Au-2014 - 6393 Fast AutoCAD Mep Content

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Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

David Butts Gannett Fleming

AutoCAD MEP 2015 software, a world-class design and drafting application, is the Zen master of
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design software. The software continues to lead the way in
everything from design to fabrication to owner for excellent workflows. In this fast-paced lecture we will
take a look at creating custom content. We will start by using Inventor software to create a more detailed
model. Next, we will use this model to create a new multi-view part. Once the part is defined you will learn
a quick way to use the new symbol and annotation planes to add line-based symbols, and then youll
create a new catalog to store your custom content. Every AutoCAD MEP software user should learn how
to use the overwhelming volume of manufacturers 3D content; this lab will help you learn how to do that.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:

Learn how to use Inventor software to convert and create more detailed 3D models
Learn how to create a multi-view part quickly from manufacturer content
Learn how to add and edit symbol and annotation planes for multi-view parts
Learn how to create and store custom content catalogs

About the Speaker

David Butts is an Autodesk Expert Elite team member and Building Information Modeling (BIM) specialist
for Gannett Fleming, Inc., with over 29 years of experience in the architecture, engineering, and
construction field. Over the past 4 years he has been responsible for implementation, training, BIM
project support, and management for engineering design applications. His product expertise includes
Revit software, AutoCAD MEP software, AutoCAD Plant 3D software, Navisworks project review
software, and other competitive engineering design software systems. He was a training manager and
application engineer for an Autodesk Reseller for 13 years, providing implementation and training
services across the United States and serving as a subject matter expert for Autodesk, Inc.s, Building
Design Solutions. He has design experience for a variety of project types, including commercial, retail,
water/wastewater, transportation, and process projects. David was the Autodesk University (AU) 2011
top-rated speaker for labs and lectures, and he was a featured speaker for the AU 2013 event, having
presented for over 10 years. He authors training videos for 4D Technologies, and he presents BIM topics
for other industry associations annually.

You can reach David at [email protected].

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

AutoCAD MEP remains one of the best vertical add-ons built to run on the AutoCAD platform,
and the program can run extremely well in capable hands. But like most design applications,
you may not have all of the content you need based on the types of projects you do. What if you
work on water treatment, transportation, or other types of non-traditional projects?

The secret is to know how to produce this content quickly and accurately and get the best
representation of your project as possible. Lets jump into this and see how it works.

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Using Inventor to Convert 3D Models

Autodesk Inventor is included with the Ultimate Building Design Suite, and is a must-own
product for anyone that works with vendor provided content. The application can open nearly
any type of modeling file, and easily converts them to either parts (.IPT) or assemblies (.IAM).
While these steps do not go into great detail, they give you an idea of how simple it is to work
with these models, using the 2015 versions of the software from Autodesk.

1. In the program, start by opening a model file. This example was based on a STP file
provided by a vendor for a waste treatment plant project.

2. Depending on the part type, Inventor will give you several options prior to opening the

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

You can choose whether or not to include solids, surfaces, wires and/or points. By
selecting the Import Assembly as a Single Part option, an .IPT part file will be created.
Otherwise, an Inventor Assembly (.IAM) file will be created. Youll want to experiment
with both types, depending on how the model was defined, and how well the export
works. Also, make sure you check the units, and match what you expect the target file
to be based on.

Note: When files are imported as an assembly or IAM file, your tool options may be
restricted. The Environments tab will include a BIM Exchange tool:

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

3. Since a part exports a single solid model, you can use this option. IPT Part files include
a BIM option for conversion. Select the BIM tab. Now youve got several more options
for modifying the part before exporting.

Check and Recognize Revit features help you determine if any features can be used
to reduce file complexity. Recognize Revit Features reviews the 3D elements to
determine what can be defined as Revit 3D solids, such as extrusions, revolves or

Remove Details lets you reduce the complexity of a part:

Fill Voids helps you plug holes that arent needed for the family:

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

4. Define Envelopes helps you select faces or solids, and use them to create simple Revit
extrusions based on the shell of a base object.

5. Select BIM Exchange. From this tab, you can add connectors for cable tray, conduit,
duct pipe and electrical circuiting The UCS tool also helps you to correctly orient an

6. Check Design lets you know what, if any issues will occur during export, and displays
information such as dimensions, component properties, model complexity and

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

7. Select Export Building Components. This dialog lets you pick between RFA or ADSK
file formats. A native RFA file will include individual solids in a Revit family, while an
ADSK file will include a single 3D model and views based on orientation (similar to the
AutoCAD Region command). Since AutoCAD MEP 2015 allows the direction import of
an ADSK file, you would select this option.

8. If youre exporting to Revit, Component Type lets you set the Revit Category for the
object. Set it to the desired class, based on the category used to control visibility and

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

9. Model Property filter allows you to select any values to include in the exported file.

10. Select OK, and save the file. Finish BIM Exchange will close the tool. You can now
import the part into AutoCAD MEP.

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Now that you have the part defined, open AutoCAD MEP to a drawing file started from a
template, such as AECB Model (US Imperial CTB).dwt. Select the Insert tab,
Content panel and choose Building Component:

11. Select the ADSK file you defined. Once its open, the Import Building Component
dialog will appear:

Youre given three options:


Multi-View Part is the basis of an MEP engineering model, and includes the tools
needed to add connectors, and allows the part to be added to a standard catalog.
Multi-View block is the basis of an architectural model, and used to define parts
that dont require connectors, such a furniture or owner provided equipment.

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Block allows the model to be defined as a basic, old-fashioned, I got no

intelligence part. But you can always use this later to make a Multi-View part or
Multi-View block.

12. Select Multi-View Part and the next dialog will appear. From here, you can enter the
name and description of the part; select the part catalog and chapter; define the
part type and subtype; and select a layer key, which controls the layer the part is
placed on when added to a drawing:

13. The upper right corner includes tools that let you change the default orientation of
the part on the object view tab, including along the x, y or z axis (leave this set to the


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

14. You can also select Preview Image to see what the block will look like in the catalog
and drawing:

15. Make sure you have a chapter selected, and then choose Add. The Multi-view part
dialog will appear, and let you place an example in the drawing:


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Ive been making custom content for years for AutoCAD MEP, and this represents
one of the best and easiest tools for getting content into your project drawings. It
also helps by automatically adding it to your content library, which is an added bonus.
The next steps look at a more traditional method of adding a part to your library.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Converting an Individual Manufacturer Part to an MVPart

In some cases, you may have received a 3D DWG that was converted from an SAT file using
Inventor 2015 to a block drawing, or even imported it directly as an SAT file. In this case theres
a quick way turn it into an MVPart, without having to add it to your catalogs. Lets see how this
1. The drawing contains a screening washer that was defined as an AutoCAD block, so all
you have to do it select the solid model. Right Click, and choose Convert > Multi-View


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

2. For the name, enter Screenings Washer. Set the type to Screen, and enter
Screenings Washer for the subtype. You can edit the subtype, but not the type. Set the
layer key to EQUIP. Select the Delete the Original Object option.

3. Click Next. On the Connectors page, right click on the part and choose Add Pipe

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

4. For the properties, name the connector Input. Click OK to continue.

5. Right click on the connector and choose Edit Placement.

6. Rotate the part to see the washdown connection. Note some surfaces may get lost in
translation. Items created as weldments, or mesh surfaces, sometimes cant be
converted.but fixing that is for another day in Inventor.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

7. Select the placement icon, and pick the center of the connector. Next, change the
normal so it reads 0,0,1 and points up. Set the size to 1.5.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

8. Press OK to close the connection editor.

9. Click Finish to close the dialog, and then take a look at the part. You now have an
MVPart that can be scheduled, and follow the display configuration rules. Nice!


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Adding and Editing Symbols and Annotation Planes to Valves

Working in 3D gives you the advantage of seeing your design from different viewpoints. IT also
helps to create section and elevation views automatically. AutoCAD MEP includes a feature
that makes the engineering models provide clearer detail levels for specific parts. This feature is
the ability to add front and left side working planes, and create custom 2D schematic symbols.
Lets take a look at how this works.
1. Start a new drawing from the AECB Model template.
2. On the ribbon, Manage Tab, MEP Content Panel, select the Content Builder tool.

Were going to edit an existing valve, and add the graphic symbol to the front view of the
3. When the dialog opens, make sure the Part Domain is set to Multi-View Part. Under
the Mechanical Equipment section, browse to valves; expand the section, and then
select Gate Valves. One note: look for the symbol that has three arrows pointing to a
box. This indicates that the part is a block-based part.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

4. Select the Gate Valve-Butt-Welded-Class 150 part. Click the Modify Part Size icon to
5. The file will be opened, and the Content Builder dialog will appear. The default view is
for a plan view, so lets take a look at how the current plan symbol is displayed. On the
dialog, expand the Modeling section, and then expand the Symbol and Annotation
Plane section.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

6. Expand the Top Symbol Plane. Youll see two categories:

Parametric Graphics allows you to create your own 2D symbol, and leverage
the existing model to define your part.
Design Blocks allows you to import a 2D Symbol block and lets it be used to
represent the part in the plan, or in the front or left view planes.
7. To add our own symbol, the first important step is to turn on the work plane. Right-click
on Top Symbol Plane, and click Visible.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

8. This will show the working plane. Use the view cube see where the plane is located in
the model:

9. As an example, lets check out the existing 2D geometry. Expand the Geometry section
and then right-click on the first Line 2D. Click Visible to turn this on.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

10. To see the rest of the parts, repeat the steps for all of the lines and points. Note how the
icon becomes bold as the line or point is made visible:

11. This displays the linework that is used when the view is set to the top plane, which is
where plan views are displayed. Our next step would be to turn on the Front Symbol
plane and use it to define a symbol for that point of view.
12. Right-click on the Symbol and Annotation Plane. Click Add Front Symbol Plane:


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

13. Once the plane is created, right-click on the new plane, and then click Visible to turn it

14. Once its visible, you can change to the front view.


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

15. Zoom into the view so you can see what youre adding.

16. To add the linework, you can use the line tool. Right-click on Parametric Graphics, and
then click Add Geometry. Once the section expands, select the Line tool:

17. Since you want to use the body of the valve, use an endpoint snap to select points:


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

18. This tools acts similar to a polyline, so continue to add points for each side of the
symbol. The line and points will be created. Make sure you have the Ortho tool turned
off. When finished, press ENTER to complete the command.

19. By the way, dont delete the points; the symbol will not work correctly if you remove them
from the model. To hide them, expand the Geometry section and then right-click on
each point. Deselect the Visible option, and the point will be turned off. Notice that these
are fixed, which means they are properly constrained to the model.

20. The symbol is ready to use, but you arent finished yet. On the Content Builder dialog,
select the Validate tool.

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

21. If there are any errors in the model, they will show up here. Make sure the check mark is
green, and your model is correctly defined. Select the Options tool.

Make sure the following options are checked:

Migrate-able Part Flag so you can upgrade this to new releases;

Custom Sizing Flag so you can add custom sizes

22. AutoCAD MEP lets you assign the layer key from this dialog. Previously, you had to edit
this setting with the Catalog Editor. Make sure the Display symbol in Plan View is
deselected, so the new symbol does not appear from the top view.
Youve finished the task now and properly defined the symbol. Close the Content Builder
dialog, saving the changes when prompted. You can now load the valve into a drawing, and test
it to make sure it works. Use this tool to get the construction documents looking the way you

Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

Creating Custom Content Catalogs

Now that weve made some custom content, lets learn how to separate it from all the other riffraff that comes with the program (just kidding, theres a ton of great content here).By keeping
this content separate, the user will be able to receive new content from Autodesk without having
to be concerned with their content being lost or overwritten. In the event a user creates a large
number of parts, they may want to move their custom content to a separate location. In order to
do this, the user catalog must contain at least one part, and the folder location must already
exist. The MEP Catalog path will need to include this new path, and can only be added after the
content is located in the new folder.
Note: this exercise should take five minutes to complete once the user has become proficient
with the steps listed.
Before getting started, Autodesk includes these tips to make the creation of parts simpler:
1. Save a backup copy of the part catalogs before using Content Builder, in case you need
to revert to the original catalogs provided with AutoCAD MEP. You can use a browser
application, such as Windows Explorer, to copy and paste the catalogs and their subfolders to a new location.
2. Use the order of the folders in the part browser as a guide to the steps involved in the
creation process.
3. From Windows Explorer in Windows 7, browse to the following folder (this is the default
location as installed using the defaults for AutoCAD MEP):

C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\MEP 2015\enu\MEPContent\USI\MvParts\

4. To begin creating the part, a new folder should be created and used for the custom
content. Personally, Id use the default location above and just add the folder, but you
can also locate it on a server or local hard drive. The user must have full permissions
and administrative rights to the folder. For this class, create a new folder directly under
the c:\ drive named c:\ACADMEP2015\Custom.
5. From the manage tab of the ribbon, select the Catalog Editor. In the Catalog editor
dialog, select the New icon to create a new catalog:


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

6. In the new catalog dialog, change the part Domain to Multi-View Part. Name the new
catalog Multi-View Parts Custom. Match the description to the name, and change the
catalog root directory to C:\ACADMEP2015\Custom (note: this folder must already exist
on the system to be used):

7. Select OK to continue and return to the catalog editor.

8. On the right panel, change the following values by double-clicking on the field:
Supplier Name your company name;
Supplier URL your company web address
Supplier Image if you have an image file that can be used, select the image
make sure its in a path that can be seen by all users.
9. Save the catalog.
10. Remain in the catalog editor. The next step is to copy the new part from its original
location to the new catalog. Open the existing catalog where the new part is located (see
the options tool for locations for the default MEP catalog paths):


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

11. To copy the new part out of the main folder, expand the MvParts catalog to the chapter
where the custom pump was created. Right mouse click on the chapter and choose
12. To re-open the new catalog, choose the File pull down menu, and then select the new

13. Once the new catalog is open, right click on the catalog and choose Paste. The pumps
chapter should appear. From the Tools menu, choose Regenerate Catalog tool to
update the catalog and use the part. The user can now return to the original catalog
using content builder to remove the custom part. To see the parts, add the catalog to the
MvParts path located in the Options palette under MEP Catalogs.
Now youve setup a place to keep your custom content. Get busy and set up as much as you
need. Migrating to newer releases is a lot easier from now on!

BIM projects represent the same culture change that occurred when the Beatles arrived in
America, when disco finally died, and when working on a computer became a daily thing. The
key is not to let yourself be intimidated by the change, but instead learn to embrace it, and take


Fast Content for AutoCAD MEP 2015

advantage of the positive changes it can bring. Take the time to understand how to deal with the
changes, and youll be on your way to more efficient design workflows, and profitable projects.


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