Unit 7 Business Strategy Assignment

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Assignment Front Sheet


Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma

Business (Accounting)

Unit 7: Business Strategy

Unit code: A/601/0796
Credit value: 15 credits

Student name

Assessor name
Sajjad Hussain

Date issued

Completion date

Submitted on

29th November 2013

29th December 2013

Assignment title

Business Strategy for Haleeb Food Pvt.Ltd

Assignment no

02BS- A/601/0796 -13IND

31 January 2013

Hand-in Policy
You must complete this assignment on time. If you experience difficulties, you must inform your tutor
Late Work Policy
Consideration will be given to students who have valid reasons for late submission (eg, illness).
In cases of plagiarism, college regulations will be applied. You must declare that this assessment is your own
work by signing the following statement:

Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully
Student signature:


Assessment Criteria




the process

Be able to
formulate a

nt Criteria


and selection
how to
implement a

Task Evidence
no. (Page no)


Explain strategic contexts and terminology

missions, visions, objectives, goals, core


Review the issues involved in strategic



Explain different planning techniques


Produce an organisational audit for a

given organisation


Carry out an environmental audit for a

given organisation


In this assessment you will have the

opportunity to present evidence that
shows you are able to:




Explain the significance of stakeholder

Analyse possible alternative strategies
relating to substantive growth, limited
growth or retrenchment
Select an appropriate future strategy for a
Select an appropriate future strategy for a
Evaluate resource requirements to implement a
new strategy for a given organisation
Discuss targets and timescales for achievement
in a given organisation to monitor a given



In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT
and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor
M1 Identify and apply strategies to find
appropriate solutions

Indicative characteristic/s
Effective judgements have been made.
An effective approach to study and research
has been applied.

M2 Select / design and apply appropriate

methods / techniques

To achieve M1, you will explain strategic contexts and
terminology and by comparing different strategic planning
techniques review the issue involved in strategic planning
in a company such as Haleeb Foods .
(Task 1)
To achieve M2, you will have used suitable techniques to
explore the nature of organisational business strategy in
comparison with Enro Foods (Olpers) and Nestle (Milkpak)
and the details will have been used in form of presentation
and the briefing paper for the senior managers of Haleeb
Foods. (Task 1)

Appropriate learning methods/techniques have

been applied.

M3 Present and communicate appropriate

Communication is appropriate for familiar and
unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media
have been used.

To achieve M2, you will have used suitable techniques to

explore right organisational and environmental audit and
analyse the stakeholders contribution in the whole
business strategic planning process. Inform through
preparing a presentation and the briefing for the senior
managers of Haleed Foods. (Task 2)
To achieve M2, you will have used the most appropriate
growth strategy after the evaluation and selection of the
strategic process for the future of Haleeb Foods. Suggest
through preparing a presentation and the briefing for the
senior managers of Haleed Foods. (Task 3)
To achieve M2, you will have to suggest the resource
allocation to the chosen strategy for the future of Haleeb
Foods. Suggest through presentation of the time scale to
achieve the strategy in the form a briefing to Haleeb Foods.
(Task 4)
To achieve M3 the work you present will be presented in
suitable business formats and will use business terminology
accurately. (Task 2)
To achieve M3 the work you present will be presented in
suitable business formats and will use business terminology
accurately. (Task 3)
To achieve M3 the work you present will be presented in
suitable business formats and will use business terminology

accurately. (Task 4)
D2 Take responsibility for managing and
organising activities

Activities have been managed.

D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral /

creative thinking

To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective

approach to independent research and study and will have
met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit
assessment criteria. (Task 1)
To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective
approach to independent research and study and will have
met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit
assessment criteria. (Task 2)
To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective
approach to independent research and study and will have
met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit
assessment criteria. (Task 3)
To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective
approach to independent research and study and will have
met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit
assessment criteria. (Task 4)

Assignment brief
Unit Name number and

Unit 7: Business Strategy

Unit code: A/601/0796
Credit value: 15 credits


Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Accounting)

Start date

29th November 2013


29th December 2013


Sajjad Hussain

Assignment title

Business Strategy for Haleeb Food Pvt.Ltd

You work as a Market Analyst for Haleeb Foods Pvt. Ltd. Your main job responsibility is to observe,
monitor, and analyse the trends in the market and the competitors. You have been asked to help and
propose to improve the business strategy for Haleeb foods keeping in view the success of Olpers and
Milkpak in the business market. As Haleeb foods is in the verge of closing down.
Conduct a key staff interviews with the organisation and then collect the data of Oplers and Milk pak
You should be able to identify the key strategic mistakes made by Haleeb and the key successful steps
taken by Oplers and Milk Pak.
Action is required to brief the non-executive directors and the senior managers to help them
understand the nature of the Strategic problems at Haleeb. And would be able to identify the process
of strategic planning, and be able to formulate a new strategy, select the approach of strategic
evaluation and select the most appropriate strategy to make Haleeb Foods a success once again.
All businesses demand a great deal of planning and strategic formulation at every step of the business.
Therefore it is very important to understand the strategic planning process, its environmental factors
affecting the strategy and select one best possible strategy and how to implement a chosen strategy.
The two organisations about which there is such information are the Engro Foods (Olpers) and Nestle
(Milkpak) being part of the dairy industry in Pakistan.
Information about these two organisations is widely available and other businesses exemplify the
contribution of business strategy, organisational portfolio, mission, vision and strategic management

Task 1 (L.O. 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and M1, M2, D1)

You have been asked to provide briefings of the chosen competitors strategic process to the senior
managers of Haleeb Foods so that they can understand the key issues and can identify their role in the
success of the business.
You have investigated a number of key points and which you want to make clear in order to gain
business for Haleeb Foods.
Produce a report and power-point presentation with the report to brief and inform the senior managers
of Haleeb Foods in which you:
Compare and contrast the two chosen successful organisational strategic context in the form of mission,
vision, objectives, goals and the core competencies. You should be able to present the different
planning techniques used by these organisations to gain business. Using these different techniques,
suggest how and why they may be used or not used with the Haleeb foods organisation.
Task 2 (LO2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and M2, M3, D2)
Prepare a briefing paper that compares the effectiveness of business strategies adapted by the two
organisations as competitors.
Compare and contrast a new strategy that is best for Haleeb foods, in which the organisational and the
environmental audit hence affecting the stakeholders is briefed. Suggest the implementations of these
findings for the senior management of Haleeb Foods.
Prepare a report which assesses different strategic approaches being used by the competitors in order
to gain market share.
Brief the management with your report that which analyse the implications of these findings from
competitors for the management of Haleeb Foods.
Task 3 (LO3: 3.1, 3.2, and M2, M3, D2)
Prepare a report that analyse the different alternative strategies and approaches to strategic evaluation
and selection.
You should be able to suggest and justify the most appropriate future strategy for Haleeb Foods.
Propose the findings to the senior management of Haleeb Foods.
Task 4 (LO4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and M2, M3, D2)
Prepare a report that compares different roles and responsibilities within Haleeb Foods to make the
chosen strategy a success. What suggestive allocation of resources is required to achieve the success of
the strategy? You should be able to suggest the time scale for achieving the strategy to the senior
managers of Haleeb Foods.

Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4

Summary of evidence required by student

A report and power-point presentation within the report which explains the
strategic contexts, strategic planning process and planning techniques of
the selected organisations.
A briefing report that Compare and contrast a new strategy after the
organisational and the environmental audit of selected organisations.
A report that suggests future strategy and analyse the different alternative
strategies and approaches to strategic through strategy evaluation and
control for Haleeb Foods
A brief report on the implementation of the chosen appropriate strategy in
Haleeb Foods.


Submission guidelines
You must:
Complete all tasks
Present your work in one business report-style document which should include a table of contents,
references list, foot or end notes if any and appendices if any.
Complete, sign and submit the usual statement of authenticity.
Submit your work in a single word processed document of 4000-5000 approx .words. This word limit is
only for guidance and is not applied on grading.
Produce clear specific reasoning and arguments in support of your answers.
Make appropriate reference to the relevant concepts, techniques and theories.
Appropriately cite all information success (in the text and bibliography) as per references guidelines
given to you before.

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