on
SIPROTEC 4 relays represents an attractive alternative to existing products in terms of both investment volume and engineering effort. The necessary functions are available. The integrated logic
can be used to great advantage for the parameterization (by means of a CFC logic editor) of automatic switchover in the relays.

Fig. 7 Logic example for input field A

d) If the circuit-breaker in the faulty incoming

feeder has not opened properly, the circuitbreaker in the substitute incoming feeder will
be reclosed by the breaker failure protection.


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Coordination of InverseTime Overcurrent Relays

with Fuses
1. Introduction
The duty of protection equipment is to allow
overload currents that occur during operation,
yet to prevent impermissible loading of lines and
equipment. To avoid damages in the case of shortcircuits the relevant equipment must be tripped in
the shortest possible time. On the other hand only
as few feeders or loads as possible should be disconnected from supply.
The protection relays available in the power system must recognize the fault, perform tripping
themselves or give trip commands for the relevant
switching device.
The protection relays must be set to ensure selective tripping. Absolute selectivity is not always assured. Selectivity means that the series-connected protection relay nearest the fault first trips the
faulted line. Other protection relays (further upstream) recognize the fault but trip only after a delay (backup protection).
In the following the use of HV HRC fuses
(high-voltage-high-rupturing capacity) and inverse-time overcurrent-time protection relays
(as well as their interaction) will be described.
See Fig. 1.
2. Protective equipment
2.1 HV HRC fuses
The high-voltage-high-rupturing capacity fuse is a
protective device suited for non-recurring shutdown in medium-voltage switchgear, in which the
current is interrupted by the melting of a fusible
element embedded in sand.
HV HRC fuses are used for short-circuit protection in medium-voltage switchgear up to 20 kV.
Used upstream of transformers, capacitors and
cable feeders, they protect equipment and system
components from the dynamic and thermal effects of high short-circuit currents by shutting
them down as they arise.

Fig. 1 Block diagram

However, they are not used as overload protection

because they can only trip reliably as from their
minimum breaking current. For most HV HRC
fuse links the lowest breaking current is
Imin = 2.5 to 3 x IN.
With currents between IN and Imin HV HRC fuses
cannot operate.
When choosing HV HRC fuse-links, stressing of
the fuse from earth-fault current or residual current must be considered.
HV HRC fuse-links are installed with high-voltage
fuse-bases in the switchgear. They can also be installed in the built-on units of the switch disconnectors provided. By combining switch disconnector and HV HRC fuse, the IN to Imin current
which is critical to the fuse can also be reliably
broken. The switch is tripped by the fuse's striker
and disconnects the overload current in the three
phases. Some typical breaking characteristics are
shown in Fig. 2.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

2.2 Inverse-time overcurrent protection

Overcurrent protection is the main function of the
7SJ6 product range. It can be activated separately
for phase and earth-fault currents.
The I>> high-set overcurrent stage and the I>
overcurrent stage always work with definite tripping time.
In the Ip inverse-time overcurrent stage, the tripping time depends on the magnitude of the
short-circuit current.
Fig. 3 shows the basic characteristics of definite
and inverse-time overcurrent protection.
For inverse-time overcurrent functions (Ip stages)
various tripping characteristics can be set.
Normal inverse (NI)
Very inverse (VI)
Extremely inverse (EI)
Long time inverse (LI)
All characteristics are described by the formulae
below. At the same time, there are also distinctions as follows:
of HV HRC fuses




( I / I p )0 . 02 1

+ 0.17966 D
2 . 0938

(I / Ip )



(I / Ip ) 1

+ 0.0982 ) D

(I / Ip ) 1



( I / I p )2 1

+ 0.02434 D

(I / Ip ) 1



(I / Ip ) 1

+ 2.18592 D

(I / Ip ) 1


= Tripping time
= Setting value of the time multiplier
= Fault current
= Setting value of the current

Table 1 IEC/BS and ANSI

The general IEC/BS characteristic is shown in

Fig. 4 and that of ANSI in Fig. 5

Fig. 3
Definite and


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Fig. 4 IEC/BS characteristics

3. Network circuit and protection concept

The topology of a distribution system should be as
simple and clear as possible and ensure a reliable
Individual transformer stations are supplied by
ring cables. An example of a ring cable system is
shown in Fig. 6.
In order that a fault does not cause the whole ring
with all stations to fail, an open operating
method is the standard. In this example, transformers are protected on the low voltage (LV)
side with HV HRC fuses and the ring cable itself
with an overcurrent-time relay.
3.1 Calculating the relevant system currents
The full load current and short-circuit strength are
the selection criteria for the cable to be used. The
transformer rated currents must not deviate too
much from the rated currents of the cables used.
The maximum and minimum short-circuit currents (3, 2, 1 phase) appearing in this power system section must be calculated before the parameters of the relays can be set. LV-side shortcircuit currents must also be taken into account
here. It is advisable to use programs such as
SIGRADE (Siemens Grading Program) to calculate the short-circuit currents.
For further information please visit us at:

Fig. 5 ANSI characteristics

4. Selection and setting of protective components

The HV HRC fuses are selected using tables that
take into account transformer power (Sn), shortcircuit voltage (Usc) and rated voltage on the HV side.
Using the short-circuit currents detected, a proposal
can be worked out for selective protection setting of
the inverse-time overcurrent functions:
Ip must be set above the permissible rated current of
the cable (around 1.5 x IN cable)
I>> should not trip in the case of a fault on the lowvoltage side
In the case of a max. short-circuit current in the MV
system, there must be an interval of at least 100 ms
between the tripping characteristic of the HV HRC
fuse and the inverse-time characteristic. The time
multiplier Tp must be set to get this safe grading
It must be borne in mind that the value of the time
multiplier Tp (in 7SJ6 from 0.05 to 3.2 seconds) does
not correspond to the genuine tripping time of the
characteristic. Rather, the inverse-time characteristic
can be shifted in parallel in the time axis by this value.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Fig. 6 Example of a 20 kV ring distribution system

5. Proof of selective tripping

As mentioned earlier, selectivity means only the
protection relay closest to the faulty system section trips. Protection equipment connected (upstream) in series must register the fault but only
trip after a delay period. Typically, proof of selective tripping is shown in a current-time-diagram
with double logarithm scale. Programs like
SIGRADE are also used for this.
For the power system sections in question, typical
or critical time grading diagrams are selected.
Each protection relay has its own name, which describes the installation location. The same power
system and protective elements shown in more
than one time grading diagram have the same
The color of the name in the time grading path
(left side of the diagram) matches the color of the
set characteristic (in the time grading diagram on
the right) in the current-time-diagram. On the left
side, in addition to the single-line circuit diagram
(time-grading path) for each protection relay, the
type name, the setting range and the set values are

current bands always end on the voltage current

scale. The right-hand characteristic in a band is
the maximum short-circuit current (3 phase), calculated (here in green) from the incoming elements (generators, transformers, etc). The lefthand characteristic shows the minimum short-circuit current (1 or 2 phase) which is calculated on
the basis of the impedances of the elements in the
power system up to the location of the fault.
Band 1 (Transf. D Pr) shows the bandwidth of the
20 kV power system;
band 2 (Transf. D Sec) shows that of the 0.4 kV
power system.
The above-mentioned bands are contained in the
time-grading diagrams (Figs. 7 to 11).
6. Grading of overcurrent-time relay and
HV HRC fuse
As an example of the power system shown in
Fig. 6, in 3 time sequence diagrams the most usual
characteristics (NI, VI, EI) of the inverse-time
overcurrent protection are shown with the corresponding HV HRC fuses characteristic. The overcurrent-time relay 1, HV HRC fuse D and transformer D are selected from the circuit diagram.

In addition to the characteristics of the protection

relay, the current-time-diagram shows the shortcircuit current ranges plotted with minimum and
maximum values as bandwidth (values from the
short-circuit calculation). These short-circuit

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Setting range


Ip = 0.1 4 A
Tp = 0.05 3.2 s

Ip = 1.8 A
Tp = 0.05 s

Ip_mi = 2.3 kA
Is_mi = 15.8 kA

Ip_ma = 7.8 kA
Is_ma = 18.2 kA

Overcurrent-time relay with Normal Inverse (NI) setting

Band 2

Band 1

Fig. 7 Time-grading
diagram, inverse-time NI

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Setting range


Ip = 0.1 4 A
Tp = 0.05 3.2 s

Ip = 1.8 A
Tp = 0.15 s

Ip_mi = 2.3 kA
Is_mi = 15.8 kA

Ip_ma = 7.8 kA
Is_ma = 18.2 kA

Overcurrent-time relay with Very Inverse (VI) setting

Band 2

Band 1

Fig. 8 Time-grading
diagram, inverse-time VI


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Setting range


Ip = 0.1 4 A
Tp = 0.05 3.2 s

Ip = 1.8 A
Tp = 0.45 s

Ip_mi = 2.3 kA
Is_mi = 15.8 kA

Ip_ma = 7.8 kA
Is_ma = 18.2 kA

Overcurrent-time relay with Extremely Inverse (EI) setting

Band 2

Band 1

Fig. 9 Time-grading
diagram, inverse-time EI

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Setting range


Ip = 0.1 4 A
Tp = 0.05 3.2 s

Ip = 1.8 A
Tp = 0.05 s

Ip_mi = 2.3 kA
Is_mi = 15.8 kA

Ip_ma = 7.8 kA
Is_ma = 18.2 kA

Overcurrent-time relay with VI setting,

with same setting as NI
Band 2

Band 1

Fig. 10
Time-grading diagram,
very inverse, with
setting like normal


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Setting range


Ip = 0.1 4 A
Tp = 0.05 3.2 s

Ip = 1.8 A
Tp = 0.05 s

Ip_mi = 2.3 kA
Is_mi = 15.8 kA

Ip_ma = 7.8 kA
Is_ma = 18.2 kA

Overcurrent-time relay with EI setting,

with same setting as NI
Band 2

Band 1

Fig. 11
Time-grading diagram,
extremely inverse, with
setting like normal inverse

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

For the transformer considered (20/0.4 kV,

Sn = 0.8 MVA, Uk = 6.1 %), a 63 A HV HRC fuse
is selected according to the above-mentioned selection tables.
In order to maintain selectivity, the target trip
time is approx. 100 ms for the overcurrent-time
relay setting in the various characteristics with
maximum short-circuit current on the 20 kV side.
Under the same short-circuit conditions the
HV HRC fuse trips in approx. 1 ms.
By setting the Ip appropriately, the maximum fault
on the LV side does not lead to pickup of the overcurrent-time relay. As can be seen in Fig. 10 the
characteristic begins on the right, next to the maximum short-circuit current (brown, vertical lines).
The following setting values should be used to
achieve a safe grading time of 100 ms between all
types of o/c inverse-time characteristics (NI, VI,
EI) and the characteristic of the fuse.

Ip x IN

Tp (s)




Normal inverse (NI)



Very inverse (VI)



Extremely inverse (EI)

Table 2

When comparing the three figures it is clear that

the area between the HV HRC and inverse-time
characteristics is smallest for the setting NI.
Therefore the NI setting must be preferred in this
In order to explain the difference in the characteristics more clearly, two diagrams are shown with
the characteristics VI and EI with the same setting
values as NI.

The steeper the slope of the characteristic the
lower the tripping time with maximum fault
current. The safe grading time from the HV
HRC characteristic becomes smaller. The coordination shown here of the protection devices is
only part of the power system and must be
adapted to the concept of the overall power system with all protection relays.
In this example there was no setting of I>>, because the inverse-time characteristics themselves
trip in the 0.2 s range in the event of the maximum or minimum 20 kV side fault.
7. Summary
This application example demonstrates the engineering effort necessary to achieve a selective time
Real power systems are more complex and equipped with various protection relays. Whatever the
circumstances, it is necessary to know the operating mode of the power system (parallel, generator,
meshing, spur lines etc) as well as to calculate the
rated and short-circuit currents. It is worth the effort for the protection engineer because the objective is to lose only the faulty part of the power system.
SIGRADE software effectively supports grading
calculations. Power system planning and time
grading calculation is also offered by Siemens.
8. References
Gnther Seip: Elektrische Installationstechnik
Siemens: Manual for Totally Integrated Power
Catalog HG12: HV HRC Fuses

Very inverse (VI)

Extremely inverse (EI)

Ip = 1.8

Ip = 1.8

SIGRADE Software V3.2

Tp = 0.05

Tp = 0.05

See Fig. 10

See Fig. 11

Manual 7SJ61: Multifunctional Protective Relay

with Bay Controller 7SJ61

Table 3


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Medium-Voltage Protection
with Auto-Reclosure and
n 1. Introduction
An important protection criterion in mediumvoltage applications is overcurrent-time protection. Hardware redundancy can be dispensed with
in favor of lower-cost solutions, thanks to numerical technology and the high reliability of the
SIPROTEC 4 protection relays. The SIPROTEC 4
protection relays also allow functions which go
beyond the basic scope of protection:


Unbalanced load (negative-sequence) protection, motor protection functions, circuitbreaker failure protection,...
Other voltage-dependent protection functions
such as voltage protection, directional
overcurrent protection
Control, including interlocking
Integration in a control system

This enables all the requirements in the feeder to

be met with a single relay. Scalable, flexible hardware allows simple adaptation to any application.


Fig. 1 SIPROTEC medium-voltage protection

n 2. Protection concept
2.1 Overcurrent-time protection
The task of overcurrent-time protection is to detect
the feeder currents, in order to initiate tripping by
the circuit-breaker in the event of overcurrent. Selectivity is achieved here by current grading or time
grading. The phase currents IL1, IL2 and IL3 and the
earth current IE serve as measuring variables here.
(Non-directional) overcurrent-time protection is
used in medium-voltage power systems with
single-end infeed or as backup protection in
high-voltage applications.

Fig. 2 Block diagram

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

2.1.1 Grading and selectivity

The aim of every protective setting is to achieve
selectivity, i.e. the protection relay closest to the
fault location trips the CB; all the others detect the
fault but do not switch off or at least only after a
delay. This ensures backup protection if regular
protection fails.
There are basically two criteria for achieving selectivity:

Here a protection relay initiates tripping immediately or with an adjustable delay time. Since
the power system fault is usually detected by a
number of protection relays in the power
system, the protection relay with the shortest
delay time initiates tripping. The delay times in
the individual protection relays are defined such
that the short-circuit is cleared by the protection relay closest to the fault.

This type of grading is normally used for cable and

overhead power line systems.

Another grading criterion may be the magnitude of the short-circuit current itself. Since the
size of the short-circuit current cannot be determined exactly in pure line or cable systems, this
method is used for grading of transformers. The
transformer limits the short-circuit current resulting in different magnitudes of short-circuit
current on the high and low-voltage side.
This behavior is utilized to achieve selectivity in
tripping, as is attained in time grading.

2.1.3 Inverse-time overcurrent protection

The inverse-time characteristic is widely used in
countries with a British and American influence.
Here the delay time is dependent on the current
Inverse-time overcurrent protection characteristics
according to IEC 60255
IEC 60255-3 defines four characteristics which
differ in their slope.
Very Inverse
Extremely Inverse
Long Inverse
The calculation formulae and the corresponding
characteristics are shown below by way of comparison.
0 . 02
(I I p ) 1
Very inverse


Extremely inverse


(I I p ) 1 p

(I I )

Long inverse



(I I p ) 1 p

The flexibility of SIPROTEC 4 overcurrent-time

protection relays allows a mixture of these two criteria and therefore helps to achieve optimum supply security.

Fig. 2
2-stage definite-time
overcurrent characteristic
(I>>, I>)

2.1.2 Definite-time overcurrent protection

Definite-time overcurrent protection is the main
characteristic used in Europe (except in countries
with a British influence). Delay times are assigned
to several current pickup thresholds.
I>> pickup value (high short-circuit current)
t>> (short delay time)
I> pickup value (low short-circuit current),
t> (delay time)

Fig. 3 Comparison of inverse-time overcurrent

protection characteristics


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

The corresponding characteristic is selected dependent on the overall grading coordination

chart. However, the inverse characteristic is sufficient for most applications.
Inverse-time overcurrent protection characteristics
according to ANSI/IEEE
Characteristics are also defined by ANSI/IEEE
similar to those according to IEC 60255. For
further details about these, see the application
example on Coordination of Inverse-Time
Overcurrent Relays with Fuses. The ANSI char acteristics are also available as standard in all
SIPROTEC 4 overcurrent-time protection relays.
2.1.4 User-defined characteristics
Numerical protection relays like SIPROTEC 4 also
allow the user to freely define characteristics, and
therefore enable maximum flexibility. This means
ease of adaptation to existing protection concepts,
e.g. when renewing the protection, even for special
2.1.5 Combined characteristics
SIPROTEC 4 overcurrent-time protection allows
the advantages of definite and inverse-time
overcurrent protection to be combined. On the
one hand, with the high-set current stage I>>, the
tripping time with high short-circuit currents can
be reduced in comparison with inverse-time
overcurrent protection characteristics, and on the
other hand the grading can be adapted optimally
to the characteristic of the HV HRC fuses with inverse-time overcurrent protection characteristic.
2.1.6 Sensitivity
The earth current can be measured or calculated
in addition to the phase currents. Independent
protection stages for phase-to-earth faults are also
available in the SIPROTEC 4. As a result, sensitivity below the rated current is achieved for such a
2.2 Auto-reclosure
Auto-reclosure is only used on overhead lines, because the chances of success are relatively slight in
the event of faults in a cable network. About 85%
of reclosures are successful on overhead lines,
which contributes greatly to a reduction in power
system downtimes.
Important parameters for reclosure are:
Dead time
Lockout (blocking) time
Single or three-pole
Single or multishot

Normally only one single three-pole reclosure is

performed for medium-voltage applications. Dead
times between 0.3 and 0.6 s usually suffice for adequate de-ionization of the flashover distance and
thus a successful reclosure.
The lockout times (time up to next reclosure) are
chosen so that protection relays affected by the
power system fault have reliably reset. In the past
this led to relatively long lockout times (approximately 30 s) due to the dropout time of mechanical protection relays. This is not necessary in numerical protection relays. Shorter lockout times
can therefore reduce the number of final disconnections (unsuccessful reclosures), for example
during thunderstorms.
In the past separate relays were used for
protection and automatic reclosure. The initiation
for this was given by parallel wiring with the protection relay. In SIPROTEC 4 relays the autoreclosure function can be integrated in the protection relay; there is no need for any additional relay
and wiring.
2.3 Control
There is a noticeable worldwide trend towards
automation, even in medium-voltage power systems. SIPROTEC 4 protection relays provide the
conditions for controlling the feeder both locally
and remotely by telecontrol/station control and
protection systems. This is supported by the appropriate control elements on the relay and various serial interfaces. See Chapter 4 for further
n 3. Settings
The determining of the most important setting
parameters is explained in this chapter by means
of a typical application.
3.1 Overcurrent-time protection
The setting of the overcurrent stages is defined by
the grading coordination chart of the overall network. Current grading is possible for the trans formerprotection object; only time grading can
usually be applied for overhead lines/cables.
3.1.1 High-set current stage I>>
The high-set current stage I>> is set under the address 1202 and the corresponding delay T I>> under 1203. It is normally used for current grading at
high impedances such as are encountered in transformers, motors or generators. Setting is such that
it picks up for short-circuits reaching into this impedance range.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Transformer in the infeed of a busbar with the following data:
Uk = 10 %
UN1 = 33 kV
UN2 = 11 kV
Dy 5
250 MVA

The following short-circuit currents can be calculated from these data:

3-pole, high-voltage side short-circuit
I"SC3 = 4389 A
3-pole, low-voltage side short-circuit
I"SC3, 11 = 2100 A
on the high-voltage side flow
I"SC3,33 = 700 A
rated current of the transformer HV
INT, 33 = 70 A (high-voltage side)
rated current of the transformer LV
INT, 11 = 211 A (low-voltage side)
current transformer (high-voltage side)
INW, 33 = 100 A / 1 A
current transformer (low-voltage side)
INW, 11 = 300 A / 1 A
Due to the setting value of the high-set current
stage I>>
I>>/IN >
N Transfo
U k Transfo I N CT
the following setting on the protection relay:
The high-set current stage I> must be set higher
than the maximum short-circuit current detected
on the high-voltage side in the event of a fault on
the low-voltage side. In order to attain a sufficient
noise ratio even at fluctuating short-circuit power,
a setting of
I>>/IN = 10, i.e. I>> = 1000 A
is selected.
Increased inrush current surges are disarmed by
the delay times (parameter 1203 T I>>) provided
their fundamental component exceeds the setting
value. The set time is a purely additional time delay which does not include the operating time.



Rated apparent power

Short-circuit voltage
Primary rated voltage
Secondary rated voltage
Vector group
Short-circuit power
on 33 kV side

Fig. 4 DIGSI parameter sheet, definite-time overcurrent protection


3.1.2 Overcurrent stage I>

The maximum operating current occurring is significant for the setting of the overcurrent stage I>.
Pickup by overload must be ruled out because the
relay works as a short-circuit protection with correspondingly short operating times in this mode
and not as overload protection. It is therefore set
for lines at about 20 % and for transformers and
motors at about 40 % above the maximum (over)
load to be expected. The delay to be set (parameter 1205 TI>) is given by the grading coordination
chart created for the power system.
The set time is a purely additional time delay
which does not include the operating time (measuring time). The delay can be set to . The stage
then does not trip after pickup but the pickup is
signaled. If the I> stage is not needed at all, the
pickup threshold I> is set to . Then there is
neither pickup indication nor tripping.
According to the above example this gives a calculated setting value of
I > = 14
. I NT, 33 = 14
. 70 A =100 A =1.0 I NW, 33
3.1.3 Inverse-time overcurrent protection stages Ip
It must be taken into account when selecting an
inverse-time overcurrent characteristic that a factor of approximately 1.1 is already incorporated
between the pickup value and the setting value.
This means that pickup only takes place when a
current 1.1 times the setting value flows. The current value is set under address 1207 Ip. The maximum operating current occurring is significant
for the setting.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

The time multiplier can be set to . Then the stage

does not trip after pickup but the pickup is signaled. If the Ip stage is not needed at all, address
50/51) is selected in the configuration of the protection functions.


Pickup by overload must be ruled out because the

relay works as a short-circuit protection with appropriately short command times in this mode
and not as overload protection. The corresponding time multiplier is accessible under address
1208 T Ip (51 TIME DIAL) when selecting an IEC
characteristic, and under address 1209 51 TIME
DIAL when selecting an ANSI characteristic. This
must be coordinated with the grading coordination chart of the power system.

Fig. 5 DIGSI parameter sheet, inverse time overcurrent protection phase

IE> (earth) or IEp

The minimum occuring earth fault current is
mainly decisive for the setting of the overcurrent
stage IE> or IEp. If great inrush currents are to be
expected when using the protection relay on
transformers or motors, an inrush restraint can be
used in 7SJ62/63/64 for the overcurrent stage IE>
or IEp. This is switched on or off for both phase
and earth current together under address 2201
The time delay to be set (parameter 1305 T IE>/
50 N-1 DELAY or 1308 T /IEp/51N TIME DIAL) is
given by the grading coordination chart created
for the power system, whereby a separate grading
coordination chart with shorter delay times is often possible for earth currents in the earthed
power system.
3.2 Auto-reclosure
The integrated auto-reclosure function can be
used for performing reclosures on overhead lines.
This can be initiated by every overcurrent stage
and other protection functions. External initiation
via binary inputs is also possible. In this way the
reclosing function can be adapted individually to
the respective application without external wiring.


3.1.4 Earth current stages

IE>> (earth)
The high-set current stage IE>> is set under address 1302 (50 N-2 PICKUP) and the corresponding delay T IE>> under 1030 (50 N-2 DELAY).
Similar considerations apply for the setting, as
previously described, for the phase currents.

DIGSI parameter sheet, definite time overcurrent earth protection

A description for setting the most important

reclosure parameters follows:
7105 Time restraint:
The blocking time TIME RESTRAINT (address
7105) is the time span following successful reclosure after which the power system fault is considered cleared. Generally, a few seconds are
enough. In regions with frequent thunderstorms a
short lockout time is recommendable, to reduce
the danger of final disconnection due to lightning
strikes in rapid succession or cable flashover. The
default selection is 3 s.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


7117 Action time

The action time checks the time between the
pickup of a relay and the trip command of a protection function parameterized as a starter, in
ready (but not yet running) auto-reclosure.
If a trip command is received from a protection
function parameterized as a starter within the action time, auto-reclosure is initiated. If this time is
outside the parameterized value of T-ACTION
(address 7117), auto-reclosure is blocked dynamically. With inverse-time characteristics the release
time is determined essentially by the fault location
and the fault resistance. With the help of the action time, no reclosure is performed in the event
of very remote or high-resistance faults with a
long tripping time.
Presetting of always initiates a reclosure.


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Fig. 8 DIGSI parameter sheet, auto-reclosure configuration

The dead time before the 1st reclosure for the

reclosure program Phase(phase-to-phase fault)
is set in address 7127 DEADTIME 1:PH; for the
reclosure program Earth(single phase-to-earth
fault) it is set in address 7128 DEADTIME 1:G.
The duration of the dead time should relate to the
type of application. For longer lines the time
should be long enough for the short-circuit arc to
extinguish and de-ionize the ambient air, to allow
successful reclosure (usually 0.9 s to 1.5 s). The
stability of the power system has priority in the
case of lines fed from several ends. Since the disconnected line cannot develop any synchronizing
forces, often only a short dead time is permissible.
Normal values are between 0.3 s and 0.6 s. Longer
dead periods are usually allowed in radial systems.
The default is 0.5 s.


7135 Number of reclosure attempts, earth

7136 Number of reclosure attempts, phase
The number of reclosures can be set separately for
the programs Phase(address 7136, NUMBER RC
PHASE/# OF RCL. PH) and Earth(address 7135
NUMBER RC EARTH/# OF RCL. GND). The presetting for both parameters is 1 (one); one reclosure
cycle is therefore executed.

The configuration sheetdefines which of the

protection stages starts the reclosure. For each of
the stages it can be decided whether this stage
starts the reclosure, does not start it or blocks it


DIGSI parameter sheet, auto-reclosure (general)

Fig. 9 DIGSI parameter sheet, auto-reclosure (1st reclosure cycle)

7127 Dead time 1: ph

7128 Dead time 1: G
The parameters 7127 and 7128 define the length
of the dead times of the 1st cycle. The time defined
by the parameter is started upon opening the
circuit-breaker (if auxiliary contacts are allocated)
or upon reset after the trip command.


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems


n 4. Further functions
As already described in Chapter 2, a number of
additional functions can be configured in the
SIPROTEC 4 relays. Apart from further protection functions, these also include control tasks for
the feeder. All SIPROTEC 4 relays (e.g. 7SJ61 and
7SJ62) have 4 freely assignable function keys F1 to
F4 which simplify frequently required operations.
These function keys can take the user directly to
the display window for measured values, or to
fault event logs for example. If the relay is also to
be used for feeder control, these keys can be used
for controlling the circuit-breaker. The key F1
then selects the ON command for example, key F2
the OFF command and key F3 executes the selected command (two-stage command output).

Fig. 12 Example of interlock logic


The switching authority (local/remote) can be

changed and the interlock check overridden by
two key-operated switches.

Fig. 10 Front view 7SJ61 or 7SJ62


The 7SJ63 also has a graphic display on which the

individual feeder mimic diagram can be shown.
Separate ON/OFF control buttons ensure safe and
reliable local control. An integrated, freely programmable interlock logic prevents switching


Fig. 13 Front view, key-operated switch with

customer-specific feeder mimic diagram

Fig. 11 Front view 7SJ63

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

n 5. Connection examples
5.1 Current and voltage transformers
Connection of the protection relays to the
switchgear depends on the number of switching
objects (circuit-breakers, disconnectors) and current and voltage transformers. Normally at least
three current transformers are available per feeder
which are connected to the protection relay as follows.

If voltages are also available (from the feeder or

as a busbar measurement), these can be connected
on 7SJ62/63/64 and then also enable voltagedependent protection functions (directional overcurrent protection, voltage protection, frequency
protection, ...).

Fig. 14 Transformer connection to three current transformers

In some systems, also the earth current is measured by a core-balance current transformer. This
can be connected to the protection relay separately. A core-balance current transformer achieves greater accuracy (sensitivity) for low earth

Fig. 16 Transformer connection to three current and three voltage


5.2 Input/output periphery

In addition to the current transformers (and if
required to the voltage transformers too), at least
the TRIP command has to be wired to the circuitbreaker. The standard allocation supports this by
practice-oriented preassignment.
Preassignment of the inputs and outputs in the
Binary inputs
Block definite/inverse time
overcurrent protection
LED reset
Display lighting on

Important: The cable shield must be earthed on the cable side!


Reversing the current polarity (address 0201) also reverses

the polarity of the current input IE

Binary outputs (command relays)

TRIP command
Reclosure command
Reclosure command
MV monitoring

Fig. 15 Transformer connection to three current transformers and core-balance CT


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems


TRIP command
MV monitoring
Not used

n 6. Summary
SIPROTEC 4 protection relays are suitable for almost any application due to their modular hardware structure and the flexible scope of functions.
A suitable relay with the necessary scope can be
selected in line with requirements. Factory parameterization is oriented to typical applications
and can often be adopted with only small modifications. In the parameter setting with DIGSI, all
unnecessary parameters are hidden so that clarity
is much improved.


The assignment can be changed and the protection parameters set conveniently with the
DIGSI 4 operating program. The parameterizat- ion data can then be saved and copied
conveniently as a basis for further feeders.

Fig. 17 Configuration matrix

The retrofitting of serial interfaces for subsequent

integration into a substation control and protection system is also possible locally, which reduces
downtimes to a minimum. The functional scope
can also be changed later by downloadinga new
order number.

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Line Protection in Distribution Systems


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Differential Protection of
Cables up to 12 km via
Pilot Wires
(Relay Type: 7SD600)

n 2. Protection concept
The 7SD600 digital differential protection relay
provides short-circuit protection for cables and
overhead lines in power supply systems, independent of the system star-point configuration. It
works according to the conventional 2-conductors
principle. Here, the phase currents at the two lineends are with the help of summation current
transformers added up to one summation current. These are then transformed by voltage dividers into proportional voltages, which are fed with
reversed polarity to two pilot wires. The resultant
voltage difference finally produces a current,
which represents the determinant tripping magnitude for both relays. Because of its rigorous local
selectivity (the protection range is limited by current transformers at both ends of the line), differential protection is generally applied as an
instantaneous main protection since no other
protection can disconnect the line more quickly
and selectively.
2.1 Differential protection (ANSI 87L)
2.1.1 Principle and current transformer
The differential protection function of the 7SD600
recognizes short-circuits in the protection range
by comparing the summation currents detected at
both ends of the line. In order to do this, the secondary phase currents from the primary current
transformers are fed with variable weighting
(number of windings) into the summation current transformer which combines them to produce a summation current.


n 1. Introduction
Line differential protection systems make it possible to protect cables or overhead lines selectively
and as fast as possible in the event of a shortcircuit. The application domain of the SIPROTEC
7SD600 described here is predominantly in the
medium-voltage sector if either the tripping times
of graded overcurrent-time protection relays become too great, or if distance protection relays are
no longer able to guarantee the desired selectivity.

Fig. 1 SIPROTEC 7SD600 line differential protection relay

Fig. 2 Principal circuit diagram of line differential

protection 7SD600

This also assumes, that current transformers with

identical primary values are used at both ends,
otherwise the variable windings ratio must be
equalized by an appropriate arrangement of the
matching transformer and/or summation current

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

2.1.2 Summation current transformers

The 4AM4930 summation current transformer is
installed as standard in the normal circuit.

Fig. 3 4AM4930 summation current transformer normal


This summation current transformer has different

primary windings with several tapping points allowing phase current and connection type (for example two-phase) mixing ratios to be varied. This
way, increased sensitivities (e.g. of the earth current) or preferences in the case of double earth
fault can be neatly ensured.

L1-L2-L3 (sym.)

W/ 3

I1 for IM = 20 mA


1 x IN



0.87 x IN



1.73 x IN



1.73 x IN



0.35 x IN



0.58 x IN



0.43 x IN

Table 1 Fault types and winding valencies W in case

of normal connection L1 - L3 - E

The selected summation current transformer connection must be implemented identically at both
ends of the line to avoid false tripping.

2.1.3 Differential current

With normal summation current transformer
connection and symmetrical current flow (rated
quantity), 20 mA flow to the summation current
transformer on the secondary side. This summation current is now measured in the local 7SD600,
and also fed as voltage drop to two pilot wires via
an internal resistor of the protection relay. At the
remote end the summation current is formed in
the same manner and also fed as voltage drop to
both pilot wires, but this time with reversed polarity.
In healthy state, the reverse polarity voltages
should neutralize each other out. However, under
fault condition there is in the case of different
summation currents a resulting voltage which will
drive a current (proportional to the theoretical
differential current) along both wires. This current is then measured by the protection relay and
serves as a tripping parameter.
2.1.4 Transformers in the protected zone
The 7SD600 optionally also analyses the summation currents for a component of 100 Hz. This
makes it possible to expand the protection range
beyond a transformer. Additional external matching transformers must nevertheless ensure, that
the transformation ratio of the currents and their
phases is compensated analagously to the transformer.
2.1.5 Restraint current
In order to stabilize the differential protection system against overfunction (unwanted operation) in
the event of external faults, the differential cur renttripping parameter is standardized to a sta bilization parameter. The latter is the sum of the
magnitudes of the currents detected at both ends
of the protection range. This stabilization means
that in the event of large currents flowing through
and of measurement errors resulting from transformer faults or transformer saturation, the tripping parameter must likewise be high.
Measuring the local summation current transformer secondary currents and the current flowing through the pilot wires ensures, that each of
the two protection relays can calculate both the
differential and stabilizing currents and react according to the tripping characteristic.

Fig. 4 Function diagram


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

2.1.6 Tripping characteristic

The 7SD600 tripping characteristic consists of
three sections. In the area of small currents a fixed
tripping threshold settable as parameter must be
exceeded in order to ensure response. Both the
other tripping characteristic branches have set defaults. Current-proportional transformer faults
rise as the current magnitude increases. This is
taken into account in the tripping diagram with a
section of a straight line through the origin with a
1/3 gradient (slope). In the case of even greater currents the tripping limit is determined by a further
straight line, which intersects the stabilization axis
at 2.5 INLine and has a gradient of 2/3. This branch
takes account of incipient current transformer saturation.

Fig. 5 Restraint characteristic of the differential protection drawn with a default of IDiff> = 1.0 IN Line
= |I1 + I2|
IRestraint = |I1| + |I2|
= Current at local line end, positive flowing into line
= Current at remote end, positive flowing into line
IN Line = Line rated current

In order that differential protection remains stable

in the case of external faults with strong currents,
the 7SD600 offers additional stabilization with regard to possible transformer saturation. Here, on
the basis of the stabilization and differential current trend, the protection recognizes that an external fault initially occurred before the build-up of
the differential current as a result of transformer
saturation. When the current values enter the additional stabilization (restraint) range, the differential protection is blocked for a maximum of
1 second in order to give the transformer time to
come out of saturation. However, if during this
time steady state prevails in the tripping range for
two network periods, blocking is neutralized and
the protection makes the decision to trip.

2.1.7 Pilot wires

Symmetrical telecommunication wire pairs (typically 73 /km loop resistance and 60 nF/km capacity) with a wire/wire asymmetry (at 800 Hz) of
less than 10-3 are suitable. The loop resistance may
not exceed 1200 . Furthermore, the longitudinal
voltage component induced in the pilot wires by
the short-circuits (to earth) must be taken into account. The induced direct axis voltage component
can be calculated according to the following formula:
U l = 2 f M I k1 l r1 r2
= Induced direct axis voltage component

= Rated frequency [Hz]

= Mutual inductance between power cable and
pilot wires [mH/km]
= Maximum single-pole short-circuit current [kA]
= Length of the parallel distance between power
cable and pilot wires [km]
= Reduction factor of the power cable
(in case of overhead lines r1 = 1)
= Reduction factor of the pilot wire cable

The calculated induced voltage needs only be half

taken into account since it builds up on the insulated pilot wires at both ends. If this exceeds 60 %
of the permitted test voltage, additional measures
(isolating transformers) are necessary. Isolation
(barrier) transformers are available for isolation
up to 5 kV and 20 kV respectively. The center tap
on the side facing the protection relay must be
earthed for anti-touch protection reasons, but the
pilot wire connection must not be earthed or provided with surge arresters.

Fig. 6 Connection of isolating transformers 7XR9515 (5 kV) or 7XR9513 (20 kV)

2.2 Backup protection functions (ANSI 50)

As is usual with modern, numerical protection relays, the 7SD600 also offers further integrated protection and additional functions. The user must
nevertheless be aware of the lack of hardware redundancy when deploying these functions. For
this reason, at least a further separate short-circuit
protection relay, for instance a 7SJ602, should be

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

2.2.1 Overcurrent-time protection (ANSI 51)

The 7SD600 includes overcurrent-time protection
alongside differential protection as an emergency
function, i.e. for cases where the main function is
no longer available. Parameterization makes it
possible to set whether the emergency definitetime overcurrent protection should generally be
activated when differential protection is ineffective, or only if the wire monitoring responds. This
emergency definite-time overcurrent protection
works with the local summation current and features one single stage. The current threshold is set
above the maximum symmetrical load current.
Since in general no time grading is possible if full
selectivity is to be retained, a compromise between
selectivity and speed of protection has to be
found. In any case the tripping time should be delayed by at least one grading, in order to wait to
see whether this high current is caused by faults
on adjoining power system sections and other
protection relays selectively trip upon this fault.

The 7SD600 is notable for its few setting parameters, which allow it to be configured quickly and
easily. Pilot-wire monitoring is the only function
that can be activated (or deactivated) under
Scope of the device, provided the relay has been
ordered with this option. This must be activated.
3.1 System /line data
The parameters defined by the primary equipment
are set under the system/line dataheading (see
Fig. 7). These include network frequency, current
transformer ratio and minimum circuit-breaker
activation time in the event of protective tripping.
In order to better match the differential protection characteristic, the protection parameters are
referred to the line rated current; this must be input at this point and must imperatively be the
same in both relays. As already described above,
the resistance of the pilot-wire connection is required for correct calculation of the current value
at the remote end. This can be calculated either
from the pilot-wire connection data sheets or can
be measured within the context of commissioning
by the relay itself in accordance with the instructions in the manual. This value must subsequently
be entered here. Finally, the lock-out function can
be switched either on or off at this point. The activated lock-out function requires an acknowledgement of the TRIP command via the acknowledgement button on the relay or by the setting of a
binary input, e.g. by using an external switch.

Intertripping, remote tripping

In the event of protective tripping at the local end,
an intertrip signal can be sent to the remote end
(using the same transmission equipment) in order
to isolate the faulted line. The remote tripping system, in which a signal coupled via binary input is
interpreted as a shutoff command for the circuitbreaker on the remote end, works according to the
same pattern. Here too an audio frequency signal
is transmitted to the partner relay, as with intertripping.
n 3. Settings
The parameter settings of both relays of the differential protection system differ in only a few
points. This is the reason why only the 7SD600
settings of one line end are explained initially.
The differences are explicitly listed towards the
end of this chapter.



2.2.2 Additional functions

Pilot-wire monitoring
The ohmic resistance of the pilot-wire loop is
needed for correct calculation of the summation
current at the remote end of the protection range.
This current is comfortably determined with the
help of DIGSI during commissioning and entered
into the protection relay parameters. Because no
differential voltage and thus no differential current occur in flowing currents during normal operation, monitoring of the pilot-wire connection
is strongly advised. Audio frequency signals are
modulated onto the connection line.

Fig. 7 Settings for Power system data

3.2 Line differential protection

3.2.1 Line differential protection
As with all protection functions, the differential
protection can be switched either on or off at this
point in order to simplify function-selective testing. Additionally, there is the option to set these
parameters to indication only, so that for exam ple at the time of commissioning all indications
for this protection function are logged, but no
tripping occurs. The differential protection function must of course be switched on for normal
operation. Regarding the differential protection
function, only the tripping threshold IDIFF> must
be set (referred to the line rated current).

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

IC = 3.63 10-6 UN fN CB s

= Charging current to be ascertained in A primary

= System rated voltage in kV
= System rated frequency in Hz
= Operating capacity of the line in nF/km
= Line length in km

3.2.2 Blocking with second harmonic

A transformer may also be situated within the
7SD600 protection range. However, in this case
the transformer ratio must be recreated with external matching transformers, so that the current
magnitude and phase angle of the summation
current transformer inputs correspond on both
sides of the transformer. For this application it is
necessary to stabilize the differential protection in
relation to the transformer inrush. Because no
transformer is located within the protection range,
blocking of the differential protection is deactivated by means of the second harmonic. Consequently, the tripping threshold set values for both
the second harmonic and the maximum differential current (which is blocked by this function) are
3.2.3 TRIP delay
In certain applications (e.g. reverse interlocking),
it can be necessary to delay the differential protection somewhat. This delay can be set at this point.
3.2.4 Local current threshold
A local current threshold (which must be exceeded) can be set as a further tripping condition
at the local end. With the preset value 0 IN, Line
the protection relays trip at both ends if the differential protection responds. The local current
threshold can be raised if, for example, in the case
of single-side infeed, the remote end (from which
no current is feeding onto the fault) should not be

3.2.5 Intertrip function

Normally, tripping is effected at both stations as a
result of current comparison. Tripping at one end
only can occur when an overcurrent release is
used or with short-circuit currents only slightly
above the tripping value. Circuit-breaker intertripping can be parameterized in the unit with integral pilot-wire monitor, so that definite tripping
at both ends of the line is assured.
3.2.6 Differential protection blocking
(spill current)
This differential current monitoring function
reacts to a permanently low differential current,
which can be produced by phase failure at the
summation current transformer (e.g. due to wire
break) and blocks the differential protection function. The threshold (parameter 1550) is set slightly
over the capacitive losses of the pilot wires, which
at a power system frequency of 50 Hz can be
estimated according to
Ispill (%) = 0.025 IN, Line lLine (km)
With a line length of 12 km, this gives a value of
0.3 IN, line for the spill current. In order to prevent
spurious tripping, the parameter is set at
0.4 IN, line. In accordance with the default (preset)
value, monitoring is delayed by 5 seconds.


Referred to the summation current, this value

must thus lie below the minimum short-circuit
current but above the inrush current and the
transformer faults of the primary and summation
current transformers, taking the weighting factors
for the various fault types into account. The preset
value of 1.0 I /IN,Line has proved over many years
to be a stable empirical figure. Taking account of a
weighting factor of more than 2 for single-pole
faults, this corresponds to barely five times an accepted charging current of 10 % referred to IN,Line.
Should 5 times the charging current be above this
value, IDIFF> must be increased.
This charging current is calculated according to
the equation:

Fig. 8 Setting the differential protection function

3.3 Pilot wire monitoring

Pilot wire monitoring is extremely important for
monitoring the capability of the differential protection system. Since in fault-free operation, particularly where operating currents are low, no
appreciable differential current occurs (due to
transformer and measurement inaccuracies), wire
break or short-circuit would not be noticed,
which would lead to protection malfunction. Thus
the pilot-wire function will be activated and the
reaction of the protection will be defined. When a
connection fault is recognized, the differential
protection can be blocked or the fault can simply
be reported after an adjustable delay time.

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Line Protection in Distribution Systems

In order to begin the communication between

both relays in a defined manner, the station identification must be set differently. One 7SD600 is
parametrized as master, the other as slave.

To avoid an overfunction, tripping can be delayed.

Hence, a transient signal will not lead to a misinterpretation. In order to ensure reliable tripping
even when a short signal is received, the transfer
trip signal can also be delayed until the circuitbreaker opens. The preset values are intended to
ensure remote tripping.


3.6 Relay at the remote end

The parameter settings of the second 7SD600,
which is installed at the remote line end, are to the
greatest possible extent identical to the relay described here. The identical summation current
transformer connection and the same set value for
the line rated current are essential. All further parameters can normally be taken over by the local
relay; however, under the key term pilot-wire
monitoring, the station identification of mas terhas to be changed to "slaveso that this pa rameter is set differently in both relays.

Fig. 9 Settings of the pilot-wire monitoring for the local

relay (master)


3.4 Overcurrent-time protection

Emergency overcurrent-time protection can be
activated either in the event of a recognized pilotwire fault or generally when the differential protection is deactivated. The local summation current must likewise be used as a measuring quantity
and the setting must be referred to the line rated
current. Here too, when setting the current threshold, the weighting factors for the various fault
types must also be taken into consideration. The
current thresholds are set as far as possible between maximum operating current and minimum
short-circuit current. The associated delay time is
adjusted to the network grading plan as closely as
possible, in order to maximize selectivity.


Fig. 11 Settings of the pilot-wire monitoring for the relay at the

remote end (slave)

Fig. 10 Settings of the pilot-wire monitoring

Emergency overcurrent-time protection

3.5 Remote tripping/Transfer trip

A signal injected via binary input (e.g. from the
circuit-breaker failure protection) can be transmitted as an audio-frequency signal to the remote
end through the pilot wires in order to effect tripping of the circuit-breaker there. Thus reliable
transmission is ensured even when pulses are very
short. The transmission duration can be prolonged. The protection relay at the remote end
must be appropriately set for the reception of a
remote tripping signal, i.e. the transfer trip
function must be switched on.


n 4. Summary
Undelayed and at the same time rigorously selective protection of cables and lines reduces the
consequences of unavoidable power system disturbances. For one this means protection of the
equipment, and secondly a contribution to a maximized level of supply security.
A differential protection system consisting of two
SIPROTEC 7SD600 relays and the associated
summation current transformers offers comprehensive protection of cables and overhead lines.
Extensive additional functions allow trouble-free
connection of the relays and integration into complex power system protection grading.
The default settings of the relay are selected in
such a way, that the user only has to configure the
known cable and primary transformer data. Many
of the preset values can be taken over with no
problem and thus substantially reduce effort involved in parameterization and setting.

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Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Differential Protection of
Cables via Fiber Optics
(Relay Type: 7SD610)


20 kV single-core cross-linked polyethylene cable N2XS(F)2Y 1x120RM/16

Resonant-earthed system
Fiber-optic link
ANSI 87L differential protection
ANSI 50/51 definite-time overcurrent-time
protection as backup protection
ANSI 50HS instantaneous high-current
switch-onto-fault protection
thermal overload protection


n 1. Introduction
The ever higher load imposed on primary equipment requires it to be protected in a selective
manner and fast fault clearing in case of a shortcircuit, in order to minimize possible consequential damage resulting from faults. For overhead
lines and cables this requirement is met by line
differential protection relays.
A full example of how to set SIPROTEC 4 7SD610
protection relays for a power cable in the distribution network is described, in addition to notes on

Fig. 1 SIPROTEC 7SD610 line differential protection relay

n 2. Protection concept
The 7SD610 numerical differential protection relay is a modern short-circuit protection relay for
cables and overhead lines in power supply system.
Due to rigorous local selectivity the protected
zone is limited at both ends of the line section
power system topology and voltage levels play no
role. Furthermore, the star-point conditioning of
the current network is of no significance as current comparison takes place per phase and thus
variable weightings for different faults as they
occurred in the conventional summation current
transformer differential protection process are
nowadays unimportant. Due to its selectivity, the
differential protection is generally set as an undelayed, instantaneous main protection since no
other protection can disconnect the line more
quickly and selectively.

Fig. 2 Differential protection for a line

2.1 Differential protection (ANSI 87L)

The differential protection function of the 7SD610
detects short-circuits using phase-selective comparison of the current values measured by separate relays at both ends of the line in the zone to
be protected, including weak current or high-resistance short-circuits.

Each 7SD610 compares locally measured current

values with those from the remote end and decides independently whether there is a system disturbance or not. A communication link between
both relays is required to exchange the measured
values. The relays are designed for a fiber-optic
link, which is the preferred method. System-tested
communication converters for other transmission
media (copper conductors, ISDN line, digital
communication networks with X21 or G703.1)
are nevertheless also available.

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Line Protection in Distribution Systems

The differential protection function implemented

in the 7SD610 uses two algorithms in order to
meet the demands of speed and sensitivity. The
charge comparison process integrates the measured currents and compares the charge values at
both ends over a short time interval. This simple
process makes it possible to detect high-current
faults as quickly as possible.
This crude algorithm is complemented by a substantially more sensitive vector comparison process. In this process, the current vectors per phase
of both relays are compared with each other at
each sampling time point. In particular, the errors
for each measured value during the process are
considered. This includes the current measured
value error based on the stored transformer data.
The error consideration also takes into account
both the signal transmission time of the measured-value telegram from the partner relay and
the cable charge current. Finally, each protection
relay can decide whether its own (directly measured) current value corresponds to the measured
value received by telegram from the remote end
via the functional interface, including all magnitude and phase errors. If this is not the case, a further (fault) current must be responsible for the
difference and the 7SD610 decides on tripping.
Converted to the conventional characteristic, this
means that the restraint current is not simply
formed as the sum of the magnitudes of the currents measured at both ends, but as the sum of the
errors described above plus the minimum tripping
threshold IDIFF>, which are converted into a single
current component. Protective tripping occurs at
the moment when the differential current is greater than the adaptively formed restraint current.

In order to ensure reliable operation of the differential protection system, the current transformers
deployed must comply with the following

1st condition:
When the maximum short-circuit current is
flowing through, current transformers may not
be saturated in steady state.
n' Kd max
I N prim
2nd condition:
The operating overcurrent factor n' must be at
least 30 or a saturation-free time t'AL of min
period is ensured
n' 30 or t'AL period
3rd condition:
Maximum mutual ratio of the current transformer primary rated currents at the ends of the
object to be protected
I prim max
I prim min

2.2 Backup protection functions

As usual with modern, numerical protection
relays, the 7SD610 also offers a range of further
protection and additional functions, which make
it flexibly customizable for almost all uses. The
user must nevertheless be aware of the lack of
hardware redundancy when deploying these functions. For this reason at least one additional, separate short-circuit protection relay should be
installed. Depending on voltage level and/or importance of the line, this can be a separate distance
protection (7SA6) or a definite-time overcurrenttime protection relay (7SJ6).
The overcurrent-time protection included in the
7SD610 should therefore only be used as backup
protection against external faults in the power
system outside the differential protection zone.

Fig. 3 Differential protection tripping characteristic

2.2.1 Overcurrent-time protection (ANSI 50/51)

Parameterization makes it possible to specify
whether the three-stage overcurrent-time protection included in the 7SD610 should be working
permanently as an independent protection function (backup), or whether it should only be activated as an emergency function in case of malfunction in the communication link.
As mentioned above, if the backup function is used,
the concept of hardware redundancy must not be
neglected. Consequently, the backup definite-time
overcurrent-time protection function is recommended primarily for protection outside the differential protection area, such as e.g. protection of an
incoming feeder panel in a substation.


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Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Two of the three stages (I> and I>> stage) are

configured as incoming feeder protection in this
case. It has only been possible to authorize and set
the I>>> stage in such a way, that it trips highcurrent faults quickly in this exceptional situation,
losing the selectivity. If the overcurrent-time protection is used as an emergency function, all stages
can be set in terms of tripping threshold and delay
time for this exceptional case, in line with selectivity and speed.
2.2.2 Instantaneous high-current switch-ontofault protection (ANSI 50HS)
This function is meant to disconnect immediately
in the event of single-end switching onto a highcurrent short-circuit.
The measured values of each phase, filtered to the
fundamental component, are compared with the
set threshold.
If the measured value exceeds twice the threshold,
protective tripping occurs immediately. For this
function, the circuit-breaker position of the remote end must be known.
A further stage of this protection function works
without data on the status of the circuit-breaker at
the remote end, but can only be used if current
grading above the object to be protected is possible.
2.2.3 Thermal overload protection (ANSI 49)
The thermal overload protection prevents overloading of the object. In the case of the 7SD610,
this function is used specifically for a transformer
situated within the protected zone, but is also appropriate for power cables that are working to full
The 7SD610 uses a thermal model to calculate
(from the measured phase currents and from the
set parameters that characterize the object to be
protected) the temperature of the equipment. If
this temperature exceeds an adjustable threshold,
the 7SD610 issues a warning message, and if a second, higher threshold is exceeded, the protection
2.3 Additional functions
The additional functions listed in the following
are not used in the example given and are therefore only mentioned for the sake of completeness.

The breaker failure protection in the 7SD610

has two stages. If a TRIP command issued by a
protection relay does not lead to the fault current being shut off, the 7SD610 can initially repeat the TRIP command before, at the second
stage, the higher-level protection is informed of
this malfunction by parallel wiring and trips the
circuit-breaker allocated to it.
The 7SD610 supports three-pole and single-pole circuit-breaker activation, required
particularly frequently on the high-voltage level,
thanks to its phase-selective operation.
Transformers and shunt reactors in the differential protected zone are also governed by integrated functions.
By means of a connected binary input, a TRIP
command can be generated by the 7SD610 via
an external coupling.
The digital communication link of the R2R
interface makes it possible to transfer 4 remote
commands and 24 remote messages from one
relay to the other and process them individually
in that relay.
Because the 7SD610 also has voltage inputs, the
line-to-earth voltages of the three phases and,
where applicable, the shift voltage can be connected to the relay. This does not affect the
protection function, but makes it possible to detect the measured voltages and to calculate with
the current measured values the derived electrical magnitudes such as active power, reactive
power, apparent power, cos (power factor)
and frequency.

n 3. Setting example:
As an example, the settings of the 7SD610 relays
are described, such as are intended to protect a
20 kV single-core XLPE cable of type N2XS(F)2Y
1x120RM/16 with a length of 9.5 km. The cable
rated current is 317 A, on side 1 a new 400 A/1 A,
10P10, 5 VA current transformer is used, and an
existing 300 A/5 A, 10P20, 30 VA current transformer is located at the remote end. The maximum short-circuit current flowing through is
12.7 kA.

Automatic reclosure makes it possible to

quench arc short-circuits on overhead lines by a
brief interruption of the current flow, i.e. not
necessarily immediately and fully disconnecting
the line.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

3.1 Checking the transformers

Initial checks must be made to ascertain whether
or not the transformer requirements are met. The
quotient of the primary side transformer rated
currents evidently amounts to 400 : 300; a value
smaller than 8 is thus achieved.

n = 44.6
and for transformer 2
n = 97.1.
These values must now be greater than or equal
to the required overcurrent factors in order to be
able to transmit the maximum through-flowing
short-circuit current at a level of 12.7 kA in a
saturation-free manner.

The operational overcurrent factor is calculated

from the formula
n' = n

PN + Pi
P'+ Pi

The following are required for transformer 1

n > 12700 A/400 A = 31.75

Equation 1

and for transformer 2

= Operational accuracy limiting factor

= Rated overcurrent factor
= Rated burden of the current transformers [VA]
= Inherent burden of the current transformers [VA]
= Actual connected burden [VA]

n > 12700 A/300 A = 42.33.

In both cases this is clearly achieved, as is the third
condition n > 30. Consequently, the transformers
available are suitable for use in this differential
protection system.

The current transformers own inherent load is

calculated from
Pi = Ri IN,CT2

3.2 Local relay settings

The parameter settings of both the differential
protection relays usually differ only in a few
points. This is why only the settings mentioned at
the beginning of this application example of a
7SD610 are explained initially. The settings to be
changed of the second relay are explicitly listed
towards the end of this chapter. Initially, using
the DIGSI 4 software for configuration, the 7SD6
relay with Order No. 7SD6101-4BA39-0BA0+M2C
is applied and opened in the current project.

Equation 2
If Ri (the transformers secondary winding inner
resistance) is unknown, the estimation of
Pi = 20 % PN is a good approximation. To arrive
at the actually connected burdens, all burdens
connected to the transformer core must be added.
In this example, it is assumed that only the burdens of the protection relay (0.05 VA for relay
rated current of 1 A, 0.3 VA for relay rated current of 5 A) and the incoming feeder cable load
are concerned.

3.2.1 Functional scope

In the next step the parameters, beginning with
the functional scope, are set. At this point, we
determine which of the functions provided by the
protection relay should be used. The other functions are set at not availableand are conse quently concealed for the remainder of the relay
parameterization. For our example, we have selected differential protection as the main protection function together with overcurrent-time
protection, instantaneous high-current switchonto-fault protection and overload protection.

The latter is calculated from the formula

PLine =

2 Cu l Line

Equation 3

= Incoming feeder cable load [VA]

= Specific resistance of Cu [ 0.0175 mm/m]
= Secondary-side, single line length [m]
= Line cross-section [mm]

For our example, a 5 m incoming feeder cable

(single distance, therefore factor 2) with a crosssection of 4 mmis assumed. From this we calculate an incoming feeder cable load for both
transformers of 0.045 VA (transformer 1) and
1.116 VA (transformer 2).
The overcurrent factors for both transformers are
now calculated from these values. According to
equation 1 for transformer 1 we have



It is clear from equation 2, that with a secondary-side transformer rated current of 5 A, an incoming feeder cable load 25 times higher appears
than for 1 A.

Fig. 4 Functional scope menu item settings

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

3.2.2 Power system data

In the section called power system data 1, the
parameters defined by the primary equipment are
set. These are in particular the current transformer transformation ratio (400 A/1 A), the position of its star (neutral) point (assumed to be
on the line side) as well as the rated frequency
(50 Hz) of the power supply system.


Next, three parameters must be set. These characterize the current transformer in terms of its characteristic progression and also define differential
protection sensitivity.

Fig. 5 Power system data/Transformer data menu item


On the next card the minimum and maximum

circuit-breaker trigger times are input in order to
ensure the execution of switching commands.

Broadly, due to transformer faults, the influence

of current-proportional measuring accuracy can
be divided into two areas, which are separated on
the current scale by the quotients n/n. These percentage error values are dependent on the transformer class and can be taken from the Table 1
below. The footnote demonstrates that the quotient n/n should be set at a maximum of 1.50,
which corresponds to a defensivesetting that
prematurely migrates to the higher error influence
and thereby increases the self-restraint.
The preset values were defined under the same aspect. They refer to a transformer in the 10Pclass
and also lie on the safe sidefor the quotients.
These preset values can be left for all current
transformer types. Under certain circumstances,
some of the potentially very high differential protection sensitivity may be lost.
For our example this means, that the presetting
for both error values are suitable; the quotient can
be increased to the set value of 1.50, since in this
case n/n = 4.46 is clearly over the recommended
maximum value of 1.50.

Fig. 6 Current transformer fault approximation

Transformer Standard

Error at rated current


1.0 %

60 min




3.0 %

10.0 %

3.0 %

10 %



5.0 %

15.0 %

0.5 %

30 min

10 %



1.0 %

15.0 %

IEC 60044-1


IEC 60044-1

Transformation Angle

Error at rated Setting recommendations

Address 251 Address 253

Address 254


1.0 %

30 min

10 %



3.0 %

15.0 %


1.0 %

180 min
18 min

10 %
(only I )



6.0 %

20.0 %


IEC 60044-1
BS: Class X



3.0 %

10.0 %

C100 to




5.0 %

15.0 %

Table 1 Current transformer data setting recommendations

1) If n'/n 1.50, then setting = calculated value;

if n'/n > 1.50, then setting = 1.50.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems


1210 IDIFF>: Pickup value

The IDIFF> stage corresponds to the tripping
threshold of the actual current comparison protection and is set at approximately 2.5 times the
charge current. This charge current is calculated
according to the equation:
Fig. 7 Settings in the menu item Power system data
1-I- CT characteristic

When parameter set switchover is deactivated,

only the parameter set Ais available for the fur ther settings. Under power system data 2, only
the rated operating current of the line (317 A), as
well as correct line state recognition and connection recognition details, are set. At this point the
rated operating current of the object to be protected (i.e. the power cable) in particular can deviate from the transformer rated current. The rated
operating current must be set identically for both
7SD610 relays, since this value is the basis for the
current comparison at both ends.
3.2.3 Differential protection settings
The differential protection is parameterized and
set in a few steps as the main 7SD610 protection
function. As in the case of all protection functions
included in the scope, the differential protection
can once again be switched either on or off at this
point in order to simplify function-selective
checking. The differential protection function
must be switched on as a matter of course for
normal operating status.
Concerning the differential protection function,
only five parameters need be set in the example
given. In particular, two discrete pickup thresholds (IDIFF> and IDIFF>>) of the differential protection function are set. Both these values determine the pickup thresholds of both protection algorithms (described above) of the differential protection function.
1233 IDIFF>>: Pickup value
The IDIFF>> value defines the charge comparison
tripping threshold, which decides on tripping very
quickly in the event of high-current faults. This
value is usually set at rated operating current. In
the case of a resonant-earthed power system, the
setting must not be below the non-compensated
earth-fault current. Otherwise the starting oscillation on occurrence of an earth fault could lead to
(unwanted) tripping. Consequently, the Petersen
coil rated current provides a good guide for setting the IDIFF>> threshold if this lies above the
rated line current.


IC = 3.63 10-6 UN fN CB s

Primary charge current to be calculated [A]

Power system rated current [kV]
Power system rated frequency [Hz]
Line operating capacity [nF/km]
Line length [km]

The data for the single-core oil-filled cable to be

protected are: CB = 235 nF/km, s = 9.5 km
At a rated voltage of 20 kV and a power system
frequency of 50 Hz, a charge current of 8.1 A is
calculated from the above equation. Consequently, a set value of 20.3 A (primary) arises for
IDIFF> or, in the case of a current transformer ratio
of 400 A/1 A, a secondary value of 0.05 A. This
figure is below the minimum threshold setting of
0.10 A (secondary). The safe sidewas once again
sought with the preset value of 0.30 A. This figure
results from the assumption of three times the
charge current at a level of 10 %, referred to rated
current. In the case of transformers with comparable response qualities and which in the event
of external faults transmit the maximum
through-flowing current while remaining unsaturated, this threshold can also be lowered to as little
as 0.10 A. With various transformer types (e.g.
iron-core and linear), the preset value remains
unchanged, in order to ensure protection stability
against transients in the event of external faults.
In this case, on comparable transformers with
good response (n high), a setting of 0.10 A or
with a safety margin of 0.20 A is possible. If
2.5 times the charge current is greater than 0.30 A,
the higher value must clearly be set.
When comparing the apparently very sensitive
preset value of 0.30 A with customary differential
protection settings (IN), the different failure type
weighting prevailing in the latter must be taken
into account. Single-pole faults are often detected
by the summation current transformer circuit
with a sensitivity higher by a factor close to 3,
which would also correspond to a IDIFF> threshold
close to 0.30 A.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Fig. 8 Settings in the menu item Settings group A

Differential protection Diff protection

Further differential protection function

parameters (settings)
Three further parameters also exist for finer adjustment of the differential protection function.
First, there is the possibility to raise the IDIFF>
pickup threshold when the line is switched in.
This is recommended when long off-load cables
or overhead lines are energized. In order to avoid
causing pickup of the differential protection in
this case, this parameter IDIFF> SWITCH ON
should be set at approximately 3.5 times the
charge current, provided that this value is greater
than IDIFF>. Tripping of the current comparison
protection should only be delayed in exceptional
cases and it is therefore advisable to leave the presetting for T-IDIFF> unchanged at 0.00 s. In a resonant-earthed system however, in the event of
single-pole pickup, a delay is recommended in order to avoid tripping due to the earth-fault ignition process. A delay of 0.04 seconds has proved

3.2.4 Setting the communication

Both 7SD610 relays communicate via a fiberoptic link laid parallel to the power cable. With a
section length of 9.5 km, a fiber-optic cable with
9/125 m mono-mode fibers is used. This communication link also requires a few parameter
settings, which means that the presettings in the
R2R interfacesection can generally be left unchanged.
As already mentioned, data (i.e. predominantly
the current measured values) is transmitted between the two relays by telegram. Individual erroneous or missing telegrams pose no problem since
they are counted for statistics purposes, but are
otherwise ignored. However, if such an error status remains over long time periods and an initial
time threshold is exceeded, a link malfunction is
reported. At a second, higher threshold, this is recognized as a link failure (outage). It is also possible to set the length of time for which transmitted
remote signals should retain their oldstatus
when a link malfunction is recognized.
In the "CT 1card file, the R2R interface is activated and the type of communication connection,
in this case fiber-optic cable direct, is selected.
Further parameters can be left at the presettings.

Because it is not necessary to take a transformer

into account in the range of the differential protection system, the transient rush restraint may remain deactivated. All further parameter settings of
this small card are consequently irrelevant.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems


Under the concept of "differential protection topologythe relays must now be assigned the iden tification number n. This differential protection
system consists of two 7SD610 relays. One of the
two relays must be set as relay 1, the other as
relay 2. The difference lies in that the absolute
chronology management of the system conforms
to relay 1. Relay 2 adjusts itself accordingly and
consequently the time data of both relays is always
comparable. Since both the relays could also be
linked to each other via a digital communication
network in which more than one differential protection system is communicating, each relay can
in addition have a relay identification number assigned to it. This may only be used once in the
communication network. Both these addresses
must be set identically in both relays. In our example of a direct fiber-optic link, no adaptation of
the identification numbers is necessary.

Fig. 9 Settings in the menu item Settings group A

differential topology

3.2.5 Backup protection functions Instantaneous high-current
switch-onto-fault protection
This function is only operative if the circuit-breaker at the remote end is open and the local 7SD610 is informed of this via the communication link. Assuming that the function is activated in both relays, the data relating to the circuit-breaker position must also be detected by
the local 7SD610. For this purpose the data items
00379 >CB 3p Closedand 00380 >CB 3p Open
in the allocation matrix in the power system data 2
data group must be combined with the associated
binary inputs. The pickup threshold for the I>>>
stage should be set at the approximate charge current of the line. This value offers a sufficient safety
margin since the protection algorithm compares
the instantaneous values with double the set rootmean-square (r.m.s.)value. The stage I>>>>,
which is independent of the circuit- breaker, is left
deactivated (set value ) as no current grading
is possible via the object to be protected.

44 Overcurrent-time protection

Since further short-circuit protection is generally
provided in addition to the differential protection
for reasons of hardware redundancy in an inde pendent relay the integrated definite-time
overcurrent-time protection is only activated if
there is a communication link failure (outage).
The current thresholds are set as far as possible
between maximum operating current and minimum short-circuit current. The associated delay
time is adjusted to the power system grading plan
in the best possible way, in order to maximize selectivity. In the example here without knowing
the minimum short-circuit current the recom mended setting is 20 % above the maximum permitted continuous current for the cable (407 A),
i.e. 488 A or 1.22 A secondary.
If current-dependent grading via the object to be
protected is possible, a high-current stage with
immediate disconnection can also be set. In this
case it must be ensured that the threshold does not
pickup in the event of fault current flowing
If the definite-time overcurrent-time protection
integrated into the 7SD610 is set as a permanently
active backup protection function, overcurrent
and high current stages can be used for regular
definite-time overcurrent-time protection duties
outside the differential protection area. In the
event of a communication link outage, the I>>>
stage can be used in the sense described above as
an emergency definite-time overcurrent stage. Thermal overload protection
Thermal overload protection prevents overload of
the object to be protected, in this case the 20 kV
cable. Because the cause of the overload normally
lies outside the object to be protected, the overload current is a through-flowing current. The relay calculates the temperature rise in accordance
with a thermal single-body model according to the
differential equation:
d 1
1 I

th k I N
dt th

For each phase, the protection function calculates

a thermal replica of the object to be protected
from the square of the phase current. The unfiltered measured value is used so that harmonics
are also taken into account in the thermal consideration. Whether the overload function should in
fact disconnect when the tripping limit is reached,
or whether reaching this threshold should only be
reported, must initially be set.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

3.3 Settings of the relay at the remote end

The settings of the local relay just parameterized
can mostly be used as a basis for parameter assignment on the relay at the remote end. The record is
simply duplicated by copying and pasting. This
creates a new relay file, the only difference in
which is the VD address. This ensures that the record copied belongs to another relay, even though
that relay was until now identical.

The basic current for overload detection is the

thermally continuous permitted current of the object to be protected (compare cable data). This can
be referred to the protection relay rated current
via the setting factor k:

I max

Consequently, at a maximum permitted continuous current of 407 A and a primary transformer

rated current of 400 A, a value for k of 1.02 results.

In the Settings group A differential protection

topologysection, the parameter 1710 must be set
to relay 2. In the absence of this setting, there
cannot be any communication between the two

1 permissible 1 second current


min 60 permissible continuous current


The temperature rise time constant th must also

be taken from the manufacturers data. It must be
borne in mind that this must be set in minutes,
whereas often a maximum permitted 1 second
current is specified, and the same applies to our
cable. In this case the 1 second current is 17.2 kA.
The conversion formula is

Fig. 11 Settings for the relay at the remote end in the

Settings group A differential topology section

th is 29.8 minutes in this case.

The transformer data and the transformer characteristic in the Power system data 1section must
be adapted. Whether intertripping should be operable from both ends should also be checked.
Otherwise, this must also be changed.

Before reaching the tripping threshold, a thermal

and/or current alarm stage can be set. These
should typically be set somewhere below the tripping threshold in order to give the operating staff
sufficient time to reduce the equipment load. For
the thermal alarm stage it is recommended that
the preset value of 90 % be left unchanged. The
current alarm stage is set somewhere below the
maximum continuous permitted operating current. 95 % of this figure is selected here, i.e. 387 A
primary. Referred to the transformer rated current, this gives approximately 0.97 A secondary.
Finally, it is also possible to set the method used to
calculate the temperature rise. This is calculated
separately for each phase. There is a choice as to
whether the maximum of the three excess temperatures (preset), the arithmetic mean of these three,
or the temperature rise calculated from the maximum phase current should be significant for comparison with the tripping thresholds. In this case,
the preset value remains unchanged, provided no
other algorithm must be preferred.


The settings in the Power system data 2(differential protection function, R2R interfaces, instantaneous switch-onto-fault and overload) are identical for both relays and need not be changed. The
definite-time overcurrent-time function settings
are dependent on power system topology and
must therefore be checked. If the relays are connected to a substation control system or RTU, the
respective relay addresses must be checked.

Fig. 10 Settings in the menu item Settings group A

thermal overload protection

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

n 4. Connection example
Generally, connection of three phase current
transformers to the 7SD610 in Holmgreen circuit
is recommended in accordance with Fig. 12. This
allows the differential protection to work with the
three directly measured phase currents. For other
protection functions (e.g. definite-time
overcurrent-time protection), an earth current
summated from the three phase currents is available. If there are higher demands for the accuracy
of the earth current, a core-balance current transformer can also be connected to the 7SD610 IE input (Fig. 13). In this case the modified transformation ratio for this input must be entered via parameter 221 in Power system data 1
transformer data.

n 5. Summary
The instantaneous and at the same time selective
protection of cables and lines reduces the consequences of unavoidable power system disturbances. For one this means protection of equipment,
secondly it contributes to maximizing supply
A differential protection system consisting of two
SIPROTEC 7SD610 relays provides comprehensive safeguarding of cables and overhead lines.
Built-in emergency and backup protection functions as well as extensive additional facilities
allow problem-free connection of the relay and
integration in complex power system protection
grading schemes, without the need for any
additional equipment.
The preset values on the relay are selected in such
a way that the user only has to set the known cable
and primary transformer data. Many of the preset
values can be taken over without difficulty, thereby reducing the effort involved in parameterization and setting.

Fig. 12 Current transformer connection to three primary current transformers and

neutral point current (normal connection)

Important: The cable shielding must be earthed on the cable side.


Changing over the current polarity (address 0201) also causes

a polarity reversal of the current input I4.

Fig. 13 Current transformer connection to three primary current transformers

and separate earthing transformer (core-balance current transformer)


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Thermal Overload
Protection of Cables


n 1. Introduction
Failure of underground cables can be costly and
time consuming to repair. Protection systems are
designed to protect cables from the high current
levels present under fault conditions. However,
the temperature rise due to extended overload
conditions is just as likely to cause cable failure. As
the trend in power system operations is to utilize
equipment as close to operating limits as possible,
the importance of protecting equipment against
thermal overloads becomes more critical.

Thermal overload protection is normally used in

an alarm mode to notify system operators of the
potential for cable damage. However, thermal
overload protection can be used to trip a circuitbreaker as well. In either case, the presence of
thermal overload can be detected and removed
before cable failure occurs.
n 2. Thermal overload protection
Thermal overload protection with total memory
calculates a real time estimate of the temperature
rise of the cable, , expressed in terms of the maximum temperature rise, max. This calculation is
based on the magnitude of currents flowing to the
load, and the maximum continuous current rating
of the conductor. The calculation uses the solution to the first order thermal differential equation:

+ = I2

with = =



Thermal overload protection calculates the temperature of the conductor based on specific conductor data and the current present in the circuit,
and is used to protect conductors from damage
due to extended overloads. In this application example thermal overload protection of underground cables only is described.
Fig. 1


= temperature rise above ambient temperature

= maximum rated temperature rise corresponding to maximum current
= thermal time constant for heating of the
= measured r.m.s. current based on the maximum
rated overload current of the protected conductors: Imeas/Imax.

The solution to the thermal differential equation


op = amb + max 1 e

The initial value is amb, the ambient temperature

of the cable, and the steady state value is
amb +, where is determined by the magnitude of I. The initial value, amb, is assumed to be
that temperature on which the cable ratings are
based. The steady state value is achieved when the
temperature has reached its final value due to the
heating effects of I. At this point, the value of
d/dt in Equation 1 is zero. Therefore, at steady
state, = max I2, where I = Imeas/Imax. The
transition between the initial value and the steady
state value is governed by the exponential exprest

sion,1 e . is a constant of the cable to be protected.

Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005


Line Protection in Distribution Systems

Fig. 2 shows the operating temperature of the cable as a function of time and overload. With no
load, the conductor is at its ambient temperature.
If an overload equivalent to the maximum rated
current is added at some time, the temperature of
the cable will approach max following the exponential

1e .
The conductor temperature due to a current overload, starting from no-load conditions, has the
same characteristic as shown in Fig. 2, with max
becoming op, and IMAX becoming ILoad. However,
when the conductor already has some load present, the characteristic of the operating temperature changes. The conductor will heat up the cable
to some steady state temperature. When an overload is added, the final temperature of the cable is
calculated as if the cable was at normal operating
temperature. However, the starting point of the
second (overload) characteristic will coincide with
the steady state temperature of the normal load.
This is illustrated in Fig. 3.

estimate a maximum continuous current based on

conductor ampacity information. The ampacity of
conductors is specified based on circuit configurations, conductor temperature, and ambient temperature. Also specified is the maximum operating
temperature of the conductor, and correction factors for various conductor operating temperatures
and ambient earth temperatures.
To determine the maximum continuous current
rating of a cable, use the ampacity at the emergency overload operating temperature, and not
that of the maximum conductor operating temperature. According to ICEA specifications, [1]
emergency overloads are permitted for only a total
of 100 hours per 12 month period, only for no
more than five such periods in the life of the cable.
Therefore, it is desirable to trip or alarm for any
situation when the thermal overload reaches this
level. To determine the maximum continuous
current, remember that the conductor configuration and ambient temperature effect the current
Circuit voltage:
Cable size:

12.47 kV
500 MCM shielded
copper cable
Conductor temperature: 90 C
Ambient temperature:
20 C
3 circuits duct bank
From conductor tables, the ampacity for 90 C
copper conductor at 20 ambient temperature
with 3 circuits in duct bank is 360 amps. The
emergency overload operating temperature for
90 C-cable is 130 C. From Table 1, at 20 C am bient temperature, the ampacity rating factor is
360 A x 1.18 = 424.8 A maximum continuous current

Fig. 2 Temperature vs. time for an overload of Imax

n 3. Calculation of settings
There are two required settings for thermal overload protection, the k factor, and the thermal time
constant . is specific to the properties of the cable. The k factor relates the maximum continuous
current rating of the cable to the relay.
3.1 Maximum continuous current of cable
The maximum continuous current rating of the
cable is used in determining the k factor setting,
and may be used in determining the setting for .
This current depends on the cross-section, insulating material, cable design, and conductor configuration. Cable manufacturers may specify the
maximum continuous current rating of their cable. If the rating is not available, it is possible to


Siemens PTD EA Applications for SIPROTEC Protection Relays 2005

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